HiNGTON C ounty FOREST G RO VE, )L . VI DEATH BY ACC Su Says Coroner’s Jury in R. M. Wood Case at (iaston. ¿»FO U N D IN BARNYARD First Thought Murder Was Com- mitted but Investigation Proves Strange Accident. in n r B IT W ASH IN G TO N C O ., O R E ., BR YAN T WON SECOND PR IZE THE T H U R SD A Y . AU GUST 20. CHARTER C O M M ISS IO N news 1908. NO. 7 Forest Grove Photographer Honored First Meeting Tuesday Evening— \ Preliminary Steps Taken. By Pacific Northwest Assn. Word was received by The News from the door. The door was open last night announcing the fact that and several of the cows were in their Archie Bryant, our photographer, re­ stalls. I called to him and rushing to ceived second prize on his pictures his side tried to raise him but dis - 1 exhibited at the Photographers As­ covered that he was dead. Then I j sociation of the Pacific Northwest went to the home of a neighbor and which is being held in Vancouver this week. Mr. Bryant prepared five sub­ asked him to go for a doctor. According to Dr. Baker, of Gaston, jects to be exhibited. This honor earned by Archie puts who performed an autopsy, the cut in the top notch class of W ood’ s breast was made either by a i him in dull knife or some blunt instrument. photographers of the entire Northwest, Washington, The wound extended almost clear which includes Idaho, Oregon and British Columbia. Ex­ I through the heart. Following is the verdict of the Cor- i dibits from all the largest cities in this ti ritory, including such cities as oner’ s jury: We believe that his death was the Seattle, Tacom a, Spokane, Portland, immediate result of a wound in the left Boise, Vancouver, B. C ., and many side, caused by some blunt instrument other smader towns, were made. which penetrated the heart, causing instant death. We also believe that | the wound was accidentally inflicted. (S ig n e d ) THOMAS CARMICHAEL, Robert M. W ood, a young man about 28 years old, of Gaston, was S. S. LENOX, E. S. WILCOX, H . | found dead at the door of the barn on D a m e s , H. L. C o o k e s , a . S. k r a h - ! the H. D. Jennings place a mile and a MER. Another investigation was made half from that city early Monday morn­ ing, with a hole in his breast made by | Monday by Coroner Brown and Dr. W. -Some blunt instrument. Beside the D. W ood of Hillsboro, but no new d e­ bod y was found a stick of wood with velopments in the case came up. j blood at the point. There seems to The authorities, as well as the neigh­ be a deep mystery surrounding the bors are at a loss to explain the young untimely death of W ood. Coroner man’ s strange death, although the pre­ Brown of Hillsboro was notified and a vailing opinion is that it was ac­ coroner’ s jury was empanelled, after cidental. Tne remains were interred in Hill the examination of the premises and taking the testimony of Mr. and Mrs. cemetery at Gaston Tuesday afternoon, Jenn ings, at whose place W ood resided V. H. Limber of this city, conducting for the past three years, returned a ver­ the funeral. ARCHIE BRYANT, PHOTOGRAPHER dict that he met death accidentally. It is claimed that an attempt was COLTS SHUT Mr. Bryant is a Washington county Y A M H IL L OUT made on W ood’ s life a couple of years boy, having been born at Gaston in ago, by .one Allen George M cDonald, 1879. H e learned his business in Game on Local Grounds San Francisco and has conducted whom it was believed was enamored Great with Mrs. Jennings, who thought she studios in several of the large cities. on Sunday Afternoon. was in love with W ood. M cDonald This is a well earned distinction that tB y Pat S p a rk s . ) failing in his murderous attempt, com ­ he should be proud of. His many Robbie, Robbie, Ive been thinkin’ , mitted suicide by blowing out his friends are glad to learn of his marked What on earth I ’ d ever do. brains with a shot gun. It is declared success. W ere I placed beside the rubber by the Jennings’ that her relations with The first meeting of the Charter | Commission appointed by Mayor | Laughlin a week ago, was held at the The grading crew of the Oregon office of Judge Hollis Tuesday evening Electric company who has been grad­ at eight o ’ clock. All members were present except A. ing in the city limits for the past two weeks, have com pleted the grade up J. Wirtz who was out of town. H . J. Goff was chosen chairman and to the terminal grounds. The track­ W. H . Hollis secretary. Only pre­ laying is com pleted to a point just liminary steps were taken to gather west ol St. Marys but would have been data for the new charter. The secre­ com pleted almost to Hillsboro had it tary was instructed to secure the char­ not been necessary to make a deep cut ters of several Oregon towns and when in that neighborhood. The piledriver this is done the chairman will call an­ was moved from the Dairy creek oper- other meeting, when the work of fram- ( ations Tuesday to another little gulch ing the new docum ent will be begun \ ) ust east o i Cornelius and the pilings in earnest. Many of the immediate are being driven for the trestle there, and future needs of the city were dis- ' Tim only piece of grading between cussed, and when the new charter is I here and Hillsboro is that on the ready to offer to the vote of the citi- Tongue place and operations are in zens next January, it will be of such progress there now. OF M I E ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. Walter Johnson, Formerly oi Wash­ ington County In Tolls. CONFESSES TO CRIME Arrested While at Dinner with Wife in Portland— In Jail at Hillsboro to Await Trial. proportions as will be «¿equate for a Anticipalion fe„ short of U)e , ctual population of 10,000 to 15,000 people. ; aKendance aud success of the Oregon Walter Johnson, formerly of this Good Roads Conference held at the i county, was arrested Sunday evening Teachers’ Examination. Portland Commercial Club on the 12th. j in a restaurant in Portland, by Sheriff List of successful applicants in From every corner ol the state came Hancock, for the murder of Elmer men having the vital interests of Ore­ Washington county: Perdue, and three hours afterwards It was decided to im ­ made a confession of the crime. 1st Grade: Nettie M. Thomas, Merle gon at heart Shannahan, Hazel Squires, Eva Catch­ mediately undertake the raising of Johnson killed Perdue for the money ing, Ernest W ebb, Otto Kraus, Addie 810,000 for an intensely active cam ­ he carried with him, about 8140, and paign. Judge Lionel R. W eoster of B. R ice, Mrs. M. C. Saltus, Ralph after robbing the dead body of his vic­ Multnomah county, and Judge John tim, covered the corpse with leaves Wann. 2nd Grade: Jodie Evans, Mrs W. H . Scott, of Marion county, will lead and brush and made his way to Port­ E. Haage, Rose VanderVelden, Martha in this work, devoting their entire land by a round-about route. Bechen, Clarence Russel, Edith Moul- , l ' me t0 '*■ Sheriff Stevens of Portland, with his ton, Catherine M clnnis, Ethel E. Kop- Numerous meetings of the com . j deputies, took the prisoner ic hand plin, Maude F. Knight, Jessie M. mittee in charge of entertaining the upon his arrival at the county jail and Gardner, Warren H. Brown. Oregon athletes at Portland soon tore- talked earnestly with him, advising 3rd Grade: Dora A. Johnson, Bessie turn from London bearing their world that he make a clean breast of the al- M. Sturdevant, Catherine Chalmeis, records from the , „ v Olympian games fair. With the Sheriff were Deputies Iva M. Snell, Florence Templeton, have resulted in a decision to send the W ood and Leonard and Sheriff George ^ ray “ ■ P*c ^en. Jas. A. Campbell, sporting editors of the three Portland C. H ancock, of Washington county, Oral W. Humphrey, Emma Kraus, dajijes EaSt t0 meet the athletes and and Jailer Hunter. Alter the officeis Georgia Moore, Etta E. Vandehey, , escort them to the coast. Many had talked with the prisoner for three Marcella M om sey, Laura Willis, Oscar unique (eatures wi„ be introduced in hours, he broke down and signed a Lund, Jessie B. Dutcher, Alfred Ladd, , the parade and reception given here— written confession. A a l n a Q L ' r v, a 11 A K w n ’ 1 7 « a 1* a Mf. * T L III -J I > .1 . . . Aetna S. Errimeli, Mrs. ( G. Vickers, date will be early in September. I killed Perdue,” finally admitted Helen Bollinger, Mildred V. Vose, Johnson. “ We slept together in the War will be waged against wormy or j cabin and that morning we had som e Bessie Parsons, Claire Pratt, Alice R Barnes, Rosella Shea, Murial J. Crouch, scaly fruit if it is offered for sale in this dispute about money matters. I had W ood were only of friendship, and To h o , » t o « , the Public Library county. County Fruit Inspector Harris gone with him into the timber to locate Lillie Ayres, Alta Black. that they were ‘ friends in England I has given orders that if any is discov­ him on a quarter section of timber After seeing the sturdy sons from That we are advertised by our lov Since coming to this county they have ered the law will be called into play land. Prominent Couple Married. Words passed and then I get the beautiful and prolific county of Old > nK friends” is as true of our little borne the best of reputation. and the guilty persons prosecuted. my rifle and blew the top of his head » Yamhill go down in countless numbers library and reading room as of Mel- The story of the young man who M r Arthur J. Prideaux of Portland 0n ly one place ¡n the county up t0 off. was killed is strange, but far stranger as wheat before the sickle, whin they l°n s food. and Miss Frances .Sorensen were united this time has been discovered where fronted the breaks of our Thomas Rob- A small boy was over-heard the other “ H e died instantly and I searched is the story of his death. Born in j in marriage at the home of the bride’ s scaly fruit has been offered for sale ».son, just so recently married, I was morning introducing a new-comer, his pockets and took between 8130 England, of excellent family, 28 years mother in Forest Grove, Saturday, H e states there is a fine of from 810 ago, he emigrated to this country, and \ constrained to repeat the above ditty After showing the different advantages August 15th. Rev. Gould of the t0 j 100 attached t0 the seilin({ or offer. and 8140. I also took his watch and knife and other personal effects. I n „ i u « < 1 ... i l ? _I _________ 1 _ ' _____ L ______ t______ ____1 becam e a farmhand. H e came direct o ’ er and o ’ er to myself. Robbie had of the place not omitting the worn A Methodist Episcopal church performed mg for sale ol fruit thus affected. not eaten “ watermillion” and was in checker board he ended with ” 0 , it’ s will show the officers where I hid these to Oregon and went to the home of H. the ceremony. Only relatives and a the game from the jump and as a d e - ; a dandy place!” any- Alas, the world do move. Judge things nearby. D. Jennings. few friends were present. Mrs. Owen, lightful result he allowed but two hits. Not alone do the children appreciate “ After taking whatever of value he Wirtz yesterday took the initiatory ride Under the terms of an agreement sister of the groom , played the wed in ozoned nine men, and only a couple *be library, for many older people show had in his pockets I dragged the body which has never been made public j ding march from “ Lohengin.” The in his benzine buggy. The Judge W ood began to work for Jennings, of his opponents reached the halfway r« a> interest by generously giving to it bride was attended by her sister, Miss bought the whiz wagon in Portland away a short distance into the woods books of value Four bound volumes and placed it in a ditch, where I c o v ­ making Jennings’ house his home. house. H e got a clean single and an Anna Sorensen, and the groom by his last summer and about the first move of the Century Magazine were present­ ered it with leaves and brush. Then The only other occupants of the house untarnished souse for two pillows in brother, Mr. George Prideaux. The he made was to promise the editor a ed by Rev. Boyd last month. Mr. I went back to the cabin and cooked the second canto which brought in trip to Cornelius. The trip hasn’ t were Jennings, his wife and two chil­ rooms were decorated with oak leaves Wm I. Reed recently gave “ Leaders been made as yet, however, but there’ s my breakfast. After eating it, I made dren It was shown at the inquest Van Blaricum and Mangold, the first and roses. Among M en,” a large volume of re my way by a rundabout route to Port­ Monday that Jennings was indebted to I runs scored. After the wedding breakfast Mr and nothing like having something com ­ cent sketches of prominent men of our land.” This was the first shut-out the Colts ing. The machine is thoroughly re­ IV ood in the sum of 8700. Mrs. Prideaux left for Portland where country. Among previous contribu­ Sheriff H ancock arrested Johnson Sunday night he refused to occupy have scored this year and it was com ­ they will be at home to their friends paired and scoots aboi* town like an tors are Mrs. Reed, Mrs. Georgia while he was eating dinner at the Lon­ plete owing to the almost errorless old timer. L hi* room and slept on a cot in the after September seventh. Mr. Pri­ Hughes, Prof. Marsh, Mrs. C. V. B. don restaurant on Hawthorne avenue, rear. H e arose very early in the game put up by the Cayuses. Man­ deaux will have the principalship of Secretary W. L. Crissey, of the Ore­ Russell, Mrs. Griswold, Miss Farnham, just west of Grand, upon information morning and proceeded with his work. gold, Fleming and Robinson are now the Mt. Tabor schools this winter. gon State Dairy Ass’ n, has been ad­ W. R Harris. Judge Hollis, Prof. secured by Deputies Leonard, Beattie endeared with the fans, and Clay Doo­ Jennings also arose early. H e saw vised that Hon. Ed. H. Webster, Bates, Mrs. G. O. Rogers and Mrs. E and W ood, of Sheriff Steven’ s office. W ood going through the pasture after ly, the speedy gardener, can have any Chief of Dairy Division, U. S. Depart­ M. Williams. The Picture Shows. These men have been trailing Johnson the cows and 15 minutes later found bungalo in town. H e got a couple of ment of Agriculture, is contemplating It is a noticeable fact that there is a for same time. T h e officers are said clean souses Sunday which made his him j dead. H e heard no sound, Becker and Springer, the motion a trip to the Pacific Northwest to par­ large call for fiction, and very little to have been aided by a woman of though W ood was within easy calling average 1000 per cent, as he was up picture show men, started their shows ticipate in the convention of the Ore­ call for more solid reading. Try to whom Johnson was enamared. His distance had his distress necessitated | but twice. in Masonic hall, last Monday and have gon Association D ecem ber 10th and In the fifth Flem ing got a bingle, get the children interested in some­ wife and child live in the city, but the his calling out for aid. been greeted by good audiences not­ 11th. thing besides adventure tales. The woman is known only to the nether­ J Whether or not the voung man met stole second and came home on Man­ withstanding the weather is warm. Traveling Library always has excellent Prof. James Robertson has accepted j world. his death at human hands or by the gold's two sacker. Mangold filched Their show is exceptionally good, pro­ reading in travel, biography and a position with Berea College, Ky. Perdue was the victim of one of the animals he was attending may never be both third and home. Willie Schultz ducing the pictures in life-like distinct science. A new one is due soon. got a delightful hit in the sixth, stole Mr. Robertson and family will stop j most cold-blooded and brutal murders known ness. It is the intention of the man­ Com e in and get a catalogue slip. over from Friday until Monday with in the state and the crime occurred W ood drove the cows from the pas­ second and scored agement to have a lady singer here the Yamhill cut the anchor rope in the their friends Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Thom - 1 within 20 miles of this city. A boy ture towards the barn, it is said. One last of the week to sing the illustrated Celebrates 90th Birthday. as in this city. Prof. Robertron will be by the name of Neighbor found the rr- of the cows must have entered the eighth and the balloon shot sky high. songs. Thev have the best and latest of Johnson’ s At the home of G eo. Markee Aug. machinery and are making preparations remembered as having been connect-1 mains of the victim >ai**or leading to the feed alley, and he Dooly, Willie and Rudie Schultz ana cupidity while picking blackberries 'T w low f i to drive her out. H e siezed Van completed the score of nine dur­ 16th. was the scene of a pleasant gath­ to give some local views in the near ed with the P. U. a few years ago. near the cabin of Frank Burgholzer. ering to celebrate the 9Cth anniversary future. Owing to the Catholic Mission a (tick and as he entered the place the ing the aerial spree. Miss Penfield received a letter from Next Sunday a large crowd is ex­ of the birth of Samuel Markee, father H e discovered the body partly hidden cow, frightened, started to go out having the hall for next week, the Mrs. Rogers in which she stated that W a u g h the door she entered. The pected out to see the game with the of G eo Markee. There were gathered show will be postponed until the fol­ they were still experiencing very hot under an overturned log. Horrified at the grewsome discovery. feed alley is narrow and she brushed Union Meat Company of Portland— a together his children ( 6 daughters, 1 lowing week, when the hall will be at weather in the East. She will start for Inst him. The stick was between team which defeated the Tri City St. son ) and grand children, representing their disposal for the next six months home in a few days, com in g by the Neighbor hurried back to his home and an investigation was immediately and the cow and one end of it was John’ s team and is considered one of four generations. They change the program three times way of Washington, where she will stop instituted. Coroner Brown was noti­ His great grand daughter and his a week also the illustrated songs. :d against his heart. As the cow j the strongest independent teams of a short time and expects to get hom e fied and an inquest resulted in a ver­ great great grand son were unable to sued her efforts to get out, the the state. about the first of September. s alMH dict which declared that the man had Score by innings: be present, being a great disappoint­ jPfcjP was pressed harder against him Rev. Boyd in a Wreck. co. 4 Archie Bryant the photographer, is com e to his death by foul means. 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 4 1 9 ment to him. until it finally penetrated the body, Colts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Samuel Markee is a very exception­ The family of Rev. Herbert Boyd, spending the week at Vancouver, | The skull had been fractured, the breaking a rib, and going almost j Yamhill Struck out by Robinson, 9; by Hab- ally bright and active man for one of who left here Saturday, August 10, Wash., attending the Photographers’ pockets rifled, and the body carried throng: »s heart. An explanation of Assoc'ation oi Pacific Northwest which from the cabin to a gulch 100 yards the tec: that his body was found six ernick of Yamhill, 7. Stolen bases, his years. There were 32 present to were on the train of the Northern is in session there. Mr Bryant took distant. In the man’ s watch pocket Colts 9; Yamhill 1. do honor to the day. The time was Pacific that was derailed near Billings, fret Outside the feed alley entrance, AS which is fully 30 feet from where the spent in music and recitations; and M ont., on the following Monday, so several pictures that he will exhibit and were found two stamped badges, beai- stick was found is that he tried to best of all to please the hungry part of states a letter to Prof. Marsh of this from the standpoint of efficiency they ing the words, "E . E. Perdue, Spo­ N. L. Atkins Promoted. kane, Wash., 1907,” These were breach the house and fell just outside man a bountiful dinner was served at , city. None of the family were in­ are as good as the best. I overlooked by the murderer and were 't h e door In a letter to The News, N. L. At­ noon. At an early hour all departed jured, the youngest son, however, Miss Marie Spiescheart returned “ We arose early Monday morning, kins formerly of this city, but who is for their homes wishing Father Markee 'ju m p ed through the window to escape. hom e Monday from a two weeks’ va­ the sole mark of identification save a as we do every morning,” said Mrs. now employed by the Oregon Electric many more happy returns of the day Four persons were killed and several cation. She spent one week at Sea­ I horseshoe nail ring and the fact that four back teeth in the upper left jaw Jennings “ It had been agreed be Co. at Portland as station agent, he were injured. side where she reports a fine tim e, and that had been filled with amelgam. tween us that W ood should do the states that com m encing September 1st, _____________ When School Opens. one week in Portland at the wholesale The officers had little evidence up­ chores about the barn, while I prepared the company will open up a regular house studying the new fall styles A rig belonging to Sargent’ s on The public schools of this city will on which to work, hut their suspicions breakfast H e told me he had not freight business, and Mr. Atkins will in millinery of which she will carry a throw open its doors to the pupils on Gales Creek, and occu pied by Walter were directed towerds Johnson for a slept in his room that night because it have charge of both freight and pas­ Sargent and Gus Gheer, becam e full line this fall. Monday, September 21st. A full number of reasons. In the first place, was loo hot. Ten minutes after he senger offices. Mr. Atkins is a thor­ J. S. Thompson of Forest Grove, he was suspected because he had been frightened at a passing automobile M f o c n e out I saw him going after ough railroad man and his promotion corps of teachers has been secured. about a mile from town Saturday and and Mrs Charles Phinney, of In­ locating many strangers in the mour* the * ots and he must have returned is due to this fact. The people here The vacancies in the 7th and 8th dumped the boys out and cam e tear­ dianapolis, Ind., were in town Monday tains, either upon homesteads or upen grades have been filled by Miss Eliza­ are glad to hear of his success. t immediately. beth Swanson, of this city for the 7th ing into town with only part of the visiting with the families of John timber claims. It was ascertained ths t n about 15 minutes I went to the grade, and Miss Bella Chalmers of near harness. The cart was badly broken Shearer and Mrs. Josie Bradley.— New- Johnson had located Perdue and the on and found him lying several feet I The News t l . 5 0 per year in advance. here for the 8tb grade. btrg Graphic. CaMlaaaS art Lan rafa but the boys were uninjured. r J