The Gray farm of 49 acres on Gales S t a t e m e n t o f th e C o n d itio n of Creek was sold to S. H. Knight of Portland for $2500. T. H. Littlehales P O M H S T O H O V B . O H B O O IS made the sale. A t (¿ a ll o t the C o m p t r o l l e r , J u l y 15, 1 9 0 8 Judge Langley and family have re- | turned from several weeks camping RESOURCES LIABILITIES i out near Timber. They report an Cash on hand due Deposits ............. $1 18.303.30 ! enjoyable time from Banksand Capital paid in ......... 25,000.00 And Will Run Longer Without Loosen­ Misses Belle and Dee Darling enter- ] U. S. Treas $53 ,09 9.3 1 s lu s........................ 10,000.00 ing Than Is Possible When Set th e 1 United States B onds.. 25,000.00 , - o tained their Sunday School classes | Old Way. You Will Not Be Out the Prem ium s(U S B o n d s)..825.00 Undivided profits.. . 2.238.31 Monday from four to six p. m., thirty - j Use of Your Vehicle, as it Requires Bonds and Securities. .20,358.25 Circulation...................25.000.0U But a Few Minutes to Do the Work. five being present. Loans and discounts. .74,532 33 No Charred Surfaces to Wear Away The family ot Mr. Starkweather and i Furniture and Fixtures. 3,443.80 and Loosed the Tire. Real E state................... 3,282.92 Mr. Fisher, who have been camping | No Overdishing Wheels or Splitting on the Nehalem for the past three Felloes or Cutting Out Too Much of Total $180.541.61 Total $180.541.61 weeks, returned come Friday. the Rim. The BROOKS Sets Them in a After a two months visit at the home Correct Attest: R. M. DOOLY, President Mechanical and Scientific Way. of Daniel Baker, Mrs. F. A. Baker and M PETERSON, Vice President D. I. ALLER, Cashier The BROOKS COLD TIRE SE T -! two little boys leave next week for TER compresses the metal cold. No steam and watersoaked felloes to shrink their home in Minot, North Dakota. PLEASANT away and loosen the tire; to burnt Miss Carol Walker of Portland, has A Bold Step. THOUGHTS paint to replace. It gives just the accepted a position as operator for the To overcome the well-grounded and amount of dish required. reasonable objections of the more Intel­ of the surprise in : (The United Stat;s Government Western Union company at this place, ligent to the use of secret, medicinal com­ store for your pounds, Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Finds the Cold Process the Best and and took charge of the office Monday. friends accompany Y., some time ago, decided to make a bold his Adopted the BROOKS at the Shops A delegation of business men from departure from the usual course pursued photographs. You of the U. S. Forts and the Department Spokane, under the auspices of the by the makers of put-up medicines for do­ can imagine how I mestic use, amj. so has published broad­ of the Interior. ) Chamber of Commerce ol that city, will cast and o/tifflTy to the whole world, a full pleased they will be entertained in Portland August 15th. and complete list of all tho ingredients be to receive a j entering in ta h e composition of his widely picture of you j Miss Florence Day and Miss Leila celebrated tgdicrftcs. Thus he has taken looking your best. Muir of Portland spent a few days last his numerousBatrons and patients Jnto Blacksm ithing & General Repairing For you surely will1 week with Mrs. A. Jackson of this his full efjnhdcnce. Thus too he has re- movedyCis/medicines from among secret look that way in [ FOREST GROVE, ORE. city. Miss Day is a former student of nostr/mrf’of doubtful merits, and made our th e m U u n n c d ic s o f K n o w n C o m p o s itio n , P. U. Tires Set FIRST Q uicker NATIO NAL BANK V. S. Abraham and B etter says that he is too bûsy to write an ad for this space. He is selling goods at Right Prices. Drop in and -ee him at T h e C o rn e r S to re >1 Off t o the J. P. McGILL, N. C. Troyer of Callaway, Neb , vis­ ited Mr. and Mrs W. H. Greer the first of the week. He came W’est with — We’ll buy your wool and mohair. a shipment of hogs for a Portland con­ Bring it in. Bailey. cern. Miss Nora Lvtle is spending the The News stated last week that week with Mrs. L. A. Ma kee. Hillsboro and Forest Grove schools — We always pay the highest price were the only ones in the county that for wool and mohair. Bailey. had the tenth grade. Beaverton has — Money to loan on farm security. had it for some time. W. H. Hollis, Forest Grove Mrs. J. D. Bellenger returned home “ Bud” Dilley is confined to his bed from Banks where she has been nurs­ with a bad case of billiousness. ing her daughter, Mrs. R. R. Kinton, Born, to Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Schol- and reports both daughter and grand­ field on Gales Creek, Wednesday, a daughter doing nicely. son. The sale of special one-way tickets Miss Eunice Paisley of Buxton has from all points in the United States to been visiting at C. E. Ruckles the past all points in Oregon begins September week. 1st and continues until October 31st. —New stock of latest Ladies’ Home Our community can get more than its Journal dress patterns at Bailey’s Big share of the newcomers, with a little Store. effort. Mrs. Will Smith left last week for Those registered as delegates from Grant County, Wis. to spend three or here to the Good Roads convention in four months. Portland Tuesday were. G. S. Allen, TH E P hotographs CITV Rev. L. W. Chandler of Bickelton, E W. Haines. L. G. Walker, V'. H. Wash., visited friends in this city, Sun­ Hollis, A. B. Todd, H. H. Stewart and day and Monday. A. T. Buxton. A. J. Prideaux of Willamette Uni­ There will be a danee at Alpha versity, Salem, is in the city this week. Kail, Cornelius, Saturday, evening, He is a graduate of P. U. August 15. Walker’s o r c h e s t r a . Mrs. J. D. Bellinger is spending the Tickets 75c. The Ladies of Wood­ week with her daughter, Mrs. Kinton craft will serve ice cream and cake on of Banks, so J. D. is trying baching. the stage, 10c a dish. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. L R. Van Archie Bryant, the photographer, Kirk, at Forest View home, Wednes­ has a new subject to practice on for day morning, a 10} pound daughter. the next few years and from all teports N ot o n ly does th e w ra p p e r o f e v e ry b o ttle of Dr. P ie rc e ’s G olden M edical D isco v ery , th e fam ous m e dicine fo r w £ak sto m a ch , \ rp id liv e r o r b ilio u sn e ss a n d all c a t a r r h a l d isea ses w h e re v er lo c a ted , h a v e p rin te d u p o n it, in * in ............................... “ p la E nglish, a fu ll a n d c o m p le te Tu W at of ‘ all the In g re d ie n ts com p o sin g it, b u t a sm a ll book h as been c o m p ile d fro m n u m e ro u s s ta n d a rd m e d ic al w orks, o f a ll th e d iffe re n t sch o o ls " f p ra c tic e , c o n ta in in g v e ry n u m e r­ o u s e x tr a c ts fro m th e w ritin g s o f le a d in g p ra c titio n e rs o f m e d ic in e , e n d o rs in g in the strongest possible term s, e a c h a n d e v e r y in g re ­ d ie n t c o n ta in e d in D r. P ie rc e ’s m ed icin es. O ne o f th e se l i t t l e b o o k s w ill be m a ile d free to a n y o n e s e n d in g a d d re ss o n p o s ta l c a r d o r by le tte r, to Dr. It. V. P ie rc e . B uffalo, N. Y., a n d re q u e s tin g t h e sam e. F ro m th is little book it w ill b e le a rn e d t h a t D r. P ie rc e ’s m e d ­ icines c o n ta in no alcohol, n a rc o tic s , m in e ra l a g e n ts o r o th e r p o iso n o u s o r in ju r io u s a g e n ts am i th a t th e y a re m a d e fro m n a tiv e , m e d ic i­ n a l ro o ts o f g r e a t v a lu e : a lso t h a t som e of th e m o st v a lu a b le in g re d ie n ts c o n ta in e d in Dr. P ie rc e ’s F a v o rite P re s c rip tio n fo r w eak, n e rv o u s, o v e r-w o rk e d , " ru n - d o w n .” n e rv o u s an d d e b ilita te d w om en, w ere em p lo y ed , long y e a rs ago. by th e In d ia n s fo r s im ila r a ilm e n ts a ffe c tin g th e ir squaw s. In fa c t, o n e of th e m ost v a lu a b le m e d ic in a l p la n ts e n te r in g in to th e c o m p o sitio n o f Dr. P ie rc e ’s F a v o rite P r e ­ sc rip tio n w as k n o w n to t h e In d ia n s as "S q u a w -W e ed .” O u r kno w led g e o f th e uses o f n o t a few o f o u r m o st v a lu a b le n a tiv e , m e­ d ic in a l p la n ts w as g a in e d fro m th e In d ia n s. As m a d e u p b y im p ro v ed a n d e x a c t p ro - cesses, th e " F a v o rite P r e s c r ip tio n ” is a m ost •filc ie n t re m e d y f o r r c r n l i t l n r all th e w om ­ an ly fu n c tio n s, c o rre c tin g d is p la c e m e n ts. a3 p io la p s u s, a n té v e rsio n a n d re to rv e rs lo n . o v e rc o m in g p a in fu l periods, to n in g u p the n e rv e s a n d b rin g in g a b o u t a p e rfe c t s ta t e of h e a lth , bo ld b y a ll d e a le r s in TT^KUcinea. "\ FOREST GROVE NATIONAL BANK -J Bryant’s Studio The rain that started in Wednesday morning breaks a dry spell of some six weeks, and is one of the most wel­ comed climatic changes that has visit- ed this county in a long time. There are some crops that are not under cov­ er. and threshing may be delayed, but the benefits are tenfold. ab io th ha W e are well fixed to take care of your every need in JS the way of bo bit be un Camp Supplies, Fishing Tackle, Cuns, Rifles and Amunition Bn coi the tak Jer for die 1 W e carry in stock the following rifles and guns 2 2 CAL. PROM $ 1.75 TO $ 12 .( 0 I have the agency for the Autofiiler _ .. — Self rilling, Self Cleaning Fountain Pen. A I way a Ready A lw a y s W rite s Come in and see them . T hey a re w ith out a doubt th e best se it filling pen on the m arket today. W ar- ranted by both m an u factu rer and reta ile r. A. train Thursday and were conducted 'o the camo grounds, where a nicnic din­ ner was served by the ladies of the | church.— Hillsboro Independent. The Lee Willard theatrical company he will be decidecly successful as he \ came out to this city last Friday and always is. It’s a boy and he came on Monday appeared at the Masonic last Saturday. All are well. hall in the play entitled “ A Poor Rela­ tion.” This was their first appearance A party was given Monday evening —a surprise on Gene Foster, at E. G this season. They had a good house Mills’ residence, Monday evening. likewise a good play. The company C. Peterson of Cornelius, purchased The young people gathered on the played at Hillsboro Tuesday night. the Mott farm at Greenville for $3600 lawn and spent the time very pleas Burdette Shipman, the popular piano through the agency of T. H. Little­ antly. Gene expects to leave this and real estate man at the Bazaar, will hales. week for Iona. j leave on the 22nd inst for a month’s Venen the Jeweler has just received Three Oregon athletes won honors at visit to his old home in Binghamton, some novelties that he is selling at the Olympic games in London—no N. Y. Dame Rumor says that the greatly reduced prices. Call and see other state in the Union made such a citizens of Forest Grove may prepare to showing. The bovs will be royally en- recejve a bride when he returns, bi t them. 6-tl tertained in Portland when they return T. H. Littlehales and family returned early in September. Both athletic and Burdette says nit. — Dr. C. L. Large reports a son from Newport Saturday where they commercial bodies are uniting in the ! weighing twelve pounds bom to the hive been spending a few weeks by arrangements. 1 wife of Jesse Fineout of this place the the sea It is rumored, ar.d it is only rumor, I 10 inst. Parties wishing the attend- Chat. Walker, who was brought that when Mr. Harriman comes to Ore­ ■ ance of Dr. Large in this class of cases, h >me from Newport several weeks ago gon, and he is expected soon, that he will greatly oblige him, if convenient suffering from an attack of billiousness, will inspect the P. R. & N. line, and by engaging his services two or three decide when the work will begin, and months prior to the expected event. is improving. there is much anxiety along the line Dr. Large has both phones. Judge W. H. Hollis was chosen concerning that matter.— Argus. Mrs. A. B. Thomas had, last week, chairman of the resolutions committee Evangelist Kellems and family, who i as her guests, an aunt and her daugh­ at the good roads convention at Port- will conduct the tent meetings of the ter, Mrs. Wm. Patch and Miss Alice, Christian church, arrived on the noon hnd Tuesday. of Galesburg, 111.. Mrs. Patch is eighty years old and this was the first trip to the coast. Her hus­ Statement of the Condition of band's brother's name was Dan Patch, after whom the famous race horse was named. The city council has, during the A t « n i l o f t h « C o m p t r o l l e r J u l y IÄ , 1 9 0 « summer, placed several new hydrants in different parts of town at the solici­ U i i h l l l t l e n i R e a o u r c e a i tation of the citizens who wished that C ap ital S tock .............................................. ) 25.000.00 Il L oan* and D is c o u n ts ........................... I l « 8 .0 1 1 .13 protection and who agreed to pay the S u r p lu s ....................................... ................. J Ì .K 5 M 1.000 00 H V § •im ita and Pr pm turns U ndivid ed P ro fits ........................................ 2.708 a s ! ! .♦ « 0 00 H O ther Honda bill of installation. There is one hy­ C irc u la turn ............................................. 2 3 .AO 00 H I n n b Prem i sea drant, however, that has been placed D e p o sits ....... ................................................. 1 .$00.00 278.18J.08 H O th *r R eal E state that seems to be a bone of contention H F u rn itu r * a n d F ix tu r e s H Cash t v h a n d a n d d ue from h a n k s and to the immediate residents, and if b . • T reasu ry W J2.STJ.*7 Total a s H j s r s .n T w .l they do not soon come forward with the wherewithal, the council is liable to remove the same to another com­ O IM U C T O R H « munity. This is what the council • lo h n B* B a lta y I said at its meeting Tuesday night. j . a . T tio m h u rfh T h o u . Cl. T o d d VV. 1%. ttnin«M , The hydrant is located near the res­ al. W . F u g u R idence of Stephen Blank. Rev. Herbert Boyd and family left last Saturday for Bloomfield, N. J., where Mr. Boyd has accepted a charge. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Kinton ol Banks, are the proud parents of an 8 lb babv girl who came to their home August 2. We are not con­ tent to make a faithful likeness. We aim to and do produce portraits i that seem imbued with life, that j bring an answer- \ ing smile to the j pleased beholders. M. j VENEN Agricultural College Corvallis. Oregon. Offers collegiate courses in Agiicul- ! ture, including Agronomy, Horti­ culture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry, etc ; Forestry; Domestic Science and Art; Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, and Mining Engineering; Commerce; Pharmacy. Offers elementary courses in Agri­ culture, Forestry, Domestic Science and Art, Commerce, and Mechanic Arts, including forge work, cabinet making, steam fitting, plumbing, machine work, etc. Strong faculty, modern equipment; tree tuition; opens Sept. 25. Illustrated catalogue with full in­ formation on application to the Regis­ trar, free. 5-t4 Dr. Hines and family are camping at the soda springs which are located on the Dr.’s ranch out at Gales Creek. On Monday we were presented with a demijohn full of the water from the springs, and as we are an excellent judge of water, we are decided in pro­ nouncing it first class. It would only take a trolley line up that way to make this one of the most noted summer re­ sorts in the state, as the w?ter has been analyzed and found to contain all the inRI''d>ents that go to make health, besides there is plenty of good fishing, mountain climbing et cetera, in the neighborhood to make it ideal. —Joe Stream guarantees to please with the latest hair-cut. Sharp razors properly handle^. Opposite News Office, SQ-tf 25 cal. Stevens, 25-20 Winchester 30-30 W inchester 32 special Win­ chester, 25-35 Winchester; 30-30 Savage, 30-30 lightweight Savage 30-30 Rem ington autom atic. ago whe witl was faili mitl brai by l Wo< that Sine borr T was is th Eng ago, beca to O In fact all kinds of Guns and Rifles that you can get any­ D. J U where and at the same price you would pay for them in whic Woo Portland. maki The were dren Mon 'oot . Woo Su: his rc rear, morn Jenni Wood the a him thong distan his ca' > Wh his de anima' known Wot ture tc W A S H IN G TO N AND T E N T H S T R E E T S of the PORTLAND, OREGON W s o r le we follo« W R I T E FO R C A T A L O G a stick \The Stchool fhnt Pince» You in a Oood Position cow, I thro u j feed all L. C. Smith, Stevens, Parker, Baker and other makes of shot­ guns. GOFF BROS. HARDWARE FOREST GROVE, OREGON OUÏES BUSINESS COLLEGE V , Br° T 1,Ph,VSician1 and “ The top price at Bailey’s tor y° and ar f.lec,rlcal ap - Wool and Mohair, pliances in office. Calls answered — Be sure to take advantage of the night or day. —Chase & Sanborn Coffees iW t Mid-Summer Clearance Sale now on at —Try Schultz’s ground bone for the best. Hoffman & Allen Co. * Hoffman & Allen Co.’s store. your hens. It will make them lay. elusive agents. > EDW ARD SEYM OUR Sec. and Mgr. A . B . T HON AS P r e e id e n t Oregon Land and Trading Compary IN C O R P O R A TE D F A R M and B o th Te le p h o n e s ! ■B n: stick w until i break: through the he feet out which stick w ■^reich th the dooi “ We as we d Jenaing tween i chores a brrakfa slept in was too had goni the,to x i al m e t in ■ n al ban} and G IT P R O P