The Chauffeur and the . Jew els Copyright, 1W6. by J. B. L ifpincott C ompany All risht* reMsrved. E dith M organ W illett J ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « a terrible disappointment that he should I turn out so? That poor chauffeur!” There was a little pause, then: “ How about my poor diamonds?” askev j lassie. “ What do you think, prince?” She turned to him. “ Shall we ever get told of that man?” “ How can l tell?” asked Ludovic Sarto. He cleared his throat and spoke in busi- j less-like English. “ What steps are you aking, if I may ask. madame? I sup- ose it is in the hands of the police— Yes?” Mrs. Waring nodded her head. “ I have a very capable detective,” she said confi- lentially, “ who tracked the chauffeur all he way from Southampton to Liverpool where, unfortunately, he gave him the -lip. Mr. Illantock-. idea i. that he was tryin* to get over to America." •That is very probable,M agreed Sarto. Turning slightly, he glanced again at \nuette, to tind her eyes fixed on him with an intensity that was almost painful. M y experience of the man indeed." it« went ou. choosing his words deliberately md watching her face, "is that he «el- don. fails of h.s ends. Sarto. I think. Wi l Ot. C o n c re le O u td o o r C e lla r. A simple method o f constructing a cool, outdoor cellur In localities where the common house cellars ure too warm for use during the summertime. Is shown in the accompanying sketch. It is a cellar made under the pump. so that the water pumped by the windmill has a very cooling effect. I,i places where It Is difficult to obtain b e, It w ill prove Indispensable to the dairyman who keeps a few cows. An­ other Important Item Is the fact that a man does not find It necessary to C u l t i v a t i o n o f Corn, ___________ Corn iijaara makes a a rank growth both abor/e pull up all o f the pipes every time unV’ blljo.v ^rout'd.” nnTl' for “tliat reason that he finds It necessary to repair the ...................... ,111*.,rent pi|K*s and pump. It is constructed o f « W * treatment somewhat different concrete. The top Is re-enforced with ls Siv“ n to wlieut oat.8- Hunting iu rows Is necessary not only om-half-inch steel rods placed one foot to permit full development of the stalks, apart each way and the concrete Is but also to give plenty of feeding room about six Inches thick. The sides arc (0 tbe roots. Corn roots, if they have made by using a form and t ie stairs a t.hance, w m occupy every inch to the are also made o f concrete and ars re­ Qf f rom three to live feet, and enforced by small steed rods. The cost. (he y ,eW o f , he w r I, win dei>end on ^ |etenega of occupation. SOMETHING FOB EVERYBODY T h e Indians o f the United States . own about $35,000,000. j Illlnd women are now employed as «qierutiirs o f private telephone swith- ; boards and f*>r taking dictutlon oa shorthand typew riters.— Popular Me­ chanics. ! Compensation being refused for a cut linger, un Ilfo rd (E n g .) domestic ser­ vant left her situation and wrote to ng up and down the deck, and then drew C U A P T E H V I.— (Continued.) her mistress us fo llo w s : "M a d a m ----- ’ >ack with sudden swiftness into the door Giving his shouldePs a resolute, fatal t.te cut Is worst. Th e diK’tor suya i lutlc shrug, Sarto Btepped out of his shadow, his cigar bitten tight between his stateroom and, looking the door behind eeth. his breath coming unevenly, as he have cut the spinal cord o f my little him, went jauntily down to dinner. In watched two familiar figures go by un finger. I f you do not immediately send the aaloona through which he passed peo ou. l,J' ?v" . y r r n L t.S v » r and The feeding ground, or. it. other words, is a shrewd fellow. I can tell >ou, anu i » » supplital by telegraph and post to all our friend as he turned into the main uncertainly. Fate had thrown him Gus If vou arc too n.any for h im "-h e shrug- the corn root pasture, depends mainly si bools In Germany, but systematic In­ entrance. sie’s handkerchief, with some obvious end ged his shoulders— “ ma foil I doubt me on the preparation and cultivation ot struction ou meteorology is only gradu­ in view. Why not run the chance now? ¡t you will ever catch him alive.” AI nest e was an ally worth having! the soil. I t may be limited in many ally being introduced. With a sense of satisfaction thnt “ It’s always best to know the worst.” With keen satisfaction lie saw Annett* grays, so that the farmer, instead o f us- amounted to positive elation, Sarto open Sarto told himself, with unconscious Irisli Jean dt- Keszke, the famous tenor, to live __ feet of his field wince. " A h !” she said, in a low , tone, . _ from three ____ ______ ed the door on his left. Before him glim wit, and he set out along the decks, quick­ "what a grisly suggestion !" Then, rising Hg gi)i^ w m use on|y „ auiaii portion of hns severed his connection with the me red a river of lights, looked a river ening his steps to catch up with the loit­ abruptly. "There’s Mr. Ituist.” I In* with |f {h e ,and ,g I(ot I)r(,,„,rly drained, Paris Opera-house. De Itcszke was of faces— men and women of varying ering pair. evident relief. " I think a » g .' n g to e)ther naturaI, or artlflclaUy, the corn ambitious fo r y«’ars to have a voice In types, plying their knives and forks as­ “ Pardon, madame!** ioifi him and walk up anil down a Die, , the management o f the opera-house, He saw them stop, and felt Gussie turn siduously. f ou and the prince will excuse me. <■<*><» cannot penetrate Into the regions and was finally taken in, hut after six ,, * • .. saturated with water, for the water Perfectly conscious of t\e eyes that her head inquiringly. Gussie. , _ followed him, the mock prince walked Then advancing, hat in hand, “ I think months, with the title o f singing di- Holding on to the rail, she made her shuts out the air. I f hard pan comes slowly tip the length of the room between you dropped this,’* he said, sin k in g in wav off unsteadily. Watching the small near the surface the corn roots cannot riH-tor, «luring which tim e his advice rows of waiters, his eyes well to the English and holding the handkerchief out figure, Sarto was so absorbed in his own reach into that, and he may be culti- Including the labor, amounted to about was ignored and no authority given front, where a chair had been alread} to her with a glance that was half ques­ speculations that it was with a start ho vating but six, eight or ten Inches o f the $b0 In the west and southwest It w ill him, he resigned in disgust. drawn out for him, far up at the captain’s tion, half grim, daring defiance, for Gus- became conscious of a voice beside him. Holensive than pletely. Then, recovering himself with achieved a *>w. shut off the supply of water from be­ money has been worked in South D a­ the iron shoe the higher price Is re­ Mrs. Waring smiled. “ I feel as if I supreme effort, lie lifted his monocle and kota during the (last few months. low, the corn roots are again limited. T E A F R O M T H E FLO W E R S. paid by the siqierlor advantages. It Is know Your Highness already,” she said, looked steadily across the table. An oily grafter calls on a farm er aisl It is, therefore, about as necessary for Yen, there they were— there was no “ through my old friend Count Souravieff. Nut u ra lly Sw eet Ten ot W estern makes a bi«l for his land. The figures not iui|Missible the Innovation will soon the farmer to understand corn roots mistake— the very last people he had of the Russian Legation. I wonder if you extend to every country where the na­ + 1 Chinn— \ nine ot Ten ■>»»<• n:id their linblts and ways as it is for are absurdly low at first, but by «1«^ wished or expected to see— Mrs. Richard ever heard him speak of Mrs. Richard ture of the soil iK-rmlts It to be used.— grees ure raised as high as $110 au acre, Ten, not from the leaves, but rom ( f | 1 (, surg(Xm to understand the anatomy Waring. Annette Bancroft and Gerald Waring?’* British Australian. With his self-possession miraculously the flow er» alone o f the plant, is rare- . nf t |le Sy Stem, where the bones lie, and and the farm er consents. u Buist. Englishman ! It Is a disgrace and a shame that It. Then the visitor explains that he is in commerce. 1 lie w|jere the nrteries, veins, nerves and After all, why had he not thought of restored, Mrs. Waring’s chauffeur bowed ly encountered only an agent, but that he can sell the a city like Los Angeles, populated by this possibility? It was just like Gussie. over the hand so graciously outstretched petals, stamens, etc., are sun-dried, and muscieg ,,re hidden under the skin, after laying her plans for a protracted to him. the resulting tea is o f a rich, deep -phe corn plnnt, it w ill he seen, has land at the price named if the owner 300,000 educated Americans, the very “ I have heard your name, madame, a brown hue of peculiarly delicate odor, no top-root. The first roots start out w ill agr«>e to pay for advertising at the name o f the town they live In and are stay in I^ondon, suddenly to take passage a- hundred times,” he said gallantly, “ and and gives a pale amber colored infu- frora the seed grain and go down rate o f 50 cents an acre. for home. proud o f and have helped to make la Raising his head, the chauffeur glanced from many others beside Count Soura­ sion rather more astringent In taste The "agent” promises orally that the should be wife-beaten at their dally rapidly over the tables, his quick eye vieff. Boris Souravieff!’* He laughed, than that from the average fa ir grade advertising money w ill not be payable lininls. Even i f late. It Is time now to picking out a keen-edged profile-—an an­ with a keen recollection of his late pat­ leaf. The taste for it Is an acquired until the land Is sold, but this stipula­ make a crusntle fo r the official pro­ gular back. Surrounded! Hemmed in ron’s boon companion. "W hy, we were one, and even if this tea could be made tion Is not contained In the contract nunciation which w ill bo followed by ou all sides! His lips twitched. The motoring together only last autumn.” commercially possible, it is doubtful If every self-respecting person with the that the farm er signs. At this point another voice broke in. situation was positively comic in its dire­ do In a few days he receives a copy of fear of G«jd and the love o f California “ My name’s Buist,” said that individ­ it would ever become popular. fulness. Detective, robber, and robbed, T h e American tea trade could advan an nd nud not overcourtcous demand before his eyes. And that’s easy to set breaking bread together! What a justa- ual, introducing himself w'ith his usual ry nonchalance. “ Glad to meet you, Fm tageousiy take a suggestion from the position ! tor money. and easy to g e t : Loce Ang-el-ess.— th.- “ Game’s up,” Sarto told himself stoic­ sure.” brick tea o f the far e a s t In our coun­ It is said that twenty-two agricul­ Out West. ally, and, fixing his eyes on his menu “ ( ’harmed,” declared the Prince del try, the tea dust, some o f which is of turists were caught with this bait In The announcement that the Hay­ card, he awaited the inevitable check­ Pino. good quality. Is uot properly utilized. Brown County and that one o f them ward’s Health of H orticultural Society mate. Clicking his heels together, he bowed In Europe it is a regular article of Tli gave up $320. was prepared to pay a penny for every « But It was long In coming ! Over and again, searching the other’s face warily Di- trade, and it is advertised and sold ns queen wasp brought to the summer I T h n n d e r a n d M ilk . over the chauffeur conned that intermin­ Tr but (Jerald’s straightforward lineaments tea dust. In Am erica it is sold to thou­ able list of dishes, his brain on the alert show Inis caused the secretary to be in­ T o ninny persons the curdling o f milk were ns open ns the proverbial political sands o f cheap restaurants, who make for developments across the table; yet in a thunderstorm Is a mysterious and undated with wasps from all parts nf door. Not a shade of suspicion, not a sign from it the m ixture o f tannic acid, nothing happened, the tinkle of glasses unintelligible phenomenon. Yet, ac­ England. Some o f the senders have re- j of doubt, lurked in that broad, clean and tin* clatter of cutlery continuing un­ sugar and boiled milk which they sell cording to scientists, the whole process quested that the money they ««insider j »on shaven expanse! broken. Behind his tilted monocle the eyes of as “ ten.” If, ns in the Orient, tills «lust Is simple an«l natural. T h eir claim is due them should be forwarded by re- ; What did it mean? were compressed into bricks, g<*Ml tea tar Ludovic Sarto, chauffeur, glistened with that milk, like most other substances, turn [Mist. The se«-retary, however, I At last the sound of a voice opposite satisfaction at his own amazing good for­ could lie made from it, and the product contains millions o f bacteria. The wishes It to tie understood by sender« f made Dim prick up his ears. “ I told you tune. So these two people had accepted would find a ready market through the milk bacteria that In a day or two, that only persons living within the Blautoi-k was on board.'* came a familiar m.v him without reserve! Theirs he the risk, multitude o f uses fo r which it is adapt- j under natural conditions, would enuse radius o f the show w ill lie paid for British drawl. “ See him over there, Gus I « then. He would play the part for all it eel. A beginning in till* direction has the fluid to sour are peculiarly sus­ •ie?“ their wasps.— Loudon Standard. was worth. lieen made by the Pinehurst tea estate “ Where?** Sarto experienced a faint ceptible to electricity. E lectricity In­ “ We were just about to join my cousin. “ It Is curious,” remarked the grocei | In South Carolina, and In Europe sim* I thrill at the clear-cut. well-known tones. spires and invigorates them, ns alco­ on the corner, "th at there Is no fru it I d \ J Miss Bancroft,” Gussie explained, leading “ Down there. Thnt second table to liar advances have been inaugurated. hol, cocaine or strong tea affects men. the world which people ure such jioor I bee: the way around the deck. “ Ah, here she UISTKIUITIO.N or COtt>' ROOTS IN SOIL. pour left. Look ! Four seats from the The virgin tea (W epjckl-chi), so is !** 1'tider the current’s influence they fall Judges o t as cantaloupes, and what la | P •mi.” ealhsl from its use at Chinese wisl- ------------------------------------------------------ to work with amazing energy, nml In­ “ Annette, this is the Prince del Pino. Ji more curious is that they «lo their liest I But Gussie did not look ! Fnder his She sat down next to the girl and smil­ dings. Is the sun-dritM leaf intact, tbsl 1 A fter this the roots are sent out in stead o f taking n couple o f «lays to to ll lowered eye-lids the man opposite was to spoil them after they buy them. The I up with three strands of eolort>d silk, whorls o f from two to ten. As the plant sour the milk they accomplish the task 1-1 unpleasantly conscious that her gaze was ingly motioned to a chair beside her first thing a woman does with a canta- I A fter Infusion, these fagntllke little advance» toward maturity, these whorls completely in a half hour. With an loupe is to stick It Into the Ice box. ' OTlly Upon him curiously. Interrogatively. She “ Won’ t Your Highness join us? You see Mr. Buist is evidently going to desert us bundles are pickbsl in vinegar and usisl rise closer to the surface. The first (>l«'ctrlc battery It Is easy on the same talar had n'cognised him! Now, cantaloupes, like most o f our k Taking a little gold pencil out of his for a smoke. Perhaps you will take his as salad. This ten is sold in esiieclally roots thrown out immediately above the principle to sour the freshest milk. fruit, are picked a trifle green, and I place?** handsome silk-covered and glnss-top|>ed primary roots run sideways and iHvupy pocket, Sarto began, with perfect self Fr when they come from the grocer’s tiny I Im p r o v e d S h o v e l H a n d le . With a murmured word of thanks. lioxes. Tile rarest o f all teas, and one ten or fifteen Inches below the surface, possession, to cross off an elaborate meal, th. Sarto slipped into the low, easy chair, his that lias never been known to reach Ihese lateral roots throw out fibrous or In a scoop-handle for shovels. spa«1cs should lie put out In the sun for a wboh while he waited for her next move. mind going hack rapidly to a certain tea tills country, is n naturally sweet tea. feeding roots, which run in every di- nml sim ilar articles recently pntentt'd, day. turning them over ev«‘ry few houlk . What would she do? Gradually the eyes upon him shifted, party when he had first taken Mr. Buisf’s lirisluia'il in western Chinn on a very ruction Kor. through the soil and occupy an Illinois Inventor claims that he has arid then putting them Into the ice box ** then they came hack again. Gussie put place when the humble chauffeur had llmiteil scale. Its culture is centuries every inch within a radius o f from two tor designed a device at night."— New York Sun. up her hand and lightly touched her hair, been first allowed the honor of sitting by for tools o f this old. anil the secret has Ixvn Jealously to ®ve f«-et. it Is e vid en t therefore, While some children w ere recently S> aw* Mrs. Waring. the furtive, beringed fingers patting a kind by which the feeding the swans at the lake a pigeon ■ lf we plough corn immediately What a turning of tables to-night! guardisl from generation to generation. look here, a coll there a characteristic weight o f the load alight«'«! quite close to them and one L jj (; gesture, this of hers. Why. the bird was With what subtle difference of t« gture the The saceharlnlty Is probably line to after planting, or nftiT it Is first up. can be more e f­ o f the boys attempted to capture It, but K graftin g and years o f patient study and we can plough as «leep as we like, and bus actually pluming itself! For whose ben­ Fates had woven in the old design ! And yet this exquisite situation had its care, such as only the small Chinese generally the d«>ei>er the letter. When, fectually balance«! it flew off over the lake toward a swan S door efit? undoubted perils. It was with a swift tea farmer is capable o f bestowing.— however, the roots begin to rise and There tea* a moment’s silence. and the forward aixl apparently was almut to settle on on. realization of his own immediate danger •*!f Mr. Illantock i*» really on board.” hand o f the opera­ its hack, instead o f which It closed it« Scientific American. : '»vu p y every s«iuare Inch o f soil within ***«• Mrs. Waring remarked, iu obviously cau­ that, turning his head, the mock Prince ' reach, it w ill uot «lo to plough deep, tor shifted In a w ings «pilte naturally and dropped into £ del Pino now met Gussie Waring’s half- tious tones, “ what do you suppose it im R rd « l«»*cr l* K»um l. I>,lr cultivation must, therefore, lie llm- more convenient j tin* water close In front o f the * « « « j ptisxled, interrogative gaze. means?” The Bureau o f Plant Industry hns 'ted to the surface, and with the end in manner to fa cili­ and commenced to struggle. The sw«t . glOD t “ Really,” she apologised, “ your face is Gerald hesitated a moment. “ Perhaps.” tate the operation | went to assist it. put Its head under W he suggested significantly, “ it means that so absurdly familiar, you know, I ’ve been lie«>n experimenting with a new form view o f killing the wetnls and forming BALANCES LOAD. o f the tool in so. «’vest- w f ]T?la a low-toned direction. Sarto now raised that you remind me of some one I know? do«’s not hold «lust like the common rial f r,,m below within reach o f the roots, low as he does in shovels o f the or- «tally resting on the island.— t-ondos his head and looked deliberately across the I**t me think” (she frowned absently). clover. Thf olJer an,t larger the plant the j dinary construction. He Introduces a table, his eyes encountering those of the “ Who can it be?” «Ssk-A.. For this rtvison It is helh’ve.1 tha, shallower should the cultivation he. In supplemental handle, which is secured “ Yes. who can It be?“ echoed the man ’’ Fine old Spanish emeralds" Is » woman opposite in a steely, impenetrable It w ill make a liettcr forage plant for fact. If the ground Is well prepared, I to the handle o f the shovel, the oppo- phrase which means something quit»^ stare T o his surprise, Mrs Waring beside her. He smiled a faint twinkle horses, sim v It w ill Is- much loss like- plonghed deep when there is no dan- I site end extending forw ard o f the rear looked away, blushing faintly, and set in his inscrutable eye. “ Not Souravieff, I «iifferent from what It secnis to Imply- f ger o f cutting off the roots, the only end o f the blade, being supported from ly to cause heaves nud w ill be cleaner hope?” down her wine gla** with a little click. There never was an emerald mined I* j “ Well, I've quite finished,** she an Gussie tdok the bait. “ Souravieff. I n nd UHI-lY conv« ill«’lit to hamilir. B!imt- thing the farmer needs to «lo during the latter by braces. The supplemen­ Spain, tmt a fter the conquest of ivm 'art the latter period Is to maintain th«> tal handle is engaged by the forward cattle Is i•ertini*» due Bounced. gla twine tat Iwr p arty; "how should think not !” She laughed, remem­ Inf the conquerors brought some gr<-«tB I hand o f the operator, the latter being • hottt you? Shall ne K» up on Jock att.l bering the diplomat’s razor-like outlines. lo the p r r M m «•f hairs on «pominon mulch o f dry dirt ou the surface. quantities o f loot, o f which emerald* I Then, her thoughts swerving unconscious­ true U* have I'offo**?" dovi er. | thus greatly relieved o f weight. It I f this th«■ troulile formed an Important part. In tbi»| The girl Ix-'iilc her argillr»'n l. speak ly into a new channel, “ Oh, by the way. w«*u Id 1s' oto In te l by ’ fei'lin g them the F a r m H e lp l.e * » E t p e n ilv e , avoids the twisting strain o f the N sly lue for tnr Hrat time, a ml. atill under prince, we have another mutual friend 1 new Farm labor is cheaper than It was at | caus»>d by liftin g a heavy load when way the finest emeralds came Into * [ ha irles» « Irei ole»rer. 1».«session o f ol«l Spanish fa m ilii« anil hi. lowaml ryeliil*. Sarto watchnl the haven’t mentioned yet” — this with a mis­ A t mtl1er objeetio n to the w m mon rod this time last year and Is pretty sure the forw ard hand Is placed low down as very f«'W had lieen seen in Kum$»fc familiar prornmion pa*» out of the room. chievous side flan«*»* at Annette. ” IVrli.ij»s to continue so for the season. Tlu-re ii|H>n th«' usual handle. The han«l o f ()u**ie takine th* le*«l. a . usual, the Kite you haven’t heard of my experience with plover Is that It matin’» » much earlier previously to that time, all the l<* than timothy, with which it is usually has Isen some curtailment in manufac­ the o i*ra to r «-an be readily slid baok stones soon lieonme class«'«l ns fine <* J your chauffeur?” liahmatt brlneln* up thr rear. turing throughout the country, the re­ and forth In the various manipulations »own. It is thus Impossible to harvest “ Ah, that miserable soelerat!” ejacu­ I f they haJ rvcoeniarJ him. of which Spanish emeralds. To-day the • ' thr chauffeur made no doubt, then, tie lated laidovic Sarto. He bent towards the niixtm v at a time \vh«'ii the full sult being that a great many men are o f the scoop, rendering It more con­ sion still applies to the best etaeraSH «>ut of work. With this condittim farm ­ the woman he had robbed, his face posi­ told hinwelf. there mtixt hare hern a mu­ venient and efficient In use, adapting value o f both the clover and tim othy vf any source. ers find that they can get help more it to be used with dtvreased power and tual ailent dreialon «•> aroid a «erne in tively sphinx-like in its impenetrability, ■ an he obtained. A letter written by Count O r x y a * his manner serious, deferential; and. re thr saloon. Probably .hr arreat would The new Orel clover matures two readily now than they have been able strain. lapsing unconsciously into French, “ My « ho was an anient adm irer o f Chop!* ^ jf, hr made aa anon a. hr went out. to for several years. weeks later than the common r»M klniL T h r f o d f l ll n i c M o t h . "A fte r dinner, thr d elate!" gitoth Sar­ dear Mrs. Waring. 1 cannot tell you how has Just been made public In D-nd«* Cont. g It is ascertained that where contracts or at the sain*' tim e with the ttin«>thy, About one-fifth o f the first laying o f by Eilunrd Zeldenrust. In It the to* to, thr philosopher, pnraphraainc a fam- distressed absolutely apologetic— I f«*el frequ t t hwu “ >"'»* In the Middle West and eggs by the «'»Id lin g moth Is on the oti. maxim. and. true to the tenchint» of about your loss. To think o f that fellow and at a season when the farm er’s at- moments o f Chopin are thus rel'i’f » 1 " u p in t ' ^ ^a,rni ra,e Mine, lie rompndottr. he *••! forth on hia of mine turning out such a rascal! It is tentlon Is not *o im peratively demanded fruit, the rest being on the leaves and to : "A few hours before be died to W h en mnnomine. It waa some time later that, Inconceivable.” f«*r his «Tin». sn«t also at a time when w ag"» averages «bout $5 per month low­ I branches. The young larva that n «k i'l Mme. Potoka to sing some W " pBtiec.t er than that prevailing a year ago. He paused, hesitated, then, the humor In most o f the clover belt the weather hia etentful meal end«!, the mock prince hatches from the egg is able to feed dies by ltosslnl and Bi’ lllnl. and H>1’ he is o! A common rate of pay for farm hands •tepped out of thr saloon and. atandinit of the situation carrying him on irresist­ 1s more favorable for harvesting ths on the foliage to some extent and may d ! w tb sobs in her voice. I.M ^ e at this time 1» iJ 5 jier month, as against in the lee of the outer door, placidly lit ibly. “ Why. 1 trusted I.udovic Sarto as crop without Injury by rain. I come Into maturity without entering lng to her voice he passe«! aw*/- 11 eren a citar. What a uitht of enchantment I did myself,” he declared, with infinite $A> last season, ( ’««mpotent men with clean sii the fruit, although It rarely does so. Speaking o f the fnneral the wrl«* pathos; “ I was sincerely attached to It waa! K If erf o f lie * * y ( ¡ « n F ire . experience In special departments ot th e v in | About SO ner cent o f the first brood says: “ Mozart's rcapilem an«! hi* | a * in the hearena. over the lunlinou*. him !” The lirli g o f a pig gun causes hem- will command more, hut not as and d o finds Its way into the apples at the funeral march w ere perforate«! For the first time he looked across de­ palpitating ocean dangled the full moon « rrbages in the ears o f t ight out o f r‘u1' ^ l'* 'n 1908 and ltAff. Good live addit >« I « 1 » * . « * > » * the rest eat In at other the assistance o f Lablache, Vlardot » - a great, golden coin -and front it. de­ liberately at the girl on his other aide. ninety-six soklb-rs. stock hand* receive $35 to $43, but body Annette Bancroft was leaning forward I points, principally at the stem. Only the concert society. scending the wavea. a ladder of light hang It was ' ------------------— above this there are few men hired even attapemted, each rung girt with ailver. also, taking in every word that he said, about 29 per cent o f the second brood terlstle “o f the tim e* that the a f S f l F n v k ie* mny be hereditary. Cases for fan<-r farming or the specialties who % Not a breath of air untied, the throbbing lo r I enters at the calyx, the others eating should have asknl 2.0«»' f r a n c s i j j o f frvoWI«’* all ov«>r the body are men- receiving more, o f the * v e w alone breaking the m.v*tic revealing electric light a, oddly tense ami in where the apples touch each other, this last tribute to Chopin. One * ~ J l'.H«d is n--t *un««eed to cnoss Youths tnd Inexperienced Immigrants «a p r . ntiUneoa. or a le a f at the stem end. The aver­ have thought that prlile would j “ A h ! j \ mi too!” she exclaimed impuls­ them. Sun an«l wind make sumo faces *re offering their services for from $13 Ulan, in* about bint cautiously. Sarto age life o f the adult Insect, or moth, kept them from selling their gif® to $X> per month. look la on* group aftar another saunter ively, aa she caught kfc ays, “ Waoa t it f r e ik i* la about four days. such an occasion." J