to their Bryan. If Mr. Bryan had been the Demo- ciatic nominee in 1904, it is quite j likely that many of the voters who had been in these two parties would have gone to his support and would have been permanently enrolled as Demo­ crats. But they would not support Parker. It was easy (or them to go back to Republicanism with Roosevelt as a leader, and they went. They have seen the mistake they made in leaving the partv in the first place, and they are not likely to repeat the ex­ perience, especially when their own party has a candidate quite satisfactory to them. Undoubtedly Mr. Bryan will Because Claude Trent of Princeton. get the votes of a few of the former Mo., serving on the dispatch boat | Free-Silver Republicans, but the num­ Yankton, weighs 21.1 pounds he is uu- j ber of them will not be much larger able to gel inside the ships boilers to than the number of Democrats he will "Guidless Pacer" College Maid. Wins clean them and do other Jobs required of a bluejacket. He therefore has an lose to Hearst. Certainly he will not Hearts of Horsemen by Her easier lime than the other men. get enough of them to overcome the It is said that Senator Fulton majority now registered against the Chief Justice Fuller celebrated his Fine Exhibitions. seveuty-tifth birthday last February. has run up the flag of truce, and Democracy. L Having just purchased the Hardware business of He took the oath of office Oct. 8. 1888. Chairman Cake is to still be Another circumstance worth consid­ la so that before the next presidential ering is that the large number of be recognized as the chairman S. G. Hughes, I have added a new stock of both election he w!!i bare rounded out an who went over to the Re­ honorable service of twenty years as o' the State Republican Com­ Democrats 01 party on the sound-money is­ “ warming-up” races held at chief justice of the supreme court. mittee. Well, that is rather publican to sue have never gone back, and will not the The Baron Speck von Sternburg. the Ger­ Im­ Hillsboro race track last Friday and man ambassador, has gone to Europe. kind on the part of the senator, go with Bryan as a candidate. A few Saturday largely attended and Baroness von Sternburg accompanied who was turned down by his dyed-in-the-wool Democrats may nave some good were hi races were pulled off. him. Previous to his return to Wash­ gone back, but most of them are still party in the primaries. w FRIDAY’S RACES ington. which will l>e the latter part of allied with the Republicans. Ci The battle ground of this campaign There were but two entries in the September, tbe ambassador will speud short time in Scotland as a guest of While there is an attempt be­ is in the Middle West, and in New 2:15 trot, Johnnie K , a Montana a Andrew Carnegie. Pc horse, owned by L. Chapman, of York. It is possible that disappoint ing made to have the Statement ment over the defeat of favorite sons, Eugene, and Elma O., owned by th republicans bolt their pledge to combined with some loss of the labor Chappell, of Hillsboro. This was the The Child’s Advi ce. we on carry everything and will from now Arthur stood peering down into vote for the people’s choice for vote and the loss of part of the negro prettiest race of the day, Johnnie K the Little h i countenance of bis baby sister, U. S. Senator, it might be well vote, may give the Democratic candi­ winning by a nose. Time, 2:25. needed by the whom the nurse was singing to sleep. to inquire whether the anti-state­ date a chance to win some of the The 2:17 pace had three entries, “Say, nurse," he finally whispered. lei states. Local factional con­ Alta Norte, owned by J. M. Busby, “It’s nearly unconscious. Isn’t It?" rol ment members are being induced Northern more than anything else, Laramie, Wyo.; Nellie Bishop, J. L. The nurse nodded in the affirmative on to vote for some other candidate troversies, and sang on. Smith, Laramie, Wyo., and Bushnell will threaten Republican success. int t tan H. M. Cake, the republi- But the surface indications at the pres­ King, L. Chapman, Eugene. Bush­ “Then don’t sing any more or you'll I will occupy the same business room as cins choice. As Washington ent time are that these will be nell King won this in the first and kill it:”—Llppiucott's. ph Mr. Hughes on Pacific avenue and I invite ounty’s delegation is bound to smoothed over and that there will be third heats. Time, 2:19j. pre general harmony in support ol the The gentleman’s road race had four Hi the republicans choice there are ticket. everybody to call and see me. That our American rorests abound la that the issues be­ entries. Bald Indian, C. C. Ferguson, plants SÌ»! f )ur votes he will get anyway. tween the The two fact which possess the most valuabia parties are not as sharp­ Newberg; James Riley, J Bunce, Van­ - # d ., virtues is abundantly attested J there should be a break in s’ drawn as in previous campaigns will couver, B. C.; Toy Lace, J. A. Ab­ medicinal lot by score* of the most eminent medical the statement camp Cake should make predictions as to the outcome bott, Forest Grove, and Lady Vinmolt, writers and teachers. Even the untu­ tored Indians had discovered the useful­ surely be the winner and not difficult, but from a statistical stand­ R. H. Greer. The race was won by ness of many native plants before the point the situation looks very good to Abbott’s Toy Lace, a green mare It Fulton, Wilcox or any other advent of the white rare. Tills informa­ hitched to a heavy road cart, as against tion. imparted sev freely to the whites, led dark horse. The legislature | the Republicans.—Oregonian. S u c c e s s o r to S . lì. H u g h e s horses in bike-wheeled carts. Time, the latter to continue investigations until had better look a little out how to-day wo have a rich assortment of most 2:46. Oregon F o re s t G rove medicinal roots. it votes this time, as other elec- County May Offer Reward. The feature of the day was the per­ valuable American O -cs. tions are ________________ bound to come. fect performance of College Maid, the Pierce believes th at our American for­ las; t More mysteries of the man found pacer, time 2:09j, going the ests Dr. aUbqnd in most valuable medicinal roots can I buried in a hole in the woods near guideless fo« tbe cuT ^jf most obstinate and fatal dis­ entire course without assistance, driver ease’s. if wtcwobtd properly Investigate them; Hillsboro has voted to add Buxton some weeks ago, are still com- or whipper. b InJomllW ianw) of this conviction, he to its public ln ‘ 11P* The latest is the following p o u f s e 's lth p r ln t* > i th e a lm o s t m a rv e lo u s the tenth grade Moi SATURDAY’S RACES. C ures effi c le il h e (p s " 1 M -U .-. t I D is- from the Oregonian’s correspondent Mr. school, it is said for the reason from Hot Weather Miiiinery poo; co w ry ,” » Ilk’ll has rru v.’n li»vif tu he the Hillsboro: One of the features of Saturday’s r. s tir im i ■•.nimsrh tonic. Iiw r Invumr- that the county high school "It is peculiar that if Elmer Perdue. races was the run by College Maid, *m r. h e r t tunic «nd regulator, and M ix4 leanser known ------------ lo medicai -'.once- science. Dyspvp- --------- K proposition was voted down in supposed to have been murdered neat “the guideless pacer” when he clipped c ------- or Im ligistlonr torpid IlwrT runctiontl At all seasons of the year you can always last the June election. It would Buxton, is still alive, that he has no off a quarter second from the Friday sla. and even valvular and other affections of find just what you want in the line of Millin­ man the heart yield to its curative action. The S?em that Hillsboro ought to be lr,ade ^is whereabouts known. I.ate in exhibition. reason why it cures these and many other m is s ery at the is clearly shown in a little book glad that the proposition was 'une Elmer Perdue filed on a piece of Johnnie K. won the 2:15 trot over of affections, extracts from the standard medical works ^ j , , tt ii i timber land at the United States Land Elma O.; time, 2:23, the first race be­ which T is mailed free to any address by Dr. R. P a r is M illin e ry P a r lo r s voted down, unless Hillsboro ex- Office in the Worcester block. Port- ing the a dead heat. Dr. Uhlman, I. D. V. Pierce, of Buffalo. N. Y .. to all sendinf N o rth V a in S tre e t pected to be the location for the land. He covered 40 acres, being the Chappell driver; Bramfort} Boy, Tom request for tbe same. has M a r i e L . S . ) js h e a r t O county high school, should it south half of the northeast quarter of Garvin driver were contenders in the Not less marvelous. far a tbe unparalleled Aug have carried. At any rate, both section 32. township 3, north range 5 2:27 trot, and Dr. Uhlman, a 2-year- cures It is constantly In making of woman's many peculiar affections, weaknesses and On the registry blotter, after old, won: time, 2:27J. Dr. Uhlman’s dlstr&shig A Hillsboro and the Grove will west. denfng^ments. is Dr. Pierce’s his filing, is written bv a land office consistant work was one of the features wete Students lw ^ W K r lp tjg iK M is amply attested For the Month of have, in time, a high school in clerk or official, “ Erroneously al 1 of the day’s races. In the free for-all f by tW thousands i est 1 montais con­ Mr byVfcncful paÎTPim» who bave been their own districts, which should lowed. Dropped.” Protect your books against wear and trot or pace Iowa Boy. I D. Chappell, tributed Anni currrihy 1: ■ ’f m '.rr h k l nr lvlo Or alii*. raluTUT be the case and which should When Mr. Dresser was asked about Hillsboro, and Estebell, Smith, Wyom­ ry rh 'N . Irregularities, pro!ap*us_Jir’-i l'H cf yourself against disease germs by get Wirt caubo'il by weakness, ulcer; ting one of the new sanitary folding have been so long ago. Both lhe filinR- he stated that ,he entry was ing. were entered. Iowa Boy won in disüÎaccm'ents- Wirt C E a of ulerus ami kindred atffrctions^ofTen book covers at K. N. Staehr’s or the towns are large enough to main- d,ropPed because there was already a two straight heats; time, 2:17l. Rhoc ifter'm any other advertised medicines, . • L • . t , j i t Wing under consideration, bnt in just In the half-mile dash there were but physicians bad failed. Book Store Free. Come early and ask M tain high schools and as both, whtt manner he did not rfcall. _ two starters Mike Wisdom, owned by ^ “Qk to be shown how to put it on. Only a brate the above mentioned medicines ara limited number. places are working to that end, due gave his postoffice address as Port- Ward Downs, and Richard Hobson, win Both lly made up from the glyceric extracts of jolly why have a county school at all. land. Or., General Delivery. His owned by Johnson Sherwood. Mike native, medicinal roots. The processes em­ by th ployed in their m anufacture were original ________________j witnesses were William Brown. Dick Wisdom won in 0.52. with Dr. Pierce, and they are carried on by —Sixty acres of land, only two miles H. L V a chemists and pharmacists with th« n „ Buckley, H. L. Parks and Walter John- The judges were E. H. Green and skilled Located on aid of apparatus and appliances specially out for $60 an acre. Lillia Where Will Bryan Get His Votes 7 son, o( Portland and built for this purpose. Both Charles Lehmier, of Portland, and E. designed This is a rare bargain. W e are selling Six Dollar sitN1 Hibb medicines re entirely free from alcohol and county road. With the Free-?1'__ Republicans ___I > County is in favor of B Tongue, of Hillsboro. Harry Os­ all other harmful, habit-forming drugs. A Inquire at The Forest Grove Real Es­ gle tubes for $5.50, and Ei| sig: Hibb the Free-Silver 2 " “1» Judge Goodin t 00* '" full liM of their Ingredients is printed man was starter. tate Co.’s office at The Bazaar. 5-tl D&llar single tubes for $7.0ttJ3J c. w each b rttle -w rn n n e r back in the ranks of the old party, and 0 er K * rewa w as p most of the Populists again lined — White River Flour made of best up under the Republican banner, i! is Interested in This Section Wants Eastern Oregon wheat for sale at Bai- W e have also a limited numtxH receii For Sale. and I difficult to understand where Mr. Brvan ley’s Big Store. The News. 47-tf is going to get the votes necessary to One lot 100x100 feet. A 7 room of those Globe Wheels left; th elect him to the Presidency. In 1896, The Washington County News, house, well finished, hot and cold nickeled steel rim kind. Thqfl and again in 1900, he was the nom­ Gentlemen:—Your publication, the water, bath and electric lights, plenty Mr. inee of the Democrats, and was in­ ’’News," reaches us semi-oceasionally. of fruit. Corner 4th St. and 2nd Ave. are going for Thirty-five D& Washi dorsed by the Free Silver Republicans We find it a live, interesting paper Price $1500. Also one lot on 2nd lars. and the Populists. Everybody knows covering a section of the Northwest Street, 100x100 feet, close to car line H. THE HALL OF FAME. t tat the Free-Silver Republicans were that we want to keep in touch with. $400. One lot 100x200 feet on 2nd short I men who left their party in 189e>, and We should like to receive the Ave. Also 5 room house, lot 100 wagon the two tiest friends In Sut­ xlOO, anyone who takes the trouble to look "News” regularly and under separate ton. Perhaps plenty of fruit Price $1150. X H . are David Hart and G S Mrs tip a list of his neighbors who went cover we are mailing you a current Morgan. The former is ninety-one See J as . S tephenson . 2-tf. first ol wrong on the silver question at that number of Goodwin's Weekly. tears old and the latter ninety-three. Rubber Goods Burke; time will find that they are all, or nearly We should like verv much to have The pioneer of Berks eoonty (Pa.i Gouds of mosquitos have been so­ O. A. G W. all, back in the harness again. Some you put us on your exchange list, and squire* Is William Y. Shearer, who has journing in Portland for several days Res. ** P h o n e s Shop 503 of the Populists had formerly been in return will be pleased to put you on conducted the office of justice of the and there is hardly a pretty ankle in meetlii l-eace ever since 1804. bolding the of­ Democrats, but most of them came out our mailing list. Sat urd the Rose City that did not get its full fice for forty-four years, and his ninth of the Republican party and returned Yours truly, — We always pay the highest F w » ( j j ay share of punishment. Decollete T o ile t A rtic le s for vool and mohair. commission will expire uext year. again when Populism declined The L. S. GILHAM, gowns with elbow sleeves are very- Although his famous silver mine has Middle-of the Road Populists still cling Goodwin's Weekly yielded him I19.000.0U0. Pedro Alvara­ much approved—by the mosquitos. ------and thi Hardware Shelf and Heavy Hardware, plements, Buggies and Wagons Builder, Farmer and all Others CARL HINM ÄN WO! l c -1 AUGUST on These are Guaranteed* Brevities The Purest DRUGS The Best The Finest THE BAZAAR #f. X . S T A H H K . M an ag er High Grade Pianos , Organs and Sewing Machines sold way below Portland prices and on easy monthly pay- ments. Also a full line of Edison and Columbia do. tbe “Mexican Croesus." has been so extravaguut that he has run Into The News $1.50 per year in advance. . debt and has teen constrained to lease Ids property for fifteen years to an SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY American syndicate Forest Grove Time Table To his collection of more than 900 I relics Captain John Ryan of West | Newton. M ass. a veteran of several BOUND. a. arrives at fo rt’and 8:00 a m. ! wars, has added a cane the materials No. 7 < *T *rs * :■< NORTH of which represent three wars in which St l - f S *• ■ • - 2 ** • SO Z “ Z ***> 9 l.JO p . m.. ------- » -»• I No. 1 M a aa ». * ; he participated tbe Mexican, civil and No. *15 » V. ®. m. 1 Spantsb-Amertcan wars. SOUTH BOUND. No. 2 I 4 7 00 a. m. I . Fort at Grove 8:3* a. nr. Sixty years ago Hiram C. Matthews No. • " 1100 a. m.. ar. ** ** 12:20» No 4 I of IVrry. X H . was given a letter of N«. :o ' 3 *0 fi m .. ar. T.-00 m. ! recommendation hy several of the roer- 1 chants of Hyde Park. Vt Although be E. C. S im pson . Agent. has never had occasion to use the let- i ter. at the age of ninety-one Mr Mat- W K. C oman . General freight and thewa treasures It as a keepsake Passenger Agent. Portland. t The Swell est STA TIO N ER Y Kodaks and Supplies T rade M a "*1 .... - D esio * * CoPYRICMTSf* Avvcsn« »*P’V’n » •&*♦<*». and onlckty Mcwiain o«r c*f»»n*on free tv*»-it ion ta pn.hahfT < T 5*40 H I • « ’totly <*. r n.lentud M3N0BÛ0A <*" Pat «tu« taken throtiirh Mann 1 io. t »-• r fr**e- t'Mimt aefney for xf tpti uil tiefet, w‘t»rout charge. In tbe D R . H IN E S ’ Scientific American • r . iid (j . » A h an dso m ely eu l*i Pharmacy ▼ear . a. _ xreeklr. • f any »raen Mile Journal. •arm MUNN • th a .V l. Bohl 8 T-ra^ 1 bf a lI** » 1 , & Co.38'®"**-’ NewTpf* Stl Cl Talking Machines and Records alwa>-s in stock. Cata­ logues sent free to any address. The leading place in the County for Stationery and School Supplies. ft—