S t a t e m e n t of t h e C o n d itio n of F ro m S a tu rd a y A ug FIR ST S a tu r d a y A u g . Auction House T H E will sell goods Cash on hand due from Banks and U. S. Treas $ 5 3 ,0 9 9 .3 1 Total Have you read The on the inside page? Book Store ad Ed. Seymour and family left today f jr Tillamook for a week's outing. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hinman Dst Friday, a ten pound daughter. Miss Del Leabo visited friends at McM innville the first of the week. M Visitors at the palatial home of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Johnson at Spring Hill farm for the past week are: Mr», H. E. Parker, Miss Marion and Alfred of Sm Francisco: Jesse Bowles and sons. Nelson *nd WaiUcg of Seattle: Herbeit Proebitel and Victor Hibbard of Port land, the latter three will spend thg summer: Miss Harriet Wyllie of Port­ land, tod Emil Bertlesen of San Francisco. I S , 14M>H 1 J a h ilitic N : Capita! Stock.......... 5 25.000 rc Surplus .................................................... 1.000 00 (’ »divided Profit* . I.TCP 69 Circulation 25.AD 00 Deposit« .............................. ....... - 27S.1S5.0B Total J3J2.B7 jTn D l R liC T O R S t *1. V V . V - u q u A H e is selling goods at Right Prices. Drop in and Lee him at $ 1 8 0 ,5 4 1 .6 1 Total Pretty Photos »I. A. Th o rn b u rg h « lo H ii l ì . U m II« W. 1%. MnlnvA I P. 0 . DeMoss and wire of Sherman county are visiting at the home of his brother out Gales Creek way and also with Mr. ana Mrs. C. I. Dakin of Thatcher. Mr. DeMoss was in town Wednesday and found time to call on The News. H e states that he is well pleased with Washington County and The Corner Store make a room look hom elike. They seem to people it with your friends and loved ones. You feel that way. So do Off t o the others to whom you owe a good P h o t o g r a p h Com e and have it taken now. Then you can pay your debt with a photo is a p o w e r f u l y e t g e n t l y a c t i n g i n v i g o r a t ­ R c s o u r c u s i Thon. Cl. rodil write an ad for this space. T h f above nnestinn is often asked erin- earning Ur. Pierce'-, two leading medi­ cines, "Golden Medical Discovery” and " Favorite Prescription.” The answer is that "Golden Medical Let THE NEWS do your job work. Discovery ’ is a most potent alterative or We guarantee g o o d workmanship blood-puritier, and tonic or invigorator acts especially favorably in a cura­ good stock and most reasonable prices. anil tiv e way upon all tin* mucous lining sur­ f a c e s as of the nasal pusMges. throat, W’ e print everything. bronchial tubes, stomach, bowels and — Joe Stream guarantees to please bla idea, curing a large per cpnt. of catar­ rhal whether Abe disease affects the with the latest hair-cut. Sharp razors nasal cat's paSages, the thvoat. larynx, bron­ properly handled. Opposite News chia, suimacliN^as cat^fHv^j dyspepsia), bladder, bowels < as Office. 50-tf uterus or other ivic orgaT l - e r n i v e - t .'l g p - o f fh i.y e t iL e _ £ h ro n ic n r n Mrs. Ray Heimback of Chico, Cal, a f f e c t i o n s . II IS o f t e n s n r r , - > f u l in a f f e c t - is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs in ^ ciir<*s. T h e " F a v o r i t e P r e s c r i D t l o n .” is a d v i s e d Robert Alexander in this city. She l o r f].«- c u r e »(.».t« i : d a * * ‘ >f dis4*as«*s— t h o s e will remain here until in the early part p e c u l i a r v - .- i. T l e h n n g e m e m s a n a I r r e g u l a r i t i e s in e u l e n t t o w o m e n o n l y . if of August. C o m p t r o lle r J u ly II Loans and Discounts IUS.01I.2J jj V . 5. Bonds and Premium* IS. 205 fJ Other Bonds ............................................ tl.9SO.00 Bank Premises 12.CSJ.SS Other Real Ratal* 1.500.00 Furniture and Future« i.SJl 34 Cath on hand and due from hank« and D. 1 Treasury IU.4SI 62 JdJJ.tTJ.77 Total Circulation......................25.000.00 W h a t Do T h ey Cure? THE FOREST GROVE NATIONAL wi i l l o f t h e says that he is too busy to R. M. DOOLY, President D. I. A L L E R , Cashier S ta te m e n t o f th e C ondition o f A t Undivided profits..........2,238.31 PETERSON, Vice President K. N. Staehr of the Forest Grove i n g t o n i c a n d n e r v i n e . F o r w e a k w o r n - o u t, o v e r -w o r k e d w o m e n — n o m a tte r w h a t Miss Jessie Reed of M cM innville, is Real Estate Co. his bought ten acr. s h a s c a u s e d t h e b r e a k - d o w n , " F a v o r i t e of land from G. H Baldwin for Sl^OO. Prescription" will be found most effective visiting the Leabo sisters this week. building up the strength, regulating Tne tract is located between Foreit In the womanly functions, subduing pain Mrs. F. J. Miller and daughters Grove and Dilley. and bringing about a healthy, vigorous w ;re in Portland several days this week. condition of the whole system. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Miller and fam- i A book of particulars wraps each bottle — New stock of latest Ladies’ H om e ily will leave for Slab creek, over on giving the formula)of both medicines and Journal cress patterns at Bailey’ s Big quoting what scores of eminent med­ the coast for several weeks’ camping. ical authors, whose works are consulted Store. They will be accompanied by some by physicians of all the schools of practice as guides in prescribing, say of each in­ Eld. Martin of Hood River, is visit­ McMinnville parlies. gredient entering into tlu-so medicines. ing his parents, Mr. ane! Mrs. D. The words of praise bestowed .on the Next Sunday at Banks the ball team several Ingredients entering into Doctor Martin. of that place will cross bats with the Pierce’s medicines hy such writers should have more weight than any amount of — New Cottage with lot 50x200 for Portland Eagles at 1:30 p. m. An non - professional testimonials, because Forest Grove Real excursion train will run from Hillsboro such men are writing for the guidance of sale for ?12S0. their medical brethren and know whereof 4-tl Estate Cc. in time for the game. they speak. Jtoth medicines are non-alcoholic, non­ Ex-mayor C. N. Johnson of the Professor Dickson spent a few days secret, and contain no harmful hahit­ Spring Hill farm, near Gaston, was in last week visiting his mother and sis­ forming drugs. Is-ing composed of glyceric of tne roots of native, American town Tuesday. ters. H e is on his way to Chicago to extracts medicinal forest plants They are both Frank Mott sold last week to K. N. begin his eighth year as soloist under sold hy dealers in medicine. You can’t afford to accept as a substitute for one of Staehr, his store building on Pacific Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman. these medicines of known composition, secret nostrum. avenue. Archie Bryant has been secured by anv Dr. Pierce’s Pellets, small, sugar-coated, — Seven room house for rent at the Sunset Magazine to take pictures of ei vy to take as candy, regulate and in- vigorr *e siomach, liver and bowels. 18.00 per month. Forest Grove Real different farm scenes in this county for the write up which that paper is to Estate Co. 4-tl states that peop'e from the interior are give Washington county. W . B. Haines left Saturday for New- | flocking to the coast from all sections. The plans and specifications for the port where he will join his family for new M. E. church at Hillsboro are W H. Hollis, secretary of the Bank- a two week’ s visit. ready and bids for the construction of e s and Merchants Mutual Fire Relief Regular monthly meeting of Gale the building will b e received by Rev. Association, ol this city, has been in­ Grange Satumay, August 1st. Work | Belknap. The plans can be seen at vited to deliver an address before the in 3rd and 4th degree. Thirteenth Annual American Associa­ the parsonage in Hillsboro. tion of Mutual Insurance companies to Miss Bertha Roberts of Hillsboro, ' On Sunday, Aug. 9th a mission will be held at Des Moines, Iowa, on was thrown from a street car in Portland begin at the Catholic church at Bux­ August 11 to 14. Monday and badly bruised. ton, O re., and continue for one week Mission to be con­ Florence D Walker of Portland has J. N. Hoffman is excavating lor a ending Aug. 16th. new building on Council street which ducted by the Redemptorist Fathers of sued W. H Walker for a divorce. The Portland. Everybody welcome. couple were married about a month w.ll be occupied by the restaurant. ago in t a citv having procured the Oliver Corl has been confined to his Mr. and Mrs. A. W Johnson, form­ license in this county. The com - bed the past week with malaria fever, | erly in the meat business here, have plaintant alleges that her husband threw but is now on the road to recovery. sent word to Stephen Morgan that they her violently out of a hammock. She intend to visit Forest Grove for a few asks that her maiden name, Calef, be — Store Building with living rooms , days beginning August 3rd, next M on­ restored. for rent. Inquire Forest Grove Real day. . Estate Co. 4-tl County Judge Goodin, of this county Elders Garrigus and C- F. Hays were FOR SALK— Two cows, high test, is interested in the G ood Roads Con­ in town *Saturday and made this office fat and gentle, fresh with calves by ference and pledges a delegation of a pleasant call. Mr. Garrigus is still their side. Dr. Parker, Greenville. from 12 to 20 representative Washing­ conducting tent meetings out at 4-tl ton county citizens. Baker City, Junc­ Thatcher and is meeting with success. tion City, Eugene, Albany and manv FOR SALK— A Hobart Cable Piano, Mr. Hays is assisting him. other points pronvse good delegations practically new, of the 8450 class. A and there is every assurance of the Last Friday C. E. Ruckle brought great bargain on your own terms. J us a box of Logan berries that eclipses best meeting ever held in Oregon. B. Wilkerson. anything for size and flavor that it has — Kenna Cropp of Glencoe and V ic­ Misses Alyce Cronin and Belle Denny been our good fortune to sample this and Messrs. Frank Meresse and Sam year. Mr. Ruckle has a small ranch tor Cropp of this city have purchased T odd spent Saturday and Sunday at on the edge of town where he raises r n through M. Peterson & Son one of the largest clover hulling outfits in the Newport. abundance of all kinds of fruit. state, a No. 6 Birdsell huller and a 15 Judge W. M. Langley and lamily This About forty boys from the Y. M. C. hotsepower Advance engine. have gone on their annual outing out A. will arrive in Forest GrSve on Aug­ make of machine took first prize at the near Tim ber and will remain away sev­ The Messrs. ust 3 and from here they will tramp to State Fair last year. eral weeks. Tillamook where they will camp. The Cropp’ s have engaged a competent John Keldson of Portland, formerly ou'.ing will last two weeks and it U un­ man to run the machine, so if you have one of Forest Grove’ s house paintets derstood that it is open to members any clover to hnll it will pay you to see them. 4 tl spent Sunday here renewing old ac­ and non members to join the party. quaintances. Dexter C. Sain, son of Tom Sain of Uncle John Baldwin and J. W. Dr. J. H . Knox, the Veterinarv, has Caples returned from a trip over to Scoggins Valley, was kicked by a horse rem oved his office from Gordon & Mis- Tillamook county Saturday night alter last Saturday at the watering trough of ner barn to the rear of Lenneville’ s speneing two weeks at several of the Mr. Fisher a couple of miles from the blacksmith shop. resorts on the coast. Mr. Baldwin Sain hom e. The young man had walked out on the tongue of the wagon to rein up the horses when he slipped and fell beneath their feet with the re­ sult that one of them kicked him on the side of the head inflicting a bad wound. Dr. Brown is attending him. f= 25 ,000.00 S u r p lu s .......................... 10,000.00 $ 1 8 0 ,5 4 1 .6 1 Correct Attest: Chairs and Rockers, Dressers, Sideboards, Kitchen Treasurers, Extension Tables, Steel Couches. Dr. J. V. Pope is reported as being quite sick. Deposits ........... $1 1 8 ,3 0 3 .3 0 Capital paid in . . . . . United States Bonds 25,000.00 Prem ium s(U S B on d s). .8 2 5 .0 0 Bonds and Securities. . 20,358 25 Loans and discounts. .7 4 ,5 3 2 .3 3 Furniture and Fixtures. 3,4 43.80 Real Estate..................... 3,282.92 lO per cent off on CI TY L IA B IL IT IE S RESO U RCES in stock at great reductions as follows: Wall Paper, Couches, Clocks, Mirrors and Commodes. THE V. S. Abraham BANK 7lt C a l l o f t h e C o m p t r o l l e r , J u l y 1 5 , 1 9 0 8 2 0 per cent off on I N ATIO N AL l-'OMUST OROVE2. ORKOOIN than which there can be no prettier made. Look at tl W e are well fixed to take care of your every need in m the samples on our walls and you’ ll admit it. Bryant's Studio the way of i Camp Supplies, Fishing Tackle, Guns, Rifles and Amunition sp or o’ sc th to W e carry in stock the following rifles and guns S 2 2 C A L . PROM i l . 7 5 T O ( 1 2 . 0 0 I have the agency for the Autofiller — Self Filling, Self Cleaning Fountain Pen. 7ttways R e a d y T H w a y s W rite s Come in and see them. They are with out a doubt the best selt filling pen on the market today. War- ranted by both manufacturer and retailer. A . iVI. VHNKN if he can dispose of his ranch in Sher­ man county, he will move here and take up a residence. Hon. Austin T . Buxton, of Forest Grove, Master of the Oregon State Grange, will personally attend the Good Roads Conference to be held in the Convention hall of the Portland Com­ mercial Club August 11th, and he is anxious that each subordinate or local Grange in the state send one delegate, and he requests that such delegate be named at once and report made to W. L. Crissey at Portland. 25 cal. Stevens, 25-20 Winchester 30-30 Winchester 32 special Win­ chester, 25-35 Winchester; 30-30 Savage, 30-30 lightweight Savage 30-30 Remington automatic. L. C. Smith, Stevens, Parker, Baker and other makes of shot- guns. I One lot 100x100 feet. A 7 room house, well finished, hot and cold water, bath and electric lights, plenty nf fruit. Corner 4th St. and 2nd Ave. Price 81500. Also one lot on 2nd S reet, 100x100 feet, close to car line 8400. One lot 100x200 feet on 2nd Ave. Also 5 room house, lot 100 x 100, plenty of fruit Price 81150. See J a s . S t e p h e n s o n . 2-tf. pre tar tai dei titt Th sta: ero (la pos cot the me was cou han cat« be it a In fact all kinds of Guns and Rifles that you can get any- est pon to C batt the skin thre - * ie c he i from where and at the same price you would pay for them in Portland. For Sale. GOFF B R O S HARDWARE FOREST GROVE, OREGON and a mi T Clouds of mosquitos have been sc- journing in Portland for several days and there is hardly a pretty ankle in the Rose City that did not get its full share of punishment. Decollete gowns with elbow sleeves are very much approved— by the mosquitos. but TÍ parti pose like play« OLM ES The N evs 81.50 per year in advance. I BUSINESS COLLEGE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY Forest Grove Time Table No. 7 2 ’ -2 No. 9 NS. I he ag; wh W A S H IN G TO N AND T E N T H S TR E E TS PORTLAND, OREGON NORTH BOUND. departs 6 : 0 a. m .t arrives at Portland 8:00 a m .. *• ■ • “ “ 10:30. m. 1:30 p.m ., 2 50 o m “ 4:44 “ - W R IT E FOR CATALOG )77>r School that Places You in a Good Position IfilZ. S O fÌ H BOUND. Ns. 1 I t Portland 7:00 l . m. I» Fort»» Grove S:34 a. m. > Tl was 1 ing c ■I was c doug are a mem ha w ” • “viro-ii™ ^ . ^ vs‘ c 'an ancl — The top price at Bailey’ s for "• ^ "■ ! ^ 3 ° « - X ' R*y and f,lectncal aP W ool and Mohair, pitances in office. Calls answered E. S im p s o n . Agent. night or day. — Chase & Sanborn Coffees al*** W . E. COMAN, General freigh t and the best. Hoffman & Allen See S. E. T odd for gTain hay. Passenger Agent, Portland. elusive agents. Si: !n No. 10 •• •• . p. p m., ar. ,T- J;40 .. 7 i i * S 5 * » ' ----- c. EDW ARD S K Y M O l’R S e c . an d Mgr. A . H. TH OM AS I i r c « i(J e t3 t Oregon Land and Trading Company i n c o r p o r a t l d F A R M and B o th T e le p h o n e s G /T Y P R O P E F o r e s t G ro ve, O regon