N E W S THE Published every Thursday by The Washington County Pubhshmg Co., ncorporate . that paper is one oi the instiga­ tors for the removal of Mr. Cake. W hy? Because it is soured on Statement No. 1, and because b ro th e r stood fo r th a t measure in the the last last campaign. without hearing, unless the danger of I irreparable injury is apparent, and that when a temporary injunction has been issued, the need for it shall be shown within a specified time or it shall be dissolved. This would prevent delays and the consequent abuse cf the writ Entered at the post-office at Forest T r u e , th e r e is n o r e p u b lic a n p a r - of injunction Grove, Oregon, as second dass ty in Oregon and there never Ganderbones August Forcasts. mail matter. will be so long as the Portland It was August the third, _ u ¡-ai«., «s en d » v r i n g and the Oregonian contin- And quite soft were the skies, Subscript on $1.50 Per Year g h ^ If Ta[t loses And it might be imagined application. Oregon, which he certainly will Bill Talt was likewise; —------------------------—------------------ 1 if the soreheads of Portland con- Yet he played it that day upon Bryan In a way politicians despise. Offlcla! Paper Washington Co. ;jnue to howl, it will be as easy A. E. N o it r s e ..................... MANAGER I t o j. F. W o o d s .............................. e d it o r P*ace b la m e it as w as the defeat of Mr. Cake. T . | i ... • W hich they met on the train, As all candidates will, And they wagered a dinner | In test of their skill— V - ------ T ry a Sack of “ Hom e P roduct’ Flour===AII Grocers HARB w h e a t mills Guaranteed 7*ns » jUlC-STEM FLOUj L * * rMtST_p.?JJïSs-° VICTOS MANUFACTURED BY CRESCENT MILLS— FOREST GROVE CORE O . P a c ific A v « P o r e s t 30, 1908 w ill c o n t in u e m a n y , m a n y y ea rs Auf?ust was named for I On the 26th Mr. Bryan will give a procure recognition of their demands, j gar; but he stood about the same chance corn-silk party at Fairview in honor cf Judge W. M. Cake chairman to persuade others to strike and to re- against the luster of his immortal uncle his running mate, Mr. Kern. Every­ of the Republican State Com- sort t0 tbe boVcott if they wish, but he as Miss Ethel Roosevelt stands to share body will wear corn-silk wniskers, and ■ • ; i , j ‘ denies the right of any man or set of ; the limelight with her sister Alice, a year's subscription to The Commoner rmttee, is to be asked to resign s . -t V J » , u r. . K men to employ duress or to use the , will be given the guest wearing the and if he dosen’t the “ Fulton- secondary boycott which brings into Fh* d°K d-yswtll return to paint best duplicate of Mr. Kern’ s. The 1 aft” people will ignore him. the controversy third parties not direct- The pond like Erin s isle, planet Mars will be evening star until This is indeed a rather embar-My concerned. H e takes a decisive And the boys will navigate the scum the 22nd, and the moon will be full on plank of the Demo- In ROOd sea-going style; the 11th, the Anti-Saloon League wi | rassing position for Mr. Cake to stand against the - --- — Reform will dig a few more nits Ir. J u • cratic platform which demands irial by ^eiorna will aig a tew more pus ling. be in, yet we wonder who IS go- jury indirect contempt cases arising A For tr e 'wers and distillers, n g t o ask him to resign. It out of violations ol the orders of courts. And the office seeker pass around sterns to the man up a tree that He shows in the most convincing man- Hls bum aHalla hllers- someone, presumably the ring, ner that the authority of the courts The bullfrog will essay his lay along is fore-flushing a little. W ho wou,d be ROne if ,hey were deprived of the winding creek, and the dude will elected Mr. Cake to that D osi- tbe p °wer 10 enfo,ce t,' elr decrees; a" d bite the summer girl upon her damask Forest Grove Citizens Should that the u delay of trial by jury would c heek; the sun will burn festive D irl M r F n ltn n rlr> ir c w , ui uy ju . j »um u be uc cheelc; Durn the testive tion? Weigh Well This Evidence ... , * o , o r to the advantage of capital rather than j t,amp c ]ear through his undershirt, and did the county committeemen d o of labor, for capital could employ cun j Carrie Nation will give tongue, and I Proof of merit lies in the evidence. it? Fact of the matter is, the h>ng counsel anxious to avoid justice, kick up sod and dirt, the while her Convincing evidence in Forest Grove county committeemen elected Delay has always been to the advan ladyship pursues the new directoire Is not the testimony of strangers, But the endorsement of Forest Grove skirt. Mr. Cake and ' now, only three °' Ca5iUl in^ ‘ T ' lrover!les " h,h . l -n i labor, and in his address Mr. Taft people. months afterward The candidate will buzz around be­ the Portland , I [Mints out how these delays can be That’ s the kind of proof given here— ring are asking that he be re- avoided. It has been the practice of fore the voter’ s door, and all the babies The statement of a Forest Grove will get kissed and snuggled up som e; I m ived, or that they propose to employers to secure temporary injunc- the mother will say, “ Ain’ t he n ice!” citizen. ignore him if he doesn’t resign. tions »«ainst strikers aud then let the Lemuel B. Bullock,living on Fonrth St., Fore*! Grove. with every kiss and hug, but the father Ore., says: “ For a number of year* I «uffered agonies T he , Oregonian has held forsev- Proceedings dm* b'i° re !he issues ar! . .. • brought to trial. The plan proposed will declare he is a dem old kissing from kidney and bladder trouble and it seemed that l eral years that there is no re- bv the Republican nominee „ that bug. had every symptom of the complaint imaginable. I had J A MEASURE OF MERIT in Oregon, yet temporary injunction shall not be issued u r i THE BAZAAR K . j V . S T A B H R . M a n a g e r , H ig h G ra d e P ia n o s O rgans a n d S e w in g M achines sold way below Portland prices and on easy monthly pay­ ments. Also a full line of E d is o n a n d C o lu m b ia Talking Machines and Records always in stock. d •i S. G. Hughes, I have added a new stock of both Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Im­ plements, Buggies and W agons and will from now The Anna-mosity which Prince Helie de Sagan and Count Boni de Castel­ lane bear one another will cool a little, and about the 10th they will get to- gethet and shoot dice for the Gould children. The fleet will continue to banquet across the Pacific by easy stages and upon reaching Manila the stomachs of the officers will be put in dry dock and scraped. | The baby calf will try his legs In meadows solt as silk. And when he bawls his loving dam Will rush the mother's milk; And meanwhile she will smile and think. With many modest blushes, i How Moses could have ever lived In nothing but bullrushes. a constant desire to pass the secretion* which were dark and contained a heavy sediment, when allowed to stand, the pains in my back were so severe that I was unable to rest well at night and In the morhing I would feeJ tired and worn out. I suffered severely rrom dizxy spells and was in a generally miserable condition. I tried a number of remedies, also used plasters, but noth­ ing seemed to reach my caae. 1 Anally heard of Doan's Kidney Pills and procured a bo* at a drug store. I used the contents of this bo*, and now am feeling as well as I ever hope to. My kidneys are now regular in action and I can go to bed and get a refreshing rest, something that I had not been able to do before in a number of years. It gives me the greatest pleasure to give Doan's Kidney Pills my endorsement.” on carry everything needed by the Builder, Farmer and all Others ] I will occupy the same business room as 3 Mr. Hughes on Pacific avenue and I invite \ * ■ everybody to call and see me. ih , Pc CARL HINMÄN S u c c e s s o r t» I S . G . M ilc h e » r at W. ter ^am Forest Grove F < th w< To The Public, W e are not combined with any other, market. NO IC E cliff day Cha fro Su fui M EATS the Freshly hilled Every Day. These are our prices for choice Mountain Steers and Heifers, commencing Friday, July 10: Round Steak 9c per lb. Loin Steak - 9c Prime Roasts 7c Boiling Meats - 3 to 5c Soup Bones 2c Spring Lamb, this is lamb not old mutton 6c, 8c, lo c per lb. it u it A the V, Cret the M their er at W joint hunt it S A T /S F A eT /O W GUARANTEED LEVY’S MARKET Main Street Hot EOREST GROVE W e a th e r M iH in e ry At all seasons of the year you can always find just what you want in the line of Millin­ ery at the Paris Millinery Parlors S o rtn M a in S tre e t Marie L.S.iiesheart — Sell your wool and mohair Bailey. H e ’ ll do what’ s right. — M oney to loan on farm security. Price SO W. H . Hollis. Forest Grove cents. Fcster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. — Bailey will buy New York, sole agents for the United Mohair. States. — Be sure to take advantage of the Remember the name— Doan' --and Mid-Summer Clearance Sale now on at lake no other. Hoffman & Allen C o.’ s store. For s*le by by all all dealers. Cata­ logues sent free to any address. The leading place in the County for Stationery and School Supplies. . — -*4 A ugustus: Portland has been claiming if p e o p le o f th is strip e s e e k to (Caesafi 1)eDhevv and adopted son of [ goes to make up a good a'I the glory attached to the vic­ m ilk th e r a ilr o a d s as th e se p e o - Ju|jus. August was every bit as great wheel at moderate price. tory of Forrest Smithson who p ie h a v e . O f c o u r s e th ere is I a man, but his uncle had a better press w en the world’s record at the ju st a g r a in o f an e x c u s e in th is : bureau. When the Black Band got i „„ „„ Julius his nephew was but 19, but he Olympia games in London re­ p a rticu la r ca s P P , had already worn the toga virillis and cently, when the fact of the mat­ a re fo r e ig n e r s a n d p e r h a p s d o n t [ s^ot a bear Mark Anthony tried to | Shop 5 0 3 Res . 59/ ter is Smithson came to Forest k n o w the w a y s o f the A m e r ic a n , get him out of the way by making him P h o n e s : b u t there a re oth er c a s e s a l o n g a sort of vice-president, but after Grove a few weeks prior to the After the 21st. August will be under London event and was under this sa m e rou te w h ic h s e e m to Augustus had beaten him S up and 2 j the no better American than the! P>»y ° n the f efenu « Modena the | zodiacal sign of virgo. This will the training of Coach Hahn of be _ . . r, . , i big drawing card of the Roman chau- i make Chautauqua crowds restless and Pacific University. Smithson ReghittO S. P eope w o tauqua was glad to marry the young outdoor orators will have to follow thrm may live in Portland but where lived here all their lives and j man’s sister and be a kind of Nick J aaound through the woods and talk did he get his training? We w h o have mingled in circles o f Longworth around the Roman White to them when they will stand. It will also cause Mr. Rockefeller to get busy guess Forest Grove is on the prominence, and no doubt ex- House. on that story of his life he is going to pect to continue as such; they | The Augustan age was the glory of I map too, when it comes to the write for one of the national monthlies, monoD0lv will get so nervous it distribution of the praise of too are asking high prices and ; Rom e. Like Mr. Roosevelt, Augustus . are throwing other obstacles in showed fight all the time, and the em- will have to have a trained nurse and Smithson. . r ", ,• , pire enjoyed peace. There were no the way of the line s progress. p form ™ andPtimes were good. The take nourishment through a funnel. Gov, Chamberlain has tele- these people^ fortunately don t emper0r liberally patronized literature, Mr. Roosevelt will meanwhile call a special meeting of the Cabinet at Saga­ rrranbprl M r R rv> n hie; r n n - ¡live near the Grove, but farther and even wrote verses himself. Poets more Hill and will issue a proclama­ granulations ’ and pledged him to the east, and may it be our like Horace and Virgil had their own tion declaring that the best way to catch his support in the present cam- good fortune that they always j « - e J e d goW hver.ed lions is to set up a sand seive on the a ligator bait on the job behind, and in­ desert, shovel the sand in, and take the Chamberlain traveled **ve there— or farther ptign stead of having the cruel circus games lions out of the seive. of N eio, the populace met in the col- over the state in his own cam­ Persons bom under Virgo have do­ lisium and wrote limericks for prizes. Taft on Injunctions. paign for the U. S. Senate and