THE C IT Y See S. E. Todd lor grain hay. S t n t c m c n t Ward Bowles of Seattle, and L. Parkhurst of San Francisco, have been visiting C. N. Johnson’ s at Spring Hill farm. FIR ST o f th e C o n d itio n N ATIO N AL o f Abraham BANK P O M R 8T O K O V B , O kB O O N A t C all o l the C o m p tr o lle r , J u ly 15, I 9 0 S WANTED— G ood home and school­ Miss Kate Shannon is the guest of ing for orphan boy, IS years old, very friends at Salem. steady and useful. Call at office. Ethel Waters has been visiting 3 -ltp friends in this city. Miss Manche and Lotus Langley Mrs. Leonard Dixon of Dillev was in and dog Pat will join the rest of the the Grove Tuesday. family at Tim ber for a few weeks in the Grandma Isler of Gaston is quite ill woods. as the result of the grip. E. Burton took a ride on the Forest L IA B IL IT IE S RESOURCES Cash on hand due from Banks and U. S. Treas $ 5 3 ,0 9 9 .3 1 made to Grove electric car Monday and seem ed highly pleased with that means of locom otion. E. G. Mills and family spent several Vernon Spaulding, who has been days this week at Newport. working at Summers, M ont., has ac­ F. M. Starrett has moved to his new cepted a position in the postoffice at country home east of town. Bay City. Frank Blied of Portland, visited with Pres. W . N. Ferrin has returned home folks on Davids Hill Sunday. from the Sound country, where he has A. G. Hoffman has returned from a been working in the interests of Pacific j pleasant trip to Seattle and Tacoma. University. Improvements are being the Levi Walker house. “ Nibbs” Wirtz of Portland, spenl Sunday with home folks in this city. United Slates Bonds. .2 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 Prem ium s(U S Bonds) . . 825.00 Bonds and Securities. . 20,358 2 f Loans and discounts. .7 4 ,5 3 2 33 Furniture and Fixtures. 3,4 4 3 .8 0 Real Estate..................... 3,282.92 Total Deposits............. .$1 1 8 .3 0 3 .3 0 Capital paid in ........ 25,000.00 Surplus .......................... 10,000.00 Undivided profits...........2,238.31 says that he is too busy to Circulation......................25,000.00 write an ad for this space. H e is selling goods at Right Prices. Drop in and jee him at $ 1 8 0 .5 4 1 .6 1 Total $ 1 8 0 .5 4 1 . 6 1 R- M. DOOLY, President D. I. A LLE R , Cashier PETERSON, Vice President Correct Attest: M ON LAND OR SEA Cures Woman's Weaknesses. We refer to that lx»"i to weak, , nervous til Bering women known as Dr. 1'ierca • Mrs. Bieler’ s house, near Gaston, was totally destroyed by fire Thursday Felix Verhooven has sold out a half afternoon of last week. Fire caught j of Tn k K. clki tic M m - icai . Review says interest of his hot house to P-uel Baker from the flue. ! of Cnlcorn root (lltlon h u Diufc«) which FOR SALE— A Hobart Cable Piano, j Is one of the chief ingredients of the k a- — Dr. Lowe the oculo opticion, will vorittf Prescription ° A remedy which invariably acts .s .i i t r e be in Hillsboro Friday, July 31. 3-tl practically new, of the 8450 class. A r .,,,r * • • mukes for normal ac- great bargain on your own terms. J | , , u iity ofth e entire repriHluelive system." George Armentrout and family left B. Wilkerson. "m llekinias we liaveamediea- w Ue I B.‘ -re 'ally answers the above Tuesday for a trip into the mountains. mm ttther drug uitl 1 which l am Miss Josephine Baber writes from j raent ' Pn tbe treatment of diseases pe- Mrs. Oscar Baldwin of Portland, was Ohio that one day the mercury ran up " ^ f i m a r i / u. i Women It is seldom that a case la the guest of friends in the Grove Sun­ to 90 and dropped again in a few hours j «... , which d .s - not present some Indication for1this remedial agent." hr. F ife further day. sars "T h e following are among Ihe leading to 64 degrees. Indications for Uelonlas (Unicom root). Pain or aching In the back, with .-leucorrhrea : — New stock of latest Ladies’ H om e Mr. and Mrs Eugene Wilder and atonic (w. nkirondltl. i1\of the reproductive Journal dress patterns at Bailey’ s Big daughter June of Shelton, Wash., are organs of V>mcn. mentJt depression and Ir­ ritability. «.sodated witlfchronic diseases of Store. visiting at the home of Captain and the n-prodil -live iwgans of women; constant your I P à. ■ I l j ones will always be with ÜP t í f e s o A'V-, loved The Corner Store you if you cany their photographs with you. So if or they are the ones to go, bring them to be here P h o t o g r a p h e d 1 Then when you are apart you can still look at their dear faces and im ­ sensation Jl heat in the region of the kid­ Arthur Prideaux of Portland was the Mrs. G. W. Peters. neys; nn-r/rrhaglJ (flooding), due to a weak­ agine how glad y o u ! ened comfit Ion of/1 he reproductive system: guest of friends in this city the first of Henry Wirtz has sold his house to smenoi/iiO‘ /\ y o /r e s s e d or absent monthly all will be to see nerlislif./WKinVVrom or accompanying an the week. F M Crabtree of Yamhill county, con- aonorimel condition of the digestive organs each other again. and a / i m l c (thin blood) habit: dragging Frank Dunhim , former manager of «ideration 12000. S-de made through ! sensfilons in the extreme lower part of the W e make a spec-i abdomen.” _ , . the Leabo Hotel, visited friends here Staehr & Shipman. If more or less of the above symptoms yesterday. ialty of family The Gardner brothers began e x - , _ arrntiffsiTiTr - HTTTT jüL. JJU Better tliaii tal'-e l)r. t’lerce's" Favorite group pictures. Miss Wi< se of Thatcher, who has cavatii.g for the J. N. Hoffman build- Pres^fltuion, om! o ! TTÌPIfìra ..... . . . . . ili .. g . I ri ¿red ----- I- the small pox is on the rapid road to ing Tuesday. The structure will be | eiitsofwTiTcTi is Unicorn root, or Helonias, and tlie medical properties of which it made ol concrete. recovery. most faithfully represents. Of (¡olden Seal root, another prominent John Thornburgh is the latest ad­ Wm. Cameron and family of Trout- ingredient of " Favorite Prescription," Public Auction. dale, ha' e moved into the vicinity of dition to local chauffeurdom. H e is | Prof. Finley Ellingwood, M. D.. of Ben­ the happy possessor of a new Buick, I nett Medical College, Chicago, says: North Mount. Having sold my farm I will sell at "It is an important (cinedy In disorders of Dr. Large not attending. the womb. In all catarrhal conditions • • public auction one mile southwest of The Artisans enioyed an ice-cream and general enfeeolement. it is useful." It is expected that the largest crowd ■ Prof. John Si. Scudder. M. 1).. late of Gaston on Saturday, August 1, 1908, “ feed” at Emerson’ s Tuesday evening says of Golden Seal root: at 10 o ’ clock in the forenoon of the year will be present to see the I Cincinnati, alter lodge. "In relation lo its general effects on the •sten'.'f/" rr'r'ii which i the following described property, to wit: there is n’> no meiihirir metlicine 'inuw" casb- Over 810, 6 months time Mr. and Mrs. Charles Humphrey 1 will be given on notes bearing 7 per Roy Brock of Carlton, and Miss and daughter Opal, who have been j ucige T . A. McBride Tuesday cent interest from date with approved Bert Vest were guests at the Archie visiting with Wray Humphrey and Kranted a re‘count of the wet and dry security. Free lunch at noon. Bryant home Sunday. family this summer, left for Callaway, votes [or Scmth Hillsboro precinct, Louis S ö d e r s t r ö m , which returned a vote of 12 against Ralph Harding of Gaston, was in the Nebr., yesterday. Owner. city Tuesday, having work done on J. W . Hughes, Auctioneer. Mr. Mott bought from J. N. H off­ selling liquor, at the June election. his masticating apparatus. Geo. F. Naylor, Clerk. man 46 acres of timber land at That- j John Cornelius and Fred Lvda have J, M. Garrison is here from Newport. cher for 81000. Sale was made by accepted a contract to furnish the For Sale. H e reports his wife’ s health much im­ Staehr & Shipman, the Forest Grove poles for the electric line now building Real Estate Co. proved by the ocean air. One lot lOOxtOO feet A 7 room between here and Hillsboro, and will Theodore Jasper, Verboort’ s husky begin Monday to get out the poles. house, well finished, hot and cold Merchants Callaway, Hoffman and water, bath and electric lights, plenty Allen of this city attended the mer third baseman, passed through the city Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hall of Clats- |rud Corner 4th St. and 2nd Ave. Monday enroute to his timber claim at chants picnic at Bonneville. Falls City where he will remain for a kanie, have been spending several Price j lS 0 0 . Also one lot on 2nd Dick Baker and his crew of hay ba­ days here visiting Mrs. Hall s piients, Street, 100x100 feet, close to car line couple of weeks. lers were in from near Greenville Sun Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Marsh. Both. Mr. g j 2 5. 0 ne lot 100x200 feet on 2nd Mts. Henrietta Smith, aged 72 and Mrs. Hall are graduates of P. U. day for a change of garments. \ gce j AS> s t e p h e NSON. 2-t3 tv . . years, died at her home near Green- Dtst-ict 64 of this county is to have vi||e Frid„ , and ras huried in lhe i Mrs. R . M. Dooly and daughter For Sale. a new school house. In another space Verboort cemetery Saturday. She was Miss Bess started for San Francisco h this paper b.ds are called for. born in Holland. | Saturday, where they will visit friends Team of bay mares and good wagon. | for several weeks. Miss Lucile Dooly Apply to J o h n J. B a x t e r , 18 2nd Daniel Herron, an Oregon pioneei of ... T i . •52. recently died at his home near' Miss Jessie Donelson, daughter o is spending her vacation in this city. avenue. Forest Grove. 52-t4* Sherwood, at the age of 84 years. i Mr- and Mrs- W - ° * P ° nels° n, of Walter Bacon, brother of Ralph, the Hillsboro, recently elicited much fav- Clark Brown, ol the Condenser, de- orable com m ent in Portland for her anti gin-fiz man at Miller’ s fountain, | parted the lust of the week lor a two work on lhe piano. killed a big buck deer near L innton1 wreks vacation at Seattle.— A tbus . , j the other day. By the way. Ralph j . t» _ Rollie W . Watson, the Tillamook will spend the coming Sunday in M c- Clarence Parker of Portland, spent editor chauffeur, is making regular trips and Sunday with his father,' ith his i 2.passenger touring car be | Mmnville. j Bryant's St'jdia M other W , H . Parkrr of the limes. twfen McMinnville and Tillam ook via Jimmie Stevens had a sinking spell' Cloverdale and Netarts. while going to the train Tuesday ™, . . ... ___ morning, but is able to be about agam Th” ProsP « ° n* , vf J - n tion of the First National Bank is fully The Fisher, Stalkwether and Armen demonstrated bv its statement to the trout families have joined forces and i Comptroller of July 15th published to- arnnj» tn the m n im ta in * fo n n m i n .* ' J . . . -.L . . . a m non gone to mountains for r a an outing. day. P Cash reserve 85 3,09 9.31 . Clark & Dixon, house movers, are ) moving the Free Methodist church off the right of way of the Oregon Electric Company, and will deposit it on a lot I on the Darling property a few blocks east on Pacific avenue. j Haskell Marsh, clerk of the Federal 1 Court of Portland, and Att’ y Milton Mr and Mrs. Charles Hines have Elkhannah Walker and Miss Elda returned from Jackson county, where Walker of the University of Nebraska, Smith of the Board of Trustees of Pa­ they have been visiting her relatives gathered some beautiful elk moss near cific University, were out from Port- j Idnd yesterday to attend the funeral of | the late H on. A. Hinman. I Judge Hollis was in The Dalles the first ol the week to adjust a $2000 claim against the Bankers & Merchants fire insurance company of this city. |! The same party carried $2000 with the Pacific Mutual of this city. Off t o the you are going away : PERFECT PRINTING PLATES IN ONE OR M A N Y CO LO RS LARGEST FACILITIES I IN T H E W E S T FO R T H E P R O D U C T I O N OF ] HIGH G R A D E W O R K M T U Al IIW i l IAITIII l i l i l í HI CKS- CHATTEN E N G R A V I N G CO. MOUNTAINS W e are well fixed to take care of your every need in the way of Camp Supplies, Fishing Tackle, Guns, Rifles and Amunition W e carry in stock the following rifles and guns 22 C A L. FROM $1.75 TO $12.00 ! 25 cal. Stevens, 25-20 Winchester 30-30 Winchester 32 special Win­ chester, 25-35 Winchester; 30*30 Savage, 30-30 lightweight Savage 30-30 Remington automatic» ( I « e a I L. C. Smith, Stevens, Parker, Baker and other makes o f shot­ guns. In fact all kinds of Guns and Rifles-that you can get any­ where and at the same price you would pay for them in C j « b 0 Portland. GOFF BROS . HARDW ARE FOREST GROVE, OREGON t t 1 It b si I e S( H tl fc ir OUÏES BUSINESS COLLEGE W A SH IN G TO N AND T E N T H STR EETS PORTLAND. OREGON I W RITE FOR CATALOG % The School that thn Places You in a Good Position Dr. E. H. Brown, Physician and — The top price at Bailey’ s for Surgeon. X-Ray and all electrical a p ­ Wool and Mohair. pliances in office. Calls answered night or day. — Chase & Sanborn Coffees si**” the best. Hoffman & Allen Co. ** elusive agents. B d; bi tr re Ol th th