CURES s OLD SORES more. T hey have restrictions o f all kinds placed on the order o f their dally lives, but they are used to It. Indeed, they have arrived at a sort of mental state in which they look to the author­ ities to tell them what to do, and how N o old sore can heal u n til th e cause w h ich produces it has been rem oved to do It, In every contingency. “ Ver- E x te rn a l a p p lication s o f salves, washes, lotion s, etc., m a y reduce th e in fla m ­ boten 1” Is the German word that has Messrs. Palerno aud Cluugoloul, the the greatest vogue, so far as I was able Inveutora o f “ tachyol" (fluoride o f sil­ m ation and assist in k e ep in g th e place clean, but can n ot cure th e trou b le to see. "Forbidden 1” stares them In ve r), an antispetlc employed In surgery, because th ey do not reach its source. O ld sores e x is t because th e blood is formal declaration o f party princi­ the face everywhere. They are regu­ have found that a solution of 1 part (:i infected w ith im pu rities and poisons w h ich are c o n sta n tly b e in g disch arged There is one thing that will ples A specified as the party platform was lated in all sorts o f ways, down to the 500,000 o f water will destroy all germs. in to th e place. T h e nerves, tissues and fibres o f th e flesh are k e p t in a state cure it— Ayer’s Hair Vigor. as unknown in the early days as was a o f irrita tion and disease b y b ein g d a ily fed w ith th e g erm -lad en m atter manner they shull conduct themselves Including bacillus subtills, Its geruiiel th rou gh the circulation , m a k in g it im possible for the sore to heal. S. S. S. It is a regular scalp-medicine. convention. The noisiest, the jolliest, the in their houses. There Is a certain dal effect being much greater than that cures chronic sores b y its p u r ify in g action on the blood. I t g oes dow n in to most exciting and perhaps least logical It quickly destroys the germs presidential campaign was that of 1840. time fo r beating rugs, a certain tim e o f chlorine, bromine or ozone. the circulation, and rem oves th e poison-produ cing germ s, im p u rities and W illiam Henry Harrison, hero of an In ­ for playing the piano, a certain time w h ich cau se this disease. T o lessen risk o f loss o f submarines, m orbid m atters w h ich are resp on sible for the failure o f the place to heal. dian victory at Tippecanoe, a plain old for everything else. You can move j torpedoes used In naval practice and S. S. S. m akes the blood pure, fresh and health y; then as new, rich b loo d is The unhealthy scalp becomes man, who had lived, his opponents sneer- your household goods only In a certain to the spot the h e a lin g process begins, a ll discharge ceases, th e healthy. The dandruff disap­ ingly said, in a log cabin decorated with way. Y’ou cannot shake a dust rag other objects liable to sink In the sea, carried a French oceanographer attaches a ves­ inflam m ation leaves, n ew tissue b egin s to form , the place fills in w ith firm , coon skins and had drunk hard cider, was pears, had to disappear. A selected by T h iy lo w W eed as a better out o f the window. You cannot do this sel o f oil haring a long and short time health y flesh, and soon the sore is p erm anen tly cured. S. S. S. is p u rely healthyscalp means a greatdeal candidate than Henry Clay. T o defeat and you cannot do that, and, they told tube one-tenth o f an inch In diameter. vegetable, the safest and best blood p u rifier f >r y ou n g or old. Book on after once you get accustomed to When submergence softens the gum Sores and Ulcers and any m edical ad vice free to all w ho w rite. to you— healthy hair, no dan­ Clay in the Republican convention, the me, unit rule was adopted. The issues between It, It is a com fortable wny to live*. It seals o f the tube, oil rises from the • THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. druff,no pimples,no eruptions. Van Ruren, the Democratic candidate, absolves you from thought If you know long one drop by drop, locating the The best kind o i a testimonial — and Harrison were not clearly drawn, but what hours there are for doing your sunken object by the film on the wa- “ Sold lo r over s ix ty years.” the adventitious circumstances of H arri­ work anil how you must do It. . If a ‘ er's surface. son’s early life were skillfully utilized for by J. C. Ayer Co., Lowoll, M m i . cab knocks you down In the street, ▲ ie j manufacturers o f The German government more than theatrical effects. "O ld Tippecanoe” was you are arrested for obstructing the SARSAPARILLA. the slogan. Processions, miles long, with a yea r ago Imposed what seemed to tie PILLS. Your place Is on the side­ log cabins, cider barrels and coon skin traffic. a moderate tax on railroad tickets. CHERRY PECTORAL. ! caps on poles, stretched from State to walk. The result o f it has been a diversion of State. Glee clubs were a feature o f the Every Berliner does exactly what In­ ' travel from the higher to the lower campaign ;ind the Indian tighter was fa ir­ is expected to do, and you must do the I classes, to such nn extent that a de­ F o r Ruby’s Hath; fo r B a b y 's C lothes; fo r an E ye W ash . ly sung into office. same. As nn example o f how well So vigorously did the W higs sing their trained they are. they are not obliged crease o f alsmt $2,500,000 ill the pas­ Mouth W ush. Sterilizing the Dottle. W ashiuy Napkins. senger earnings o f the Pruasian state Sample Borax, booklet and Lace Centerpiece li e. of Pacific Coast Borax Co., Oakland, Cal. favorite refrains that echoes of the songs to have guards ou the underground railroads alone Is attributed to it. ; still linger. L o ca l agent»« wanted. rite fo r n oney muk.iiK plan. trHtns In Berlin. The Berlin folks Nearly at the same time a new schedule W hat has caused this great commotion— know they are expected to shut the motion -m o tio n — motion, AUD H i’ TITON.—A s s a y « a - l o f charges for passengers and baggage h . O't’ doors, and they shut them. I f you Our country through? 1-uaùvtllo, t'oiorau iv Specim en p ii. es: Gold« was Introduced, which on the same WHEN YOU COME TO PGRTLAMO ' 811 v« r, 1 . od* •! • Gold, stiver, 7 >■•; «lotit, b o ; Zinc off It la the ball a rolling on observe their regulations you are not P l » r , * i . i ‘< pj cr, #i. C.vuiiUlc t«‘Nts. Mailing envelope# #n«l For Tippecanoe and Tyler, too, railroads reduced earnings about AR R A N G E TO STOP AT lull prie- list sent on application. ippllc&tion. Control f ‘ and ‘ Um- disturbed, but if you violate one of And w ith them we w ill beat little Van, >ire work sollt:! led. luriereueoj Ueiereucei Carbonate Ner $1.500,000. But tills was expected. Van, Van. Is a used up man. them you Instantly get Into more kinds Farew ell, dear Van, Dr. II. C. Stevens, o f Seattle, reports o f trouble than you had Imagined could P A K K A N D ALD ER STS. You’ re not our man THE D U S T recent experiments which show that F LY K I L L S ! T o guard the ship. exist. A ll you nre expected to do Is A New and Modern European Hotel, catering destroys nil lu«. W e’ll try old Tip. objects seen by Indirect vision ordin­ Hi«*« und afford# In the campaign which resulted In the to walk a chalk-line, and you can be arily appear larger in the right half ( particularly to State people. A refined place for co m fo rt to every ladies visiting: the city, close to the shopping hom o—In d in in# St. Helen’s Hall, Portland, Or. election of Benjamin Harrison the fact happy. If the regulations allow the kind room, sleep i n i o f the field o f vision than In the left, center. Rates reasonable. Free Bus. room nnd e v e ry Resident and Day School for Girls. that he was a grandson o f old T ip was of happiness that agrees with you.—- plnce w h ere file# j W ith a smaller number of persons tills N. K.. CLARKE, (late of Pjrttand Hotel) Mgr. Catalogue on Request. not forgotten by his adherents. Many Samuel G. Blythe In Everybody's. nre troublesom e. Is reversed. From these facts he de- * Clean, nent an# g" i" - — slangy, even irreverent references fixed w ill not soli off duces a )>ogsible origin o f right and Ieft- injure anythin#. on grandpa’s hat as a fit subject for S lniitlerinif the E t e r n a l C ity . Try th-'m once and you will never be them, Soap has been known to the world for if net kep by, sent prepaid for without lm ndedness. Itlght-handeduesa, or Its campaign quips. In 1844, the year when 20c. "W h en you were in Rome, of course, 3,000 years. HAKOLD SCMEB8. 1«9 DsBalb A y #.. Brooklyn. M T . the Democratic convention brought the reverse, develops at about the nge of you did as the Komnns do.” i seven mouths. Dr. Stevens suggests " E r — yes; I had to. I ran out of first dark horse into the running, the Mothers w ill find Mrs. W inslow ’ s Boothlnt? money, and had to find some way to ex­ songs o f the m ajority were : that they may be due to the phenomena Byrup the besf remedy to use fo r th eir cb. ldr a O, poor H enry Clay, poor Henry Clay, lu r in g the teething j*er.od. tract it from the rich Americans that were o f vision Just described. By a reflex You cannot be our President, for Polk Is In yisiting the city.” — Chicago Tribune. effect the infant Tenches after the ob- | the way. The smallest hone in the human body Jects best seen with the arm nearest to and— v. Chipper. is contained in * \ v drum of the ea*. them. Hurrah for Polk and annexation, "W ill you saw some wood for your Down w ith Clay and high taxation. In ills book on the great veld ot dinner?” T h e Bnnnooh. Bt. V ’tus* Dan^o and all Nervous DU^osea When John Hank», cousin of Abraham German East Africa, H err C. G .'Schil­ FITS tv rmunently cured by Dr. Kline’s U nni “ .W in, I don’t eat wood.” — Houston Lincoln, carried two weather-beaten rails One o f the hardiest, bravest, anu x 100 feet. Thorough Banak, or Panaitl. Tills little tribe, black, and making distances so decep rison had been the log cabin and Jackson work tells the story. It counts in the never numbering more than 700, has the hickory candidate years before. S h a k e In to Y o u r Shoes tlve tiiut when but a few hundred end, ami we adm ittedly lead in this re­ for many years Inhabited the country In the convention o f 1S0O began the i paces away it is sometimes impossible Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder fo r the feet. It cures : modern custom o f cheering and counter- between the Snake river und the moun­ ! :o distinguish a rhinoceros from au painful, swollen, smarting, sweating: feet. Makes spect. Get our catalogue, penwork, etc., new shoes easy. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe then judge for yourself as to quality. cheering. The Seward contingent gave a tains which mark the boundary between ostrich or a termites’ uest. W ater ou Stores. Don’ t accept any substitute. Sample FREE. Addrefl# A . S. OUn tad. 1 .«■ K«*y. N. Y. ay be pprmnncully overcome by proper parade the day of the conveintion. W hile Montana and southern Idaho. this veld is often the greatest o f lux A . P. A R M S T R O N G , L L . B . Principal they were marching Lincoln supporters personal efforts ivitnthe assistance Of Shoshone race, but braver am. i urles, “ as precious as life itself, ever A n y b o d y * « D arliu ff. T e n th and M o rriso n - P o rtlan d , O r e g o n filled the W igwam . W ith the naming of of the one tru ly beneficnjl laxative more turbulent than any other Sho­ when obtained from small mud pools.’ M ale Voice— «Hello! the candidates began the cheering. When remedy, Syrup of tigs and Lluiroj Senna, i Seward was nominated and seconded the shone tribe, the Bannock fought the Yet the country, when viewed from hill Fem ale Voice— H ello! " I h this you. darling?” w h ich e n a b le s one to form regular shouting was absolutely frantic, shrill Blackfeet and drove them back when tops or from tall trees, exhibits a won " Y e s ; who are you?” — Yonkers States­ and wHd. But when Lincoln's nomina­ they catne over the mountains, domin­ derful panorama o f wild life. Elephant! h ab its d aily sothut assistance to na­ T h e w ell known rellnhl# man. tu re may be gradually dispensed with tion was seconded the W est w’ as heard ated tamer trlbea o f Idaho and Ore­ there are not dependent upon grass from, and gave a scream that was posi­ gon. and made themselves general nui­ but w ill strip trees o f their bark oi when no longer needed a s the best of tively awful, and accompanied it with sances when the white man took the Deafness Cannot Be Cured branches when hard pressed, nnd thej remedies,when required, areto assist stamping that made every plank and pil­ by local applications, as they cannot reac’ i the Root and Herb country. nre sometimes found lu company w ltt disease«! portion of tlie ear. 'i hero is on ly one nature and not to supplant the natur­ lar in the building quiver. On the third way to cure deafness, am! that is by constitu ­ The Bannock troubles culminated It. giraffes. In some o f the small laktx al functions, which must depend ulti­ ballot L in co ’ n w as nominated. The shout­ tional reiuc«iics. Deafness is caused by an in ­ ing was so deafening that the cannon 1S7S. when they broke out In open war, of the Kilim anjaro region hlppopotam. fla m 'd condition of the mucous lin in g o f the TTan mad© n life study o f m ately upon p ro p e r nourishm en t, which was discJiarged on the roof o f the drawing many o f the Piute and Sho­ may he watched by a concealed ob Euntadiinn l ube. WJien this tub# is inflam ed ro o t» und horltH. amt in th a t you have a ruin tiling sound or im perfect hear­ m mly «>s to Pure Uuliirrh, Asthma, Lunp- O r d e r u i (lie G iild c u liiu '.e .Iio e . dian scouts, and the Bannock warriors which is nothing but au inflamed condition oi fhroat. Khfiiin itism. Nervousne«*. Nervous Detdlltj r tOmuen, j 11 v n r . ■ . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Homai-h, Liver. Kidnt» Tronld«** also Lost Mnn » S y ru p y f i g s ^ E l iu r f e n u a G r a y - H a i r e d M a n R e m e m b e r # a B o y surrendered. H ow many persons have ever heard the mucous surfaces. JPor that Dandruff A ll ijers M U LE T E A M BORAX THE CORNELIUS Habitual Constipation C. Gee Wo CHINESE DO C T O R m an uf ac tu red by the • F Who C a l if o r n ia io S 'jT K i 'i * C o . only SOLD BY ALL L E A D IN C DRUGGISTS one size otily, regular price 50$ per Hot tic. Libby's Vienna S a u s a g e You’ ve never tasted the best sausage until you’ve eaten Libby’ s Vienna Sausage. It s a sausage product of high food value. Made different. Cook­ ed different. Tastes differentand is different than other sausage. L i b b y ’ s Vienna So :sage, like all of the Libby Food Products, is carefully prepared and cooked in Libby’ s Great While Kifchen. It can be quickly served for any meal at any time. It ¡9 plea*, ing, not over-flavored and has that satisfying taste. Try ¡L Libby. McNeill A Libby, Cbicaa*. T rie d It Forty Y ear# Ago. All o f ttie Bannock tribe, except i "W henever I read in the newspapers fragment at Lemhi, now make their that a boy has run away from home to home on the Fort Hall reservation. fight Indians or seek some other sort of Some 800 o f them still survive, but arp adventure, it takes me back forty slowly decreasing In numbers. They years,” said the gray-haired man in do not take kindly to civilization, but the club smoking room. "F o r I ran seem to have accepted the Inevitable, away from home once, just as I sup­ and behave fa irly well o f recent years. pose every other youngster does, onee The Bannock arc very dark o f face, and at least, only In my ease I wasn’t seek­ of medium stature, while tliclr physique ing adventure, I was eseaplng tyranny. Is wiry nnd sinewy, ns might lie ex­ " I t seems foolish now, but It was pected with a fighting race, equally ex­ all very real to me then. The tyranny pert In horsemanship nnd inountnln eonalated o f the one fact that l got climbing. my first licking, and I guess there’s A I , o « t A r t R e ilin «* «»v e r d . no doubt that I deaorved It. Ilut I In Science. Frank Della T orre an­ couldn't see It that wny .then; I was very bitter, and the one Idea I had nounces his rediscovery o f the famous was to get away where life was free Venetian vnrnisli, which has been the and tyrants were not. despair o f violin makers for nearly Shortly after the discov­ “ The Impulse to depart on my trav­ 200 years. els was carried out so suddenly that ery o f Am erica the gondolas o f Ven­ I found m yself wandering far away ice were regularly coated with a trans­ from the house before It dawned on parent, lustrous, orange-red varnish. me that l was 111 provided for a Jour­ This flame colored material made ney. In fact 1 had gone Just as I everything beautiful upon which It was was, with the smart o f my physical painted. A fte r the Venetian city fath­ aa well as iny mental wrongs still ers decreed that all gondolas must be acute. blnek the wonderful varnish was turn­ “ As I went I pondered over the mat­ ed over to the violin makers. Some ter o f provisions, and the Idea came Italian furniture o f the seventeenth to me that I would make my first century still extant Is coated with It. stand In a cranberry bog right on When the violin makers had used up the farm. W ith this a Y a headquar­ the supply on the last Cremonas. no ters I would make raids on neighbor­ more was to be had. Investigation ing orchards, and If the worst came to led Mr. T orre to conclude that the raw the worst I supposed the cranberries materials o f this varnish must have would support life. come from Africa, and he believes that “ W ell, I reached the cranberry bog he has at last found a gum varnish presently and bivouacked. Here I Identical with that used by the Cre­ should spend the first night under the mona makers. It looks like the old friendly stars. I picked out a soft varnish and seems to have the same place fo r a bed and sat down to wait wonderful effect on violins covered by the coming o f night. It “ Now, cranberries are not very fill­ H o t P lc a «a n ff. ing, especially In the raw, green state, Bacon— I see a German scientist as­ but I managed to eat some o f them. serts that thoughts can be photograph And then it began to get dark. ed “ W ell, sir, the shadows fell quickly E gbert—I t wouldn't be possible, on the hills about me and the air grew I chill. Fantastic monsters reared their \ however, to make some o f ’em look horrid heads on every hand. The free pleasant.— Yonkers Statesman. life began to pall. A F illin g T erm . "S o It won't surprise you to learn | “ How would you designate a tailor’s that a T e r y little boy ran home crying Jag?" before the supper things had been clear­ “ I don’t know o f any particular name ed away, and that he never ran away unless you would call It a tight fit.” -* again." Baltimore American. D IS C IP L IN E G- r “ * » * A ra » • ! IN 0 »l,> I n h appr B E R L IN . O b r, W lth o a t R a le s . T h a n t. Bat When you see a boy with curia and a sash. It Is a very good sign that the father doesn't have bis w sy In the bouse. T h e Berliners, and the rest o f the Germans, ara the most governed people And the honesty o f a poor man if «ai earth. T h ey like It and bowl fo r I seldom questioned. of the Order o f the Golden Horseshoe, the first order founded in Am erica? In 1724, when Virginia extended from the Atlantic Into the unknown West, few o f her colonists bad cross­ ed the Blue Uidge or the Alleghenies. So full o f dangers from savages and wild beasts and so full o f natural diffi­ culties was the passage of these te rri­ ble heights, that Governor Spotswood, setting out to discover a puss, looked ou the expedition as so hazardous that he took with him h guard o f "soldiers, gentlemen, nnd pioneers," armed and eurrying provisions. These scaled the pass with great hardships and perils, and returned after the Governor had out the name of King George In the rocks on the highest peak. He then eonstltuted the society, o, order, o f the Golden Horseshoe. Eneb man who hail sealed this high pass wan made a member of it. and to each oik he presented n golden horseshoe. Ou the side was Inscribed In Eatln : “ So It pleases him to cross mountains." Any men thereafter who could prov» that he had read with his own eye« the name o f the King on the height wai entltl :ed to become a member o f this urder. D e v lo u « D efin ition «. C olic: The only thing that w ill tackle a baby without first considering the consequences. C him eras: The food o f Indolent the­ orists. H um or: An anvil upon which to crack a smile. M atrim ony: The sea that swamps many a courtship. Sympathy: A convenient thing for a silent partner. M iser: One o f the things that will keep In any climate. D ude: The excrescence o f Insuffer­ able conceit In c om p lete S ig n a l«. The Ingenious Charleston News and Courier suggests that the new spring bats would gain In distinction i f they sported a neat two-foot flagstaff. And right away somebody w ill warn to suggest a sign language for the flag In the bat. O f course the flag at h alf m ail might Indicate that Ita owner waa a widow, and a reversed flag would mean that the lady waa In dlatress.— Cleveland Plain Dealer. One quiet cooking lesson beats two noisy music lessons. We w ill g ive One Hundred Dollars for any I mutile Weaknix« and All Privato D ìhhum ' h ease o f Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can­ A SURE CANCER CURE not be cured by H a ll’s Catarrh ‘ ’ ure. Bend for ju st R ec e iv e d fr o m P e k in g , C h in a —S a fe , S u r « circulars, free. on d R elia b le . K J CHENEY