' paper* of Portland have been un­ beads on articles reading, “ Sherwood wins again,” “ Visitors dubbed by Sherwood,” etcetera, until folks all over the state began to say to themselves, “ Where is this Sherwood?” Sherwood is on the map because of their base ball team. They have lost but two games this season and later won from these two teams. They de­ feated Woodburn, the strongest team of the Tri City league. The Colts will be strengthened Sun­ day by Robinson, the crack pitcher of the Tri City League, and each Colt has taken a new lease on life and have sworn to put up the best game of the season. This is'the matinee that we have all been waiting for all season and a rous­ ing crowd will be on bunds to support the boys. THE NEWS ceasingly putting big Dollars vs. Dirt. T ry a S a c k o f “ H o m e P r o d u c t’ It is growing to be more and more F ïo u r « = = A ll G r o c e r s fully understood by the farmer* of the n a h « wmeat country that to make a farm pay it Published every Thursday by The - M ILLS - j must be operated scientifically. Washington County Publishing Co., The old style, haphazard farmer is 1 Incorporated. being replaced by the reading, think­ ing, scientific agriculturist. The re­ Entered at the post-office at Forest sult has been larger yield of better Grove, Oregon, as second class 7*2 crops, greatly improved live stock, in­ mail matter. creased economv of operation and more , M-UE STEH FLOU*.. sanitary and healthy conditions all Subscription $1.50 Per Year S itllffi? f°fcSTBWM 0 * ^ - along the line. MANUFACTURED BY CRESCENT M ILLS-F0R E ST GROVE Perhaps there is no branch of the vim* agriculturist’s business that has under­ gone such a great change as the dairy. Official Paper Washington Co. The old idea—and not so very old A. E. NOHRSE....................MANAGER either— was that milk was milk and CORL butter was butter. If a milk pail I, F. W oods .............................. editor F o re s t G ro v e looked clean it was taken for granted it P acific A v« was clean. Rinsing it out with water THURSDAY. JULY 23, 1908 or wiping it with a rag was supposed to clean it. The churn was similarly If you are intending to pur­ The News has installed a new , treated and when the separator came H. W. Sparks Appointed Manager. press for job work and we are that was given like care. If the hired chase a new wheel this sum­ Having just purchased the Hardware business of now equiped to do all kinds of Johnnie Wirtz, who has managed man wanted to sweep the barn while mer you can’t afford to do it the milk pails were hanging up in it, work from a letterhead to a full the Colt* base ball team successfully S. G. Hughes, I have added a new stock of both without seeing the new it didn t matter. sheet poster. There are few offi- for four years, has resigned because of why, However, the farmer has come to business, and H. W. Sparks have ces’outside of Portland that will outside a better understanding of the has been appointed his successor. equal The News equipment, For several years there was no inter­ value of cleanliness. He more fully and we can truthfully say; as est in the national game here, small at­ appreciates the necessity of cleanliness | English Wheel from a health standpoint as well as the grows the town so grows The tendance, and a slim team but “ Yon- fact that lack of scientific cleanliness, j nie” took hold of the bunch and has especially News. the dairy, means an ab­ brought capital results. Last year the solute and in decided money loss to him. at O. A. Corl’s Bicycle Shop team won most of the games at home during the ( He knows that pure utensils are vital' Bryan has accepted a cam and a big rep at Salem necessities if his milk is to be pure, j D combines everything that paign contribution of $ 1 0 0 from state fair, and a bunch of coin was I and that impure milk is not only dan- goes to make up a good and will from now on carry everything into the coffers of the associa- an Iowa farmer, and he has turned tton. This year has been one of good gerous and often disastrous in results wheel at moderate* price. made an appeal to the farmers crowds and splendid interest by the when consumed but that he cannot needed by the for the campaign fund with fans and up to date the Colts have won | get his money out of it smallest which to conduct his desires for a per cent accepted of 584. the management . may The result , in taint . in . . can or a churn . Sparks contaminating Builder, Farmer and all Others the presidency. W e wonder, with reluctance but at the solicitation output of milk or butter, so rapidly large O . A, Gori do now, if the average American Res. 591 and in view of the fact bacteria multiply in these ideal P h o n e s : S h o p 5 0 3 I will occupy the same business room as farmer does not already bear the of that the Mr players, Wirtz could not serve longer mediums. The dairymen have learned Mr. Hughes on Pacific avenue and I invite brunt of the burden of financing because of other duties. j that rinsing his churn out with hot A Pew of The Things ___ water does not clean it and that soap the country. Y ou C an B uy a t everybody to call and see me. i and soap powders leave a residue be- E M. Ward Loses Stock by Fire. hind which furnishes th f germs just There is perhap; no other In a 1125,000 fire at North Bend, the conditions they need for rapid Auction House _ . , community in the state that has Sunday morning, and one 0 / the most growth. Caustic and lye are objection- in many ways and are more apt to j given or taken the same active destructive in the history of Coos able ----------- county, E. M. Ward, formerly of this taint the milk and spoil its taste or the part in the welfare of its city as city, taste of the butter or cheese made > ,_________ _____________, , ____ . lost 825,000 worth of logging have the citizens of this place, supplies and machinery with only from it New o r Secondhand S u c c e s s o r to S . O . H u g h e s when the sum of $6,000.00 were S1000 insurance. To secure satisfactory results it is | Iron beds, wood beds, springs, mat­ Oregon subscribed lor the Oregon Elec He was located on the lower floor of necessary to use an article which will tresses, couches, pillows, rockers, din- j F o re s t G rove trie Company now building into the Clark V/oolen Mills, one of the loosen the dirt and impurities from the ers, cookstoves, tinware, graniteware, best equipped plants on the coast. ! utensil, one which can be easily rinsed dishes, knives and forks, boilers, tubs, our city. The company is as valued at 880,000 which was totally away and which will be sufficiently in- boards, pails, wall paper, building energetic as our citizens in this destroyed. Stock of other parties in expensive to admit of free use without paper, window shades, liquid-veneer, | matter and is today construct­ the same buildin; aggregating 8125.- materialty increasing the cost of kitchen tables, dining tables, side­ ing the grade between here and 000 was destroyed. Mr. Ward had production. boards, safes, cupboards; dressers, | Hillsboro. While it is a matter just allowed 810,000 policy to lapse Wyandottee Dairyman’s Cleaner and commodes, stand-tables, book-cases,; two weeks ago, intending \ Cleanser has been selected by thous- sewing machines, of business for the company, it about clocks, nice hanging every day to have it renewed. ands of dairymen as being the ideal is also a matter of business for Dr. Ward of this city was at North modern dairy cleaner, meeting all es­ lamp, tents and wagon covers, nor is We are not com bined with a n y other our citizens, and by looking at Bend visiting his son at the time of the sential requirements. Containing no this all. .that enterprise in this light ev­ fire. emusified fats or oils it will of course m arket. produce no suds but will absolutely re­ C o m e t i n ci S e e erybody will be benefited. Of all foreign matter without injury course some will be benefited Frank Fletcher received word the to move hands or tinware. Preparations other day from Whitman college an­ more than others, but while their NO IC E M E A T S injure the hands or which are L. L. HOLLINGER nouncing the fact that he had been ap _ | which benefits may be larger than pointed not readily and easily rinsed off should manager of the track team for yours, you will reap more from 1909. This appointment carries con­ be avoided. The very chemicals Freshly hilled Every Day. their sowing than you do now. siderable honor with it as the commit­ which water will not easily rinse away Bids wanted. as soda ash, sal soda, etc., are Bids for furnishing materials and It matters not whether you are tee which has the appointing power is such dissolved in milk rendering it erecting a new school house in School as progressive as your neighbor made up of Faculty and students, and readily These are our prices for choice Mountain Steers and unfit for especially since Frank just entered Dist. No. 64, 3 miles south of Dilley, or not, you always gain by his Whitman last year. George Philbrook, Clean food. milk handled in clean vessels Heifers, commencing Friday, July 10: be received by the directors. energy. But in this case all well known in this city, will captain remains clean if properly kept and as­ ’ will Plans and specifications can be seen at Round Steak - 9e per lb. have shown a disposition to help the team. Frahk intends to bring his j sures pure, germ free butter and the office of the clerk, W. K. Newell. a good thing along, and by so team down into the Valley next .year. ( cheese. Pure milk, pure butter and Bids will be opened Monday, Aug. 3, Loin Steak - 9c “ pure cheese quickly leave their mark 1908, at 8 p. m. The Directors re- doing, no one can say that a Prospects of a banner team are bright, j on Prime Roasts - 7 c “ the farmer’s or dairyman's bank I serve the right to reject any and all bids. Whitman won second place in the certain few, or that one individ­ Northwest book and it does not take consumers Boiling Meats - 3 to 5c “ last year with the U. of O. W. K. N ew ell , ual did it all. This is the sort first. long to find out when they are getting Clerk Dist. No. 64. Soup Bones - 2 c “ of enthusiasm that makes busi­ a clean, pure product. When Prof. F. C. Taylor arrived j ness and it is very noticeable Spring Lamb, this is lamb — We’ll buy your wool and mohair. Nebraska last September to ac­ Teachers' Examinations for August. Bring that Forest Grove, when the from it in. Bailey. not old m utton 6c, 8c, loc per lb. a position in our colleee he was | 1908 . conditions warrant, cannot be cept not long in becoming identified with outdone by any community in Forest Gtove and its interests. The 1 The source from which the questions ( the state. first week he bought a home in South will be taken for state and county ! S A TISFA G TIO N G U A R A N T E E D Park and later after selling this at a papers are as follows: O N E W EAK SPO T. good advance he bought his present Book-keeping, Office Methods and Fast Game Prom.sed. home of l i acres which he has fixed J Practical Book-keeping Pt. 1; Physiol-! LE V Y ’S MARKET Base ball fans are promised one ol up for a permanent residence. Now ogy, Hutchinson; U. S. History, Doub; Moat Forest Grove People Have a W eak Part And the best games seen here since Ross this week he purchased part of the Dr. Civil Gov’t., Strong & Shaefer; Theory Main Street FO R EST GROVE Parker, Suess, Hatch and the other A. H. Gates farm just north of town, and Practice, White’s Art of Teaching; Too Often It’s the Back fellows who are playing prolessional where he and his boys will busy them­ Arithmetic, Smith; Grammar from j ball, played here, next Sunday on the selves during the summer vacation pre­ Buehler; Geography, Natural School; Everyone has a weak spot. local grounds when the famous Sher paring the ground for a fruit orchard. Psychology from Buell. Too often it’s a bad back. wood White Sox of Portland will try This is the right kind of spirit to show English Literature, £ horn Newcom- ! Twinges follow every sudden twist. conclusions with the Colts of this city when people come west and we speak er’s and £ from the following classics: Dull aching keeps up.day and night. Before this year many people in this success for him in his new enterprise. Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice; ed i county didn't know where Sherwood This makes three pieces of property by W. J. Rolfe, Am. Bk. Co. Price ! Tells you the kidneys need help— Hot Weather is. But now there is hardly a man. the Oregon Land & Trading Co. has 47c; Scott, Ivanhoe, (Riverside lit. \ For backache is really kidney-ache. woman, or child in Oregon that could sold to Mr. Taylor. They also made Ser. ) Houghton, 47c; Irving, Sketch A kidney cure is what you need, a not put their hand on Sherwood with the sale of his first investment at a Book, (pocket classics) Macmillan, Doan’s Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys At all seasons of the year you can always their lamps hid under a bushel. Last good advance to Mr. Ott, who has 22c; Rip Van Winkle, Legend of Cure backache and all urinary ills. find just what you want in the line of Millin­ spring and all this summer the daily since been offered more for it. Sleepy Hollow, West Minster Abbey, Mrs. V. M. Vase, living on Jefferson St., Hillsboro. ery at the says: "Doan's Kidney Pills proved of great val­ Stratton on Avon, Christmas, The Ore., ue to me. At the time I began their use I had been Specter Bridegroom. for a long time from a weakness of the kid­ P a r is M illin e ry P a r lo r s Above named books may be had suffering neys and back. I would arise in the morning feeling \ o rth M a in Street from The J. K. Gill Co., Portland, unrefreshed snd tl.fitted to begin my household duties. Nliss Marie L .S ,,le s h e a r t My head ached at times snd I seemed to be weak all Oregon. T H E B A Z A A R My kidneys were ont cf order snd gave me a Owing to the delay in printing the over. great deal of annoyance. I procured a boa of Doan • K . N. S T T ill H R , M a n a g e r revised State Course of Study, no Kidney Pills, snd after taking a few doses was greatly questions will be given on said subject1 relieved. I was so delighted that I procured another —Sell your wool and mohair to — White River Flour made of best and in a month was entirely free from the com­ Bailey. He’ll do what’s right. at the coming August (1908) supply Eastern Oregon wheat for sale at Bai­ plaint. I am much better in every way siuce using High Grade Pianos, Organs examination. 47-tf Doha's Kidney Pills and give them the credit.” —Money to loan on farm security. ley’s Big Store. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 W. H. Hollis. Forest Grove — We always pay the highest price —Joe Stream guarantees to please and Sewing Machines for wool and monair. Bailey. with the latest hair-cut. Sharp razors cents. Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo — Bailey will buy your Wool and New York, sole agents for the United properly handled. Opposite News sold way below Portland prices and on easy monthly pay- Mohair. —Dry wood for sale. Roswurm & Office. 50-tf States. * Co. 44 — Be sure to take advantage of the ments. Also a full line of —Hoffman and Allen Co. are agent 1 Remember the came—Doan's—and Mid-Summer Gearance Sale now on at i —Try Schultz’s ground bone for for the famous Buttenck patterns. take no other. Hoffman & Allen Co.’s store. your hens. It will make them lay. j Every Sack Guaranteed Hardware Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Im­ plements, Buggies and Wagons CARL HINMAN To The Public Edison and Columbia Talking Machines and Records always in stock, Cata- logues sent free to any address. The lending place in fheCounfy for Stationery and School Supplies. H H M T ry H fN M H H M M enrod Hour d K Guaranteed