A V O ID T R U S T L A W NEWPORT R a ilro a d C o m p a n ie s C a n n o t In c re a se R a te s by C o n c e rt e d A ctio n . Y A Q U IN A S A Y P A C I F I C C O A S T H IT . Oregon’s Matchless Beach Resort* T he Place to Go for Perfect Rest and Every Conceiv­ able Form Its of Healthful and Delightful Recreation Facilities are Com plete— Best of food and an abundance of it. Fresh water from springs. All modem necessities, such as telegraph, telephone, markets freshly pro­ vided every day. Fuel in abundance. Cottages partly fur­ nished or unfurnished to be had cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary regulations. N E W P O R T is reached by way of the Southern Paci­ fic to Albany or Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R . R . Train service daily and the trip a pleasure throughout. RATE FROM FOREST GROVE Season six-months ticket $6.00 Saturday to Monday ticket $3.00 Our elaborate new Summer Book gives a concise description of Newport, including a list of hotels, their capacity and rates. Call on, telephone or write W. Brown, Local Agent* W M . M c M U R R A Y, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon INSURANCE p r o p IN T H E BANKERS AND MERCHANTS MUTUAL PIHB RBLIBP ASSN. Of Forest Grove, Oregon t h b D e a le r s W ashington, July 17.— Unless word is received from Colonel Goethels to­ day to the contrary. Pacific coast dealers w ill not be considered in the purchasing o f supplies by the com m is- I stary department o f the canal co m ­ mission. Captain Beggs, general pur- | chasing agent for the Panama canal 1 commission, in a statement given out i yesterday, said that p oor steamship I service on the Pacific coast is respon­ sible for the decision. The Pacific coast merchants have requested that some of the supplies be purchased there and shipped to La | Boca Captain Beggs says that if ! supplies were purchased on the Pacific | coast and there should be a failure to j ship on a vessel it would be 20 days , before another shipment could arrive. On the Atlantic coast shipments can i he made every four days. Tw enty ] days is too long an interval for the shipment o f fresh food, says Captain Beggs. but prunes and dried peaches might be purchased on the Pacific coast. B id s on D r y D o c k O p e n e d . W ashington, July 22.— Bids Satur­ day « e r e openeil at the navy depart­ ment for the construction o f drydock j N'o 2, at Puget sound navy yard. The dock will be built o f concrete and j granite. Congress appropriated $2. 0011.000 for it. Bids were asked on tw o alternate propositions, one a dock stilt feet long, the other a dock 740 feet long. The bids follow : Cassey Lohse W inters com pany Seattle. *2,- 250.000 and *2,108,000; W estlake C on ­ struction company. St. Louis, 12,2117,- 0 0 0 and ?i,1 1 1 . 0 0 0 ; C. J. Krickson, Se­ attle, $1,625,000; no bid on smaller .lock; Jack Black M asonry Contract­ ing company. St. Louis. $1,999,196 and *1,915.000; Puget Sound Bridge & D redging company, Seattle. *1,975,000 and *1.880.000. : G u n b o a t s O r d e r e d to U n re stv ille . Best and Cheapest Washington, July 18.—Orders have been issued by the War department for the gunboats Vicksburg and Princeton to proceed at once around the horn to the Caribbean sea, a distance o f 14,000 miles. Both vessels are out o f com­ mission. The V'cksburg is at Mare Island and the Princeton is at Bremer­ ton. Conditions in Honduras are re­ sponsible for the rush.— The gunboats will stop at Amapala, where the cruiser Albany is now stationed. Orders have also been issued for the gunboat Mari­ etta, now at Jamaica, to proceed at once to Porta Costa, on the Gulf coast. RASM USEN Dealer in F L O U R and D o N o t [G e t C h a n c e to B id on S u p p lie s f o r C a n a l. R E E D Pacific Ave. Forest Orove, Ore.. B a lk s at C a n n e d S p e e c h . H. IV. H O L L IS A tto rn e v -a M -d w Forest Grove, Oregon Dr. Geiger Homeopathist and Surgery Potest Grove, Oregon B A R l i E R S TO EAT Tender, Juicy, Steaks, G u n b o a t s to g o E a st. Washington. July 18. Acting Sec­ retary of the Navy Newberry has an­ nounced that the gunboats Princeton and Vicksburg, now at Bremerton and Mare Island respectively, on the Pa­ cific coast, will be brought to the At­ lantic in a short time. Both vessels are now out of commission. They will be fitted for the voyage and ad­ vantage will be taken o f suitable weather conditions to make the trip. They will be used for coast defense on the Atlantic. Roasts and Stews, Sausage and Bacon All kinds of Fresh HAIR CUTTING A SPECIALTY Postoffice Row Forest Grove V e g e t a b le s Wood Sawing - * Oregon G r o c e r ie s W. F. S C H U L T Z Misner & Gordon Good Eatables F a s h io n S t a b le s Siy lish T u rn o u ts P IC IF IC A V I FOREST GROVE D R . J. H . K N O X Low Prices knows that N c t c r ln u r ln n we keep the best Meats County Stock Inspector to be had, but this is to O ffice at H ancock & Gordon’ s Livery Barn. at Everybody Phone Main 33, Ind. 744 remind you to give us a \ call. M o n u m e n ts WEEKS 3 0 ! n t h rnt. G RSM TE N e w B id s A re C a lle d F o r . F orçât G r o w A. BALDWIN Real Estate Exchange Houses Rented and Rents Collected ^ O re.j Quong Lee’s LAUNDRY APPROVES STO CK IN C R E A S E In te rio r^ D e p a rtm e n t R a tifie s A ctio n o f J m a tilla W a te r U s e r s . Washington, July 21.—The secretary of the interior has approved an increase o f stock in the .Umatilla Water-Users' association front 9,000 to 22.000 shares. The association, made up o f landowners under the Umatilla irrigation project, was organized with a capital stock of $540.000, divided into 9.000 shares of a par value o f $60 each. The project has since been extended to include a total of 22.000 acres, and in order that there may be one share o f stock for each acre o f land, it lias been necessary to in­ crease the stock to $1.320,000, divided into 22,000 shares, of a par value o f $60 each. B illio n D o lla r C o n g r e s s R e p o rts. Washington. July 21.—The last ses­ sion o f congress made necessary total appropriations amounting to $1.008.397,- 543.56, according to the announcement made yesterday under the law which requires the publication of the total vol­ ume o f appropriations after each session. In addition to the appropriations already made, the contracts authorized by the session require the future appropriation of funds for public works, aggregating $49.443.750. This makes the total ex­ pense of the session $1,057,841,293.56. o f the neutrality laws along the Mex­ ican border, was given again the most positive assurance of the intentions of this government to prosecute all neu tralitv offenders. An increase of the arntv posts on the border is possible, as Mexieo already has indicated her intention of adding to the number. All W ell on N e b ra sk a . time the writer has seen the president N o N o tic e o f L u m b e r since his criticism o f the navy. It is understood that Reuterdahl went over W ashington. July 22 the whole article with the president A. Knapp, chairman o f and pointed out to him the basis o f the com m erce com m ission, criticism. P o r tla n d . O ra . V . H. L IM B E R Forest Grove & co. F o re s t O ro v e , O re . CO. roc Designs ano Prices see Local s t e n t sa elen s Washington, July 16__ Acting on re ports showing that many Japanese who come to this country on passports in­ dicating that they are merchants or stu dents or members of some other branch of the exempt classes, later take their places as laborers, the government is planning to increase the activity of agents keeping the immigrants under surveillance. The officials believe that Japan is using every effort to live up to her agreement not to issue passports to laborers, but there is little doubt that the regulations are continually evaded. It is believed that a careful watch on the immigrants after they have reached this country soon will lead to a solution of the problem. The work o f the immigration commis­ sion on the P acific Coast under the direction o f Professor F. C. Mitchell, whose headquarters are in San Fran­ cisco, is progressing successfully, ac­ cording to his reports, and he is to be allowed more agents for field work. He s folowing the immigrants and deter­ mining their social progress. He fiuds that Italians, Mexicans and Russians have showed marked advancement. W ashington, July 17— All are well on board the Nebraska, announced Com m ander-in-Chief Sperry, o f the Atlantic fleet, in reporting the N e­ braska's rejoining the fleet in a wire less telegram by way o f Honolulu Because o f the appearance o f scarlet T a k e s C h a c g e o f T im b e r. W ashington. July 2 2 — A joint hoard fever on the Nebraska, that vessel left representing the war department and San Francisco tw o days later than the bureau o f forestry has taken up the other 15 vessels o f the fleet. the matter o f preserving the forests on military reservations. An arrange­ ment will be made for a beneficial M i x i n g 'P a p e r L r u s t a D o s e . cutting o f timber and for preserving Oyster Bay, L. I„ July 21.— Attorney the trees which will remain Under this arrangement the war department General Bonaparte was here Saturday retains control o f the forests on the in conference with President Roosevelt reservations, and at the same time regarding the prosecution o f the paper gets the valuable services o f the for­ (rust. After his conference with Presi­ estry bureau. dent Roosevelt Attorney General Bona­ parte. in answer to questions said; K n o c k e r o n N a v y V is it s P re sid e n t. 'The only trust I know anything about Oyster Bay, L. I., July 18.— Henry Reuterdahl was the guest o f President is the vicious reporter trust o f Oy:tcr Roosevelt yesterday. This is the first Bay.” A L B E R T DIXO N Forest Grove A n cie n t G a m e W o r k e d S u c c e ss fu lly by M e a n s o f L y in g P a s s p o r t s . P A C IF IC C O A S T L O S E R . T ra n sc o n tin e n ta l S h ip p e r s C la im R a te R u lin g Fatal to O rie n ta l T r a d e . ; San Francisco. July 20.—The South­ ern Pacific and Santa Fe railroads and the Pacific Mail Steamship company are preparing to have a hearing before the interstate commerce commission on the question of transcontinental rates for goods shipped across the Pacific ocean. The new rule o f the commis­ sion compels the railroads to charge the same price for these goods as for any other, whereas it had been customary for the railroads to make this rate cheaper to the steamship companies. The information that the interstate commerce commission has decided to postpone until Octobor the day on which the rate would become effective, because o f a protest from Japan, has given the railroads and steamship company time to act. The plea will be made to the inter­ state commerce commission that steam­ ers traveling through the Suez canal will get the trade if the transcontinental roads are not allowed to juggle rates as they please. The steamers change thiir rates often and quickly, they say. and if the American railroads are com ­ pelled to adhere to the published rate they will lose this oriental business. Oyster Bay, N. Y., July 18.- Pres­ ident Roosevelt has refused an offer to make speeches into the receiver of a talking machine for the purpose of making records for public sale. The president attended to official business this morning and this afternoon assist­ ed Mrs. Roosevelt in entertaining the In c re a se B o r d e r P o s ts . members o f the St. Hilda society of D isa ffe ctio n in T u r k is h A rm y . Washington, July 16__ Ambassador Christ Episcopal church. The society Constantinople, Turkey, July 18.— Creel, of Mexieo, who lias been in con­ assists in the parish charitabje cases, After months o f quiet, "things are and Mrs. Roosevelt each year enter­ ference with Acting Secretary of State doing” again in Turkey, and are tak Bacon regarding the alleged violation ing a serious turn. The troops in tains its members. Good Things Moulton & Bogan LA B O R ER S PLAY M ERCH AN T. Washington, July 20.—The interstate commerce commission may take action on the increased freight rates agreed to at the meeting o f the Southeastern Freight association and the Southeast­ ern Mississippi Valley association, at Louisville, Ky., Saturday, when the new tariffs are filed with the commission by the roads having membership in these two associations. Action cannot be taken by the commission on its own in­ itiative or on the complaints o f ship­ pers or shippers’ associations, i f the" interstate commerce commission should find that the increase in freight rates was made through concerted action, and that there was evidence that the Sher­ man anti-trust law was violated, atten­ tion will in all probability be called to the matter. In- speaking o f the powers of the in­ terstate commerce commission where an advance in freight rates has been made by any railroad. Chairman Knapp, of the commission, said : "The railroads must file their tariffs with the commission with 30 days’ no­ tice o f a contemplated change. Changes in rates between competitive points must be made simultaneously by all the roads operating between those points. This in a measure protects the shiuticr. When a railroad files notice o f an increase in its freight rates the commission can on its own motion make an investigation as lo the reasonableness of the advance. "In a case where the commission acts on its own motion, however, it cannot issue an order. If a shipper makes a cc-mplaint to the commission against a railroad charging an unjust increase of rates, each side is given a hearing, and the commission can then issue an order based on its decision in the case.” Should it develop that the increase was made through concerted action, the commission would very likely refer the matter to the attorney general. The department o f justice can also call upon the commission to investigate as to the reasonableness in rates. Rate A p p e a l Judge Martin the interstate Saturday stat­ ed that he had not been officially in­ formed that the transcontinental rail­ roads would contest the com m ission's derision in the lumber rate cases, but be has heard in an indirect way that they are considering such a course. W ashington. July 22 — Instructions | have been sent to the army construc­ tion quartermaster at San Francisco *o invite new bids on 9-9 days' notice for the construction o f the big army -upnly depot and the shipment station Uncle Sam Demands FINE WORK DONE CHEAP— PRICES at Fort Mason, Cal. The contract Washington. July 21 — P ro te c tio n . i was awarded to the P J Carlin Con- The state de- w a it , shirt . . 10c D rm n . S to 15c j struction company, o f New Y ork, but partment yesterday made a demand on Son ” - - - 10c Whit. Wtitti - to to me the Persian foreign office to take tip the I they failed to sign the contract,. W hit. Skirt. - IS » SO Cadtnklrto - IS to ISc demands o f the United States govern- ' ndrah ln« 5« Stocking« - . iW c ment for the protection o f American Handkerchief« • ■ t c Collar« . . . - gc A . Y .-P . M o n e y A vailable. missionaries and their property at M en'. White Vera 10 IS rant* . . . . t ic W ashington. July 22.—T h e treasury Tabriz. C ora . - 10 20c Dower« . 11 10 c department Monday notified W . M T o m « . - - » 0e D o . N a p k in . - • lO c D o r Geddes, ctirrency distributing officer T h . following article« 10c »er Poe Pillow c m , G o v e rn m e n t A c c e p t s M o n ta n a . | for the exposition com pany, that the *"> Sheet«. TnMeclothen. Night GowM. W an es'« j government appropriation for the W ashington. July 22 — The new bat­ Dara«™. Underwear. Apnea and Const Carer«. [ \laska-Yukon-Pacifie exposition at tleship Montana has been accepted by r A U n C AVEHUE FOREST g r o v e | Seattle, amounting to $600,000, is now the navy department. Captain Alfred Reynolds is in charge. [ available. Macedonia threaten to get entirely out o f hand. They are mutinous be­ cause pay day never arrives. Often men whose time has expired have been kept with the colors for years, ow ing to lack o f money to pay them off. Front time to time mutinies have developed in various towns, and occa ­ sionally a little money has been sent to troops to tide over some highly dangerous ecrisis. Now a new ele­ ment o f danger appears in “ young Turkey.” This party is proving ex ­ tremely active am ong the troops, anil numerous incidents show the trend of events. C o m e s H o m e an Invalid. New York, July 20.—Alton Gard, dis- tict governor o f I-anao. Philippines, who was shot and seriously injured while at­ tempting to arrest the datto o f I^anao for 'he murder o f a Tennessean, a settler in •he province, and who arrived in this city Saturday, was taken to Roosevelt hospital. Gard was treated in Manila, but it was thought there might be serious results from the iron bullets and he was ad vised to return to this country. At the hospital last night it was said that be was resting comfortably after his 10.000- milc journey. INCREASE IS ILLEGAL R iilroad Rales Cannot tie Raised, Says Commissioner. POINT WAS DECIDED IN GEORGIA All C o n c e rn e d In c u r Pen alty Under S h e r m a n L a w A s It W o u ld Be Violated. Chicago, July 18.— A special to the Tribune from W ashington says; In the opinion o f John Clements, a member o f the interstate com m erce commission, the proposed general in­ crease in freight rates discussed in New Y ork yesterday by the presi­ dents o f many eastern railways in the Trunk Line association would constitute a violation of the Sherman anti trust law and would render all the railroads concerned liable to se­ vere penalties. Mr. Clements ex­ plained that the interstate com m erce commission as a commission is not at all interested in the Sherman anti­ trust law, the execution o f which is entrusted to the department o f jus­ tice, but he expressed his opinion as a lawyer and cited a recent instance where the supreme court had so de­ cided. "A s a lawyer,” he said, “ I am will- ling to hazard the opinion that such an increase in rates as was contem ­ plated by the eastern railways at their meeting in New Y ork would be itt direct violation oi the anti trust law. When practically all of the eastern roads, and, for that matter, all o f the roads in the country, by a mutual agreement raise rates, it is to my mind a procedure which brings them under that clause of the anti­ trust law which prevents ‘pooling’ and illegal combinations. “ W hether or not there is any neces­ sity now for an increase of rates, I am not prepared to say. If the increase should com e, the com m issioners would have ample time to decide that point. I ant convinced, however, that the railways will give the anti-trust laws careful consideration before they consider a general increase in rates. “ A similar case came up in Georgia som e time ago during some lumber hearings Federal Judge Speer de ctded that the railroads had form ed an illegal com bination in increasing the rates, and the supreme court a f­ firmed the decision.” F IR E O N S T R IK E B R E A K E R S . A la b a m a M in e r s K ill D e p u ty S h e r if f and W o u n d D o ze n M en. Birmingham, Ala., July 18— Robert Gardner, a deputy sheriff, was fatally wounded and at least a dozen miners m ore or less seriously hurt as the result o f an attack on a train bearing strike breakers to take .the places o f striking union milters at Jefferson, near here, yesterday. The train was in charge o f 13 deputies, and was en route to Adamsville. It is said the union miners attem pted to induce the strike breakers to leave the train, and threatened to kill them if they went to work G overnor Com er has ordered a com pany o f cavalry from M ontgom ­ ery to the scene, and trOops already on the ground arc under arms, and will patrol the district tonight, pre­ venting further disorders. Deputy Gardner, m ortally wounded, was brought to Birmingham last night. Deputy G eorge Smith, accompanying him, estimates that no less than toot) shots were fired on both sides in the attack at Jefferson. A ccord in g to Smith the engagement was opened when a train bearing 50 strike-breakers attempted to leave Jefferson for Adamsville. Prior to this a number o f union miners had made overtures to the str ke breakers to join their ranks, threatening at the same time to kill them in case they attem pted to work the mines of the operators. D oesn't Mind the Fleet. L on don , July 18.— Criticism by the British press o f Australia and New Zealand for the expenditure of enor­ mous sums in preparation for the en­ tertainment of the American fleet is not finding favor with the general mtblic here. Sentiment of the people generally is with the colonies in their T o n g s D o o m P ro se cu to r. stand on the question, and editorial Sacramento. Cal., July 2 0 — Because utterances on the subject are much he succeeded in causing the conviction milder today than they have been in On the continent there has of Mar Gin Sttie on a charge o f mttr the past been no criticism o f the world v o y ­ rler. District Attorney F.ugene S. Wa age o f the United States men-of-war. rhorst has had a price set on his head by certain Chinese societies o f this citv M a rsh a ll is Indicted. and has been warned to be on his guard New York, July 18 .—A G. Mar­ Mar Gin Sttie. a well-known highbinder, murdered I-ce Tonj. a Bing tongman shall. manager o f the Standard P ro­ \ jury Saturday night decided that Mjr tective society, who. wi'h Henry G. Sttie was guilty o f murder in the first Cooke, president o f the O reg on degree. Ranching ft Timber company was in- . D _ dieted on a charge o f conspiracy to Says Revolution Is Crushed. fraud the United States hy violat- ^•rw York, July 20 — The Associated ing the law in relation to sale o f titn- Press has received the billowing di« her land in Oregon, surrendered htm- oatch from General Davila, president of self to United States Marshal Henkel H onduras: yesterday He was later arraigned in "Tegucigalpa. Honduras. July 17.— the United Sattes circuit court. The government has put an end to the revolutionary movement in 10 days. The Will U se G reat N o r t h e r n T r a c k , decisive battle was fought at Nacaomr Billing«. Mont. July 1*.— It is an­ The enemy was defeated and escaped nounced that with the com pletion o f into Salvador.” the line o f the Billings Northern rail­ road from Billings to Great Falls, O h io R e fe re n d u m L a w U p he ld . Mont., about September 1, the Bur­ Cleveland. July 20—The new initia lington trains, now using the N orth­ tive and referendum state law was held ern Pacific line to the coast, will pro­ to he constitutional today by Judge ceed over the Billings Northern to Chapman in common pleas court. Th' Great Falls, from which place the test case will he carried to the state so tracks o f the Great Northern will be used. pre.ne court for final decision.