Iishington County News I tack FOREST GROVE OREGON NEWS OF THE WEEK l i i Condensed Form lor Oar Busy Readert A Return« o f the L t U Important but Not Loss Interesting Event* o f the Past Week. Fierce fighting is reported from Tabriz Persia, V*J being killed or wounded Mrs. John B. Stetson, widow of the Millionaire hat maker, is to marry a Portuguese count. The miners' federation has for a government inquiry Treadwell mines. A report from Berlin says jestvensky is dead but that the famous admiral. Sir William Randall Crenur, the fa­ mous English peace advocate, is dead H e was 10 years old. Tnrkey is ripe for a revolt as the men _____________ are determined to over- y o u nger ..„_______ th r o w the saltan s rale. _ , , _ , . . . ... . . . Otic the officers of the battleship fleet assaulted a Honolulu editor be­ cause of charges made in the paper. BISH O P P O T T E R DEAD. Foremost Figure in Episcopal Church in America Passes Away. REBELS ARE GAINING Cooperstown. X. Y., July 2 2 - Henry Cod man Potter, seventh P rot­ estant Episcopal bishop ot the diocese of New York, died last night at Fern icigh. his summer home here, after j an illness of several weeks, aged 74 years. He was unconscious all day . and the end. which came at 8:331 o'clock, was peaceful Gathered at the bedside o f the dy- ( ing churchman were Mrs. Potter, his ' wife- Mrs. Mason C- Davidge. who j came from California, and Miss Sarah i Artillery Captured and Reactionary Potter, daughters; Alonzo Potter, his i Leaders Seek Asylum With son; Edward S. Clark, Stephen C i Clark and Mr. and Mrs. F. Clark. : Russian Cossack Guards. Mrs. Charles Rnssell and Mrs. Will-1 ism Hyde, his other tw o daughters. _____ who are abroad, have been notified Death was due primarily to embol- St. Petersburg. July 21.— A dis- :sm in the right leg, following a long patch from Tabriz, by courier post to attack o f liver and stomach trouble. Julfa. affirms that the shah's cause in and the end had been fo re -^ n f northern Persia is lost. several days by the_ bishop's physi The artillery and ammanii on wr Bishop Potter suffered a se were abandoned by Rachm Khan of the and Sliaii Has] Lost Control ot North­ ern Half ot Territory. RACHIS KHAN NOW A W H I T E F R U IT FOR FLE E T. Honolulu Donates Liberally to Officers and Men o f Bwttlesn.ps. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST Honolulu, July 2L—A feature o f the entertainment o f the fleet Sunday was the presentation of hundreds o i tons oi USE OWN M ONEY. fruit and delicacies o f all kinds to the various battleships. The great store of Q o ast Ports Are Anxious for Deeper good things was loaded on a lighter, Channels to the Sea. which was towed to each o f the twelve j , Portland. — Depending upon water ships in turn, the Hawauan band being transportation to get their products to aboard also, and playing native ana market, the people o f Siuslaw and Co- American airs as the d.stnbuti-n pro- quiile are preparing to expend something m the neighborhood of $ 2 io,ui*> o f thejr cceded. T T i m m m .1 < "* *“ S . t S S J r r u i ’. i i S K S Z oi ra d -t " " j j “ island. where men ot the Ncbra**a are in quarantine. the entertainment committee being determined not to ior- get any one. Sunday has been a quiet day with the men o f the Atlantic battleship fleet. Out- side o f the sur games, which took place « ;n , , l » c l a n n d . l ~ d » « ( r o m t l h , ^ mto the respective bays, lney nave come to the conclusion that deep water must be had, no matter what might be jj£ cost. J. B. Cushman, a prominent sawmill man 0( Siuslaw. is in Portland to con- ter with the government engineers rela- tne to the project proposed at Siuslaw and he has received considerable en- thc Ica* lie * round’ and which hun- couragem ent from M ajo r Jam es M ein LIG H T O U T P U T O F PLACERS. Baker County Miners Handicapped by Scarcity o* Water. Baker C ity—Coming in from _ hia large placer holdings on Cow creek, W. J. Patterson, one o f Baker C ity’s prom- lnent business men, says that this Year ^ crop o f gold dust in Baker countv the„ ' sufficient water to do the work that w ill pay and most of the placer miners are putting in their time preparing for next year, when they have hope that there w ill be more snow and possibly a heavier rainfall. There are a num­ ber o f Baker City people interested in placer mining and in the past it has yielded a steady and certain income. Reclaim Hundreds o f Acres. Klatuath Fails.— Specifications have been issued by the reclamation service for five additional schedules ou the south T ranch canal, composing seven miles. It will connect the g:-vern**at canal and the old Adams ditch. Sealed bids will be received until July 28 at the local reclamation office. The work means the excavation of 112.040 cubic feet of dirt, within 30 days after sign­ ing the contract. Hundreds of acres of land extending far into the Merrill country below Klamath Falls will le reclaimed by the project. portuniiy to inspect the site o f the navai Cushman says, and no work will be able that services will be held here iry headquarters necessary there. The reacti'manes, who had taken station that is being planned. and that the body will he removed to New York, where a public funeral wil! "efuge in the Russian bank and the At Coquille a committee o f three The officers were privately entertained Russun consol. M. P*»hitin. ff. have be held at Grace Church at many residences, and there was hard­ leading business men has been placed Bishop Potter's illness first became again retired to the consul s country .in charge of the work and $ 100.000 has ilia outside the city, which is being ly ne of the cool porches along the aiea,|v been subscribed for the purpose publicly known early in the spring when announcement was made that guarded by a large detachment o streets o f the residence district that did of placing a jetty at the mouth o f the he was unable to take part m the ossacks The casualties resulting not offer retreat to the white-clad vis­ >ay and bulkheading the same. The Co­ Easter services. A diagnosis showed •om the recent bombardment and quille country is in much the same pre­ .j,,, bishop was suffering from a fighting between the troops and rev­ itors. The men. too. sought amusement dicament as that on Siusiaw. in many parts o f the city and the streets stomach and liver malady and after it olutionists were slight. Mr Cushman asked Major Mclndoe was given out that he would not be o f the downtown section, as well as the for the services o f an engineer to take The Standard Oil company ap­ able to attend the Pan-Anglican con­ tree-shaded roads and lanes further out charge o f the work at Siuslaw bar. and TEHERAN FEARS AN UPRISING pealed to President Roosevelt in an ference June 21 plans were immedi­ Prune Growers Encouraged. were papulous throughout the day with ^e was practically given assurance that ately made to bring the bishop here effort to have tbe big fine set aside Salem — Prune growers have been en­ ___ . . ,, „ the request would be granted, although when his condition would permit the Success o f Insurgents at Tabriz En­ __ groups of strolling seamen On every (he matter will have to be submitted be- couraged with the prospects of better Honduras has no money with which journey. Early in the present month hand they were welcomed by the citizens fore the chief of the department firsv prices. A small quantity was sold to courages Revolutionists. to continue the fight against revolu­ he was near death, but rallied and for tionists and has sold its railroad to a time he was thought to be on the Teheran. July 21.— The successes and found hospitable entertainment ; as do also the p r: posed plans o f the eastern buyers by the Willamette Val­ ley Prune Growers association during Americans. property owners there. • f the revolutionaries at Tabriz, con- wherever they sought it road to recovery. the week at a price that was a little T o employ a dredge would be of no cerning which news is beginning to The German steamer Anubis is O n on the ships, hundreds of visitors avail, says Mr. Cushman, because the better than last year’s figures. It is reach here, have encouraged the local' F in e WtLL STAND. ashore on the California coast. 30 revolutionary leaders and caused ap made wtlcomf- and >'acht sand shifts conttnually. and the only feared, however," that there are still miles off Point Conception The ves­ prehensions of renewed disturbances and pnvate launch m the » Y »a s method o f keeping it out o f the channel large quantities of last rear's produet sel will probably be a total loss. Court o f Appeals Sustains Standard Rapid preparations are being made to pressed into service to carry parties of is by frc in g it out with the current of ret unsold waiting for the reaction The swift liner I.usitania has broken after the disastrous results the panic Oil Assessment. river, concentrate the shah's forces, and pleasure-seekers in and out among the the IT , n ¿J‘ as is done at the mouth of the had on prune prices in the latter part of another record She has just cro*»ed Chicago. July 22 —John D R'scke- j 1000 horsemen o f the nomadic tribes anchored warships. Columbia. from New York to Queenstown in the winter and in the early spring. five days and 37 minutes, tw o hours feller will know at 10:30 o clock today at » Bakhlier have arrived on the out- REGENTS PLAN E X TE N S IO N S . kirts o f the city Quarters are being and 44 minutes better than the recjrd that the Standard Oil company ot In- - High School fo r Gilliam. MEXICO FOR M EXICANS. uiana must pay the fine of *29.240.000! prepared for them in the vicinity oi The battleship fleet has left Hono- against it by Judge Landis in the shah s palace, which is becoming Condon.— A fter a fight o f more than Important Announcements Expected Inlu. the United States supreme court here rapidly transformed inic a t r i r t 'j Sentiment Against Foreigners Is Rap­ : four years, Gilliam county is to have From University o f Oregon. President Fallieres, of France is nearly a year ago. The court of ap- Guns have been mounted on the walls idly Gaining Ground. r- • - . » of / » Oregon. _ s- University Eugene.— The a high school and it is to ” be located uaicu. peals will report its finding at that commanding the city in all direction visiting in Denmark. of the Universitv of at London . I he yote at _ the last _ gen­ Mexico City. 21.—The anti-for- loard of regents hour. and positive assurance is given I A strong party led by Am:r Boga- . . July . _ The British house o f lords has that the original decision w ill be tur. w hich now has thé upper hand, eien feeling in Mexico is assuming large <'tegon will meet in annual session here eral election was practically unani- passed an old age pension affirmed in every particular; that the has informed the shah that the. re- proportions and a bitter con rovers»- The me<,tin* wil1 be one ot the m0'i: nlo° * ,hat the institution be located A t a meeting o f Atlanta Baptist fine will stand and that a new trial establishment of order awaits his in- , _ .K___ J... u . , . 7 important ever held. Plans for the fu- at the county seat, ft appears now re are extensive and when the board that the school will be opened in the structions. The reactionaries are ac- jver the questi :n is being waged between Ministers' association, one member will be denied the foreign and native press. La Patria has adjourned it is expected that some i fall, though there will be no funds This is the final outcome o f a day tively at work among the p -palace praised John D. Rockefeller t full ___l i o . f _____ _____ _ ____ ! to _____________ wide _ speculation and excise- collecting _ signatures petitions ask- printed an article in which it proclaims rer? definite and gratifying news will available to carry on the work until The Chicago b a rd of health has th .has ment among the attorneys on troth ing the »hah to abrogate the c nsti- the t me r-ne for a nolinr w W -W a r be made Publie •» *k« wav of improve- the county court meets for the Janu- started an active campaign to reduce sjdts o ( the fan,01„ caie The fact tu-i n. and a mem oir to the same et- . „ . . '. ,, . g ‘ ments to the »rate un versitv. The eon ary term and makes a special levy the high death rate an; ng babies — hat the court o f appeals had reached feet is being prepared for presenta- shall be. Mexico tor the Mexicans. dirions demand the addition of instruct- Most of the tirade is d reeled against ors in some departments. President The Clyde liner Chippewa, which! a decision and was ready to report lion to Great Britain and Russia. More Time to Finisti Road. the "Yankees a term of contempt used I Campbell will go east shortly in the in Eu« ne_ eity councjl Fas went on the rocks between Boston anie as a great surprise, as it had » , , . terests of the institution. Improve . T. i council na- been thought the case would go over and Charleston three weeks ago, is a Sultan in Furious Rage. > Mexican editors in de-ignat.ng me>tf ani „ Iargements wi!l be male tended *£* t,me lim it in whtch the enlarge until fall. The court oi appeals is total wreck. London. July 21.— A special dis­ gene & Eastern railway is to complete Americans. in several departments. . .. . , made up o f Judges Peter S. Grosscup. An ail tom bile stage running from Franc., F Baker and William H >ea patch from Constannnop'e to the the Eugene-Springfield line to Novem- Among other things Ijt Patria de­ Bellinghair. Wash, to Lynden went man There was a hint last night that Daily Telegraph says there is not Fancy Price for Benton Land. ^ r ^ completed be- over an embankment and 15 passen­ one judge will dissent, but thi* will the slighest doubt that Turkey is clares that if Americans think the gov- ; Albany — William Peacock, of thi» that t i7le if tkere “ f "® mishaps. emments of Argentine Chile or Brazil ' suffering the greatest crisis in" her gers were injured not affect the finding, as the other <*;MgPiles are driven over half way to affairs that it is p --ible to more enlightened than that o f Mexico, city, w ho owns an 19-acre garden Springfield“^nd Hie 'trestleTs'com plet^ Admiral Rojestvensky. the Russian two are said to have sustained Judg internal imagine 'hey should journey to those parts, the tract across the river m Benton conn f or , portion o f this distance. officer defeated by Admiral Tog© m Landis throughout The sultan, continues the corre­ Early reports yesterday were to the the Russo-Japan war. is dead, as a tv. has been offered *15.000 for the sooner the better. spondent. is furi ns with his minis­ ; effect that the fine imposed by Judge direct result of his wounds. After referring to the efforts on the land. It is said the garden lands are | Selects Hatchery Sites. ■ Landis would be greatly reduced; in ters. whom he holds responsible for A steam pipe on the battleship i fact, f the ---------- foreigners pro- the ------- best on the Pacific coast Mr 1 .IU , tU l U U V 4 ■■ to the I u v w i ................. « part o -------------- O • to kill » the • sx. u Astoria— . . . . .... H. ... C. V . a M . V cAllister, II..^ | C 1 , U master S 9 IC T cut down ordinary fines ' , the situati n in Macedonia, - and whom Kearsarge burst and scalded five men astestrd against corporation»—*omc* acvii*** *t ir.tticading hnn is to new min in* law restricting cor- Peacock is one o f the veteran garden- fish warden for the .«tate o f Oregon. • .* z : . a . f *1. * nr ? rur ? n f t < r •• t l ® . . . _ Cigarettes have been barred from w j, ere in the thousands instead o f the ' ne tnlÇ tacts o f the situation Thev ers of Oregon. He is not anxious to j l185 returned from an official ir.spsct.on poratjons in Mexico, the paper says: one of the largest Nevada mines millions. From an authority which have advise! him to pardon H e repeat our attitude toward for- sell. The price offered, almost iinnu fzip to Tillamook bay and the streams In a dispute between Canadian P a - { cannot be questioned, however, it n ticer* now awaiting court-mar-ia! on eismer. \\ e are not b xer-s. but patri- an acre, is the highest ever offered for leading into iL As a result o f his vis- cific shop employes and the company learned that the majority ot the court the charge of assisting the “ Young ots. and when we take a gn-en decision farm la/ld in this vicinity it, he has decided to establish a salmon Turkey agitati- n. but he obstinately a board of con c ilia tio n granted the sustains Judge Landis hatchery on Trask river, as well as refuses to do this, and declar.s tha. we take it. not as aga-nst foreigners, bui men almost every point contended for the benefit o f Mexico.” the mini-ters are traitors Cherry Grower Puts in Drier. eyeing stations on the Nehalem river Nevada Stage Is Robbed. for. The sultan threatens to remove the Salem — S T Kimball, one of the *nd other streams in that district, ( ¡ j Reno. X e v . July 22— A special to omcers o f the third army corps and Gomper. and Morrison, leader* of LOSE UNDER 3-C E N T FARF. largest groivcrs of cherrie« near f tbe American Federation o f Labor, the Journal from Likely. X e v . says cru.h the Albanians by force. Salmon for Propagation. lem. has just completed a drier »«it! bave been cited to appear in court for 'he I.ikelv and Mturas stage was h Cleveland Traction Company's Reports a capacity of :» m ) bushel» f cherries Astoria— Deputy Fish Commissioner d isob .»m e the injunction regarding up bv two masked men who were day The poor market for cherries L. G. Burton, o f Washington/has left Appreciates Act o f Generosity. • boycott against the Buck Stove hravi’y armed They compe Show Big Monthly Deficits. argo messenger to rievrland o t o, , au 'j'fid e d Mr Kimball to install th e ]fo r Bapent bay. where he” wiTlI d riv i a Pekm. July 21 .— It was announced company Lle»eland. O , Ju.y 21.—CTc»-eland has drier All cherries for the drier ar. down the box containing; here yesterday that the Chinese gov­ trap to be used in catching salmon for Persian troops are said lo bave put lievcd. a large sum in gold for the pa> had nearly three months o f 3-cent car carefully pitted by machinery He be ernment ha* decided to appoint Tang propagating purposes at the chir.ook down tbe re» •lution and retaken Tabriz roll at .Mturas. The passengers were lie»es that dried Royal Annes »»ill ne hha.. Yi. governor of M..ukdcn proV fares, and two o f the monthly reports , r . , »uni .t i»i •» i than *ii irr*» him a ifiiwKkt bigger profit fresh ■ Roya hatchery. He was granted permission N o description of the •wee. a* high commissioner to the A Buffalo woman poisoned her three not molested KUT bhown a deficit. A s.milar report Anne< at 3 cent* a pound, the be*t to place the trap outside the regular children and attempted to poison her­ robbers could be given, as it wds dark l nned States^ to thank the American line. and after securing the box the men sen government for remitting a part o: * predicted t *r July. The operating: price offered by the canneries, m it disappeared in tbe brn«h. T expenses and fixed charges have been riff the boxer indemnity. The go»-ern Cosmi Tolsti has written a lengthy PO R TLA N D M AR K E TS. Flour Mill for Baker. Vturas and a posse have started in ment intends to send too >ru tents to from $ 40.000 to $50.000 a month in ex article denotmemg tbe Russian reign of the L’ ni liter! Mate* every year for four cess of the earnings. The Municipal Baker City.— A committee o f bu«i terror Butter— Extras. 25c per pound; years, and then 50 a year until the Traction company, which is operating ne»« men composed of N C Ha»kel!. fancy, 24c; choice. 20c: st->re. 16c. Tbe naval tug Iroquois ha* gone Ruef Again Pleads Prejudice. entire amount o f the indemnity re­ \Y J. Fitter- -n and Sam Baer, ha» E rrs — D reg -n. candled. 24*5 25c. ashore near the entrance to Pearl har­ San Francisco. July 22— The bittle mitted by the United Srat. - h » ’ been the local lines under a lease, also is j finished the work o f soliciting a fund Poultry— Mixed chickens. 12}c per bor. Hawaiian islands. ■f the affidavit was renewed yester­ expended. This is only part of a under promise to give free transfers »viTb which to purchase a site for the pound; fancy hens. l3*Sl34c: roosters, An automobile met a tram near Co- day. when three affidavits were filed plan to bring China into closer rch- after July '.'» The revenue from trans- n f" -IM> barrel fl tiring rr>:" that is t<- •*.i 10c: springs, 19g20c; ducks, old, :i ns with America himl-ia City. In. ham Ruei to support a r fers has been about $2.000 a month, a he built by G B. Stout, of P a I n d Mr Stout .asked that the city donate 12c; spring. 14c; geese, old. 4c; young, o f thè auto aie dead t that his counsel will make today to cert each having been charged. Find Graft at Molo! a millsite. and stated that he would U $ il2 }e ; turkey», oid J '.tI9 c ; young, 20(t 24c. The recent immdatìons in thè vie-mty have hi* trial on one of the man»- The officials o f the company still ex­ erect a modern flour mill Over *ti>-.»Q Honolulu. July 2 1 — The federal charge* of bribery against him tran* o f Tokat. Asia Minor, cosi 2.000 live». .V eal— Extra. » a 'Jc per pound: or­ press their belief that 3-cent fares wil! was raised by the committee in a few- ferred to another court than that of grand jury, which has just completed Uni old damane «ras dooe to propri-v dinary. 7 u 7}e: heavy. Sc. J b * c I aw! t It i* set forth in tbe an M S M tgtfio a of the government j pay in time. An important meeting of hour* to pay for the land. fo r k — Fancy. 7@7ic per pound: or­ A Chicago f i l i has just beco saved affidavits that Ruefs defense will in dinary. 6c: large. 5c. d,rfC' ors w,n hfId n<,xt Tuesday from drowning by a man wbo years ag ..vod, the famous immunity contract work on the leper island o f Molokai Track Laying Is Resumed. Mutton— Fancy. 7}@9c. was rescued from the water by tins m in which judge Lawlor is involved. w ^>ch consists in the construction of to cors'der the inauguration o f free Klamath F alls— Track - laying has Hops— 1907. prime and choice. 5^t! girl Old further that Judge Lawlor ;» a big leporsarinm or hospital for the transfers and other vital points. been resumed on the California North 6c per pound: olds. 2<§2}c per pound; I Tbe matron o f a West Oakland cfcil- aB<1 prejudiced agianst the de- patient*, has discovered that all the eastern railway, and steel has been contracts, ;»-i 10c. A Tied to the Rails. dren s home is in trouble because she employes engaged in this work are laid over the hill this side of Harris, \\ ool — Eastern Oregon, average j whipped two little girls with a bag* aliens and that they pay 20 per cent ! ^°rk. July 21.— A strange mur the present terminus Worden, the best, ttVjt 16fc per p.»und. according to l Mora Plague in Venezuela. whip | _ ,n* ir waK « . persons who pro- 1er case developed yesterday when of station nearest the swamp, will prob­ shrinkage; valley, 15<§15)c. j .--stad. Island of Curacao, fu lv ir,lre ,îl f 7l situation» The re “ c m ’ » i Hackensack. N 1 examining ably be the next terminus o f the road Mohair—Choice. l » . i l* lc per lb. The Pennsylvania railroad will ex This will aid greatly in shortening the W heat— Club. 96c per bushel; red pose all employes who are delinquent in 22 The «lean er Maracaibo arrived L. Jury ,m g<* ,hat ,>nl«'Hcan ,h?. .b dv ^ Mr* Otelia Eberhard itizen* he employed on all federal j which was found lying on the railroad freight and stage road into the city Russian. 94c; bluest em, 99c; Valley, I their dune* in the hope that it will yesterday from Puerto Cabello and public works 96c. t track near Co!bnrg. N J . Sound to cause greater cart among the men and Among her passengers was Charles Cement Industry in Sight. the rails. A pa«»mg train had cut the Barley— Feed. *2.t 50 per ton; rolled, save accident* W V surgeon in the United ; Infected Rats at Seattle. S.»dy in two Otelia F.herhard. a dangh- Klamath Falls— Abel Ady. owner of *27 50^*29 50; brewing. * 2 s Whitnc* L. Boise, a prominent man State* health and hospital ! Seattle. July i t — Four more sus- ter of the dead woman, tt was discov­ thousands of aeres of tule lands in this ___ Oats— No. t white. $26 50 per ton; w , . marine .. r - | o f Portland, ha* been arrested for em servaci ered was wounded three times bv bul­ county, reports the finding of s large l Kr?J - V- v_y _ . V plague. r " * 1“ * *—* bezzlement It i* charged that be ha* investigate the bubonic The ° P «t e d rat* under investigation at the lets and dragged herself a mile to an iso- ledge of gypsum on his property, and I H ay— Timothy. W illam ette Valley, made »way with at least $150.000 be steamer was refused admittance at laboratory conducted by Dr Chapin tated farmhouse The fvhee are hunt- P*r ,on: Willamette Valley, ordi- longing to the Hasrtborne estate. Puerto Cabello There are rumors >; the United States public health and ;ng f r Vngnst Eherhard. a nephew of state* he has all the ingredients neeew ! svry for making cement. He elaim* nary- Eastern Oreg-vn. *17.50} marine hospital service were yester- Peary has started on another at- that the ha* broken the murdered woman, believing he may that a few feet below the surface of the i mixed, *13; alfalfa, *1?; alfalfa meal. day l* Vfn a positive diagnosis and La Guavra. m a ff< tempt to reach tile north pole. at Carac. 120 know something o f the crime. marsh there is a laver o f mineral sand declared plague-infected These ani­ The Rnssian budget shows a deficit which when washed is better building bruits— Cherries. 2 a id e per pound; mal* were l^krn from the .woodyard Shoot Up Bos.on Stlowi. o f *37 500.000 in extraordinary rev.- sand than is found in this section. apricots. * i per crate; pexches. .VXii Warships Nearing Manila. it Eight avenue and Madison street. •n e* Boston. July 22—Three men armed ^ Box; prunes. *l',i t 25 per crate. >f 54 rats caught in that vicinitv' Manila. July 21.—Wireless commnni- X spectator at a Chicago ball game with heavy caliber r e v o la r , d a »v Berries— Raspberries. 90c per crs.te; Monroe Cannery Idle. i»d examined , , the pdagur U b o r a C tr o n ha* been established between the » when » — a - * home -----[in to a a crowded Trains ha crowded Jimaica J im fe ll ** and broke hi* neck tory nine have been positively dug I. ... , -, . . . . i Monroe—Monroe has one o f the larg- ! ■ganbernes. 75.” be posing the special service squadron, state, but from latest report« it ortu« Melons — (. antal .upes, *2 2V*i 1 30 the place When Eastern railroad* have been allowed gan shooting Porter Suffers Relapse. whtch left San Francisco lone * in ad- that the outfit i< to lav id'e this sea«.— *'