Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, July 09, 1908, Image 5

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    There was no regular celebration at
Buxton the Fourth but many small
picnics were held, in various localities,
at Green Mountain, Manning, Sam
Stowell’s, Jack White’s, C. Lazott’s
Earl Kay is helping A. Dethlefs with and Carl Iler's. Those who attended
■ hay.
the festivities at Iler’s on Wolf Creek,
A. Roth visited with L. J. Magoon put in some of their time in hunting
with good results as Dave O’Donnell Jr.
killed a bear and cub while Edgar
le farmers are very busy making Hannan killed a six-foot panther.
\y in this vicinity.
[L. J. Magoon is helping A. Deth-
with his new house.
Miss Kate Reuter of Portland spent
rHarold Hanson was sawing wood for j the Fourth here.
rchie Walker last Wednesday.
H. W. Schmale will move his fam
Twenty-eight persons boarded the i ily into his new residence this week.
jin here the morning of the Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. Senger entertained
K W. W. Lewis and son made a busi­ relatives from Portland over the Fourth.
ness trip to Dillev last Thursday morn­
Robt. Stevenson begins laying the
foundation for his new house this
J. G. Boos has an order for sawed week.
stone for Portland which he will fill
Wm. Adler and family spent Sunday
this week.
! with Chas. Day and family of Gales
r Mrs. George Beal and Mrs. Allum- Creek.
baugh spent the 4th with Mrs.
A. T. Buxton delivered the address
at the Fourth of July celebration at
John Cummins Sr., Joe Anderson | j Vernonia, Ore.
id George Beal Jr. spent the 4th in j Mr. and Mrs. Bates started on their
e mountains.
return trip to Iowa after a three weeks’
J. G. Boos loaded another car of visit with friends here.
» farmer stone for Earnest Brown, o f1 Mr. Williams left Sunday morning
Hillsboro, last Thursday.
for an extended visit to his boyhood
Miss Edith Wese and Miss Schmale home in southern Wisconsin.
Mr. and Mrs. John Myers returned
i served the wedding dinner at Rodell
i Matteson’s home last Wednesday.
to their home at Clatskanie, Ore., after
Mrs. Archie Walker has returned > visit with their daughter, Mrs, Frank
home from her long visit at Mon- Johnson.
mouth, her mother accompanying her. i The baby daughter of Mrs. Jas.
Mr. Ryals, the owner of the Big !
si,ck with indi*es,ion a
[ Four saw mill of Scoggin Valley, made '
;recently- Dr. Brown pre­
a business call at the stone quarry last \ scribed for it.
Mr. and Mrs. Hickox, former resi­
. Monday.
dents of this place, arrived from Hood
River Friday to visit among relatives
friends tor a time.
. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hundley are the
Dr. Brown was called to attend the
T)roud parents of a baby girl.
Wm. Thrapp and family of Reedville, | little daughter of D. B. Adams, who
was quite badly burned the evening of
spent the Fourth on Gales Creek.
! the Fourth, by her clothes catching
Miss Maiy Woell of Gales Creek, is i fire from a lighted match. At present
visiting in Ferest Grove this week.
writing she is doing very nicely.
Dr. Manion passed through Gales
Seven little girl friends of Miss Edna
City on his way to Tillamook last week. | McCaleb helped her to celebrate her
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson have eighth birthday anniversary last Thurs-
been visiting relatives of Gales Creek. | day afternoon. All enjoyed them­
selves in playing various games until
Paul Lilly of Portland, spent Sunday (our'0’clock, when a delightful luncheon
with hii father, R. P. Lilly of G ales‘ i was served, after which all returned to
! fheir homes wishing Miss Edna many
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Adkins went to | happy returns qf the day,
Tillamook last week accompanied by
Will Carry Yamhill County Tax Case
Samuel Smith and his bride..
To Higher Court
Elmer Penny and family
Creek, are visiting the former’s parents,
Counties that have assessed property
Mr. and Mrs. Penny of St. Johns.
j at full cash values will resist the at-
Mr. Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell ! tempt of Yamhill county to have the
and Mr. Mrs. Guy Thrapp have been ; law of 1901, apportioning the state
»pending a few days on Wilson River. tax, declared unconstitutional says The
Oregonian. Among these counties are
| Columbia, Marion, Multnomah and
Umatilla. They maintain that if the
A number of Thatcher people went state taxes are apportioned according
to Cornelius the Fourth to attend the existing assessed valuations, as was the
; practice before the enactment of the
j law which Judge Galloway has declared
E- B. Cbipman and wife of Gresham, | unconstitationali the amount 0f tlieir
visited at the homes of E. J. Bonshu taxes for state purpose will be increased
and Fred McElliott over Sunday. Mr. J unreasonably. The assessors in these
Chipman is an old acquaintande of Mc- ! counties allege that the move on the
part of Yamhill county is simply an at­
A girl baby was bom the 16th of tempt to avoid paying a just proportion
' of the siate tax. If the property in
June to Mr. and Mrs. Heesacker.
Mr. Heesacker has rented the Pur- Yamhill county was assessed at its full
dm farm for three years longer, -pjje i cash value, it is averred, the county
neighbors are all pleased to keep them I would not be paying more than its
|rightful proportion into the state
* in their midst.
Farmers are all busy taking care of
Discussing the subject Saturday,
their hay.
Assessor B. D. Sigler, of Multnomah
j county, said he was in communication
j with the assessors of the other counties
| of the state in which property has been
Miss Bertha Hunger, has been
assessed at full value, with a view to
ing in Hillsboro.
[ determining the best means of defeat-
The little daughter of Nels Nelsen 1 ing the purpose of the suit that has
has been sick the past week.
| been instituted in Yamhill. It is not
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Fisher of Rainier, j proposed to wait until the suit has been
«pent the Fourth with friends in Bux­ j carried to the Supreme court. In sup-
I port of the contention that the present
. . . .
system of apportioning the state tax
Mrs. Walter Hannan attended the fu- arnong the different counties on the
. . .
neral of her brother’s, W. G. Scofield’s, j . basis
of the average assessment of
infant daughter, at Gales Creek last | property for the five years preceding
j 1901, when the law was passed, is the
A|Sunday school was organized in | only fair and equitable plan of dis-
the Crawford school house last Sunday, j tributing this tax, some proceeding
and hereafter will be held regularly | may be brought to show that Yamhill
county property is not assessed at its
with Mrs. Haage as superintendent,
are the easiest communication for hot weather and we
have plenty of good ones, but when you take your
vacation trip you want a few extra envelopes and sheets
of paper of write special letters.
We offer you as our
F r id a y
S a tu r d a y
S p e c ia l
this week, 24 sheets of paper and 12 envelopes, good
fabric finish, all in neat portfolio for
10 cents, Regular Price 20 cents
id-Summer Clearance
a t the Progressive Store
A fine line of t,he Latest, Styles in S h irt
W aists, somewhat broken in sizes but ex­
tra good values at the marked prices and
we are going to sacrifice them as follows:
$5.00 Silk Shirt Waists
$ 3.70
4.50 Silk Shirt Waists
1 .1 0
4.00 Silk Shirt Waists
3.50 Persian Lawn Shirt Waists
3.25 Persian Lawn Shirt Waists
3.00 Persian Lawn Shirt Waists
2.50 Batiste Shirt Waits
2.00 Batiste Shirt Waists
1.75 India Linon Shirt Waists
One lot Colored Shirt Waists th a t we offer a t
We also offer a V E R Y H E A V Y R E D U C T IO N in a lot of Summer
Dress Goods including Dimities, Lawns, Madras, Batistes, Printed Chiffons,
Colored Imitattion Worsteds, etc., that it is impossible to list here.
Come in and S ee Them at
full cash value, as contemplated in the
The Purest
law. Assessor Sigler feels that it will
be possible to prove that the assessor
Estate of Julius Itel deceased.
of Yamhill county has not listed the
property of that county at more than Final account approved.
Estate of Estella E Smith minor.
33J per cent of its actual value.
The Best
Following the enactment of the law Alice Adkins appointed guardian.
in 1901, and under which the state tar Bonds fixed at $3000.
Estate of Thos J King deceased.
is now apportioned, the Assessors of
Multnomah, Marion, Umatilla and Estate closed of record.
Columbia and a few of the other
The F inest
counties, proceeded to assess all prop­
and Edna May
erty at its full cash value. This was
done in compliance with the provisions Hundley.
of the law itself. In the other counties * Samuel J Smith and Mahel L Grove. ■
John Roberts and Missouri Smith.
property is assessed at from 3 3 j to
The Sw ellest
probably 75 per cent of its true valu-1
ation. Now, if the law is held to be c Lehmann
ux to J G Wiggin-
unconstitutional, and the former system
ton It 4 bk E Lehmann Acre
is restored, these counties would be '
T r a c t........................................ $
required to pay from 30 to 40 per cent
Geo F Naylor to Sarah V Law­
more state taxes than they are paying,
rence 1.40 acres in T G Nay-
and all because the Qthar Bounties fail
lor d 1 c t 1 s 4 w .....................
to assess their property at full cash E A Hall et ux to Ralph Kay 30
acres in sec 13 t 1 s r 5 w . . . 350
E A Hall to Mabel A Hall int in
Purchased Rolling Stock.
part of sec 13 t 1 s 5 w .......... 500
The Oregon Electric company has
purchased a large number of cars to be Wm R Gillespie et ux to Jacob
Heyne part of sec 16 t 1 s 3
used on the Forest Grove branch of
w ................................................... 1370
that road. Manager Guy Talbot, who
has been in Chioago several weeks, re­ j Moses Dillaboy et ux to John H
Davis part ot sec 25 t 1 s 2 w 700
turned last Friday and reports having
Pierre Morin et al to A Schamoni
purchased 30 box cars, 30 flatcars, 10 E L Schiefietin et ux to Henry
W Harms 16.02 acres in
3.90 acres in Geo Richardson
stockcart, six coaches, two mail and
d 1 c t 2 s 1 w ...........................
express cars and a number of ballast { David Monroe d 1 c t 1 n 3 w
M J Perk et al to John VanZante
cars. The equipment was bought at Lot Patton to Mrs Dora Führer
6.20 acres in sec 13 t 1 s 1 w 625
14.93 acres in Patrick Kelly d
Chicago, Philadelphia and Niles, Mich.
1 c t 1 n 4 w ...............................
The new eoaches ordered sre full I Ernest J Crabb to Jas N Flippin
wj of swi sec 10 t 3 n 4 w . . 500 Samuel Holm to Star Investment
coaches and have no smoker, express
j Chas W Evans et ux to Frank
C o lts 13 & 14 Grey O a k . . . .
or baggage compartments. They are
Rice et ux to A J Folsom
of the most modern type and fully up !
w ...................................................
part of M Watts d 1 c (1 0 .5 0 )
to the company’s standard of equip­
Marcus Peterson et al to Wm
a c r e s.................................... • . . . .
Hamilton 160 acres see l i t
Wm E Gessell et al to Ernest
The two express and baggage cars
1 n 5 w .................'...................... 800
König part sec 33 t 3 n 2 w
purchased are in anticipation of busi-
A W Gillis et ux to Thos J Ott
(4 0 a cres).................................
ness that is rapidly developing along
26j acres in Fruit Vale add
Western Oregon Trust Co to
the lino, It is expected that within a
Forest G r o v e ............................. 6000
Eliza J Imbrie 9.88 acres be­
short period the government will re­
D L Kennell et ai to Mrs J H
ing Tract 6 Virginia Place. . .
quire the distribution of mail along the
Weseott 30 acres in sec 30 t
Herman Metzger et ux to Sher­
route between Portland and Salem.
1 » 3 w ........................................ 1000
man V Short Its 2 & 3 bk 43
Until such time the can will be used
Willrose R Kaser to Chas W
Metzer T ract.............................
principally for express.
Odell et al part of bk 23 For-
John R Depperman et ux to L
M Smith et al part of sec 2 t
est G ro v e.................................... 350
Archie Hahn, of Paciflc University,
2 n 4 .. .........................................
and the world’s champion sprinter, left K N Suehr et ux to Chas W
J T Turk et ux to Detroit Trust
Tuesday for Boston, where he will en*
Odell et al Its 7 & 8 bk 12
Co 79 acres in sec 1 t 3 n 5
ter the races. Upon his return t o
South Park add Forest Grove. 400
Oregon this fall he will participate in Thos Connell et ux to J B Han-
Max Burgholzer to Mary Strassel
some races that will be arranged for
ley 50 acres in T R Cornelius
tract in sec 4 t 2 n 4 ............
him by Jack King of Portland.
[ d 1 c t 1 n 3 w .......................... 3200
It Is all smooth sailing when you place a Liner Ad
in this column. A few words here will reach 5,000
readers and the reaults are certain. Sc line 1st
Insertion, 2V<j cents each subsequent insertion.
Minimum charge 10 cts.
LIST your farms and other properties
for sale with T. H . Littlehales, Forest
Grove National Bank Building. 27tf
Rubber Goods
FOR SALE— Shadeland
white seed oats. Edward Naylor. 39-tf
Toilet Articles
F o r SALE— Good 7 room house
outside city limits. Pantry and Fruit
house. Lot, 1 acre. Good Orchard
and Barn. Furniture goes with the
place. Price $1800; easy terms. T.
H. Littlehales, Forest Grove, Ore. 46.
Kodaks and Supplies
D R . H IIN E S ’
Liner Column
F o r S a l e C h e a p — 1 set of heavy
I double harness, almost new. B. C.
Dennis, Gaston.
52 t3p
FOR SALE— 25 head of good goats.
$1 75 a head if taken at once. In­
quire at this office or James Kirby,
Gaston, Ore.
F a r m F o r S a l e — On account of
death I offer my farm of, 119 acres,
for sale at $85 per acre. Three and a
half miles north of Forest Grove.
C. Jaspers. Owner.
F u r n is h e d H o use F or R e n t —
Large modern, well furnished house
10 for rent to the right party. Col.
F or S a l e — Good 7 room house
close to car line $1000. T. H. Little­
hales, Forest Grove, National Bank
_____________ l«f
For Sale.
Team of bay mares and good wagon.
Apply to J o h n J. B a x t e r , 18 2nd
1250 avenue. Forest Grove.
Oat Hay For Sale.
Anyone wanting good oat hay— leave
orders with John Haynie on S. Hughes
2000 farm. Ind. Phone lOx.
— Joe Stream guarantees to pie
with the latest hair-cut. Sharp razott
properly handled. Opposite
45 Office.