Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, July 02, 1908, Image 7

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    9 }
H air Sick?
W hy
That’s too bad ! We had no­
ticed it was looking pretty
thin and faded of late, but
naturally did not like to speak
of it. By the way, Ayer’s
Hair Vigor is a regular hair
grower, a p e r fe c t h air re­
storer. It keeps the scalp
clean and healthy.
E very
Mr i ,
W om an
B u t Just as the citizen w as about to
haze the man who bad sandbagged him
arrested, be w a . opportunely waited on
* "
by a com m ittee of the Commercial Club.
“ We have the w elfare of our beauti­
ful city much a t h eart,” they observed.
“ I'ui glad to bear t h a t !” replied the
citizen, cordially. "S o have I.”
Some people are th in and alwraya r«-
The com m ittee cleared their throats. raaiu thin, front tem peram ental rea-
i ) f course the price of real estate Is *ons- Probably In such cases nothing
about the main element lu the welfare C4n t>e ‘lone to c l sa g e tills personal
of u city ," they went ou.
P eculiarity.
“Of course,” the citizen assented, be-
, " u* there are s larya num ber of peo-
Ing something of a booster lilmself.
*’ " ? .* l t ,llln >o r rem ain thin, who
H ere the committee, looking at him
T " " “ I1*
p ,a m l* * ,ul fle,h7
I .
but f o r som e digestive derangem ent*
• cry hard, cam e to the point.
tm «
i.a i. i
“ .
..... k .
. . .
o t d
Thill people lack In adipose tUsue.
Me b a te the honor
to Inform you.”
Alllpo. e t u «,uo cumpoMd of
quoth they, “th at real estate made yp fat
Into sandbags yields more profit and
F a t |. d c r ’vfel from th e oily eonstlt-
by th at commands a higher price thuu n e n ts o f food.
■val .-state lu any other form ."
' T he fat-m ak in g fo o o , a re called by
This naturally ended the m atter. The the p hysiologist, h yd ro carb o n s. This
citizen saw the [mint a t once and was elass of foods aro n o t digested In tha
profuse lu hts thanks at being set right, stom ach a t all. T h e y are digested In
while the committee went on their way the duodenum , the division of th e alt-
rejoiclng In the consciousness of u good m en tary can al Just below the sto m a ch .
thing done.— Puck.
I Tho digestion of la t Is m ain ly . If n ot
'w h o lly , th e w ork of the pancreatlo
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
Juice. T h is Juice is of alk alin e reao-
hv 1
«|.| i.-all >- 1 v m . they rsnuot r--ao'« the ti««n, and is reuit ■ r«-<X In ert by the addl-
a n fk m n li
°J th t Sterna, h Product A cid Fer­
mentation o f th t Food. .
anj i
It’s Stomach Catarrh
Child Should R ejo ice and
B e G lad.
A n n iv e rs a ry
L ib e rty
th e
D ate
W hen
H er
S h ack les.
•*I «ro well acqn*lnted with Ay*r'« I7,ilr
Vipor and I like it very much. I would e 9 pe
c ia llr recom m end it as an e x c e lle n t dressing
for the h air, keeping it s o ft and sm ooth, and
preventing th e h air fro m sp littin g a t the
ends.” — M in n i K F r i t z , V eedum , Mich.
Slade Oy J. c. Ayer Co., L o w e ll, At»««.
▲ iso manufacturers of
Two large paintings and seven w atet
colors by Ilmen, painted «b ile he was
ro> i . have been discovered at N it-Da­
le« Sweden, In the possession of the
widow of one of Ibsen's friends. It Is
well known that the d ram atist during
ll* youth was Interested In drawing and
So fa r only two paintings
snd two w ater colors were known, pr­
onging to a p rivate eolleetlon. They all
were painted during his youth.
U n cle
A llen .
"They say," remarked I’ acls Allen
Sparks, "th at the corporations are not
going to contribute anything to the cam­
paign funds this year. Then we won't
have as ranch campaign oratory ss usual.
There is no loss without some gain."—-
Ohicago Tribune.
, v
n is n iip u liite il.
“ Mrs. W raxall, how do you like your
tew flat?”
"Don't say anything about it, Mrs.
Hugo, but I'm all out of patience with
"W hat is the trouble?"
"There isn't a single thing I can find
fault with.”
U ooa
H eal
a no
i n « m i i .
“Your p artn er,” rem arked the privi­
leged friend, “seems to he a mau of
unusually good Judgment**
"You bet he is.” replied the self-ac­
knowledged brains of the firm. "W hy,
he never makes a move without asking
my advice !”— Chicago News.
n n liK litrn n ie iit.
‘T op , w hat is a chiropodist?”
"One of these people who tell your
ch a ra cte r
T h a t’s right. T om m y; alw ays ask pa
anything you w ant to know.”— B alti­
more American.
k . r ir n T T ir
> — jw a r i C h an M ,
Lead ville. Colo nido. S p e cim e n p rice« : G oal,
ow ard
H E Fourth of July­
's the day of patriot­
ism and the fire­
cracker. Every one
-—old citizen or new
arrival — celebrates.
One and ail know
there is ju st cause
for the celebration,
but few realize the
great and glorious
facts that make ev­
ery one who really
can say he is a citi­
zen of the l nited States feel as proud as
it is posidble for a human being to feel
the stimulus of pride.
When on that never-to-be-forgotten
date the old bell in Independence Hall,
The enthusiasm of the patriots at hear­
Philadelphia, rang out, to the uninitiated ing the intelligence was unbounded. While
it pealed its sonorous notes f«>r mime un­ Congress had been discussing the subject
known purpose. To those who, hr«-«*th- crowds assembled outside the hall ami in
less. were waiting for the sound, it told the streets, anxiously awaiting the result.
the news that liberty had shaken oT her When it was announced at noon the
shackles in the new world, that she had State House !>ell on which was inscribed
taken her rightful pla<-e and that here­ “ Proclaim liberty throughout all the lands
after the people would acknowledge the unto nil the inhabitants thereof,” clanged
power of no ruler except such ns might deep and melodiously and the throng gave
be chosen hy themselves. It was a curi­ vent to long and loud shouts of exultation.
ous scene in the staid old Quaker town,
The old bell-ringer had been at his post
the last place in the colonies where one since early morning. He had placed his
would have suspected a spark would Is* boy below to announce when the I>eclara­
gi\en birth to light
torch tion was adopted, so that not an instant
throughout the Western Hemisphere. It might be lost in transferring the glad tid­
was on the 7th day of June, 177»«. that ings by means of the bell to the awaiting
the delegates from the colonies sitting in multitude. As Hie wearisome hours j n i s s -
Congress in Philadelphia, considered the ed and no sign came to him the aged bell­
following resolution, introduced by Vir- ringer finally exclaimed, “They will never
riuia's statesman, Itichard Henry i«ee:
do i t ! They will never do i t ! ” Ju st
“Resolved, That the I'nit.-d Colonies then he heard his boy clapping his hands
»re and ought to he fi-ee and indept-ndent and vociferating at the top of his juvenile
States and their political connection with lungs, “ K in g ! K in g !”
The old hands
(ireat Britain is and ought to he dissolv­ swayed the sonorous bell with delirious
vigor. Its reverberation was echoed by
There had been murmurings and threats every steeple in the city.
and calm expressions of determination.
That was a gala day in Philadelphia,
But here was united action. The people, what with rejoicings and bonfires and
by their representatives duly chosen, for­ illuminations. The cannon boomed ami
mally absolved themselves from allegiance messengers rode away hotly to all quarters
with the mother country, and s»i«| to the to announce the nejvs. Washington then
world that they had east off their swad­ was in New York with the army. By his
dling clothes ; they were now wholly alii
orders it was read to (he soldiers, who
to walk alone On June 11, that famous acclaimed it enthusiastically. The towns-
committee was appointed to frame the ! folk on that night tore the statue of
Declaration of Independence. Note the Oeorge I I I . from its pedestal in Bowling
names, and if you are a student of the > Green, and it was melted into forty-two
history of the United States, conceive if thousand bullets for the patriot troops.
jrm 'ózm
l S j ilv
l « t r e i r, , X L J IM
A , , ?1
« ; , lio
v i M id
u t f . >->
« * e
c r,
i , 7j
iv c
i ; , v Hold,
. > « ,« « , w 5oc
v « ; , Z
, , i in
« « c v o
u t f
S ilv
Capper, *i. Cyanido tenis. Mailing envelope« and
fdil 1 prie
prtee llst seni ou application. C ontrol and Uru*
e le r e u c e : C arb on aie £ *»
pire work solici led.
(lo u a i B a n k .
b ju c
D ir e c tly on th e b e a rli o rerlo o k ln tr
1 n t
th e o rea n . H ot «alfe h a th * ami j
P i IC T Li mi er « u rf b a llila * . Her r e a - j
w L I r r n U U ò t f , on P|e r to r fis h in g .
H T 8nn PsM ors. E le c t r ic lig h t« . F ir e -
p lace and «team h e a t. U n e w alk«
n o r n n i U ” niid d riv es. S ea food* a «poc-
U flL U U H
la ity . H atea, $2.óü and $ 3 .0 0
p er da j . 9 » S p e cia l ra le « by th e w eek.
m 1>AN. «I. M u o l l L , l ' r v v r t B t o r
Si. Helen’s Hall, Portland, Or.
Resident and Day School for
Catalogue on Request.
furnish Y o u r
Without Cost
With P R E M I U M S Given
fREE for C A R T O N T O P S
“ 2 0 M U L E T E A M ”
Leather Good*. P ocket Book*, P urses
Hand B ag ?. C hatelaine*, Suit Cases,
Trunks, Collar and Cuff Cases. Razor
Strops, Traveling B ag s, Toilet and
Sewing Cases. Rain C oats, U m brellas
and Rubber Goods.
Jewelry. Clocks. W a t c h e s , C h a i n s ,
Rings, Fobs. Brooches, B a re tte s, Side
Combs, B racelets, Neck Chains, E tc .
Silverware. Tea Sets. Coffee S ets, Mugs,
Desk '
Candlesticks, Ice P itchers, S alt and
Peppers, Napkin Rings, Jew el B oxes,
Knives, F o rk s and Spoons, C ig ar and
C ig a re tte Cases, Puff Boxes, Comb
and Brush S eta, Manicure Seta.
Gla^s*»are. Nappies. V ases, Spoon Hol­
d e r , Celery and Salad Bowls, Bon Bon
Dianes, Punch Seta,Tum blers, Goblet*.
Gam«* Guns, Pistols. A ir Rifles. Fish­
ing Tackle, Boxing Gloves. Tool Cheats,
Baseball and Football Goods. Cam eras,
Phonographs, Banjos, G uitars. Books.
Rugs. l a c e Curtains, CuU
lery, Lam ps, Baby C arriag es, Beds.
Send lc « i m p fo r * > —
FREE « •
r * -i r f ovrr loco prm+nts «tvm freo. A i : i m
httUtf u m i her** C*. 0*M +tkd. Gm.
It. V
n »■ f
\ h v o e ra c h litv
th a
tn *
KwMac«da*n^iV«\’»e. °W het^tl!tii''tub -’'^‘iftiatnen
vdiihM iHriinii in* e uni or iutuvrf *ct la-ai
iiiK, h d when it is entirely closet!, lv»iim>-s it»
th.-r.-.u t .n.l ,««« ,,h . fnflau.mstlnnra-. b-
taken out ami tin« tut** n*etor«*H n» It« norirai
* " " » “ »“ * *“ »
d e stro y .
L ie l>ancrcatic f l a i l for digestive p u r-
poses Therefore the fit* «.ru nnt HI-
tu e ri ore, m e lata aro n ot d l-
gostod or eraul»Uiod, aud the ayatom Is
i . r its due proportion of o ily
which la no« .in.: h .t .««in named condliu.u >.i ooustltu euta. lleu co , the p atien t grow a
tlie mucousi surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollar'« for any ;
ease of leaf ness (caused by catarrh) tli at run
T he beginning of tho trouble la n ca ­
m>t beeured t»y Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Semi loi tarrh al condition of tho stom ach w hich
causes h yp eracid ity of the g&strio
T J CH K V K Y A C O .,T o le d o , O.
Sold bv DruvgiNtN 7 >e.
juices. T h is h yp eracid ity is caused by
T here's
Winner In It« glory, limned
T a.e Hall's Family Pills f*^r constipation.
A ga in st t h e summ er skv .
ferm entation of food in the sto m ach .
W reathed around
deathless story,
, . M . u « t e .
W hen
food is taken Into the stom -
crow ned with deeds th at never d ie;
b n I h e r '«
How Its folds unfurl with splendor In the
ach . * if . th e . process
of diirestion
;, .
bright beams of the sun.
not begin m inied iatel), a< id ferm enta-
W orshiped by Ils first defender, Freedom 's on his symphonie jioeiu when the baby’s
lion will take place. T h is creates
only W ashington
lusty cpj w o heard from th»* m r — y.
hyp eracid ity of the stoma«:h Juices
B,,rn • .T ÎÎifcS 'i.ïïïT , of
,,m<' h"* , , r " K,,ou b,,re “ u*,nful|y for ttve m*n' | w hich In tltoir turn pr.-yent t h . p .n -
Torn ifflîd tïir tnu.Lrt". r . t t l . . It
h,,b>' 8 lu" ,h ,‘r t o
o re s tlo d l q .- .l o n o f th e o ils , .m l t h .
umphed In our war« .
rescue. 1 hen he opened the door e ra s cja tlon results.
M irrored In each beauteous river, all it9 and ahouted u p s t a i r s -
. ,
. ..
. -
s ta rs reflecte«l shine.
.... .
” ,
A do*a of P é r i m a b ofore e a c h m e » i
And the N ation em w na It ever with a love
» b a t la the m a tte r?
H arry, a re hastens the stom ach d i g e s t i o n . B y
^ you teasing the baby?”
h u rry in g digestion, Perutia p ro v en u
Through the many counties« ages, grand
ferm entation of th© co n ten ts of the
T o o inii>( b i doing ■omethlng t<* tom ach , aud th© p ancreatic jnioo in thus
It will live upon the pages writ 'neath
make him cry .”
preserved in ils norm al state. It then
Freedom 's azure dome ;
Aud the world will tell the sto ry, how
“No, papa tru ly ! All Ethel and I only rem ains for tho p atient to e a t a
from ou t the y ears a fa r
did was to try to slug him to sleep sutUcient am ount of fat-form ing foods,
ta m e a banner w re.itlied with glory, set
with your lullaby.”
and tho thiuu essd isap pears an dp lu m p -
with deathless Stripe und S t a r !
— Thom as
C\ llarbaugb. In
Four T rack
; uosa takes its place.
{ ‘ "»\
M onc
N « l ia b le
D ay.
The Fourth of Ju ly , ever since that
memorable date in *7<i. has been an im|H>r-
taut day in the history of this country.
The adoption of the Declaration of lude*
pendent*« makes it. perhaps, the most no­
table day in American history.
Other ini|H>rtunt events which have oc­
curred on Ju ly 4 are the capture of
Forty Fort and the coniinuation of the
horrible Wyoming Valley massacre in
177S; the signing by President Washing­
ton of the first revenue bill, thereby mak­
ing it a law. in 178H; the death of
Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Dec­
laration of independence, in 1 HUH, the fif­
tieth anniversary of the adoption of that
document, and the death of John Adams
on the same .lay : the nlx.lit¡.>n of slavery
in New York State, and the freeing of
10,000 slaves, in 1N27: the laying of tha
corner atone of the Baltimore and Ohio
railroad by Charles Carroll of Carrollton,
the last surviving signer of the Declara­
tion of Independence, in I.S2S; the death
of Jam es Monroe in IH.‘{,“ 1, the nnti-nl>o-
lit ion mob riots in New York in lS.'H;
the ratification of the Texas Annexation
hill in 1H4.">; the Five Points riot, in
which eleven were killed, in 1S.*»7: the
capture of Vicksburg by Gen. Grant in
18T>3: the great Portland (M aine) fire
caused by a fiiecrncker. with losses aggre­ j
gating $ 1.",0110,000, in IHlWl; and the de­
structive tornado which swept Indiana,
Wisconsin, Ohio and Missouri, with heavy
loss of life and property, in 1873.
fact, the Fourth of July seems destined to
always be a da\ when there is "something
doing.”— Four-Track News.
Boys and girla for generations have
/ou can of a better quintette to have rep­
resented the American people: Benjamin l>een taught these facts in history; that
Franklin, John Adams. Thomas Jeffertu*!, is. the boys and girls who have studied
the history of the Cnited States. There
Roger Sherman, Robert R. Livingston.
The first was the man whose fame is are thousands resident here now who have
ticked into our ears «very time we hear never had this opportunity. To them the
a telegra[ih instrument, whose genius is Fourth of July is a holiday, a day to
placed in broad light whenever we enjoy celebrate, a day of enjoyment. To the
the illumination of electricity. The sec­ American boy and girl, who knows what
ond rose to be President of the nation happened on that memorable Fourth, it
he helped to form. The third is the is so much more than that it is no exag
father of what the world know* as the geration to say they enjoy the celebration
Jeffersonian Democracy.
i he fourth. with twice the keenness that those who
Puritan, patriot, leader, gave more in are ignorant of the country's history
moral force and determination, in knowl­ could possibly experience.
Among the older ones, plenty of whom
edge of the law and its common sense
principles, than almost any man who as­ have studied history, too, there is a host
sisted at the birth of the nation
The who only know that Fourth of July is
fifth was the man of whom the majority the day when the Declaration of Inde
**d pendenre was made public. That is what
yet there wa* none who better deserve s we celebrate, to be sure, but the kindred
place of honor in the public mind. Emi­ incident* must he known to those who
nent as s financier, a shrewd Judge of would appreciate the greatness of the day.
human nature, his touch ou the helm of » 'e love the Star Spangled Banner. We
To the
state was exactly w'hat was needed to celebrate the Fourth of Ju ly .
American citizen the«# two are the Da­
ke*»p the young craft on her course. J« f
ferson had spoken but little in Congress mon and Pythias of freedom. We wave
tnd he had no part in the acrimonies the first and we set off fireworks in ob­
which then prevailed. In s plain brick servance of the second. And then inci­
bouse, at the corner of Seventh and dentally we all make a little Declaration
Market street*, h« drafted the D*--lara of Independence of our own.
tion of Independence.
The work was
almost wholly Jefferson’s, only « few
'I b e \ m e r l e « n F l a g .
vertml alterations being suggest ad hy Ad
Our fiag fiirriea American ideaj. Amer­
urn and Franklin. It then was approved ican history and American fee bogs
by the committee. A few passage* were
t. *
i ginning with the colonies and coming
stru *k ont hy < ongre*«
Kodn*). .
, .
. ,
h M t o to our time, in *• •• '«d h--
one of Delaw ares delegates, in order tf-
its glorious insignia, it ha* gftfh©r©d
have hi* vote recorded, rode in the saddle
snd stored chiefly this s>ipreme ides, di­
from s point eighfy mile« from Philadel­
vin» right of liberty is mar.
phia sll nighf. snd r*achpd the fluor jnst .
in time on July 4 ro cast iK'Iawsre’s vote
n fsvor of indep^ndenre. On fhat day.
rv«r g>emorable in Ameri»-an annal*, fhe j
* » a a M r a l l s a »« *«•■»»
Déclaration of Independen«^ wss adopted I Whst is true pafriotisn,
L is s*i ab-
by rhe unsosmous rot« of tbirteen colo soluté co o serritist to counfr^ — U '.lu m
j McKiaicy s t G ran t* Toiub.
w a ..........
t-oiiali-eiii-.il.-«. lesnii-s. 1 «. an . , - 1 l.v ku u digeativo tlulda of the stom ach passing
m ill
S trip e *.
The Stars and Stripes, the flag of lib­
erty, floated over most if the field* of
the Revolution, though if was on I y thir­
teen stars then against forty five to-diy.
Several flags, among them a red field
emblazoned with a pine flee or n rattle­
snake, were used at first, ami one with
thirteen stripes was rained at the siege
of Boston in 177«». fin June 13, 1777,
Congress adopted our present nnfionnl
flag, and it i* more than probable that
the family arms of Georg© Washington,
which united stars and stripe« in a very
suggestive way, had some hing to do with
the first choice. At first s sfrij>* as well
a* a *tar was added for the birth of e*ci|
new State, But this was sooo found to
l»e impracticable, and *o the increase
was confined to th»* constellation, while
the strip«** returned to th** origins! th ir­
teen, answering to the Revolutionary
Ir r w il
H im
- J
C Fur A Infants
S T and
O Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
B o a rs th
S ig n a tu ra
A u i . im I« ..!,
F iiru lsliliiK
General Demand
I n »| > lrn fl«in .
• » . ¡ r *"1 V rk.;..
M in t of Hint.'
“ II ,
You are
dramati/.»* it?”
“ Not at all, my d**ar.
quick «motigli ndion ou
novelizing it.”
U tm p f'a
You can’t g*
I ’m
W o rth .
A gentleman interviewed the Inuit
dryniun in r* ud f*» <*sf guiuients.
ays a w riU i iu H arp er’s Weekly, with
th«* following resu lt:
Ijuindrymun I regret to tell you.
■Ir, th at one of your sh irts Is lost
Custom er But here I have paid you
twelve cen ts for doing It up.
Laundryiuau Q uite right, sir.
laundered It la-fore we lost It.
Mother* Will find Mr* Winslow's ftoothing
>h,U ^
* i « i » l . l t f b t » • n P o « « f.
T hs ancient mariner had shut th» tl
I a a* * • uf»*ly out of m*at,” h«-
pleaded, "« .o I cuuldn t shoot a cativa*
L k
k - rii »»if f ttiug into trouble
with tl«« gam» wardti
1 U t 1ua n*» blanie ^ n»uel Taylor Cole
ridge, !Low« ver, fur axing liberties with
this La ■1 narrative ©ben be worked it
, up Into a Poem You Ought to Know.
” 1 told W illie if lie put S«) :iu**h pow-
der in Mie cannon he'd break t ! ” New
York Evening Journal.
llo m n llr
«! ll| »» —
"W hat i* it you ure writing iu such
hurry. W ill?” u*kc»l Mrs. Bor us.
“ I saw you discharge the cook a few
minutes ago,” answered F. Will Borus,
the struggling author, without looking ()f the W ell Inform ed of the W orld h a t
F lrm u rk a ,
Walton Are you going to hare any
fireworka on the Fourth?
Enperk I wouldn't ie* «urpriaed
gererally do at our bou«e. On 'art Fourth
my wife * b in ^ f ei;»! >*!»-. 1 and ebe bWw
ov up aud bred tbe b>red girl
I.If t i e
The «-dltnr tviis d ream ing In his "ilon”
when the door opened and a rath er
stern vlunged woman entered, without
apology, says u w riter In the Baltim ore
“ Will you kindly explain,” she tie
Kilt), grimly, tliruatlnit a
“ T l l h M l ' l l i n « HI o r it I ii w I ’a o « . "
cllPPlnIC under the ed itor's nose, "w hy
“Tills luminous plant,” said a young
your review er re fe rs to my recent book
as a “H istory o* F em a le Su ffrag e by a fath er, according to the l'hlludelphla
Record, “ought to be an excellent thing
uesv H istorical W riter?* ”
“(Ju lio unpardonable.” said tho ed ­ ! among fam ilies.”
“ How so 7“ iiskcil a friend.
itor, gravely.
"O f course the word
“ W hy.” said the young father, ”yoo
should be spelled w ith u ‘y.* ”
lust touch up the baby's face with It
ln*f«»re retiring, and then you can seo
V ’. ' tU *' I 's n r » » n il »11 N e i v o ti* D1» '» « e s
I r rim n en O y c u re d b f l>r. K i l n » '» < ir«u t
,1 1 0 porro»1
A erv« fu s stu
io n r a r. H«»nU fo r I l l K I . | 2 t r in i »»otti« » m l to give him Ills bottle without mak­
ir « » tis o D r. K . I L K l k n - , I«d..0.11 A r d i H t., 1‘U i:» .,!* » .
ing a light.”
\ I /./
Tw o
Admission slips to the
p retty likely to be m atter o f-fa ct r e o
ords and m ore or less trag ic, but occa­
sionally, the New York Sun re p o rt*
a hit of uncousc ions (minor Is found la
A slip at Gouverneur recently rep ort­
ed that a driver of a hansom had re ­
ceived his Injuries hy “ falling off a
perch,” and flu* man’s name w as Bird.
A nother G ouverneur slip announced
th at tho patient w as hurt hy “ falling
off w ater wagon” a fall, It might b#
added. Which Is alw ays dangerous.
2 6 « .—A U DKU0O/ST*~OOn.
alw ays b»«*n for a «iiiipla, p l.-a sa rt
. _
*• " " " ' ' l y at
•«*'*wn valu«-, a la x a tiv e which phyal*
' s could Hir Non for fam ily uss
b ecause Its com ponent p arts a re
known to them to be wholesome and
> m r at Is effect, accep tab le
t<i the sy stem and w
iu action.
In supplying th at dem «ut
excellen t com bination of 8 .
F ig s and E lix ir of 8 e n o a , the Cnis
fo sila F ig Syrup Co. proceeds along
ethical linea and relies on the merlin
of the la x a tiv e for Its rem ark ablg
su ccess.
T h at Is one of many reason s why
Syrup of F ig s and E lix ir of Heuus Is
Klv.-n th« pr-fi-r-ttc«- by the W .l ,
Informed To K'-t Its b< n.-flclal effects
ulwuya buy the K'-nuine n t S * »
iiircil by tin- California KIs Hyrtlp Co.,
only, and for aale by all leading
ilriiKKlats. I’ rice fifty ce n ts per b o ttl»
N<x 27-O S
H K J f w r i t i n g t o n«l ▼*-r t l « » r « p i »
Id nil I I o il t h l » p » p » r .