— Washington County News Issued Cach Week k r ___ OREGON NEWS OF THE WEEK I I I I f if iff Mexican Government Preparing Extensive Revolution, for El Paso, Tex., June 30.— Fifteen hundred troops have arrived in Tor- reon to protect that city from the ex- pected attack by revolutionists, and the Americans are preparing to send their families to the States for safety, ' according to reports brought here last t by passengers on the Mexican tral It is reported that the revolution­ ists have attacked the village of Mata- ■noros, Coahuila, about 15 miles from Porreon and have occupied that town. Official advices relative to sending troops to Torreon say that with the forces already stationed there the town is "impregnable." In Chihuahua there is considerable alarm among citizenry, and guards numbering from 20 to 25 soldiers in a single patrol are continually passing through the streets. A great many extra police have been sworn in to do guard duty. Information brought here last night by passengers on the incoming M e x ­ ican Central train is that all bridges and approaches to Torreon on every road except the Mexican Central have been burned. The international line out of T o r ­ reon, on which is located the town of Matamoros, reported to be in the hands of revolutionists, has suffered heavily, and the Coahuila Pacifico is entirely tied up as the result of depre­ dations committed by revolutionists A pay train on the Coahuila & Pacific was attacked on Friday night, soon after leaving Torreon, but the crew succeeded in running the train back to Torreon and escaping. There is a general movement of troops from Mexico City to north, ac cording to news received here, and reinforcements are being rushed to Jimincz, which is said to be still in the hands of revolutionists. n o rn n il / REBELS ADVANCE. " nr iir r r n r c T UntliUN o lA lt lltM o l)F INI ERESI c t it ü it c iio Apparently Going to Loot Rich City o f Torreon. El Paso, June 2«.— El Correo, the conservative daily Mexican newspape of Chihuahua, in its issue yesterday C R E A M E R Y FO R C L A T S K A N I E O P E N IN G LAKE MINES. morning, which arrived here last night, lias a story that au army of Farmers Sign Contracts for Output Stockmen Let Go o f Claims and De a strength variously estimated at from 4out) to 7oou men is inarching on T o r ­ o f Next Five Years. velopment Begins. reon, one of the richest cities in the Clat.'kanie.— A meeting of Nehaletn L a k e v ie w — It is now more than ’ state of Coahuila d valley farmers was held at Mist, mile two vlnu ’ s since the lirst discoveries of 1 T h e story, after reviewing the at- miles from here, 1 uesday afternoon, Besy headers. to make arrangements fur the estab golci were made in this suction, but *tac^ on Viesca tells of reported at the *^‘K *,he P » * » « * « » **“ lishincnt of a creamery at that place. -till no mine has been opened up. I V ,1|,,S to,,rob A Resume o f the Less Important but railroad, and says Settlement o f Disputes No Long I J C. Lang, a practical creamery man Most o f the good prospects are owned that the Central country around Torreon. Not Less Interesting Events irom Wisconsin, has been working by sheepmen and ranchers, who are which is so closely settled that there Left to New York Exchang, the proposition up among the far o f the Past Week. not familiar with mining, and have are stations about every four kilo- —Also Instruct Growers. mers fur the past three weeks, and held onto their claims, expecting that meters, is swarming with armed men. has succeeded in interesting them to the extent uf obtaining contracts for some 011c would make a rich s t r i k e ( " h o appear at the railroad stations and that they could then dispose oI j vv*th guns and cartridge belts, The Panama elections passed quiet­ five years to take all their cream at 8* le“ > 0 r - Jlln« 30.—Représentât!!« ly, with no need of troops. within one and one-half cents per their possessions at a big price. Since) "These same reports," says E Cor- the , al* t,,e prune packers of the pound of the highest market price for this has not been the case, some of i re?i “ s*y that three bridges o Japan is willing China should build them are letting go now, and the j r«*Hr°ad between Parass and T<______ west met here last night and orgswg butter, they also to put up su table one railroad into Manchuria. properties are passing into the hands j baYe been burned, probably with the buildings and furnish the boiler for for mutual protMtl(|, of practical mining men. This spring 1 iobject impeding tne the passage oi of an , association "Ujvci o OI f impelling . „ Missionaries say America is to the operation of the plant. Between a number of capitalists and men o f j ’ troops into ......... Torreon. - The inc ’ :endiaries and Pro,Uüt‘ 0“ ot the interest, of then blame for the Japanese war scare. 4.000 and 5 000 gallons uf cream tire business. experience in mining have visited t h is !i''so probably selected Torreon for shipped monthly from this district Railroads report business generally The organization is one that hai 10|| to Portland creameries, and dairying section, and some o f them have se- invasion because they considered it good, though somewhat less than last cured either leases or options on some a rich city to loot. Am ong the re­ is yet in its infancy. been desired by some of the packer year. of the best claims both at New Pine ports that we have heard is one which Creek and at Plush. One o f the b ig­ says that about 4000 armed men, near­ but which could never be effected ke* Governor Cummins, of Iowa, will NEW ROAD FILES A R T IC L E S . gest deals was consummated a few ly all of whom are inhabitants of tofore for the reason that compete resign and return to the practice of 1 lys ago, when a group of claims in ranches, itches, are said to have passed among packers has been too severe \ law. os in the state o f Coahuila, on the season now about to onen o . ‘ , Astoria, Seaside & Tillamook Line is the l ’ine Creek district was leased for Hom arm's The treasury deficit for the fiscal a term of years, and the payment th$ f Coahuila & Pacific railroad, about era wi„ w„ rl< , ° p ’ th* P** Incorporated. year just ending will be the largest in 65 kilometers from Torreon. made was $4000 in cash. Illl)n intercuts * ti ler JlS for .thelr'«»■ « 1 ...................................... .. • »• . . 1 ,1 0 1 1 IlU trtS tS . 1 lie S O i* l i l t in n _ »ill : ii years. The association Astoria— Articles of incorporation of ‘‘ Whether the movement is directed control all the Northwest prune pack the As'oria, Seaside it Tillamook Rail­ against the government oi Coahuila A tramp was arrested at Hood S E T T L E R S IN HARNEY. Among the paeking houses in the or way company were filed in the county or against the federal government, no River who was found to hive about gamzation are II. tj. Gilo A Co Wi clerk's office here yesterday, by F. L. one is able to say. It is generally $1,000 in cash in his ragged clothes. Evans, E. Z. Ferguson, 11. G. Van Stock Ranges Are Disappearing Be­ supposed the movement is not against lamette Valley Prune Association uA \\. C. Tillsou A Co., all of Salem- th It is generally admitted that Bryan the state, but against the federal gov­ fore the Plow. Dusen and W. E. BiitTum, as incorpor­ Koseburg packing houses, ownctbr Gik will be the Democratic nominee for ators. The capital stock is $2,000 000. ernment. One version says the revo A Co. and Tillson A Co., Allen’s pad. Burns.—The recent heavy rains president, but a fight is expected on ltition is wholly against the state of divided into 2U0.0IIA shares r f $10 each. mg house, of Eugene; Lang A Co. of have insured the farmers and stock­ vice-president. Coahuila, that the governor is not ac­ Portland; Mason, Ehrinan A Co' of The principal office of the company is men large crops of grain and im ceptable to the people of that state, Portland; French Paeking Company of to lie in Astoria, and, according to the Mexican rebels arc reported to hav proved the wild hay crop, which was articles its object is to construct and almost a failure, owing to the light and that he was forced upon them by Myrtle Creek, and the packing how« from 4,000 to 7.000 men under arms perate an electric railroad and tele­ -nowfall last winter. More people the president of the republic. A tornado in South Dakota did im Vancouver, Wash. " It is also said that a train o f in graph and telephone lines from Astoria mense damage to crops and bui'dings The new assoeintion has formulatd re farming in this county this year fantry fins been sent to Torreon from two forms of eontrnets which all th to Tillamook v ia Warrenton. Hammond and another in Minnesota killed seve than ever before. Localities where a ■and Seaside. It is also authorized to few years ago only cattle grazed are Monterey and a small detachment of firms in the combine will use. Ou persons. erect and maintain elevators, docks and now occupied by progressive settlers, cavalry." contract is that to bo used in selling Filipino leaders have been studyin " B E T YO U M IL L IO N ." Torreon, the town named by El warehouses, and to operate steamers on who are turning land that had never ( orreo as the object of attack is one fruit to eastern buyers, and the otkei the Russian douma. They will visit the Columbia and Willamette Rivers in buying from local growers. Th »roduced anything but sagebrush and of the richest towns in the state other nations of Kurope before re John W. Gates Wakes Up Slow Old Tillamook Bay and the Pacific Ocean. huncligrass into grain fields, orchards Coahuila. T here are six hanks— the packers have determined that they »j|| turning home They are traveling no longer sell according to fornu of Illinois Town. mil alfalfa meadows. under the auspices of the American Banco Minero de Chuihuahua, mean­ contract put out by eastern bin* New Squirrel Killer. There has been a heavy immigra­ war department. St. Charles, 111.. June 30.—John \V ing a branch there; a branch of Banco but will dictate the terms of the«s- Weston.— Edward Anderson, living tion to this county during the past Mrs Frank J. Gould is suing for Gates, the "Bet You Million" man, on the foothills near Weston, has year. Most of the new settlers are Naconial de Mexico; the Banco de traet or not sell at all. who founded the home in this village Coahuila; the Banco de Niteva Leon, The new contract contains a mat« divorce. for boys, slipped in here yesterday, originated a cheap and successful •veil pleased with the country, stating and the Banco de Durango. The of provisions favorable to Oregon patt­ Centralia, W a s h , was swept by a and what he did during his short stay method of exterminating squirrels, that the land is bitter than they ever Banco Laguna, recently organized ers. It gives the packer unlimited disastrous lire. has left the town gasping. There will which have caused much damage in expected to find open for entry under has a capitalization o f $6 500,000 choice in selecting an arbitrary tag* ot his locality. Locating a populous lie homestead laws. There are about 25.U00 inhabitants. dispute where, ns in the past, the arbi­ Desperate fighting continues be- be no other topic mentioned here for The 60,0(10 acres held under the the next six months. Epitomized, squirrel colony, he goes out with an trators have been chosen from the*« _— tween factions in Persia. equipment o f newspaper scraps, sul­ Carey act by William Hanley, of this here is what Gates did in about five York Fruit Exchange. The new ns- M exican rebels have captured the hours. phur and matches At every ho'e he count, and some Portland business DEATH IN T O R N A D O . tract gives the packer the privilege of town o i Viesca. The government hai places a slip of paper and a teaspoon men is being contested by the Pacific Kissed his old mother. filling his contracts with smaller sizes ul of sulphur. Setting this afire, he sent troops. Livestock company in the general Got shaved by the town barber and Minnesota Twister Kills Seven and of prunes if the crop produced does an j covers the blaze with weeds and dirt land office on the grounds that the contain the required quantity of Imp,] Bryan expresses perfect confidence gave him a $10 gold piece. Does Immense Damage. sizes. It gives the packer the right« I Threw showers of quarters and half The result is that the squirrels are land sought is not desert land and that he will be the Democratic nomi­ ill smothered in their subterranean will produce crops without irrigation. Clinton, Minn., June 29.— A tornado route the fruit in shipping. It eierapa j dollars to the street boys. nee for presjdent. Houses. One pound of sulphur vyill If this tr et is reopened for settle­ struck this town at 5:25 o'clock yes­ the packer from liability in case ship Was run home by a curious crowd Cleveland was buried in Princeton ment, it will be the means of increas­ terday afternoon, killing seven peop'e ment is delayed by congestion ot Bought a fine stock farm for $25,000 kill 200 squirrels. cemetery with simple ceremonies and ind gave it to an old friend. ing the population of the county by and injuring twenty-five, some seri traffic. no military display. everal thousand people, besides ously. Twenty houses, a printing of Josephine County Going Dry. It provides that in case of dispute! Begged for "dear old 5 cent cigar" There will be 1.250 American ma­ ind smoked it blissfully. Grants Pass.— Judge Jewell, o f the bringing under cultivati >n the best fice and two churches were blown a« in quality, samples for test shall be I farm land in Harney valley. down. taken from one fifth of the boxes of J Yelled at the son of a friend to Josephine county court, has ordered rines ashore in the canal zone to keep The tornado, which was unaccom fruit; that no allowance for short come and go to Europe with him and that all saloons be closed in Josephim order on election day. panied by rain, started three miles weight shall be made unless it amounts St. Johns Must Go Dry. •ook him along. county on and after July l. The liquoi A Portland fruit peddler was fined north of the town, destroyed two to more than one per cent, and that is Left for Chicago at 11:30 last night dealers have been notified, and so far Portla nd— St. Johns will go dry in $5 for staying too long in one place with Mrs. Gates and the boy, after as now appears no objections wi'l be accordance with the vote at the last farmhouses that were in its path and the counting test the size shall inelaile to sell his last box of cherries. swept over Clinton, which is a place the seventh prune and not the fifth me of the greatest days o f his life. made to the order. The 10 saloons of only, thus, that 47 prunes shall be James S. Sherman, Republican Gates and his wile will tour Europe this city, and nearly all the country election. Judge Gantenbein, in the of about 400 people. A Chicago. Milwaukee Pi St. Paul deemed in the 40-50 siz.e and not nominee for vice-president, is rapidly in an automobile and mining camp saloons of the out circuit court yesterday morning, up­ recovering, and will soon be able to side precincts are already preparing held the motion of County Judge mixed train was just pulling into the only. The new form of contract jwith grow­ travel. to close. The goods on hand are be *\ ebster and Commissioners Light- station as the storm struck the town Worst Ice Pack Known. and 15 cars were blown oflF the track, ers will be very explicit in requiring ing disposed o f as rapidlv as the ner and Barnes to dissolve the tem­ American authorities do not expect Seattle. June 30.— First to reach as was also a passenger coach con­ growers to deliver fruit cured in a fint- any open trouble with Venezuela. Nome of the fleet which sailed June l thirsty will buy, and it is evident that porary injunction which had previous­ taining 17 people. All were injured elass manner, free from all burned or after July 1 there will be very little ly been issued against them compell­ Th cv expect to just let Castro severe­ was the steamship Victoria, Captain slack dried fruit. The packer is to Is ing them to refrain from declaring among them Father Keavey, of Grace sole judge of quality and there in to b# Porter who is the first home, arriving liquor on hand in this county. ly alone. ville, Minn St Johns and University Park dry last night. The steamship brings The two churches destroyed are the uo arbitration in case of dispute. Harvard beat Yale in the great in until a hearing was had in court. Good Job Vacant. The packer is to have the right to Norwegian Lutheran and the First tercollegiate boat race. Secretary lews of the worst ice ever known in Behring sea since it has been navi­ weigh back to the grower any frail Salem.—The election of Robert G Episcopal Taft, who is a graduate of Yale, wit Warehouse for Canby. 1 elegraph lines were blown down, slack dried or otherwise unsatisfactory. nessed the race, and was sorely dis gated by white men, and Captain Pur­ Morrow to the office of circuit judge in er is authority for the statement that Multnomah county will create a vacancy Canby.— Work has begun on the new but as soon as possible news of the The packer will not be required to take appointed. esscls of the returning fleet cannot in the position of supreme court re warehouse of W. H. Bair, and the new more of a grower’s crop than 10 per A collision between a freight and a be expected on schedule time unless porter, which Morrow has held for a milding will lie one o f the best and disaster was sent to the neighboring cent in excess of the quantity estimated j cities. Soon help was on the way circus train in St. Paul injured eight •onditions have changed radically numlier of years. There are already most complete warehouses in the valley. from Ortonville and Wheaton, near­ in the contract, but the grower mit since the Victoria sailed. The Vic- four or five candidates for the place The structure will he 50x100 feet in by Minnesota towns, on the Milwau­ deliver all his fruit if tho packer h persons. mands it. regardless of how much * A Chicago professor has fallen heir oria arrived in Seattle with 62 pas­ The supreme judges select the court re­ size, with concrete cellar, and two floors, kee road and from Millbank, S. D , sengers and $650,000 in gold. overruns the estimate. porter. His duty is to arrange copies with paper-lined air sjr c s in the walls, which is but a few miles away. to an immense fortune, mostly Officers and passengers of the ship of supreme court decisions for the making the building frost-proof. This Idaho mines. lescribe the voyage to and from printer and to write syllabi to be pub­ makes four warehouses of this kind at Arrest Divine Healer. S A W MRS. G U N N E S S . Heney accused Ruef o f plotting his Nome as an unprecedented bitt'e lished at the head of the decisions. His Canby. and makes Canby the hist mar- Salt Lake City, Utah, .Tune 3 0 ^ death, and Ruef promptly called with ice. Great bergs which drifted compensation i« $500 per volume, wlrch vet along the Southern Pacific, in this Ileuey a liar. from the Arctic ocean last fall, and means about $750 per year. The work vicinity. T w o Witnesses Inform Detroit Police law against manslaughter has been it : voke«l to |mnish Charles II. Ti*0* 1 | A Pendleton man who is afraid to ire frozen in the Behring sea, packecl Joes not interfere with private practice She Is Alive. “ divine h<*aler.,, who, it is allegw. trust the banks has $75,000 in postal is high as the steamer’s stack, were P O R T L A N D MARKE TS. Detroit. June 29— The Detroit po­ permitted two of his small childre»J 'ound in 65 feet of water. Wins Oratorical Contest. money orders. lice believe they are on the trail of die from diphtheria without a**®1 L'niversity of Oregon. Eugene.— In Wheat— Track prices: Club, 88c per The Venezuelan envoy to the Mrs Relle Gunness, of T.a Porte. Ind. Expose Royal Grafters. .the Failing-Beekman prize oratories' bushel; red Russian, 86c; bluestem, 90c; who is accused of wholesale murders attendance. A third is very ill «■ United States is awaiting orders to the disease. A warrant for Titus i Valley, 88c. contest last evening in Villard hall. Lisbon, June 30.— A mass meeting leave this country. on her farm near that citv. rest was issued. Attention wa> Millatuffs—Bran, $26 per ton; mid- organized by the Republicans and pre- Bert W. Prescott, of Baker City, was T w o young women. Lulu Raymond called to the case by an underta Shooting and looting continue in ided over bv Bernardino Machado, accorded first place, and the Failin Mings. $80.50; shorts, country. $28.50; and Grace Renson, whom the police from whom Titus attempted to buy ■* Teheran, the capital of Persia, caus­ the Republican leader, yesterday, prize of $150 cash. Miss Miriam Van city, $28; wheat and barley chop, had in custody yesterday afternoon coffin for his 2 year-old baby. 1 a ing a reign of terror. tassed resolutions demanding a v ig ­ Waters, of Portland, won second $27.50. and evening, are said to have met mittud that lie had no buri’U A French passenger steamer was orous investigation of the advances place, and the Beckman prize of $loo Rarlev—Feed, $25 per ton; rolled, Mrs. Gunness since her supposed aid iataided to bury tin- chili m j cash. Bert Prescott is president of f money to the royal family and the wrecked on the Spanish coast and $27.50(0 28.50; brewing, $26. burned body was found in the ruins yard. misuse o f public funds during the the associated students, and this yea about too persons perished. Oats— No. 1 white, $27.50 per ton; of her home. won the intercollegiate oratorical egime o f the late King Carlos The police claim that the state­ Japanese Steamer M ikes Record J A Seattle man was killed by a cake Miss Van Waters is editor gray, $27.. A strong force of police surrounded contest Hay—Timothv. Willamette Valley, ments o f the two voting women con ­ of ice falling down an elevator short •he meeting place, but there was no >f the Oregon Monthly. San Francisco, June 30.—-Thf $17 per ton; Willamette Valley, ordi­ vinced them that Mrs Gunness is still Japanese turbine liner Tenvo and striking him on the head. nterference with the speaker«, some alive T h e v gave the names o f other nary. $15; Eastern Oregon. $18.50; raced through the Golden Gate y< Baker City Plans Centennial. Flour and other provisions arc get­ of whom were most violent in their mixed. $16; clover. $14; alfalfa, $12; persons who are also said to know day. breaking all previous rP(T r! # B iker City — T o commemorate the llfalfa meal. $20. xpressions. N o untoward incidents ting so high priced in Chicago that that the woman is alive. tween this port, Yokohama and n fir«t white man’s expedition into east many are scarcely able to buy enough took place. Pressed Meat«—Hogs, fancy. 8c per lulu. The trip from Yokohama ern Oregon, in 1811, Baker City citi­ to eat. Bomb for Spaniards. pound; ordinary, 7c; large, 6c; veal, made in 14 days. 12 hours and -■, zens arc making preparations to hold Root Takes Treatment. xtrn. 8c; prdinarv, 6@7c; heavy, 5c; A well-organized ring has been dis­ Barcelona. June 29— A bomb was utes. and the Tenvo Maru ma .J j a centennial in 1011. The anniver­ mutton, fancy. 8(09c. N e w York. June 3(>— Secretary of port in 4 days, 18 hours and 50 m covered in Southern California en­ sary is to be of national scope. Every Butter— Extras. 25e per pound; fancy exploded yesterday in a lavatory in out from Honolulu, establishing gaged in smuggling Chinese coolies State Root is at William Muldoon's state m the union will be invited to one of the public squares, seriously records for loth distances. 24c; choice. 20c; store. 16c., Health institute at White Plains, again across the Mexican border. participate in the hundredth anniver­ Eggs Oregon. 17Jrffl8*c per dozen injuring two persons and slightly in- previous time from H *"or a course of .medicine, ball-throw- v;l® y"T| The youngest son of the late ng. hard walking and riding col I sary of the discovery of Powder and rheese Eanev cream twins. 13e per ! juring many others. A panic followed and 2 hours, made by the Nippon I Grand Rondc valleys and the explora­ Charles Crocker, the San Francisco shower baths and plain cooking He tions in search of the Columbia river’s ..ound. full cream triplets 13«; full , he explosion, which did much dam- millionaire, has undergone his second went there on Saturday, not because erenm a oung Americas. 14e; cream ... , . , ,, Curtail Oil Output. source. __________ operation for cancer of the stomach brick. 20e; Swiss tdoek. 18c; limhurger, aRf- a 0 ° 'cenian being badly torn by r.t* needed this treatment as he did EinJIay. O.. .Tune 30__ g a portion of the wreckage Manv 20e. Resume Work on Road. A Russian paper predicts that when last year, but because he obtained so nell, general manager nf the 0h|* , Pnultrv Mixed chickens, 11(r?11le women and children were crushed and reinforcements arrive for the Persian much benefit then that he and hi« phy­ Hillsboro.— Several contractors re Company, yesterday issuefl « re\ ¡ j revolutionists, the shah's army will sician decided a short course o f P r o ­ cently have been looking over the * v . . » t a m p e d « . The that oil Jrillers of the country ^ . I fryers. 16(0H7e: broiler.. HMM7«; bomb exn 'od ej while a ' p r o t o n their projnetion u n til'« market f*1 " be defeated and the government over fessor Muldoon’s curriculum each work on the Pacific Railway A- Navi Oe: lucks, old, 1 .^c year would be a good thing. sprmsr, was p.assing, great crowds lining t he' * had ' for - * y.resent * - sr>.:.\- — nt l 9 thrown. the gation between this point and Tilla recse. 8tf?Pc: turkeys, alive 1(tyo)18e streets and points of vantage say» is nil impossible to -- build ,1 | 0(4 * 3 it ta monk, and present indications are ^or hens, 14nf! Brvan «7 acres, a total of 137 hv the state hoard of pardon* w iving section were compelled t o 'w i l l have the Rridr ' prostrated from the heat in Chicago 30 $1<5P1.2.5 per crate; cantaloupes. $2.754® aeres. This is valued at $29.125 The day. In spite of the fact th®* bandon their homes Traffic over the as far west as Hillsboro within 3r A second son has been horn to King Union .......... Pacific is abandoned, .. .............................. ’ he 1» anxion* that sentence be ca water dav«, unless there is delay over pro 3.25; blackberries. $1(7H.25 per crate; re«i*1ence is returned at $21.000. Alfonso and Queen Victoria, of Spam running over one section of the track curing rights of way. A number of peaches. 90eia’$l per erate; plums, $1 Commoner at a valuation of $19 000 it 4» believed the board w mi and personal property not mentioned the sentence to life impn«’nn 1 suits have hcen filed in the circuit i per erate. It is claimed many cures have been to the depth of eight feet. court, and condemnation will follow Onions—California red. $1.«54® 175 »bove at $12,500. effected in a leper colony in Louisiana. Deliver Gifts of Dead K"’* e i Hvd<* and Schneider were convicted of fudge McBride will hold an ad- per sack; Bermuda*. $2 per erate; gar-1 L i s b o n . . Tunc '■ The r o r i d i land frauds, and Benson and Dimond Cleveland. O . June 30— Congress- journed session here Monday. lie. 15/rT20e per pound. ) Deadlock Broken. rovai vachi Amelie left t * JÉ acquitted gap man James S Sherman continue« to Hop«— 1907. prime and choice. 54?5)e Charlotte N. C . June 29 Con R i o J a n e i r o . H a v i n g - ’ " f F* ' r •* Th* Dal1**- per pound: olds,-2i7i'2Jc per pound gre««man V'rnor W \V of Kitchin wa« nomi- which K ing Ca- ] T w o men jumped from a speeding au- Mis .’ in «trength He «lent much Sunday.' the ballot wnicn ixing ■ m - condition per remains and to The The rrid - «umme- Ore-;an. hest. nafed for fomobile in California, thinking it wa* there ha« been no change made in the meeting of the State Horticultural pound, normal, according Saturday night hr a ma- Wool— »ent to Eastern President Fessa average " ’ ,4,std*j at 6 o Da'les ’c'oek — hevond control. Both were badly in- plans for him to lc-ve the hospital Socie-v and Cherry Fair wdl he heM shrinkage; Villev. lO’ô ^ l c in the Democratic to BrazM. which he jo rity o f 84) votes ___ at The Dalles on June 30, July 1 and 2 make thu year. Mohair—Choice, 18(318}c per pound state convention. not later than next Wednesday FOREST G R O V E ........ I M ASSIN G T R O O P S . a Condensed Forra lor Our ;; Packers of Northwest 0 ^ for Protection.” ; FI* PRICE TO EASTER,* BCfit I Ï