QUEEN OE ACTRESSES PRAISES PE-RU-NA G R O W IN G H O G S IN IDAHO. industry 1 $ Heceixing Greater Atten­ tion Than Ever Before. *>rof' H. T. French. Director Idaho Experiment Station. The hog industry in Idaho is re ceiving mure attention now than ever -pehf° r* Ihe history of the state, I he tendency to diversify farm op- eratiouv ||S stronger now in the 'vMt than llldll 111 mC all sheep or ali of . any other one ’ * t — - .¡.mg, unless u ihould be fruit, is out of date lor the majority of farmers of Idaho, both in i f northern part of the state, where irrigation is not practiced, and in the rigated sections of southern Idaho , I most succesful farmer, here as •sewhere, is thc pne who is makiug tvestock on tile farm one ot* the i ni - portant factors. As the dairy indut- try ulereases in interest the rais.ng ot hogs w ill receive more attention. A farmer who is not adverse to miik- 'ng cows will. as a rule n handling pigs, b e c i ^ o ^ a “ conserve the water. The soil around Quincy 11 to light that the water will »eep atvay and be lost, unless you put m such pipes. A ten horse power en­ gine would be sufficient to raise water tor ten acres, but it might be necessary to sink more than one well. 1 am be­ ginning to believe that irrigation will le necessary in the Quine) section to obtain the best' results " R . . , , " f,,i I I have been quite suee / ■ , --- *|cee»w< W U S. C. «OS ,* Wltl> oora *“ ,hi* locality, except that *he corn matures rather small. Can ■}ou a'iv,se ot varieties of corn that ‘m‘iht tT y V ’ PARM ER, *’ j a,lv i»e that you experiment with *^a“ r eo™. » ‘ nee it seems that it will do well in your region. Trv a good, early maturing lV n t variety This ?hou,,l te preferable to the Plint, and it ” certainly makes better feed. The conditions of your regiou require that you cultivate to retain moisture, as well as to destroy the weeds.” im p ravllrab le. "Your husband smokes bis pipe In tbs Aouse, doe* he? 1 suppose there is no way of getting the odor of tobacco out of the rooms, either.” "Yes. there is one way— but I hesitate about resorting to it. Our house and furniture »re only |tartlv insured.” C t T P £*• 5' tost Tun.-e and all ft •* rits-n-»— f t I P*Tmanen*!y .or. I 1 -, I* . k ie *8 or...« iierTD Bt-Slort-r. s ■•* 1 for i'llV K fttr! .. I. itl» « n j lrealise, llr. IL Jt-Ulla.-. UL. Sol Arch tu. 1'LlUk.IV A II ul B a r g a in . A story Is told of the famous R'oh ard Brinsley Sheridan, that one lay when coming back from shooting, with nt> empty bag. and seeing a number of docks In n iKind, while near by n man was leaning on a feuce watching them. Sheridan usked: "W hat w ill you take for a shot at the ducks?" “ W ell.” said the man thoughtfully. Chewelah— “ Is wood as desirable aa - I ’ ll take half a sovereign.” S ffi "Done." said Sheridan, and he flr*d r la“ t» s\°ould*bo°grown in ''¿ e Into the middle of the ducks, killing a Chewelah regionf” STO C KM AN. dozen or more. "I'm afraid you made a ‘ ' Broine grass might do well, if the bad bargain.” said Sheri lan, laughing »oil is not too gravelly, but it should “ 1 dou't know about that," tbe man not be grown in rocky soil. Vetches replied. "T h ey’re not my ducks.” — will be desirable in such soil as you The rihristlnu Advocate. have, as these plants reseed themselves. I f you can get lumber at a reasonable How's This? price in your vicinity, it would be more We offerOne Hun.lr.-a l'.-liars Howard fe ra n v Costly to build of cement than of wood, ease (il ('s ta rili that ,s u u „i ls> cured by Ha I's tillage stays warm, and it is not apt to Catarrh l'uro. F J CHI SKY A CO., Toledo,O ircezu in this country; but if it sticks We. the undersigned, have k.n >wn K. J. to the sides of the silo from anv cause, Cbensy for the lost 15 years, and bollore him it should be trumped down in order to perfectly honorab • tuait bulso.-sa tranasi't lotis and Hnan.-ialh able to carry out any obliga- prevent it from settling unevenly.” lion made bv his firm. C U L tS < R H E U M A T IS M b.ver> case o f K teumatism has its oriqin and its developm ent in the Id- * 1. It is not i liscose which is con tra ct-* lik e a o l d , but it is in the 1.1 od an n v u r i n before a pain is felt, and the c h a n -e l in the weather o r ■mv p in si -ul irregu larities, sqch as a spell o f indi.r& tlnn, bowel disturbance, -to ..IV I f • !v th-> ev.-itinjr causes « b d u c in g the p u n s and aches, w h ich are the natural sviu p tom s o f th e dfw< ise. Rheum,aism is caused b y an excess o f uric acid and oth er corrosi“ , irrita tin g po. oms in the blood, which fh the circu la tioa t*> t the system. ' E v ery : m uscle, nerve, membrane, tissue and jo in t becomeM iaturated w ith these acrid, irrita tin g im purities, o r coated w ith fine, in,soluble caustic matter, and the slu rp, p iercin g pains or the d u ll, constant aches are felt w ith every p hysical m ovem ent. W h en the b lood is filled w ith uric acid poison, perma­ nent relie f c unot be expected from lin im en ts, plasters, o r other external treatm ent. Such measures g iv e tem pora ry relief, but in order to conquer Rheum atism b rin g about “ Sometime ago, I h*-! Rheumatism and had to , ■ '-ii! L i e the uric acid and quit work. The paia in ® j back and between . ' • r - d a - f" . it -iv m allet must 1 e my shoulders v. as so intenta I could not rett or e x ;>cl'.e.;, .. : ! tins cannot he done sleep I tried everything, l>at nothing did me any W'.th e x ’ ••'. ! tie ita u n t. S S. S. gt> >d till I heard of nnd ‘ »ok S. S. S. Thi* med­ icine in red me round an 1 well. It purified my i i; ; I : . - .1 i :i because it is a blood end made me feel like a new men. p> " te. t am! i . •> t.d-’ c Mood CONRAD LOIIR. put itici 1’. go. s down into thc Anderson, Ind. 121 E. 19th St. c ; i ' i ! e, ■!’. r. n il.ill. es the acids, I w et severely troubled with Rheumetism. I had it in my knees, legs and ankles, end any one and d-s-oM the i n ; ’ »tin g depos who has ever had Rheumatism knows how excru­ i'.s \ v ! l . • Oil the s. nsi- ciating the pain is and how it interferes with one liu - iiir .. . . . t -su, - . n i pi udite at ork. I was truly in bad shape— having bean m e p un , • e. t! ■ w eak . sour bother d with it for ton years, of! and on. A lo ta l physician ad. seJ ine to use S. S. 8. 1 did M ood, .ir ! -. : \ s e-, ri c atom of so. Atter taking two bottles I noticed the sore­ in: ¡ . u n iv i- ri! - i l i , II! it loti. So ness and pain were greatly reduced. I continued instead of !.. in ; a weak, sour the medicine and was thoroughly cured; all pain, , . , .. .. . . ,. soreness and inflammation gone, I recommend ! s t r e a m , d i s t r i b u t i n g uric acid to the S. S. S. to all Rheumatic sufferer*. d i f f e r e n t p a r ts o f t h e s v s t e m , the . , , . r. . - J • , nlood is s t r o n g a n »! healthy ami 80S E. Greenbrier St., Mt. Vernon, Ohio. r x ^ u n i e ^ r i ' T ' '° details *‘l am glad to write my endorsement of In Idaho the dairy industry is g ro w ­ the greet remedy Peruna. I do so most ing. therefore 1 expect a more rapid heartily.” —Julia Marlowe. development of the hog industry. In Any remedy that benefits digestion 1 i - 1, -tller,e 1S a stf o n 8 indication that strengthens the nerves. . tms is the case just now in several The nerve centers require nutrition. sec , n* ° f the state In holding far- ....... ............. I f the digestion is impaired the nerve 1 m er! institutes institutes in southern Idaho much interest was noticed in the sub centers become anemic, and nervous ject o f feeding and breeding hogs. debility is the result. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Several shipment; of pure bred stock j , Peruna is not a nervine nor a st'mu- ♦ : *13ve recently been made into south- » lanl. It benefits the nerves by bene- t *rn Idaho. I ’ urc bred Poland China. Duroc Jersey, Chester W h ite and : filing digestion. w a l d i n u , K IN N A N A M A R V IN , Berkshire pigs are found in increas­ Leahy — ” 1 would like to know i f it 1 1 ' i oi.-.i ,.o th e r e fo r e a b le to s u p p ly e v e r y IB M * Ha”, a Catarrah Cure ii jr, eel» I , , , . , Peruna frees the stomach o f catarrhal ing numbers in every farming section would be advisable to plant tbe Aus in* directly upon the bUv>»i an i murous sur- ¡ ele, nerve, itone atvl tissue w ith nourishm ent ami strength, congestions and normal digestion is the o f the state. Poland Chinas predom i­ tralian salt bush in this regionf Has fares o f the system. Testimonial)' sunt free. in. ition ami sw ellin g subside, the pains and aches cease, and not o n ly is result. P r ic e 75 cents nor bottle, do hi by a ll D ruggists. nate. no doubt; but the Duroc is be­ the plant any desirable qualities?” R heum atism perm anently cured, but under the tine to n ic effects o f S. S. S. l a k e H a ll’s F a m ily P illa fo r C on stipa tion . In other words, Peruna goes to the coming a close com petitor in many J. 8 . the e n tire general health is benefitted and b u ilt up. In all form s of R heum a­ bottom o f the who’e difficulty, when sections. ‘ I advise you to let the Australian Ita a g . tism. w h eth er acute or chronic, S. S. S. w ill be found ¿1 safe and relia b le treat­ the disagreeable symptoms disappear. Alfalfa pasture, with a small ration salt bush alone. The plant has a few- “ Blgley doesn't bother about politics ment. Special book on Rheum atism and any m edical advice von desire w ill Mrs. J. C. Jamison, Wallace, Cal., of shorts, ground wheat or finely desirable qualities, but we have heard writes: ground barley, will grow pigs very that in the Walla Walla country it has any more, does he?“ be furnished fiv e TH E S W IF T SPECIFIC CO.? A T L A N T A , GA. “ I was troubled with my stomach rapidly. This, supplemented with sep- “ No. indeed.“ developed into a pest. It resembles for six years. Was treated by three erator milk, w ill produce a growth “ Iset me «oe. when was It that he got tumble weed in its mannor of growth, doctors. Th ey said that I had nervous equal to that secured in the corn belt, The world contains at least four moun­ T r y l i t K I t on II u h b y . and in windy weather will break off and the gubernatorial bee In his bonnet?“ dyspepsia. 1 was put on a liquid diet and in quality we flatter ourselves tains composed of almost solid iron ore. “ John, dear, I wish you would tasto roll for a great distance, scattering -Just before he got It In the ueok.“ for three months. j One is in Mexico, one in the United that it is superior. this milk and see if it’s perfectly sweet." seed as it goes. Kxcept when young —The ratholle Standard «nil Time*. “ I improved under the treatment, but States, another in India nnd n fourth in In growth, our pigs can be made to and tender, it is undesirable for stock.” “ What for?” as soon as 1 stopped taking the medi­ compare quite favorably with those j Africa just below the Soudan, and there “ Recause if it’s the least bit sour t cine, I got bad again. Washtucna— ‘ ‘ I have a white clover have been reports of such a mountain ex­ fed on corn. Numerous reports were don’t want to give any of it to Fido. It ‘I saw a testimonial o f a man whose lawn, and would like to kuow what aort isting in Siberia. isu’t good for him.’’ case was similar to mine being cured by ,aL f' T ? rS’ T " ’ “ ’ of bone fertilizer is best to use on it . ” — I l l « I « m il 4 o u r « e . Peruna, so I thought 1 w oufi g ive it l * W. A. P. Not n l*r»ft»Nalonal, pig that would weigh tw o hundred “ What do you do,“ asked the fair bridge I question the advisability o f using Warehara Long Did jevver attend a “ I procured a bottle at once and com­ pounds at eight months old. player, whispering to the man sitting I hobos' con»«*ntion? Some sugar beets and other roots a bone fertilizer on your lawn. Com menced taking it. I have taken several HufTold Knutt — No, ye blame fool. behind her, “ when you have a hand like can be fed, and are being used in mercial fertilizers are generally poorly bottles and am entirely cured.” Reckon 1 want to forfeit iue animvchiire feeding hogs in Idaho. Potatoes boiled adapted to the soils in semi-arid re­ “ I generally swear,’’ he answered.—* | starulin' by doin' a thing like that?— and mixed with one and a half to two gions. Well-rotted manure placed on (Niicago Tribune. I Ohicago Tribune. pounds of grain per hundredweight of the land late in the fall and raked off pig. will produce good gains in live in the spring would, I believe, be far o f « r h o ln r s h lp . weight. A lfalfa, cut up with feed '-.it more preferable. The soil in your re­ O PEN “ He took a full classical course nt *1-1* T i l l - , Y I . A l t ter, and softened bv steaming or even gion needs humus rather than fertiliz college, did he? Did it over get him any- S easide , O regon a sprinkling o f cold water, with a lit­ ing elements. Manure is well supplied C latsop B ■— each w-ith phosphates and nitrogen, and thing ?” tle grain, makes a good ration for T o protect them from parasite», which Directly oo the bearh overlooking “ Well, he has made several hundred bite ami annoy them, wash them with brood sows during winter. A great should therefore give your soil the 1 the ocean. Ilot salt hath» and needed stimulation.” dollars, that l know of, by inventing I i Cl M u n iK many hogs are wintered largely on u L IFF ir r n u c F *urf tlon hathinc. pier lor f Recrea- |Mhlnir. I .at in nnd (»reek names for patent medi­ dry alfalfa hay, and they do very Sunnyside— “ Would your station ad ■ OF San P *rl" r"« Electric lights, Fire- cines.“ well. I place and steam heat. Fine walks vise mo to feed grain hay with a lfa lfa f I f l R F R i l N ” an(f drives. Nea foods a spec- In a state where so much cheap for­ I am a dairyman, and have been feeding Dirt nnd disagreeable odor ara Mothers w ill find Mrs. Winslow’ s Soothing water. I «W t u U W UltJr. Rates« fi'.oO and *UH) age can be grow n for hogs, there is only a lfa lfa .” p, \y. Syrup the ties» remedy t?> uso for thslruh'idr a removed, the animals’ nkinn rendered ■ per day. J f f Special rates by the week. j lu rin g the leo thing por .od. great encouragement for t'*e industry. W E fl D AN. «1. MUOltE) Proprietor i T‘ I am sure that there would be econ L arge yields o f wheat and barley can omy in combining a lfalfa with grain, l look - be secured on irrigated lands, and b roin four to ten pounds o f grain per “ Abstemious” and “ facetious” are the let. Sample and Lace Design for center- U O W A H D E . B U R T O N .—Assayer a»*i Chemisi. often the wheat is of low mi'.’ ir g day should be sufficient, using rolled only words in Knglish having the vowels piece, 10c. Pacific Coast Rorax Co., *■ Leauville, Colorati». Specimen prit-es: (jold, quality, making it much more profit­ barley rather than wheat or bran. The In their order. I.tud, Cal. Silver, L* ad, f i ; Gold, Silver, 7«-; CJold, 60.-; ZIncor C epperai. Cyanido tosts. M ailing envelop»** and able to feed it than to sell it in the bran would practically be wasted. You ^ M a n u fa c t u r e d Ivy tl>o full pru e llst :ient oa application. Control and Vra­ sack A bushel o f wheat will make would get good results, I believe, by pi re work solici led. Kviereuce: Carbonai« N » liuu&l Bank. from 12 to IS pounds of gain in live feeding about one half a pound per w*Lght when fed to th rifty young day of linseed meal. A lfa lfa is entire­ O o . hogs w-vijjhing from 75 to 175 pounds. ly nitrogenous in composition, and P u z z le s W h a t S ty le f In young pigs even greater gains can should be balanced by a more concen­ y r u p o “ Has «he adopted a new fad? She be secured. trated form o f thc carbo hydrates. ” carries her head tilted to one side now." SOLD B Y LEADING DRUCGf STS - 60t p-B O TTLE. Field peas are grow n in some sec “ That’s no fad. It’s a habit she has tions for hog pasture, and serve an Q U E R IE S B Y FAR M E R S . fallen into in consequence of having to im portant purnose in providing good C a ir n 111 ul I lo|»»>, go through so many narrow doorway* pasturage during the summer before IT IS W ONDERFUL HOW OU1CKLY THB Orville Ard up—Ah. here comes that with that new spring hat of her 9 .’’ the stubble fields are ready to glean Experim ent Station Called Upon for PAIN AND STIFFN ESS GO WHEN YOU USB infernal LiK collector? T here is a period in summer when Advice on Various Subjects. H o n o r V * . S a fe ty . Caller (producing folded document there Is a lack o f good pasture in thc Frcm the Washington State C cileg» Pullman. with alacrity) I nrn glad to hear you “ Don’t you consider It honorable to grain-grow ing sections o f the state. A Seattle correspondent a s k s for a say so, Mr. Ardup. I have been b**re tell a man his faults to his fact*'*” L ittle alfalfa or clover is grown on many o f the farms, and often pigs statement o f the experience the sta­ nine times without having been a collec­ queried the youth. tor, you know. T H IS WELL TR IE D . O LD -TIM E “ Yes,“ replied the wise guy. “ but I make v e ry small gains during this tion has had with the “ n ow l'.y Ccg f FILLS T H E BILL etables.” l i e was inform ed a-, ft/ period. Some farmers sow grain, I cansider It safer to tell them to bis A « («> O k l s h o m s . 2 5 c .-A L L DRUGGISTS.— 50o. lows: such as wheat or barley, fo r hog pas­ neighbor." ______________ “ Speaking of tornadoes,” observed the ture. but even this does not produce “ The station has experimented with as good results as would a pasture of all of them, and finds that they will boarder with the high forehead, “ if the People 7 e!l Each Other About alfalfa, peas or clover. grow successfully in eastern W ash­ one that visited Oklahoma the other «lay Liuod Things. Rluegrass and white clover will ington. The tom ato and egg plant had happened along a few months sooner there would have been a provision in the T w elve years aj*o few people in the world kaew make a good pasture in some locali- should be started early in the season frames. With State constitution abolishing tornadoes. of such a preparation as a Pow der for the Feet. ! ties where there is olenty o f moist- in hotbeds, or cold This does not. in this care a creditable crop will be ma That’s about the only thing they over­ Today a fte r the genuine merit o f A llen 's Foot- | u r e and J?OOd s o il. Ka.«r- W ilt Irq jire rs prices in the annual markets. rlNlon Hinco its Infaitcy* ALCOHOL 3 PUH CENT / S ’ y - t - f 1- . Boriili BiipervlNloi "V a r y the number of tree, accord- By J. L. A ihlock. W x.h in rton Experiment Sta­ A llo w n o o n e to » « d e c e i v e yon in thuk AYegel.tIJt’ Pirpam ¡infnrAs tion. Pullman. inR to whether you are going to irr. similaiiiKjiIsfliijd.iniiiWuia A ll C ounterfeits, Im itations nn d <,.Tiist>us-|fo«>d’'u r e «*ut Elm ».__” 1 have a tract o f land near gate or n-it. If you are g ing to ir-‘ um? Ute S tan d « ariBmektf Quinev, Wash., that I v. i.n to irrigate gate, plant y**ur trees from tw rntj llxperlllien ts that trill«? w ltli nm l e u d a iiK e rth e health o f lr order to do thi* 1 null have to u«c five to twenty-seven feel apart, it. In fan ts nnd C h ild ren — E x p e rie n c e again st i:xp< i imciit. well water, and possibly do the pump alternate rows. If you are not go in, I n f a n t s /C h u u r í S ing with a gasoline engine, or »oma to irrigate, you h id better plant then other meehanieal device. W ill t-mi , n the hexagonal plan, placing th Promofes Digestionnvftfi pleas* g>v* me anv information that trees in the rows thirty three fee ness awl IVMX'onUms neitlwr bear, on this subject?” A. L. C. apart, with the rows themselves about Cautoria is a Im m iless siibstitute fo r C astor O U , P a r e - Opium. Morphin» norMiccnl. •*I am quite familiar with the eon twenty-seven feet apart It will not Rorie, D ro p s n n d HootliliiR Syrups. I t is I ’l. c-tint. I t ditions around Quincy: and believe that injure the tree, to grow vegetable, N o t N a w c o t ic . T h ere are fo u r verses. V e rse eon tains n eith er O p iu m , M o rp h in e n o r otlipr N areo tlo irrigation in that region would bring between them f >r the tin t t e ■ very g,.od results, providing th" cost t ve years,.but. of course., you ?!hoMd snlMtuiiee. Its a g e Is Its gtuirunt<*o. I t destroys W o r m s 1 A y e r ’s H a ir V i^ o r makes Jbr+* tiOkUkSÜHJUmmä was not too much. In that locality th« plant nothing that will take the nnd u II h . vm Kevi-rlshness. I t rn re s D ia rrh o -a nnd W in d fïanfjut tne h air grow . V e rse 2. A y e r 's moisture or plant food from close to depth to water is quite considerable, J / x Sm m » Colie. It rell«*ies T e e tliln g T ron h h s, «-.tire« Constipation the young trees.” ________ H M h U h - H a ir V ig o r sto p s fallin g hair. and the eo*t of operating a pump would a n d Flatulency. I t usNliiilIntes the F ood, reRiilates (In? A d itim i * therefore be heavy. The farmers there V e rse 3. A y e r ’s H a ir V ig o r M il» P is ls k w e a t. Htomncti anil D o w e ls, g iv in g Iieultliy anil natural slt*p. use windmill, quite exeluiivelv, using CSSSilÄrfr# - tranger In your town they rloee th- härm S tf» c u r e s d a n d r u f f . V e r s e 4. Tit«* < hiltlreti’s I ’anacea—T h e M o th e r’s F rie n d . '»*oline engines only when the wind ails. However thc wster is quite frwot door» of the seloona 00 Sunday, an '1 A y e r ’s H a ir V ig o r a lw a y s re ­ open the aide doora. do they? Isn t that tbundant when it is reached. J do n >t -e- - — ---- — 7 -— - • stores c o lo r to g ra y hair. T h e believe that it would be profitable for *hipp n* the dexil around tbs Aperferi Remedy for^msfips you to irrigate as many as ten acres Native— Yea. end the wbippm» t prompt­ ly on the bou els, cleanses me system oj|ectually, assists one in overcoming habitual constipai ion permanently. To £ot ils bénéficiai objects buy the bonuine. In Washing Animals “20 Mule Team Borax” CALIFO R N IA Fxc S C . “O U C H ” OH, MY B A C K S- JACOBS OIL CO NQ UERS PAIN 1 W h a t is C A S T O R I A ? ..** l. .r ” _ . * 7 »• !»* Ayer'. H»!r Vi a« r I tia<1 rerr P0** ha*» •*'« * ««■«•»■»» t.> ror a a u l ni? h *ir r r - . t i y * d i r n « J ***7 I h * . . iiw l It kd < 1 --n f' r V - v I X V **™ ”- 11 " D- by J. C A f r Co., L*w«U. A.BO rer• of 9 SIR51PA8ILLA. a t f ïïr P N U 1 W pectoral No. 23—0 » to «lx e r t t # .v . p la«M j tht, papar GENUINE C A S T O R I A <« D t r a a D l » e » « a a e - Edward Ouerr. who drove a tlorve at­ "W hat doea Vernon do for a living? tached to a buggy over a railroad trc*. "H e work* In a paint ahop." tie 13« feet above the Cuya boga river. ••Why. I underatood ba waa a writer In Ohio, th* home trotting over a plank , foot wide, waa arreated on a charge for the magaxine».” "W ell, you aeked me whet be did 7*r ef l u n a c y . _________________ , living." Brjhemlaw J o » « aa H a v e r . The bank at Bremen. Kan., having -Jone»’ new atenograpber can’t apell jeen burned, expert# In the treaaury de­ a littl* h*L" partment at Washington have figured s - » i r j '- i r r , sä r r : « r e r 'L L - - - - - - - n eu and L o s s OF SLEEP. C&» 1 Bear« the Signature of always Fit Sir- ah’ Si?i*;»r