Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, June 11, 1908, Image 8

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    Stute merit of the Condition of
United States Bonds. .25,000.00
Premiuins(U S Bonds) .. 825.00
Bonds and Securities. . 20,414.49
Loans and discounts. .82,879.95
Furniture and Fixtures.3,443.80
Real E state....................3,282.92
Monday Evening, 5 p. m.
V. S. Abraham
Cash on hand and due
from Banks
$ 6 9 .3 6 8 .6 5
Due from U. S. Treas 1 .2 5 0 .0 0
$ 2 0 6 .4 6 4 .8 1
Deposits......$ 1 4 4 .5 0 3 .2 3
At rihe Corner Store
Capital paid in 25,000.00
Undivided p ro fits/.. . . 1,961.58
and see the new goods which are arriving every
Some very fine shirt waists, laces and embroideries o| J
kinds. W e aim to give you the worth of your h>o*,
whether you buy dry goods, shoes, ladies or gents
ings or groceries. Every thing is as good as repr
$ 2 0 6 .4 6 4 .8 1
this city last Friday. She is the daugh­
ter of Rev. Hall, living a few miles
west of town, who is very sick.
While Your Roses are
We respectfully solicit your tra
There will be an Ice cream social at
He for-
Cornelius tomorrow (Friday) evening
He will
on the lawn of Mrs. Wilcox, under the
Chet Dixon is home again.
Have a photo of your
auspices of the Epworth League. Ev­
Editor Beebe of the Springfield
Treasurer Corl visited lodge at Hills­
erybody come and have a good time.
house made to send to
News, formerly of this city, is here
boro last week.
Mrs. Wm Thatcher and
your friends.
Charlie and Rollie Walker went to visiting his father and mother.
who are spending the summer with
Newport Monday.
Mrs. O. S. Higby. spent last week in
Miss Josephine Baber was a Port­ ber in the Concert Course; Wednes­ Portland taking in the Rose Show, and
day evening, 8 p. m. Marsh Hall.
land visitor last Saturday.
were delighted and surprised at the
“ Our Boys” will be given at the display.
Miss Thomas of Cornelius was doing
, Heilig tomorrow evening. Don’t fail
shopping in this city Tuesday.
Joseph Saunders, agid 58, d ie d it
- to hear it here. Marsh Hall, 8 d . m.
— Sell your wool and mohair to
his home near Gaston, Monday of this j
Charles Miller has been attending
Eailey. H e’ll do what’s right.
week as the result of blood poisoning,
Miss Helen Hughes of Portland is the meeting of the democratic state and was interred in the VerDoort cem -.
central committee in session in Port­
here visiting friends and relatives.
etery Tuesday, H e leaves a wife and
land this week.
eleven children.
“ Our Boys’’ run for 1500 nights in
Miss Edna Jensen, who has been ' F. Wesley Orr, who is to take the j
London. Full of witticism; stacks of
in the public schools of K la-!
Forest Grove
part of Shylock in the trial scene of Phone Ind. 121
math Falls, Oregon, returned home
the Merchant of Venice at the Heilig
Have you your tickets for the Com­
the first of the week for the vacation.
Friday and at the college here Monday ' J. W. Hughes’ fame as an auc­
mencement play?
At Emerson’s.
was in Portland Tuesday in tioneer is not confined to Washington
Not many left.
posits of the Forest Grove National the interest of the play
county. Last week he cried a public
— Chase & Sanborn Coffees always
! Bank, which appears in this issue.
Mrs. Susie Jackson Hatfield of Silver sale at Sheridan and this week he con­
the best. Hoffman & Allen Co. ex­
shows a steady and remarkable growth, j
Bell, Arizona, arrived in this city the ducted a big stock sale in Portland at
clusive agents.
Frank Peters, who was on the Ore- ! first of the week for a visit of several the Union Stock Yards for A. and W.
Mrs. Charles Hines has gone to
gon Law debating team that defeated months with her mother, Mrs. Jackson. Chalmers of this county.
Jackson county for a month’s visit
the Washington solons, is time-keeper Mrs. Hatfield was formerly a teacher
Howard Markel. who has been at-
with her parents.
on the Oregon Electric line for the in the public schools of this place.
tending the Berkeley, Cal. medical
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Shively and summer.
J. H. Elliott, wife and daughter school, is here for commencement,
baby, spent Sunday with grandpa M.
Hear Von Katz the celebrated Cel- from Sherman county, Ore., were in
bas been directing a class in physi-
'■ Peterson of this city.
l list from the Fay Symphony Orchertra the Grove last week. Mr. Elliott is cal culture in San Francisco together
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Foster spent Miss Spaulding, soprano; Prof. F. T.
looking up a home where he can have wlth his school work. His brother
several days last week at the Rose Chapman, violinist. Tickets at Bazatr
good school advantages and was much Frank also came north with him.
Festival in Portland.
pleased with the outlook here.
Mrs. Anna Little, who has sold her
Benj. Hollingsworth and family from
— If you drink, don’t fail to call at
LOST— Between Marsh Hall and the property east of town has bought the
Hoffman and Allen Co.’s and buy Oso, Wash., are moving into their new J. B. Scott place, Tuesday evening, David Mobley home on Fifth Street.
home just east of town, which they
Chase & Sanborn Coffee.
June 9th, one Gold Bead necklace. Mr. Mobley has rented a store build­
purchased of Mrs. Anna Little some
Mrs. Robert Bellenger returned home
Finder please leave at Book Store or ing at Coburg, Ore. where he will
weeks ago.
return to owner and receive liberal re-1 °Pen UP a general store. His many
Saturday evening from Portland where
There was a regular meeting of the
Grove friends wish him success. This
she spent the week visiting.
ward. Mrs. Nellie Ericson. 49tl*
Library Board Tuesday afternoon at
sale was made by the Oregon Land &
The stork visited the home of Mr. which time it was decided to close the
F. J. McHenry of Portland, has
Trading Co.
and Mrs. H. C. Smith yesterday morn reading room at 7:30 in the evening bought out the picture show business
William J. VanDoren died at his
ing and left a nine pound girl.
after June 15.
here and says that he will make new
home on David’s Hill Tuesday after a
He is quite well
J. B. Fields arrived here from Beav-! Mrs. O. M. Gardner, wife of o ir improvements.
an illness of several weeks. He was
er City, Nebraska, this week for a visit new public school principal, arrived n known here, having been here before
43 years old and was born in New
in the capacity of a lodge organizer.
Jersey. About a year ago he came
Manual Trainer LaFarge will be here with his wife from California, who
present at the Public School exercises with a two weeks’ old baby survives
at the Congregational church this him. Interment was this afternoon in
evening to have charge of the exhibit the Fortst View cemetery.
C o m p a r a t i v e S t a t e m e n t o f D e p o s it s
of his department. H e will explain
H . L. Bates, principal of the Acad
on dates of call by the Comptroller
the work of the boys and girls.
emy, will leave for his alma mater,
with friends and relatives.
merly lived in the Grove.
return home next week.
Phone orders will receive careful and prompt a
Correct Attest: R. M. DOOLY, President.
Tickets reserved at Emerson’s Wednesday, June 10.
Don’t Forget to call
A! Sail ot the Comptroller, M a y Iti, 190(1
Cash Reserve SO per cent of Deposits
a three act comedy, preceeded by the trial scene from the
$ 1.00
* —
Dealer in
F L O U R and FEED
Forest Grove, Ore.,
P acific Ave.
f »1 >■« ** **—**,,
M k' ;
::s :
Bryant’s Studio
Mrs. G. O. Rogers will leave next
week for a visit to her old home in
Massachusetts. She will be accom­
panied by Miss Mary F. Farnham who
is a delegate from the Woman's Clubs
of Oregon to the national convention
to be held in Boston.
Oberlin College. Oberlin, Ohio, next
week, for the seventy-fifth commence-
rifEnt anniversary. One of the main
features of the celebration will be a
glee performance by a chorus made up
of all the old glee clubs, of which Prof.
Bates will be a member.
February 14, 1908
A. J. Killin purchased the Grahaqn^ Miss Edna Mills of South Park, en-
May 14, 1908
place at Thatcher the first of the week tertained the M. M. S. on the after-
and has moved to his new home. The noon of the 5th inst., quite a number
sale was made through Staehr & Fleck, j being present. The young lady makes
Mr. Killen had lived on the Killin es- a« ideal hostess and all report a splen-
tate at Banks, which comprises several did time. Refreshments were served
hundred acres, for several years.
at five o’clock and consisted of rolls,
deviled eggs, fancy dessert, cake and
ip —
r— —
a — i n M m innin— .— — ■ — — — a— m m —
cocoa. The M. M. S. will meet June
18th at Miss Dorothy Boldrick’s at
North Mount.
Frank Waugh, aged 67 years, who
was working on the farm of John Col­
well, five miles south of Beaverton,
died Monday the result of overwork in
the heat. Waugh was in good health,
Presents unparalled Opportunities to both
but prior to his sinking had told a
workman that he was “ about melted.”
Hardly had he concluded the sentence
when he collapsed and soon died. He
Write us, See us, Talk with us, Go with us and you will buy of us.
was a widower from Missouri.
March 22, 1907
May 20, 1907
August 22, 1907
December 3, 1907
$ 5 9 ,3 2 2 .2 5
$ 130 , 7 2 2 .9 2
$ 1 0 0 ,3 7 2 .4 0
$ 185,324,09
R e s e r v e 5 3 p e r cen t
Oregon Land and Trading Company]
Homeseeker and Investor.
W e are always ready to show you property at any time. CALL ON US. See our
list and we will show you what you want. See us any time. W e are always busy, but
never to busy to talk to you. Buy now, for property is always going up in Forest Grove.
W e are as well equipped as any real estate firm in the city and we solicit your patronage.
I t pays to deal with us. Don’t Delay, for Delays are Dangerous.
W rite us today, See us today, Talk with us today, Go with us today
Oregon Land and Trading Company
Frank Fletcher returned from Whit­
man College, Walla Walla, last Friday.
Frank has certainly made good with
the sons of Marcus. He has been
elected manager of the 1909 track
team and president of the debate coun­
cil. During the past year he was a
member of the glee club, and led the
debating team that defeated the Wil­
lamette university unanimously. He
states that the 82.000,000
----- endowment
for that institution is under good head-
Poultry Fence
Now is the time to buy them. The following are tit
prices we will sell them at while our present stock lasts:
20, 30, 40, 50, 60
10, 12, 16
3d fine
$3.20 per keg
3.25 per keg
3.30 per keg
3.40 per keg
3.55 per keg
3.60 per keg
If you are going to need any Poultry Netting in tie
near future now is ^our chance.
150 foot rolls, 3 feet wide
150 foot rolls, 4 feet wide
150 foot rolls, 5 feet wide
These prices are from 75c to $1.25 less than what it
have been getting for it. W e bought it at a low jut
and are willing to give you the benefit.
Shingles, Lath,
and Sand
In fact anything you need in the building line. We
have received Nine Car Loads of goods this spring, which
shows we are doing business and saving the people money.
W e prfy cash for all our goods, buy in large quantities,
get low prices and get the cash discount.
way. Some of the leading men of the
northwest have donated big sums to-
ward the fund and they will go east in
the interest of the school. New build-
ings will be erected to the extent of
several thousand dollars and the re-
mainder used as an endowment fund.
boro will get a rise from
81700 a year, the salary goinf
effect the first of July. Portlu*
been raised from the 85000 i 1
86000 class,
Not least among the good
that will be in store for the peop
Martha Jane Mizner, aged 74 years,
died at the home of her son, Georg«
Mizner of this city, Tuesday, and was
buried in the Forest View cemetery
yesterday afternoon. Rev. Sias. of the
Christian church conducted the memoi-
ial servicei. She was bom in Iowa
and came to Ore ;on in 1869. Before
coming to this city she lived with her
son od a farm south of here. She
leaves two sons and two daughters.
this county on the Fourth of ^
be the celebration at Watt’s CT“
the Gales Creek road. f^st
similar affair was held by the go“1
of that place and a capital time"
joyed by the merry make»
year Gale Grange will ;on *■“
picnic, and sports, speaking,
ments and a basket dinner
make the day a success,
g gr(j 0f Thank*.
Telegraphic communication from' We wish to thank the t 1«*
Washington, D. C., has been received neighbors who so kindly «***
to the effect that the salaries of various during the last days and hours d
Presidential postmasters throughout the Wilson’s suffering, for the
state will receive advances in salary in ! shown to us and also for the *
proportion to the increase in business. ; floral offerings.
The postmasters of this city and Hills-' MRS. MARY WILSON AND F