Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, June 11, 1908, Image 2

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    Washington County News
Issued Each Week
Condensed Form lor Oar
Busy Readers.
A Resume o f tho Less Important but
Not Less Interesting Events
of the Past Week.
M ontana floods still tie up all rail­
roads except one.
W om en's objection to bonnets m ay
split the D unkard church.
A tornado did much dam age in the
vicinity of M ount V ernon, Iowa.
Great Britain is taking stern m eas­
ures to choke out sedition in India.
Floods in M issouri and Kaw rivers
are causing a stam pede to higher
W om en suffragists will appeal to
both the Republican and D em ocratic
Chicago packers are not w orrying
over the beef shortage as they be­
lieve it will not last long.
M any small brew eries throughout
the country will have to close as a re­
sult of recent closing of saloons.
A British steam er struck a rock off
the Chinese coast and SO natives were
drow ned. All E uropean passengers
and officers were saved.
T urkey has sent troops onto Per
sian soil and annexed a large section
of the country. A governm ent has
been organized by the invaders.
A federal grand jury, in session at
P ortland, has indicted a num ber of
prom inent E astern O regon men for
land fraud. Seven true bills have
been returned and the jury is still in
G reat scarcity of beef in Chicago
causes high prices to prevail.
Seventeen of the finest paintings in
Paris have been seriously injured by
A life-size bronze statue of Presi­
dent M cKinley has been unveiled at
The R ussian doum a has refused to
make the necessary appropriation for
a new navy.
The death roll from the explosion
on the cruiser Tennessee has now
reached six.
A N orw ood, Mass., boy of 14 years
has confessed to the killing of three
sm aller children.
Gas in a mine at G ladstone, Colo­
rado, killed tw enty rescuers of im
prisoned miners.
O. H. P. B elm ont is some better,
although his physicians hold out small
hope of his recovery.
A New York actress has secured
dam ages for the sale of her photo
graphs w ithout her consent.
A new record for m otor bicycles
has been established at Buffalo, N. Y.
O n a race track ten miles were made
in 9:40 3-5.
John B randt W alker, leader of a
great bear cam paign in the New
Y ork stock m arket, has failed. At
one tim e he had a fortune of $3,-
000 , 000 .
B rew ers from all parts of the coun­
try are to m eet at Chicago to plan a
defense against the ever increasing
wave of prohibition now sw eeping
the U nited States.
Because of w ashouts in M ontana
the B urlington road has canceled all
Pacific Coast trains running in con­
nection w ith the N orthern Pacific
until further announcem ent.
King Edward has started for Russia.
Sir Robert H art predicts a great fu
ture for China.
Eight persons were killed in a col­
lision on a trolley road near Annapolis.
Scandinavia, Neb., has been wrecked
by a cyclone. Franklin also suffered
much damage.
Mayor Btisse. of Chicago, has been
married a month, and his friends have
just found it out.
Hearst has made a net gain of 105
votes so far in the recount of ballots
for mayor of New York.
While O. H. P. Belmont's physicians
have not abandoned all hope, there is
little chance of his recovery.
A tornado in Nova Scotia killed two
persons and injured a number of others
Much damage to property is reported.
T he crow n prince of Servia is ac­
cused of plotting against M ontenegro
The interstate commerce commission
will he unable to give a decision on the
Pacific coast lumber rate case before
July 1.
The situation in Persia is steadily go­
ing from bad to worse, and it is believed
the present shah will not rule much
Japan says the revolt in Corea is now-
confined to the remote districts, and
that in a short time the entire country
will be pacified.
E nglish socialists oppose the p ro ­
posed visit of King Edw ard to R us­
O. H. P R elm ont is believed to ha
dying of an operation for appendi­
T he U nion Pacific will im m ediately
issue $50,000,000 in bonds for the
building of new roads.
T he E rie railroad will im m ediately
reopen its shops, giving em ploym ent
to several thousand men.
A I.os Angeles hanker has been
robbed of $10 000 in jew els which he
was carrying w ith him on » street
R E A D Y T O T R Y A G A IN .
Peary Is Anxious to Start for North
Pole by July I.
New York, June 9.—Confident of
his ability to carry the stars and
stripes to the north pole, Com m ander
R obert E. Peary, who has planted the
A m erican flag nearer the coveted
northern goal than any other living
man, is in New York m aking active
preparations for another A rctic dash
in the hope of solving the m ystery of
the north, which for centuries has
been the aim of daring explorers.
The stanch steam er Roosevelt, which
the Peary A rctic Club built for Com ­
m ander Peary, and which carried him
and his little party on his last n o rth ­
ward journey, has been overhauled
and put in better condition than ever
for her expected battles w ith the ice
barriers of the frozen north. The
ship is tugging at her haw sers in the
harbor of New York, ready to start
when her com m ander gives the word.
P eary’s present plans contem plate
his departure from New Y ork about
July 1, but lack of sufficient funds to
finance the expedition m ay prevent
the start. In fact, unless $25,000 is
forthcom ing by July the project will
have to be abandoned. A n auxiliary
ship or collier will accom pany the
Roosevelt as far north as E tah, where
P eary’s coal depot in the last expe­
dition was located. E tah was the
w inter quarters of Dr. H ayes’ last ex­
pedition and is located about 70 de­
grees north latitude. A sm all party
of sportsm en and scientists may go
north as far as E tah on the auxiliary
ship, returning with her about Sep­
tem ber 1.
C om m ander Peary has devoted
nearly 20 years to efforts to solve
the great problem s of the north and
already has put into the w ork all of
his personal means, am ounting to
$80,000. __ _______________
Month May be Required” to Replace
Montana Railroad Lines.
Butte, M ont., June 9.—T he N orth­
ern Pacific east from B utte is again
tied up by a new washout of 600 feet
of track near Jefferson Island, a small
station in the Jefferson River Valley,
about 60 miles from Butte. Tw o steel
trestles on the G reat N orthern are
reported as having gone out, near
Basin, 35 miles north of Butte, add­
ing to the dem oralization of that road>
G reat N orthern Railway officials
will not venture an opinion as to
when norm al conditions will be re­
stored, one official stating that in his
belief a m on th’s time would be nec­
essary to put the M ontana line of the
N orthern Pacific in proper condition.
The G reat N orthern telegraphic serv­
ice is com pletely dem oralized, and the
officials fear they have yet to learn of
tin; real m agnitude of the destruction
w rought by the flood w aters.
T he barom eter is higher than for
several weeks. This would indicate
w arm er w eather and w ith that the
rapid m elting of the snow s in the
m ountains. As there now is lying
from three to four feet of snow in
the m ountains it is feared the rush of
w aters will add to the dam age already
Corrupt Practices Att Restricts Can­ Plan Bonds to Raise Money to Im­
prove Stuslaw Bar.
didates' Acts.
Salem— The adoption of the corrupt
practices act by the people at the elec­
tion dune 1 will make the next political
campaign a vastly different one from
those which have been seen iu Oregon
in the last few years.
For one thing, the advertising plan
of .m aking a campaign, which Senator
Bourne made popular in Oregon, will be
less extensively used in the future.
Two features of the corrupt practices
act will tend to accomplish this cud—-
one a lim itation on expenditures, and
the other a requirement that paid ad­
vertising be so marked. Undoubtedly
the measure will have a salutory effect
in purifying elections, though some of
its provisions seem unnecessarily se­
Publicity in the m atter of Campaign
expenditures is one of the most import
ant requirements of tho law, and here
after it will bo necessary for candidates
and party managers to keep an account
of all expenses and file it within 15
days after the primary or general elec
tion, showing contributions to cam
paign funds and the purposes for which
all money was spent. Candidates are
perm itted to use one page of a pamphlet
to be issued by the state for the pur
pose of giving the voters information
concerning them, each candidate to pay
for the space occupied, and in excess of
th at each candidate may spend in a
primary campaign 15 per cent of one
y e ar's salary, and in a general cam
pign 10 per cent of one y e a r’s salary
though any candidate may spend a»
much as $100 if the percentage should
be less than that. A candidate for
governor will hereafter be limited to
an expenditure of $750 in a primary
campaign and $500 in a general cam­
Posse Chases Horsethieves.
Fugene.—The citizens of the Sius-
law valley, cm the coast of Lane coun­
ty, are becoming tired waiting for
tlie governm ent to im prove the bar at
the m outh of the Siuslaw river so ves­
sels can pass out or in w ithout delay,
and a plan is being discussed to raise
funds for the undertaking in another
way. It is proposed to bond that
part of the county lying w est of the
Coast range of m ountains for 30 or
40 years, and use the m oney thus
raised in building jetties at the mouth
of the river. It is thought by the
prom oters of the schem e that $100,000
could lie raised easily in this way. and
that with this sum considerable start
could be made tow ard constructing
the jetty. It is hoped by the time
this sum is expended the national gov­
ernm ent would be ready to take up
the w ork and push it to completion.
To m eet the interest on the bonds
each year, it is proposed to collect a
toll of perhaps 25 cents per thousand
feet on the lum ber and a proportion
ate sum on other articles exported
from the tow ns at the m outh of the
river. L ater a sinking fund could be
raised in the same way to pay off the
bonds when they become due. In
this way the expense of building the
jetty would be borne by the indus­
tries directly benefited by the work.
Wisconsin Company Negotiating for
Woolen Mills.
Pendleton.—A gents of the Racine
woolen mills, of Racine, W isconsin
ire here looking over the Pendleton
woolen mills w ith a view of purchas-
ng them and m aking them a part of
the great Racine industry. It is pro
posed to em ploy at least 200 men and
women in the plant and to increase
the capacity by m ore than three tim es
ind make it the biggest woolen mill
in the northw est. Pendleton, being
m a m ain line of transportation and
in the heart of the sheep district, has
been selected as the m ost favorable
location for the branch of the Racine
If purchased the mill will he de
voted exclusively to the m anufacture
of high grade Indian robes, blankets
and sim ilar lines of goods.
Entire State of Montana a Vast Waste
of Water.
Helena, M ont., June 5. —W ith the
greatest rainfall in 28 years, M ontana
is experiencing the m ost com plete de­
m oralization of railroad traffic since
the first train crossed the Rocky
M ountains in this state.
T housands of passengers are m a­
rooned. Six persons are reported
drow ned; railroad tracks are washed
out in every direction. Land slides
are reported on the G reat N orthern Great Steel Bridges Washed 0 «,
near Kalispell and the rivers are
Wires Down on All Sides—
rapidly rising. This is the situation
Deluge Continues.
briefly sum m ed up:
The property dam age to railroads
will run into the thousands and m any
of the big m ountain trestles are en­ Missoula. Mont., June 6.—At 5 o'clt»
dangered. T here is, as yet, no pros­ | last eevening the flood situation in wesi
pect of a let up in the downpour.
Last night's precipitation is estim ated ern Montana was growing more serio«
at more than tw o inches.
each minute. Helena is cut off fra
It is believed that at least six per­ the outside world. She is without rai,
sons have lost their lives as a result way, telegraph or telephone coiumunio.
of the high water.
Nine N orthern Pacific trains which ' tion. For a short time in the afterno*
were held up in the eastern part of j *here was a telephone connection, uj
the state since last Sunday arrived
the ‘time it was learned that all 0i
yesterday and left over the G reat , I at
streams in Helena and vicinitv 2r,
N orthern tracks. T hese trains are
and that there has be«
now stalled at Great Falls, H avre and overflowing,
much damage to farms and consider
other points in N orthern M ontana. able
O n the east of H elena the G reat The Great Northern’s branch lines
N orthern tracks are washed out near are out of service, and the mainline
Basin and both the m orning and even­ in northern Montana is cut in several
ing trains from B utte are held up places.
The first train started eastward
of Spokane over the Great Northern
W est of G arrison the tracks were out
is now tied up. There is no emmum.
washed out several days ago and no j cation
by rail or telegraph.
trains have been able to get through All either
streams continue to rise. The
for a week. This cuts off all m eans Big Blackfoot
of transportation to the coast, since est flood mark. river is nearly its hig8.
the G reat N orthern trains cannot get The Northern Pacific has lost set.
through from the north.
miles of track east of here dur™
One of the leading theatrical com ­ oral day.
At Bonita. Nimrod and Bear
panies is held up in Helena now and the
the telegraph operators hart
the probabilities are it will have to mouth
compelled to leave their poaj
remain here a week. T he company been
driven out by the rising waters. At
has cancelled all its dates for several Garrison
nearly all the residents have
days ahead.
tied from their homes and are canpej
upon the hills in the rain.
None of the dams on the river haw
given way, though the power dan
Military Journalist Seeks Revenge for owned by ex-Senator William A. Cte
above Missoula, is reported to be r;
Insult to French Army.
critical condition!
Paris, June 5.—Just at the close of Yesterday afternoon the Northern^
the cerem onies attending the canoni­ cific released by wagon transfer 206 d
zation of Emile Zola in the Pantheon the passengers that have been maroomd
yesterday, when the president of east of here. They will be sent to Spo­
France, the prem ier and a host of kane on a made-up train.
m inisters of state were taking their The damage to the new roadbed at
departure, Louis A ntheno Gregoris, a the St. Paul line between Missoula
m ilitary w riter of note, drew a re­ and Butte will not fall short of a mil­
volver and fired tw o shots point-blank lion dollars, and it is becoming greater
at M ajor Alfred Dreyfus, for whose all the time.
liberty Zola fought and won.
The Northern Pacific has assembled«
Men distinguished in all walks of this division all of the piledrivers from
life filled the Pantheon and, when the the west that it can get; it has taken
shots rang out, there was great ex­ from its own western divisions and has
citem ent in fear that the president borrowed from other roads. The fight
had been assassinated, but even the against the water is being carried on by
attem pt on the life of M ajor Dreyfus 10.000 men, but the water is ga.ring
created a profound im pression. Sol­ steadily, and the rain continues to fil
diers speedily surrounded Gregoris in torrents. The Missoula river at tins
and he was aken to jail, bruised and place is but a few feet below the hip­
bleeding, with his clothes alm ost torn est mark ever registered. The expensive
from his back.
city bridges are in danger, and an
M ajor D reyfus was not seriously in­ guarded to prevent their use, so dange-
jured. A bullet entered his forearm , otts are they considered.
but did not injure the bone. A t a West of here the Northern Paci
late hour the official statem ent was has no trouble as yet.
made that his condition was very fa­ At midnight the Northern Pacific«
vorable and that no com plications surrendered the fight against the we
were feared.
east of Mi«soitla for the present. > J
W ith regard to the erasons for G re­ less the rain stops soon, there
goris’ act. the opinion prevails in Paris very little left of 150 miles of the*»
that there is much truth in his avowal expensive road on the line. Till
that lie was driven to the deed by the steel bridges have been washed «.k
appeals to hatred w ith which the anti- it is not understood that they r.k
Semitic papers have been filled since stroyed.
the governm ent resolved to place the The serious feature of the situation»
body of Zola in the Pantheon«
the fact that the high water has o-
tended west of Missoula, and is attack­
ing the track between Missoufa and the
west end of the state. The Idaho di­
has sent a big force of men over1
Festivities in Auckland Will Continue
in the fight on the west end.
Four Days.
Auckland, N. S. W ., June 5.—F es­
C R U I S E R ’S 80 I L E R . BURSTS.
tivities to last over four days have
been arranged for the entertanim ent Four Men Killed by Explosion on Ten­
of the men of the A m erican battle­
nessee at San Pedro.
ship fleet and 11«? governor of New
Zealand, all the federal officials, the San Pedro. Cal.. June 6.-—While the
m ayors and the m unicipal authorities
States armored cruiser Tentifi-
are to participate in the welcome. On United
see was steaming at 19 knots per b*
the arrival of the fleet August 8 there on
trial off Ponit Hneneme, CaL
will be an official reception and a re­ 11 speed
:08 yesterday morning, a steam pi«
view of the volunteers, to be followed at
in the starboard engine room burst se­
by a dinner to the adm irals and offi­ der
a 235-pound pressure, killing fo« ]
cers of the fleet in the evening.
men and injuring ten others—all ot .1*
A municipal welcom e will be given men
the compartment at the tune
the follow ing day and will include a Two in
the injured will die.
reception by the m ayor of Auckland. The of explosion,
the cause of which »
August 12 and 13 will be devoted to
unknown, occurred only a few m»
a visit to R otraqua Lake, where there yet
utes after Admiral Uriel Sebree, car-
will be entertainm ents by the M aoris. tain
J B. Howard and Chief Engineer
The governor will entertain the vis­ Robertson
had left the engine rooniot
itors A ugust 14 and this function will a tour of inspection.
Four of the
be attended by the m em bers of the were killed instantly, and
two more art
expected to die at any moment.
Baker City.— In the country south
of H untington officers are chasing a
band of horsethieves, who have been
practicing in M alheur county. It is
claimed the thieves are headed for
Baker county, w ith the probable hopi
of being able to reach a transconti
nental railroad and get out of O regon
In the last few weeks m any report
having lost horses, and there is a ru­
m or that the gang sent up from Alai
heur some tim e ago and later par­
doned by G overnor C ham berlain ha-
com pleted a new organization, and is
operating in the same m anner they
Albany Will Retaliate.
were a few years ago. when the tax ­ Albany. -Because they believe the
payers of eastern O regon spent much southern Pacific railroad is seeking
m oney and effort to capture them .
o retaliate in erecting a small and
inexpensive depot to replace the pres­
Will Show Canby Berries.
ent structure, follow ing the action of
O regon City.—T he Canby S traw ­ the city council in securing an order
berry G row ers’ association has chosen :’rom the state railroad com m ission
a new depot here, the m erchants
the follow ing officers for the ensuing for
heavy shippers have decided to
year: R. S. Coe, president; Charles md
•ombine and ship all their eastern
Roth, vice-president; C. N. W ait, sec­ freight
over the N orthern Pa
retary; S. B. Reese, treasurer. The -ific, or orders
some other line not owned by
association expects to distribute 10,- he H arrim
000 pieces of advertising m atter at
the com ing rose show in O regon City.
Auto Fever at Baker City.
June 12 and 13. and on the last day
of the rose show the berries that art B aker City.—The autom obile fever
H E A R S T ’S GAIN N O W 123.
on exhibition will he given to the ’las struck this city squarely, and in
Rose Society to be sold. M any ex lie last w eek four carloads of touring
~ars have been unloaded and sold to
Recounting of 77 Ballot Boxes C om ­ hibits by Canby grow ers are prom
ieoplc here and in this vicinity. The
pleted in New York.
old stage line to Halfw ay. Baker coun-
y. has installed autom obiles, and in
Reject Dam Bids.
New York, June 4.—T he recount of
he future the six horse team and old
the ballots in the disputed m ayoralty K lam ath Falls.-—The secretary of Concord
will only be seen when
election of 1905 proceeded with expe­ the interior has rejected the bids on the roads stage
are exceedingly muddy.
dition today before Justice Lam bert, the Clear lake dam, a part of the
in the superem e court, and 29 ballot K lam ath irrigation project, on ac­
Young Chosen at Milton.
boxes w ere opened, which show a count of the high figures, together
gain of 16 votes for W illiam Randolph with the fact that land ow ners in that M ilto n —J E. Young, recently prin­
H earst. Seventy-seven boxes have section have still five per cent more cipal of M oore’s school, in this valley,
been counted since the recount be­ land to sign up to bring the total up lias been appointed nrincipal of the
gun, and the total gain for H earst is to the required 80 per cent. T he two Milton school. T he directors had
123. E arly today H earst made large bids subm itted were by M ahoney oreviously engaged R J. Davies, but
gains, which were m aterially reduced Bros., of San Francisco. $115,770, and his week he notified the trustees of
by the recount late in the day.
M aney B-os., of W innem ucca, $188,- his refusal of the position. Mr. Davis
Suprem e Court Justice Lam bert, 980. The governm ent may readver .vill teach at Nvnsse. Ore.
who is trying the case, has requested tise for bids, or do the work by force
G overnor H ughes to recom m end to
the legislature that a special appropri­ account.
W heat—Club, 90c per bushel; red
ation be m ade under which the jurors
Four Graduate at Woodburn.
who are hearing the evidence may be W oodbnrn. — T he com m encem ent Russian, 88c; blucstem , 92c; valley,
allowed extra com pensation for their exercises of the W oodburn high 90c.
Barley—Feed, $25.50 per ton; rolled,
school graduating class w ere held in $27.50(ii
28.50; brew ing. $26.
It has been learned that one of the the
M ethodist lipiscopal church, of O ats—No.
1 w hite, $27.50 per ton;
jurors has lost his em ploym ent since this city,
the opening of the trial nine weeks tifully decorated, was filled with gray. $27.
ago, and th at another's business has friends of education The address to M illsttiffs— Bran, $26 per ton; mid-
$30.50; shorts, country, $28 50;
seriously suffered from neglect for so
class was m ade by C harles V. llings,
ity. $28.50; w heat and barley chop,
long a period. It is said that from $5 the
to $10 a day for each juror was the were presented by Colonel J. M. $27.50.
com pensation suggested to the gov­ Poornian. of the board of directors. Hay- T im othy. W illam ette Valley.
?17 per ton: W illam ette Valley, ordi­
_______________ _
It is the first high school graduating nary.
$15; E astern O regon, $18.50;
mixed. $16; clover, $14; alfalfa, $12;
Tornado in Iowa.
alfalfa, meal, $20.
Charles City. Ia . June 9 —A to r­
The Governor's View.
Police Protect Money.
Dressed M eats—H ogs, fancy. 8c per
nado struck this city Sunday, dem ol­ S alem —“T here seems to be no pound;
June 5.—A New York,
ishing about 200 residences and question of my election.’’ said Gov­ extra. 73c; ordinary, 6c; heavy, 5c;
New H aven & H artford train carry­
barns. O ne man. W R Beck, is ernor Cham berlain, “and I am deeply m utton, fancy. 8tf?9c.
known to have been killed and four grateful to the people for the high B utter— E xtras, 25c per pound; ing eight Adams E xpress com pany
cars, one of which contained $150,000
children are reported m issing The tribute which has been paid me. I fancy, 24c; choice. 20c; store, 16c.
in cash, collided with a switch engine
path of the tornado was about ten attribute my election to the State
in the Rronx yesterday, sm ashing
rods wide. It struck the city in the ent No. t issue m ore than anything ancnndled. 19c per dozen.
southw estern part, crossed the river else, considering the overw helm ing P oultry—Mixed chickens, 1P?fl2c both engines and derailing the cars.
dense crow d collected about the
and lifted the w ater alm ost clean Republican m ajority in the state, and pound; fancy hens. 12'ifl2}c; roosters, A scene
of the wreck, and the reserves
from the river bed. It passed in a had Cake stuck to that principle as sc; fryers, 20c: broilers. 22jc, ducks, were called
out to protect the money,
northeasterly direction, just missing strongly after the election as he did aid 17fu 18c; spring. 20ifT22}c; geese, which was loose
on the floor of the
the C harles City college buildings, before he would have won out hands 86 j 6 c : turkeys, alive, ifitiiTSc for hens,
car. T he police form ed a line about
and spent itself a few miles northeast dow n."
the w recked cars and held back the
of the city.
Apples—Select. $2 50 per box; crowd
until the m oney could be re­
Bronco Bucking for Condon.
moved to a place of safety.
Pull Conductor Off Car.
Condon —Condon will ce’ebrate the
Bakersfield, Cal.. June 9 —A street Fourth of July in old-fashioned style
P otatoes—Old. O regons, choice,
McClellan Gains Five.
car was held up on the outskirts of and a com m ittee was appointed to so­ 70(n 80c pe; hundred
June 5.— A net gain of
funds for the carrying on of the
the city about m idnight Saturday and licit
four votes for M ayor M cClellan was
C onductor Frills was robbed of $41. m arket day in connection w ith the pound; apricot«. $1.50 per crate
the result of the bailors in the first
The deed was com m itted by tw o celebration,
O nions California red, $1.65'ql,75 nine boxes opened yesterday in court
m asked men. one of whom jumped Fendleton and The Dalles. Broncho per sack; Berm udas. $2 per crate; gar- in the contested m ayoralty election
of 1905. The contents of 35 boxes in
aboard the car. pulled the conductor bucking
per pound.
contests and baseball will 'ic. V 15'iT20c
to the ground and robbed him while form a part
egetables — T urnips, f t .50 per all were exam ined during the day and
vote was added to the M c­
the other stood guard w ith guns The
sack; carrots. $1 50 >7 1 75; beets. $1 75; another
ber of carnival features will alst parsnips,
total, the m ayor’s net gain for
car continued on its way, the m otor- a be num
$125: cabbage. $1 75®2 per Clellan
the day being five votes. From 112
man and passengers failing to see the
c'vt.; bean«. Ufo123c per lb : head boxes
opened H earst’s net gain
attack m ade on the conductor.
Monmouth Wants Freight Depot.
lettuce. 12}tffl5c per dozen; aspara­ is 118 , so as far against
123 when yester­
Salem.__The Oregon railroad eommi« gus. $1 50 box; egg plant. 20c per lb.; day’s counting was begun.
Bandits Rob Pay Train.
sion ha* ordered that a he-iring be had parsley. 25c per dozen: peas, S'TTc per
20c per pound; rad ­
City of Mexico, Tune 9 —W ord at Monmonth, June 15. at 1:30 P. M.. pound: 15c peppers.
Typhoon Off Australia.
per dozen: rhubarb, 3c per
has reached this city that bandits at- ! on the question of a Southern Pacific ishes.
pound: spinach. 3c per pound.
London. June 5 —A typhoon off the
tacked a pay train on the way to the freight d e p o t.________
H ops— 1907. prim e and choice. S'® west cosst of Australia is believed to
Los G randes m ine near Balzac in the |
Open %ids for Building Sites.
63c p er pound: olds. 2 iT3c per pound have wrecked 40 boats and killed at
state of G uerrero, O f the escort o f ,
— E astern O regon, average least 275 sailors T he m eager re­
four men, three were killed and one | Washington. — The supervising W ool
11 rtT 15c per pound, according to ports received here concerning the
wounded Four thousand dollars was architect has announced that bids will bc«t.
«opposed sea tragedy say that the
stolen Rurale« are in pursuit of the be opened July 16 for public building «hrinkige; valley, lOtij^Ac.
highw aym en. T he mine belongs to sites 130x1.35 feet at Albany and I.a M ohair—Choice. l«'oT«Jc per lb. boats com prise the great pearl fish-1
G rande and 140x140 feet at Pendleton. Cascara Bark—3 ig 4 c per lb.
ing fleet
A m erican company.
Montana Cut Of! From O u tsit
Haying Rivers.
Boycott Is Spreading.
Tokio, June 6.—Two hundred tfihtF
and yen is now indicated as the W* J*
the proposed present to Canton
if the bovcott is discontinued-
while advices from north China t»-
Manchuria state that, owing to tne »
tivity of the Cantonese emtssanes.
movement is ranidly spreading t
out the north. The emissaries are
ing systematically and secretIy:
literature makes no mention e ,
the boycott or of Japan.
• the national disgrace with
the country responsible, which t
nese all understand means Japan.
Judge Administers Rebuk*!^,,
San Francisco. June 6. Judge ^
administered a rebuke to the rew
who are attempting to evade ;’JfT ^
in the trial of W alter J BatWjl
alleged bank wrecker, this me ^
Nearly every man called had - ‘
ment. Most of them were de ^
in one ear or the other, and J1’ , ^
ley finally stated that it ‘eef ra r-|
the veniremen were drawn
firmaries or hospitals. Only c**
was passed today.__________
B rin g in g Back the *****
London. June 6 - I t is drc.U! ^
todav that 210.000 po-md« c* A
meat' that haj hern stored
Glasgow ano Livernool ' a
shipped by fast steamer j o *7. ^
to meet
continued snort*#*
T ’f l'tp H