V. W. C. A . S ocia l Union M eets. A very interesting paper upon the life and customs of the Filipino people was delivered by Mr. A. E. Yoder be­ fore the Social Union last Monday evening. Mr. Yoder has been in the Islands for four years employed by the United States government as a teacher, thus coming in contact with a large trol, schools were established by the ♦++++++*+•:•++<•*++*+*+++++++ M A N G O L D N O . 1142 ❖ United States There are in the is- j ♦ V ___ _ _ ♦ lands 750 American teachers. These ; are divided into three classes, eachj .— '• . .• ■ pursuing a different line of work. j [Original ] K Some supervise the work and others in the olden times, when things were |jy carry on a regular course of study, i not all ready made by millions. Joseph I High schools have also been estab­ Sanger stepper! Into a stole where a va­ riety of things were kept on snle. lished The P'dipinos are eager to i There were embroidered articles for number of people. learn the English language and the ! women, fancy articles for household ABORIGINES. educational outlook is most encourag- use and lounging articles for men. The Tender, Juicy, Steal™ desired. latter consisted of dressing gowns, i ing says Mr. Yoder. The revenue j According to the best authorities the Miss Farnham spoke of the Oriental smoking jac kets, slippers and such oth­ Roasts and Stews, people and their ideas; also the influ­ aboriginal inhabitants were the Nigii- | collected on imported goods pays for j er paraphernalia. "I'm a bachelor." said the young man ences that made their arts so charac­ tos, very small in stature, not exceed ; all public improvements and the maiu- —"a lone, lorn bachelor. I am obliged Sausage and Bam. teristic of the people themselves. She ing four feet eight inches in height. tairrence of the schools. Mr. Yoder | to spend a great deal of time In my then gave an intensely interesting de- They are today the smallest people in then touched briefly upon the plan of | room, and I may as well be comfort­ A l l kinds of Fresh able. What have you In the line of scription of the art of rug weaving as the world, They live in the mountain civil government. There is a popular i wearing apparel for such use?" it is practiced in Persia and Arabia. districts of the islands. These Abcr- assembly composed of citizens of the | The shopkeeper squared himself and Some of the beautiful rugs have been igines are expert hunters and live | islands. Suffrage qualifications require | surveyed bis customer with calcula- I tIon In Ills eyes. "Yes; I think they I years in the making and command al­ mostly like wild animals. Very few of a person to be a tax payer upon $400 j will lit you." he said at last. "The very REGISTERED GERMAN COACH them live in houses, or till the soil. j worth of property or be able to speak j thing — a smoking Jacket, cap and most fabulous prices. Registered German Coach Stallion. Mr. Yocer said they obeyed the biole ; anc^ wr' te the Engl.sh language. 1 he ■ , sllpt oi-s. Inaml new. beautifully cm- Miss Farnham also spoke of the lirold. ro 1 I -or them In only ......... Seven years old, weight 1700 ibs., col- injunction— “ Take no thought of the Governor-General is appointed by the | carving and beaten brass work of the hut I will soil the lot very cheap." He or deep chestnut sorrel, gentle dispo- The young man morrow what you shall eat— ” For the President of the United States and he Chinese and natives of India. As il­ sition, finely built and fine action, hired in turn has power of choosing his five tried them on. and they lifted him fair­ morrow’ s food is sought- only when lustrations she showed several articles, by Martin, Grand Sire, Bernard. Dam ly well. cabinet officers who have general su­ "You say they are new?” lie asked Philine by Baron 2nd. which had been loaned by Mrs. Rogers. hungry. If a wild animal is killed pervision over internal affairs. Before "They look shop worn." Some of these were remarkable in the they camP tight there on the spot, un­ Will Make the Season of 1908 “ Such things are made by fine ladles any law passed by the popular as­ skill of workmanship which they dis­ til the carcass is devoured. In Indigent circumstances, who usual­ Monday, Hancock & Gordon’ s Barn. sembly can becom e effective, it must THE FILIPINO. ly spend a great deal of time on them. Tuesday, Williams’ Barn, North Yam­ played. Perhaps the most interesting 1 be approved by the Governor-General I dare say they were a year or more In hill. The present dominant race is the were a beaten brass bowl from India, making. That accounts for their up- and his cabinet officers. Wednesday, Carlton Livery Barn. FIKE WORK DONE .HUP pse] J a sandal wood box and two carved Filipinos, a hybrid of the Malay and pea ranee.” Mr. Yoder showed thorough know­ Sanger bought the things for a song, j Thursday, Gaston. peach stones from China, and some Yellow races. The hybridization of While thirl • - - 10 c Or,were . I «brìi Balance of week at Hancock & Gor­ Son . . . I Or Whilr ' 7.101 10 o 7 (I lacquered ware from Japan. Those these peoples has been going on for ledge of conditions existing in the is­ took them home and the same evening don’ s Barn, Forest Grove. While S kin, . 10 to SO L n .e r .u .j put them on. As he saw himself In a »,*11 lands. His paper was most entertain- present regretted that mere time could the past ten centuries. U n der.h iru - . . t c S tock ing . mirror he thought them very becom­ TERMS: Single Service, 520; In­ • ¿sil Handkerchief, - . Jc Coder, The Filipino people may be divided lng and instructive. On the motion ing and a great bargain. Lighting a sure, $30. Careful but not responsible not be given to the study of this sub­ M et’, While Veen 10 ISc »»to, . . social union ex- cigar, he sat down in Ills easy chair, ! for accidents. Clapp the social ject which Miss Farnham made so into six main divisions, each tribe | C m u - • - - iu K0 c Diuirre !J ■ feeling very comfortable. But notwith­ Towels . . . 20c Dor. h..pk,.u . . . sceaking a different language. There tended to Mr. Yoder a unanimous vote standing that he was iu flue apparel he heinating. The roHowmj: article* SO c prr a i ptj.., r*. are mauy minor tribes speaking various : thanks. The new officers for the was miserable. Who can be happy Bed Sheen. Tsble Clolhi. Night G.,»c. .A mm For particulars write to with nothing but walls to talk to? nr.were. Underwear, Aprooi ai d C0.,rl ^ ! coming ----- ------------- Prof. F. S p e cia l fclxerei.stts W e d n e s d a y . dialects. Constant jealousy and fric- | year ---------elected. were C i l j O . U . H A N C O C K , Thrusting his hands Into the pockets Pacific Avenue Forest C-l The special chapel exercises last tion exist between the tribes. Since Baylor was electod president to of the jacket, he ran one of them General Manager L. Bates. Mr. H. against a bit of paper. Withdrawing It, A l . F O Ü L 1 2 , Wednesday consisted of two selections the American occupation and the in- succeed Principal he rend: Assistant. given by siudents of the Public Speak- troduction of the English language V. E. Waterman was elected vice The m ak er of this Jacket would tike to president. Dr. Arthur C. Boggess ing Department. The first a story through the schools, this tribal an- correspond w ith tho pu rch aser w ith a view to m atrim ony. entitled “ Charles Stuart and the Bur­ tigonism is being broken down. The was ciiosen corresponding secretary, Notice. at "Well, now, I like that!" mused San­ Miss Grace Payne elected recording glar,” was given by Miss Grace Payne. Igorrotes or head hunters are in no Notice is hereby given that the ger. “ That woman has a loug head. Miss Payne’ s rendition was very good sense a representative type of the pres­ secretary and Miss Helen Bollinger She knew there were even chances School Directors of School District No. and she won the sympathy of her au­ ent Filipono. The Igorrotes are one was elected to the office of treasurer. the things would fall Into the hands 2, of Washington county. Oregon, will of a bachelor, that the bachelor would receive sealed bids for the construction dience with her portrayal of the young of the Aboriginal -tribes and form a wear them In a room all alone and of a school house in said district. Surprise. P a rty . hero in his exciting experience with a very small percent ol the total popu­ waut a wife. My dear. I'll go you." Plans and specifications can be ex* Mr. Haskell Ferrin was very pleas­ lie wrote a note and mailed It. It burglar who really wasn’ t so bad after lation. antly surprised bv a number of his col­ came back with postmen’s notes scrili- amined at district clerk’ s office in Cor­ all. nelius, by May 19th, 1908. Bidder MOROS. lege friends a week ago Friday night. bled all over it: "Try here. Try there. The other selection “ His Journey The Moros which inhabit the south- It was a genuine surprise and it took Try everywhere." Sanger, disappoint- will be required to give a bond of 50 ed. threw it on his dressing ease. But per cent of contract price. Bids will to the Gates,” was given by Miss Es ern part of the islands are the most nearly half the evening for Mr. Ferrin the next evening returning from be received until June 5th, 1908. ther Silverman. This is one of those j warlike of all the tribes. They are to recover. business it was missing. The maid Tne Board reserve the right to re­ told him that the postman bad asked ject any or all bids. charming stories in which the Pettison disciples of Mohammed. The women Games were played and a great deal for it. having found n party to whom Contract to be completed by Oct. Twins play a prominent part. Rex dress like the men warrior and panic - of amusement was derived from the it might belong. A few days later a 5th, 1908. FOREST SHOVE has a bad case of scarlet fever and while pate in all the battles. Mr. Yoder de­ note written on fine paper and bearing process of lifting by hypnotism. The a crest was laid on a table in his room. By order of the Board of Directors. ill tests the strength of maternal disci­ scribed the scene of the battlefield in Dated May U th, 1908. young ladies managed to lift everyone He opened it and read: pline which has becom e a source ol which the American troops fought with H o r a c e G. F it c h , Since placing the note In the article you except Pie*. Ferrin who, because of (1* scribe prosperity has come to me. dread to him. His mother yields only the Moros. The engagement took District Clerk. his unbelief would not go up. N evertheless t shall he delighted to find a For the Best, Up to date Wotlt. to become sterner as Rex grows better. place in the crater of an extinct vol­ m an who has in him the elem ents of a Those present were the Misses good husband. Baths. Pacific Ave, Foiest Graft Administrator's Notice. Miss Silverman is one of the ad­ cano. No Moro would surrender ard Whealdon. Leiser, Ireland, Temple­ There was no mention of the writ­ Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has beer. vanced students in this department and the battle only ended when the last ton, Lake, Bollinger and Thomas, and er's age. When Sanger replied, which 1 duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Ore- her reading showed her careful thought one in the crater was killed. Practi­ the Messrs. McCoy, Aller, Weatherred, he did at once, ho said that his age ! E n, for Washington County, as administrator of the was twenty-six. Before going any fur­ i estate o f Rebecca Traver deceased. All persons hav cally the only way of subjugating this and preparation. Raul Abraham, James Ward, Hoonan, ther in the matter ho would like to I ing claims against said estate are hereby notified and fierce warlike tribe is by extermii ation; know the lady’s age. There was tio I required to present the same to me properly verified as and Ferrin. Forest Grove, Oregon | by law required, at the office of J. N. Hoffman at For- reply to. this, and, fearing that she I est Grove, Washington County, Oregon, within si* the gattling gun being the most ef* Mrs. Cook returned the latter part might be sensitive about her age, ho H u'ej svm * i m a rh..e • - months from the date hereof. Dated this 21st day of of the week from her visit with Miss lective remedy. h r ... . Miss Olivia Ferrin returned home wrote again, glvln the old quotation | May lo08 Hartley in Hood River. A PERNICIOUS SPORT. ast Wednesday after closing a very “ with loving hearts age makes no dif­ R. W . TRAVER, ference.” Administrator o f the estate of Rebecca Traver, de­ successful year’ s work in Pendleton The Filipino cock fights is one of Mr. H. E. Ferrin will not leave for Then came an cpi.stle stating that tho ceased. the most vicious and pernicious of Academy. age of tlie lady v. ho had placed the I J. N. Hoffman, Attorney. Seaside until Fiiday or Saturday. LAWYER paper in the smoking jacket was forty- sports. The Filipino thinks more of The commencement plays promise two. Sanger was much disappointed Miss Florence Templeton enter­ tteal Esta'e and Corpo- OFFICE ovi his game bird than lie does his chil­ t ube of excellent quality. The per­ and forthwith committed the note to tained a few of her friends at hei home ation 1. rialty. Hines Slw dren. These fighting birds range in formers have practiced dilligently for the wastebasket. lie was not In need on First street Friday evening. Most of marrying a fortune and did not pro­ Forest Grove, - - Oregd prices from twenty-five up to a hun­ the past two months. H om eopathist and Surgery of the evening was spent playing pose on any account to marry a wom­ dred and fifty dollars. Large crowus an sixteen years Ids senior. games after which all repaired to the I Forest Grove, Oregon Miss Eilen Erobst. who has been of people gather to witness these co: - Meanwhile a lady acquaintance told kitchen where the boys turned the ice tests. It seldom requires three min­ teaching in Oregon City the past year, him that she wished to Introduce him Let THE N e w s do your job work. F A S H I O N STABLE*I cream freezer while the girls cut the to a yonng friend of hers. Sanger con­ utes for one of the birds to slay his an­ was the guest of Miss Thomas Satur­ We guarantee g o o d workmanship sented and met an attractive girl of cake and gave orders. At a later Forest Grtw| tagonist, they are armed with sharp day and Sunday. eighteen, with whom he proceeded good stock and most reasonable prices. Pacific Ave. hour the guests departed for their straightway to fall in love. Ills pas­ We print everything. Neat Turnouts — knives and sometimes a single thrust His Profession. sion being reciprocated, an engagement homes. Those present were the Iu the midst of our ten drinking In — Hoffman and Allen Co. are agent ---------------------------------------- -— * ] ■ with his steel spear will put the other ensued. When he was feeling the hap­ Misses Peterson, Koerner, Orr, All­ the little Parisian restaurant, says bird out of commission. These con piest a note came from his correspond­ for the famous Buttenck patterns. Miss Bethaui Edwards in an account worth and Templeton and the Messrs. — Bailey will buy your Wool and tests foster the gambling habit, pre- of “ Home Life Iu France,” a geutle- ent stating that she had looked up his record, was satisfied with it and was Markee, Moblev, Dwinell Clapp. B A R B E R S mote cruelty, and lias a degrading ef­ manly individual wearing a tall hat ready to make his acquaintance. San­ Mohair. Charles Ward and Silverman. and frock coat entered and. after a BOY WANTED— As night operator; fect upon the people. The introduc­ short colloquy with the young master, ger paid no attention to the note. Pres­ HAIR CUTTINQ * SPECIALTY ently ho received another, stating that Hughes Telephone office. tion of track and baseball athletics has passed out. Postoffice Row Forest I "You would never guess that gentle­ if lie thought he could trifle in that — Money to loan on farm security. tended to lessen the popularity of these way with unprotected women he was man's errand,” Marcel said, smiling, W. H. Hollis. Forest Grove barbaric games. as he reseated himself at the tea table. mistaken. The courts would do her SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWi| justice. — W e’ ll buy your wool and mohair. ‘Tie looked to me like n rather dis­ FIESTA. A W om an Finds All Her En­ Forest Grove Time Tab» Sanger was troubled. It appeared Bring it in. tinguished customer." I replied. "Some Bailey. ergy and Ambition Slip­ Every noted event is celebrated by government functionary on half pay that he had been drawn Into a trap NORTH BOUND. a by a woman for blackmail. She had No. 7 departí 6:t0 a. m.. arrives at PorilaM a banquet, whether it be the death of or an owner o f bonds.” ping Aw ay his letters, though there was no offer No. 3 8:50 a. m „ Marcel smiled again. Sheriff's Sale on Foreclosure. a person or a victory in battle. Great No. 9 " 1:50 p .m .. „ ,. ¿ jp “ That well dressed gentleman, then, of marriage Iu them, so he might ns Forest Grove women know how the N olice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution, No. t “ 4:44 P. m.. feasts are prepared where a large num­ supplies us with toothpicks, which his well write one or two more, trying to degree and order of sale, issued out of and end r the SOUTH BOUND. aches and pains that com e when the 1 Iv. Portland 7:00 a. m. W F or eit Grote ' ber of people participate. Roast pig wife makes at home. lie calls once u fix the matter up. The replies he got sear o f the Clrcu t Court o f State o f Oregon lot the No. i " “ 11:00 a. m.. ar. „ „ _ kidneys fail make life a burden. Back­ month and takes our orders. I dare puzzled him. They seemed to have County o f Washington, dated 6th day o f April, 1008. No. No. 4 " 4:10 p. m.. lv. is one of the main dishes. These cel­ say he and Ills wife between them been written rather by a young girl in favor o f E. S. Callender and against Daniel Mc­ No. 10 " " 5 *0 p m.. ar. ache, hip pains, headache, dizzy spells, ebrations call forth the people in their make from $(> to $S a week and con­ than a middle aged woman. Indeed. Cloud and John McCloud, for the sum of Two hundred diatressmg urinary troubles, all tell of Dollars, and for the E. C. SIMPSON. there was something very unsophisti- i , ninety . three and 50-100 . i*Z0J.50) ------- ------------ nost gala attire, torch light proces- trive to keep up ap|M»arances on that sick kidneys an warn you of the steal­ S . ® a “ total TS snm. It Is au Instance o f what one rated In them, lie finally determined taxes and costs and attorney's fees, I making of W. E. C o m a n , General f i e i i i ' ^ s ons are made with brilliant effect. calls 'gilded poverty.’ ” to meet her amt find out just what j Three Hundred Seventy nine and 50 100. Together Passenger Agent, Portland.__ thy approach of diabetes, dropsy and kind of au enemy he was fencing with. With Interest from April 6. 1008, being the amount due The banquet ends with a dance. Bright’ s disease. Doan’ s Kidney Pills He made an n;q>ointiiieut to meet at on said Judgment, to me directed and delivered, com- How a Flea Jumps. COMMERCE. permanently cure all these disorders. It Is said that a flea leaps 200 times a certain spot In the park. As he was manding me to make sale of real property, hereinafter The Chinese and Spaniards com ­ Its height, and. while It usually doe* n l i o t l t to keep It aloni! came a letter described. I have levied upon and pursuant tn said ex- . ic. pq Here’ a proof ol it in a Forest Grove from hls fiancee asking him to come to ecution, decree and order of sale, I will on Monday, 25 lbs. and under... pose in the main the merchant class. land on Its feet, it often falls. eapeclal- woman’ s words: ........................................... her at that very hour. This was unfor­ the 15th day of June. 190«, at the South door of the 50 In some districts, however, the Fili- j ly when It falls on a perfectly smooth tunate. but he resolved to Ignore the Court House in Hi Lboro, Washington County, Oregon, 75 Mrs. J. Van Donelrn. living on Pacific Ave . Forest “ ............... ....................... surface where the claws can get only at the hour of 10 o ’clock A. M o f said day sell at Pub- I Grow«, O r«.. My*: " l was greatly benefited by thr use pinos are shop-keepers. The poor a slight held. A flea has six legs, request. He went to the park. 100 ........................................... He Auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, all of Do«n*t Kidney Pills. I Suffered from this complain! As he approached the rendezvous the following described real property, lying, being and Cake lots, per cake............ whose groat length and hulk make foe tone time and ray bock finally became so weak a ,1 transportation facilities discourage the whom should he see but tils fiancee her­ sttua'e in Washington County. Oregon, and particularly j Ice delivered every morn®*’ painful that 1 was scarcely able to do my househ* • . cultivation of much of the land. The them so heavy that they must he a self. He halted, but. having been seen described as fo.lows, to-wit: Sunday; Saturday evening j* ¡j dutiat. My kidneys were disordered, -he seretion« \ery great help hi keeping their owner right The North ha if of Northeast quarter of Section ! ugar output is curtailed by the high side up when it makes one of these tty her. he approached. She stood I causing me great difficulty and annoyance »t Phone your orders not lat® Twenty two ‘ 111 Township Three (3) North of Range } I tried two or three different kinds of remedies, duty the United States imposes on this gigantic jumps, and when It lands up­ laughing at him. When she had driven Three 3 West of the Willamette Meridian containing m. Both Phones. - no relief until Doan‘s Kidney Pills were him to the verge of anger she ex­ P eighty it. acres.—and all o f the right, title and inter- j product. Agriculture is in a primitive side down or In some other way Its plained. brought to m r attention, and I procured a boa. The ability to kick is so great that not est o f each ur !1 of the defendants above named, had trouble ha* entirely left me and I am now en*oysng state. The large plantations around more thau one wriggle is needed to Twenty years agone her mother in and to the an e at the date o f the execution of the ; — Ladies, do yo 1 ’-ontetnpl** good health. I wish all women suffering from kidney Manila are in the hands of the Span­ set things right. A flea's wings are wrote the note he had found in hls mortgage - , c n w rich mtd judgment and decree is j ng a new dress, waist. complaint to use Doan's Kidney Pills and they will be dressing gown. Ilis reply had fallen based to sat:>..y the hereinbefore named sums, and for well Mtisffed with the results obtained.” iards. During the war much of their more scales and of no use; hut. small spring? If so. call at Hof!®»« I n t o her hands, and she liad been hls the costs and expenses of salt and said writ. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 property was destroyed and many have and worthless as they are. they tell They can supply i 0® Said sale w ill be made subject to redAiptton as per Co’ s. the entomologist something about the correspondent She had secured the cents. Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, not rebuilt their homes through the proper classification of the Insect. To Introduction and hail Rince tieen amus­ Statutes o f State o f Oregon. — The top price at Bailey’* * Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, on this 12th day of May, \ ing herself by continuing the corre- New York, sole agents for the United constant fear of the Filipinos. the flea Itself they have no value. Wool and Moha:r. A. D. 190«. ■fiondrnce. ROSALIE WHITISH. J. W . CONNELL, Sutes. — Boos’ building rock ^ EDUCATION. Joe Lenneville made a business Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon. •Remember the name— Doan's— and j ws 11.50 per year in advance, i w H- ho :; u . Ataraxy io» fuibub . 451 * j With the advent of American con-1 to Portland yesterday. take no other. The meeting last Tuesday evening lead by Miss Farnham, closed the ser­ ies of special papers, which have been very helpful and interesting. Miss Farnham spoke upon the subject “ Oriental Arts and Handicrafts.” The meeting was one of the very best the association has had this year, although the attendance was not as large as I His C orrespon dent.! V eg etab les G r o c e r ie s n rod need the article*. The young wan ,. , , ... W . F . SCHULT L e e ’s LAUNDRY ßuong Good Eatables Low Prices Everybody knows that we keep the best Meats to be had, but this is to remind you to give us a call. Saeiens & Co. City Shaving Parlors A. I. Wirtz, Proprietor R . IN lX O iN , Denti« W . H. HOLLIS, D r . G e ig e r HANCOCK & GORDON Moulton & Bogan j WHEN HER BACKACHES IQ E