NEW S THE - . — ----------------------_ _ COUNTY COURT. The Conservatory of Pacific Uni- virsity will have Recitals next Tues- PROBATE COURT. Published every Thursday by The day afternoon, Wednesday evening, E;t:ite of Julius Itel deceased. Fi­ Washington County Publishing Co., Friday evening and Saturday evening. nal account filed and first day of July Incorporated.____________________ i All the evening Recitals are free and set for hearing objections to final Entered at the post-office at Forest the general public is invited. As settlement. Grove, Oregon, as second class each of the programs is longer than ____________ matter. usual it has been decided to begin at Estate of Fred Sommers deceased. Final account filed. July 8tn time sct Subscription $1.50 Por Year 8 o’clock sharp each evening. All for hearing objections to final settle­ desiring to attend the Recitals will Advertising ratei mede known on application. 1 please be in their seats by 8 o’clock, ment. MARRIAGE LICENSE. i The two ensemble numbers already Official Paper Washington Co. given will be repeated one Friday and M Ingram and L Steinke. Wm Cell and Bertha G Sherburn. A. E. NOTTRSE.......................MANAGER one Saturday evening and by special J A Voss and Ottillie Holznagel, J. F. WOODS.............................. EDITOR request. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Much enthusiasm was manifest at THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1908 the regular meeting of the Bankers R L Donald et ux to Wm and Merchants Mutual Fire Insurance Reidt, part of the Geo Rich­ We rise to ask: Is Wash­ Company of this city over the increase ardson d l c t 2 s l w ......... S 1600 I ington county for Statement No. in business. The Company now has j ^ race L Anderson et al to h E three quarters of a million dollars at I Rowed et al, 59.97 acres in One? risk assets to the amount of 812,000. Z M Rowell d i e t 2 s 2 w 24001 The recall got a majority in It has been prospering greatly since G Reisenzahn to Mary Reisen­ 160 acres in sec 1 t 2 this state, but we wonder if the the annual meeting, and more business n zahn, 5 w . ...................................... 100 governor will be as ready to has been written since then than in F C Aldrich et ux to Geo F other like time. L. K. Page of make a proclamation declaring any Curtis, 10 acres in sec 26 t Salem and R. K. Ohling of Albany, it a law, as he undoubtedly will outside 1 s 1 w...................................... 3000¡ directors of the company were the Statement One amendment. highly pleased with the business of the Larkin Reynolds to Petei Zür­ cher. 60 acres in sec 7 t 1 n company. The feeble efforts made by Next Sunday is Children’s Day at Geo 1 F w ............................................. Earhart et ux to F C The News in the interest of the the Congregational church. The Sun­ Garvin, 45 acres in sec t 3 s regular republican nominees in day school meets at 10 a. m. At 11 1 w ............................................. 300 be a service for all the friends of this county are most gratifying will t'l^children. The exercise to be pre- j Frank W Power et ux to John to us, although we did no more sented by the children is entitled, "Our ! P Gerrish et uz, 7.985 acres than what seemed to be the Comrades.” In the evening at 8 j in R Williams d 1 c t 1 n 2 duty of a newspaper for the o’clock will be a service under the j Richard F Rice et ux to Mrs 1600 principles of the party in which auspices of the "Brotherhood” fori C L Marshall, It 1 sec 20 t 1 it believes. This paper took a young people. The address is to be n 2 w . ...................................... 1*50 I “Henry Drummond and his Gift to Jos Downs et ux to Jos Hicken- stand that behooved all newspa­ on Young America.” pers to take that believe in the The Chautauqua Circle Class of ti e bottom, part of bk 2 Morgans add Hillsboro.......................... 10 good work of the party. Woman’s Club was entertained Friday, Sherman Murphy et al to James May 29, by Mrs. J. T. Shannon and et al, part of sec Old Washington County has Mrs. E. E. Williams. Owing to the P 11 McFarlane and other land in t 2 n 4 done the right thing and the en- illness of Mrs. H. Gould the class was w .................................................. 24000 tire republican ticket is elected. leac^ ^ rs‘ ^ A. Abbott. Several Geo A Cable to Emma L Cable ^were present, Miss Mary F. 26 acres in M Moore d i e t Cake made a lead over Cham­ guests Farnham, Mrs. O. M. Sandford, Mrs. 1 s 2 w ...................................... 3000 berlain of 133 votes and as M. Abbott, Mrs Georgia Hughes and jSylvester p Reeder tQ G B Withycombe carried the county Mrs. W. H. Green A dainty lunch- Wood, 160 acres in sec 3 t 1 by only 37 it makes a vast dif­ eon was served. n 4 w ....................................... . ference over two years age. The first quarterly meeting of the Eli?a J Eyman et al to M F 3000 The results, even with this gitin, conference year will be held at the Johnson, tract in sec 32 t 2 would indicate that the voters Free Methodist church commencing »1 w ........................................ 350 ; Friday, June 5, and lasting over Sun­ Jos E Cowman et al to M F had Chamberlain instilled in day. Friday, Saturday and Johnson et al, part of bk 7 them so deeply that they forgot Sunday Preaching evenings. Love feast 10 ?. Sherwood............................... all els;. Invariably x Cham­ m. Sunday, Rev. W. N. Coffee, Dis­ Rosa M Bogart to Claude A 250 berlain ballot would switch to trict Elder, presiding. White, sei of sei sec 30 t 3 the regular republican legisla­ Miss Emma B. Penfield returned n 3 w .......................................... ture, which stands absolutely home from Portland last night where L L Crawford et al to Arthur B against the governor, while the she has had charge of the Forest Grove Mcdarlane et al, part of sec t 2 n 4 w .......................... 10 Statement No. One ticket met display of roses at the festival. Eigh-1 F M 10 Starrett et ux to Margaret teen boxes of roses were taken down, , its Waterloo. This is a situa­ them some very choice ones, J Holloway, paît of bk 37 tion that is ludicrous and shows among and our exhibit had one of the best Forest Grove............................. 2000 that the principle was not con- positions in the building ' Emma Cheney et al to Abraham sidered, but the man. However, V. P. Wetterberg, who is traveling Baldwin, part of bk 5 Forest the “peoples choice” amendment for the Honeyman Hardware Company, G rove........................................ 1100" Ortmen et al to Melissa carried; why shouldn’t the State­ was visiting his sister Mrs. Archie Bernard O Shipley, part of sec 31 t 2 ment One ticket carry? And Bryant, Sunday. Mr. Wetterberg is n 3 w ........................................ one of the crack athletes of the O. N. John Heisler et al to Evar Jac­ 462 the echo is, why! G. and won first place in the quarter, j obsen, pan of sec 8 t 1 n 4 Raleigh and Charlie Walker will half and mile this year. w .................................................. 80 leave for Newport Monday to make Mrs. Emma Chandler is visiting in Geo W Hudson to Frank H u rl-/ improvements on the dance pavillion Portland a day or two this week and but, part of sec 22 l 3 n 4 w 10 ¡¿j which will open up for the season v.ewing the roses at the festival. shortly after the Fourth. Last season George Nighten and wife of Seattle, Lodge Officers Elected. they had a big run and are expecting are here visiting the former’s cousin Tuesday evening the United Arti- j a duplicate this year. Sam Walker, the musician. sans met and elected the following officers for the ensuing term: Mrs. j L. B. Sears, Master Artisan; Archie i Bryant, supt.; W. K. Curtis; secretary; i Dr. Geiger, treasurer; Mrs. Holloway, I inspector; Miss Io'.a Perry, sen. con - 1 has a fine line of I ductor; D. D. Bump, master of cere- j Up=to=date Dress Hats monies; Mrs. Stackleader, junior con­ ductor; Miss Esther Holloway and to show you. ,Come and see for yourself. Also the I Walter Sears, field commanders. After the lodge closed a very enjoy­ most reasonable. M I nm M a r i e I*. S p l e a h a e r t able sociable time Was had and-ice I cream and cake served. The tables i i were beautifully decorated with roses. THE PARIS MILLINERY PARLOR T H E B A Z A A R ~) K . AL S T A E H R , M a n a g e r High Grade Pianos, Organs and S 2 wing Machines sold way below Portland prices and on easy monthly pay­ ments. Also a full line of E d iso n and Colum bia Talking Machines and Records always in stock. Cata­ logues sent free to any address. The leading place in theCountyfor Stationery and School Supplies. Married. Miss Crystal Richardson and Frank Carter of Salem, were married at the home of the bride’s parents Mr. and , Mrs. G. W. Richardson yesterday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. Sias of the Christian church officiating. The Richardsons are recently here from Polk county. Mr. and Mrs. Carter left for Salem yesterday where Mr. Carter is connected with a grocery store. Edward H. Seidler, the 14 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seidler of Cornelius died at their home Tuesday morning after an illness of several months. He was born at Reedville. Funeral services were held at the Ger­ man Lutheren church today at 1 o’clock with interment in the Cornel­ ius cemetery, S till ¿¡icy keep coming. New Patterns I IN Fancy Dress Goods Shepherd Plaid Organdies Percales Dimities Swiss Pique Ladies’ White WaisLs 50c to $2 7W k itic IS Of Children’s Wash Suit>s 50c to $2 SHOES F o r a l! k in d s o f feet BAIRD Independent Fone 045 Opposite Hillsboro Commercial Bank Printer is after us for advertising copy, but we are too busy getting new goods on display. We would, however, say to the public, Come and see the new and beautiful things Buffets, China Closets, Desks, Chairs, Etc. Most delightful Creations of the Cabinet Makers Art Don’t* forget also that we can do you good when you need paint, var­ nish or other decorative material. We can prove to you that we have t*he BEST PAINT Hoyt furniture Co. Paterson Bldg. Forest Grove I