)o in g s at Pacific U niversity if ted Prom the W eekly Index, the College Publication GRADUATES FROM MCMINNVILLE EASILY DEFEATED CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC IS S C E W E L L I r a c k S ea son ('I o . h o W ell lic iu le r u d N o te il P r o g r a m F rom C lapp in C lo sin g N um ber a S in g le D e fe a t A g a in s t o u r T e a m A r t is t » - — M is s A s s is te d W illiou t — E x h ib itio n D u n s ( 'i v e n . fewell gave her graduating recital of s veet music floating through the air, was the “ Olympian” Candidates from Me- jhe Conservitory of Music. There Therewas very good audience in attendance Minnville College were defeated by V>d between the numbers the pianist the varsity track team Decoration Day loaded with beautiful bouquets of by a 70 to 46 score. uses. The first number, English In spite of the fact that theie were “ Bourree” from tv o ball games in town the meet was Suite of Bach is a well patronized. The visiting team mposition very difficult of interpre- was accompanied by the college band Jtion and Miss Seweli brought out and a large delegation of rooters. Our ry well the marked themes constant­ own institution was there in a body ly reappearing. The Beethoven Son­ and with the two bands to furnish mu­ ata op. 26, is as difficult as it is long sic the teams could not wish for better and its preparation required an im­ support. mense amount of work. The varia­ College Spirit and enthusiasm ran tions were beautiful but the Funeral high throughout the entire meet. Col­ March was superb, and was played with lege songs were sung and yells were a full appreciation of its solemn grand­ freely given as the different men tried eur. their events. The Chopin Etude and the “ Inter­ Williams and Pettit were the star mezzo in Octaves” by Leschetizky have frequent heailuolies, n u t a d tongue, bitter or bad taste in m orning, "h e a rt­ burn.* belchin g o f g a -. acid risings in throat after eating, stom ach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells, poor or variable aptiotito, nausea a t times and k i ml rial *y m ptom s ? performers for the Baptists as they eas *re among the best numbers on the il/ took first and second in the dashes. TOgram. Both are written largely in Pettit a new man at the game and will octaves and arc exceedingly brilliant. develop into a wonder in the weights. Miss Sewell’ s octave touch is one of her strongest points and after the tre­ « VICTO R H u rd W h c u t e s M i lo- 1 1 j i t c Mr ■ \ ■ r\ 1 - ria G u n r iin te e d i .■ : cn u; 1 "7? tir e s t G r o v e valuable ■•ma I òri ih * i tH<-H Tr ical scient'** for th*' irHiéAÜ 'Mt curo ol ìa b norn ■ 'U-lil - m<- It is u must efficient liver in v ig orator. stom a ch tonic bowel regulator ami nerve strengthener. T h e -G u ld e n M edical D iscovery * f< not a patent m edicine or secret nostrum , a full li>t o f its Ingredients being printed on Its bottle-w rapper ami attested under oath. A glan ce at its form u la will show th at It contains no alcoh ol, or harm ful h a bit-form in g drugs. It Is a fluid ex tract m ade w ith pure, triple-re tim'd glycerine, o f proper strength, from the roots o f the follow in g n ative Ann ream forest plants, viz., (iold en Seal n o t . Stone root, Itlack Cherry hark. Q ueen’ s root. Flood root, and M andrake root. cm The following leading medical authorities, among a lu*>t of others. e\i« i the foregoing roots for the cure of just such ailments as the atioresymptom* indicate: I’ rof. II. Bartholow, M. D.. of Jefferson Mc«l. College. IMilla : Prof. 11. C Wood. M. I»., of l niv.of Pa.: Prof. Edwin M. Hale. M. I»., of Hahnemann Med. College, Chicago; Prof. John King. M. !> . Author of American Dispensatory: Prof, •r .ii " m s -a c l- der. M. l>., Author of Spvili Laurence Johnson, M. I >.. Med. Dept. U nlv. o f N. Y .; Prof. Finley Kllitigwx»od. M. D.. Author of Materia Medica and Prof, in Bennett Medi cal College, Chicago. Send name and ad dress on Postal Card to Dr. K. V. Pierce. Buf­ falo. N. V.. and receive tree booklet giving extracts from writings of ¡»II th** alxixv medi­ cal authors and many others endorsing, in the strongest possible term*, each and every in- gredlent of which "Doluen Medical Discov­ ery " is composed. Dr. Pierre’s Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and l towels. They may be u«ed in roniuneiion with "Golden Medical Discover* ” if bowels are much con stipated. TheV* rr* tiny and sugar-coated. made as to the character of each en­ tertainment. A committee consisting of Prin. Bates and Messrs. Gwynn and TURNER Ferrin was appointed to perfect arrange- j ments and take charge of the entire , BTlXtCS. O R E G O N course next year. The Public Speak­ ing department will be largely repre­ W e invite the closest inspection of our entire line of sented and Prof. Orr has consented to give an impersonation somewhat after Hat»s, Caps, Shoes, Groceries the character of “ If I Were K in g.” from Portland will also be rep­ | | Talent 1 In fact we have one of the fullest lines of GENERAL resented to a limited extent. The committee will try and make ( the course as varied and interesting as possible. Heretofore entertainments Come in and see our line of H A T S . As to hats my as­ sortment of Men’s, Boys’ and Ladies’ Hats can’ t be beat. Prices and Quality Guaranteed remunerative than those brought from j parts. This sort of financial l j | other : backing appears a necessary ! ! athletics j Men’s and Boys’ Dress Shirt-, in Latest Styles and Makes. No better assortment to pick from this side of Portland and ut Surprisingly Law Prices. part o f ! and outside cour.es in the past have not been successful in this t line. Committee The Athletic A full line of Men’ s and Boys’ Shoes, also Base Ball Shoes and Dress Shoes to suit the most fastidious. this year, after securing the valuable servi­ ces of Coach Hahn, ly finds itself in (air good financial condition. I call special attention to my stock of H ence Tinware, Granite W are, Hardware, etc. the committee is anxious to make the , Men’s Summer Underwear a Speci dry. for yourselves. broadens the intellect and widens the coming year even more successful and sympathies. No man is fully educated the proposed course is a means to that without this knowledge of missions. The need for end. workers both in the home and foreign fields is great, and Stump Miss Farnham was a Portland visitor Wednesday. i the call comes more and more upon aim as if she had forgotten to notice Miss Frances Abernethy spent the 1 | the great student body of Am erica.” last of the week at home. What work is more noble than this Miss Waggner was the guest o ' Miss mission work? What is more valuable H. Chandler over Sunday. and p-ecious than a human soul? Announcen e i s are o it for “ O n The Pole vault was the hardest con- Jesus Christ said “ C o ve forth into all Boys” to be given during C om m en ce-1 tested event of the day M cK ee for the world and preach the gospel to ment week. McMinnville and Perrin for P. U. tied every creature.” Miss Hawley was called home Fri- 1 for first place at 9 ft. 6 in. The bar T'he Missionary Committee will of- day on account of the death ol her wis then raised to 10 ft. M cK ee finally ier an interesting course in Missions grandmother. winning at that height. Perrin how- next year. Be wise and take advan- he omission. ever surprised the crowd by taking first tage of the opportunity. I mgratulated on her poise and control. self- The lights winked suddenly iut, and the music didn’ t! ist kept on and when The pian­ the lights came n in a moment she was apparently as McCrum Byrd, Forrest Smithson, Miss Bain and Miss Inez Luce will After the meet, This com - exhibition 120 yard hurdles in IS sec- AHitotU*. C o m m i t t a n to IL ive. < li.ir fte leave immediately after Com m ence­ o f P r o g r a m — LiM'iil l a l c . n l t o ment for Miss Bain’ s ranch. toosition is said to be the longest two- onds, tyeing the worlds record. Coach l>e Pxial, |j ano piece written. Sinding’ s achieve- Hahn, the holder of six world’ s rec­ The Markel brothers are expected Int consists in his adaptation of the ords in the sprints, also ran an exhibi­ At a recent meeting, the Athletic the latter part of this week or the first road theme of the symphonic com p o­ tion SO yard dash, time 5-1. M uch Committee discussed and formulated of next from California Insisted in this sition to the temperament and the season for Pacific, without a single de­ into the athletic fund. Definite plans have not yet been I heavy .effects of the march movement feat and the members of the team feel •were brought out in the brilliant man- very grateful to Coach Hahn for his in­ [ner characteristic of Miss Clapp. Both structions and his success in putting [youn g ladies are to be complimented out a winning team. The results of on the exceptional work and fine in- the meet were as follows: Iterpretation of such a wonderful com - 120 yd. hurdles— R. Robinson j position. ¡(P . S e n i o r s lin t r r t .iii» « -< l. Miss Frances and Mr. G. A. Clapp U .) Gallaway ( M c M .) M cK ee (M c M ) ; time 17-1. 220-yd dash— Williams Petit ( M c M .) (M c M .) , Humphreys (P . U .) ; [gave a farewell party to the membeis ti me, 23 4. lo f the senior cla::s Saturday evening. Shot put— Petit (M c M - ), Mayfield |A daintily prepared supp-r wax served. ( P. U ), Waterman (P . U .); distance |Two plates were draped in black to 37.11. the memory of Uler, two Messrs. absent future history of Arnston and 100-yd dash— Williams ( M c M .), The Petit ( M c M .), R. Robinson (P . (J). the members ime 10-2. members. many vas discussed 220 Hurdles— Williams (M c M .) R. Robinson(P. U .) ; time 27-4. Misses Bertha Koerner. Evelyne Orr Ind Goldie Peterson were Highest price paid lor M ohair and W o o l Notice for Publication. Tho Purest High jump— Feirin (P . U .) Brown Apr. 7th, 1908. N otice is hereby given that In com pliance with the i provisions o f the act o f Congress o f June 3, 1878, enti- *1 \n i*' * fui the sale o f timber lands in the Slate« e f I California, O regon, Nevada and W ashington T erritory ," is extcu.l*:d to >;| ihr Public Land States by set e f Au- The Best I ,.ust 1, 1892, Spring showing Soren Jeppesen, o f Bacon*. County o f Washington, State o f O regon, has this day died in ’ ill» oith r his sworn statement. N o. 7732, for the put* Rubber Goods f East 1 j o f NW '.'i and Lot« 1 and 2 o f Section 30, * h.le for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur« Toilet Articles Register and R eceiv er at Portland, O regon, on Thursday 1 the 9th day o f J uly, 1908. i tablish hi« claim to said land before H< il * vitii Kli H ow ell, o f Mountalodal«, | Oregon, John H ow ell, of < baric« C Nr I.on , o f Hacona, | o f Hncona, O regon. The Swellest Mountaindale, Oregon, O regon, Peter H offm an, Ain and all persons claim ing adversely the above det> STATIONERY rrii><.t i ni re rr.piested to file their claim s in this office on or before said 9th day o f July, 1908. ALGERN ON S. DRESSER, Register. (First Pub. May 7) Kodaks and Supplies Notice for Publication. Dej. i Special attention is directed to our fall L’ress Goods Waists, Skirts and Wrapps. W e have the choicest fabrics and highly tailored goods. W e invite you to call and see them. DR. HI IN ES’ r •L !*'• P h a rm a cy nt of the Interior, United States Land O ffice, Portland, O regon, April 2, 19o8. No i r is hereby given that Sarah L. K nappen o f i aa hi I, County o f Multnomah, State o f Oregon, has i i i ! i c, under the act o f Congroas o f June i r*¡ended b y a ct o f August 4, 1892, the eVfc **'■» and w 1 v s e 'i section 33, T 3N , R 5 W , and w ill offer pm of to show that the land sought is more v a lu ­ ator fur its timber or stone than for agricultural pu r- po*r s ,nd to establish her claim to said land before the D R . J . M . K IN O X Spring Clothing NELSON B. L A COURSE . . . Oregon THE BIG ECONOMICAL STORE Oregon, H enry ,W . Scott Office at Hancock & Gordon's Barn. on the 16th She names as her witnesses: Hiram W . Scott o f F or est G rove, O regon, O live County Slock Intpoctor W e can satisfy any man, boy or youth in Clothing. Our stock is complete besides the prices and per­ fect fit are both guaranteed. Forest Grove register and receiv er at Portland, O regon day of June, 19o8. V w t .r ln u r lu n guests of Mr. John Peters was a judge at the Abraham (P . U .), Rice ( M c M .) ; time 2-9. Jneet Saturday. United States Land O ffice, Portland, O regon, DRUGS — Money to loan on farm security \V. H . Hollis. Broad jum p— Humphreys, (P . U .) , Foster ( M c M .), Ferrin (P . U .) ; dis­ Mary H eidel at her home in tance 20 ft. 4 in. Hillsboro Saturday and Sunday. 880-vd run— Alex Robinson ( P. U. ), O R liU O iN H A N K S narrow scope [M iss Sewell’ s Powder, Fuses and Caps kept on hand at all times M .T U R N E R number. demanded credit is due “ Yell Deader” Gwynn for plans for a com plete course of enter­ — Sell your wool and mohair to ^y the necessity of confining it to the his activity on the side lines with his tainments for the coming year. The Bailey. H e ’ ll do what’ s right. vo pianos. The delicate effects in megaphone. series is to be given by local talent — Garden seeds in bulk or package Saturday’ s meet closed the Athletic altogether and the proceeds will go at Hoffman & Allen Co. Ithe allegro were especially adapted to Come and see Cedar Posts, Shingles and Shakes a Clapp the world’ s champion hurdler, ran an E minor writen by Christian Sinding Miss Frances Margaret l member of the class of 1885, visited ENTERTAINMENT COURSE FOR 0 9 . chapel Friday. The final number was the variations in the high jump. lor two pianos. Mrs. MERCHANDISE that lias ever been in the town of Banks. i given by comparatively local talent I , have been more popular and far more The rooters for the visitors were very jubilant during the first half of the own lack of preparation and knowledge mendous close of the Intermezzo she meet as the score at one time stood of missions. was recalled several times. | 30 to IS in their favor, but when Ale> > The study of missions not only cre­ T h e “ Slumber Song” by Schytte is Robinson and Dick Abraham clipped ates an interest in missions, but it a sweet and tender little melody and off the half and the mile, their enthu­ its beauty was all the more effective siasm subsided somewhat. Things be- alter th* preceding number. The 1 gan to come our way and the bulletin Schubert-Lizst number “ Soiree de Vi- ; board was eagerly watched by the ex­ ana” was of an entirely different style cited crowd. McMinnville was weak id was played witn truly artistic taste, in the discus and hammer, and when ■ t is full of sharp contrasts and the Mayfield threw the discus out into a "|Dost quiet little themes are often fol- neighboring wheat field not a sound low ed by passages of the greatest dash could heard in the east end of the knd brilliancy. Miss Sewell i > to be grand stand. S a c k o f “ H o m e P r o d u c t ” F l o u r » —A ll G r o c e r s If yoTNgjve any considerable number ol tha^above?>SHtdiims you are suffering fromNulionsn«fc^>vrpid liver with Indi- g With the grandstand full of people [ -Last Wednesday evening Miss A1ice an(j c o iors flying, amid the strains oi : first W h a t A ils Y o u ? Do you f»s»l w e a k , tired. d?spondenk Livery Phone Main 33, Ind. 744 M. Scott o f of Gaston, Forest G rov e, O regon , Fired* erii It W. K ie h l r o f Portland, O regon. Any and I persons claim ing adversely the a b ov t-d e- *• rib»d hinds are requested to file »heir claim s In this ■ .ft. • "ii '.r before said 16th day o f June, 19o8. AL G ERN O N D RESSER . Register. Eczema and Pile Cure C D C C rw x I • * , m - What It IS to su ffe r. I « 'l l I irst Publication April 9, 1908. 4o 9t if tv« liv r e u r « for fuieiiM . Sai' Rheum. Rfjrlii» -**, Pile* and Skm D ue .«e» In«'ant relief Don't *urter .. ei Write F AT William*. HlO M suhailao Avenue, N e « York K udos« ktains 60 Y EA ho EXPERIENCE (P . U .) , Stout (M c M ); height 5-2. Tin Star Drilling K i n s Go. is e r e c t in g a p la n t at PO RTLAND, O REGO N fo r th e n v in u fa cttlre o f th e ir w o rld fa m o u s PORTABLE W ELL D R IL L IN G M A C H IN E S for water, oil, gas, etc., etc. A m o d era te a m ou n t o f m o n e y w ill Start y o u in a p rofita b le b u sin e s s . STAR PORTABLE D R IL L IN G M A C H IN E S have b e e n p ro v e d b y Competitive to b e T h e B e -: I , I h >V -M . F o r fu ll p a rticu la rs reg ard ­ ing w ill drilling mat h m es, tools, supplies, etc., write to THE STAR DRILLING MACHINE CO. P ortland . oreqon . or A k r o n . O h io . Discus— Mansfield (P . U. ). renc ( . U . ), Petit ( M c M .) ; Law- INSURANCE distance 102 feet. 440-yd Dash— Humphreys (P . U .) , Mason (P . U .) , M cKay t h e ( M c M .) ; BANKERS fid time 55. Mile— Alex. K och (P . Robinson U .), Abraham (P . U. ), (P . U .) ; time, 4.55. M l T l (P . U .) , Arthur (M c M ); height 10 P tH H MERCHANTS U I 'I J K V ’ A .M .K fN . Of Forest Grov e, Oregon i.H Pole vault— M cK ee (M c M ), Ferrin feet. Hammer throw— Lawrence (P . U . ) t A L T t i i i ; Best and Cheapest r a d ì D C M a r a s e s ig n o p y r ig h t , * A c . A n y o n e * « n « ilM g n * k « t r h an<1 ri«*«»ript»».»i m * y »Itit. t n y <*•• ‘• r t io ii o u r n f o n n ^ » frww w h e n . « r a n I h r e o i i ir i is p r . h a b l v p a t e n t a id s , f o r u m u n lm . H o n « s t r i c t l r e i. i i it d n i i t f n l . H I H O 'I O O R »*n 1 's t e n i s s«-nt fre w * i!.t»*at * k r« *n rr f o r * # ' u r l ì i * n a t m i ia . I'a le n fS ta ken th r o u g h M u n n A < o. r e c e iv e u f i ' , « ’ h o u l c h a r g e . It» th o tpr. liti Scientific A m e rica n . A h n n d fn m e t f lllu s fm fe r l w eek ty . f.a re e st c i r ­ cu lâ t!. .. • f a u f r« i**nt iflo Journal. T e r m « . I s y ear fo u r n < » be, $1. by e ll news»««-»leva. MUNN Ä Co.,6,B'” 4- ’ New York ^ B rem b O ffV e. |T Ht . W a a fn u g i ■ »u. i>. C. Waterman (P . U .) , Mayfield (P . U . ); distance, 108 feet. V. M . T h e meeting was A. devoted to the cause of Missions, and was led by Mr. A. C. Allen, chairman of the Y. M. C. A. Missionary committee. Mr. Allen said “ one of the principal objectional features of missions is our Try Goldenrod Flour G u a ra a ts e d ì-? e e e e * s M M K i? j»