I PORTLAND FESTIVAL T o be held in P O R T LA N D , OREGON June 1 to 6, 1908 Will be the most Brilliant Floral Fiesta and Civic Jubilee Ever held in the Pacific Northwest Portland, “ The Rose City,” will be a scene of splendor and the center of world-wide interest for one week. Several important conventions are to be held in Portland on that oc­ casion. T H E SO UTHERN P A C IF IC CO. Will sell special tickets on this occasion from F O R E S T G R O V E to P O R TLA N D and return at $ 1.10 W. BROW N, Local Agent General Republican Ticket. M AN GOLD NO. 1142 United States Senator H. M. CAKE, of Multnomah. Representative in Congress. W IL L IS C. H A W LEY, of Marion. Supremt Judge R O B E R T S. BEAN, of Lane. N O VER W H ELM IN G majority of Oregon’ s Dairy and Food Commissioner J. W. B A IL E Y , of Multnomah. voters by registration have formally declared Railroad Commissioner— First Dist,. that they believe in the principles of the R e­ THOM AS K. CA M PBELL, of Lane publican Party. Let them now show that they are Prosecuting Attorney— Fifth Dist. ■ honest bv voting in accordance with their declara­ E. B. TO N GUE, of Washington r ender, Ju icy , Steak. I tions. T he Oregon election comes before the Re­ Joint Senator for Twenty-Fourth Sen­ publican National Convention. Let every Republi­ atorial Dist. R oasts and Stews, can voter in the First Congressional District uphold W. N. B A R R E T T , of Washington. the honor ol the Republican Party in Oregon and Senator Eleventh Senatorial Dist. Sausage andB ^ strengthen the influence of Oregon’s delegation in WM. D. WOOD. the National Convention by voting for H. W. Cake For Representatives. for United States Senator and W. C. Hawley for A ll kinds of Fresh R. H. G R E E R . Representative in Congress. If either of these R e­ C H A R LES H INES. publican nominees fail of election the primary S. A. D. M E E K . election system will be discredited and a return of For Sheriff. boss rule will be invited. The good name of Ore­ GEO. G. HANCOCK. REGISTERED GERMAN COACH gon’s voters will be smirched and Oregon’s delega­ For County Clerk. Registered German Coach Stallion. tion to the National Convention will be placed in a J. W. B A ILEY . humi'.'ating position. For the effect it will have on Seven years old, weight 1700 lbs., col­ ________________ f. For Recorder of Conveyances. the November election it is imperative that the or deep chestnut sorrel, gentle dispo­ W IL L IS IRELA N D . Republican nominees in the June election shall be sition, finely built and fine action. Sired For Countv School Superintendent. elected by, an overwhelming majority. As a be­ M. C. CASE. by Martin, Grand Sire, Bernard. Dam ------- ---------------------- --- — ^ liever in tne principles of the R.publican Party it is For County Treasurer. Philine by Baron 2nd. your duty to be at the polls June 1st, and vote foi W. M. JACKSON. Cake and Hawley. Will Make the Season of 1908 For County Surveyor. I L. C. W A LKER. Monday, Hancock & Gordon’s Barn. Tuesday, Williams’ Barn, North Yam­ For County Assessor. MAX CRANDALL. hill. Wednesday, Carlton Livery Barn.' For Coroner. FINE WORK DONE 1HEAP ~ till•i»[. E. C. BROWN. Thursday, Gaston. White shirt - - - 10c Drawer, . Business Meeting of Women's Club.! 'America” which thrilled the vastaud-j Balance of week at Hancock & Gor­ For County Commissioner. u 80,1 . . . 10c White Waiitt 10 ». ience with fine patriotism and inspiaa- JOHN McCLARAN. don’s Barn, Forest Grove. White Skirt. . 10 to 50 Underskirts The business meeting of the Wo­ li K • tion. Rev. Gould offered up the pray- j Undershirt» . . 8c Stockings . T E R M S: Single Service, S20; In ­ men’s Club was held in the Congrega- , Handkerchiefs - - 2 c Collars er and read the scripture lesson and Notice to Contractors. sure, $30. Careful but not responsible tional church parlors Tuesday afternoon Men's White Vests 10 15c »ants . . the Congregational church furnished with Mrs. Belle T . Hoge, p.esident, in | Sealed bids will be received until 2 for accidents. Coats - - . to 20c Dnatert • II special music. Towels - . - 20c Dor. Naps,ns . . the chair. n ,, -n ,, , o’clock p. m. of the 4th day of June, i In speaking of Peace, Rev. Boyd . 1908< and then opened for the con-1 The following articles 50 c per uyr. Pi!WCa.'| Officers and leaders of departments ] For particulars write to Bed Sheets, Table clotha, Nleht Gowns, Waw j said that war is truly hell; whether it read reports on the work ol the year, j struction of a fill to take the place of C U iO . O . H A N C O C K , Drawers. Underwear. Apron, and Corset Com, | be war of fighting armies or individual showing the club to be improving and | the slough bridge at the Geiger place General Manager Pacific Avenue hatred. This is the least military of Foresi frei I progressing; the treasurer’s report \ south of Cornelius. M. P O O L E , ages but there is still war of classes— showed a most satisfactory balance. | For the construction of a bridge and conflicts between labor and capital, Assistant. But little delay was occasioned when it fill near the Vicker place about one strifes, home discords, divorces, as­ came to the election of officers, the mile northeast of Cornelius. saults; which are deeds of hatred and result of which was as follows: Miss For the construction of the Minter Notice. strife. ‘Blessed are the peacemakers Mary F. Farnham, president; Mrs. E. bridge across the Tualatin river about Sealed bids for the erection of a new for they shall be called the sons of E . Williams, vice president; Mrs. J. A. 2 miles southeast of Hillsboro. „ ... . -I school building at Dilley, Oregon will God.’ Physical courage is less to be Abbott, secretary; Mrs. E. H. Brown, admired than moral courage; it is the be SCen 31 mV ° f' ! be received by the Board of Directors corresponding secretary; Mrs. C. V. B. I fice after May 25th of School Dist. No. 10. Plans and moral courage for which we love our Russell, treasurer; Mrs. L. L. Watt and The Court reserves the right to re­ Everybody knows that specifications may be seen at the office heroes. There is no peace for the Mrs. W. N. Ferrin members of the je ct any or all bids. of the clerk of said Dist. at Briggs wicked— no place for graft, evil influ­ executive board; Mrs. Chas Hines, By order of the Commissionets, we keep the best Meats Bros’s store. Building must be com ­ ence or whiskey. T o have peace war Miss Farnham and Mrs. F . J. Miller J . w. G o o d in , pleted by Sept. 1st, 1908. Bids will to be had, but this is to ■ with Mrs. J. A. Abbott and Mrs. D. I ls t,mM necessary. County Judge. be opened May 30th. The Board re­ Feuor alternate delegates to the State ; . " .th* eve^ nf " nl0fn s* rvlckes * ere serves the right to reject any or all rr» j 4- i • , held in the Methodist church, when remind you to give us J Federation which will meet at LaGrande ■ D u n , Notice. bids. The successful bidder will be . ^ . T j . . Rev. Hiram Gould hit the liquor busi in October. Leaders of departments _ , ____ u._ a call. Notice is hereby given that the ; required to give 50 per cent of his bid ness a hard jolt and stated that a whis­ for next year: Domestic Science. Miss key article appearing in last week’s School Directors of School District No. as bonds. Estelle Elliott, president; Mrs. Chas. By Order of the Board, issue of the Times and signed by one 2, of Washington county, Oregon, will Hines vice piesident; Miss Minnie E Ward was a paid liquor advertise receive sealed bids for the construction a B n e r B r ig g s , Myers, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. FOREST GROVE 43-t5 Clerk. ment containing misstatements. “ They of a school house in said district, H. Gould, Chautauqua circle class. dare not tell the truth,’ ’ he said, Pians and specifications can be ex- The executive board surprised the . .. . , , .. , Administrator's Notice. thpm intn Anarilas would feel proud if he were amined at district clerk’s office in Cor­ club members by inviting nelius, by May 19th, 1908. Bidder ! here to think he was so truthful.” Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been the dining room for refreshments, Mrs. In speaking upon the enforcement will be required to give a bond of 50 duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Ore­ Hoge and Mrs. Hughes serving from For the Best, Un-to-H.a’e Work. of prohibition he cited many places per cent of contract price. Bids will gon, for Washington County, as administrator of the estate of Rebecca Traver deceased. All persons hav a table beautifully decorated with Baths. Pacific Ave, FoiestGrove. where the law has been maintained by be received until June 5th, 1908. ing claims against said estate are hereby notified and trailing sprays of pink roses. After an Tne Board reserve the right to re- single individuals. “ Saloon men say required to present the same to me properly verified as A. L Wirt.?, Proprietor hour of social pleasure the third year ! by inw required, at the office of J. N. Hoffman at For­ more liquor sold under j je c t any or all bids. of the Women’s Club closed, to begin ‘ 1 s Contract to be completed by Oct. est Grove, Washington County, Oregon, within six prohibition than license. It seems months from the date hereof. Dated this 21st day of work again in October. R . N I X O N , Dentist then that they should want prohibi­ | 5th, 1908. May. 1908. By order of the Board of Directors. tion.” Rev. Boyd also spoke on the R. W . TR A V ER , Union Memorial Services. Forest Grove, Oregon Administrator of the estate of Rebecca Traver, de­ Dated May 14th, 1908. subject. Beautiful and impressive union M e­ ceased. H o r a c e G. F i t c h , O F F IC E T h re e o -ti'o ol H»riev'< store. OiB J . N. Hoffman, Attorney. morial services were held at the Con­ hOUIN >- M H ' P V. District Clerk. Last Saturday, Mrs. J . A, Abbott gregational church Sunday morning. Every seat in the main house was oc­ entertained the Chautauqua class of Candidate for County Clerk. cupied and the side doors had to be the Woman’ s Club. A very dainty I hereby announce myself as an opened to admit of the large congrega­ luncheon was served. A few guests i Homeopathist and Surgery LAWYER tion which sang and listened well— es­ Independent Republican Candidate for were present: Mrs. Chas Hines. Mrs. -teal Estate and Corpo- OFFICE ot! pecially, "Onward Christian Soldier." Ore gon the office of County Clerk at the coun- Forest Grove, uion Law a Specialty. Hines Stmt Miss Maud Shannon sang beautifully E. Meresse and Mrs. W. B. Haines. ty general election. I beg to state — Ladies, do you contemplate buy- riorest Grove, - - Oregcs that my action in this matter is gov- ng a new dress, waist, or skirt this j erned solely by the urgent and repeat­ spring? If so, call at Hoffman & Allen ed request of many leading citizens of Co’s. They can supply your needs. Washington County. I further assure Let T H E NEWS do your job work. F A S H ! O X STABLES ! the voters that it was only after being We guarantee good workmanship President o f Leiand S tanford U niversity W rites on fully convinced that my candidacy for good stock and most reasonaDle Forest Gro* prices. Pacific Ave. the Columbia R iver Salmon Crisis. We print everything. Neat Turnouts said office was earnestly desired bv the T O R E P U B L IC A N V O T E R S A V eg etab les O ro cerk W. F. SCHULTi 1 m Quong LeeV1- LAUNDRY ' J V. lood Eatables at For Particulars call on WM. M cM U R R A Y , r Pas­ senger Agent, Portland, Ore. W M . D. W O O D Republican Nominee for StaLe Senator DR. CHAS. HINES Republican Candidate for Representative A Taxpayer will work for the Best In­ terests of the Taxpayer. Low Prices Saeiens & Co. City Shaving Parlors , Dr. Geiger ROY. Farmers of this section are jubilant over the good sunshine after the pro­ longed rains of the season. Grass and crops are looking fine. Roy was defeated last Sunday in a hot game of base ball by the Banks Outlaws by a score of 3 to 7. The Dutch team was weakened considera­ bly by the absence of the Jasper boys. Her many friends mourn the taking away of Miss Carrie Mills who died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mills, in this vicinity May 14. Death was the result of an attack of typhoid fever. Miss Mills was a native daughter of the county and received her education in the Forest Grove A bolish M erciless Fishxvheels S a ys D avid S ta rr Jordan \V. H. HOLLIS, HANCOCK & GORDON — Hoffman and Allen Co. are agent people that I consented to permit my Stanford University, Cal., May 13. when the water is clear. name to be used. Now that I have for the famous Butterick patterns. 1 9 0 8 .— Mr. Edward Rosenbeig. A s-j Very truly yours, — Bailey will buy your Wool and toria, Oregon: In response to a re- DAVID STA R R JORDAN, taken this course I feel that my record BARBERS quest from Mr. Hylen I am giving you | is sufficiently familiar to all voters of Mohair. my opinion as to certain matters con­ HAIR CUTTING A SPECIALTY BOY WANTED— As night operator; this county to warrant my assurance, nected with salmon fishing in the | The Oregon State Grange passed the Hughes Telephone office. Postoffice Row Forest els' Columbia. As you know, I was t h e , following resolutions at its meeting that if elected, I will perform the du­ — Money to loan on farm security. ties of said office in a manner satisfac- first Commissioner ever sent out to month: public school H O L L I S T E R ’S investigate the salmon. I spent some Whereas; There has been referred , tory t0 aq citizens of this county, and W. H. Hollis. Forest Grove the Committee on Resolutions for that I will accord to each and every — Boos’ building rock and shingles time in Astoria in 1880 and I have — W e’ ll buy your wool and mohair. #A Busy Me i 1 pe°D* made a number of visits there or farther | consideration the two fish bills relating can be had at Roy. 47-2t. Bailey. one the courteous treatment rightfully Bring it in. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vif* north in the same interest since then. the fishing industry to be voted on A s p e c ific f o r C o n s tip a tio n . InrtigertjflMjH and K id n e y tro u b le s . P im p les, Eczema m I have not changed my opinion in this [ *t the June election, bills No. 319 and expected of a public officer. B lo o d . B a d B r e a t h . S lu g g is h Bowels. Sheriff's Sale on Foreclosure. Yours Respectfully, tim e as to these matters. 3 3 2 , respectively: a n d B a c k a c h e . I ts R o c k y M o u n t a in s » - J Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an execution, l e t fo rm . 16 c e n t , a box. Uenuin« w ; ( 1 ) The fish wheel and the sta- Your Committee has carefully ex- E . L. M c C o r m ic k . degree and order of sale, issued out of and und?r the H o l l i s t e r D r c o C o m p a c t . . tionary trap in the Columbia R iv er; amined into these two bills as far as seal of the Circuit Court of State of Oregon lor the HOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW W County of Washington, dated 6th day of April, 1908, Hundreds More in Fore: should be abolished. It would be well their time would permit and have to A Good Suggestion. in favor of E. S. Callender and against Daniel Mc­ for the fishing interests of the country report that we favor proper protection ’ Grove in the Same Plight Cloud and John McCloud, for the sum of Two hundred SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAIL»1 to all natural spawning grounds; and Don’t be a dead one, young man; if the stationary trap in all of its var­ ninety three and 50-100 »$293.50) Dollars, and for the Forest Grove Time Tabi* Tired all the time; further sum of Eighty five and 80-100 ($85.80) Dollars, ious forms was everywhere eliminated, to that end we condemu as a great wake up. taxes and costs and attorney’s fees, making a total of detriment to said industry and to our Don’ t wait until the alarm goes off. for this is the most destructive and Weary and worn out night and da NORTH BOUND. r t ,,| Buy as many lots today as you can. Three Hundred Seventy nine and 30 100. Together No. 7 departs 6 : 0 a. m.. arrives a: undiscriminating kind of fishing. On State the operarion of fish wheels in Back aches; side aches. with interest from April 6, 1908, being the amount due No. 3 ’* 8:50 a. m., ...................... 5 the Columbia, where the river is J the narrows of said river and demand Hold on to them like a bull dog to a on said Judgment, to me directed and delivered, com­ No. 9 ** 1:30 p- m .. „ All on account of the kidneys. " 4:W p. m., narrow and swift, the fish wheel is not and urge the passage of a law remov­ trouser leg. manding me to make sale of real property, hereinafter No. 1 SOUTH BOUND. Must help them at their work. Make your payments regular; to­ described. I have levied upon and pursuant to said ex­ only very destructive, buL has the j ing the same and also further recom­ Mr«. A. Whitcomb, living on Edison st. Hil!sb< ecution, decree and order of sale, I will on Monday, No. 2 1». Portland 7:00 a. m. 1» Toros C n o mend that said law shall be so con­ morrow you will be able to buy an- additional evil effect of ( a ) taking No. t " “ 1100 a. in., ar. it Í«» Oregon, »ays: *T had been bothered with kidney ;«i the 15th day of June, 1008, at the South door of the No. 4 ” 4:10 p .m ., 1». „ work from the fishermen, and ( b ) of structed as to remove all traps from j other. Madder trouble for a long time, as a result of this : t . Court House in Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, No. 10 " “ 5:40 p m . >' In a year you will add a few more. at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M of said day sell at Pub­ ble, I endured a great deal of m isery My kidneys we taking the fish when they are not in said stream. E. C. SIMPSON, Age» too frequent in action and gave me grea* annoycm | Pretty soon you will be trading in real lic Auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the best condition, for fish for canning , especially at night. As the result for the loss of res* the following described real property, lying, being and [ W. E. COMAN, General freigW | estate in the summer and traveling in ought to be taken in tide-water. wt uid arise In the morning feeling tired and worn o’ The Oregon State Federation of L a ­ situate in Washington County. Oregon, and particularly Passenger Agent, Portland. 1 Europe when it rains. (.2 ) It would be well if all fishing | when I attempted to stoop or Mft anything sharp pat described as follows, to-wit: bor has also endorsed the same pro­ Now is the time to buy in Portland. would »hoot through the small of my bock and 1 wou on a large scale above tide-water in the ; posed legislation. The North half of Northeast quarter of Section j aui^er intensely. I took two or three different term See us or write us to see you. Twenty two (22- Township Three t j) North ol Range | Columbia should be prohibited. d.es but did not And relief. At last my attention » We will get together and put you Three (3) West of the W'illamette Meridian containing ( 3 ) 1 would also recommend that To save Columbia River Salmon d'.twn to Duan s Kidney Fill* and I procured a bo» .le- ! on the right road. Some good invest­ eighty 1 80) acre«,—and ail of the right, title and inter­ 25 lbs. and under.. . a careful study of gill-net and similar vote as follows: The pains and aches soon vanished, mv kidneys at est of each and all of the defendants above named, had ■ ment from $5 and up per month. rrg u ’ar and normal and I have not had a return of an methods of fishing be made, with a TRUE FISH BILL in and to the ame *t the date of the execution of the I 50 “ .......................... trouble | f r r I can recommend Ihvan’s Kidney Pill Lots S200 to $1000. mortgage up n w >ich said judgment and decree is ! view to the ultimate interest of the 332 X I Yes. 75 “ .......................... very highly.’* See Woodruff & Howard at the based to saiisry u..- hereinbefore named sums, and for i fishing industry, as even if worse forms 100 the costs and expenses of sola and said writ. For sale bv all dealers. Price 5( of fishing were eliminated, there are 333 I No. Michigan house. Said sale will be made 'subject to redemption as per Cake lots, per cake............. ' " J cents. Foster Milburn Co., BuSalo still perhaps too many gill-nets for the F1SHWHEEL OWNERS’ TRICK BILL Ice delivered every morning T j I JU C o irca n i g u a ra n te e s to p le a s e <* of Oregon. Joe Stream • « i i . . . , , . D**«1 •* Hi laboro, Oregon, cn this 12th day of May. Sunday; New York, sole agents for the Unitei size of the river. Saturday cvemne 318 Y e s. w ith t h e l a te s t a n d m o s t o r ig in a l h a ir- \. D. 1 * » . T o prohibit gill-net fishing after Phone your orders not later j Slates. J. w . CONNELL. ' cut. Sharp razors properly handled. dark would virtually destroy the effec­ 319 I X No.____________ m. Both Phones. ^ Sheriff of Washington County. Oregon. R-m em ber the name— Doan’s— am tiveness of that industry at all times j RO SEW V R * * L A a s » th is tU o p In g u n t il I ter.iro n Opposite News Office. 1 W . H. Hollis, Attorney for Plaintiff. 4J-14 Ukc no other. Moulton & Bogan Oregon Grunge Speaks. Rocky Mountain Tea Nu ALL TIRED OUT. . Labor Federation. ¡QE “ .........,