Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, May 28, 1908, Image 1

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W ashington county N ews
NO. 47
Colts Lose a Good Game.
Class—well yes, there was all kinds
of class to that railroad game played on i
the local grounds last Sunday, when |
the Colts were persecuted by the O. !
R. & N contingent of the Rose City by i
a score of 4 to 3. "Undefeated,” the ' Wallace McCainant of Portland Ad­
¡losing Days of Campaign Indicate prohibition will be of real
visitors were advertised and undefeated j
our county, financially, and
Keqnblican Victories all
dresses Large Audience
the visitors are yet but for the scalping
way. This we judge because of trust­
Along the Line.
they got at the hands of Pendleton a
Monday Night.
worthy evidence from numerous cities,
short time ago, and to prove that they !
counties and states where local option
are “ classy,” the Harriman boys go
___ _ _____
law has been tried. Notwithstanding
scuth for a senes of games next week
contrary reports. Kansas City, Kan., a
Outside of a lot of rag chewing over j
city of over 100,000 people, is pro
the limp’s decision the game was profit
gressing rapidly under enforced proh:;
able and pleasant—a rattling fine ex­ Enthusiasm Runs Riot When Speaker
bition. From a recent reliable journal
Regular Republican Nominees by the comes the following: “ The banks were
hibition of the dear old game that has I
Refers to H. M. Cake ,
m de Sp u ding famous and a mil ion-1
Primary Law Never in the
never in better condition than at the
and Taft.
are, though the players have held!
present time. Not one failed in the
Doubtful Column.
Spaulding "up” for years. Dr C. L. I
i money panic this winter. Official
Large was not the least of offenders to I Enthusiasm ran high in Masonic
figures bear out the assertion that Kan­
rush onto the field and bombard the Hatl Monday evening when Wallace
As election day draws near the sas City, Kan., at the present time is
knight of the indicator for a change of McCainant, of Portland, delivered a
strength of the republican party is so in better condition financially than it I
uictum. This is something that the i capital address on the political issues of
clarafied as to warrant the prediction of has been in several years.”
fans should cut out of their program, the da-. Time and again the speak.r
one of the most pronounced victories
Concerning the city of Eugene, with
.i: cl the players can take
| and was forced to stand
in the history of the party in the state about 12,000 population, in our own :
is the manager's business to settle a in silence while the audience that filUd
and this county.
beloved state, comes the statement cf
dispute and not an army of fans who the hall gave vent to their enthusiasm
Daily grows stronger the Cake ele­ her popular mayor Mr. Matlock:
may have a few dollars up on the game by way of rousing applause, showirg
ments which up to two weeks ago
"Let me give yon a fair sample of
and whose judgment is always twisted. that H. M. Cake and the republican
seemed uncertain of their grounds, and business prosperity in the case of my
Dicisions were equally divided between party are supreme in this section ol tf e
every branch and faction of the party own son. He was doing a business of
the two teams Sunday.
is tB ting to wrest from the Chamber- $30.000 a year. After the first year of
state and will get vindication at the
The Colts did heavier sticking than polls next Monday.
lain supporters the majority that would prohibition it was increased to $45,-
the visitors but were looser in fielding
surely repudiate President Roosevelt’s 000, the second year to $60,000 and
introducing Mr. McCamant
their positions at critical moments. In Judge Hollis said that always had the
policies, by sending a democrat to the this year it is larger than ever before.
the first canto Moore made a rap over republican party numbered in its ranks
senate from an overwhelmingly repub­
“ The first year of prohibition we de­
second, was advanced by balls to sec- the biggest men of the nation, and he
lican state—and that too, from a state creased our city debt by $2,000, be­
ond and made a charming steal to gave way to the speaker with "a man
that votes first in this presidential year. sides purchasing a site for a new city
third but died a tragic death there whose fame as an orator had preceded
The conservative voters who have park, a team and chemical engine and
Nothing more was doing but to count j him.”
here ofore supported Chamberlain, on hiring an engineer and surveyor and all
one two three until the fourth act when
the ground that it is better to have a this at an expense of $12,000 overcast
At the very outset Mr. McCamant
1 Van Blararombe popped a little one >o gave the democratic candidate for sen­
democratic governor to hold down a year No, the grass is not growing
; first and was safe because of a muff. ator a severe jolt by contrasting the
repu )lican legislature, are now arguing in Eugene streets; they were paved to
Van was advanced by Boose a notrh difference in influence of a republican
that Chamberlain is not only repudiat- the extent of $15.000 worth during
| and came home on Getter’s bingle. and democratic senator at Washington.
in J his pleas for the governorship but prohibition and this year we are mak
Boose made the score two by Rudy Whatever we have here in Oregon in
Is asking too much of the republi- ing public improvements to the extent
Fchult-.’ hit to lt*ft veldt. Van scored politics national senators must affiliate
party by wanting to go to the of $815,000 and the building depari-
again in the sixth and this was all that with one of the great parties if they are
ted States senate when it rightfully ment shows that $83,000 in permits
H. M. Cake, regular republican nominee for U. S. Senator, whose election was doing for the Colts.
ngs to a republican,
was taken out in a month for dwellings
to accomplish anything. This has
next Monday, means the establishment of Statement No. One and the endorse­
The railroad boys were shut com­ been the history of affairs at Washing­
eferring to the county ticket the alone.”
pletely out until the fifth when Pickard ton, ami Oregon’s decision Monday
of favor is now and always has
Abraham Lincoln said: “ Of our po­ ment of President Roosevelt and the administration.
connected with a dandy, driving it into will either make her influence with the
In with the regular republican ticket litical revolution of 1776 we are justly
deep center and coming home on an majority and the President or the
inated by the primary ballot. From proud. Turn now to the temperance
Vote for Case.
Mayor Matlock Speaks.
ections republican voters are ask revolution. In it we shall find a
Prosecuting Attorney McFadden error. In the sixth a clean hit, a bunt, minority.
Superintendent M. C. Case, who is
How can we maintain and uphold stronger bondage broken, a viler sla in the field for re election to the office of and Mayor Matlock of Eugene were four balls, a muff, and a passed ball
‘Don’t think that the democrat
primary ballot system by voting for very manumitted, a greater tyrant County School Superintenent, has been | enthusiastically received last evening were responsible for the three scores party is not patriotic,” said the speak­
that lost the game.
;e who ignored it? Why should deposed.”
er, "and contains good and strong
continuously engaged in public school when they spoke in the interests i f
Of course Harriman sent some men, but the hisiory of the two parties
We are not at all disturbed by the work in Washington County for the local option. Hon. E. W. Haines
welvote for a candidate who would not
the I
us an equal chance with the ring threatening prophecies made by the past sixteen years. During this time presided. Mayor Matlock said that coaches along with his railroad team, shows that the republican party has
■ p e r to nominate him? Why should liquor interests touching the future ot he has served three vea^s as principal 12 saloons were driven out of Eugene also a couple of Carrs—R. and C. by been right at the right time, while it has
^^■ rote for a ticket that was put up our country in the event of prohibition. of the Cornelius school, three years as as the result of local option, and that initial.
taken the democratic party too long to
Alexander struck out ten men and find out what was right when great is­
""By for the purpose of electing a Those threatening attempts at argu principal of the Hillsboro city school, in less than six months all the build­
sues were before the people. Today
ietoocrat to the U. S. senate? These ment are not prompted by generous or and is now holding his first term as ings were filled, with rents just as high. Sullivan only seven.
1 similar questions are being daily philanthropic motives. We are con­ School Superintendent of this county. That in contrast to the 71 arrests 8
the democratic party laud Lincoln to
Woodmen Picnic.
the skies and one would believe that
at the independents by the farm- vinced that nothing but good can come
His work has always been highly months preceding his election last
, ¡the business man, the laborer, and to our people from the temperance satisfactory to the public and keenly1 year there had been only 40; every
The county picnic and meeting ol he had been one of them; but that
Woodmen of the World held at party was against him. The demo­
ocratic ringsters who went immed- our county and country.
many of them now men and women, victed; the eitv has increased 4000 in Hillsboro Saturday was a brilliant sue cratic party fought the Fourteenth
Voters of Forest Grove and Wash who have come< under his instruction. population within two years; $250,000 cess from every standpoint.
ly after the primary election day, to
The ammendment; the republicans fought
|sboro and nominated a ticket of ington county, we solicit your votes for
Mr. Case is a member of Gales were spent in public improvements weather was ideal and the program for it and b"ilded it into the American
r own making, of their own choice prohibition of the saloon in the inter­ Grange No. 282, of St. Helens No 32, ! .ast year and $800,000 this; during the which consisted of games, races and commonwealth; the democrat party es­
poused the cause of greenback money
in direct violation of the first pro­ est of better citizens, better homes, a A. F. & A. M., of Mizpah Chapter No Panic banks had more money than any speeches, good.
ins prescribed by law, and are now better country and the good of hu­ | 30, O. E. S., and of Glencoe No 22, outsid of Portland. Mayor Matlock
At 10 o’clock in the morning the and it took the republicans years of
concluded that local option had been Hillsboro band lead the parade to the hammering to make sound money; the
fcd:ng it out to the intelligent voters manity:
K. of P.
C. A. Sias, L. L. Hollinger, mer­
park east of town. The main address democratic
party championed the
¡their endorsement on the pretext
Kls No. on the ballot Is 45 and he a decided success in Eugene.
of the day was made by H. L Day of ( ause of free trade and fought against
they believe in the peoples’ righi6! chant, S. Morgan, Pres. F. G I>*ns. ■ received his nomination at the regular
New Public School Teachers.
Portland and nineteen member^ were ° ,,r possession of the Philippines.”
>e are the conditions under which Co., S. B. Starrett, builder, A G. Hoff “ Primary Convention” held on April I
A’ a meeting of the public school initiated.
The speaker showed that the history of
democratic ticket is unfortunately man, merchant, G. G. Paterson, baker, 17th ult., by the votes of both repub-
board this morning O. M Gardner
There were two base ball games. 1 'be two parties proved that the greatest
ed, and they are asking the intel- V. S. Abraham, merchant, A. B. Thom j licans and democrats.
who has been teaching at John Day Scholls defeated Hillsboro by a score i reforms of the Nation had been charr.-
it voter to ignore their blunders as, A. R. Leabo. C. S. McNutt, J. P.
If re-elected, he promises to give to
was elee'ed principal of the Forest of 19 to 7 and won a prize of 815, ; pioned by the republican paity and op-
to repudiate their decision made
ill courteous treatment and a square
Grove institution at a salary of $100 second prize $10; the Hillsboro public posed by the democratic party—the
j deal.
ie primary ballot. This the peo- E. G. McNutt, M. Peterson.
1 er month and the following assistants: school won over the Forest Grove pub­ latter coming around to the former’s
ill not do, and this the people
Mis.es Shannahan, Kndicott, Cook, lics in a very hotlv contested exhibi- view but all too slow. He showed
d not do!
Foster, Clements, Greer, Armstrong. tion by 6 to 5 and received $7, our 'bat Cake should be sent to the United
i the other hand, the republican
Mrs. James McClaran. aged 72
Laura Luce and Mrs. M. C. Abbott. lads getting a base ball, mit and bat States senate because of his superior
, by which the primary ballot was years< died at her late home at Gales land next week are requested to bring
The above teachers are engiged at
possible, went regularly about its Qty, last Saturday, after a lingering them to the Free Reading Room next a s, a-v of 850 per month except Miss Mrs. Chas. Bradley of Hillsboro won influence with the great party and the
the nail driving. There was also a President, and Mr. McCamant received
Monday evening so that the con m ’.tee
Hess and candidates from alt over illness of several months,
Foster who will teach the Eighth grade cracker eating affair.
a rousing response when he made the
the bounty sprung up for the severa.
She was born in Owens county, In- I may take them into Portland on the ! at $60.
which are at the disposal of the dianai j une 14, 1835, and her maiden
Geo. C. Thomas, the present jani­ concert by the ReedviMe musicians
He spoke of Governor Chamberlain’s
Those who desire to enter roses for
}le. On the election aay the pro- name was Matilda Reynolds. At the
tor, was engaged to work during the
J»s of the new law were followed, age of 16 years she moved with her 1 a prize should label them with the ummer months, repairing fences and and Sunday preaching services by Rev. political methods who is forever boast­
ing, “ I am holier than thou” and
a splendid ticket was chosen, parents to Iowa, and was married to i name of the rose and owner’s name,
i other things about the grounds.
playing politics from early Monday
■ b t did the democrats do? Noth- James McClaran of Guthrie county, i In addition to such roses the com­
; to late Saturday night. "Study his
mittee desire all the roses they can get
Absolutely nothing! Not even that state, at the age of 21.
•Something good ought to be in store
A. S. Lytle and Miss Josie L. Hen­ pardoning record,” said the speaker.
^ H h e r e a candidate for the smallest
In May, 1863, Mr. and Mrs. Mc­ of all kinds to make a fine general ex­ for the baseball fans Decoration day
en the Claran started across the plains by ox hibit and to give away. The com­ when the Colts and Banks ball tossers derson were united in marriage at the Chick Houghton, one of the most dan­
gortrn " of our state, who is asking team for Oregon, arriving in the early mittee will pack the roses and take try their mettle. The Holiday Ma- home of the bride’s father, M. H. gerous hold up men ol Multnomah
^ H iffra g e of the people for the next part of October of the same year, since them into Portland. The roses should i roons defeat'd the locals by the close Henderson of Cornelius, Saturday of county was convicted and the decision
it office in the United States ig- which time Mrs. McClaren had lived be cut with long stems.
score of 5 to 6 a few weeks ago, and last week, Rev. H. P. Blake, former was affirmed by the Supreme Court.
Let our exhibit be the best. For last Sunday Banks defeated the victors pastor of the Cornelius M. E. church But he had not been in the peniten­
_ _ the primary law!
in Washington county up to her death.
Th- e are the conditions which have
At the age of 14 years she joined any further information call up J. S. i 5 to 1. Then the O. R. Sr N., which but now of Portland, officiating. The tiary but a short time when he was
ariaen in this county, which the peo­ the United Brethren church and had Bishop, chairman of committee,
| wax-d :•
the Colts Sunday by 4 to 3 bride was charmingly gowned in white pardoned by Chamberlain. Shortly af­
ple . u st decide.
lived a true Christian life continuously.
i defeated the Banks aggregation by a Egyptian cloth and carried a beautiful ter which “ Chic” was returned to pris­
on lor another crime. And if there
A decidedly clever device is at Bai­ very small margin.
She leaves a husband and the follow­
From the way boquet of white flowers.
Miss Margarite Henderson, a niece ever was a revolting crime it was that
Wet or Dry.
ing children who mourn her death: ley’s store known as the “ Boye” need­ things look on paper there should be a
of the btide acted as flower girl. The of which IJembree of Tillamook, who
The fight is on; the issue will be John McClaran. Gales Creek; Mrs. le and shuttle case, patented only last rattling fine game at Recreation Park
following guests were present: Mr. was convicted of killing and burning
Ikcided June 1. Fellow-citizens, it is
Mrs. H. P. Blake, and Mr. and his wife and daughter, only to be par­
Hiatt, Raymond, Wash.; Mrs. Mar­
Dutch Sunday.
How will vou vote?
Mrs. C. W. Henderson of Portland, doned by the Governor. The law
may be delivered to the customer by
We axe heartily in favor of placing garet Iler, Timber, Ore.
P C. Miller, father of Charles F.
Interment was in Gales Creek cem­ the winking of an eye. It is wc:-h M.’.Ier of this city and an Oregon pio­ Mr and Mrs. W J. Lytle, Mr. and abiding people of Tillamook arose in
Washington county in the dry li-: ai
Mrs. H. G. Fitch, Mr. and Mrs. Ora their power and another trial at which
is election for tne following reasons: etery Monday afternoon.
neer of 1847, died Monday of this
and Della Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Lo- Hembree was again conticted for his
1. »Because of the moral degrada­
week at the home of his daughter Mrs.
hurdler and sprinter is in Forest Grove, C I). Montague df Portland. Mr. ren Pizer all of Cornelius; Misscs Lulu heinous crime.
tions th' i.oon and
In the matter of the University hp-
Coleman, Helen Olsen, Nettie and
Mrs Casper Jasper died at her the guest of friends. His face is quite Miller formerly lived in Linn county
i f l p fera use the money spent in the
he said that it was a prop­
home at Verboort Monday of last week familiar on our streets here of late, all where he engaged in farming, but
liqnoe fcatfi is worse than wasted
osition of starving the university or giv-
3. Because truth, justice and m e r ­ at the age of 63 years. She was born of which goes to show that there is a .
rm o v '4 to Portland
H e ,,
ing .4 enough to" survive ’’Chamber-
cy are p u n d on the temperance side of in Ho iarid and had lived in this coun­ method in his madness. Incidentally
rd by thrr-' on and two daugh- moot,
mnnt Jessie
îmmmU H a - G r ~ a ___
.. Patton; Al­ lain,” he
o*d the appropria-
he said, "vetoed
this issu
ty for a it 35 years where she made he is training on the college oval.
ters: Senator M. A. Miller, Lebanon;
from the back
ger, Alston and Paul Fitch; Walter,
- 4 . Because, as evidenced all over many fr-ends who with her family
Have you notice*! M L. Berdan and Frank Miller, Prairie City; William
wood«, keeping students from gett.ng
Wor land in the rising tide of temper­ mourn her death. The funeral was his happy smile, and do vou kr.ow the M let, Portland; C. F. Miller of this
an education and the professors from
ance and general reform we are sure conducted from the Catholic church why of his pleasant facial expression? city; Mrs. C. D Montague, Portland, Eddie Henderson; Arthui Yoder and getting their pay. I have learned in
She leaves a husband No. he’s not a candidate for office, and Mrs. Nona Jennings of Gold Hill,
that the liquor traffic is not in keep­ Wednesday.
Wilkins and Benton Henderson. Re­ ray career to distrust the politician who
ing with the new standard of American and the iolloiring children: Walter, that is not the power behind the smile. The funeral was held yesterday at
says, ‘I am holier than thou.’ ” Mr.
freshments were served.
parity and citizenship.
Ed, Pe*er, Kate, Annie and Mrs. But the stork visited his hon e last I. banan and was in charge of the Ma­
McCamant said that he was a harsh
C. O. Roe was in Portland yesterday.
(CaauluM* aa B l|lu h P m «1
5. lü e c a -se we are convinci d ’.hat Goemar.
Sunday, bringing a big baby buy.
sonic Lodge.