feAKlrt* POWDER Rev. Daniel Slaver, field secretary ! for Pacific University, was in Condon last week, in the interests of the college. Arthur Knox, of Scoggins Valley, ; was among the farmers of that neigh­ borhood, transacting business here J Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Buxton returned Saturday from Eugene where they were in attendance at the statt meetiug of the Grange. Will Gerrish of Portland, formerly representative of a music house in this city, was visiting relatives here the first of the week. Mrs. Lowell Markee assisted at the Independent phone offic$, the past week, dur ng the absence of Miss Hazel Aldrich. • Absolutely Pure Lee Via who is employed in a Port­ The only baking powder land pharmacy, was visiting for several made with Royal Grape days the past week with his parents, Cream o f Tartar , Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Via. I No Alum, No Lime Phosphate Attorney H. T. B.-g ey wi'l deii/er I the memtr al address at Hillsboro, oa Decoration Day, a n d the f T~rriMI will be held in the Crescent theatre R. D. Inman of the Hinman-Poulsen Lumber Co. of Portland, drove his au- ' toniobile to Forest Grove Thursday bringing Governor Chamberlain here. The Christian Endeavor Society of j of the Christian church is planning to i give an “ Experience Social’’ the latter part of the month. W. E. Pegg, the Dilley merchant, was here during the week transacting business and reports the neighboring village as prosperous. Harry Morrison of Walla Walla, Wash., was visiting A. G. Hoffman and family over Sunday. They were old-time friends in Nebraska. E. A. Kreider and family have moved from their residence on Third street to a dwelling on Pacific avenue where Mr. Paterson and family reside. The F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k Forget to call $ P O R E ST GROVE. OkEUON A t c a l! o f G o m p t r o lle r , M a y • RESOURCES Cash on hand and due from Banks . . . $ 6 9 ,3 6 3 .6 5 Due from U. S. Treas 1 .2 5 0 .0 0 United States Bonds. .25,000.00 Premiums!.U S Bonds). .825.00 Bonds and Securities. .20,414 49 I.oans and discounts .82,879.95 Furniture and Fixtures.3,443.80 Real Estate......................3,282.92 Total $ 2 0 6 ,4 6 4 .8 1 ... tU , H )O S . _____________________________ _ S . A b ra h a m LIABILITIES Deposits ......... $ 1 4 4 ,5 0 3 .2 3 Capital paid in . . . . 25,000.00 S u rp lu s...........................10,000.00 Undivided profits......... 1,961.00 Circulation...................... 25.000.00 At Th« C o rn e r S tore and see the new goods which are arriving every Some very fine shirt waists, laces and embroideries of kinds. W e aim to give you the worth of your mo» whether you buy dry goods, shoes, ladies or gents lur ings or groceries. E very thing is as good as represen' Total $ 2 0 6 ,4 6 4 .8 1 Correct Attest: R. M. DOOLV. President. Phone orders will receive careful and prompt atte tion. We respectfully solicit your trade Thomas Roe, one of the most es­ teemed of Forest Grove’s old resident«, I ----------- — — --------------------------------- is ill at his home on Third avenue. His many friends are anxious for his improvement. to most guests IS The W. C. T. U. will meet Friday | Fred Cornelius, of Hillsboro, was in the cllection of afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. L. I the city Tuesday. phetographs got Hollinger in the interests of the com­ Dealer in out for their in­ ing election. All ladies are urged to E. B. Tongue of Hillsboro, was in spection. W h F L O U R f in d F E E D attend this meeting. Forest Grove Sunday. dun’ t you have To drain that section of Pacific ave­ Ei.v. Seymour made a business some taken? Your Forest Grove, Ore., - Pacific Ave. nue and to carry away the surface trip to Portland Tuesday. friends must think j •* _ » ' • ■ * water, fifty feet of tiling have been put it strange they Deouty Sheriff F. T. Kane was a « j * • n . in along the cement walk of the Forest never see your Forest Grove visitor Tuesday. Grove National bank. C. F. Miller was in Portland Sunday John McNamer was down with the PHOTOGRA PHS to see his father who is critically ill. grippe for three or four days last week 1 The First National bank publishes an and had to be confined to his bed a j If you haven’t sat good deal of the time. He is feeling j excellent statement in this issue. because you don’t some better at present. N. L. Sexton was in Hillsboro, Sat­ care for pictures, urday, transacting business matters. Mrs. W. H. Parker has returned come and test our from a visit of three weeks with rela­ skill. We guar­ Miss Etta Schulmerich, of Hillsboro, tives in Salem. Clarence, the son of antee you’ll like was the guest of Miss Minnie Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Parker, is now engaged our photographs Friday. as much as you Sam Broadhead of Tillmaook, passed in business in Portland. Sam Smith of Gfiles Creek, passed through the Grove Monday on his way detested the old —After a careful selection of differ-; through the Grove Monday on his way to the Odd Fellows’ state meeting at ent make Pianos Miss Alma Curtis1 ones to Portland. Salem. He was formerly mayor of that purchased a Hobart M. Cable at the Bazaar Piano and Organ Sale. These | Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Pierson of Ports­ city. Now is the time to buy them. The following are the mouth, Ore., were visiting L. J. Corl The largest bank statement ever pianos never fail to please. prices we will sell them at while our present stock lasts: Archie Bryant, Prop. and family over Sunday. published in Washington countv is the Charles J. Clement, who has the one of the Forest Grove National Bank contract for the cruising of the timber 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 $3.20 per keg Archie Bryant returned Friday from a growing sentiment for local option in a business trip to Eastern Oregon and which appears on the last page of this districts in Tillamook county, was here j the various counties he visited. , 12 , 16 3.25 per keg issue. Friday and took out a number of cruis­ Klickitat county, Wash. ers to the scene of operation. 8d 3.30 per keg The large lot south of Goff Bros. Lewis Carstens of Greenville, who —Slightly damaged 875 Organs for .has been critically ill with stomach The immense sold last -- week to Elliott Bros. .■ it.m iiic u » reserve carried by u* the s‘ore was ------------- 6d 3.40 per keg $49 at The Bazaar. You r ou i will have to trouble for a month, has been taken to. Forest Grove National Bank appears to ^ I^ekamah,^ Neb., by the Oregon 3d 3.55 per keg hurry as they are going fast. Company. The T ' and ' ^ Trading J the North Pacific Sanatarium for treat-1 be a drawing card among depositers. Land 3d fine Elliott Bros, are planning to erect a 3.60 per keg YThe reserve shown by their statement ment. —Dr. Lowe the optician is coming large, barn and engage in the horse \n this issue exceeds 53 per cent soon. Will give dates in our next is­ —Every man owes to his home and If you are going to need any Poultry Netting in the business. sue. The wise will wait for him. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Baldwin have children a Piano or Organ especially near future now is your chance. y R. C. Hill and wife, who have been permanent-| N. L. Atkins and family expect to when he can get such reductions as moved to Portland to reside their property IivinK in this city for some time, left ly. They recently sold 150 foot rolls, 3 feet wide move to Portland the latter part of the are offered at the Bazaar Piano and $2.25 at the corner of Second street and 1 Monday for an extended visit at Man­ Organ Sale. week where the former is employed. 150 foot rolls, 4 feet wide kato, Minn. When they dispose of 2.80 First avenue, to Mrs. Mary Thomas. their property interests there they will Sam Moulton has the foundations —If “ competition is the life of 150 foot rolls, 5 feet wide A. H. Thomas has purchased the 3.75 trade” it may have been the incentive laid for his new home and is awaiting Ed C. Allen place southwest of town, return to Forest Grove to reside per­ These prices are from 75c to $ 1.2 5 less than what we to Joe Stream's tonsorial accomplish­ the arrival of the lumber to begin and is moving here from Sheridan this manently. building that which promises to be a ments. N. I. Burnett of Banks, Arthur N. week. This sale was made through have been getting for it. W e bought it at a low figure I f t cozy residence. the Oregon Land and Trading Com­ 1 Cutting of Sheiwood, C. E. Hedge of V. S. Abraham end family moved, and are willing to'give you the benefit. | Beaverton, and Wm. Schulmerich of , "Babe” Britton, who played first pany. last week, from the Henry Wirtz resi­ of Farmington, were registered at the dence to the house recently vacated base for the Forest Grove Colts last H. M. Shaver, route agent for the [ Laughlin hotel Thursday evening. by A. E. Nourse, on First avenue and year, was here, Saturday, renewing _ ac , I Wells Fargo company, was here thj j They came to listen to the political Fourth street. The Wirtz’ are to quaintances. He now resides at Oak forepart 0f the week and expressed address at Masonic hall. move back to the Grove from Portland. Point, Wash. ^ B ( himself as well pleased with the in- Announcements are out for the mar­ " 1 creasing amount of business done by riage of Miss Bessie Winona Gleason the local office. to George Leroy Meagher which was At the session of the State grange solemnized in Seattle on the 14fh inst. Statement of the Condition of the held at Eugene, last week, memorial They will make their home in the services were held in {memory of two Sound City. Mr. Meagher attended In fact anything you need in the building line. We Washington county grangers: Mrs. W. college here some five years ago. D. Hare of Hillsboro, and J. B. Mc­ have received Nine Car Loads of goods this spring, which H. W. Sparks, the caricaturist and At the enll of the C om ptroller May 14-, 1908 Pherson of Forest Grove. shows we are doing business and saving the people money. entertainer, returned home Monday The deposits of the Forest Grove j evening from a tour of the Willamette L ia b ilit ie s ; National Bank increased more between valley towns, where he lectured before R e s o u r c e « : W e pay cash for all our goods, buy in large quantities, the last two “ Calls” than during any appreciative audiences. Beyond a few Capital Stock.................................................. 3 25.(Jp0 00 Loans and Discounts.................................. $121,242 86 former period, the gain for the 1 special appointments he has yet to fill get low prices and get the cash discount. .......................... 1,525 34 quarter being practically $65,000.00. his campaign is closed for the year. Other Bonds......................... fT ................... 25.000 00 hat does not look “ Panicy.” ............. 249.5JJ 04 Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Barnhart of Professor Arthur C. Boggess is build-■ Punxetanie, Penn, and two children 3.474 84 Furniture and Fixtuies . Due from U. S. Treas........ $ 2,050 00 ing an attractive bungalo on Second are the guests of Mrs. James Shannon Due from banks................... 9 5 . 0 6 * 85 street near Rev. Barber’s former home. on Third avenue. The Barnharts 132,489 7t Cash on hand ..................... 34.570 94 It will be a six room dwelling with spent the winter in California and will SJ01.058 38 Total $302,058 38 Total modern appointments. The exterior remain in Forest Grove for a week or is to be trimmed with shingles. ten days before leaving for the East. n iR I - C T O R S : Robert O. Stephenson, state game Landlord Laughlin, our “ Bed,” « l o h n E. H a l l e y J . A. T h o r n b u r g h ThoM . 0 . T o d d | warden, has returned from a confer­ loomed up big in the picture pub­ V V . I » . M m »I. W . P u a u n ence trip to meet his deputies through- I out Southeastern Oregon. He reports lished in the Oregonian Friday morn­ ing, showing the State Republican ! convention in session at the Empire that the family afflicted with diphther­ hold on life and things there are Vf theater, in Portland. The Washington ia as improving and the sick members ing in great shape. Jack was #■ ' h f l county delegation occupied front seats. out of danger. The people of that Reeher’s, on the Wilson m Two Portlanders were in the Grove section hope to get a new depot in \ last Monday, where he met yesterday to replace the plate glass at the near future. ! ner coming in with a the Bailey Big Store. For some reason passengers. In order to make the encampment several of the plates have cracked due Arthur Thomas, who for a j to certain unfavorable conditions. at Cornelius a success a committee of years has been conducting* J w, The putting in of the plate glass drew consisting of F. A. Haines and R. business *t furniture Crandall of Hillsboro; W. J. R. Beach | store and Jtfash quite a bunch of interested spectators. and George Thomas of Forest Grove; dan. Yamhill county, has dispose I this e his interests there, and will, to*#* The Reading Room has received George Mowberry and Henry Challa- 1. in (armini - _ i tions . i, t engage uR -s.. — — twelve volumes of the Universal Cyclo­ comb of Cornelius, was selected to time at least, (Incorporated' He has purchased * pedia and Atlas and they will prove of make the arrangements and to prepare ■ this city 2 more than common usefulness to the suitable program for the three days’ of property near Alex. Todd’« P *1 liquor Forest Grove, Ore. Office Four Doors West of Postoffice southwest of town, where be « a * people of the town who may wish to reunion. 3. vote himself to agricultural pan«» ey an use them. The set is well bound in The local lodge ' of Rebekahs was leather and is first class in every res­ this is represented at the state convocation of pect. ■ 4 . the order which met at Salem this Ila A. Baldwin has returned from New­ week by Mrs. R. M. Taylor. Mrs. ALBERT DIXON * port where he has been residing for a Daniel Parsons was chosen as a dele­ . Orel* that tl year and a half. He has sold his prop­ gate but circumstances arose so she Forest Grove h>g «ri erty in the city by the sea and has could not go. Fred Gardner, of parity moved into the Richardson house in Baker City, who has been staying here 5. South Park. He is considering the for sometime represented the Baker feasibility to go into the real estate City lodge. business. .. I Independent Candidate ^ Jack Wright, of this city, has pur­ E. X. Harding, the Gaston millman, chased an interest in a livery stable at 'County School S u p e rb was :n the Grove yesterday J^gking Bay City, Tillamook county. That town business matters. He reports on the bay is beginning to get a new dent. THE C ITY The Center oí Attraction JU M ES L RA S i ! nsxxxxxsi Ve Poultry Pacific Art Studio 10 Sash, D oors, Mouldings, Shingles, L a th , Cement, and Sand FOREST GROVE NATIONAL RANK GOFF BROS. HARDWARE FOREST GROVE, OREGON OREGON LAND and TRAD­ ING COMPANY . ATTENTION: If you want choice fruit lands, farms W ood Sawing or ranches in Oregon’s most beautiful valley, please call and examinine our lists. We take pleasure in J. B. Wilkerson showing land t o our customers.