Peculiar to Itself in selection, proportion and combination Tt ingredients, in tbe process by which their remedial I rallies are extracted and preserved. 1 In efiecliveness. usefulness and economy, I Curing the widest range of diseases, ■ Doing the most good for tbe money, ■ Having the most medicinal merit, DAY OF LAWLESSNESS Streetcar Strikers Wreck Cars With Dynamite. E And the greatest record o f cures,— Hood’s Sarsaparilla SEVERAL PEOPLE HURT IN RIOTS In usual liquid form or in chocolated tablets known as S a r s a ta b * . 100doses |1. Police Find Box o f omething to Amuse Baby funny book in colors called “ Jingle B o o k ” f»nt FREE to any mother sending name and ad- resa o f her baby and tops from tw o pound car- •'ns o f ” 20 Mule T ea m " Package Borax, with 4c fin stamps. Address Pacific Coast Borax Co., Oak­ land. Cal. W A N TED INFORMATION REGARDING Farm or Business fo r sale. N o t particular about location. W ish to hear from OWNER only who w ill sell direct to buyer. G ive price, descrip- . tion and state when possession can be had. Address. L DARBYSHIRr.. Bex 228. Rochester, N Y. The \ icto rla u P n glliih . Explosive Intend­ ed fo r O ther C ars Attempt at Arbitration Fails. Cleveland, O., May 19.— A Broadway street ear was partially destroyed by a dynamite torpedo Inst night. While ¿5 passengers were in the ear, no one, for a i racle, was seriously hurt. A panic followed, and a mad rush fo r the exits was made. A suburban car was also damaged by the explosion of powder on the track. The tloor o f the ear was smashed through, and one woman was severely- injured. A fte r 1 o ’clock yesterday morning a Detroit avenue ear was dynamited near One Hundredth street. The trucks were badly damaged, but the single passenger and the crew were uninjured. A t 12:30 o ’clock a small box. which the police sav contained deadly ex plosives, was found on the tracks at Broadway and East F ifty fifth street. The box was discovered with a car less than 500 feet away. * A t 1 o'clock rioting began near the Windemere barns, in East Cleveland, when strikers cut six trolley wires. Linemen for the Municipal Traction company turned out in force to repair the damages, but were driven back by a gang of three hundred men. The Uenlle Rebuff. “ Immeasurable are tbe rebuffs that the helpers of the |xx>r. the seekers a f­ Advantages o f C o rre c t M ethods o f ter charity for their suffering brothers G rowing and M arketing. undergo.” said a New York charity or By S. C. Armstrong. Washington Stota Cnilegw g a n lu tlon official. "A friend of mine, Pu Um*n. a Methodist minister in a small west W e must fir«t find out what the ex­ era tiAvu, told me the other day of his isting demand is going to be, and then, last rebuff, a not unkind one. Enter if p esible, meet that demand; for if ing the office o f the local weekly, the Some people call Peruna a great tonic. Others refer to Peruna a* a great we do not meet ihe requirement* of the minister said to the e d ito r: demand some one else w ill, and we catarrh remedy. “ ‘ I am soliciting aid for a gentleman w ill be forced to a lower level than we W hich o f these people are righ t? Ia it more proper to call Peruna a ca­ o f refinement and intelligence who is in should be. Consequi ntl y, in tbe pro- tarrh remedy than to call it a tonic ? but duotirn of wheat, we have to study the dl^e of rt n,tl mon‘* , Our reply is, that Peruna is both a tonic and a catarrh remedy. Indeed, problems we meet from a com petitive 'T ^ ° l!i fttr t0° ' iro>u a 01’,n to m;l* p there can be no effectual catarrh remedy that is not also a tonic. standpoint; we must compete with **’ * Bufferings known, In order to thoroughly relieve a aytase o f catarrh, a remedy must not only somebody else who la growing wheat, I " h y . exclaimed the editor, push not out neighbor, necessarily, but our tug up his eyeshade, ‘ I'm the only chap ! have a specific action on the mucous membranes affected by the catarrh, but it ne ghbor'e section of the eountty. A in the village who answers that de- J must have a general tonic action on the nervous system. What's this gentleman’s Catarrh, even iu persons who are otherwise strong, is a weakened condi- man w ill go where he can get the beet seriptlon. wheat, if be wants to buy, and if we tion o f some mucous membrane. There must be something to strengthen the have not the best, we w ill lose the trade. [ ” 1 regret.' said the m in ister'th at i circulation, to give tone to the arteries, and to raise the v ita l forces. We of the wheat producing districts am not at liberty to disclose It Perhaps no vegetable remedy in the world has attracted so much attentioa of Washington are fortunate in having I “ ’Why, It must be me, said the edi from medical writers as H Y D R A S T IS CANADENSIS. The wonderftil efficacy the best country for the production of tor. ’ It is me. It's me. sure. Heaven o f this herb has been recognized many years, and is grow ing in its hold wheat on earth, and we should use the prosper you. parson. In your good upon the medical profession. W hen joined with CUBEBS and CO PAIBA a utmost diligei.ce to see that we employ work.’ ” trio o f medical ageuts is formed in Peruna which constitutes a specific rem- only the best methods. I f we do this, » R i M «u r. ibe Hewn u e«i t edy for catarrh that in the present state o f medical progreu cannot be im- we can place Washington at the head of ___ _______ _ Prof- Jaciiuea lted proved upon. This action, reinforced by such renowned tonic* as C0LLIH- the wheat producing regions of _ the globe, and the brand of the “ Evrrgieen biologist. in his book. "Hynauiies of s O N IA CANADENSIS. C 0 R Y D A LIS FORMOSA and CEDR0N SEED, ought State” on a barrel or *ack of flour w ill , Llvil,s Matter lias shown that a strip t0 make this compound an ideal remedy for catarrh in all its stages and locations be known se a mark of perfection the out from the ventricle of the heart put ^ j ] j e body. RAISING! O F W H E A T . What is it a C atarrh Remedy, o r a Tonic, o r is it Both? world over. j lu ai solutioni of chlmide- o f swhurn wbi )From a theoretical standpoint, therefore, Peruna is beyond criticism. Th* \e the public, »hould commence to '^r * ¡"""'lie - us tiii- use oi Peruna- confirms this opinion. Numberloss testimonials from every grain commissioner is at present forcing can be done with an ordinary muscle quarter o f the earth furnish ample evidence that this judgment is not over the purchaser to accept No. 8 aa No. 1; after it has been extirpated from the enthusiastic. When practical experience confirms a well-grounded theory the we cannot expect to get as much for No. body. This would tend to prove that result is a truth that cannot be shaken. 1 wheat that tests 58 pound« as our the heart Is a chemical machine and M d n u td iiu r r d by Pt-runa D ru g M .inut.u h irin g C o ., C olu m bu s, O h io The England which spoke the lan­ guage which was already dying in the •ighteen-aixties was before all thing« neighbor» can for wheat that teet* bet­ that It is all due to chemical action. a world of the «-ountry. The sights and T a k la ic No Chances. ter. Because this stateof a ffa ir« exiats, The muscular contraction Is probably W o u ld tik >o M ercy. ■¡Rinds of nature played a far greater "Oh. the sorrow of I t !" sobbed th* we are sending out, each year, wheat due to the substitution of sodium f >r Mrs. Vick Sena What do you suppose part in the lives of the mass of the less sought for than wheat grown in calcium salts In tbe cells o f the mus­ you would do if you were to meet th« fair maid. "L ast night I refused Mr. people thun they do to-day. This is re­ fool killer? many other countries. I Blank and this morning tils body was cles. , flected, for instance, in tbe way in Her Husband- I ’d toll him I was the found In the river." W e should insist that every giain The difficulty of this theory Is that it which birds and animals were spoken glower in the state use inch core iu the does not explain the control o f the man he was looking for, all right. I have "Poor fellow !** murmured her girl of and the names given them. I have produetionh of his wheat that the re­ muscles. It is plain that Ihe problem just given orders to have that new addi­ friend. “ I suppose he was afraid you m yself once or twice hoard old people sulting higher standard will increase o f control is not solved by the chemical tion to the house torn down and built might change your mind.” again exaetly as you want It. in the country apeak of the hen a« the demand for our wheat. If we im ­ theory. __________________ *%>iiii Tartlet.” One is fam iliar with prove the quality of our product, the P R E V E N T L IM IT A T IO N . Mothers w ill find state grain commissioner w ill be forced --------- -------- — Mr«. W inslow's .. _ Soothing - the phrase from books, of course— it is Chaucer’9 “ IV rtolette" but once or to raise the standard; and we should ¿m-iug ib , u-stbiug period, tw h v as a child I actually heard it. I Am erica, Germany and Japan Hold Oft in this way see that our standard Is W orld P ow ers. D is c o v e rin g W rite r». above the standard of every other wheat suppose it would be iiflpoasible to heal London, M ay 19__ Lim itation of naval producing state. The rejection of a manuscript often By doing this, we It anywhere now.—^London Outlook. armament may shortly be agreed to by would cause our wheat to be quoted at left a pang. but the acceptable manu the European powers, according to a fancy prices. $100 Reward, $100. W e should make our script, especially from an unknown Is most painful. The readers of this i.aper w ill be pleased t* statement mode by a high British gov product so good th a t we would be w ill­ hand, brought a glow of Joy which What's good? arn t. at there is at least one ureaded disease eminent official, who said: ing to have our name and addreea print­ richly compensated me for all l suf- ; hat science has been able to cure in all i i ‘ ‘ While England has no immediate itaKes, and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh ed on it, so that as It goes out into the ferod from the others. T o feel the cure is the only positive cure now known toth« intention of issuing invitations to a markets of tiie world, people the world touch never felt before, to l^e the tlrst | jedical fraternity. Catarrh be ns? a constitu­ congress for the reduction ot' warship tional disease, requires a constitutional treat construction, nevertheless work is be over w ill know that we are proud of our to And the planet un Imagined lu the jent H all’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally Illim itable heaven o f art, to be in at cting directly upon t he blood and mucoussur- ing done to bring about an understand­ product. ices of the system, thereby destroying the fo ill­ ing among the powers to this end. The the daw a o f a new talent, with the ation of tlie disease, and giving t e pat ent efforts that are being made are unof­ Q U E S T IO N S AN D A N S W E R S . trength by building up the constitution and light that seems to mantle the written ficial, and considerable headway already 'sisting nature in doing.its work. The pro­ Gives instont relief. page, who would not be an editor f*»r prietors have so muc h fz — i in itsrurativepow- has resulted. W ithin a year is it very Removes the twinges. |ers hat they offer One Hundred Dollars for any probable the ground w ill begin to be Valuable Information to Pacific N orth­ such a privilege? I do not kuow how ease that it fails to cure. Send for list o J west Irqm rars it is with other editors who are also cleared for an understanding. testimonials. U S E IT , T H E N Y O U ’ L L K N O W Address F. J. CHENEY <& CO., Toledo, O. ‘ ‘ Three governments at present stand By J. L. Auhlock, W ashington Experim ent Sto- authors, but I can truly »ay for my­ Sold by all druggists, 75c. tion, Pullman. 2 5 o .— A L L D R U G G IS TS— BOo. opposed to armament limitation. They self that nothing of my own which I Take Hall’s Famiiy Pills for constipation. are the I'nited States, Japan and Oer- Ryan.— “ Ha* mankind ever been able thought fresh and true ever gave me many. Apparently it has now become to devise a fence that will stop an An­ Th ose D ear F rien d ». more pleasure than that I got from the Nan— This is Jack’s latest picture. a set policy o f tho I'n ited States to gora goatf Do coyotes annoy th e m !” like qualities in the work of some lay down two battleships o f the Dread L. L. V. Don’ t you think he looks better in profile young writer ry veal ing his power.— naught type yearly. This means that There are no domesticated animal* than in a front view? W. D. Howells in Atlantic. America will never enter any interna­ that are as hard to keep penned up a* Fan— Much better, dear. It doesn’t tional agreement that w ill not recognize Angora goat*. To secure them, a fence S h o p T nlW lla rr e d * F a l l i n g III» A t t c u l l o n . show his bald spot. St. V it a «' P a n e « nnd »11 Nervons Dln'-axm her right to mantain a fleet superior should be of a kind that will not per Mr. Iiingrrlong 1 hud a queer adven­ Friend (at wedding)— Where are yos permanently cun-d by Dr. k lin e’ H Grt-ul ♦*rve K*'*ton>r. Send for F R K K |2trial bottle and to the m ikado’s. N o present hope ex going to spend your honeymoon, dear? I n 111» E l e m e n t . ture this afternoon ---- mit the animals to climb, and from treatise. D I L Klin. , lx l.,831 Arch bL, l ’ blla.,1 Blushing Bride ’Sh ! You mustn’t 1st Miss de Muir (with a swift glance at Greasy Grimes— You look as if you’d ists o f Japan aeipiieseing in such a four to five feet high. It ihould be so proposal, and so it is hopeless to ex constructed that a goat cannot jump the clock)— You mean yesterday after­ my husl»aud hear you nNk that question. managed to git in de swim somehow. The M a w t e r * » T i t l e . pect tho Americans and the Jhpanese over it, and preferably should be made Don’t you know he’» a beekeeper? Tuffold.Knutt— Y ep; I ’m a Fust Ward Frof. K ey when head master of a noon, I presume. can be counted on to sign a naval re o f wire instead of boards. A wire fence floater now.— Chicago Tribune. ’ 9 large London school was one o f the duction pledge.” made o f woven wire and about fifty-four most genial gentlemen that ever filled inches high should hold them. Remem­ E ND IN SIG H 1 . ber, that i f the animals can get any that position. He was fond of encour sort of vantage from which to jump, aging fun In his boys anti was not un- 1 willing to recount occasionally during | Lawyers Begin Argum ents to Jury in they will go over the fence. The goats are pretty good on the defensive, hence class time when anything prompted it R uef C ase. of the W ell-Inform ed o f the W orld has coyotes do not as a rule make much the manners and customs of countries San Francisco, M ay 19.— Taking of headway in attacking them.” always been for a simple, pleasant he had visited. On one occasion he was j and efficient liquid laxative remedy of testimony closed and arguments were Glenwood, Idaho.— “ Is ‘ quack crass’ telling his class about Spain and said : i N o old sore exists m erely because the flesh is diseased at that partic­ begun today in the trial o f Abraham a dangerous pestf How may I kill “ Do you know, boys, that when a ular s p o t ; i f this were true sim p le cleanliness and lix.-al applications would known value; a laxative which physi­ Kuef, on the charge of bribery. Assist morning-glories!” C. B. man attains to eminence there he is not heal them cians could sanction for fam ily use ant District Attorney Heney opened for W h en ever a sore or nicer refuses to heal readily, the blood is at “ ‘ Couch grass' is another name for called ‘sir/ but ia given tbe title of f a u l t ; this v ita l fluid is filled w ith im pu rities and poisons w hich are b eing because Its component part3 are the [irosecution, and was followed by this pest, and it is certainly dangerous con stan tly discharged into the place, feed in g it w itli noxious m atter and known to them to be wholesome and Henry Aeh for Kuef. Aeh did not finish when it once has escaped into a garden. don?’ ” until a late hour tonight. Tomorrow ao I i taaot heal. One o f the boys hera called o u t: truly beneficial i i effect, acceptable Heney will.close, and it is expected that In the Eastern States it is reported “ Then, I suppose, sir, they would T h ese im pu rities in the blood m ay be the rem ains o f some constitutional quite often, but I have not been in to the system and gentle, yet prompt, Jfldge Dooiing will deliver hi« instruc trouble, the effect o f a d eb ilita tin g s p ill o f sickness, le a v in g disease germ * formed that it is in the Northwest in call you Don Key?” tions to tho jury late in the afternoon. your flam m ation, arid tiie discoloration o f I had my leg badly cut on the sharp edge o f • Parkside Company, was recalled by Mr. i n g ! " W. C. surrounding parts, all show th at deep *Syrup o f Figs and Elixir of Senna is -cats, l/osh. ye necilua arise, though I barrel, and having on a blue woolen stocking Heney to show that W illiam H. Crocker “ I f moisture conditions are all right, down in the blood there are m orbid the place was badly poisoned from the dya. A i n " T/'mton Expresa. given the preference by the W ell- had not been present at the meeting o f fall seeding w ill do in some regions. and dangerous forces at work, con ­ great »ore formed and for years no one knows inform ed. T o get its beneficial effects ex Mavor Schmitz and W illiam J. Din- Spring seeding should be done so as what I suffered with the place. I tried. It stan tly creating poisons w hich m ay always buy the genuine— manufac-* gee. Dingee followed, and be contra to avoid damage by frost when the seed teemed to me, everything I had ever heard of. in the end lead to Cancer. Ijrc a l dieted Green by saying that, to the best is germinating. Twelve to fifteen | but I got no relief and I thought I would have tured by the California F ig Syrup Co., if his recollection, both Mr. Crocker applications are valuable ot.Iy for pounds per acre is about right for broad to go through life with an angry, discharging IN THE ROUGH!ST WEATHER th eir clean sin g and an tiseptic effects; only, and for sale by all leading and Mr. O 'Brien were present at the cast seeding, but if a drill or seeder is »ore on my leg At last I began the us# of AND GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY they do not reach th e blood, where dri ggists. Price fifty cents per bottle meeting. used, ten or twelve will d o ." S- S. S , and it was but a short tim e until I taw W ATER PR O O F tbe real cause is located, and can that the place was improving. I continued It Gra«s Valley, Or.— “ Flesse tell me ^OWE«,i . therefore have no real curative worth. Hard Tim es fo r A ctors. until it removed all the poison from my blood concerning the comparative value of D o e s n 't F r » x e H im . S. S S. hea’.s old sores by g o in g down and made a complete and permanent cure of New York. May 19.— The coming sum wheat, hay, and carrots as a feed for hat flew preacher you have ¡9 a to th e fountain-head o f the trouble the sore. JflO ELLIS. mer gives every promise o f being th" j b en e a . " I M U. y w id e -a w a k e young man. ¡»n't he?" 250 Wavy Street, Brooklyn, H. Y. and d riv in g out tiie poison -produ cin g hardest one in years for the members , “ Such a comparison is impossible, PO M M EL ep . K e e p , right on preachin' w h en I germ s m orbid m atters which are body else is a s le e p .” — Cleveland of the theatrical profession. It has] since the feeds you mention do not fill SLICKERS keep in g tiie uh er open. It rem oves e v ery particle o f im p u rity from the cir­ been a long time since there has been -is the same need. The food value of ear »3 5 « culation and ttiakt s th is life stream pure, fresh and hcaillk-sustaining. Then disastrous a «enson theatrically, as th'- rots is very low, but ths effect they one just closed, and there is no prospect have ia toning up the system, and keep Thi» trade mark i as new, rich blood is carried to th e place the h ealin g begins, all discharge and the word of anv better times fo r the actor for ing it in f ood running order is very ceases, tiie in flam m ation leaves, n ew tissue and h ealth y flesh are formed, T ower on the m a n y months, in fact, until a fte f the important. A horse could eat s peck of j and soon the Bore or ulcer is w ell. S. S H is the greatest o f a ll blood puri­ button, distln election next fall. In the height of the carrots per day to a very good advan­ fiers and finest o f tonics, ju st w hat is needed in the treatm ent, and in addi­ j quidi this hiqh season it was estimated that more than tage. but you should not ittem pt to 'grade .Inker from tion to cu rin g the sore w ill build up and stren gthen e v ery part o f the system. 2.000 actors and actresses were out of substitute them for hay. The same ia i the just as good Special book on Sores and Ulcers nd an v m edical ad vice desired furnished work in New York, the largest number true in making a comparison of wheat „ , . brand* free to all who w rite. T H E S W IF T S P E C IF IC CO., A T L A N T A , GA o f unemployed in the profession for and raw carrota for hog fted, although many years. up to the amount that a hog will eat, j the carrots will replace a certain por tion of the wheat I can safely say French Surprise Arabs. Paris. May 19.— A telegram received that whsr# carrot* will yield twenty tons per acre, you will Ind it highly O PE N A L L T IIE Y E A lt To succeed these days you here from General d'Am ade, the French profitable to feed them to hogs to th# commander in Moroceo. says that with full capacity of their appetities, provid C latsop B iacn S easide , O regon must have plenty of grit, cour­ three brigades he made a forced night you feed some grain in connection D irectly on the beeeh o verlookin g I a g e , strength. How is it with march, and at daylight o f May lfi. with ing the or«an . Hot s e ll beths and I with tbe corrote; but you will be un fcH O tS AT ALL the children? Are they thin, a front deployed over a distance of able to keep stock hogs on carrots alone, »fill- r * . F O R t y t R Y miles, he surprised the Mdakea as they contain too small a percentage ■ Ä t M a t f f OF TMC F A M ILY pale,delicate? Do not forget five tribesmen, driving them to refuge in of bene and muscle making material “ M rN B O YS, w o n t s , M IS B C S ANO C H IL D R E N A y er’s Sarsaparilla. You the mountains. The tribesmen aban * . - ! ■• W. L . D o u fftn m m a h u m m n ri n o i l » m o r o G e t t in g A c q u a in te d . m . n 'w * 2 . HO, $ .1 .H O a n d no» their rattle and munitions of know it makes the blood pure doned » _ _ t h a n a n y o fh m a m a n u f a o l u r o r In Ihm “ M j dad kin lick jour dad,1' «ud ths Proprietor war. The Freneh lost three men killed im i w o r ld . k tc A V M ih m y h o l d I h o ir dirty faced boy. and rich, and builds up the and 22 wounded. m hapm j fW h e t f e e , w c a e f o r p e e , a n d “ I don’t know whether he kin or not,* »r a o or f J a p re s a fe e y mturn than any ef/ iee. No. 2 i oa F N U aht a o m ih general health in every way. th a a r o r fd ia -d a v . »aid the new boy on the other side of the T ro o p s Leave Tread w ell. W, L Ocurçj» $4 and $5 Gill ‘dp Shot* Cannot 8* ffsnaf'ed At Aitf »to* " ba* k rsrd fence, “ hot I ’ll bet my ma kin Th e ehl’ dren rennet !>1y b » v « H f . N w r i t i n g t o s d v e r t l e e r e p l n a e o health ante»« the bowels are In p rr-p + r condi­ Juneau. Alaska, M ay 19.-—Forty outtalk yonr’n.'*— Chicago Tribune. men* I on t h is p a p e r. tion A • ajurinto liver give* e eoeted tong»#, seven enlisted men and one officer left Data« /».,qr fr^ w ear «44 m » h ü ü l WI A ’ Mmmm. Wd br**' »1 * \ . tfceee hr e'Ttofr a nr. a 1 • * * » ’* • d • «» of A yer • Missouri market»! lU i,i do*»n» Treadwell Sunday morning fo r F -rt F in « A ll vtgetabie. sugar costed. William H. Seward. Alaska. These of »*£■ la*t j » « r , for which «>■ racdm l troops h srr been staioned at Treadwell mor* than S1A.WJO.OOO. Added to thi« • b » J. C. A j + t C o ., L o w e ll. I m i A lio n e au A e t-a rm o f I for some time, owing to labor troubles. « r » th» it»m« of Ilr* »nd dr»««ed poultry 9 n«i* vioot. It is thought advisable to leave a few ■ nd feather«, making th« comfortable «urn _ . _ - __ , . no*r ■ <1. , . , » :< « « ! f o r n o . , lie . 0 , 0 . C olor more *oo d a b rt*h t*r and I t O T Q «**«»*. «oldiees there, although the strike is o f n»«rl)r m » io l o r poultry pro- *nd la cuarantecd to fflv * port* . u C / O ’ cm a n w t o u l d a r t » for tbe ia«» rear. - *-------*— ----- ------ ♦bought to have blown over. h o ------ w to -- d yt, bl*ach|ai>S RHEUMATISM S - J A O O B S O IL C C C H E ALS . O .O .d .O L D S O R E S T he G eneral D em an d MADE FOR SERVICE For the Children MOORE “THE W PUTNAM FADELESS DYES