Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, April 16, 1908, Image 7

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    [ r e s o lla r t o It s e l f NO FREE FRANCHISE
In com bin ation , p ro p o rtio n and process, Hood's Sarsaparilla
is therefore Peculiar to Itself in m erit, sales and cures.
It is m ade from the best b lood -p u rify in f, alterative and"
ton ic ingredients b y su ch original and p ecu liar m eth ods as to
retain the full m edicin al valu e o f each and all.
Pres dent Opposes Giving Awjy
W.i er Righs.
l ib r a r ie s
Wonderful Growth of Past
Cornell* Marvin. S ecretary O regon
Com m ission, Salem.
In 1905 traveling libraries had been
authorized by law in twenty five slates.
In sixteen of t' ese, the libraries were
The severest forms c f scrofula, salt rheum, catarrh, rheu-
in the direct charge of state libraries
matisrn, dyspepsia, and debility are cured every day by
or library commissions.
This wonderful record of growth
from the idea promulgated by Mr. Mel-
vil Dewey in 1892 is a most significant
Developm ent of W ater P c w e r R ap 'd y teetiuv n.al, not only that Illiteracy is
Sold by druggists, icd doses $ i .
Begin to take it today.
becoming unpopular, but that good
Becom ii g M o ro p o ly — W ou ld R e ­
F o r those w ho prefer sam e curat! ve properties as the liquid form , betides
taste in reading is to become an Amer­
m edicine ia tablet a c c u r a c y ofdr.se, co n v e n ie n ce , e c o n o m y ,—there
quire Paym ent and lift«.
ican habit.
Time was when some of
be ng n o loss by evaporation, breaka ge o r leakage
our scholars thought that bail reading
|ated tablets called Sarsatabs, as w*!i as in the bo ld by druggists o r sent p ro m p tly by m a ll
was better that rone at all. A well
ual liquid form . Sarsatabc have identically the
C’. I. I I jck I Co., Low ell, Mass.
Washington, April 14.— In a spe­ known teacher ol English literature at
cial message today vetoing a dam one of our large univereit’ea stated to
I lls
P e c u lia r it y .
K a h lb lt
one of his elas-es twenty years ago that
[ “ My husband has such a curious fad.
Weerius (dropping in again)— Well, bill. President Roosevelt warned con­ it would be better for people to read
[lip’s making a collfH'tion of G up silk um­ Mr. Brackett, have you designed anything gress that there are pending in this even the “ Fireside Com|*nion’ ' than
brellas—dozens and dozens of them
new lately that you would like to sho* ¡session bills which propose to give to hare no reading at all. In those
I “ That must he a pretty expensive fad.” me V
away without price stream rights days our rural population had little or
I “ Well, of course, I— er—don’t know
Busy Architect— Why. yes ; I’ve put a ¡capable
1,300,000 nothing to tead. Magazines were ex­
h o w much they cost him.*'
unique ornamental panel on the outside horse-power, whose production would pensive, and ttie almanacs and county
of my office door. I’ll show it to you cost annually 25,000,000 tons of
papers made a very meager literaly
coal; urging in vigorous terms the diet. Even tlie doubtful good of having
establishment o f a policy such as the
If you wish to obtain a ret of foui filibustering minority in the house the cheap weekly papers thrust into
beautiinl water color pictures nearly demands, which would safeguard the the dooryard was denied the average
O P E N A L L T H E Y E A l t life size, free, writ« Ihe Pacific O ast granting of bridge and dam privi­ faun home.
In these days, alien the farmer is
C la t s o p B each
S e a s id e , C regoh Borax Co., Albany Block, Oakland, leges and require the grantees to pay
“ T he Directly on the beach ovcrlookfc- ~4 Cal., and full information will be eent for them, and definitely announcing just as close to the heart of the world
you together with an illustrated book­ a future policy on his part with re­ as the rest of us, if he chocses to be,
,r r n J U ò t t¡on ! irr Sor ÍM ¡ » •- * ■ let nivi iim particulars of something of gard to prompt utilization o f con ­ he is greeted by a bewildering oppor­
struction privileges by refusing his tunity for choice among mediocie and
I OF Sua Par,nr^ Electric lights. I ir«, i ♦ in!e est lo everyone in the family.
signature to a bill that gives an ad­ even more vicious publications than
I Í I R r r . r . W ” und drives, v a food-; a **i.* « -
ditional three years to thè Rainy were common twenty years ago. There
SI a t r l m o i l i a l
C o n flu e n c e « .
River Improvement Company within are capable men and women, highly
■ per day. 4 # ' S pecial rates by th o w eek.
k a I>A>'. J . M ü U K t , P r o p r ie t o r cs— aafc. -^
which to build a dam in the Rainy
cultivated and useful citizens, whose
way to make the hair grow on that bald River.
spot of mine.
Rainy river is the oulet of Rainy early reading was largely of the char­
Mrs. Billus—Don’t do it. John. That's lake, and form s part of the boundary acter then current in the cheap week­
the only feature you'v# got that ever between Minnesota and Canada.
It lies; but who shall dure to prophesy
seems to smile.
discharges Into Lake o f the W oods, that the youth of today, whoso literary
is about 100 miles long and is navi­ excursions take him into the company
T h e e is m o re C a ta rrh ; n t h l s s o o t i o n o f the gable.
of “ Buster Brown" and “ Happy Ho<.-
< imtr> t ■ i hi i a ll o t n e r d is e a s e s p u t t o g e th e r ,
"I do not believe.” says the Pres­ liga.:” will have an even chance with
a m i u n til th e last few y e a rs w as s u p p o s e d t o be
and quaranteed
in c u r a b le . F o r a g re a t m a n y y* ars d o c t o r s ident, "that natural resources should
the youth of a generation ago to devel­
p r o n o u n c e d it a lo c a l d ise a se a n d p r e s c r ib e d
lo c a l r e m e d ie s , a n d l>v c o n s t a n t ly f a il i n g to be granted and held In undeveloped
op into a useful and law abidirg citi­
c u r e w it h 1 c a l tr e a t m e n t, p r o n o u n c e d it in- condition, either for speculative or
The intiuences o1 the dukes,
c u r a b le . {Science h as p r o .e n c a t a r r h to b e a other reasons.
So far as I am aware, zen?
c o n s t it u t io n a l d is e a s e a n d t h e r e fo r e re q u ir e s
that the haughty countesses, swaggering pirates
e o n s t iiu t lo im l tr e a tm e n t. H a ll’s C a ta rrh l u r e , there are no assurances
''in ive»5
m a n u fa c t u r e d b y F. .1. r h e n e v & C o ., T o le d o , grantees (In this caBe) are in any and common ruffians of those days was
<» 'i o . is th e o n ly c o n s t it u t io n a l c u r e o n ti e better condition promptly and prop­ certainly not so quickly transmuted
m a r k e t, it i* ta k e n in t e r n a lly in d o s e s fro m 10
into bail conduct as that of the current
iro p s t o a te a s p o o n fu l. It a cts d ir e c t ly o n th e erly to utilize this opportunity than
a n d m u c o u s s u r fa c e s o f t h e sy s te m . they were at the time o f the original yellow favorite.
Every garment guaranteed I T ' b h lo e c y 1 o ffe
r o n e h u n d r e d d o lla r s fo r a n y ease it
Clean - Light - Durable
Isolation had its advantages for the
fa ils t o c u r e . S e n d lo r c ir c u la r s a n d testi­ act granting the privilege ten years
m o n ia ls .
a go.”
people on our farms. Today, the farm­
Suits ‘ 319 Slickers‘ 35?
A d d r e s s : F. J. C H E N K Y & C O ., T o le d o , O h io .
S old by D ru g g ists, 75c.
er’s lad. only less than his city contem­
m io or oeir or Ai. ros tvtmmten
T a k e H a ll’s F a m ily P ills fo r c o n s t ip a t io n .
porary, has the worst that our times
catalog roer roo tac a m in o
tR # CO .SOJk0" nXrJt.n
afford thrust upon him. In the cities,
II o w e n t i n « t h e I lis t n u n t i o u
California’ s Most Southerly Seaport the public libraries are live to the ne­
“ No, I haven't anything for you,” said
cessity of getting people to read, and
In Gala Attire
«.he hard featured woman of the house.
San Diego, Cal., April 14.— Fete to read that which is, at least, not dis­
“ Instead of spending your time in loafing
around the saloons and begging, why don’t days for the Am erican battleship tinctly harmful, w ith strenuous efforts
you try to follow some useful oecupa fleet w ill begin to day when the 16 to promote the more vigorous and help­
T h e well known reliable
That those in
battleships o f the navy’s most not­ ful sort of reading.
. tion?”
“ Madam,” said Wareturns Long, tilting able cruise cast anchor off Coronado charge of traveling library systems are
i his jaded remnant of a hat forward and Reach, tw o miles from San Diego. fully conscious that wiee selection ol
Root and Herb
I eying her with a frown, “ do I look like San Diego is crow ded with visitors the books means much to the com m on­
and sightseers and never before in wealths whose interests they serve,
| “ oe o’ de idle rich?”
the history o f the city has there been may be seen from the character of the
such an elaborate decoration of bookB they are sending to the villsgcs
T h e P ro fe s s o r.
Ulis mnno a m
, ,
lif o e Biiuujr
study_ ui
Uy day the country school and farm houses. It is
bad managed streets and buildings.
*1 root» and h e r í», and in that
I ll s y o u n g e s t g r a n d c h ild
si udy diHci varea and is civ-
ier* ( to get possession of a primer and was broad thoroughfares are a mass of recorded of one well selected and com
* 'v K \ in « to the world hi.s wonder-
colors, the red. white and blue o f the
M- ä * fu l remedies.
trying to eat it.
bined collection of 49 volumes that in
o M ercu ry, P o is o n s o r D ru g s U sed He C u ro *
“ I'ardon me for taking the words out ot nation being m ingled with the yel­
Nthout O p e r a tio n , o r W ith out th e A id o f a K nife
your mouth, little one,” said the professor, low and white, typifying the Golden three years it traveled over 2,000 miles
and had 918 recorded loans in 28
State— California.
hastily interposing.—Chicago Tribune.
Trium phant
been months of actual circulation in 8 differ
H« Kunruntees to Cure Catarrh. Asthma, Lung,
T r u e T e n t.
erected at many street Intersections ent neighborlioods. Only 64 per cent
hroat, Rheumatism. Nervousness. Nervous D ebility,
She— Was De Plunk's wedding a and immense signs that burn the of this circulation was fiction, so that
tonisch. Liver. Kidney TrouM c*;also Lost Manhood,
emulo Woukness and All Privute Disci •*
hospitable word "w elcom e” through these encouraging figures show that the
larger affair than the Sweelenls'?
De Plunk's had titty de the darkness o f the night are am ong miscellaneous books are being read and
|lu,t Received from Peking, China—S a f e , Sure He— Yes.
the many features o f the elaborate appreciated. What the general result
and Reliable.
leetlvea to watch the presents, whereat scheme o f decoration.
of the circulation of this better class of
Governor Gillette, accom panied by
C O N S U L T A T I O N E’ W E Ii
tlves to watch theirs.
his entire staff and a distinguished books in more or less bookless comma
|ti you cannot ca ll, write fo r nyrrpton blank und circu­
party o f guests, arrived last night In nities is, no one may definitely know
lar. Inclose 4 cents ln st Ain in.
three special cars.
Oovernor Gil- but the librarian of any sytsem of
21-2 First Bt., Cor. Morrii-on.
Portlund, Oregon.
traveling libraries could find in the cor
Fleuso M ention This Pater.
respondence of her office innumerable
and eloquent testimonials of the good
1 J*-J~
work that is being done. So general is
; O ld M e n M a d e P e e r* and Y o u r g i r the belief that this class of literature
w ill help people lo live on farms and
M e n Prom oted.
. London. April 14.— Official an­ in villages more intelligently, and
nouncement was made tonight o f the therefore more contentedly, that state
new Cabinet appointments and they workers in farmers’ institutes have perj
are identical with the forecast made sistently acted as advocates of traveling
You can trust a m edicine j by the Dally Chronicle a few days libraries, with excel lent and immediate
ago and announced in these dis­ results in many caaes.
if 4*4 1 •
• «J*. -! s a
tested 60 years I Sixty years patches, as follow s:
4 Get your sugar by the sack—
Oregon now has 95 state traveling li­
Herbert Asquith,
Premier and braries being sent to as many stations
in sacks tl..,t bears this name V i j-i
of experience, think of that!
First Lord o f the Treasury.
throughout the state. As three libra
Experience with Ayer’s Sar­
David Lloyd George, Chancellor of rics belong to the state there is no
charge for theil use.
Oregon people,
Tw eedm outh, President of
parilla; the strongest Sarsapa­ the Lord
wherever they may be located, may
Ü have J i g
•í-í i Then
T h en you know ■ you
Earl o f Crewe, Secretary o f State draw books from the Oregon Library
rilla; the Sarsaparilla the doc­
sugar that is c l e a n , d r y ,
commission at Haletn.
I tors endorse for thin blood, , for the Colonies.
'« 4 - 3 P U R E a n d B R I L L I A N T .
Reginald McKenna, First Lord of
weak nerves, general debility. the Admirality.
D is h D r a in e r .
Winston Spencer Churchill, Presi­
P.nt even thl* grand old m edicine cannot do
The majority of Improved appliance«
Ilk beat Work if the liver i« inactive and the
dent o f the Board o f Trade.
Atk your Grocer fo r
bow els constipated. For the best possible re-
Walter Runrlman, President o f the designed to seslst and lessen the work
• : ts. von should take laxative doses o f Aver's
pills w hile taking the Sarsaparilla. The lives
Board of Education.
of the housewlie are too complicated
will quickly respond, and so will the bowels.
and troublesome to
J. C. A yer Co., L ow ell, Maas.
wnrrent even s
To Investigate Whale».
> m anufacturer« o f
trial. To gain at­
Dunkirk, France, April 14.— The
tention they must
Jacques Cartier, hearing the polar
be e x c e e d i n g l y
expedition, under command o f Lleu-
1 ^ è ri
>« i^ ni«4 ■« .*«**¿-**».*4
simple In construc­
itenant Benard, sailed from here yes­
tion. such s* the
The primary object of the
expedition is to Investigate the the­
ory that whales, which are now dis­
shown here, the
j U
T r-L
appearing off New Foundland, have
of the
invention of a New
sought refuge in the Barebts Sea, in
York man.
Q uality
dish d r a i n e r Is
of Ice, and other scientific inveatiga-S
dish m tA i Torn.
mad* a part of the
tions, also will be made. The rea-
sel carries a complete equipment for dish pan. bring hinged to the wig« at
oceanography and magnetic appll- one of the handles so that It will not
anees, supplied by Prlnce Monaco
slip. The drainer I* also In the form
of a pan, having side wall to prevent
T r.m p'n g Was a Failure.
the dishes falling to the ground when
San Francisco, April 14.— The call being drained. The water draining
o f the road ended In attempted sui­
cide early thia morning for Frank from the dishes descends down the In­
W illie, a 14 -year-old lad. who b<-at clined bottom of the drainer Into the
his way on the brakebeams to thia d sh pan. A ■mail upright serve« to
city from Vancouver, British Colum ­ suptort the outer end o f tlie drainer,
Dismal, travel, weary, hungry and raise the drainer on an Incline.
and without friends, Willis, a f’ er The drainer and dish pen can he la-
tram ping the streets for hours. In­
2 5 O u n ces for 2 5 C ents
vested his last quarter In a room at etantly asperated or readjusted.
♦ he Hotel Filmore, a cheap lodging
At the rat* ef a pint and e half of
house, where he turned on the gag
. d a dsr a mao drinks 32,850 pints
Is the result o f m odem ideas. Costs
and toeaed him self on the bed to die -luring his life.
less. D oes better work. Y o u m ust
HoodPs Sarsaparilla
S a rsa ta b s
C. Gee Wo
F o r Thin,
Poor Blood
M l
No old sore exists merely because the flesh is diseased at that partic­
ular spot; if this were true simple cleanliness and local applications would
heal them. Whenever a sore or ulcer refuses to heal re.udil v, the blood is at
fa u lt; this vital fluid is filled with impurities and p-ffsons which are being
constantly discharged into the place, feeding it with noxious matter and
irritating and inflaming the nerves and tissues so the sore cannot heal.
These impurities in the blood may be the remains of some constitutional
trouble, the effect o f a debilitating spell of sickness, leaving disease germs
in the s\stetn, or the absorption by the blood o f the fermented refuse matter
which the bodily channels of waste have failed to remove. Again the cause
may be hereditary, the diseased blood of ancestry being handed down to
posterity ; t->t whatever the cause, the fact that the sore will not heal shows
the necessity for the very best constitutional treatment. There is nothing
that causis more worry and anxiety than an old sore which resists treatment.
Every symptom suggests pollution
I want to recommend S. S. S. to any who er*
ind disease—the discharge, the red,
in need ot a blood purifier,’end especially e l a
angry looking flesh, the pain and in­
remedy (or tore« and obstinate ulcers. In ISTT
flammation. and the discoloration of
1 bed my leg badly cut on the i!-.*TW*dg* of a
surrounding parts, all show that deep
barret, and having on ablue woolen stocking
lowti in the blood there are morbid
the place was badly poisoned from the dye. A
ind dangerous forces at work, con­
greet »ore formed end (or years no on* knows
stantly creating poisons which may
what I suffered with the place. I tried, it
n the end lead to Cancer.
ncemed to me, everything I had ever heard of,
butt got no relief and I thought I would have
tpplications are valuable only for
logo through life v ith an angry, d is c h a r g e
their cleansing and antiseptic effects;
sore on my leg. At last I began the us* of
hey do not reach the blood, where
S. S. S-, end it was but a short tints until I saw
the real cause is located, aud can
that the place was improving. I continued if
herefore have no real curative worth.
until it removed all the poison from my blood
S. S. S. heals old sores by going down
end made a complete end permanent cure of
to the fountain head of the trouble
j n o . ELLIS.
ind driving out the poison-producing
350 Navy Street, Brooklyn. If. Y.
germs anti morbid matters which arc
keeping the ulcer open. It removes every particle of impurity from the cir-
ulation and makes tins life-stream purr, fresh and health-sustaining. Then
is new, rich blood is carried to the place the healing Itegins. all discharge
-eases, tire inflammation leaves, new tissue and healthy flesh are formed,
ind soon the sore or ulcer is well. S. S S. is the greatest of all blood puri­
fiers and finest of tonics, just what is needed in the treatment, and in addi-
ion to curing the sore will build up and strengthen every part of the system.
Special book on Sores and Ulcers and anv medical advice desired furnished
ree to all who write.
It ( u r e s W hile Y ou Wall»
Allen’s Foot-Faso is a « ortnin cure for hot,
eating,cAlluH.anttiiwoncii,Ht-lilngieet. Sold
*11 DruggiM*. P rice‘¿ V. Don’t accent any
uhmltutv. Trial packttgo Fit KK AJdrc*g 1
‘ lien Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
A r id it y .
T ow ner— You live in one o f the flooded
suburbs, do y ou ? Nothing dry within h
mile of you?
Outsome— (»rent Scott, y e s!
My cow
has gone dry. Can’t get anything to fe«d
her.— C hicago Tribune.
and Quality
appeal to tho Well-Informed In every
You haven’ t been back here before for
walk of life anil are ottHentlal to per­
ihirty years. B ill? U oih, that’s a long
ime*! W hat changes do you see that *ur- manent success ami creditable stand­
Trise you the m ost?”
ing. Accordingly, It Is not claimed
W ell, to tell you the truth, Dave, what i that Syrup o f Elgs and Elixir of
( notice m ore than anything else is that
Senna Is the only remedy of known
iverybody I ihx grown old so much faster I
value, but one of many reasons why
han I have.”
It Is the host of personal and family
laxatives Is the fact that It cleanses,
sweetens and relieves the Internal
organs on which It acts without any
I t a ih e r Muunil.
“ I don’ t thunk you for recommending debilitating after effects and without
that young clerk,” exclaimed the Indig­ linvlng to Increase the quantity from
nant tdd broker ns they met In the ele­ time to time.
It acts pleasantly and naturally and
“ Wliat’a tho trouble?” queried tho truly as a laxative, and its component
locular hanker.
parts are known to and approved by
‘ Why, you said he was ns square as
physicians, as It I h free from all
a dollar, and he isn’t square at all.”
objectionable substances. To get Its
“ H'm ! Neither i« a dollar.”
beneficial effects always purchase the
r | T P St. VItun* Pan- p «nil nil N ervou s I>W»«*nnps genuine— manufactured by the Cali­
f I I O r< rm itfently rur«*<l by I»r. K lina's U n u t
N**rv» Jlt storor. M'Otl for FU F K #2trial bottlo hdl I i fornia Elg Syrup Co., only, and for
realise. J>r. it. J L lillu ,IxL,»Ct A rch HL, l >h lla .,l,u.
sale by all leading druggists.
Mothers will And Mrs. Wtnalow*« Soothing
I §yrup th** b> Bt remedy to use for their chilvlroa
1 luring the teething period.
C a p ito l
C a rol.
Monotony cannot be wrong.
This world each year the lesson teaches.
I’ he birds all sing the same old song.
Just as we make the same old speeches.
W ashington Star.
No. i s oa
’ H I N t» t i t l n « l o H i i v o r t i i a r a p l e a
■nun 11 o n t li I n |»Hp«r.
I’ll«’ Kliatl You llu v o A lw a ys 11.Might lias h o m o Ilio slgu a -
lure ol t'lm s. II. F le tc h e r , anti lias b een inailo u n der Ids
personal M ipcrvi-ion fo r o v er Htl yours. A llo w n o o n e
to deceive you in tld s. C o u n terfeits, Im ita tio n s unii
•• -lo st-a s-g o o d ” a ro hut E xp e rim e n ts, am i en d a n g er th o
health o f C hildren —E xp e rien ce a ga in st E x p e rim e n t.
C astorio is a harm less su b stitu te fo r Cast, r O il, 1‘ artv
g erir. P rop s mid S o oth in g Syrups.
I t Is I’ leasnnt.
eoiu .m is n eith er O p iu m , M orphin e n or o ilie r N areotla
substan ce. Its a g e Is Its g 'la rn n te e. It d estro ys W o r m s
and allays Feverishn ess. It cu res IM arrluru miti W in d
Colie. It relieves T e e th in g T ro u b le s, elites C on stip a tion
nnd Flatulen cy.
It a ssim ila tes the F o o d , reg u la tes tlin
Htomach and llo w e ls , g iv in g h ealth y an d m iturul sleep.
T h o C h ild ren ’ s Fanricea—T lie -M other's F r ie n d ,
T!ie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 3 0 Years.
Jaquea tilg . Co,
F 'ood D ro w n s 2 ,0 0 0 C hin e se
Shanghai. April 14.— Disastrous
floods are reported to have occurred
at Hankow, In the Province o f Hu
peh. It Is stated that 2000 person*
have been drowned
Seven hundred
Junks were sunk. The flood* are «aid
to be due to an unexpected freshet.
¡The water caught the people unex­
pectedly In the middle o f the night
T a a a ta
R e lia i s .
On* p*'k o f ripe tom a tose peeled
cold, chop and l*t drain over night,
«ix onion« cqt fln*. three beads of cel­
ery. live red pepper«, one small cup of
tnlr. drain off and add two pounds of
r u ■ v r , two oiinre* whole mus-
rd ««-d, five cup* o f vinegar. Put la
i » par» -v id —do not cook.
ha t
on t
l to
• that
. S.
t 108
sr pnrt
unt ol
in the land is not
try it to see. Get a can on trial
T h e baking will be vastly better,
lighter and tastier or w e pay
for the can.
od 1,
llfiia h t im l.
“ D octor, will my boy recover?”
“ R ecover?
Madam, it will take more
than a fall off a trolley ca r to kill your
I le a the toughest little imp that
uiis the streets.”
“ O, thank you, d o c to r ! You have tak­
en such a load off my mind !” — C hicago
T h e best
alw ays the most costly.
ae local
be well
ect that
d their
,g power
,ch to be
line. It
and is so
ntain rid-
dter what
style the
( the lam-
■ painteri
the coach
turn- ^
itain turn-
ntry. ^ P f f e " ^
vheels and
ry yellow,
with a top
st kind of
! is abund-
river’ s seat
a splendid
lull control
>| Washing-
bute to the
je G . Han-
In spite ol
oth Mr. Bu-
t opponent*
1, Mr. H*n-
votes than —
of 3S1 over
J over Mr.
•eceived 852
it known, in
Grove, Mr.
tes out of the
trkably splen-
, apparently,
y of any gen­
et of the month-
y the National
the U nited
•ation i* sent
ging about *
to the d u tici
n archer and
>port of evety
; list of active
lines of Will
io has been in
F. S. Barnes
m own Oregon
:r- Prof. G eo.
,n University,
je r |y of this city.
♦on Valley. Mrs.
4 52 yean , died
A o ’ clo ck . Sh«
tri and came to
T h e funenl
afternoon I
r « » o r t sr a il V
e m r ie , ron iv r n » ^ __
«sesteen o r m e r«M nv.
M rs, b o y s . w ow iN , M ia se s « s o e m io n t*
Rúa-- Mt. L. n — irjmm makmm »n o i mali > »»»wee ^ o
rrtan-m i J .H O . $ 3 . 0 0 m nd ta .C .U mht>mm
„ Ihmn m ny o t t e » m m nufm otyrm r I n i hm
tm i
M I»W .
frecen • * tO er U ni,I Ih o lr *T, A
efreare. Il l frette*, «r e e * ta n n a r, mnd
k J * e r e a t mrmmtmr vels»e thmn mny e l O e r « .
efroee fri rfre arar Id ta - d a y .
* •
l States
tal Sav-
ne leaves i
f. L. D M f b t $ 4 ind S5 Gil' f i t * Shoei Ciaaot Be Equalled *1 A * f Brice
mr • A l ’TVOV. w L D /Toff n^»»« «»»d rriHM I*
on tw*»»orn.
old »7 t»* »•wot
Ato/e* m» i«j1 frvP» j
. 7 Jj’m »I1 !_ i+H '
W . le* l» ü t 4 * L A » , AAr^kis