Correspondence. D ILLEY . Rodell Matteson and wife of Scog­ gins Valley, visited Sunday at the home of their father, who is quite ill. P. W. Watkins and family arrived Friday from Arizona, where they have been for the past two months. After visiting a few days with relatives and , friends, they will go to their home in Forest Grove. They say Oregon is good enough for them. The invitation dance given Saturday evening at Artisan Hall was well at tended and those present report a good time. A. R. Roberts of this place, expects to leave soon for Eastern Oregon where he will reside. He will be missed by GALES CREEK his old friends. Chas. Potts was a Portland visitor Arrangements have been made for a last week. game of base ball to be played Satur­ day afternoon on the home grounds Dr. Knox passed through Gales City ' between Hillsboro and Dilley at which last Wednesday. Mrs. Chapman of Gales Creek, was j the fans will be out in full force. a Cornelius visitor Sunday. A number of the lovers of base ball accompanied the local team to North Mrs. Newberry and daughter, Mrs. Yamhill Saturday where a game was Simmons, of Dilley, are visiting rela­ played with the team at that place. tives at Gales Creek. It was a good game and the score was Mr. and Mrs. Ward Munkers of For-1 5 to 4 in favor of the Yamhiliers. Both est Grove, were visiting relatives at teams played good ball and the crowd Gales Creek this week. cheered splendidly when star plays Mr. and Mrs. Schofield of Banks are I were made. The line-up was as fol­ visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Walter lows: Schofield of Gales Creek. North Yamhill Daniel Pierce recently purchased the Dilley F Williams Mrs. Jacobson property in Gales City Cook 1 b Spence and will retire from farming soon. Wolf P Hartford Runaways are getting to be quite 0 Kuhns c Thurbar Boyd 2 b at Gales Creek, as Mr. Mc- Williams numerous 3 b B Kuhns Namer had one last week but no par­ Wiest ticular damage s s Russel! done; also Ottioe Yager Shearer and Eula was Lafferty, r f Vemilyea Gales Herring Creek switch girl, while out the 1 f Roberts for • - 4*s,ue S Williams Q f Scott Band ride Sunday m * with a seriouj run. j BUXTON L. L. Crawford took a trip to Port­ land this week A dance was given at U. Ornduff’s Saturday night. The Donald Lumber Company’s mill will start up Monday. Mrs. John Caldwell took a trip to Forest Grove Tuesday. The Manning Aid Society met at L. L. Crawford’s Wednesday. There has been a party from Banks looking for milch cows at Buxton. Mr. Chase of Newberg, was in Bux­ ton the first of the week looking for a mill site. Mr. and Mrs. Lazzot of Buxton, at­ tended the barn raising of Geo. Lip- pard’s at Banks. Mrs. Phillips and daughter Olive, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. White. Mrs. Phillips and daughter Olive, took a trip to Hillsboro Friday, return­ ing the day following. There will be a Basket Social given by the Grangers at the Grange hall. There will be a cake walk and prizes will be given. Everybody is invited. away caused by the rattle of some milk cans which had been left on at bridge. The horses became frightened and made a few leaps upsetting the buggy throwing them out, cutting and bruis­ ing them quite badly. Miss Lafferty was the least hurt but was injured enough to last her several weeks, while Mr. Shearer was badly hurt and lay unconscious for some time. Miss Lafferty went to the nearest phone and called Mr. Shearer’s father who came with another rig and took him to Dr. Hines at Forest Grove, who dressed his wounds. They are both slowly re­ covering but will not likely take anoth­ er ride for some time. W ATTS DISTRICT. Mohair and W ool Are the absorbing topics of the hour these days, and we Take Pleasure in announcing that this year we are in a position to offer you the TOP GASH PRIGE for all you bring us, We also call your attention to our immense stock of D ry G o o d s ft C lo t h in g : Ladies* Shirtwaists, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Groceries, etc., etc. O u r S h e lve s a n d (Counters a re lo a d e d w ith g o o d th in g s fo r y o u . Remember LhaL YOU LOSE AND VVE LOSE if you do not trade with us. O U R M O T T O IS : 1 • “Satisfy Your Customers or Return Them Their Money.” e r 1 1 il V e The Progressive Store A. T. Buxton was away Friday and Saturday visiting granges. Mr. Frost’s family entertained com­ pany from Portland over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. De Moss were callers at Mr. Rice’s one day last week D. B. Adams and E. H. Burk trans acted business in Hillsboro Monday. Robert McCracken and wife drove out from town Sunday and spent the day at Mr. Adams’ home. Mrs. Chas Keagy and little son ar­ THE SPECTER SWIMMER. tin u<4 I pala. rived from El Paso, Texas, the first F O R E S T G R O V E A L e g e n d o f t h e S e a T h a t S t i l l A p p e a l s GALES. It is all smooth sailing when you place a Liner Ad part of the week for an extended visit in this column. A few words here will reach 5,000 to S a ilo rs . readers and the results are certain. 5c line 1st Edward Martin of Scoggin Valley is at Mr. and Mrs. Keagy’s on David’s The sailor as a class still bolds fast j Insertion, 2Mi cents each subsequent insertion. Minimum charge 10 cts. to the superstitions that have been his taking music lessons of J. M. Beal. Hill. esiieclal heritage throughout all ages. Jake and Maud Tupper of Dilley, Mrs. Hekstrom and little son re­ To him the sea is still peopled with your farms and other properties j K . JV. S t a e h r O . F . Fle ck paid their brother Earl a visit last Sun­ turned to Portland one day last week phantoms. Men there are still who sail for LIST sale with T. H. Littlehales, Forest the sea believing In the power of the O F F I C E A T T H E B A Z A A R , N E X T T O POSTOFFICE accompanied by Mrs. R. Bisbee Swimmer, men who believe In the W al­ Grove National Bank Building. 27tf day. who will visit with relatives and friends rus of unholy fame and In the exist­ Our school teacher, Miss Carrie ence of the specter bark Lucy to be SAND FOR S a le —Anyone wanting j Fitch, is so far well liked by all of her a few weeks. S o m e o f this w e e k 's B a rg a in s at any time dodging In and out of good sand apply to J. F. Haynie & An enjoyable surprise was given N. seen scholars. the creeks and bays of the South Caro­ Son or phone 37x Independent. 6 room house for rent cheap. 1 acre of land just outside of lina coast This Is the tale of the Swim­ 38-14.______________________________ Earl G. Gardner of Portland, was in A. Frost Thursday evening by the mer: 2 beautiful located lots in city limits with new 8 room house this vicinity last week taking orders for families of Messrs. Buxton, Adams, Near Cape Flnlsterre there lived a The land is all planted in fruit South Park' with large Rice and Keagy, the occasion being fisher maiden In days when the world FOR S a le —Oregon S t r a w b e r r y ] trees and bushes. If sold soon, Easy terms. the Chicago Portrait Company. asked fewer questions than now. and plants; 1000 at 25c per hundred. I this can be had for S I600 280 acre Our musician, J. J. M. Beal, played his birthday anniversary. with her lived her fisher sw eetheart 5 acres of land with good new farm A 7 well miles improved Also 2 houses for sale; 5 and 7 room». out for S40 per at the Johnson hop house in Scoggin Quite a crowd turned out to the On their wedding nigh t runs the yarn, See James Stephenson.______ 38~4t house and barn, one mile from came down on their village, acre. This is a snap. Valley Saturday night. A very large lecture by Prof Hawthorn. The Prof, smugglers town for S I650. drunken band. When they has rented his farm for a term of years a left, thieving, Good new 7-room house with 1 acre of land with good crowd attended. having done all the damage they E ggs for S ale — Black Minorcas, and he and his wife will soon start on a buildings and lots of fruit, only and Barred Plymouth Rock, pure could, the fisher maiden's sweetheart two lots on car line for only John Parsons of this vicinity, paid tour of the United States. had disappeared, whether with them bred, 50c for 13. Pure bred Mallard one block from Forest Grove SI 000. his brother Ev. of Scoggins Valley a or through them was never known Public School, for sale for S2000. visit lately; also casting the flies cn D. B. Adams disposed of a cow to Instead of pining uselessly, as would Duck, 50c for 10. Leave orders at Here is a chance for you to This is a snap. Abraham Bros, or Hughes phone 415,1 most women, she dressed herself In the butcher one day this week. Mr. the water for trout. get a farm with a little money. 4 acres of fine land with house men's clothes and started to find him, Gales Creek. 34-tf. believes in getting the best dead and barn only one mile out for 60 acres of land, half of it ____________________.................. ..... ............. or alive. Phillip Peneline of Dilley, has a Adams is in the way of dairy cows and For years she wandered over the SI 100. About 75 bearing fruit cleared, 5 roOiTt house and barn, contract of slashing about one half of there FOR S ale —Two young and earth and ocean, and. though her dls trees on this place. This is an orchaid. Good spring close to when one does not come up to the the brush on Peter Stakel’s farm near standard, she is not long on the Watts guise was penetrated several times sows; will farrow soon. C. N. ideal little place for a fruit and and she passed through a host of trou­ son. house. Only l j mile from new the mouth of Scoggin Valley. chicken ranch. ______ bles which vary with each telling, she ranch. The Big Four saw mill of Scoggin The Misses Edna McCaleb, Esther succeeded In keeping up her hunt. Fi­ GIRL W anted —For general house-' 1 Seven-room house on large lot R R. line to Brixtcn. S35 per Good location. S1400. Half cash. acre. Only 8500 dow.n, balance Valley is expecting to do a big busi­ Dilley, Jessie Dilley, Mabelle Adams. nally after escaping from an English work; best of wages paid. Address prison the vessel she was on was lost on 5 per cent. ness this summer since the new coun­ Helen and Bertha Lesser and Masters a t sea. and the simple Breton fisher­ Mrs F. J. Miller, city. Bell phone A 50 acre farm 1 mile from enshrined her In a legend which 331.__________________ ty road is opened to the mill. 33 acres of land with new 7 Johnnie Dilley, Philip and Arnold Les­ men her Gales Creek. 20 acres bottom 40~tl I forever swimming the seas Our teacher, Miss Fitch, and her ser, Fred Busch. Oliver Buxton and has room house and farge barn 2 j land all in crop, 4 acre orchard still in search of the man she loved acres just outside pupils paid a visit to the stone quarry John Frost enjoyed themselves im­ and hailing each craft she nears. A F or S ale — l i Fair miles from Forest Grove. Price in fine shape, balance in timber. house, barn , ' be he Yankee or Portuguese, the city limits, last Tuesday noon and while picking mensely last Saturday afternoon in sailor, 84500 Easy term* Running wrier on place. If sold m atter of fact In all things else or chicken house, all kinds of fruit. A flowers through the timber Miss Fitch pulling taffy at Miss Keagy’s. soon this can be had for S2400t grossly superstitious, believes firmly bargain; S I200. T. H. Littlehales, I 160 acres of land in Crook lost her father’s watch. The time that If you hear the hall of the Swim­ S I300 cash, balance on time to county to exchange for Forest 39 tf To Organize Band. mer on a dark night at sea and an- ’ National Bank Building. piece has not yet been found. suit. Grove property. swer It not woe follows swiftly.—New A movement is on foot to reorgan.ze FOR S ale — 46.38 acres of choice GASTON the Forest Grovw comet band and a York Herald. level bottom land, l i miles to Forest Houses fo r R ent F. M. Wright was seen on o u r! meeting has been called for Friday Grove on milk route. First-class new C a l l M o n a y . i evening. There are now seventeen jieil —W bat la call money, dear? barn, young orchard. One-third of streets Thursday. daughter available musicians and the town is Relie—I gueas It's the kind yon call up crop goes with place. Price, 1100 per Mrs. B. C. Dennis and husband on the telephone for to acre. T. H. Littlehales, Forest Grove business trip to assured of a first-class musical organ.zt rour Miss Elsie made a Agents Wanted!— 16x20 crayon por­ •n him yon moat have It right away. ! tion. The coming campaign and the -Baltimore Nat’l Bank Bldg. 37-tf traits 40 cents, frames 10 cents and Forest Grove Friday. American. celebration of the Fourth of July will ’ HatTy Russell our road supervisor, is assist F or S ale — T wo thoroughbred up, sheet pictures one cent each. in keeping ------------- . _ the band together , Frank Allen purchased last Monday ( _ ________ W E E K N S S G R X k r i% £ c o j T having some work done on the roads. Moreover Forest Grove needs the band {he Benson property on Second street, j Duroc sows due to farrow soon Alio You can make 400 per cent profit of 3 0 1 Nth P o r tß .c , o May the good work go on. various meetings held here, consideration 8650. Sale was made two well bred colts one year old. S36 per week. Catalogue and Sam­ Wilford Thomas has had an addition | en Staehr & Fleck, the Forest Grove John Allen, on old Carey Porter place ples free. Frank W. Williams Com- will bay your Wool and by . h . li # bc : put on his house, A. Hamrick and 1 r*«n» sun« W T .» l~ Sr . Chicago.IU.L X> mm\ HOFFMAN ®> ALLEN FOREST GROVE Liner Column COMPANY OREGON Real Estate Go Monuments » j wer ently