Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, April 02, 1908, Image 6

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    BOW M AN’S Announcements.
P la c e to B u y Y o u r
For Sheriff.
I hereby announce myself as a can­
didate for the Republican nomination
for Sheriff at the coming Primary elec­
tion. If I am nominated and elect­
ed I pledge myself to economical
and efficient management of the affairs
of the office and impartial enforce­
ment of the laws.
W e are not in the wholesale
business but we are selling at
Wholesale Prices.
Our house is not full but we
have a large variety, and they
are going fast.
Harness made to order and
every strap guaranteed. W e
stand by all our work.
W e have two men at work
but can not get the work out
fast enough.
Come in and examine our
line of first-class Saddles.
C. B. B uchanan .
County Assessor.
I hereby announce myself as a can­
didate before the Primaries for the of­
fice of County Assessor on the repub­
lican ticket, and if nominated and
elected, it will be my effort to conduct
the office in the future, as in the past,
with absolute consistency, and without
fr^- or favor, and for the best interests
oi Washington County.
Don’t forget the place.
New Brick
Pacific Ave.
G eo . H. W ilcox .
Announcement of Geo. G. Hancock.
he voters of Washington County.
I i ereby a- m un ce 1115 self as a candi-
d for the office of Sheriff of this
< ity, subject to the endorsement of
the Republican voters at the primar>
e - tion, to be held on April 17, 1908.
If I am nominated and elected 1
w during my term of office, faithfully
a d impartially discharge the duties
thereof, and give to the people of this
County an efficient and at the same
time an economical administratron.
I further state that I will give the
business of that office my personal at
tention, and every man a square deal
It w ill
have all prescriptions
w. M. J a c k s o n .
County Recorder.
I hereby announce myself as a can­
didate for nomination to the office of
Jounty Recorder of Washington Coun­
ty, subject to the endorsement of the
epublican voters at the Primary elec-
;on to be held April 17th.
If I am
>o ninated and elected I promise to
;ive the office the same attention it
aas received during my first term.
W illis I reland .
The undersigned wishes to announce
his candidacy for the clerkship of
Washington county to come before the
primary next April. I have had exper­
ience in that office and if elected will
give the people my best efforts in that
W. D. S mith .
For County Treasurer.
I hereby announce myself as a can­
didate for the republican nomination
for County Treasurer to come before
the repnblican voters of Washington
county on April 17, 1908.
I promise, if nominated and elected,
to give strict attention to the duties of
G eo G. H ancock .
the office and will turn all interest on
county funds deposited into the
I hereby announce myself as a Re­ County Treasury.
H . G . KING.
publican candidate for the office of
County Assessor of Washington County,
For Coun y Clerk.
Oregon, subject to the endorsement of
I hereby announce myself as a can­
the Republican voters of this County
at the Primary election to be held on didate for the Republican nomination
‘or County Clerk at the primary elec-
April 17th, 1908.
If I am nominated and elected 1 ion, April 17th, 1908, and if I am
will during my term of office give all a nominated and elected, I will conduct
he office efficiently and economically.
square deal and good service.
T o buy Drugs, or to
filled at
County Treasurer.
I hereby wish to announce myself
as a candidate for the office of County
Treasurer subject to the endorsement
of the republican voters at the Primary
election to be held April 17 th. If I
am nominated and elected I promise
to give the office the same close and
careful attention as I have done in the
for Kodak and Cam ­
era supplies.
Difference In the ¿.train That Com««
Upon Its Two Parts.
The rudder of a wooden ship Is com­
posed of the stalk and the backing,
which are so joined together as to
form in effect a single piece. The
complete rudder Is coppered to protect
it from worms, and then, besides being
practically all In one piece, it has that
appearance also.
The stalk is the part to which are at-
taehed the pintles, or pivots, by which
the milder is suspended and held In
place, these going through eyes set in
the ship’s sternpost. The stalk runs up
through the stern of the ship, and to
Its head is bolted a cap to which are at­
tached llie ropes by means of which the
rudder Is controlled. The backing is the
blade part of the rudder.
By far the greater strain comes on
tlie stalk, and the greatest strain of all
comes on the bead of the stalk, the
rudder head, where it is held. The
stalk is made of the wood most likely
to stand the strain, carefully selected,
sound, well seasoned oak, while the
backing Is made of spruce or hard pine.
The stalk is of a single, solid, massive
piece, stout as an ouk tree and indeed,
of the dimensions of a small oak, some­
thing that a man can pin his faith to,
If he cnn have faith In any wood, while
the backing or blade is, like many mod­
ern wooden masts, built up. It would
be difficult if not Impossible to find
trees that would yield planks big
enough for the purpose In a single
piece, and the built up backing, made
of pieces of selected wood, cun easily
be made of ample strength to with­
stand any straiu that will be brought
upon It.
As to the stalk, stout nnd solid ns the
oak may be, the head may be twisted
by the force of a tremendous blow from
a wave upon the rudder, or, under the
repented strains of long use. the head
may split nnd so make the stalk use­
less. Then the rudder is taken out and
fitted with a new stalk. A suitable
■ tick Is selected nnd worked down to
the proper size nml form, and very
probably the old backing Is attached to
It. The life of a rudder stalk would
probnbly be tw elve to fourteen years.
The backing might last us long as the
»hip.—New York Sun.
These Have the Power of Spouting
Blood From tlie Eyes.
That certain lizards have the power
to emit a streinu of blood from their
e}’es has been a tradition of the south­
west from time out of mtud, hut uiaOy
scientists have classed It with the Jew­
el lu the toad's head and the hoop
suake. Ituymoud Lee Dltmars, curator
of reptiles In the New York Zoological
society, made exhaustive research to
ascertain what foundation lu fact, If
any, there Is lu the tradition of the
blood spouting lizards. He had nearly
made up his mind that it was purely
mythical when he came upon a star­
tling demonstration of Its truth, lie
had received a particularly tine speci­
men of the Mexican horut d lizard and
after photographing it proceeded to
measure It. The result ho tells in hts
"Reptile Book.”
"The latter process,” he says, "seem­
ed to greatly excite the creature. It
finally threw the head slightly up­
ward, the neck became r'gid, the eyes
bulged from the sockets, when there
was a distinct souud like that pro­
duced If one pressed the tongue
against the roof of the mouth and
forced a small quantity of air forward.
This rasping sound, consuming but the
fraction of » second, was accomixiuled
by a Jet of blood at groat pressure.
“ It hit the wall four feet aw ay at
the same level as that of the reptile.
The duration of the Sow of blood ap­
peared to be about one and a half
seconds, and toward its termination
the force gradually diminished, as
noted by a course of drops down the
wall and along the floor to a position
almost under the spot where the rep­
tile had been held. The stream of
blood seemed to be as fine as horse­
hair and to Issue from the eyelid,
which was momentarily much swollen.
"For some time after the perform­
ance the eyes were tightly closed, and
nothing could induce the lizard to open
them. Within two minutes after it
was placed on the ground the protrud­
ing aspect of the eyeballs and the
swelling of the eyelids had disap­
“ Most surprising was the amount of
blood expended. The wall and floor
showed a course of thickly sprinkled
spots about one-eighth of an inch In
diameter. There were 103 of these
spots.” —Philadelphia North American.
gone one Is tempted to speculate W hat
tales would not have been constructed
around that fathomless mystery hud It
appeared north lusteud of south of the
When It rouses the poetical Impulse
within the brain of aboriginal Aus­
tralians, what might It not huve done
with the ancient Greeks or still more
audent Egyptians? But they were de­
nied )t. The aboriginal uses It as he
uses most things, In a topsy turvy fash­
ion. To him the world Is a flat plain
crowned with a dome shaped roof.
When a man dies he has to go up to
the roof and slowly Journey over It
until he cnn claeuber down to the
flat again and squeeze through, once
more a man. The coal sack Is the hole
he goes through to get on to the roof,
and to get up to it Is a very long climb.
The Journey over the roof Is also
very long, and It Is hard to squeeze
through when he reaches the flat again.
80 long does it take that by tlie time a
man has completed the Journey not
only bis hair, but his skin, hus grown
white with age.
Wherefore the black fellow who has
Kiiule tlie Journey rejoins his tribe as a
white fellow. Thus it was that when
the white man first came to the laud
the aborigines regarded him as a long
lost comrade.—Macmillan's Magazine.
Biggest of All Animals.
The sulphur bottom—or blue whale, aa
It Is better called by tbe Norwegians—
Is not only the largest living animal,
but tbe largest that has ever lived,
ranching a length of eighty feet or
very rarely a little more. Whales grow
much larger than this in books and
newspapers, but in actual life not one
In a dozen even of this species attains
a length of eighty feet. The popular
Idea of a whale is that It is a clumsy
animal, blit, as shown by models, It
has the graceful lines of a yacht. The
total weight of a whale is about sixty
tons, and unusually large nnd fat Indi­
viduals must reach at least sixty-five
tons. The largest animal of the past
so far discovered is the great Dinosaur
brontosaurus, and this big reptile
weighed about thirty-eight tons.—Mu-
“ Cherry-Blossom.”
It is a proverb of Cherry Blossom
Land that a healthy stomach is the
basis of all strength. Good nature is
also recognized as of great importance.
Tiie Japanese as a people are remark­
able for their health, endurance, pa­
tience and skill.
The cherrv tree is the most highly
prized of all in Japan. It not only
gives fortli a beautiful blossom but tlie
wild cherry tree furnishes a bark which
is most highly prized in medicine.
Sood Things
Tender, Juicy, Steaks
Roasts and Stews.
Sausage and Baers
A ll kinds of Fresh
V e g e ta b le s
G roceri
Quong Lee’s
W hite shirt • - - 10c Drawer« . . j ,
- . -
10c White Waiiti - 10
W hite Skirts - 10 to 50 Underskirts • B n
Undershirts - - . 8c Stockings . . . ¡1
H andkerchiefs - - 2c Collars - . . , ,|J
M en’s W hite Vests 10 15c Pants ...........
Coats - * - - 10 20c Dusters
• • lit
T ow els - - - 20c D os. Napkins . - JOtk
T h e follow ing articles 50 c per do». Pillow C*
Bed Sheets, Table Cloths, N ight Gowns, W om
D rawers, Underwear, Aprons and Corset Cove*
Pacific Arenue
Hood Eatables
Low Prices
Everybody knows tk’
we keep the best Mean
It* Coin Rack, Crammed With Yellow
to be had, but this is tc
Boy», a Tempting Sight.
The good old days are gone. In these
remind you to give us
heathen times railroad men are puid
by cheek. Of the pay car and its luxu­
a call.
rious travels C. E. Carter writes in the
American Magazine as follows:
"A metal coin rack crammed to the
u / ;| j r u 0» . „
The U nited
muzzle with three denominations of
Wild Cherry
| states dis -
For State Senator.
yellow boys, flanked with silver, and
(Pnmua Virginiand). p e n s a t o r y ,
I hereby announce myself as a Re
“ I hereby announce myself a can­ on the desk behind it a very large ----------------------------- 1 which is an
publican candidate for the office o didate for State Senator, on the Re­ wooden tray, on which were long col­ authority on medicines, says of the
umns of yellow coins—d’ye ever see j properties of this Black Cherrybark:
County Clerk of Washington County, publican ticket, for the Eleventh Sen­ anything so pretty in all your life? j ’ Uniting with a tonic power the
For the Best, Up to date Work.
Oregon, subject to the endorsement of atorial District of Oregon, comprising No wonder your eyes stuck out until property of calming irritation and
diminishing n e rv o u s e x c i t a b i l i t y .
Baths. Pacific Ave, Forest Grove.
you could have used them for hat Adapted to the treatment of diseasffe
the Republican Primary election to be Washington County.
in which there is debility of the stom­
A. I. W irtz, Proprietor
held in said County, on April 17, 1908.
If elected I will introduce and work
“ And all the time an exquisitely mu­ ach or of tiie system.” Another au­
If elected, I promise a careful, eco or the lollowing bills at the next ses sical ‘tinkje, tinkle, clink-clink’ welled thority, K i n o ’ s A m e r i c a n D i s p e n s a ­
up from ( oin rack and counter in re­ t o r y .says, "it gives tone nnd strength
nomical administration of the affairs o' ion of the Legislature.
S . A . /’. ’ o l i I t o n
sponse to the calls of the assistant to tlie system, useful in fever, cough,
that office, efficient service and faith
A two cent fare per mile on all rail­ paym aster Talk about Beethoven’s
This ingredient is only one of several
iul performance of duty.
roads in Oregon.
very important native, medicinal roots
i s o ria'
" If It were not for that strong wire in 11 r. Pierce’ s Golden Medical Discov­
E. J. G odman .
Select school text books every ten screen you could have touched that ery. This is a remedy which has en­
P o re«
O ro ve
years instead of six as at present, and fascinating tray. For the infinitesimal joyed tlie public approval lor nearly
For County Commissioner.
fraction of a second a wicked thought forty years, nothing new or untried
'hen only make such changes that are flitted through your brain. Then you about 'it, has cured thousands of people
I hereby announce myself as a Re
r s ii. .
> , D e n ti
almost fainted ns your roving eyo af those chronic, weakening diseases
bublican candidate for the office o.
stared down the barrel of a monstrous which are accompanied by a cough,
F o rest G rove, O regon
Repeal the Hunting License Law. revolver. It was only lu a rack, but It iueh as bronchitis and incipient con­
County Commissioner of Washington
sumption. More than that, by reason
af the other ingredients, Bloodroot,
Begin rocking all the roads in Washi­
rv's s'orf
County, subject to the endorsement of
ter's hand und most eloquent for all Mandrake, Golden Seal, and Queen's
hi-*. r
the Republican voters of this county ngton county, by spending in each that. H alf a dozen of its fellows lay root, all of the medicinal virtues of
at the Primary election to be held on road district every cent of road tax In the handiest places, while as many which are scientifically extracted and
jombined in Dr. Pierce's Golden Med­
■vied in said district, for road pur- Winchesters lying on tables and set­ ical Discovery, remarkable cures of
April 17th, 1908. If I am nominated
tees came in Btrong on the chorus.
and elected I will during my term ot oses on rock.
“ Hurriedly your vagrant wits busied lyspepsia and stomach disorders have
been accomplished.
with All tbe Sunday school
I am in favor of doing away with
Office, give careful and conservative
Nearly forty years ago, Dr. Pierce
lessons you had ever learned. As your discovered that ’ chemically pure glyc-
'hold up” l egislatures by electing U
ition Law a Specialty. Hines
subconsciousness perceived that the •rine of proper strength is a better
A. B. T odd .
S. Senators by direct vote of the peo- head of the road's secret service de­ solvent and preservative of tlie active
forest Grove, -
Dle, and I will vote for the Republi partment stood on the platform with medicinal principles residing in most of
his eyes intent on every man in the wir indigenous or native medicinal
County Assessor.
■an nominee who receives the highest car at once, while Conductor Llnkeu- plants than is alcohol. As its use is
I hereby announce myself as a can­ ote in the Primary Election.
pin stood on the ground outside very entirely unobjectionable, while alcohol
is well known when used even in
much s>Iert, with his coat tall bulging small portions, for a protracted period,
didate for nomination to the office of
E arl E. F isher .”
io do lasting injury to the human sys­
County Assessor of Washington County
pride over the watchful care the com­ tem, especially in the case of delicate Pacific Ave.
subject to the endorsement of the
For State Senator.
pany had exercised to bring Its honest women and children, he decided to
Neat Turnouts
use chemically pure glycerine instead
toilers their hard earned money."
republican voters at the Primary elec­
In submitting mv name to the Re­
vf the usually employed alcohol in
tion to be held April 17th. If I am
the preparation of his medicines.
publican voters of Washington County
THE COAL SACK IN THE SKY. U p fpund that the glycerine, besides-
nominated and elected I promise to
for State Senator, at the primary elec­
beiii|j entirely harmless, possesses in­
J. H. Hartley
W. L
give the office close and careful atten­
tion April 17, 1908, I wish to say that It Is Visible Because It Contains Noth­ trinsic medicinal properties of great
value. Its nutritive properties, Dr.
tion and a strict performance of duty.
ing That Is Visible.
I have no interests to serve but the
Pierce believes, far surpass those of
immediately below the lower stars cod liver oil, entitling it to favorable
M ax C randall .
public interests and if nominated and of the group which forms the Southern consideration
in all cases of incipient
County Sheriff.
elected I will support the republican Cross there is a black patch In the s k j, consumption and other wasting diseases.
dark, sack shaped and mysterious. It is an invigorating, tonic alterative
I hereby announce myself as a Re voters choice for United States Senator,
Scientifically accurate astronomers ex­ and owes its virtues to Nature's vege- |
publican candidate for the office o all just and equitable legislation for j plain that It Is not n patch, but rather table garden. Dr. Pierce is only the
scientific gar­
County Sheriff of Washington County, county and state betterment consistent 1 something which becomes visible by
dener who
knows how to
Oregon, subject to the endorsement of with economy and will oppose all ex - 1
nothing that Is visible.
combine the plants given tis by Nature
the Republican Primary election to be travagant appropriations of state money.
The lay mind, preferring bald reality to cure our diseases. This prepara­
to abstract truth, is somewhat startled tion is of pleasant taste, agrees per­
held in said County on April 17, 1908.
W m . D. w o o d .
to learn that an object Is seen because fectly with rebellious and sensitive
If elected, I promise a careful, eco­
there Is nothing in it to see, but no one stomachs, and is extremely effective in
restoring tone and vigor "to the entire
nomical administration of the affairs ol
can dispute the fact. The coal sack Is system. It cures inflammatory troubles
For Representative.
visible because It contains nothing that of the stomach as well as indigestion
that office, efficient service and faith
To the Republican voters of Washing- : Is visible.
and dyspepsia arising from weak
ful performance of duty.
ton County:
In other words. It is a vast hole In stomach. One reason why it restores
O ffice in Times Buildüf
J ohn C. K uratli .
I hereby announce myself as a can - 1 the stellar system In which there Is not the health of run-down, pale and ema­
didate for nomination as Representa­ even a pinch of stellar dust to shed a
out the poisons from the blood through
Forasi Bravo
tive on the Republican ticket at the ! flicker of luminosity. It Is typically the liver and kidneys. It then begins
For Sheriff.
Primaries to be held April 17th. 1908 j
its reconstructive work in building up
I hereby announce myself as a can­
flesh by first making good, rich, red
My platform will be to work for the blackness.
didate for sheriff of Washington County. best interests of the taxpayers in keep­
of ail preconceived notions, the human
The "Golden Medical Discovery" is
Oregon, at the Repuplicau Primary ing down appropriations and opposing
Forest Grove Tim*
eye can see it without tbe aid of a made in a large laboratory, thoroughly
nominating election, and announce all grafts. I will vote for the choice oi telescope or other Instrument.
equipped with every scientific appliance,
»PVND^■ —
Between the stars of the Milky Way at Buffalo, N. Y. Qualified cnemists N o. 7 d - p a r i 6 -C NORTH
that if I secure tne republican nomina­ the Republican party for U. S. Sena­
a m . a r i y n . a , R” .; .
are in charge of the laboratory, with
8:50 a.
nearly a score of skilled physicians and No. 9 J ”
tion for Sheriff of Washington County, tor. Having served one term in the
1:30 p.
Legislature I am farmiliar with the lar system—little by comparison, that surgeons employed to scrutinize, deter­ No.
No. I
4:44 P.
and am elected that I will ¿ive said of­ methods of legislature and will use Is to say—but one must have telescopes mine and prescribe these remedies and
fice all of my time and personal attention ym best endeavor for the upbuilding end patience to find them. One need other means of cure as seem best suited No. i W. Portland 7:CC a. m. I»
- 1-
11:00 a.
only cross the line to the southern to many thousands of cases of chronic N o 0 "
and will endeavor to give an efficient of the state and of Washington county.
No 4
« 1 0 »■
>»• -
hemisphere nnd locate the Southern
N o. 10 ”
5:40 p
•«-____ _
treatment each year. It costsyou noth­
administration of the affairs of said of­ I will be the candidate of no clique Cross In order to see the coal sack.
nor the representative of any special
With tlie wealth of legendary tale
fice and perform all of the duties there­
head of this Institution, at Buffalo, N.
end fable woven around the northern Y. and get an accurate medical opinion
of in a conscientious manner.
(S ig n e d ) CH AS. HINES.
in your special case and wholly without
F rank T. K ane . 1
Itijf on them through the ages that are charge.
Dr. Hines’ d T or E
Saelens & Co.
City Shaving Parlors
Real Estate Investments
Loans & Insurant!
Rents C
Notice to Subscribers.
Owing to the fact that the Fostofficr
Department at Washington, has issued
an order that no weekly newspaper
shall give more than one year’s credit
to a subscriber, without laying itself
liable to the first class rate of postage.
The Washington County News wishes
to notify its subscribers who are in ar
rears more than one year that they are
requested to com e iq at once and set­
tle their accounts. Our time is limit
ed for straightening up our list and we
trust those in arrears will make all po>
sible haste and save us any unneces
sary embarrassment.
Statements oi
account will be mailed to those who
do not answer this appeal within the
next thirty days.
W ash . C o . P ub . C o .
Dated February 13, 1908.