oings at Pacific University ifted from the W eekly Index, the College Publication LONG DISTANCE RUN. STU DEN TS AND FA C U LTY os.s C o u n try C lu b M old lrir s t C o n ­ te s t o f S e a s o n . A u s tin W in s F i r s t P l a r e . RAISE FUNDS TO CLEAR DEBT 1 C h a n fto * M ..«le in C o n s titu tio n . A V o te o f T h u n k s A c c o r d e d F u e - 8 3 0 ,0 0 0 increase in the endowment fund has placed the University on a better financial basis. The grounds, consisting of 28 acres, in a beautiful campus, are being improved by grad­ ing and building walks and drives. The athletic field, drained with tile, has made the track firm so that track athletics are being carried on without delay. When the extensive plans for the gymnasium are completed and the Carnegie library is finished, Pacific University will be one of the best equipped private institutions in the Northwest. The Modesty of Women _4aturally makes them shrink from ths I b M I m Ü qnwUoM, the obnoxious ex­ aminations, and unpleasant local treat­ ments, which some physicians consider essential in the treatment of diseases of women. Yet, If help can be had, it is better to submit to this ordeal than let the disease grow and spread. The trouble is that so often the woman undergoes all the annoyance and shame for nothing. Thotrsands\d women who have been cured l\ Ur. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip­ tion writK In ^ ^ re c ia tio n of the cure which d isiW riR x h h the examinations and local treatm eiit^^Tliere is no other Spring showing Special attention is directed to our fall Dress Goods Waists, Skirts and Wrapps. W e have the choicest fabrics and highly tailored goods. W e invite you to call and see them. A new feature in athletics was insti­ u lf y fo r T h e i r L ib e r a lit y . tuted into Pacific University, last Mon- Students a .d faculty have liberally flio d ic in o s o > u re a n . l s a f e f o r d e l i e a t q m m »y evening, when the Cross Country . given of their means to clear student women as "Paxoritc Prescription." 1 1 Club held its first contest in a long | organization of debts incurred through cures debilitalii.g drains, irregularity and female weakness. I t always helps. It »stance handicap run. 1 intercollegiate debates and other stu- almost always cures. It is strictly non­ Alex. Robinson, captain of the squad j dent activities. T he student com­ alcoholic, non - secret, all its ingmlients being printed on its bottle-wrapper; con­ We can satisfy any man, boy or youth in Clothing. is scratch man. and when he left the mittee that waited on the members of B a n d R e c e p tio n . tains no deleterious or habit-forming Our stock is complete besides the prices and per­ irks the small forms of Gardner. drugs, and every native medicinal root the faculty for financial aid received Last Friday evening Mrs. Gould and entering into its composition has the full fect fit are both guaranteed. Jiomas, Mobley, Reeher and Austin most liberal contributions. The stu- Vernon gave a reception, at their home •ndorsement of those most eminent in the uld be seen jogging along well on i dents have made up the remaining several schools of medical practice. Some on Second avenue, to the members of of these numerous and strongest of pro­ jeir way toward Cornelius. Great in­ deficit and the school year will end the University Band. The parlor was fessional endorsements of Its ingredients, will be found in a pamphlet wrapped fest was shown by a large crowd of with a clean ’ age. appropriately decorated with ‘‘Music in around the bottle, also in a booklet mailed iudents, who eagerly watched the de The student body, besides dispos­ the Air.” Notes in musical com­ free on request, by Dr. R. V. Pierce, ot Buffalo, N. Y. These professional en- I ilopmsnts of the race on the return ing of the debt, made some important binations graced the walls, while about dorsements should have far more weight pip Austin was the first to cross the changes in the constitution. Hereto­ the room were musical terms in odd than any amount of the ordinary lay, oi non-professional testimonials. tope, making the distance of three fore the members of the debating team forms, which proved to be the source of The most intelligent women now-a-days ■Biles in 18 minutes and one second, and the intercollegiate orator received much thought on the part of those who insist on knowing w hat they take as med­ icine Instead of opening their mouths like Reeher followed a close second, time the official emblem, the gold “ P " for were more farmiliar with them. a lot of young birds and gulping down 18 - 18 , Thomas third, time 18-27, Each guest was requested to wear whatever is offered them. "Fav orite Pre­ representing the school in these col- scription” Is of KNOWN C O M PO SITIO N . It Robinson fourth, time 18-47. something representing the name of makes weak women strong and sick | lege activities. women well. The bicycle path, leading to Cor­ I IN T H E I)r. Pierce’s Medical Adviser Is sent free . Today the student body constitution some familiar song. Mr. Kirkwood nelius furnished a good course for the on receipt of stamps to pay expense of was acknowledged by all as the most was amended so as to give the ed­ mailing only. Semi to Ur. K. \ . Pierce, race, which made it possible for the original, in his representation of ‘‘Old Buffalo. N. S’.. ’-’1 one-coot stamps (or pa­ itor of the Weekly Index the official M U T U A L » ’I W it R H I J B P A » « « . per-covered, or 31 stamps for cloth-bound. ■M contestants to make good time. Folks at Home ” If . N. Lyda, High G. Lyda and Carl Francis ihool, the annual should be a source the matter of clearing the debt showed past year and only three of this num­ in t n e t h r e e mile race until he fell I I.yda, and to all persons interested in above named titled “ Anact for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington T erri­ pleasure. It aims to condense the ber were punished for their misde­ true philanthropic spirit and college which prevented him from making a ' ri,a,e‘ tory,” as extended to all the Public Land States by Act , . n IN THE NAME O F TH E STATE O F OREGON, iluable facts and persons of the col- loyalty. meanors. These are a few of the of August 4, 1892, Hubert F. Leonard, of Portland, gOOQ place. j y ou are hereby cited and requited to appear in the county of Multnomah, State o f Oregon, has this day ige in such a way as to be at once in­ signs for the need of stricter enforce­ T L Q r\ • I County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of filed in this office his sworn statement, No. 7675, for The Sunday Oregonian announces w«hin,,o„... cou„ a«*, .hereof... hiii . i »™. m the purchase of the Southwest Vs of Section No. 34, In vesting and instructive. ment of law. In order for a college to L ib r a r y 's Ne.w B o o ks. the wedding of Mr. Horace Thomas of the County of Washington, on Monday, the 30th day of Township No. 1 North, Range No. 5 West, and will o f ­ maintain discipline it is necessary to Miss Martha Holmes, Editor-in »nr w - r, . T , , , I March. tQfW ai 111 n'clncb in * * - ------' ----• <*- The following books have been re­ 05 to Miss Georgia Lanceheld of March, 1908, at 10 o ’clock in the forenoon of that day, fer proof to show that the land sought Is more valui* then and there to show cause, if any you have, why an for its timber or - stone for agricultural purposes, ................ ........ than ..... I V . n iiiL u iiu ia i p u rp o ses lief, is not new at the work. With ceived at the library during the past enforce its rules. The college course Amity. order of said Court should not be made authorizing te .ch ate ber an- >tes got the and !ts” the INSURANCE BANTUS AND MEBGHANTS Of F o re st Grove, Oregon B e s t and Cheapest I .54 MY .5 2 .47 Spring and S u m m er Opening .6 0 .6 0 .54 M 1 L L I1 N E R V Beginning Wednesday Marti» Mrs. Ä. E. D ixon ERFECT CONFIDENCE J ^ r e s t Grove Pc>lc Kavt Gcx Reassii for Ccr.-.jjiete Rel.ai.co. you know how— ■ find quick relief from baem c \ correct d:st r Tc t one way— your neighbors know— we used Doan’s Kidney Pills; we proved their worth in many test ite’s Forest Grove testimony. Greek Literature Current Issue Christianity and the Social Order China and America Today Clonial Era Beginners of a Nation Cycle of Cathay Morgan’s Comparative Psychology Elements of Physical Chemistry Indian Wigwams and Northern Campfires A History of the Jewish People English Colonies, in America ture at the first sign of Rheumatism, or if your back ache* or you feel that the kidneys are not acting just right. This is said to be a splendid kidney regulator, and almost certain remedy for all forms of Rheumatism, which is caused by uric acid in the blood, which the kidneys tail to filter out. Any one can easily prepare this at home and at small cost. I — Your wheel should be put in proo- The Law School of Washington has M shape for wjnter. Cori and Son ------------------- •a • tv* ( l i e V IC | (U U l.d W ' decided to submit to the Oregon Law „¡H d0 it. 23U. School at Portland, for the first annual debate between tftese two institutions ! to be held May 22, the following | question, “ Resolved, that the system ( e 'b U U Knowing what It Is to suffer I will fiv e A IV i - * - m g * o f CHARGE, to any . 4 s p*ni- of Initiative and Referendum, as pro- Hve eure for E n e m a , Sait Rheum, Erysip'-'^s. I’ll*« Eczema and Pile Cure posed by the legislature of the State of Washington be adopted by the State of Washington.” and Skin Diseases Instant relief I>tn i suffer • get W ire r W. Williams, 400 Manhattan Avenue, New York Enclose S ta n s —Guns repaired by Corl if Son. 23tf. Druggists in this town and vicinity, ,— Dr. E. H. Brown, Physician and — Money to loan on farm security when shown the prescription, stated Surgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap­ W. H. Hollis, that they can either supply these in pliances in office. Calls answered [S. T n n rb ’e. lb -in * in For«» Grove. Ore , n y gredients, or, if our readers prefer, L •ctre time I suffered from a du j - r r • rr night or day. Siftn s o f G row th. and hips accompanied by a de ranged cr edition ' they will compound the mixture for pdneyr The?» rr* -ns were *- W. D. Furgerson, of Chicago, has them. and l « a s forced to ar ?e so m iry times during Th i — Get that umbrella repaired at 1 to pass h« N trttiO l secured 8 3 0 ,0 0 0 on the 8 4 0 ,0 0 0 chair Corl’s.. 23tf I. The trouble grew w orse rd I : I In health I saw Down’s K dr.*y P i is to h .i t to be established in Biblical literature Tited iha- 1 der ded ‘ try :h rr r.; p. ur^d'b- Seed a great change in my condition af*er a she the coming school year. The trustees aod af*er ;ak ng the crr.-?n'S of the firs* bo* I te ta ily wei L< remedy unexcelled." or sale by all dealers, ir ic e 5 of Mr. Furgerson last Fall and he has ts. FcsteT-Milbum C o . B-.ffalr. been in the field since that time in se­ ' York, sole agents for the Unite curing this amount. This will make ! the endowment reach the 8 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 , emember the name— Doan's an mark. With the 8 5 2 ,0 0 0 lately in- no other. 1 vested in the women's dormitory and [ Try th. .49 .50 .53 .41 . .48 . . 49 ..50 Main st. | tl*d “ An act for the sale of timber landa In the States «f j California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington T erritory,” I a* extended to all the Public Land States by act of Au- j gust 4, 1892, Flora A Dudley, of Portland, County of I Multi,omah. State of Oregon, haa this day filed In this office his sworn statement. No. 7621, for the pur­ chase of Lots 3 and 4, and NEV4 o f SW Vi, of Section 30, ! in Township No. 3 north. Range No. 3 weat, and will j offer proof to show that the land sought is more valua­ ble for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur­ poses, and to establish h it claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on Monday j the 27th day of April. 1908. i .53 u a enatot ncoln, amhill n thii within as been le house man of ;he last alntance ire him ■»•wrict. in this j jfcnt game cussed at d Stream evening. 9 in evi- e enacted led, were ,n the en- esulti id as Goff; j [sec- rer, Q lO t in g i B- lw a s lay •d. f South For- nd by the ounty Corn- id a piece ¡ginning at ing to the ue, that is Mr. Todd road build* He names as witnesses, Olof Ohlson of Portland, OmJ gon, Mary E. Wilson o f Portland, Oregon, C b srb m Ponuwi, o,.,on. and wm k « ii « t or *“*”*• Oregon. Any and ,1! p-rson, claiming »d.ertcly th , above dee- cribed l.nde are requeeted to (lie their rial ml 1 , thle I office on o t before u ld J7th dey of April, 1T0». AI.GKRNON ». D K XSSaa, R egie!«. ( r i m Pub. feb 10.) Goldenrod Flour Guaranteed ess. be Christian i a success, ling of the cipal feature incheon that ese was en- eeds of th« he affair ¡f4*