THE NEW S And now comes Governor George here of late, is becoming a habit; Chamberlain, full of honors heaped — ■■■.. ........ ^ = ; a sort of sign it to get rid of upon him by the Republicans of Ore­ Published every 1 hursday by The y OU proposition. Mr. Buxton’s gon, and aspires to a seat in the Washington County Publishing Co., i . , , . . . Incorporated. ideas are good and wholesome j United States senate, intimating that --------------7---- ----------------------- and should they be carried out he will support the policies of Theo­ Entered at the post-office at Forest . , , . Grove, Oregon, as second class ^ wl^ make th e famous a w dore Roosevelt. But everybody knows that as Senator Chamberlain, he would mail matter. worth something. vote with his party against Republican Subscription $1.50 Per Year measures that have the endorsement Advertising rates made known on of the President. H e would be given application. minor committee assignments and in short would be able to accomplish lit­ tle or nothing in the way of legislation that would be beneficial to this state. Official Paper Washington C o How long is the Republican party of MANAGER A. E. N o u r s e Oregon to be fooled into electing . . EDITOR ;. F. W o o d s . . Democrats to office?—Oregon City Enterprise. THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1908 OU A R A N TEE WE GUARANTEE ST A T E ACTIVITY NOTES. Senator Fulton is journeying home from Washington to get in the race for the senate in earnest. Perhaps he can find lumbermen from all some issues in this campaign, Ground was broken for the Oregon Building at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition at Seattle Wednesday, the 18th instant, with appropriate ceremo­ nies. That all our Furniture is made right, of the best Materials obtainable, and Finished in a Workmanlike manner. That our Furniture is Unsurpassed in Quality, Durability and Beauty of parts of the The Portland Commercial Club has Finish country and what they had to say decided to move into its new home about the practical value of forestry is May 1st. This building is an eight- naturally of much uublic interest. That we can sell you better goods for the same money than you can buy elsewhere. story steel, covering a quarter block, The secretary of the association in • his annual report recommended that and when completed will cost to ex­ - the wholesalers as a body should eu- ceed $500,000, and be the most com­ t courage in every way the study of for­ plete equipment owned by a popular estry as a part of the regular curricu­ commercial body in the United States. Never in the history of the Pacific lum of the public schools. A report also was received from the delegate Northwest have the wheat exports held appointed to attend the congressional up as they have this season. All * hearing to urge the taking of a census records for foreign shipments were of the standing timber. The report, broken in February, Portland leading -) which pointed out the absolute neces- all the wheat shipping ports of the en­ That should you not be satisfied w ith you r purchase for any s sity of deterrrrning accurately the tire United States with 2,279,792 reason w hatsoever, you m ay return sam e to us and w e w ill cheer­ amount of timber in the country and bushels; Puget Sound was second with 2,056,332 bushels. March figures which carried with it an endorsement fu lly refund m oney paid or give other goods in exchange as you may 1 of the project, was adopted with out a will not fall far behind those for prefer. dissenting voice. The deep interest February. of the lumbermen in the matter of The Schwarzschild & Sulzberger forestry was again manifested when the Packing Company is asking permis ion The News heartily indorses the ideas of A. T. Buxton, program of the meeting was extended of the city of Portland to cover 14 Master of the State Grange, on to permit of the calling upon repre- acres in the suburbs with a plaut j sentatives of the Forest Service to ad­ which will represent an outlay of $1,- the apparent abuse of the initia­ dress the meeting. 500,000. Coming immediately after tive and referendum law, whose The attitude of the lumbermen the definite announcement of the 84,- article appears on another page toward forestry was aptly described 000,000 establishnent which Swift & of this paper. The voters of during the meeting by a wholesaler Company are to build during 1908, Oregon will have for their con­ ■vho said: “ Lumbermen are not inter­ Oregon Stockmen are jubilant over the sideration nineteen measures at ested in forestry or the work of the recognition accorded this section of Forest Service on any theoretical the United States as a packing center. the June election. Some of the grounds, but we look upon forestry as Secretary F. A. Welch of the Oregon measures, should, no doubt, be­ a business proposition solely and what State Board of Agriculture, is asking come laws and some should not. it will return to us in dollars and cents. the cooperation of the various County The voters must judge, no mat­ We all realize that the available supply Courts of the state in arranging for P'lour===AII Grocers ter whether we are qualified or of timber is becoming smaller and exhibits at the State Fair held annually smaller each year and that if we are to at Salem. It requires forethought at not. Even the uninformed leg­ continue in business we must conserve the beginning of the planting season islator has the advantage of the the reply. When I first began busi­ to secure attractive displays, which be­ voter, for he can watch how the ness many years ago we got our white Hard Wheat come of more vital importance each fellow in front of him votes,1 pine and hemlock from Pennsylvania year in view of the immense number of while, we— most of us unin­ exclusively to distribute in the eastern newcomers seeking locations in Ore­ formed, notwithstanding the markets. Today practically all our gon. M a n u fa c tu r e d B Y C r e s c e n t M ills ====Forest Grove imme state’s kindness in furnishing us white pine comes from Michigan and Fruit, dairying and other industries Minnesota and our hemlock from West it Mr. with the measures all printed Virginia and adjoining states. In a of Oregon have all been given their share of publicity, but poultry raising comparatively few years at the present is rarely mentioned outside of the pub­ tie their accounts. Our time is limit­ rate of cutting we will have to go still lications which are either devoted to ed for straightening up our list and we I RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE MY further for our supplies and even sub­ poultry or have a special department trust those in arrears will make all pos stitute and at the same time lumber for it. 85,000,000 annually is a very sible haste and save us any unneces sary embarrassment. Statements of will cost us considerably more, and the conservative estimate of the returns account will be mailed to those who consumer will have to pay the price.” from this industry to Oregon farmers, do not answer this appeal within the and yet thousands of cases of eggs are next thirty days. W a s h . C o . P u b . C o . shipped in every year from the Middle Dated February 13, 1908. West to supply the demand here. Beginning Wednesday March 15th Expert poultry raisers say that the cli­ Vote for Fisher mate of Western Oregon in particular For State Senator and save the fol­ is conducive to very rapid and health­ lowing amount on every trip to Port­ ful growth. There is one community land and all other stations in Oregon ! alone in Southern Oregon that annu- more in the same proportion. S. Senators by direct vote of the For County Clerk. | ally markets between $40,000 and Raleigh 20c Beaverton 25c pie, and I will vote for the Rf?: I hereby announce myself as a can­ ! 850,000 worth of turkeys. Reedville 35c Hillsboro 45c didate for the Republican nomination can nominee who receives the 5» The series of meetings being held Cornelius 50c Forest Grove 55c for County Clerk at the primary elec vote in the Primary Election. by Secretary Tom Richardson of the Dilley 60c Gaston 65c tion, April 17th, 1908, and if I am E arl E. F ishes Oregon Development League, is focus­ Tualatin to show you. Come and see for yourself, 25c Sherwood 40c nominated and elected, I will conduct ing the attention of the whole state. Middleton most reasonable. 45c Tigardville 20c the office efficiently and economically. For Stale Senator. At Ashland there were three enthusi­ MI mm Mnrlc I.. Spluahacrt How much would you save each J. W. B a il e y . In submitting my name to tt« astic gatherings—one at the Normal year? , publican voters of Washington G school, a second at the Commercial If Mr. Harriman can afford to build For State Senator. for State Senator, at the pnoHJ1 College and the last in the evening at a 84,000,000 house in New York, the tion April 17, 1908. I wish to» “ I hereby announce myself a can­ tended by the citizens generally. For people of Oregon can afford to ride on I have no interests to serve b* didate for State Senator, on the Re­ j Medford's meeting a special train from the , railroads for two cents per mile. public interests and if noniii*1 *^ publican ticket, for the Eleventh Sen- Jacksonville brought a hundred and E a r l E. F i s h e r , elected I will support the reP' atoiial District of Oregon, comprising fifty people who came down to partici­ Ä V iV. S T A B f I K , M a n a g e r Candidate for State Senator. 38-tl voters choice for U n i t e d S t a t e s ^ Washington County. pate. Grants Pass was next, then all just and equitable legbafl* If elected I will introduce and work I Roseberg, where the substantial inter- CUUNTY COURT NEW S for the following bills at the next ses county and state betterment && j est aroused was best evidenced by the PROBATE COURT. with economy and will oppos* * sion of the Legislature. raising of 86500 for an immediate cam- i paign. Albany and Stayton had meet­ Estate of Edw. D Kerr, deceased. A two cent fare per mile on all rail­ travagant appropriations of state ^ WM. D. 0 ings on Friday and Saturday. A Com­ Bond of administratrix filed and letters roads in Oregon. the Drai sold way below Portland prices and on easy monthly pay­ mercial Club has just been organized of i administration issued to Ida Kerr. r drama, Select school text books every ten ments. Also a full line of at Bend. Estate of Mary J Sutherland, de­ years instead of six as at present, and 1 Saturda ceased. Inventory and appraisement then only make such changes that are fr. and Nolice to Subscribers. filed and approved. " B Y THE SEX" necessary. >rr. N. D Owing to the fact that the Postoffice Estate of Gandes L Luetscher, de­ Monty there for vo*- * with M Repeal the Hunting License Law. Talking Machines and Records always in stock. Cata­ $50.000 pay roll ffloatt"- Department at Washington, has issued ceased. Final accounl filed and ap­ [o rent—j an order that no weekly newspaper Begin rocking all the roads in Wash­ A country of rie-, • - * a,c5 L * . logues sent free to any address. Ide»l clim ate sud scenic shall give more than one year's credit proved. Estate closed of record. n,a'ar ington county, by spending in each Tt-e !T»«t homo sites. " to a subscriber, without laying itself Price* are low, terms taaj- ^ road district every cent of road tax liable to the first class rate of postage. MARRIAGE LICENSES. agent wanted in T * The leading place in the County for Stationery for Handsome Eooi*‘ levied in said district, for road pur­ The Washington County News wishes John N Heisler and Hessa E Hay­ poses on rock. to notify its subscribers who are in ar­ and School Supplies. rears more than one year that they are den; Gilbert O Murk and Eva L Tul- I am in favor of doing away with requested to come in at once and set- lock. hold up” Legislatures by electing U. WE GUARANTEE m a rs our w a r. HOYT FURNITURE CO F o r e s t G ro v e , Ore. Spring and Summer Opening MILLINERY Mrs. A. E. Dixon THE PARIS MILLINERY PARLOR H igh G ra d e P ia n o s , O rg a n s a n d S e w in g M a ch in es E d is o n a n d C olum bia Main