Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, March 19, 1908, Image 6

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County Treasurer.
I hereby wish to announce myself
Fur Sheriff.
as a candidate for the office of County
I hereby announce myself as a can­ Treasurer subject to the endorsement
didate for the Republican nomination of the republican voters at the Primary
for Sheriff at the coming Primary elec­ election to be held April 17th. If I
tion. If I am nominated and elect­ am nominated and elected I promise
ed I pledge myself to economical to give the office the same close and
end efficient management of the affairs careful attention as I have done in the
of the office and impartial enforce­ past.
w. M. J a c k s o n .
ment of the laws.
C. B. B u c h a n a n .
County Recorder.
I hereby announce myself as a can­
I hereby announce myself as a can­ didate for nomination to the office of
didate before the Primaries for the of­ County Recorder of Washington Coun­
fice of County Assessor on the repub­ ty, subject to the endorsement of the
lican ticket, and if nominated and republican voters at the Primary elec­
If I am
elected, it will be my effort to conduct tion to be held April 17th.
the office in the future, as in the past,
with absolute consistency, and without
fear or favor, and for the best interests
W illis I r e la n d .
of Washington County.
G eo . H. W ilcox .
County Assessor.
Announcement of Geo. G. Hancock.
To the voters of Washington County.
I hereby announce myself as a candi­
date for the office of Sheriff of this
County, subject to the endorsement of
the Republican voters at the ptinarj
election, to be held on April 17, 1908.
If I am nominated and elected 1
will during my term of office, faithfully
and impartially discharge the duties
thereof, and give to the people of this
County an efficient and at the same
time an economical administratron.
I further state that I will give the
business of that office my personal at­
tention, and every man a square deal.
G e o . G. H a n c o c k .
A Famous Actor’s Views on
the •le<^
walking Scene.
Tf-.e first time I read this traced/
Kflrpeetctl to see tile - qiwulltiug seem
played liy Mac-1 ■ ii la lead of tils wife
This scene occurs at the beginning o.
the fifth act, ami not until the gentle
woman ami the doctor converse t"g*:5»
er are we aware of the change In I.ntfj
Macbeth’s character and of the illuesi
that has made her weak. A womaJ
no brutal In her conception and so res
olute In her projects—how could she a
once lose steadfastness, she who wai
capable of saying:
I w o u ld , w h ile it w a s s m ilin g in m y f a c a
H a v e p lu c k e d m y n ip p le f r o m h is b o n *
less gums
A n d d a s h e d th e b r a in s o u t.
Such a woman Is capable of commit
ting auy crime without losing her 1m
passiveness. I should have preferred
not to see her, even in sleep, wash hei
hands of the murder of Duncan, Hot
wicked personality would have appear
ed still greatet.
I do not believe that Shakespeare
meant the sleepwalking scene for Lad)
Macbeth. Have you not noticed ho*i
precise the famous writer was in draw
lug his characters? He always tried
to keep them In the same light front
The undersigned wishes to announce
beginning to end. To my mind it seeitu
his candidacy for the clerkship of Impossible that Lady Macbeth should
Washington county to come before the collapse like that. Instead It wo'ilt!
be more natural in Macbeth. 1 found
primary next April. I have had exper- j this scene so unnatural that 1 cut ll
ience in that office and if elected will 1 out In my version.
The explanation may be something
give the people my best efforts in that
like this: In Shakespeare’s day them
were no women players. Perhaps som*
W. D. S m it h .
of the actors were not satisfied with
the length of their respective parts
Shakespeare, to keep the peace, mad
For County Treasurer.
have shortened Macbeth's speeches and
I hereby announce myself as a can­ given them to somebody else.
The tragedy of Macbeth is a sublliut
didate for the republican nomination
display of tragic passion, a pathetic
for County Treasurer to come before picture o f fate and evil conquering
the repnblican voters of Washington good. There Is no moral, but without
doubt this play may be regarded as
county on April 17, 1908.
tiie greatest work of dramatic liters
I promise, if nominated and elected, 1 ture.—Tommaso Salvijii in Putnam"»
to give strict attention to the duties of [ Monthly.
the office and will turn all interest on
county funds deposited
into the
County Treasury.
H. G. K in g .
Our Beauty, Health and Happiness.
j How Nature Provides.
Are said often to tx' burlotl six feet under
ground. But many times women call on
their family physicians, stilfering. as they
Imagine, one Irotn dysiiepsiu, another from
heart disease, another from liver or kid­
ney disease, another from nervous pros­
tration, another w 1th pain here and there,
and in this way they present alike to
themselves anil their easy-going or over-
busy doctor, separate diseases, for which
he, a -inning tin in to be such, prescril s
his pills and potions. In reality, they are
all only speipinm* caused by some uterine
dlsea-e. I I e^ThysuMan,'Stnorunt of the
in use of suffering,Rvrps up ri*tivatm. at
until large bills are raid«». /14ie^*.qferitig
patient gels no bettci\Jj(wJmiSBo_>< the
wrong treatment, hut pro! aoly wocsIT \
proper >:n‘.'ii'jne I'K" I'r. l’iercc’q FnvnrTiS
J’resi ri Tit ii .ii, lUmtiil I o the muse wonM
Iiave innirely relieved the disease, there­
by dispelling all ttiose distressing symp­
toms, and Instituting comfort Instead of
prolot ge.l misery. It has been well said,
that "a .list a.*e known is half cured."
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription Is a
Scientific medicine, carefully devised by
an exn« rienced and skillful physician,
end adapti d to w oman’s delicate system.
It is made of native American medicinal
roots and is_; ' "eet:r harmless in its
e ffe cts
f ''-b ei.
l l . r r r .o n r p
r -f/l,
Tax Notice.
The taxpayers of
bounty, Oregon, are hereby notified
that the first half of their taxes for the
year 1907, and levied in January,
1908, are now payable and will be­
come delinquent on the first Monday
in April 1908, at which time interest
at the rate of 12 per cent per annum
will be charged, in addition to 10 pier
cent penalty, which said interest will
be computed from the first Monday in
April, 1907.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, Febru­
ary 13, 1908.
J. W. C o n n e l l ,
Sheriff of Washington County, Ore­
I hereby announce myself as a Re­
publican candidate for the office of
County Assessor of Washington County, ;
Is it not possible, ancl altogether prob­
able that elements necessary for the
Oregon, subject to the endorsement of
The Infant Catechism.
body-health are contained in the med­
I.Ittle Rosalie, aged six, was watch icinal roots found in the earth, digested
the Republican voters of this County
lug her mother label some glasses of in the plant laboratory of Nature and
at the Primary election to be held on preserves.
made ready for man or animal ?
April 17th, 1908.
“ Mother,” said she suddenly, ‘‘what
There is a growing belief among scien­
tists that the vegetable kingdom fur­
If I am nominated and elected I kind of preserves does Hod make?”
“ Why, God doesn't make preserves, nishes us with the necessary elements
will during my term of office give all a ' Rosalie,” answered her nstonisheJ for blood making and to keep that deli­
square deal and good service.
parent. “ Whatever made you think cate balance of health that the human
animal is so apt to disturb by wrong
C. E. DEICHMAN. such a thiug?”
methods of living. Thus we know that Gw>te as Much a Carre of Chance at
"Yes, he does, mother.” said the we should get the phosphates from the
Politics or Poker.
child. “ I Bay it every Sunday in Sun­ wheat in our bread—or some cereal
You let down n heavy lump o f lea«!
day school. The teacher says, 'Why foods, and iron from certain vegetables, and two big hooks baited with e.'ams
I hereby announce myself as a R e­ should you love nrnl serve God?" and such as spinach and greens.
If there is ill-health then our best into thirty, forty or sixty feet of wa­
we say. ‘Because he makes preserves
publican candidate for the office ol
method for recovering our standard ter. Then you wait until something
and redeems us.” ’—Lipptncott’s.
balance of health is to go to Nature’s nudges the line or until you suspect
County Clerk of Washington County,
Laboratory—the plant life which will that the hooks are bare.
They Knew Him-
Oregon, subject to the endorsement ol
furnish the remedy.
Then you give the line a quick jerk
“ It seems that Spawnger's acquaint­
Buried deep in onr forests isthe plant
the Republican Primary election to be
known as Golden Beal (Hydrastis) the ami pull in hand over baud, with more
ances are all very shrewd people.”
held in said County, on April 17, 1908.
root of which Edwin M. Hale, .M. D., 1 or less resistance, and see what you
"Did he tell you tha ?”
If elected, I promise a careful, eco­
“ Practically. lie announced the oth- Professor of Materia Medina at Hahne- j have drawn into the grab bag.
j matin Medical College, Chicago, states
It tnay be a silly but nutritions cod,
nomical administration of the affairs of e” day that he doesn’t owe anybody a "In relation to its general tl octs on the gaiiing in surprise at this curious ter­
dollar.” —Leslie’s Weekly.
mination of his Involuntary rise in tho
that office, efficient service and faith­
about which there is such general un­
animity of opinion. It is universally | world, or a silvery haddock, staring at
Foozle Again.
ful performance of dutv.
regarded as the tonic useful in all de­ you with round, reproachful eyes, or
E. J. G o d m a n .
bilitated states." Dr. Hale continues: | a pollock, hanilsome, but worthless, or
"Prof. John M. Scudder says, ‘ It stim­ a shiny, writhing dogfish, whose vil­
ulates the digestive processes, and in­ lainy is written on every line of his
For County Commissioner.
creases tiie assimilation of food. Bv degenerate, chiuless face.
these means the blood is enriched, and I It may be that spiny gargoyle of the
I hereby announce myself as a Re-
this blood feeds tiie muscular system.’ sea, a sculpin, or a soft and stupid hake
bublican candidate for the office of
• I mention the muscular system because
I believe it first feels the increased front the mud flats. It may lie any
County Commissioner of Washington
power impartod by tiie stimulation of one of the grotesque products of Nep­
County, subject to the endorsement of
increased nutrition. The consequent ; tune’s vegetable garden, n sea cucum­
improvement on the nervous and ! ber, a sea carrot or a sea cabbage, or
the Republican voters of this county ,
glandular systems are natural results.” ’ It may be nothing at all.
at the Primary election to be held on
Btillingia or Queen’s root is another
When you have made your grab and
root which lias long been in repute as ! deposited the result, if it be edible, in
April 17th, 1908. If I am nominated
an alterative (blood purifier) and Prof.- |
and elected I will during my term of
John King, M. D., says of it: "A n 1 the barrel which stands in the middle
alterative unsurpassed by few if any ! of the boat, you try another grab, and
Office, give careful and conservative
other of the known alteratives; most j that’s the whole story.
successful in skin and scrofulous afioc- j It Is astonishing how much amuse­
tions. Beneficial in bronchial affections i ment apparently sane men get out of
A. B. T odd .
—permanently cures bronchitis—relieves j such a simple game as this. The in­
irritation—an important cough remedy ! terest lies, first, lit the united effort to
County Assessor.
of years’ standing being cured. I
Caddie to Foozle (who has slowly —coughs
Aids in blood-making and nutrition, I fill the barrel, and. second, in the ri­
I hereby announce myself as a can­ hacked his way to the first hole)—Wull and may be taken without harm foi valry among the fishermen as to which
of them shall take In the largest cod
long periods.”
didate for nomination to the office of ye be gon’ the whole round?
Foozle—Yes. of course. Wy?
Nearly forty years ago, Dr. R. V. or the greatest number of haddock,
County Assessor of Washington County
Caddie -Duly they'll 1«? wantin’ the Pierce of Buffalo, N. Y ., combined ar these being regarded as prize packages.
subject to the endorsement of the links tomorrow. It’s medal day.—Tat extract of the two above roots, t< gethet The sculpin and the sea vegetables
with that of Stone root, Black ( i nry- may be compared to comic valentines,
republican voters at the Primary elec­
bark, Bloodroot, Mandrake and Glyc­
erine—into a prescription which he put I which expose the recipient to ridicule.
tion to be held April 17th. If I am
Bett.ng on a Sore Thing.
op trt a ready-to-use form, and called I The dogfish are like tax notices and
Jack—I’ m going to receive a great Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. ! assessments—the man who gets one of
nominated and elected I promise to
many cigars and half a dozeu pipes ft was most successful in correcting! them gets less than nothing, for they
give the office close and careful atten­
on Christmas.
and curing such ailments as were due count against the catcher. It is quite
tion and a strict performance of duty.
Tom—What makes you think so?
to stomach and liver derangements, as much a game of chance ns politics
Jack Why. I stopped smoking two followed by impure blood.
M a x C r a n d a l l .
or poker. You do not know on which
In cases of weak stomach, ind ges-
days ago.—Judge.
side of the boat the good fish are hid­
County Sheriff.
or bowels, torpid liver, or biliousness, den.
High Enough.
the "Golden Medical Discovery” has I Y'ou cannot tell the difference be­
I hereby announce myself as a Re­
“ How high do these automobiles never been excelled as a tonic and in- | tween tiie nibble of a cod and the bite
publican candidate for the office o come?” asked (he prospective buyer.
vigorator which puts the affected or­ of a dogfish. Y'ou have no idea of
“Oh. they come high enough for you gans "in time” and enables them to what is coming to you until you have
County Sheriff of Washington County,
to get under them when there’s auy perform their proper functions.
hanltHl in almost all of your line and
Oregon, subject to the endorsement ol
Phis alterative and tonic is indicated caught sight of your allotment wrig­
trouble," replied the salesman.—Yon­
the Republican Primary election to be kers Statesman.
backache, in fact "ache ail over.” gling and whirling in the blue water.
held in said County on April 17, 1908.
When your appetite is gone, tongue Sometimes you get twins.—Scribner’s.
A Ranking Theory.
furred, had taste in month, foul breath,
If elected, I promise a careful, eco­
Free Lunch For a Lion.
First Heiress Do you know what 1 when you feel weak, tired, blue ar.d
nomical administration of the affairs ol think a lion t these husbands of rauk?
n e was selling suspenders on the
discouraged, then is the time to take
this natural restorative of Dr. Pierce. street, but ho declare«! that in his
Second Ditto- What do yon think?
that office, efficient service and faith­
First Heiress That they are apt to "Golden Medical Discovery” is not a palmy days be bad been Professor
ful performance of duty.
be rank husbands Baltimore Ameri­ recret. or patent medicine, because all Plccolomlnl, tiie lion tamer.
its ingredients arc printed on the bottle
J o h n c . K u r a t u .
“ YVliat made you give It up?” he
wrapper. It contains no alcohol, ot
other harmful, habit-forming agents— was asked.
Didn’t Cst a Patent.
“ Well, you see It was tills way. Once
Among the strange applications w hirl chemically pure, triple - r« fined glyc-
For Sheriff.
reach the patent «dice one tiled some cerine being used as a solvent and pre­ I was engaged to tame a lion called
Frederick Parbaroesa. who was cer­
I hereby announce myself as a can­ y e a ’s ago was most extraordinary, it servative.
A good medical book, written in
didate for sheriff of Washington County. being a petition for a patent for an ant plain English, and free frt m technical tainly a wild proposition.
“ nut I was equal to the task. By
Oregon, at the Repuplieau Primary guard which consisted In merely draw- terms :s a valuable work for frequent slow nml gradual steps I taught Fred­
lug a chalk mark around a table or consultation.
Such a work is Dr. erick goor manners. I us«>d to walk
nominating election, and announce other place by which It was claimed Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad­
Into Ills cage, snap a whip, make him
that if I secure tne republican nomina­ the approach of ants was stopped It viser. It's a hook of 10t S pages, pro­
It is given awav do stunts and nil that sort of thing.
seems that chalk makes an ant s legs fusely illustrated.
tion for Sheriff of Washington County,
slip as soaping a track prevents a rat'* now, although formerly sold in cloth Everything went along beautifully.
and am elected that I will give said of­ way engine front starting. The petl binding for *1. 0. Bend ” 1 cents, in Put I «>t into trouble when I tried to
one-cent stamps, to pay for cost «if teach Frederick to eat out of my
fice all of my time and personal attention t[on was novel and caused c us il. ra- mailing only for paper-covered copy, ha nil.”
ble amusement. The application how­ addre dug Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buft.i o,
and will endeavor to give an efficient ever. was refused on the gr- und that
N. Y'.; or hi cents for an ehgat.tly
"Why. he ate three fingers out of
administration of the affairs of said of­ there was nothing new in the Inven­ cloth-bound copv.
Dr. IVrce's Pleasant Pellets regu­ tny hand, confound him! Have a pair
fice and perform all of the duties there­ tion, that chalk had been used for such late and invigorate stomach, liver and of suspenders? They work without
purposes before and that such ideas
bowels. One a laxative, two or three b telling. Twenty-five cents.” — New
of in a corscientious manner.
were not patentable.
cathartic. Easy to take as candy.
, York Times.
F r a n k T. K a n e .
in s u r a n c e
lI\ L d
ra m s
baniers ud
O f F o r e s t G r o v e , O regon
• —is r u n
. .
B e s t a n d C h e a p e st
Most Grcoers Seil
r r :
Every sack guaranteed
fa n ttfij
“ As a powerful invigorating tonic "Fa­
vorite Prescription” imparts strength to
the w hole sy.-tem and to tho organs dis­
tinctly feminine in particular. For over­
worked. "worn-out.” run-down.” debili­
tate«! teachers, milliners, dressmakers,
seamstresses, "shop-girls,” house-keepers,
nursing mothers, and feeble women gen­
erally, Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription
Is the greatest earthly boon, being un-
equalcd as an appetizing cordial and re­
storative tonic.
As a soothing and strengthening nerv­
ine " Favorite Prescription ” is ui,equaled
and is invaluable hi allaying and sub­
duing nervous excitability, Irritability,
nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration,
neuralgia, hysteria, ,-pasms. St. Vitus’s
dance, and other distressing, nervous
symptoms commonly attendant upon
functional and organic disease of the
uterus, it i n d u c e refreshing sleep and
relieves mental anxiety and despondency.
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets invigorate
the stomach, liver and bowels. One to
three a dose. Easy to take as candy.
T H T T ^ IP
Made of selected Ea tern C ' g o n Hard What
it produces more loaves of bread than any other
fiour and tile loaves arc ligh’ er at d waiter. Et-
cause of the increased quantity of hr. ad ¡roduetd
the cost is no higher than for other flours.
Ask your Grocer for It.
fìtiong Lk.o ’ S
White «hlrt
- 10c drawers
White Skirts -
10c While Waists
Undershirts -
8c Stockinet
2c Collars
Men’s White Vests H) 15c pants
10 to 50 Underskirts
Forest Grove Time Table
8 *o
- 10 io
15 to
10 20c Dusters
7 departs f :t0 a. m ., arrives at Portland SOC d I
8:50 a m.,
1:30 p m .,
jiSCt I
4:44 p. m.,
6:35 * j I
2 Iv. Portland 7:00 a. m. Iv. Foiest Grove 8:3«
11:00 a. in., ar. “
" 4:10 p. m., Iv. “
" 5:40 p m., ar. "
- 20c Dor. Napkins
- - ?C.
E C. S im p s o n , Agent I
• W. E. COMAN, General freight c|
Passenger Agent, Portland.
The following articles 50 c per doi
Bed Sheets, Table Cloths, Night Gowns
Drawers, Underwear, Aprons and Corse (
Pacific Avenue
Forot f
9.eal Estate and Corpo
«ion Law a Sp
bad Eatables
b'orest Grove,
E verybod y
Pacific Ava.
City St aving Parlors
to be had, but this is to
remind you to g iv e
For the Be t t’ n ‘ o date Work.
Baths t> ific A” “ .Foiest Oro-i.
a call.
F orcit (¡liai
haal Turncuis
we keep the best Meats
•* J M
m m & GORDON
r 7 i suro, v s ra bl es
Hines' Sin
A. I. Wirtz, Proprietor
ns £ Co.
S . A .
: ; Litton
Eczema and Pile Cure
K now ing what it Is to suffer. I will
I tV L L
FKEK «>F C H ARG E, to any it”. .< t d a
tive cure for L .7
. Sail Rheum. Erysipel;.:»
and Skin Diseases, hssiam relief
Don • suffer
W ri'e F W. W illia m s, MJ0 Manhattan Avenue.
Enclose stau.o
M u s ic a l
L e a d :. } '
I **f> ” v* •
is f. N T a U .
H e c iia l.
Last Wednesday in Brighton chapel
the Junior musical pupils gave a recital
including seventeen numbers. The
program represented the work "of pu-
pi.s under Prof. Chapman, Miss Shee-
hy, Miss Clapp, Miss Sewell and Miss
The whole recital showed
c .reful preparation in the students and
a marked advancement on the part of
many. Owing to the large number of
sit dents
and in­
termediate departments there will be
another recital next Wednesday after­
noon at four o’ clock.
• son atisi
ow e*
1 «»‘ O v e
», L. .‘ tii-ijif
e, Oregon
W . L Cady
H. Hartley
Real Esiato Invesimenis
Leans & Insurance
Rents Goilectßf
A W om an Finds All Her En­
ergy and Ambition Slip­
ping Away
Forest Grove women know how the
aches and pains that come when the
kidneys fail make life a burden. Back­
ache, hip pains, headache, dizzy spells,
distressing urinary troubles, all tell of
sick kidneys an warn you of the steal­
thy approach of diabetes, dropsy and
Bright’ s disease. Doan’ s Kidney Pills
permanently cure all these disorders.
Here’ s proof of it in a Forest Grove
woman’ s words:
Mr*. J. Van Doneltn. liring on Pacific A r e ., Fore«
Grove, Ore. *ay*:
I suffered from this complaint
for some time and my back finally became so weak and
painful that 1 was scarcely able to do my household
My kidneys were disordered, the seretions very
unnatural causing me great difficulty and annoyance at
OfS »,1
Fortst Srov*
It w ill
buy D a g s , erto
have all prescriptions
“ I was f reatlv benefltted by the u*e
of Doan's Kidney Pills.
Office in Times Building
I tried two or three different kinds of remedies,
filled at
D ru g
for K odak ar.d Cam­
but found no relief until Doan's Kidney Pills were
brought to my attention, and I procured a box.
era supplies.
trouble has entirely left me and I am now enjoyinf
good health.
I wish all women suffering from kidney
complaint to use Doan's Kidney Pills and they will
well satisfied with the results obtained.’ 1
For sale by all dealers.
Price SO
cents. Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo.
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name— Doan’ s— and
take no other.
News and Pacific Monthly $2.00.
D r . I l i n e s ' 7 si
D R lG