eculiar to Itself n com b in a tion , p ro p o rtio n and process, H o o d ’s Sarsaparilla therefor q Peculiar to Itself in m erit, sales and cures, . I t is m ade from th e b est b lo o d y u rifying, alterative and i n i r r o H i o n f o by h t r c su t i ch rn n r io -in n iJ n Q p n ecu f ' / ' l l lia lin r r m eth od s I as K t to n to n in"* ic ingredients origin al l and retain the full m edicin al va lu e o f each and all. T h e severest form s o f scrofu la, salt rheum , catarrh, rheu- atism , dyspepsia, and d eb ility are cu red ev ery d a y by H o o d ’s S a rsa p a rilla S o ld b y druggists, io o doses $ i . — WHAT CAUSES MfADACNf J From October to May. colds are the most frequent cause o f headache. L A X A T IV E BKOMO QUI. NINE removes cause. E. W. Grove on box. ¿¿c- S y r u p r ffig s I ^ ’Elixiri'JiSennft Cleanses tlie Sy.stom Effect- ally, Dispels (old s and ffend- l acnes due to Constipation; Acts naturally, acts I* iily as a Laxative. ---------------------------- U tte r ( A n ta g o n la m . “ Why don't those angry statesmen settle their old-time differences with a ! tight to a finish?" asked one congress- , man. "N o use suggesting it," answered the ; other. “ They couldn't he sufficiently harmonious even to agree on the condi­ tions of a fight."— Washington Star. A C oncerted R roadu lde. B e s t for.MenWmien on J Child­ When those twenty-six pianola pi­ anos on board the big fleet are banging r e n -y in in jJ and O ld . o ¿et .its llenejieiul E||ccts the Genuine which name oj the Com- CALIFORNIA p o it is manufactured. S y r u p C o . printed on the by whom front of every package. SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. one size only, regular price 50* per bottle. INSURE YOUR HEALTH a ™ COMFORT on stormy days by wearing a towrr l * — Z' *ISH MM® away at the same time it will take a nervy enemy to stand up and face the concerted broadside.—Cleveland Plain Dealer. 1 Liirhta on Literature. T h e r a is O n l y Q t:a “ Brom o G win ine” T h a t Is La xo iive B rom o Quinine DA T. O S CO T H E W O R LD O V E R T O C U R E A D O L O IR O R E O Always remember the full /or this signature on name, eve y box Look 25c. êW A SEND FIFTY CENTS In silver and 5 cents postage for our new portfolio "ARCHITECTURE OF DOSE, WEST & RE1N0EKL’’ Containing the views, floor plans, ap­ proximate costa and other da’ a o f about 60 residences: bungalows: store, flat and apartrnant buildings, etc., etc. i* V. A DOSE, WEST i RE1N0EHL $2600.00 Contracting Architects Will Build Th-a Modern &-Room H our « Special price of complete plans, specifi­ cations and details only $15.00 Oriental Block. Dept- F SEATTLE, WASHINGTON mm . . . . . .. . tH OCS AT ALL r PRICES, FOR E V E R Y ' MEMBER O f T H E F A M I L Y . MEN. s o y s . WOMEN. M 'SSC S a n o c h il d r e n ** W. L. O i w f f / t a mmksm a n d mafia m o ra * * o n ’ s $ 2 .3 0 , ta.O O %nd %3.BO mh&aa '*** th a n a n y o f / » « « m a n u f a c t u r a * in thm ~ r id , b a c a urna i h a y h a éJ t h a l r ^ A n ,, f i t b a t t a r , w a a r io n çta r, a n d • et or n r a sta r waima than a n y o tba r fn tha ararld t o - d a y . i *• L O««?« *4 >nd $5 6* figs Shoe-, Canti Be Equalled *1 A"I **"—»«*• sT u V ™ ” W I. [> s|Ul i,l ta « . T - * i on kc-’t-NW TairVa «-».«la»«». W. I . n o l f c U * » , B r w k m s u — - One Independent V iew . The Kind You Hava Always Bought QwnDoctor If he tells you to take Ayer’s C h e r r y Pectoral for y ou r severe cough or bro n ch ial trouble, then take it. If he has anything better, then take that. But we know what he will say; for doctors have used this cough medicine over 60 years. I - have useil A ror’s __ _____ Chen errv rectoral for hard colds, *ls. bsd - * concha, snd tnflu»____ utnsa. It t done me great Kr . _ »rood, . . . . and ___ 1 . believe ______ _________ It Is the _ _ heat con ili me,Meine In the world for all throat sud luti# troubles.” fci-l C. STl'ABT. Albany. Oregon. S Au by J. C. Ayer Co.. Lowell. Also luanufkoturere o f SA6S4PAK1UA. PILLS. MAIS VI00«. Keep th e bow el9 open w ith o n « of Ayer’s Pills a t b e d tim e , ju s t one. With seventeen mills en g ag ed exclo- sively in the business. (Jeruiany leads la fhe manufacture of tissue paper. IT ’S F R E E “ SE N D F O R IT N O W ” The Best Fruit Tree and Berry Plant Catalog in the Northwest J. J. BUTZER 192 Front St. Portland. Oregon ST PATRICK \W By J. L. Ash lock, Washington State College, Pullman. Drove all the snake, from r s it ; m u ie T eam BORAX IR E LA N D 8-JACOBS OIL A heaping teaspoonful to a gal­ lon of hot w ater w ill cleanse your dishes, plates, cups, earth­ enw are, cutlery and kitchen utensils from dirt and grease, leaving neither taste nor smell. Drives all aches from the body, cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia a a d C O N Q U E R S PAIN 25c.—ALL DRUGGISTS— 50c. All don I cm. Hnniplo. Booklet And l’nrlor ('nrd Clama W HIZ" 10c Pacific roast Bora* t’o . . Oakland. Oal. No. 1 1 -0 « P N U rrltIn ir t o a i l v f r t l a a n i p l e M t ou i b i s p a p a r . I 54 >2 17 60 ,0 54 53 49 50 53 .41 .48 .49 .50 V istor 1:oln, WHERE DID CHARLES SWEENEY GET HIS WEALTH? Agricultural C'ub at Idaho University I nhill j this j ithin been •< àC. muse in of ; last ,tance By J. H. Frandson. Idaho Experiment Station, Moscow The formation of an Agricultural club on the 19th of December marked an Important event in the history of the I agricultural department of the uni ver- j 8ity of i,laho. The club is intended to promote a more lively feeling toward** agricultural work among the student and to interest the f inner* ol the state j in the college. Several methods w illl be used in carrying out this work, the principal one of which will be the p ib- | Hailing of a magazine known as the Ida­ ho Student Farmer. Tue first and only number of the present scholastic year will be published in a short time. Be­ ginning next fall a quarterly w ill b** printed. This magazine will take np subjects of the utmost interest to farm­ ers and to agricultural students. Your name and 10 cents to cover poetaire sent to tbe Idaho Student Farmer, Universi­ ty of Idaho, Moscow, will secure a copy of the first number. O f Interest to Farmers, The following publications of interest to farmers and others have been issued by the Agricultural department of the Federal government and will l e furn­ ished free, so long as they are availa­ ble. except where otherw ise noted, up­ on app'ication to the Superintendent of D cum ents, Government Printing Office, Washington, I). C.S Circular No. M — Ini.-ation in the Valley of Lost River, I laho. By Albert Eugene W ilght, agent ano expert, Irri- gttion Investigations, office of e x je i • •nent stations. Pp. 24. Bulletin No. 73.— Irrigation in I e Rock? Mountain States. By J. C Ulrich. Pp. 64, pis. 10. Price 10 cents. Explains the agricultural con ­ ditions prevailing and the methods o l ; acquiring and using water for irrigation pr.ctired in that portion of the arid region cov eiel more parti'-ularly by the states of Co'orado, Wyoming Utah, Idaho and Montana, in which the core ditions and inehods are Sumew 1 at sim ­ ilar. I i te Old Superstition Refuted. A«l»tnah ES u. M u ta .^ tn tu a a ta in a a ■ . . . The results of an experiment, which for the past fifteen years has been in progress at the state experiment sta­ tion, completely refutes the old super­ stition that a cold January and Febru­ ary is apt to be followed by a warm March and April, or that one year of an average low temperature is apt to be followed by a year in which the temperature w ill average higher. Profess- r George Severance now has the compilation of the weather data in charge, and states the sommai ization of results as follows: "F o r the past fifteen years the ex Q n e e n o f t h e S e an . periment station has kept a close rec­ B<*bby DuBarry— I’d have you know ord of the temperature of each day of that my ancestors came over on the the year, striking an average between the temperature of morning and oveu- Mayflower. Tommy Tuff—Dat so? Why dtdn't ! *ng’ wh 'ch we call the ‘ mean tempera­ ture.’ Having kept the record for a iey com# over on the Lucytania? month the custom has then been to get the average ‘ mean’ for the entire Deafness Cannot Be Cured In this way we have com ­ by local application», as they ca n n ot reach tha month. diseftst'tl j> irtion o f tho ear. '1 here in o n ly out pared the temperatures of each period vay to cu re deafness, anti that is by co n stitu ­ tion al rem edies. Dearness is c&uaea by an in- of January and February with the tem­ flam* d c o n d itio n o f the m ucou s lin in g o f the perature of the following March and E ustachian 1 ube. W hen this tube is inflam ed vou have a ru m b lin g sound or im n e r fjc t hear­ April periods for the past fifteen years, ing, a d w hen it is entirely clo se o , Deafness is and we find that the variations from the res t it . and unless the inflam m ation ean be taken o u t and t h ii tube restored to its norm al the rule for determining what the tem co n d itio n , hearing w ill be d estrov ed fo r e v e r ; perature of spring will be by the tem­ nine cases o u t o f ten are caused by Catarrh w h ich is n o th in g but an inflam ed c o n d itio n oi perature of winter, of one year by aver­ the m u cou s surfaces. aging the temperature of another, are We w ill g iv e One H undred Dollars for any ease o f Deafness (caused by ca tarrh ) that can- so frequent that it is proved that the not he cu red by H a ll’s Catarrh Cure. Send for weather of one year or month, or sev­ circulars, free. eral months, is absolutely no index to F J. CHENEY A CO., T oled o, O. Sold bv Druggists. 75c. what subsequent temperatures w ill b e ." Walter Scott bad Just writtsn “ Kenll* worth." “ I’ ve a groat mind to immortalise Win- nrrka next.” h4 said. “ Evanston and Wilmette, of course, are Impossible." Perhaps— who knows?— the great nov- elist had been haled before magistrates in thoso two towns and fined for exceeding the speed limit.—Chicago Tribune. K t l q n e t t n S lot I n v o l v e d . Mrs tieudrlcks (the landlady)—Can I help yon to tome more soup, Ur. Du in ley ? Mr. Huntley— No, thanks. Mrs. Hendricks (engagingly— Don’t refuse. Mr. Dumley. because It Isn't considered good form to be helped twice to soup. We’re not particular people here. Mr. Dumley—Oh. etiquette has noth­ ing to do with It. madam. It's the soup.— IVarson's Weekly. “ l o r my p a r t .” said .M r,, L ap-din g, tures, ttie subjects of which he gathered s tro n g fe e lin g, "I think a m an that i while abroad. President Bryan’s trip 1 was something in the nature of an in ­ ; a bu ses his horse sh o u ld be in ca rs o n a te d vestigation of modern education, both , at once. We ought to exercise th e utm ost io u sn e ss to d um b b r u t e s .C h i- technical and classical, as found in the o a b g se o q u Tribune. inoft advanced and greatest educational Only One ‘ ‘ 3ROMO QUININE.” institutions of nations. Before leaving T t a t t a l.A X A T .V K RR-'M O O l'IX IN It. I.not fo r the signature o f K. W. UROVE. lTsed the America he visited several of America’ s W orld over to Cure s Void iu One Pay. 26c. most famous institutions, and both in England aud on the continent called at 11« O n ly l a c k . For Infant* and Children. the w orld's beet known centers of learn Nevada Man— 1 tell you, sir, nature has done a great deal for this State. ing. His conclusions were recently Tourist (from, the Hast)— Why, yea. stated as follows: All you need is to get a few people to “ I believe the time is not remotely come and live here.—Chicago Tribune. distant when the educational institu­ tions of the West, meaning the western St. Vitas' PtBue ana all Nervous Dla m ea part of the United States, will be fully i-rm m iantl y c u r e d b y D r. K li n e ’ s Ur**at H is O b s t in a t e D is p o s it io n . e s to r e r. s e n d A*r F K K K #2 tria l b o t tle ati«J as efficient, and as famed as the best Mrs. Kauler— I hope you are all well. tre a tis e . D r. K H.K11.1«-, Ld. WJl A r c h a t .. P h U i.i* * . universities and colleges of the old Mrs. Xnybur—O, yes, we're well world. The tremendous fund of natu­ enough now— particularly my husband. K u r i l I t 1 .1 k « m B o o k . ral wealth In Western states, the rapid That's what provokes me. Ail the rest Night School Teacher— 1 don't sup- development row in progress, the geo­ of us have had the grip, but he won’t j pose, of course, that any of you boys is graphical position with reference to the even take a slight cold. fumiliar with Virgil. new commercial empire cf the Pacific, Bhaggy Haired Pupil— I ort to he. and the wide awake nature of Western PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. ma'am. It's about six miles from Spoou people make these things certain. PAZO OINTMKXT is g u s-a n teed to cu re snv river. I was born there. o f Itching, B lin i. b le e d in g or P rotru din g Never again will men have a We.-tern esse Piles in s to W d ata or m oney refunded. 60c. frontier to look to when seeking new Mo aers w ill find Mrs. W in slow 's Soothing Syrup tho b at rem edy to U30 tor i b . i r ch ildren flo o d In te n tio n s . homes for the expansion o'. new ideas. l u r i n g ills leuthlug period . “ So.” «aid tbs banker, severely, “ you Humanity has made its path around the globe, and now, at the journey's end, are hoarding these new gold pieces!" A n P n t s r l o s s t . I n te r r u p tio n . the Pacific coast, muBt there bs an up “ No," said the common citizen, “ I “ George was Just going to proposs to building, and intensive, rather than ex­ am not exactly hoarding them. But I me last night.” tensive, development of all institu­ feel that their artistic influence la so “ And wliat happened?” tions. What this means to the people bad that it is my duty to keep as many "A tire blew up, and then he couldn't of the West thby do not at present fully of them as possible out of the hnudi of think of anything else.”—Cleveland comprehend. But the progress ol the public.” — Washington Star. Plain Dealer. events nowadays is very rapid, and the work of these new forces w ill be evi­ dent within only a few years." Taue H a il’s Fam ily P ills for con stip ation . Clean - Light D urable I S * Soreness and S t.ffoeet. Over exertion, too long continued exere'ee sitting in draft for example, cooling off when overheated, indeed anything that tends to check suddenly the surface circulation, will produce that wearied, sore feeling recognized as soreness ar d stiffness. The best treat­ ment uud quickest is tc start up cncu- Intion by rubbing the sore or stiff part w ith a soft but reasonably rough sub­ stance, likeucrsBli or Turkish towel, and apply St. Jacobs Oil freely with gentle friction. Side I T h e l autsl W m y. The doctor had told one of hti beat, President Bryan Compares Schools but the professor did net crack a smile. “ You and that story have m*i before, With Those of Europe. perchance,*' he said. Pres dent E. A. Bryan, of the W a sh -' “ Yes.” answered the professor; “ per >ngton state college, has returned from Chauucey M. IVpew.** C A S T O R IA B egin to take it today. O ** U q For those who prefer 1 same curative properties as the liquid form, besides W C < r 9 (IIC lU 9 medicine in tablet accuracy o fd .s e , «ODvcnUnce, econom y.—there form, Hood's Sarsaparilla is now put up in choco- be no loss by evaporation, breakage or leakage lateJ tablets called Sarsatabs. as well as in the bold by druggists or sent prom ptly by mnlL usual liquid form. Sarsatabs have identically the . C. I. lio o d Co., Lowell, Mass. P o etin J u s t i c e ? The “ Peacock Throne” of Persia is 1 the most extravagant thing of the kind To fit bis thieving hardihood. His meanness small and rank. In the world. Its value is estimated be­ tween ten and fifteen million dollars. ; The man who jumps his board bill should I Be made to walk the plank. ! —PhiluHalnhia Pro«« W t S I IS ADVANCING. : him •♦»iet. » this w |HY did the O. R. & N. build into Washington? LEAD MINES. morial? MINES. The answer: MINES MINF:S — W H AT MADE Senator Stanford and built his beautiful me­ Why not such results since mining is the staple industry o f the world? LEAD IS REGULAR A N U CERTAIN, the market always calling for more and more, while the price does not fluctuate as with other o f the baser metals. MILLIONS HAVE BEEN MADE FROM LEA I), and the heat part o f the story is the fact that the mall investor has always had an equal chance with the man o f large means. M ANY A POOR FARMER, tailoring man, mechanic and employe have come into vast riches by small investments in lead. WE OFFER YOU THE SAME OPPORTUNITY accepted by Sweeney, Spokane's millionaire, and the same opportunity accepted by other Spokane men who built the City o f Spokane, by placing on the market the first block o f treasury stock o f THE AM ERICAN LEAD MINES C O M P A N Y - 100,000 shares at FIVF: CENTS PER SHARE. Our company is incorporated under the laws o f the State o f Washington; capital stock $1,500,000; no debts; no incumbrance; property paid for; stock nonassessable. OUR MINES ARE LOCATED but fifty miles from the famous Cœur d ’ Alenes District. We are in the same mineral belt and lie between that district and Rossland, British Columbia -e ig h t miles from Idaho and six miles from the British Columbia boundary. being done the year round. Our climate is equable, open and mild, work There is great activity on every hand at Metaline; largo operators are turning in that direction and she bids fair to rival the camps in the Cœur d'Alenes. DON’T OVERLOOK PRICE IS LOW . the magnificent opportunity to BU Y W H ILE TH E Full particulars upon application. The L. Y. Ready Investment Co. 3 3 7 - 3 3 9 Chamber of Commerce Portland, Oregon 1*1« Peel the squash a ye !>w one—snd cut Into pie c i , Ces r with wate enough to keep It fpc.i burning and Rub it through S t e w until very soft. a sfere, add to a quart of the pulp a Quirt o f milk, one cup <>f sugar, ^ight eggs lieiteq very light, sud -pi >* to taste. B»-at well, pour Into in .,p--n crust snd bake until "set." A ten spoon fnl o f pulverized alum c o tto n equally w e ll 1 C olor m ore g o o d s brighter s n d faster c o l o n than a n y oth er a y e - O n e lO ^ e c S a g e c o lo r » n te for free booklet mixed with the common stove polish Q uincy, annotai I E w ^ t Ì £ £ £ t a « . , , u1“ - A*k ° , W W H o È D m v ^ c o u f A i r ^ i win give a wonderful polish. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES juth For- by thè bty Com- a piece nning at { to thè , thst is Ir. Todd ad build- Christian success, g of the isti feature heon that t was en- ds ol » £ affair ’ She me to