Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, February 27, 1908, Image 7

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>ra than men, says Dr. MoComb, and
reason la that their nervous orfanlaa-
>na are more delicate. True, and Hood’s
h a pa rllla is Just the nerve-builder, ap­
petite-giver, and blood-purifler they need.
In d ig e s tio n S Y e a r s - 'I wm troubled
With indigestion for ihree year». I road of
Hood'» Saraapariila and tried it. After tak
Ing a number of bottle» I was completely
pored." M h i . J. II. H alley . DeSoto, M j .
N e rv o u s , In P a in , N o A p p e t it e -
*THa l poor health for years, pain in shoulders,
bark and hips, with constant headache, ner
YOu«ne»s and no appetite. Took Hood's Sar
•aparilla. gh’ ued strength and can work hard
all da y. eat h artily and sleep welL” Mae. E.
O iyfcls . Moose Lake. ¿linn.
l). S. Suprema Court Upholds
Likiüs Uw.
A. Doctors
M edicine
All O regon Represented by Floats In­
dicative o f Its Resources.
Portland’ s gieat annual institnlon,
tlie Hone Festival, which was inaugu­
E v e r y part o f th e bod y la dependent on the blood fo r nourishm ent and
rated last June under inch auspice us
W h e n th is lif e stream is flo w in g th rough the system ia a state o f
oircumatraces, w ill, thla coming June, Btreugth.
be consummated on a grate to broad p u rity and richness w e are assured o f p erfect nnd uninterrupted h e a lth ;
a _ gain st disease. W
hen, , ______—,
h ow ever.
and grand that it w ill have a general because . p ure b lood is n a tu re's safe-guard
appeal to the whole etate of Org. on, the bod y is fed o a w eak , im p u re o r p o llu ted blood, th e system u d e p riv e d o f
and an individual appeal to every com- lts stren gth , disease g e r m s c o lle c t, nnd th e trou b le is m anifested in v a r io u *
m unity in the commonwealth. The w ays. P u stu lar eru ptions, p im p les, rashes and th e d ifferen t shin «fle c tio n »
gr.-cd jubilee, which w ill be one rouud Bhovr th at th e blood is ia a fe v e r is h aud diseased c o a a n io n as a resu lt o f too
of pleasure for the whole week begin- m uch acid o r th e presence o f s o m e ir r ita tin g humor. Sores aud U lc e rs a t «
ning Monday, June I, and ending in a tb e resu lt o f m orbid, u n h e a lth y m a tte r i a th e blood, and Rheum atism , C a-
A ,,e m P* 10 H ‘ V C * O n . Law Against
blar.e of glory the following Saturday tarrh, Scrofula, C on ta gio u s b lo o d T o is o n , etc., are a ll deep-seated b lo o d
rmv* ma psruinr.jnt r.liyf- I r«eomm*n-l
Another a- u Escape Penalties
night, is not for Portland or Portland disorders th a t w ill con tin u e t o g r o w w orse a s lo n g ns th e poison rem ain s,
Hood'sSarssfarilU” Mas A ns H utchixsox .
C om pletely hoiled.
people alone.
i These im pu rities and poisons fin d th e ir w a y in to th e b lood in various w a y s .
Lafar-n... Col.
Hood's Sarsaparilla Is »old STerywhrre.
Oue of its most spectacular and b iil- O ften a s lu g g is h , in a ctive con d ition o f th e system , an d to rp id state o f the
In tbs usual liquid, or in tablet form called
Hunt features is t-> be the magnit cent »v e n u es o f b o d ily waste, leaves th e refu se and w aste m atters to sour and
“ I hare u#od a great deal of Ayer’« Cherry
Pectoral for cough« ami hard cold« on the
S a rs a la b a . 100 Dosea One Dollar. Pre-
street pageant. This ia a com petitive form uric and oth er acids, w h ich are tak en up b y th e b loo d and distributed
WasEiington, Feb. 25.— One o f tEie
cheat. It hs* always «lone me eroat good. It
event open to all cities and towns of th ro u gh ou t th e circulation . C o m in g in con tact w ith c on ta g iou s diseases is
pared only by C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass. m ain contentious by which the r a il­
1« ccrtaiulj a most wonderful cough medi­
c i n e . M ichakl J. K itzobkald . Medford.
Oregon outside of the Koae City. There another cause fo r th e p o is o n in g o f th e b lo o d ; w e a ls o breathe th e g erm s and
roads which gave and the corpora-
N .i
w ill be grand pm ea, the lapitai prise m icrobes c f M alaria in to ou r lu n gs, and w h en th ese g e t in to th e b lood in
^ io u s which received rebates hoped
It Surprised Her*
lfioda b * 3 . 0 . A j o t Co., L o w e ll. M
to escape punishment was swept H
being a princeiv Bum in carh with a Sufficient q u a n tity it becomes a carrier o f disease instead c f health. Som a
Aleo masufeoturera of
“ When my husbund was In Spain
aw ay today by a decision o f the
number of costly souvenir oups and are * ° u n fortunate as to in h e rit bad b loo d , perhaps th e d re g s o f som e old
last yaar,
said Mrs. owellman,
he un ited States suprem e court.
other trophies of great value
and con stitu tion al disease o f ancestors is handed dow n to th em and th ey are
succeeded In buying in quite a lot of decision v ita lly affects the case uu-
> con sta n tly an n oyed und troubled w ith it. Bad blood is th e source o f a ll dia-
the king's wines.”
¡d e r which the Standard O il Co. was
Up to the present tim e about 20 case, and u n til th is v ita l fluid is cleansed and purified th e bod y is sure t o
- .
_ >
“ Well, well," exclaimed Mrs. Nu- lin ed $211,2 40,000 fo r the same point
¿e<T«v» ; y by
1 eities and towns of Oregon have been suffer in som e w ay. F o r b lood troubles o f a n y character S. S. S. is th e best
rltch, “ the idee o’ buy in’ second-hand was raised.
rng or.e or A y e r a m i .a a t o e u tim e . hegr(J {rQm each abowi|1(J irM lt in U r. rem edy e v er discovered. I t g o e s down in to the circulation and rem oves a n y
wines!” — Philadelphia Tress.
1 he ea8e uP ° n w h lth th « decision
est in the special state parade, and aud a ll poison s, su p p lies th e health fu l properties it needs, aud c o m p le te ly
was rendered was instituted in the
and perm anen tly cures blood diseases o f
'l h r V t a g u r a I . t i n t t v U .
several of títere towns, through their
na..rr r n n tr.
- __ . ,
¡L 'n ited States D istrict C ourt fo r the
e v ery kind . T h e action o f S. S. S. is s o
PH.cS < (.:..[) :N 6 TO 14 DAYS.
'D is tric t o f M innesota, which court
‘‘ Where are all those honeymoon par- business organisations and ‘ ‘ boosting
th orou gh th at hereditary tain ts are rem ovod
ties?” exclaimed the reporter as he cltibe, have sent representatives to this
■?.'” « or ‘ • Protruding
. • » » J « » fin
N orth ern
cast of Itching, Blint. -Heeding
., . ed
...... the . G . reat
.. . railroad
, .,
and weak, diseased blood m ade s tron g and
Pilesta S to 11 days or money reiunded. 50c.
$1,000 each fo r 1 o violation s o f the hurried into the station. “ Are they city to ooufer w ith the Festival manage­
---------- — —------
¡fir s t section o f the E lkins law.
h ealth y so th at disease cannot t t s u 'ia . I t
ment with reference to character of the
f a c i e A lien .
I T h e a lle g ed offenses against the
cutes R heum atism , C atarrh, Scrofula, Sores
“ Yes,” laughed the station master as floats which w ill make tire most effect­
"N ot mentioning auv names," said Un- law w er® com m itted d u rin g the sum- he pointed to the turtle doves iu the ive showing for their communities.
nnd U lcers, S k in Diseases, C on tagio u s
cle Allen Spark., " I ’ve noticed that the “ ler o l ly o 5 - and consisted in grant-
Illo o d Poison , etc., and doc3 n o t leave th e
The Festival association has secured
only effect an exalted poaition teems to ' n” concessions to the \\. T. De­
the services of a master float builder sligh te s t trace o f the trou ble fo r future outbreaks. T h e w h ole volu m e o f
ha re on some men is to make them light v f* r u u x Com pany on its shipm ents
from the East, who it now hero with a \ blood is renewed aud cleansed a fter a course o f S. S. S. I t is also natu re’s
headed. They can't stand the rarefied , t- . o f .oats and corn fro m M innesota to
■ points
in W ash ington .
T h e com ­ That !■ LAX AT. VK BR 1VIO QÜININK. Look corps of assistants ready to advise w ith greatest tonic, m ade e n tire ly o f roots, herbs and barks, and i3 ab solu tely
1 harm less to an y part o f the system .
S. S. S. is for sale at all first class
pany ad m itted the concessions and for the alvnatura of K. VV. UROVE. Csed tbc ■11 who desire to enter the lists.
World over to Cure a Cold in Ouo Day. 20c.
stores. B o o k on the blood nnd a n y m ed ical advice free to a ll w h o w rite *
_ _
fo u g h t the prosecution on the ground
The railroads of Oregon, and the
a,. V W Ommrm MO *n s m r w M e » ' th a l by am en d in g the Elkiua act so
whole W est, in tact, are planning to
n *n «n tly curtnl by Dr. K lin e's Gr«eZ
M ta i H t n r f r r m r e .
or*», a .,-1 fc,Y h V. f . tttrui bowl. ...d as to p rovide fo r punishment by im-
Cittlman— Look here, sir, didn’t you give special reduced rates on all lines,
trootlM. Hr. •,a. a. an j ., L i MtAnh sc, PbUa..Pw . prisonxnent rath er than by fin es the
good for the whole week of the Festi­
H epburn law had so m od ified the or- warrant the horse you sold me yester­ val. Special low rates from Portland
T h e O rp h n n ,
D l.c u n r a a lu is P r o s p e c ts .
¡ igiu a l law us to accom plish its re- day to be without fuult?
"T h is government Is becoming morn
" I ’ lease, sir, w ill you give a penny ts
Well, what do you want?' the proof- peal and render punishment under it
David Iiaru m —-Yes. A in’t be?
Every town in Oregon is Invited to nnd more centralized every year," said a poor orphan?”
reader asked,
Cittlm an— No, sir, be Is not. He In
I im practicable.
T o d a y ’s decision was
“ Certainly, my hoy! lias your fattv
some characteristic float in the the student o f politic*.
Aa he eyed the intruder with doubt.
announced by Justice W h ite and af- terferes. David Iiarum — Waal, I don’ t
“ Yes," answered Colonel Stillwell of er been dead long?"
A ll Oregon” paiade, and the Featival
I ’m Just a loafin’,” answsr.d th# hyphen, ' firm ed the fin d in g o f the D istrict see as you hev any reason fur com­
“ No, sir.
He's the orphau.
association Invites core.pondence and j Kentucky, “ It’s getting
so that th e;
And the proofreader huatlad him out.
Court and the United States C ircu it plaining’ about that.
He don’t Inter­
- C h i cago Tribuna.
personal conference w ith oitiee ami States don’t do much more than fur­ money's for him.”
Court o f Appeals.
fere with anybody but himself, does
towns, large and small, in this a ll im ­ nish titles for batti* ships and popu­
he?— Llpplncntt’s.
How’s This?
H tR O IS M O N M A R Y L A N D .
portant matter.
lar songs."— Washington Star.
We offer One Hundred Dollar! Reward for any
From October to May, coki« aro the mot»t frequanl
aaao f Catarrh (hat cannot be rured by Ha I'm
he. I.AXAI
M< » gUI-
Cals: Cura.
Som etim e» H appen» That Wnyr.
Publications fo r Farm ers.
Explosion A verted by Instant O bedi- Syrup th- b at remedy I.» use tor their cbUdred
N I N E rem ove* esune.
K. W. Grove on boa. 25«,
F J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O
We, the undersigned, have kniwu F. J.
er.ee to Hurried Signal.
Chener for the last 15 years, and believe him.
t'a lo rlo I I > puotlam.
to farmers and others have been issued comrade of your hoy?
l MLlu.i i Mt.v .1« L..U,
-------- honorable In ah b\utn,-< transaction:
------ .qtlnna : San Francisco, Feb. 25.— An act
Fhogy— Yes; but it didn’t work.
Inquisitive l ’asaenger— How are th
by the Agricultural department of the
d financially able to carry out any obliga- o f heroism perform ed by three blue-
Said Sue— You meu seeui lo be fond
Federal government and w ill Ere fur­ found he was too old for me.—Chicago cars heated?
¡Jackets on the United States cru iser « f bugging delusions.
Sliiverin^ raiw»*mr®r- fly suggest loa, I
nished free, so long us they are avail­ Tribune.
w holarala brugei«t!, Toledo,O M arylan d d uring the recent target
Said He— W ell, we are not to blame.
H s'l’» Catarrah Curs ii akan fntemaily, act- practice held at M agdalena Bay, was
able, except wliere otherwise noted,
I («»u ltliis .
o f the You women are such delusive area- npon application to the Superintendent
Ills l.ut-k.
s of the upon^the
system. Testimpnials sent free. a ll th at preven ted a M rep etition
“ I'm not going to that female burlier
75 cent»
per bottle.
* * Hold t»y
Cteorgia disaster off the Massachu- turaa.
_ all Druggists.
of Document«, Governm ent Printing shop nguln. T here’s a rude g irl there,
“ Luckiest man I ever knew! Every­
T&ku Hall's Family Pills lor Constipation.
setts coast last year, when Lieuten
P a ln le m
la a v e r ,
Office, W ashington, D. C.:
thing succeeded with him.
He had
don't you know..’’
ant Goodrich, the son o f A d m ira l
TJiere is a prevailing opinion that
Bulletin No. 110.— Report of Irr ig a ­
only to say vvlint lie wanted, nnd In
Itn n g t
"W h at did nlie say?”
G oodrich, and 13 o f his shipmates,
cancer la always painful from the be­ tion Investigationa for 1P01, under d i­
▲ tired feeling ouct
“ Why, she looked ut my niustn-.vsh got It. Why, confound It. 1 was walk­
m et death in the explosion o f one o f i
ginning, whereas it is really painless in rection of Elwood Mead, chief of irriga­
Came over the busy bet.
the b ig guns.
and awaked me If I would have It ing with him one -lay tlm very taai
Pp. 401, pis. 64,
T w n s when a budding poet
day o f his tile and he suld to in#
It happened w h ile the M arylan d | the m ajority o f case*. I t la deslrabl* tion investigations.
sponged off or rubbed In."
Rhymed it with vis-a-vis.
was h a vin g her try at the navy rec­ to ascertain how far the public ought figs. 12. Price 50 cents. This is the
’ When I die, I want to die suddenly.'
A fte r the second or th ird shot | to be Instructed In the early signs ot
Got run over that very night.
from No. 4, one o f the M arylan d ’s cancer, with a view to the adoption ot z , . . „
G ood Judges
" . . . ,.
, .
. _ ,
The professor was complimenting lire see such lu c k !"— Loudon Mall.
earlier diagnosis and consequently ear­ deals chiefly with the duty of water, Tjo|in T,rtU0>0 0„ th, „ L.ellrnc. of ui8
I Americans as Judges are keenly die
K M ii.K H op e.
seaman, actin g us firs t loader, dis- lier operation.— London Hospital.
but contains also repcite from four ata playing
"(lin rle s , dear," suld young Mr*. T o n
w ere
tions in the humid states, wl.ere irrigs- j ~By the way.” he said, "do you plsy
by the success it at am ., which m eth­
spinning around w ith in the screw-
kins, "w hy do you call racing calcula*
lion is not u neceeiity, but a means ol the 'Doctor of Divinity’ ?”
A W a y Out.
od, considered in the light of the eom- box. T h is fir e should have gone out
I thought that was s
I t was at a theater in Manchester. increasing the returns from farm lands; | “ That is a place I have nevsr heard tions ‘dope?’
Hmn experience of mankind, is cer­ o f the m uzzle o f the gun but it hud
slung uniue for a drug.”
tain ly not a bad one. The high etand- fa iled to do so.
The king, aged and Infirm, was blessed a report on tire underground water sup- of,” answered the violinist.
“ Never heard of i t ! ” exclaimed the
"Y o u ’re quite right,’ was tb* answer.
, aid of intelligence an.1 dlccernment in
W ith o u t the loss o f a m om ent, with two sons. He was pacing up and ply of the San Bernardino valley Cali-1
“ Fiddl* D. D .!"— Chicago “ They call it that because all It gen­
B i d . country,
whera education is the D on nelly hastily sign alled J. C. K in g , down the stage with a wearied, trou- fornia, and the second progress report professor.
on ailt mcasur'merits.
I Tribune.
erally gels you is a pleitsnnt dream and
r o le anil not th * exception, renders it r-he hoisting man, to lo w er the am - bied joog exclaJming aloud:
Bulletin No. K6.— The Use of Water
n rude awakening.” Washington Star.
difficult and gurprising to find a general m unition car into the h a ndling-room , ‘
"On which o f these, my sons, shall I in Irrigation . Report of investigations
° " ’I'L l“ “---, ’F " -'I
_ ^ K tio n a l success not based on actual an^ K in -, w ith th e assistance o t J. bestow my crown?”
I l l » M,v«|pm.
made In i 1899,
1899, aiiu«r
unuer the
the auverpiaion
. 1
»1 l“ " I -rno»
■uverpuion ol
« q j 1 o u * i .
,>ue H iajunoa
B e rth .
Hence it was that with the
th * r“ n“ e r m» " ‘ « « “ P**®*
Immediately came a voice from the Elwoed
“ How do you ril.-ipoHe o f your gartv
. . a . ___,
w ith the fo r m e r s request upon the
i.It ad, expert in charge, and G.
araoo m a » j j j o j * moui | noi Fu;i|i
presentation of St. Jacobs Otl they c o r -! ln8tant T w e n ty -fiv e seconds elapsed gallery :
T. Johnslon
Delon, asainatnt. Pp. 2(>8, pia. lKJy •qX -«iqnojj «qmu O) (U|og *,l*q.|. Hg«» li^re?” asked the stranger, wbo
(e it ly judged it at once, and decided
the fir e in th e screw -box wna
“ W hy not 'a r f a crown apieco, gu»*-
60, figs. 18. Price 80 Cents. This bill- | ¡r)s,j uoqi jeHnis j . iis . u * s f.eqs .(ns ||U waa gathering data for purposes o t
that rare intrinsic worth only oould E>e put out, but In that b rie f tim e a iwr?” — London Mall
letin explains the methods in use In (*qr ‘|[« ja — noA qusqx ¿11 »! *|ararzu j r-’.L publication.
the Hource of its sutcess. T hed eciaicn great disaster was averted
“ W e always throw ours In th* gnrb-
arid states in the distribution and i —xaqro jo (uiqramos A'j*rjej,- *msu j.iq
with them was equivalent to an adop-
use of water in L 'lg a lio n .
It gives a 1 i.rsqa— js9u|s awu siqt r*qi„ 'sgjsil^
nge can,” said the man with the chin
and it is a rare thing to find
Said a poetry teacher named Pell,
large number of measurements made to a*IIV *P<r.l pvi.wqaj „ ‘tv * ta qj,,,
heard, "but I don't know, o f cours%
To his pupil who wrote a rondel,
ly without St. Jacobs O il in the
')« > J d J O j| A iu o o | f) k,'i.s||Y *| J U i
determine the duty of water and the
«bout the neighbors.”
"You would not know from Peta
R ailroads Have Ten Days B efo re N ew
losses by seepage and evaporation from
A muse, should you meter!”
Law Takes E ffect.
canals, and discusssa the method* by
R io t t h * S a m * .
Thus gave he the young villanella.
Los A n geles, Feb. 25.— W ith less — Yale Kecord.
which the water supply may be more
I suppose you have been pinched
than ten days until the new fed eral
effectively and economically utilized in
by penury?"
law lim itin g the hours o f labor o f
What is said to he the largest tel^ the production of crops.
“ No. m um ;
th# cop’a name was certa in railro ad em ployes shall be­
graph circuit in the world ia that be­
Bulletin No. 104.— Report of Irrign
’ B rle u ; he’a Irish.”
com e effective, Los A n geles ra ilw a y tween London and Teheran, the capital
tion Investigations for 1900, under su­
officials are p rep arin g as best they
of Persia. It is 4.0(10 miles long and is pervision of Elwood Mead, expert in
can fo r the necessary changes which
divided into twelve sections.
Is most painful.
charge of irrigation investigation*. Pp.
must he made.
A p p ro xim ately 14(1
What's fo o d ?
334, pis. 25, figs. 29.
Price 50 rents.
new telegrap h op erators w ill be re­
Chinese coffins are made of timber
quired in the te rrito ry govern ed by
This reporl covers the second year ot
E v »ry -d a y Legfoi Know ledg®
lo r y o u LiDerau exa m in ation p rivile ge
Los A n geles gen eral offices. T h e sight inches to ten Inches thick. It is inveatigati'ns relating especially to th*
- no deposit no ob lig a tio n to b u y * *
Santa F e w ill need the g rea ter
^ calculated, therefore, .hat ov.r 8.000.000
Fv#mK*m o f o n tnvoJuefcio lab o r sn d
duty of water. The reports ol the Held
m o r . g y u v m $ C A L C U k A T O fi F R K E
- - as ~a s o h a i
tion o f these.
I f it keeps a ll its feet of timber it utilized yearly for coffin» agents contain also a large amount of
in China.
r M-u-c— n r,-,» - StATTL! WA5H
inform ation on law* and customs, agri­
its coast line in ad d ition to its pres­
cultural methods, crop returns and
L ir e and I.et L iv e .
ent force. T h ere is a p ossibility that
“ Do you preach without notes,” que other subjicts related to irrigation. A
it w ill not be able to get tin t BUS*
Gives Instant raliaf.
ber at once.
I f so, it w ill be n<
ried a member o f the church commit progress report on the quantities of silt
Removes the twingee.
carried by a numlier of southern rivers
SEND FOR IT N O W part o f the tim e until the addition al
is also contained in this volume.
U S E IT , T H E N Y O U ’L L K N O W
Th e Best Fru it T r< « and B erry Plant
men can be found.
“ W ell,” rejoined the food mao with
Catalog in the N orth w est
2 6 o .— A L L D R U G G IS T S — 6 0 e.
Idaho Corn Sh ow .
a merry twinkle in h!s eye. “ I some­
J. J. B U T Z E R
On the 2d, 3d ami 4th of December,
M oney Panic in Japan
times hare occaaion to uoe bank notes.”
1 9 2 Front St.,
Portland. Oregon
1908, there w ill tie held at Moscow a
B erlin , Feb. 25.— T h e tig h ten in g
state corn show under the management
o f fin an cial conditions in Japan is
of the Idaho Agronomy association. No!
regard ed by banks here as lik e ly to
on ly w ill there lie a show, but also a
result in the tran sfer from London
lousing program, which in itself would
to T o k io o f a la rg e portion o f Jap­
nesa.purity and reli­
pay the farmer to come to Moscow.
ability.Terry'«Seeds anese balances and som ewhat to dis­ o t the W ell-Inform ed o f the W orld has
Tl.e subj-ct of corn w ill be taken up
m oney
m arkets. . ,
iia a cl.Y*» by them- turb
«rive«. Pa’-mers Japan's balances in London are es- a way*
a simple, pleasant ami discussed from a practical and sci­
have confidence tim ated at betw een $<50,000,000 and »o d efficient liquid laxative remedy of
entific point of view ; the » i l l w ill be
In them because
they know they $75,000,000.
A t the Japanese Em - known value; a laxative which pbyal- considered in Ita different phaaea; ir ri­
can be relied up­ bassy the news o f panicky conditions
ciana could sanction for fam ily use gation and dry farming w ill be talked
on. I>oa’t experi­
ment with cheap at Osaki, K y o to and K ob e is dis­
alou t end the various live stock, dairy
seed«—your «ure- cred ited , but p riv a te advices to G er­ because its component parta are
and horticultural subjects s i l l be con-
ty lie# in buying
. ^ MULE-TEAM '..Borax, Vi, S4, 1 and 6 TY. r»rt«.t,». Born . Bath Powder no and 3> tin#). V’lolM
•eed«*ent out by man firm s tra d in g in the F ar East known to them to be wholesome and (idcred.
P * w d « r . y >1 »»I iorl* Acii.'lCfmaS*Bc«ti
a conscientious
truly beneficial la effect, acceptable
Tilt re Will be some good premiums Ju«.m -.f B-.rsi ,3o«e H.,i«i*ld Ij>nndry h.»p, 2'-Miil«^T**!>,
and trust worthy
to the system and gentle, yet prompt, offered to th* winner* of th t show.
F e r r y 's f e e d Annual
Black H ard T h reats T e r r o r 's *
Send for 40-Pa$e Catalogue of Valuable Premiums We Give FREE
in action.
Now is the tim e to begin preparing by
for ISO» i - ¿ KEF Aii.ire«»
S eattle, W ash., Feb. 2 5.— Black
i OT T’y«. y*4 ,w,r‘n e - * fr-s* tk*.kov* "JO-KULg-Tr AM " Crr.lun..
will fi, <r msn, r . mrltrtm
0 M7«ifTfti;» B it «« it . Mica
In auppiylng that demand with its p anting some good corn and getting in
! Hand Society notices, sent through
th<- m ails and posted on doors and excellent combination o f Syrup o f
i^eii your neighbor.ab-iut it
P A C IF IC C O A S T B O R A X C O .,
Oakland, C al.
fences, w ith the o b je c t o f frig h ten - j Fig9 and E lixir of Senna, the Call
I- nut forget the date.
Mark t h o s * ____________________________________ _______________ '
in g Italian s who have offended the fornia F ig Syrup Co. proceeds along
davg on your calendar and plan to come.
! society in the m ining v illa g e o f
ethical lines and rellea on the merits
f -r further information ad-'reea, R.
jrfÆ Î E Â k
¡B la c k Diam ond, 25 m iles from Se­
a t t l e , reached a clim ax last F rid a y o f the laxative for its remarkable E Hyslop, Superintendent Idaho Ag-
¡n ig h t when J. V ite r o was shot at success.
-onomy Association, Moaoow, Idaho.
and guaranteed
-th ree tim es w h ile m ak ing his way
That la one o f many reasons why
One b u llet passed through
Make a syrup o f five pounds sugar
hfs le ft arm and another cut his Syrup o f Figs and E lixir o f Senna is
; given the preference by the W ell- and two cups w a ter; boll until clear.
j Informed. T o get Us beneficial effect* Wash, stem and seed one gallon cher­
Fvbulooa Str'k # is M ade
always buy the genuine— manufac- ries. drop In the syrup and boll thirty
Mr v e c e e r thc rsM iiv.
R aw h ld e N ev . Feb. 25.— W hat Is tured by , h# California F ig Syrup Co , n biutcs; skltn wed. Fill air tight Jara,
M*N. aova. «TOMIN M saca AN* CMIIBNCN
said to be the most w on d erfu l s trik e
.. . ..
seal and put In a cool pines,
— - msn'« f j . B O , a :i r r û . n . i
a n .i
in the history o f m ining in N evada only, and for sale by all leading
______ f h m t t a n y m t h o r ir tm m t * J m m lt m r m r I n
was m ade today on the H appy H o o li­ druggists. Prtce fifty cents per bottle.
T o U h iii a Stool H a lf# .
ta *
n n -U I.
t . c > » .
I* > r
A ./ lr
mhmno. f k hmttmr. mr*0P ton^mr. mn*
gan claim .
Assays o f the ore show
Cut an Irish potato In half, dip on*
S u lfa t » ? S iK k e n > 3 «
Brm of Qrmmtmr v«/w« i h a * ms%y mfhmr
No. » - O *
values as high as $79,600 to the ton.
P N. U.
>f the pieces In tbs brlckdust which
f n fh t» w r t J t o J m r
« êr t i r c4Mm nrv^mrt
T h e ground has been purchased by
W. L Desr1** «4 mí t í » HttPim'Om* 8* Eguali*« At Any
s generally used for cleaning knives.
E. W . K in g , a banker o f Bozem an,
w r it in g to ad ▼ • r tt«»r « p i­
» T • l l 'T I O S .
W. I . I) .
w l
T n k e Ww S w M M tw te.
R-iii the blH-le of the knlfs and tb*
m e n tin a t h l « p a p a r.
r JES--».’ t ..
a>T N 1 N
- N w l.r* „ . f . l A I *
BT.ii«* W . .- 1 f- ir I S d - r y J A . A Ç L S S I I
l^ - M
.• e r U . « V.
W . L. i i v i e U A
Rain will Luiu«-diately disappear.
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral Is not
a simple cough syrup. It is a
strong medicine, a doctor’s
medicine. It cures hard cases,
severe and desperate cases,
chronic cases of asthma, pleu­
risy, bronchitis, consumption.
Ask your doctor about this.
uers »
i 2
j 0
s a
j this«
is .
* iouse
in of
General Demand
Premiums Given Away
mmm m