Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, February 27, 1908, Image 1

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    W ashington
us Fini rissi
vol .
C O .,
O R E .,
tors and paid for by them . If you W.
should miss this treat don ’ t blame any- j
body but yourself.
Committee Is Appointed to Secure Sign­
ers— Union Services in Congrega­
tional Church Sunday
Judge Hollis.
The press is becom ing more friendly
The reason why this meeting was called,
to the temperance cause.
There is a
G. S. Allen.
; ‘ bureau of information’ collecting and
Our finances and reasons why citizens
publishing temperance literature; and
should support, H . J. Goff.
the press of the country is willing to
What is needed in the future,
publish these articles when they com e
E. W . Haines.
from a reliable source.
And the mag­
How to get it,
azines are preparing articles on all
Walter H oge.
phases of the temperance question,
Suggestions from the members,
and as a rule they are friendly to the
L. J. Corl.
cause. These things lend great en­
couragement to temperance workers.”
Broke His Ribs
NO. 34
Organized For Gen- Local
eral Campaign. Hillsboro
May 2 3 .
Play Last
Best of The Sea­
T h e severa] ca!r.ps 0f the W oodm en
An enthusiastic audience packed
$6,000,000 to
Q, , he W or,d ¡n Washi ton
county Masonic Hall last evening to every
have made plans to hold one of the nook and corner when local Thespians !
largest initiations and picnics ever held gave Charles Townsend’ s rural drama
in this county. Representatives from ’ ’ Uncle R u b e.”
T h e seats were all
most all the camps in
the county met sold by M onday and scores of people
recently in this city and organized by had to stay at
electing John Anderson,
hom e
Be Spent On
This County.
because of the
chairman; R. lack of seating capacity.
Will Touch Many Valley Towns With
L. Wann, of Cedar Mills, secretary;
That the vast audience was satisfied
Network of Electrics From
and J.
H . « Garble, of
Hillsboro, was evidenced by the riotous applause
Tillamook to Salem.
given, the laughs and tears given the
S treasurer.
The plan outlined is to visit each of actors.
I the seven camps in this county where :
Robert Nixon was the star of the
At a cost of approximately 86,000,-
N. P. W iberg, who resides 3 miles a big time and a good program will be bunch as "U n c le R u be.”
His im-
last week, attended by representative
000, it is said, the United Railways
southeast of town, was thrown from
trom a a had. The first meetings of the camps personation of that character could not
temperance men from different parts
Company contemplates building a net­
load of hay Monday evening, and sus- will be with the Beaverton camp on | have been excelled by a professional
ol the county, it was decided to circu- t
work of lines among the cities of the
H e was at Saturday night, February 29th, with actor and each individual in the cast
late petitions and try by local option to : tained sev*ra' broken ribs
lower Willamette Valley, lying between
The great wave of Prohibition that is prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors, i a nei8hbor s for some hay and in driv- Cornelius, March 14th, Forest Grove, ! had a
of his
Salem and Portland. As planned, the
in evidence all over the country has as a beverage, in Washington county ins out of the bain yard when he tried March 21st, Gaston, March 28th, Hills- character.
projects will require more than 150
to miss a chuck hole, however, the boro. April 4th, Cedar Mills, April j
struck Washington county in a more at the June election.
The proceeds, which were over
I t0 miss a chu ck h ole’ however-
miles of standard-gauge railway. A c ­
front wheel plunged in to' the same, 11th, G len coe, April 18, and for the 8100, will go to Forest View Cem e-
forcible manner at the beginning of
It was thought by all that the time
cording to statement, work will begin
this campaign than at any other time. is opportune. But in order to vote up­ throwing him against a standard and grand round up with a picnic and tery Association. Walkers orchestral
as soon as the City Council has per­
The wheels of prohibition have been on this question in June, it will be then to a fence. Dr. Hines was called grand initiation at Hillsboro on Satur- furnished the music.
mitted the United Railways to enter
set in motion and every effort will be j necessary for ten per cent, of the reg­ and dressed his wounds.
day, Mav 23.
Following is the cast: U ncle Rube,
the city at the head of Pettygrove
made to put Washington county in the
Literature has been gotten out and Robert Nixon; Deacon Smailey, H . W.
istered voters of the county to sign
street and near the head of Nicolai.
“ dry” column along with a great many
A1 Bledsoe, who last week was mailed to all the members in the Sparks; Mark Smailey, Dr. Whitney;
petitions asking the court to call an
Supplementary articles setting forth
of the other counties of this state, j election and leagliie the the vote.
nearly killed by an explosion of 100 j county and it is expected that the Gordon Gray, V. H . Lim ber; Upson
the plans of the company were filed
M eetings will be held from time to
Petitions are now being circulated sticks of dynamite at his home hart j meetings will all be well attended, as Asterbilt, R. P. Wirtz; Bub Green,
yesterday afternoon with County Clerk
time and the whole machinery of local ¡n all parts o( the county ¡n order
t0 1 mile of Buxton, is reported to be in it is a well known fact that whatever
Claud Smith; Bill Tappan,
Not all the details of the var­
is being repaired for a general secure tbe req Uired ten per cent
0( fine condition notwithstanding his nar- the W . O.
undertakes always Clark; Taggs, Miss Annie Pomeroy;
ious projects have yet been defined,
the voters, and it is understand that 10,7 escape from death.
H e had materializes to the letter. The c o m - , Millicent Lee, Miss Maud Shannon;
but a main line is to be constructed
Meeti ngs were held in Forest Grove they are being freely signed in all I cleared some Kround near his cabin b ? mittee has been working industriously I Mrs. Bunn, Miss M anche Langley.
through Washington, Benton and Yam
last Sunday to call attention to this parts of the county. At the Hillsboro ' burn‘ nS off the brush and had the dyna-1 to make the affair a grand success and
To Ship Lumber 8 0 0 0 Miles.
hill counties, on which will be H ills­
movem ent and further the plans for its meeting the following committee was mite near the fire thawing it out, and have a long list of prizes which will be
An Australian corporation has just boro. Forest Grove, M cM innville, Cor­
accomplishment. Rev. J. R. Knodell, chosen to circulate the petitions: Jos. when within about six feet of the given. The list follows:
received a concession from the Rus- vallis, Salem and Oregon City. Lat-
of the Anti-Saloon Cowman, Sherwood; J. T . Allin, Bea- powder it exploded blowing a great
FIRST PRIZE— T o the cam p mak
ian government to take out thirty erals will be built from the trunk line
League of the state, spoke at the M. verton;
the largest net gain pro rata of
Joseph Rav,
Dale Seigler,
million feet of timber a year from a for- at various points. Another main line,
EL ¡church in the morning, and Rev. Richard Carlye, Hillsboro; L L. H ol- cabin. A large box weighing about membership at starting, A Camp Flag.
est in Siberia, nine hundred miles from as projected, will run from a point near
Zimmerman, his assistant spoke at the linger, Forest Grove.
200 pounds was near and it was blown | SECOND PRIZE — T o tne cam p mak-
Vladivostock. to be delivered in Mel- Mount Calvary to Tillam ook, which
Congregational church.
In the even­
to atoms, while Bledsoe received se -1 ing the second largest gain as above,
bourne, Australia, approximately eight shall have branenes into contiguous
ing a union meeting of all the churches
vere injuries about his body. His face set of Silver M ounted Working Tools.
Buys Printing Plant in Portland.
thousand miles away, and nearly three territory. The intention is to include
of the town was held at the C on grega-!
was filled with gravel and dirt and the
FIRST P rize — To each and every
V; alter H oge, well known newspaper
times the distance from New York to St. Helens in the railway plan.
tion.il church and was addressed by
concussion has injured one of his ears. member securing seven applications.
man and realestate dealer of this place
San Francisco.
“ All the roads will be operated by
Rev Knowdell. T h e attendance was
has purchased a half interest in the H e was taken to Dr. Burger of Banks Solid Gold Woodman Ring.
It is iikely that no lumbering opera- electricity,” said Herman W ittenberg,
targ- filling the auditorium and over-1 Christie & Curran job printing plant of where the wounds were dressed, and
FIRST P r i z e — T o every member
tion of recent years more strongly illus- a director.
" T h e expense will be
ing into the Bible Annex. The j portland and took charge Monday j the last reports are that he will soon re­ getting two applications, Handsome
trates the pinch in the timber supply borne by the members of the corpora-
Woodman Fob.
»rest shown
snown and
aim the
me cn
ii.u su u ..., morninK. Mr. H oge takes the place
in all parts of the world.
In the news I tion, who are fully able to do so.
test in the audience were gratify- of Mr CurTan who js a)s0 we„ known
F irst P rize — T o the Woodman in
Lote Langley of Portland, who us­
of the concession, told in an American expect matters to be adjusted with the
ing and augur well for the success of bere< having published a paper here ually spends Sunday at home in this the county getting the largest number
lumber journal, is the suggestion of City Counci, today, and work will be­
i some years ago. The business is well city, had an experience last Sunday of applications, Fine Gold Badge.
the difficulty that all countires may gin at on ce. Passenger terminals will
FIRST PRIZE— T o the lady getting
^ a l i e speaker, Rev. Knodell, has rare estabijsbed and wj]] no doubt receive that he is very familiar with or that he
have to encounter in getting the wood be in the Chamber of Com m erce build­
most applications. Given by K.
and superior intellectual gifts and a carefu] attention at the hands of its will not soon forget, we don’ t know
which they need in the future.
Every ing, where waiting rooms will be built.
«ra n g personality. His blows are well new owner. While we are sorry ,0 which. H e was in the habit of spend­ N. Staehr, Bazaar, 810 Guitar, and Case.
year timber cruisers are going further Freight will be delivered directly to
SECOND P rize — T o the lady get­
directed and vigorous and follow each have Mr. H oge leave Forest Grove we ing every minute he could with his
and further afield and cutting trees the railroads entering the terminal
Other in such rapid succession as to wish him success in hi3 new venture. folks here and usually boarded the last ting the next largest number of ap­
which, in former times of abundance, yards, or cars may be sent to the ware­
give the enem y no opportunity for re- His family will probably remain in this car of the train as it pulled out for plications. Given by Pacific Studio, 1
they passed because of the inaccessi­ houses of consign ee».”
V ery.
His voice is as sweet as the city.
Portland. Last Sunday it happened dozen Sepia Platumns, Value 810.
bility of the forest.
m ucic of a flute but his words have the
T h ir d P rize — T o the lady getting
that it was a vestibuled car that was in
Telegram .— With the com pletion of
Noted Archers to Hunt.
isree of a trip hammer and they fall
the rear and the doors werp not yet the third largest number of applica­
track-crossing at Fourth and
The News acknowledges receipt of
to manifest sincerity upon the hearts
Capt. F. S. Barnes has received a opened to the traveling public, but he tions. Kodak, given by Dr. Hines’
streets, work on which was be­
a copy of the West Side Enterprise
B well as the ears of those who hear box 0| arrows especially made for hunt- j boarded it just the same and as a con- Drug Store, Value 85.
morning, the United
published at Indebendence and edited
m. H e said in part:
iag purposes and he reports to The ] sequence was obliged to hang onto the
seven miles of its
Something unusual can always be by W. T . Fogle formerly of the Tim rs.
“ G od works by crises.
Instance News that there is a plan being per- lower steps until he reached Cornelius,
expected from Gaston. Not long ago It is a bright newsy paper, well filled line com pleted within the city limits
the century plant and the almond tree. fected whereby several archers of note the next stop. Anyway, the last seen
there was an eyeless calf born in^fhat with ads and has every appearance of and the city link of the H illsboro line
Years of quiet growth with little display will meet here next fall and go to Brit- of him was his coat tail waving a fare-
News will be ready for operation.
neighborhood but it now remains that o healthy publication. The
e followed by magnificent bloom , ish Columbia for bear and deer. The j well to the anxious ones at the local
As soon as the City Council will per­
that record should be beaten. A few wishes him success in his new field.
e same is trut in moral affairs. In- party will be com posed of Will H . j depot as the train disappeared around
certain changes in the franchise
days ago a hatching of turkeys came
The missing piece of rail that caused
nce the Isrealites in Egyptian bond- Thompson, of Seattle, the author; Dr. the curve a mile away.
by the United Railways, work
out and among them one that had five the wreck at this place two weeks ago,
e, Luther in Germany, the Wesleys Henry E. Jones, of Portland; Mr.
g g Matthews w . R. c . No. 11
continued extending the line
legs. Where the wings should be is said to be located at the home of
i* England; all familiar examples.
Frientz. editor of The Youth’ s C om - Aid
met at the home of Mrs.
hill to the westward of the
there are two well developed legs and John Crunican near Gaston. The
E The slaves in the South and the panion, Boston; J. M . Chalhss and Z. John Baldwin Feb- 2 l, 19o8
work on this part
Sixteen the fifth leg had grown on the body young son had picked it up on the
years of agitatioir before the crises E. Jackson, attorneys of Atchinson,
were present. The quilt we are mak­ near the two natural ones. The fowl night of the wreck and carried it home of the line is now under way, and fully
cem e is another illustration.
God Kansas.
ing was the topic of conversation. Ten was dead when hatched and Mr. Crun- as a souvenir. The broken rail bears 8 3 0,00 0 worth of material is waiting in
works by crises.”
The party will go to British Colum­
the yards for the resumption of con ­
new names with their 10 cents were ican has it in alcohol.
j evidence of having been defective.
The Speaker sees gleams of the bia to one ot the beautiful lakes and
j secured. At 5 o ’ clock the comrades
C. N. Johnson was in from Spring
com ing day:
A branch of the work of the Port­
by a gasoline launch they will go to
T h e section of track from the city
of the Grand Army cam e in and par- Hill farm last Friday and made this of­
First, in the attitude of the churches the extreme wilds where game is plen­
land Commercial Club which many limits to Mount Calvary Cem etery, a
I took of a bountiful lunch with us. Pro­ fice a call. H e reports that som eone
TkCV are waking up to their responsi­ tiful. Mr. Barnes says " it will be the
people know nothing about is the distance of four miles, is the hardest
ceeds from quilt and lunch was 82.15. in his neighborhood had reported to
Every fourth voter is a time of our lives” and no one will be
maintenance of an Oregon Information problem the company has to solve, be­
we meet the State Stock inspector that his sheep
church m em ber; and when eighty mil­ allowed to take m gun. They will be
Bureau in Los Angeles, which has cause of the heavy grades, but it is .
with Mrs. Estella Cornelius. All com - were scabby. The Inspectator paid
lions of people vote right on this ques­ gone about three weeks.
been wonderfully successful in its ef­ expected that this strip will be com­
rades are invited to be present.
A Mr. Johnson a visit recently and made
tion something will com e to pass.
forts to so interest Californian tourists pleted before Fall, as work will be be­
very pleasant time is had at these an examination but found all his sheep
jk c o n d . the attitude of Fraternal
that they may return to their Eastern gun within the next few weeks.
gatherings. At our next Corps meet- i„ first class condition.
Mr. Johnson
Orders toward the drink habit is an­
The Directors of the .Board of Trade
homes by wry of Oregon. Oregon
Before the week is over the line will
ing, the first Thursday in March, we says he would like to thank those who
other gleam of light. Th ey are de- will hold an informal gathering in the
literature is distributed from several of be extended out Macadam street, ao
wtll initiate 7 new members into our made the report,
kftwing against the traffic and exclud- upper room of Masonic Hall tomorrow
the most centrally located offices in as to tap the thriving South Portland
I Dr. Larrabee of Portland and a Mr.
ing drinkirg men from their orders. night and they have invited all the order. By order of the Secretary.
Los Angeles, and it is eagerly taken. manufacturing district. It is also ex­
The Washington County Fruit Grow- Withycotnbe are planting fifty acres to The colonist ratel and parlicuiariy the
The same is true of many insurance members to be present and they are
pected to double-track Stark stre't
cwnpanies; they are discriminating requested to each bring a friend or two. ers Association met at Masonic Hall English walnut trees 2} miles east of 830 fare from the gTeat middle West
som e time this week.
If you have not been invited The last Saturday afternoon where one of Gaston. The grove is being planted to all stations in the “ Beaver State” is
nst the men who drink,
bird, the attitude of gTeat corpora- News is authorized to extend you an the best conventions of its kind was on the hillside and is one of the larg­ emphasized in every publication given
Mrs. E. G. Mills entertained the
furnishes encouragement.
Of invitation to be there. There will be ever held in this county. An un­ est in the county. The owners have out.
Eastern lectures are also em ­ Domestic Science Department ofahe
M t great corporations approached and speaking and a light lunch prepared usually large attendance was present to explicit faith in the soil of this county ployed to a limited extent, and Mr. Woman’ s Club Tuesday afternoon.
• iw n i-d on this question, 197 replied by the board of directors will be served, hear what the speakers had to say. for this product and anticipated big re­ Robert J. W eyh, Jr., of New Yoik After the business meeting the time
ttep from a business stand point they It is the intention at this meeting to Owing to illness M. O. Lonsdale of turns when the trees mature.
City, has just reported a most success­ was spent in the discussion Ot Salads
L. M . Beebe of the Springfield ful series, with audiences frequency and several useful suggestions were
••re opposed to the traffic in liquors, bring together all the citizens of this Yamhill county, who was to be one of
Som « of the great financiers of the place that the organization might be the principle speakers, was not pres- News, and family have been visiting num bering in excess of one thousand made. Four new members were ad­
The refreshments served
Jtm »try ire beginning to distrust the furthered.
The rule heretofore has ent. Prof. Cordley of Corvallis, and the former’ s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. adults.
“ They take in every word
were apple salad, meat sandwiches and
bo: business and refu-e to engage been to give a sw ;.; banquet, but
tl..» one of the be«t posted fruit men of the R. Beebe, no th of town for a
few days about O regon,” he wr-tes. "and then
All pronounced the sand­
In k or loin their money to
be era- year those lines will be diverted
from state was present and gave an interest- Mr. Beebe was in town Monday and 8re questions at m e.”
wiches excellent.
March 10 the sub­
B V hy
n the business.
and the feed will be more simple,
and ing talk. Other fruit men
of this paid this office a call.
was em-
— D on’ t forget that Hoffman 8r Al­ ject will be Milk and Milk Products
H w c .r'h.
of the the menu is provided for by -toe
indi- county also made talks that
will aid ployed here when French & Hawks len Co. are offering rare bargains If is and the Department will meet srith
Mia« Thatcher.
furnishes another gleam of light. i vidua! members of the board of direc- the fruit industry materially.
had charge of The News.
At a convention
in Hillsboro
It’ s for gentlemen County Camps
only. Following is the program:
Sudden wealth of our Board of Direc-1
Rev. Knodell, Supt. Anti-
Saloon League Speaks
N ews
s a
[th lj
1 louse
n of
,ed at
in evi-
1, were
the en-
-lit!id as
ff;J [sec-
» Ml B.
ng Iwas
mth For-
by the
ity Com-
a piece
ining at
to the
that is
r. Todd
ad build-