_ tt _* . _ , U eui*ree. “ W ell,” said the statistical boarder, leaning back In his chair, “ we have at this meal the representatives o f two widely separated generations, "H ow is that?" asked the Inquisì- tlve boarder. " T Ii« hen we have been trying to eat was In all probability the great-grand- mother o f this o m e le t"— Chicago Tribune. ___________________ ,, _ ... , Ur. Hartman is now offering Peruna to the public as a regular pharmaceu- tical product. I t is just as ethical as any compound put up tor the medical profession. N o straining o f medical ethics can find any fault w ith it. T H E P E I N C I P A L A C T IV E IN G R E D IE N T S are prominently incorporated in the label on the bottle, that the people may know that the claims made for Peruna have a true justification. I've Had Experience »With Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and am con­ vinced It Is a great medicine,” —this Is the substance o f 40,366 letters by actual count, received In tw o years. T h ey tell o f cures o f all blood diseases, loss o f appetite, rheum a­ tism , a fter-fever weakness, that tire d feeling, n ervou s weakness, dyspep sia, catarrh. N o E qual —“ I can say from experience that Hood s Sarsaparilla is without an equal.’ Eaoia L. B o w m a n , 11 Beacon St., Low ell. Mass. 1 E c z e m a - " ! had eczema and tried every­ U n s k y U sh e rs . thing 1 heard of. but nothing helped me until The church was packed, eren the 1 took Hood's Sarsaparilla. Thanks to this aisles lined with chairs. Just before medicine, 1 am now well." G korue V a n a l the benediction the thoughtful stynb . South Bethlehem. N. Y. M u s c u la r R h e u m a tis m -"M y father clergyman, who loved order as be had muscular rheumatism. Was confined to did the Gospel, thus admonished hit his bed. He took two bottles of Hood’s Sar hearers: “ In passing out, please re­ saparilla and was entirely cured." B e r t h a main seated until the ushers have L. P e r r in , B ox 1026, Springfield, Mass. H o o d ’s S arsaparilla is sold every w h ere removed the chairs from the aisles.” I n tbe usual liqu id , or in tablet fo rm called — Lipplucott's. The only departure w e shall make from medical ethics in the oonduot of Peruna affairs in the future, is the fact that w e shall continue to advertise an: sell onr product TO T H E P E O P LE . I f wa wcnld agree to sell to doctors only, to advertise for doctors only, then the medical fraternity would be obliged to recognize Peruna ss being entirely w ithin their approvaL fV*>w I t Is It Y our Own Hair? H a v e T ln p p e n e e . “ Why, Col. Corpuscle, are you alive y et? " "Am I alive yet? Why shouldn't 1 be. sir?” "You must pardon my surprise, colo­ nel. I could almost swear I read your obituary a year ago!” “ It is quite likely you did, sir. The papers down my s a y have bad my ohltu ary iu type for years, and It is possible that one of them may have run it in by- accident.” Iln d D one Ilia Kip it. Uncle llosea did not feel able to con­ tribute more than 75 cents to the mission­ ary cause, and was not particularly en­ thusiastic about giving even that. "You ought to give as the Lord has prospered you.” said Deacon Ironside. " I don:t think the Lord'll ever accuse me of bein’ ungrateful,” answered Uncle Hosea. "S ix of my boys is preachers.” Do you pin your hat to your own hair? C a n ’ t do It? Haven’t enough hair? It must be you do not know A yer’s Hair V igor! Here’s an intro­ duction! May the acquaint­ ance result in a heavy growth of rich, thick, glossyhair! And we know you’ll never be gray. B U T W E S H A L L N O T DO T H IS. W e shall continue to offer Peruna to the people. W e shall continue to eonvey to the people our claims for Peruna as a household remedy. W e shaU continue to supply the people w ith free literature, teaching them how to use S a r s a t a b s . 100 D ose« One D ollar. P r e ­ our medicine, teaching them how to avoid disease, teaching them many things “ I think that Ayer's Ftair Vigor Is the most p a red on ly b y C. I. H ood Co., t a w e ll. Mass. R a re lllr d . wonderful hair grower that was ever mode. I o f benefit to the home. W e shall continue to do this, whether the medical BORAX IN THE DAIRY hove used It for some time and 1 con truth­ " I admire that parrot of your»,** re­ fully shy that 1 am gi sally pleased with It. I profession like it or not. cheerfully recommend It as a splendid nrepo- marked the visitor, rising to take his de­ F o l l o w t u i r I t U p. Miss V ButXK, Why land, Mleh. W e are proposing from this time on to take the pnblio into oar confidence. ration.” parture. " I t ’s the most sensible bird I ’ve Flr*t Magnate— Why do you always jo seen for a long time.” Notwithstanding that some imitatois and substitutors w ill be attempting tc \ M a tte r o f P r o fita b le In te re s t Iteade by J. C. Ayer Co. , Lowell, Maas, east on this line? It's not nearly as Also mauuffcotui era o f "W hy, he hasn't uttered a single word put up something which they consider just as good os Peruna, w e are going to to th e F a r m e r a n d D a iry m a n short and direct as some of the others. since you came in,” aaid the owner of the SARSAPARILLA. draw aside the veil o f secrecy and allow any one who chooses to know exactly Second Magnate— I know it, but in The problem oi keeping sweet all the 1 PILLS. parrot. OF W H A T P E R U N A IS COMPOSED. tiying to get passes I have always found CNËKRY PECTORAL. atensils used in connection w ith milk " I know It. That's why I admire this to be the line of least resistance.—■ This ought to disarm all honest criticism. W e expect, however, that crit knd cream selling, and butt r making, ____________________ him.” icism w ill continue. On some pretext or other those who are envious of the has been a serious one with the farmer. Chicago Tribune. r * T ft 8t. Vitus’ Donee ana oil Nervous Dispones success o f Peruna w ill oontinue to find I r I O Permanently cured by Dr. Kl.ne's Great H e has come to realize fully that the P r o x im it y # P e .a lm l.t to V ie w . Nerve Restorer. Send for F RK K |2trial bottle and ! fault. But w e are determined to give »lightest taint or hint of staleneas left in Wareham Long— How near did ye #Yer treatise. Dr. R. Ii. Kliae, Ld.. W1 Arch SL, Philo..Po. “ L ife.” remarked the optimist, “ 1# such people no just complaint. can, tin or churn may ruin a whole jome to bein’ rich? made up o f sunshine and sorrow." M lit h t l i e W o r s e . Tuffold Knutt— Well, I wui next thing P E R U N A IS A G R E A T M E D IC IN E . ju tp u t; that the taint which is left is in “ Yes,” rejoined the pessimist, “but Mamma— "Your overcoat will nerer It has become a household word in the form of bacteria which grow and to a millionaire wunsf. Me an’ ole Mun- the trouble Is there nre about nln# toburn happened to go on a toot the same fit you this winter.” shadows to one sunshine.” millions o f homes. Onr faith in the m ultiply in m ilk or butter, producing night, an’ they put us in adjoinin' cells Bobby— " I know it won't, mamma, | sc the p’lice station.” remedy is stronger than ever. Every disastrous results. but my skates w ill; so don't lot’s Only On# “ BROMO QUININE." The farmer has learned that hot water year we expect to establish new plants That is L A X A T IV E BROMO U U IN IN K . Look worry.” — Puck. lor tlie signature of K. \V. GROVK. Used th . h ow ’s This? in foreign lands nntil the people o f all the world are supplied w ith this valu­ won’t rinse away the greasy residue in - World over to Cure . Cold tn One Pay. 25c. E p it a p h . I la iry utensi s. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any able household remedy. *ase of Catarrh that cannot be cured by H a l ’g Traveler, pause and drop a tear The production of alcohol in Francs W E C L A IM P E R U N A TO E E A C A T A R R H R E M E D Y . Buy a bottle and ' H e has learned that soap leaves a Catarrh Cure. F J. C H EN EY A CO., Toledo, O For Timothy Squiggs, who once dwelt during the season of liKXVlIKM is esti­ j -esidue of its own which is, if anything, try it. I f it helps you, be honest and acknowledge that it has helped you. W e, the undersigned, have known F. J. here. mated at 71'. 2tfJ.it 17 gallons. Of this ¡worse than the m ilk or cream residue, Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him J f you w ant us to w e w ill publish your statement exactly as you furnish it He vanished from our mortal sight great quantity 84 per emt was iniluw , . . . . tnJ it is little wonder that there has been perfectly honorable in all buisness transactions i And financially able to carry out any obliga- j W hen he th aw ed a can o f dynam its. tons. W e w ill add no words, take aw ay no words. I f yon wish us to we w ill trial alcohol. i i constant clam or lor a dairy cleanser tion made bv his firm. publish your portrait in connection with i t W o w ill not do this without your W ALD INU , K IN N A N A M A R V IN , I »nd sweetener that w ill meet modern Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,O written request, without your entire consent. rt quire uients. H a ll's Catarrah Cure Is ik o n Internally, act­ Peruna has cured thousands o f people o f chronic catarrh, in many phases dtrectiy upon the blood and mucous sur­ A few of the largest cream ery establish ing faces o l the system. Testim onials sent free. and locations. A t least, that is what the people say to ns, through unsolicited ments have called experts into consul­ Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take H all's Fam ily P ills for Constipation. testimonials. Peruna w ill cure many thousand more, in spite o f fabricated tation on this problem and have with •fenders to the contrary. this scientific aid hit upon a product oi T i l e I'ru lnieini. W E G U A R A N T E E E V E R Y B O T T LE OF P E R U N A TO C O N T A IN T H E if natuie w hich exactly fills the b i l l - "D o you think it is as easy to make I N G R E D I E N T S P R IN T E D O N T H E L A B E L . It Is perfectly natural to rub the spot that hurts, nml when the muscles, borax. i fortune as It used to be?” asked the ■* ■ W e guarantee that every testimonial w e use is absolutely true—in the nerves, joints and bones are throbbing and twitching with the pains of Hcientisls have long known borax a» ambitious youth. tsact language o f the testifier. answered Senator Sor­ Rheumatism the sufferer Is apt to turn to the liniment bottle, or some other a cleanser, a sweetener and an antiseptic ! “ Easier,” W e guarantee that every photograph published i3 the photograph o f the destroyer of bacteria and germ growths. ghum. “ The problem is to do It In external application, in ati effort to get relief from the disease, by producing rson whose r.ama it bears, that every word o f every testimonial was author Destroys all that is harmful and pro­ such a way that your friends w ill con­ counter-irritation on t'.ie flesh. Such treatment w ill quiet the pain tempo­ rarily, but can have no direct curative effect on the real disease because it id by the hand that signed i t motes and preseives '.rcsliniss, sweet­ tinue to speak to you.” — Washington does not reach the blood, where the cause is located. Rheumatism is morn - W e are determined to beat our opponents by being fairer than they are. ness and purity, relieving the dairyman Star. yers People Who Object to Liquid Medicines Can Now Secure Peruna Tablets. e RHEUMATISM CAN NO T B E R UBBED AW AY C and dairy housewife of drudgery and ol 1 N o t In th e M a r k e t. needles, work and worry. "W hen I go Into politics, I am go­ Its cheapness and value should give it ing to hire out my brains to tbe beet Brat place in the necessities of every paying side.” dairy. "B u t when people hire brains they The cow’ s udder is kept in a clean, want furnished thoughts; not empty healthy and smooth condition by wash­ flute.” — Baltimore American. ing it with tiorax and water, a table-, spoonful of borax to two quarts of w a ter.1 Mo her. w ill find Mr,, w in .lo w * . Soothing Byrup the b si remedy .... tu uso tur ik ^ e ir . cUUdnod This prevents roughness and sorenesi durlujj • the teething period. or cracked teats, which make milking T V « T u r t ilu u o t l b . W o r m . tim e a dread to the cow and a worry tc I M ollle— I wish you were more like the milker. Mr. Simpson. The modern cleanser of all dairy uten . Coddle— My dear, If I were more like silsconsists of— one tablespoonful of bor­ Mr. Simpson, 1 should have married a ax to every quart of water nteded. Re­ woman more like Mrs. Simpson.— St. member— a tablespoonful equals foul Louis Pout-Dispatch. teaspoonfuis. Be sure that yon get pure borax. Tc T h e P ro p er Pee. be sure, you must get “ 20 Mule Teats "W h a t do I get for this stunt?’’ ask­ B orax.” ed the vain, but execrable, amateur. A ll dealers. A dainty book in colors, “ I f I were a police m agistrate,” an­ cal ed “ Jingle Book," sent free to an) swered tbe manager, “ you would get Mother sending name end eddress of hen 30 d a y s ; but, a, I am not, you'll simply baby, and tops from two pound carton] get out.” o f “ 2 0 Mute Team” Package Boras, wilt Sc in stamps. Address Pacific Coast Borax Co., Oak- land, Cal. by dealing squarer than they dare to. W e are determined to meet falsehood w ith truth, duplicity w ith candor, insincerity w ith sincerity. W e know that the users o f Peruna w ill appreciate our stand. W e believe that the dealers in Peruna w ill applaud our course. W e expect even our op- neats w ill be obliged to acknowledgs finally that Peruna is not only an nest and useful remedy, but o n o o f tne G R E A T E S T H O U S E H O L D M E D I N E S O N T H E C O N T IN E N T . 1. Gee Wo Th e well known relluble CHINESE Root and Herb DOCTOR H r * mnde a life *tody o f roots unit horl>*. and in that ydlfTX ft study discovered and is viv. in a to the world his wonder- U2KQiw S * fuT remedies. Mercury, Poisons or Drug« Used - Me Cures hout Operation, or Without the Aid of a Knifq jo tens ran tees to Cure Catarrh. Asthma, Lung, jrout. Rheumatism. Nervousness. Nervous Debility, ~mRch. Liver. Kidney Troubles:also Loe? Manhood, -ale Weakness and A ll Priva te Diseases. S h lftlu i, th e B a r d e n . “ W hen I started In business, ' said Mr. Dustin Stax, reflectively, "I re- solved never to tell an untruth.” “ And you kept your word?” "Yes. Whenever I had any délicats business o f that sort on hand I hired an expert.” — Wa s h’ r s t « r . One of the Essentials o f the happy homes o f to-day Is i vast fund o f inform ation as to th« Received from Peking, China—Safe, Sure best methods o f promoting health and J and Reliable. happiness and right livin g and k no w} 1 IF r o n ARE AFLIC TED . D O N'T DELAY. D E LA YS ARE DANGfcfiOUS. ledge o f the world's best products, C O N S U L T A T I O N I IV ,:»; Products o f actual excellence and t f , ii cannot call, write fo r ■» n [.ton bl.uk and draw. lor. Indoor, 4 rente In ntstr i , reasonable claim s truthfully presented „ T K E C . G EE WO CH INESE M E D IC IN E CO. 1 2 E lm St Cor. klorrieon. Portland. Oregon. and which have attained to world­ Please Mention This Paper. wide acceptance through the approval o f the W ell-Inform ed o f the W o rld ;! P r o b a b le . “ I sometimes think,” said Dubley. not o f individuals only, but of thy I "th at It would be Interesting to trace many who have the happy faculty ol f the origin o f some o f the common selecting and obtaining the best thy phrases o f the day. For Instance, I world affords. wonder who originated the expression, One o f the products o f that class, ‘It never rains but It pours.’ ” o f known component parts, an Ethical “ Very likely," suggested Kidder, "It remedy, approved by physicians and was Noah." commended by the W ell-Inform ed of the W orld as a valuable and whole­ A u am p er. some fam ily laxative is the well-known Marlon— I showed papa those verses Syrup o f Figs and E lixir o f Senna. To you wrote me, and he seemed blessed. get Its beneficial effects always buy H arry— He did? the genuine, manufactured by the Marion— Yes. He said he was glad C alifornia F ig Syrup Co., only, and to see you were not a poet. for sale by all leading druggists. A SU R E CAN CER CURE Steel-Clad Grubber j . A t J a m e o to vrn . A newly married couple was taking In the Jamestown Exposition. “ There’s our biggest man-of-war, dear," said the husband, pointing to one o f the vessels in the harbor. Just then a little tug waa seen puff­ ing around the big ship. "And is the little one a tug-of-wnr, Tom?” asked the wife.— Success Maga­ zine. G ir l, to I , P it ie d . Slnplta, Strong. A, Earn» a I I . a J led Grabber Made. Will pell MORB and L A R G E R sumps wi.h LESS EXPENSE tb.a an) other. than skin deep— it is rooted and grounded in the blood and can only bn reached by constitutional treatment— I T C A N N O T BIJ RUBBED A W A Y . Rheumatism is due to an excess o f uric acid in the blood, brought about by the accumulation in the system o f refuse matter which the natural avenues of bodily waste, the Bowels and Kidneys, have failed to carry off. This refuse matter, coming in contact with the different acids of the body, forms uric acid which is absorbed into tbe blood and distributed to all parts o f the body, and Rheumatism gets possession o f the system. The aches and pains are only symptoms, and though they may be scattered or relieved for a time by surface treatment, they w ill Tcappear at the first exposure to cold or dampness, or after an attack of Indigestion or other Irregularity. Rheuma­ tism can never be permanently cured while the circulation remains saturated with irritating, pain-producing uric acid poison. The disease w ill shift from muscle to muscle or joint to joint, settling on the nerves, causing inflammation and swelling and such terrible pain3 that the nervous system is often shattered, the health undermined, und perhaps the patient become» deformed and crippled for life. S. S. S. thoroughly cleanses the blood and renovates the circulation by neutralizing the acids nnd expelling all foreign matter from the system. It warms and invigorates the blood So that instead of a weak, sour stream, constantly deposit­ ing acrid and corrosive matter In the mus­ cles, nerves, joints and bones, the body is fed and nourished by rich, health-sustaining blood which completely nnd permanently cures Rheumatism. 8 . 8 . 8 . is composed PURELY V E G E T A B L E of both purifying and tonic properties—» just what is needed in every case of Rheu­ matism. It contains no potash, alkali or other mineral ingredient, but is made entirely o f purifying, healing extracts and juices o f roots, herbs and barks. I f you are suffering from Rheumatism do not waste valuable tiraa trying to rub a blood disease away, but begin the use of S. S. S. and w rit« us about your ease and our physicians will give you any information o r ad vice desired five of charge and will send our special treatise on Khcumutisnu S * Se S THE S W IF T S P E C IF IC C O ., A TLA N TA , C A . Jaques M fg . Co» Chicago» W rit, lor Deacrlpll*. Circolar u d Priem JO H N S. B E A LL, Manufacturer S21 11« o f b o r o . A t . ni*. 4 P o r li.. d . O r s i # I know o f many well-to-do middle class families where the daughters, having reecived the education o f ca­ nary birds, are launched on a sea of gaysty with a cargo o f pretty smiles and frocks to captivate husbands.—» London Madame. BAKING POWDER PAZO O INTM ENT la gua-onteed to c a r « «n> f ;as« of Itching, Blind. Jleedlng or Protruding | tlea in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. One T h e K in d Y ou H ave A lw ays B o u g h t h a s b o rn e th e sig n a­ tu re o f Clias. U . F le tc h e r, a n d h as b e e n m ad e u n d e r his p erso n al su perv ision fo r o v er 3 0 y e a rs. A llow no one to deceive you In th is. C o u n terfeits, Im ita tio n s a n d “ Ju st-a # -g n o d ” a re hut E x perim en t*, n n d e n d a n g e r th e h e a lth o f C h ild ren —E x p e rie n c e a g a in st E x p e rim en t. What Is CASTO R IA C asto ria is a h arm less s u b s titu te fo r C asto r O il, P a re ­ goric, D rops a n d S o o th in g Syrups. I t is P leasan t. I t co n tain s n e ith e r O pium , M orph in e n o r o th e r N arco tic su b stan ce. Its a g e is its g u a ra n te e . I t d estro y s W o rm s nnd allays F ev erish n ess. I t c u re s D ia rrh u -a an d W in d Colic. It relieves T e e th in g T ro u b les, eu res C o n stip ation nm l F latn len ey . I t assim ilates th e F o o d , reg u late s th e Stom ach an d B o w e l s , g iv in g h ealth y a n d n a tu ra l sleep. T h e C h ild ren ’s P a n a c e a —T h e M o th e r’s F rie n d . The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of k C a r e . W hile Y e s W alk. ] Allen’. Foot Ee— j, .cenalo cur. lor hot, iwe*ting,callu>,on‘1fwoller.,srhlncfeet. Sold »>• •lll>rus*l»t.. Price the Don't accept any " ‘ ’•‘ ■‘ “ le Trial ¡...tr a . FREE. Addrra. I V ilen 8. O l a .t e d . L e K e y , S . Y . I Over 3 0 Years. In I e o «w n . tt e „ a . . . . . . . . . . a r e rara .rra. ;J Isec- Q u a lity Econom y 1 B' K hai minrn- Purity KG E x c e p t io n . T h e H a ir F ir. Helen was watching some flies on the window pane, when she called to her m other: “ Mamma, com# and see If this is the bosom f ly !” “Tb# bosom fly. child! What kind o f a fly is that?” “ Ob, the one they sung about In church last Sunday— ’Let me to thy bosom flv.’ ” — T b e Circle. Iti(d as Stands for PlifS CURfD IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. “ I st ) that Friday comes on the 13th | this week. Doesn't it make you feel creepy ?” "M e? I ’m not superstltloas. F ri­ day Is not tbe only day on which un­ lucky things happen." “ But all th# worst things happen on Friday.” “ No. they don't. I was married on Tuesday.” —Cleveland Plain Dealer. the en- In p ro vid in g the fa m ily ’s m eals,don’t be satisfied w ith a n yth in g but the best. K C is‘f(unrantccd perfec­ tion a t a m od erate price. It m akes e v e ry th in g better. THE M A N T O SWEARS BY THE FISH BRAND SLICKER r^ v -a SB T r y and see. Perfect or •J?»« • Money back. Is the man who has tried lo get the same service oui of torn other make Clean Light Durable Guamnteed Vder proof and Sold Every »hw» ot »320 »uth For- by the tty Com- a piece ining at to the that ii r. Todd ad build- „ SM O ta AT ALL e n i r c s , FOR EVERY MEMBER OF TME FAMILY. MEN, B O V S , W O M EN . M IS S E S A N O C H ILD R E N . I U ” y- L: ° " » * • • Af l d M / fa m o r a « * 3 - O _ ». — reel• eg n m n d ld .C O .A o .. . P. N . U . No. t-oa S e f r M ' T e e tk . Th# whltenea# and beauty o f tbs W. L D ougin Cmot U ’ H f N w r it in g ’ to k d r u r t l M n p l « M « •r- « a f teeth o f tbe African negroes ara gen­ w . u I m i L w i y a d w M »ia M Ìn »»a « ra ■*»«««■• Y ' * ’ , * ’ If m « o i l n n t h is p a p # r. He. I if ht th* t i o n erally sacri bed to tbe food which they W «4 Colai. »at and to farorahl# climatic condi­ tions, hut these ignorant native# tak# »pedal care o f the teeth and a rt fa ­ m iliar w ith many remedies for th# C olor m ore goods brighter and faster colors than an y other dye. O n e lOc package colors silk, w o o l and cotton s q u a lly w e B treatment of dental disease#— Mun- and la guaranteed to giv e perfect result*. A s k dealer, w e w i ll send poet p tala at 10c a package. W r ite lo r fre e bookie* h o w to dye, bleedigand m i . colera. M O N ROE D R U G C O M P A N Y , Q u in cy, Ullnola. :bener Medlslnlsche W ocbefistbrlfL n $4 and S5 Gilt Efg* Short PUTNAM Be Equalled Al Any M* FADELESS or » M DYES 1