Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, February 20, 1908, Image 5

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Mr. Wahl’ s sale was well attended.
Alvaris Matteson is on the sick
The ground is dry enough
to plow
Pruning trees seems to be the order
Ot the day.
Rev. Zimmermsn’ s lecture
hibition was fíne.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W escott
visiting in the Grove Sunday.
B. C. Dennis wh'le pruning trees
last Saturday cut his hand quite badly.
Ed. Bates and family have the sym­
pathy of the entire community in this
their hour of bereavement.
Harold Short has been very sick
the last few days.
J. L. Loving and James Churchill
have been improving their ranches by
blasting stumps.
Karl K och from East Portland, and
a substantial citizen, has purchased
the Thomas Kidd property, one-half
mile north of town. H e gave a fine
reception to his many German friends
and neighbors on Valentine evening.
H e is one of those whole-souled Ger­
mans that like to see everybody enjoy
themselves, and his family did their
best to make everything pleasant.
Music and dancing was the order of
the evening. The fact is, it takes the
Germans to know how to enjoy them­
selves, and the Americans were in the
swim too. This family is a great addi­
tion to the neighborhood.
His inten­
tion is to dairying as well as farming
We omit the names of the guests who
reveled until the small hours of the
morning, and St. Valentine did not
catch any of them napping only the
little tots who slept the evening away
in the corners and soft, easy chairs, j
Our regTet is that there are not more
Valentine days in the year. W e miss
Mr. Kidd and family as neighbors and
friends and regTet that they have taken
up their sojourn in the noisy city o f ,
Mr. Peterson and son of The Dalles,
are visiting his brothe.-in-law, James
Miss Fisher went home Friday even- '
ing, returning Saturday evening.
McClaren of this place.
Mr. Edward’ s mother and sister are
Miss Myrtle Corwin, who has finished
a term of school at Gales City, left visiting him this week.
Sunday for Wilson River where she will
About 45 neighbors met and gave
teach the spring term at that place.
a surprise party on the Burke’ s Satu -
Various games were
The logging camp must be doing a day evening"
rushing business as they are working engaged in after which ice-cream and
seven days out of the week and if cake were served in abundance.
there was one more they would work eryone voted a fine time.
Crowded out last week
There seems to be quite a stir in
J. A. Pritchard has been blowing
the spraying business this year as Dan­ some of his stumps to pieces.
iel Pierce. Chas. Potts and J. J. Ad­
Mr. Edwards received a bill of fruit
kins have been buying spray pumps
trees last week which he has set out.
and preparing to spray their orchards
W. K Newell is having a new fence
as soon as the sun peeps out long
built across the front of his place.
The Gales shoemaker
busy at his trade lately.
We Have a
George Washington
Patriot Window this week
And are displaying the wonderful PATRIOT SHOES
in Men’s, Ladies’, Youths, Misses’ and Children’s.
the piece of land J.
some time ago.
Loom is sold
L. L. Paget has let a contract for
Mr. Beck, of Dilley vicinity, was in
'Ü Gales one evening lately in search of grubbing about ten acres. The parties
are from Portland and seem to be get­
T his horses.
ting along nicely.
The farmers of this vicinity are al-
A surprise party was given Mr. and
8 ready getting their plows sharpened
with the expectation of plowing within Mrs. Edwards Saturday night at their
home. Neighbors came in on them
g$ the next few weeks.
at about 7:30 with well filled baskets.
Numerous games and various enter­
Our new blacksmith, Mr. Kohl, is tainments were engaged in until 10:30
when refreshments, consisting of sand-
doing a good business.
witches, cake and coffee, were served.
Come.ius is going to have a bakery About forty were present and a fine
conducted by Mrs. J. H . Lund.
time was enjoyed by all.
Wenzel Erker is blowing stumps on
the former Lyttle place. H e makes
things move.
Mrs. J. T. Lucas is on the sick list
Grant Bacon has bought 10 acres this week.
from Mr. Kidd and is establishing a
Miss A bbie Wilkes
boro Tuesday.
home close to town.
Ernest Haberstroh and wife has
bought ten acres from the Lund es­
tate and is busy getting it ready for
,‘ 7
Did you ever see a Pink Stork?
If you desire to see one look in our south winaow. It,
is there and calls attention to our line of Infants’ wear,
such as Underwear, Hosiery, Shoes, T oilet Articles, etc
.5 0
to Hills­
Liner Column f®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®
Miss Martha Traver resigned her po­
sition as teacher of our school on ac­
count of the serious illness of her
It Is all smooth sailing when you place a Liner Ad
Miss Traver was teaching
in this column. A few word* here will reach 5,000
readers and the result« are certain. 5c line 1st
her fourth consecutive year here and
Insertion, 2V* cents each subsequent insertion.
Minimum charge 10 eta.
we are very sorry to lose her as the
school has progressed finely under her
As yet no teacher has
FOR SALE. — Pedigree
A telephone meeting was held at been secured to fill the vacancy.
Texas, Glenn Mary, Brandy­
the Burgeson school house last Tues­
Im proved
Fern Leaf Fruit Farm, Cornelius, Ore.
R. S. Alexander.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cushioner re­
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. LaMont were in
! --------------------------------------------------------------
turned to their home Saturday, after a town Monday.
For sale close in— Some ch oice small
visit with the Flowers family.
Rev. J. R. and Mrs. Hall spent a I tracts. Several desirable houses and
Mrs. H . Stowell was thrown from a
few hours in Forest Grove Tuesday.
lots. T. H. Littlehales Forest Grove
sleigh last week, with the result that
27 tf
Mrs. Frank Johnson and children National Bank Building.
her elbow was thrown out of place.
Fred H Caldwell made a trip to the
Mark Tracy has sold his saloon to a
Portland man who is going to build a Grove last week.
dwe ling for himself and family.
Ben David spent a few days in this
That Cornelius needs more dwelling vicinity last week.
houses is a certa n j . and would be a
Fred Wonder, of Portland, spent a
good investment for som ebody.
few days in Buxton the past week.
Mr. Merilott our new neighbor from
Chico, Cal., who bought 10 acres from
the Kidd place, has it nearly all slashed.
H . Kennell bought a new incubator
a short time ago and has it running.
Mrs. Crunican and son John returned
from Portland, Tuesday, where they
i J. G. Boos has been blasting some have been visiting the past two or
large fir stumps lately.
three weeks.
Claud Alemball has a contract of
The walnut trees arrived last week
wood cutting for A. Roth.
for the large orchard to be planted on
Mrs. Lauretta Folson has been on
the sick list for the past few days.
Was a patriot and a wonderful man
Part of the Shefflin place has been
sold is the rumor for 12 4,00 0 to four
families from Minnesota by the name She was taken immediately to the d o c ­ are visiting relatives in the northern
part of the state.
tor at Banks.
6( Sanoro.
Mrs. M cC oy of Davids Hill is en­
German Lutheran Sunday school
joying a visit with a brother whom she
Sunday morning and services also
(Crowded out Last Week.)
has not seen for years.
a'ternoon English service by Rev. J.
M. Johnston is a guest at the Bisbee
F. Doescher.
W. F. M cCoy and H . and A. R o g ­
hom r
ers helped Allan R ice to improve his
There has been considerable cord-
Miss Elsie Reuter called on Mrs.
property some, recently.
wood cut in and around Cornelius. R ice Monday.
Mr. R ice, our onion man, is getting
School began this week with Otto
Mrs. O. McCale and Children went
land cleared at S25 per acre.
Krause of Cornelius as teacher. Mr.
to Portland Tuesday.
Krause is boarding at Henry Schmate’ s.
Mr. Sias, who bought 6 acres from
M i:s Dora Schmale came over from
H . Lund, is blowing stumps,
Mrs. R. M. Bisbee received a mes­
gettirg ready to build. H e is going Scoggins Valley to attend the social.
sage Tuesday evening of her father’ s
into the chicken business and has a
James Dilley is having some fine death. The
sympathy of all her
fine lot of White Leghorns.
improvements made on his place.
friends is extended.
Mrs. John DeMoss and Mrs. A. T .
Mr. Bruchele has taken possession of
Mrs. Orla Buxton attended a meet­
tha Powers place north of town which Buxton visited with Mrs. Adams M on­ ing of the W om an's Club Domestic
he lately bought, and has placed Fred day.
Economy class in the Grove, Monday
W ick on same as manager, turning it
Miss Hamilman of Dilley, was a evening. Mrs. Buxton is president of
into a dairy farm. Success to him.
guest of the Misses Schmale several the class.
Mr. Sturtevmnt is putting up a tank days last week.
Mrs. Keagy and daughter. Miss
and windmill on his home place.
The estate of R. M. Bisbee was ap­ Ethel, and the families of A. T. Bux­
hope we will see more going up this praised Monday by Messrs. Buxton, ton and N. A. Frost were pleasant
summer, which are badly needed dur­ R ice and Adams.
visitors at the Adams home on the
ing the summer months for all around
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCracken Watts ranch last Friday.
drove out from Forest Grove and took
D ecided improvements will
be in the social Friday.
made and are under construction in ¡
John Wolford was bom in Somerset
Miss Emma Busch is spending this
this neighborhood, real
week at her home on Davids Hill and County, P i., D *c. IS, 1840 and died
change hands and the influx of Eastern
in Hillsboro Feb. 13, 1908
H e was
expects to return to Dilley Sunday.
buyers, all looking for the best loca­
aged 67 years, 1 month and 27 days.
Mrs. Iva Johnson returned to Pasco, He was united in marriage to Mary
tions, and those are to be found in
Wash., Friday, after a few weeks visit
Washington County.
Jane Cayton the 19th of Jan. 1859
with relatives and friends in this place. Nine children were bom to this union.
J. H . Lund has returned from a
The basket social Friday evening H e goes to meet his wife and three
men h’ s trip to the east and homewaid
(4 3 .2 0 was children who passed on before.
by the wav of California. H e visited was a com plete success
h s old home in Dako*a and Wisconsin. realized from the sale of the baskets served three yean in the Civil War,
H e is much more so pleased with our which will be applied towards the pur­ was converted at the age of 16 yean,
W ebfoot climate and is going to hold chase of a fine list of books for the joined the Lutheran Church.
fast with us. Mrs. Lund’ s health has school library. The people are to be . later united with the Church of God.
com m ended for their liberal patronage. His last afternoon was spent in prayer
ecidedly improved traveling.
LIST your farms and other properties
for sale with T . H . Littlehales, Forest
Grove National Bank Building.
27 tf
NOTICE — I have 6 lots in the city
of Cornelius. Good house, new barn, !
good water, some fruit. Five of the
lots are on Ash timber land equal to
Beaverdam. Price, $1000. Will take
a good team and wagon as part pay i f !
taken soon.
W . E. FITCH, Cor­
F r e sh C o w s for S a l e — Having
bought a herd of registered Holstein- i
Friesian cattle, we are selling off our
grade milch cows as they com e in
fresh, and have several good fresh
cows for sale now, at prices which
ought to sell them .— Carmichael hi Co.,
Gaston, Ore.,
W a n t e d — Young girl to do light
house work for two months for family
of three.
Phone 523.
Real Estate Qo
K . N. S ta eh r
Som e of this week’s Bargains
Eleven acres of fine land with
good house and barn, orchard,
only one mile out for sale or ex­
change for town property.
Five acres of land, 2 miles
from Forest Grove. New house
and barn. Only $1000. This is a
A fine 100 acre farm with good
buildings, between Cornelius and
Hillsboro at only $75 per acre.
15 acres of land all cleared,
with house and barn.
10 acres
cleared, 6 acres bottom land, 14
miles out.
New six room house 2 blocks
from the P. O ., with J of an acre
of ground for sale cheap or ex-
for a small tract of land close to
5 acres of land with good new
house and bam , one mile from
town for $1650.
for rent for
3 partially furnished rooms in
fine location for rent at $5 per
W N. Ferrin, Forest Grove. 32
PW l SALE — Thirty Ewes.
of C. N. Johnson, Spring Hill Farm.
to his G od; he told his daughter he
was ready to go.
The following children are left to
mourn his loss: Mrs. Ida Grindel,
Buxton; Harry W olford, Buxton- Mrs.
Ella Morley, Hillsboro; Mis. Anna
Newbrey, Alton, K an.; Mrs. Minnie
Sewell, Hillsboro; Emmett Wolford,
D . F . F le c k
5 upstairs rooms
$5 per month.
WANTED — A girl for general house­
Good six-room house, only 2
blocks from Main street for $700.
$50 down and $12 per month
takes it.
25 acres of land all cleared,
with new eight room house, large
barn and out buildings, less than
three miles from Forest Grove,
good bearing orchard on the
place. This is on R. F D. add
milk route.
Six room house on large cor­
ner lot and barn.
Fine location.
Only $750.
Easy terms.
Good new 7-room house with
two lots on car line lor only
1000 .
Four acres of land, close to
town, with house and barn, good
orchard. An ideal location for a
fruit and chicken ranch.
1100 .
Seven-room house on large lot
Good location $1400. Half cash.
6 room house for rent cheap.
New house and barn with a-
bout one acre of fine land locat­
ed on good county road less than
2 miles out for onfy $300. Own­
er is going away, You will have
to hurry if you want this rare bar­
H ou ses tor Rent
— Hoffman hr Allen Co. esn supply
— Don’ t you think s nice Won
your wants in blankets and comforts at Blanket would feel good these coo
Bailey’ s.
low prices.
Pacific Monthly $2.00.
— Cotton Blankets 10-4, 11-4, 12-4,
8 5 c,
$2 00, at Bailey’ s.
— M oney to loaa on farm security
— Selling out at cost at Dr. Parker’ s.
W. H. Hollis.
— A full line of Comforts at Bailey's.
— Your wheel should be put in proD-
er shape lor winter. Corl and Son
will do it.
Uth For-
by the
Uy Com-
a piece
ining at
to the
that is
r. Todd
ad build-