rnsmmm K m B ai æ E Q Pirst Annual Clearance Sale GS Beginning February 8th, 1 and continuing for the entire m onth w e will make special reduced prices on our entire line o f general merchandise. Following are a few o f the many bargains o f this M O N E Y S A V IN G S A L E . « li \ì G R O C E R IE S II u i IS pounds of Sugar for One Dollar i il II il 1) 11 K •?** N o w is the time to buy 3 cans C om 25 cents, $1.75 per case 1000 yards of Calico, per yard 3 cans Tomatoes 25c, 500 yards Outing, per yard 9c 300 yards Outing, per yard 7c #1.95 per case 1 package Raisins, 10 cents 20 per 2 pkgs. Arbuckles C offee 34 cents cent off on all W o o l Dress Ladies’ and Gents’ Golf Gloves at cost 1 gallon can of Apricots 40 cents Ladies’ and Gents’ Umbrellas 1 gallon can of Apples 40 cents M en ’s 1 gallon can of Pumpkin 35 cents H eavy Cotton 1-4 off Underwear at 42 l-2 c per garment 7 bars of Golden Star Soap 25 cents W e cary the largest your shoes. and most com­ 25 per cent off on all of our new line of Jewelry. Every Article W arranted. plete line in this part of the county and have just received our spring line. W e will include them in this B ig Sale at from 15 per cent to 20 per cent off. Goods 1 gallon can of Peacfies 40 cents A Special Additional Cut will be made on all Loggers. M en’s sporting duck boots, pair $4.50 M e n ’s short duck boots, pair $3.00 M en’s short plain boots, pair $2.75 In fact everything in our store will be reduced in P R I C E and must be C a n n o t a f f o r d t o m is s T H E S E B A R G A IN S IN O U R U P - T O -D A T E G R O C E R Y D E P A R T ­ M ENT. y o u i 6 l-2 c L ad ies’ Trim m ed Hats O n e-H alf Price 1 pound Mokona C offee 16 cents JEW ELRY SH O ES D R Y GOODS S P E C IA L R E D U C E D P R IC E S O N O U R E N T IR E P A R A F IN E STOCK C L O T H IN G 20 P E R C E N T D IS C O U N T in Q U A N T I T Y , for we need the M on ­ ey and Y O U NEED THE GOODS. BANKS MERCANTILE COMPANY y BANKS, OREGON “The House That Saves You Money.” b a s a ia : ! □ S 3 [3 [2 9 a rm F ® S 3 3 3 'S !B m S 3 £3 ¿3 S 3 "Size de World Up Right.” " I hear folks tellin’ what a bad world average increase in the price of lum­ . dls am to live In and dat a good man • More lumber was cut in the United ber has been 49 per cent, ’ t will not gits no show. You Jest size de world States last year than in any other year b i long before cheap woods are few up right aud you'll slip along same as odder folks, and as fur de good man— in its history. The enormous amount a id far between. he'd better rub some of it off. Too of 37,550,736,000 board feet was pro Figures upon the lumber cut of the much goodness Is like puttin’ a woolen Made of selected Eastern Oregon Hard Wheat, duced, and the mill value of this was United States in 1906 are contained in blanket on a boss in a July day. It's it produces more loaves of bread than any other hot fur de blanket and uncomfortable 8621,151,388. In addition, there Circular 122 of the Forest Service, flour and the loaves are lighter and whiter. Be­ fur de boss. were produced 11,858,260,000 shin­ which can be had upon application to cause of the increased quantity of bread produced " I haln’t sayln’ a word agin truth gles, valued at 82*.155,555, and the Forester, U. S. Department of i and honesty aud gineral integrity. As the cost is no higher than for other flours. long as de world seemed to have any 3,812.807,000 lath, valued at 811,- Agriculture, Washington. D. C. use fur ’em dey was handy things to 490,570. On thewhole, it is safe to have around de house. What I say Is say that the present annual lum­ dat you can't be a heap different from anybody else and make it pay or have ber cut of the United States ap­ any fun out o' It. I f you do business proximates 40 billion feet, and that A Vers© From Solomon Ttld of a Mar­ wld a man you have got to do it as the total mill value of the lumber, lath. I odder folks do. riage Engagement. “ I haln't sayln' dat It’s fur de best and shingles each year p'oduced is When slip left her home In the small dat meu lie and cheat and deceive aud not less than 8700,000,000. These town to come to New York to take up ; a special course o f study her |>et sis j stand ready to do each odder up. and figures give some idea of how vast is neither will I deny dat It adds zest to ter was fast reaching the crisis o f a the lumber industry and how great is love affair. The |»et sister was a most life and sharpens up a man's wits. I reckon I rather lnjoy It when Ebulli­ the demand for its products. winsome young lady and had long kept tion Brown comes ober to my cabin a goodly train o f suitors a sighing. fur an hour's visit and tries to take A glance at the kinds of lumber pro- ML’T U A I. R IR E R E L IE E AS S N . this l»e the de doah mat wid him when he goes. i i i ^ 1 1 1 ■» ■ Was was m i s a affair i i a i r i to u ut? tu t: g grand u u m « affair? »»«»a * duced shows very clearly the passmg ^ ^ ^ hoped „ for Bhe llked I f he was a good man he would be u of white pine and oak, one the greatest1 the younK cordially—thought lie ! bore. As It am. I ’m wonderin’ when he softwood and the other the greatest was Just the sort to make a proper | will succeed In glttln’ de mat. ------IS THE------ "Jesi look upon men ns men. brother-in-law. h.tidwood which th»- forest has ever But the weeks passed, and not a tilt j “ I f you haln't lookin’ fur truth and grown. Since 1895/ the cut of white j 0f definite news about the progress of you git a dose of it de surprise w ill be t pine has fallen off more than 40 per ! the affair did the older sister receive pleasant. "D on't expect de big end of de trade In l!«T city boarding house. She be- cent, while that o f white oak has fallen j came noxious. Isnilse. she thought, Pat's what de odder feller Is also look off more than 36 per cent, Today 1 must not go on recklessly trifling In In' fur. "Be reasonably honest and 1 « rea yellow pine lead s all othet woods in such Important matters. Then one night about 10 o'clock. Just sonably truthful, but don't go to brag amount cut, while Douglas fir— and ns she was going to tied, came a tele gin' about It or you'll be thought a this will be surprise to many— comes gram. The servant brought It up. thief and a liar. The elder sister was country girl " I f you want to pass your last days second. Since 1899 the cut of Doug W ith lime sulphur solution for San Jose scale a enough to be thoroughly frightened by In de porehouse. use men as dey ought Its fir has increased 186 per cent. ■ the pale mantln, black Inked envelope. to use you. I f you want bacon and pure liquid spray manufactured by W . Stratton Ix>uisiana is the foremost yellow pin© J How ominous It looked! At length slie taters fur breakfast, use men Jest as & Son for sale by G o ff Bros., Forest Grove, and gathered courage to open It. This Is dey use you—wld a leetle extra exer­ state, with Texas. Mississippi, and Ar- j by W . H . Stratton, Cornelius, by the gallon or tion throwed in fur good measure.” what she read: kansas following in order. Washing- j M. QUAD. Solomon six three. LOl'lSE barrel. W e keep lime and sulphur for spraying. ton produces b y fr jt h e greatest amount i Solomon six three! Whatever in the He Sldeiteps. world! Oh. why, yes. stupid, it of of Douglas fir. Husband—Yes. dear, o f course w* course meant the Song o f Solomon, sixth chapter, third verse! But—and must economize. A comparison of the lumbcr-produe W ife—Well, then, I've concluded that i ig states shows that since 1899 there her cheeks flushed with shame—she hnd no Bible! I might do the cooking myself. have been many changes in their rel­ There was a great scurrying about Husband (hastily)—Oh, no. It's cheap­ A G e n tle H in t. The Workman's Error. ative rank. Washington, which in the boarding house to And a copy of er to keep a servant In the house than ” 1 got a newt rebuke for my curi­ the sacred book. The girls were rout­ a doctor.—W om an'! Home Companion 1899 stood sixth, now leads, while osity once." snld a well known Bnltl ed out In vain, tin all sides the cry more man. • and it was administered Wisconsin, which eigh t years ago led arose, "Who's got a Bible?” Just think Speed. by a native o f the Cheat river region all others, is now third. In the same of the sister trying to sleep that night " I t takes you a long time to pass a without knowing what that verse wasf given point.” said the minute hand en in West Virginia. period Oregon, onuiaiana, Mississippi, " I had stopped overnight In the dis­ It would have tieen Juat like a woman passant. trict In question and iu the morning Idaho, and California made great strides p, q,» down to pleasant dreams, content “ I may be slow." answered the hour was strolling alou t the place, asking as lumber-producing states, though, to know that she could satisfy her cu­ hand, “ but It tnkes you all of sixty- all sorts of questions. Presently 1 met riosity In the morning not! six minute« to catch up with me."— a lanky mountaineer, who greeted me on the other hand, the amount pro­ The landlady, good soul, came to the Chicago Tribune. with 'H ow dy' and passed the time of duced in M ichigan, Wisconsin. M in­ rescue. She was no heathen. She hnd day most pleasantly. Seeing that he a Bilile. Up to her room with It flew C o n s id e r in g . nesota, Georgia, Kentucky. Tennessee, was barefooted, a circumstance, it the sister and shut the door. Such a After he bail l»oeii lu deep thought seemed to me, quite odd in a mountain­ Missouri, Indi *na, and Ohio fell off turning over o f pages by eager, nerv­ for several minutes Mr Ilenpeck sani- ous region. I asked: ous fingers! Solomon six three. She anywhere from 29 to 5 4 per cent. *'I have made up my mind.” " 'Is it the custom o f this country for found It. and then she cried “ Hurrah!” "H ave you?" his w ife replied "It T h e highest-priced native woods are and laughed, for the verse was: the men to go without shoes?' ms to me It took you a long time, ••'Waal.' the native drawled, 'some At the Zoo—Good gracious! How walnut, h k k orv. and ash, and the I am my beloved a. and my beloved Is considering what you had to make up.” on us do. but most on us atten's to our heavy my l»arrow Is today.—Von V> —Chicago Record Herald. cheapest are l » c h and white fir. From mine. own business.' Lippincott's. rant. —New Y'ork Press. Greatest Lumber Cut. -? mm the fact, however, that since 1899 the Most Grocers Sell OLYfriPiC PLC/Jg Every sack guaranteed Ask your Grocer for It. THE PORTLAND FLOURING MILLS CO. USED BIBLE AS JiPHER. P T H 1 § I n P r IN S U R A N C E BANKERS AND MERCHANTS SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY Forest Grove Time Table NORTH BOUND. 6:*t0 a. m., arrives at Portland 8:00 a. m. 8:50 a. m., .............. i0:30 a. m. 1:30 p .m ., “ " " 2:50 p.m. 4:44 p. m., " ** M 6:35 p. m. SOUTH BOUND. No. 2 lv. Portland 7:00 a. m. lv. Forest Grove 8:34 a. m. No. 8 “ “ 11:00 a. m., ar. '* '* 12:20 p.m. No. 4 " 4:10 p. m., lv. “ ** 5:46 p. m. No. 10 " “ 5:40 p. m.. ar. *' '* 7:00 p. m. No. 7 departs 3 ** No. 9 “ No. 1 “ ! No. E. C. S i m p s o n , Agent. W. E. COMAN, General freigh t and Passenger Agent, Portland. — Hoffman & Allen Co. are agents for the famous Butterick patterns. — Dr. E. H . Brown, Physician and Surgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap­ pliances in office. Calls answered night or day. W e H e LAWYER Real Estate and Corpo- ation Law a Specially. OFFICE over Hin»' Stoft Forest Grove, - Of Forest Grove, Oregon B e st and C heapest * ■ » S p ra y Y o u r T re e s W . H. Stratton & Son H O L L IS , - Oregon HANCOCK & GORDON F A S H i O .V S T A B L E S Pacific Ave. Forest Grov» Neat Turnouts E. W . Haines Bank (asnausHan ■.*>«.) Forest Grove, Oregon A general banking business transacted Interest paid on time deposit*. Accounts invited. City Shaving Parlors For the Best. Un to date " ork. Baths. Pacific Ave. Forest Grove. A. I. Wirtz, Proprietor S . A . A \ o u ito n Thm Leading T^nsnriali^ O ro v i R . ¡ N I X O N , D e n ti»* Forest Grove, Oregon o rrfr i t I • *.,,»• re«- , I I n — Buy your spraying Nichols where you can see it and know just what you a-e 2nd house south of Laugnlm • Forest Grove. / ,