Doings at Pacific University * RECIPE- ~ 0FTE"' Druggists Hear Much Praise tor This Lifted From the W e e k ly Index, the C o lleg e Publication ----------- 1------------------ - A CALL TO TRACK MEN __________ Bogin Y ou r T rack O n ce. ) T r a in in g ( at . C o lle g e R e c e p tio n U iven the S e n io r Clas*. C ood P r o .p e o t a by U nique Now that the Track season is fast ap- The proaching, it is desired that every man tbe regular semester 1 haking well in a bottle one-half ounce reception of i Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce held in Brighton Compound Kargon, three ounce» Com ­ was to see Pacific put out a winning team, ^ Senior class was in The charge ol the ev- get out at on ce and begin active train- cning and had arranged the entire pro- jDg gram. After the usual greetings were Pacific University may well be proud «»changed, little booklets were passed Athletics, around in the Only four years ago our team champion of Oregon was the and the in of this simple home made mixture curing Rheumatism opening interested in Athletics and who wishes chapel Saturday evening, Feb. 8. of its past record in Track ,uilJ about town and ara0Dg the coun' try people com ing I a,,d Kidney ,roub,e- Here is the rec- l ipe and directions for taking: Mix by E n terta in m en t. tor S u ii ess. Simple Home-Made Mixture. Some remarkable stories are being LAST RECEPTION OF THE YEAR. The shape guests of Senior caps, were While we do «roups of six, each divided, into group to write an pound Syrup Sarsaparilla. dose one teaspoonful after meals and No change need be but drink This mixture, made in your plenty of good writes one authority- in a leading Philadelphia newspaper, has a peculiar tonic effect Ail our last year’ s minutes. One poem of nine verses squad is back and we have some very was composed on the Senior class, special mention. Group promising material among the new stu­ deserves ing the kidneys to sift and strain from year since then. Coach Hahn knows our capa­ twenty brought forth a very pleasing bilities and under his directions we limerick which was also upon the Sen­ can all be in first class condition at the iors. Group eighteen com posed a dents. whereas be­ German college yell which received fore we have spent one-half our time first prize. This German yell was ded­ icated to the memory’ of Abdullah Ben “ training dow n.” beginning|ji the s< ason, Kori. Pacific pennant. training under a coach of the ability of Mr. Hahn. Mr. Hahn has had sev-1 der to The settle the Group, controversy in or­ who should keep the pennant, drew lots for eral years experience as a coach and it, Miss Sewell drawing the lucky num­ thoroughly understands his business. ber. After this a magic lantern ex­ The new students may think they position was given of “ W ho’ s who at have no ability along this line, but Pacific.” Each view thrown upon the they as wel^fis the others should get screen was accompanied by some rhyme out and “ get on the marks” and find in explanation. Some of the familiar out just what they can do. A track forms seen was that of “ the college team must be developed. From our small mimber to select from we cannot | ghost’ ” “ Herr K och tr? ing t0 ride the expect to pick out a squad of winners, Freshraan m u le ” ‘ The doctor and we must develop them. cleansing upon the the clogged-up pores of the eliminative tissues, forc­ the blood the uric acid and other pois­ onous waste matter, overcoming Rheu­ matism, Bladder and Urinary troubles in a short while. A New York druggist who has had hundreds of calls for these ingredients since the first announcement in the newspapers last October stated that the people who once try it “ swear by The prize rewarded was a beautiful of this size have the opportunity of kidneys; Victories are his 'imbre11’ ” “ d >he Musician.” it,” especially those who have Urinary and Kidney trouble and suffer with Rheumatism. The druggists in this neighborhood say they can supply the ingredients which are easily mixed at home. — Guns repaired by C orl& S on . 23tf is said to be no better blood-cleansing — Try Schultz’ s ground bone fo your hens. It will make them lay. agent or system tonic known, and cer tainlv none more harmless or simple tc Mr. Arnston has not •anged our schedule definitely ar of meets, me good trips are assured and it is pre­ pared to meet our opponents. F0R BENEFIT OF ATHLETICS. ¡¿ T Arrangements are being made for the presentation of a minstrel show by the students of the University. The xact date has not yet been set, but vill probably the latter March. be part of The matter was brought be- fore the Athletic committee some time ■go, as a means of raising funds for athletics. NEW SEMESTER BEGINS. The formal opening of the new se­ mester was held at of calling atten­ tion of the merchants of this county to I failed to make an Ward 1:15 took their was appointed to I places. After the regular chapel ser- and make nec- j vices Pres. Ferrin spoke a few words of essary arrangements. Students are with welcome and introduced the speakers. requested to Rev. Clapp is a favorite students and his ready ee the com m ittee. The plan suggested is somewhat as much hearty with the wit laughter. furnished He said he ^ ‘follows: The main feature, of course, was to deliver the "supposed speech Minstrel Show, consisting of Dr. Dyott.” The points of e n - *3Will be the of darky songs, dialogues, and the lat- phasis in Rev. tst and oldest jokes. Clapp’ s forming of character I Then a boxing contest is suggested, j use of time. to fill in, until the the closing stage is performance. jirobablv be a burlesque has laid special stress ready for upon the amount of time the average This will student wastes upon social affairs, in- on the Mer- tercollegiate work, chant of Venice, short and to the point T h e committee He talk were the and the wrong not add either to and things that do scholarship or char- attempted to ar- acter building. lange the program thus in order to give Rev. Folsom briefly fiety to the performance and at the ; what Mr. Clapp had j emphasized said, but added, me time be humorous and delightful that one of the things a student should im beginning to end. , cultivate is concentration of mind Miss Hartley has secured several of M uch time is wasted because students e latest songs and will have charge of do not concentrate their minds on the e musical part of the program. Prof. Orr has kindly consented tip in staging the play, work they are doing. T h « faculty, he to said, have an interest in the students which under beyond merely pouring knowledge into s direction shonld be well worth see- them like one pours water into a num- g and hearing. Most Forest Grove People Have a W eak Part And Too Often It’s the B a rk Everyone has a weak spot. T oo often it’ s a bad back. Twinges lol'ow every sudden twist. Dull aching keeps and night. Tells you the kidneys need help— For backache is really kidney-ache A kidney cure is what you need. ' Doan’ s Kidney Pi Is cure sick kidneys Cure backache and all urinary ills. Mrs. V. M. Vos«, living on Jefferson St., Hi Lb>ro. Ore., says: “ Doan's Kidn-v P»l s proved of great val ue to me. At the time I be .an their use I had been suffering for a long time from a weakness of the k d neys and back I would arise in the morning feeling unrefreshed and il'.fitted to begin my househo'd duties My head ached at times and I teemed to be weak ail over. My kidneys were o»it c f order and gave me a great deal of annoyance. I procured a box of Doar • Kidney Pills, and after taking a few doses was greatly relieved. I was so delighted that I procured another supply and in a month was entirely free from ’ he com plaint. I am much better in every way tines using Down's Kidney Pills and give them the credit ” For sale by all dealers. Pacific's Minstrels In the past this kind c| entertainment has ■ v e n once each ye»r B c c e s s fu l in every States. Remember the Anticipating the cold wave Thursday ' take no other Bulla o and way. Whalley ALGERNON S DRESSER. Register. ’ First pub February 6.) has been carry the thermometer cage and grain farm. Reasonable terms. m\ D u r in g t h e NEW YEAR 1908 4 Rents Collected 2 Buy your drugs, sun­ V >0 dries, stationery. K o­ 0 54 daks and supplies at Office in Times Building 53 Dr. Hines’ Drug Store 49 and you will be’happy. 50 O rig a n F o ra s i B ro v t 53 41 48 .49 .5 0 Dr. I lines' DRUG STORE s a ia to ,!oln '03tJ Eatables ihill thi at ow Prices Tender, Juicy, Steaks thin w been Everybody knows Roasts and Stews, that ■ouse we keep the best Meats n of last to be had, but this is to All kinds of Fresh V e g e ta b le s G roceries VV P. SCI IULT7 Two Good Homes n r m ile On Easy Payments $300 will put you in pos­ session of either. They are nice homes, in ch oice locations. worth £1250, One is the other £1800, and they are bar­ gains at these prices. Let us show them to you. THOMAS & H0GE remind you to give us tance a call. .»«et. him ’.tiil Sasians & Co. FOREST GROVE ..ame Quong Lee’s ,ed at stream ' LAUNDRY in evi- ening. regard- nacted FINE WORK DONE vHEAP — PRICES While »hlrt - - - 10c Drawer* 5 ‘ o 55c Soft - - - 10c White Waists • 10 to 2(k White Skirts - 10 to 50 Underskirt* • IS ta» *5c Undershirt* . . . 8c Stocking* • • 2've Handkerchiefs - - 2c Collar* • * - • Ir M er’s White Vesta 10 15c ’'ant* - . . Coats . . . - 10 20c Dusi era Towels . . . 20c t k h . Napkins The following articles 50 c per do* PI” Bed Sheers, Table Cloths. Night Gown Drawers, Underwear, Aprons and Corset i i j j fidile Avtuif 1, were the en- j l t l !d as Isec- . V ng m fo rn i I Notice to Fruit Growers in Washii ton County. and ment at Washington they will doubt­ ice Chandler of Portland, were visit- less receive a liberal reward as the gov­ Allworth during T ry are in- quires the owners or persons having Up to d a te M illinery Mrs. A. E. Dixon OREGON fORUT GROVE P j TVS n hezema and Pile Cure PPPP Knowing what it is to suffer . | twill giv* t t v * -* - FRER OF CHARGE, to an? affi ned a poal five cure for Eczema. Sail Rheum. Erysipelas. Pt!e* and Skin Diseases Instant relief Don t suffer ..ngei Wrl'e p W Williams, 400 Manhattan Avenue. New York Enclose Siam* posession thereof to destroy or eradi­ cate such orchards or pests. You are therefore notified that unless such or­ chards cr pests are destroyed or eradi­ cated before the first (lav of March, 1908, I will proceed under the law to ! e '*^er cu * down or destroy such or- chards or have the trees sprayed at he ChrUti success owners expense. 26-27-31 32 W. R. HARRTS. County Fruit Inst ector. i of the *1 feature heon was — Wool Blankets £3 50 to £9.'>0 at J. K. Bailey’ s. — W e ’ ll cover that it Son. umbrella. Cori 23tf. — Get Corl’ s.. that umbrella , GoScSenrod Hour ernment jealously guards all its p-op- tn j- f W W W V W w t ■ - j fected with fruit pests and the law re­ & repair'd at 23tf. inside to to the depart­ B- iuth For- by the The Fruit Inspector of this county has found that almost all trees i J g- Cooperation save the bulbs of the thermometers Mis* and Helen term recess. am e— Doan’ s— and stock Price £20 per acre. Loans & Insurance Notice for Publication. He names the following witnesses to prove his con­ tinuous residence upen, and cul'ivation of, the land, vii Frank lurghoner, of Bux’ on, Oregon; Joe Burg- holzer of B ux * qd . Oregon; Charles Wedburg. of Tim ber. Oregon; E. H. Coleman, of Timber, Oregon. from railroad station, well watered. Good Real Estate Investments Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the I provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en- titled "A n act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terr.- tory,” as extended to all the Public Land States by Act ‘ of August 4, 1892, Hubert F. Leonard, of Portland. ; county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this day I filed in this office his sworn statement. No. 7675, for I the purchase of the Southwest *4 of Section No. 34, In Township No. 1 North, Range No. 5 West, and will o f­ fer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable I for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes. ! and to establish his claim to said land before the Reg- ; ister and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on Monday the 20th day of April, 1908 He names as witnesses: j S. D. Maine of Gaston, Oregon. Hiram W. Scott of Forest Grove, Oregon. Henry W. Scott of Gaston, Oregon. Ernest N. Crockett o f Portiand. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above- described lands are icquested to file their claims in this office on or before said 20th day of April. 1908. ALGERNON 8. DRESSER', Register. (First Pub. Feb. 6.) generally been night, some thoughtful persons tried to report their kind deed Margaret Price 50 New York, sole agents tor the United B * ® all the students is all that is need- from freezing, but found it too large ,0 irake t.-.e M.r.stre! a success. to go through the door. If they will Miss Foster Milbum Co , ture and timber, fair barn J mile O regon VALLEY REALTY CO. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned admin Department of the Interior, Land Office at Portland, Oregon, ' February I. 1908 Notice is hereby given that John F. Westlnghouse of Timber. Oregon, has filed notice of his intention to make final seven year proof in Support of his claim, vis Homes*e»d Entry No. 13676 made March 24, 1901, for the SWVi N W H , W S SW H and Section 26. and NW*4 NWV4 of Section 35, Township 3 North, Range S west, and that sa d proof will be made before the R**g- ister and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on March 13, 1908. all under fence, balance in pas­ y> j This will be the ber of empty bottles, st appearance of r some time. ONE WEAK SPOT. Dallas 34 of M on­ mouth, 140 acres in cultivation o r o v c n a t io n a l ban k building Sausage and Bacon the estate of John B. Scott deceased, have i filed in the County Court of Washington county. Ore- gon, my final account as such administrator, and that _ cents. roue.sT W. I. Cody Last Tuesday evening a very helpful j 'Strator of appearance, so Rev. Folsom, in Notice of Final Settlement. Wednesday com plete the details talent for the stage orm e Department of the Interior. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, December 28, 1907. Notice is hereby given that Metta Caples Matthieu o f Gaston, Oregon, has filed notice of his inten’ ion to make final five year proof in suport of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No, 13858, made Sept. 10, 1901, f< r the northwest quarter Section 20. Township 1 south, Range 5 west, and that S3id proof will be made before the Register and Receiver, at Portland, Oregon, on February 11, 19t)8. He names the following witnesses to prove his con­ tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of the land, viz: H. P. Roberts, of Gaston, Oregon; George Han­ cock of Gas’on, Oregon; Robert A. Caples of Gaston. Oregon; John C. Matthieu of Gaston, Oregon ALGERNON S. DRESSER. 26-6 Register. j Two hundred and forty acres. 4 miles of Forest Grove Notice for Publication. County. Three hundred and fifteen acres 1-2 mile of Ballston. 220 actes in cultivation. Balance pasture and timber fair house and barn, running water, telephone, R. F. D. Price £27.50 per acre. Terms. W rig h t, C ornelius & Co. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have been duly appointed by the county court or Washing ing County, Oregon, administratrix of the estate of R. | M. Bisbee, deceased, and have qualified as such All ; persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me with proper vouchers ; at the law office of W. N. Barrett, at Hillsboro, Ore | gon within six months from the date hereof. __ , Dated this January 30, 1908. TERES \ BISBEE. Administratrix of the estate of R. M. Bisbee, de- ceased. W . N. Barrett, Atty for Estate. Notice. meeting was led by ium ner Bryant, afternoon, instead of in the forenoon, Mr. Brjant’ s subject was “ H o * to ,a,d court hM set Monday. February 10 . 1908. at I . * , ff I o ’clock a. m. of said day as the time and the County as the custom has been for several make preparation for the test. I he j Court Room in Hillsboro, Oregon, as the place for years. great trial test of a man’ s life was com - »‘«»ring objections to said account, and the final settle- . . . . . ... I ment of said estate. A larger number than usual of stu- pared with tests which we are familiar I Dated January 8, 1908. j d ent3i and friends of the school, were CHARLES M SCOTT, with in school life. The necessity of prelent, and the college band ex- Administrator of Said Estate. belfig prepared at all times, for this W. N.BARRETT. pressed the enthusiasm of the occasion, Attorney for Said Estate. 27-5 test is liable to com e at any moment, The Speakers announced were Rev and the need of a thorough preparation Dy0]t of the First Congregational were points emphasized bv the leader Notice for Publication. church o( portiand and Rev. D. L. A short discussion by those present United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon January 30, 1908 Thomas, but for some reason they followed. A committee consisting of Lawrence, Clapp and Rev. Ferrin and Fifteen and eighty one hun­ dredth acres one-fourth mile of Forest Grove, one-fourth mile of condenser all under cultivation. Price £1600. Terms. Prosecuting Attorney for Washington but or our best interest to be fully Thirty six acres all in cultiva­ tion and under fence 1 mile of Forest Grove. Price £3700. Terms. Administratrix' Notice. use. the laxity displayed by them in the not won in a day. Nowhere is this SPecial credit is due t0 Mr‘ SParks . \ ____ _ • , , t . . i i who drew the crayon etchings of these sale of cirgarettes and tobacco to min- more true tnan on the track. It takes | 1 * familiar campus scenes and portrait». ors. T h e violation of this law was weeks of constant and faithful training Next followed a poem on the Junior forcibly illustrated in a case in court to store up nerve force and muscular class. Accom panying each verse of on Monday afternoon, January 27th; energy for the final contest. this lyric a very beautiful likeness of briefly stated,— a boy of twelve years The Cross county squad is out doing each member of the class was thrown of age had purchased tobacco and hree and four miles every Dight. This upon the canvas. The grand march cigarettes of a number of merchants in kind of work is the best that can be for which Miss Pearl Miller played fol­ plain violation of the statutes of this taken to develop “ wind” and strength lowed, seemed as welcom e as ever. state. I shall consider it my duty to P of limb. High jumping, hurdling, , Refreshments of ice cream and wafers prosecute all offenders of thi» law here­ 8 pole vaulting and shot putting can be were daintily served by the young after. Kindly familiarize yourselves practiced in the gymnasium and there ladies of the class. The happy crowd with the provisions thereof. is no reason why our men cannot be Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this broke up about eleven each one feel­ in good form to do good naid training ing that they had been amply repaid 31st day of January, 1908. la s soon as the weather permits. J o h n M. W a i l , for the evenings entertainment. I Sixty-nine acres all in cultiva­ tion. G ood 7-room house, new barn, 38x44, orchard, pure spring water in house, £ mile school on telephone and R. F. D. 1 in Forest Grove. Price $7000. Terms. — Buy Wool Blankets of Bailey and keep warm. There I take this method Real Estate Bargains ot only does the wrapper of every bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, the famous medicine for weak stomach, t rpld liver or biliousness and all catarrhal diseases wherever located, have printed upon It. in plain Vnglish, a full and complete l»st of all the ingredients composing it, but a small book has been compiled from numerous standard medical works, of all the different 1 schools of practice, containing very numer- | ous extracts from the writings of leading practitioners of medicine, endorsing in the strongest possible terms, each and every ingre­ dient contained in Dr. Pierce’s medicines. One of these little books will be mailed free to any one sending address onjx>stal card or by letter, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.. and requesting the same. From this little book it will be learned that Dr. Pierce’s med­ icines contain no alcohol, narcotics, mineral agents or other poisonous or injurious agents and that they are made from native, medici­ nal roots of groat value: also that some of the most valuable ingredients contained In Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for weak, nervous, over-worked, "run-down,'’ nervous and debilitated women, were employed, long years ago. by the Indians for similar ailments affecting their squaws. In fact, one of the most valuable medicinal plants entering into the composition of l)r. Pierce’s Favorite Pre­ scription was known to the Indians as "Squaw-Weed.” Our knowledge of the uses of not a few of our most valuable native, me­ dicinal plants was gained from the Indians. As made up by improved and exact pro­ cesses, the " h avorlte Prescription ” is a most efficient remedy for regulating all the worn- anlv functions, correcting displacements, as prolapsus, mnteversion and retorverslon, overcoming painful periods, toning up the nerves and bringing about a perfect state of health. Sold by all dealers in tr*sdlciues. at bedtime. usual diet, water. B o ld S tep . Uv tins bold-SU»D I>f. Piercy has shqwrj UTSTilaJcrmnlas vi sueL.excyl \*nc* tia t he is not air aid to suhjart them to Take as a not boast to carry off first honors this original college yell or song. Many year, those in charge believe that pros­ pleasing songs and yells were com ­ pects are brighter than any previous posed in the limited time of twenty Seldom do the students of a college A T o overcome the well-grounded and reasonable objections of the more fntep Ugeut to the use of secret, medicinal com­ pounds, Dr. R. V. Pierce, of lfnflalo, NT. V., some time ago, decided to make a bold departure from the usual course pursued by the makers of put-up medicines for do­ mestic use, an£ so has published broad­ cast and o M n to the whole world, a full and com p ete list of all tho ingredients entering inSet he composition of his widely celebrated fcgdlcjnes. Thus he has taken his numerous Bhtrons and patients ^nto his full eontylence. Thus too he has re- move«ydii^d{iedicines from among secret n o s tr /m r o f doubtful merits, and made themfcficmidicx of Known Composition. Guaranteed . f