Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, February 13, 1908, Image 1

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3 LLED; 26
were passengers in a passenger car on
said railway.
Signed by the jury this 12th day of
Feb. 1908.
CHAS. E. HINES, foreman.
C. E. G e ig e r ,
a . B. T h o m a s .
J. w. C o r n e l iu s .
1 and he also lost a valuable diamond
W a l t e r H o g e .
| which was jerked from his ring. An-
j other party whose name could not be
learned, lost 8 2 1 .0 0 in his hurried
The funeral of Mrs. Bates and child
Walter Hembree, of McMinnville, was held at the Congregational church
! was fastened under the roof of the at 1:30 this afternoon and the remains
' smoker and had to be chopped out. were followed to their last resting place
While in his periless condition he was by a large number of friends and rela­
| fearful that the train would catch fire tives. She leaves besides her husband
before he could be rescued, and begged and little daughter
Florence, two
his rescuers to hurry their work. One brothers, Andrew Dickson, of the Ore­
of the greatest wonders of the catas- gonian, Frank Dickson, the singing
i trophe is that it did not break forth in evangelist, and two sisters, Mrs. John
flames as the train plunged over the Baxter and Mrs. A. C. Alexander of
i embankment. The lights were of the this place.
; ordinary kerosene lamps and the mode
of heating was by stoves. The lights STATE R. R. COMMISSION INVESTI­
of i went out when the cars began to bump
Sheridan Local Plunges Over 10 Foot Embankment
Carrying With I I 100 Passengers Half Mile
West of Forest Grove Station.
NO. 32
BANK $20,000 SHORT!
Banker Haines Makes Statement to
Citizens and Depositors.
A C om m ittee o f T h r e e C h o se n to C lo se b a n k 's A f ­
fa ir s and W o r k is A lr e a d y b e gu n . W . b.
H aines, f o r m e r C a sh ie r, E xo n e rate d .
E. T. b a n e M a k e s Statem ent.
State Senator and Banker E. W .1 signment, a committee of nine was
Haines made sensational charges against selected to go over the bank books and
former employes of his bank at the also to select a committee of three to
meeting of the depositors of the de­ settle up the business of the bank.
funct money institution last Saturday, The committee is as follows: Rev. C.
Mrs. J. E. Balos and Five-months-old Babe of this City Two
when he said that he had been robbed F. Clapp, Hon. W. K. Newell, W. H.
The State Railroad Commission, of 8 2 0 ,0 0 0 during tlje past few years. Hollis, C O. Roe, H. J. Goff, L. J.
the Victims; J. A. McDonald, McMinnville, the Other— Re- on the ties and the darkness added ail
composed of Oswold West, J. K,
Masonic hall was packed at the an Corl, S. G. Hughes, B. H. Laugh-
Ibf Soon Roaches Scene and Injured Cared for-Coroner’s chL nt°re T h^tovefw er'rboit^d^îo the Campbell and Clyde B. Aitcheson, ar-
nouncement that Mr. Haines would lin, E. W. Haines.
Jury Places no Blame and the State Railroad Commission floors and the doors were fortunately rived yesterday and made a thorough disclose matters of a sensational nature,
investigation of the condition of the S. and there was not at any time so large
The committee met Sunday morn­
Investigates. Wreckage is Cleared and Victims Buried. securely fastened.
News of the wreck was wired to the j p. track where the wreck occurred, an audience in the building as was ing at the bank and discussed matters
officials at Portland and a relief train The commission’s investigation began there then. The audience was made pertaining to the best methods of pro­
was hurridly made up with physicians at eight o’clock last night in a private up of people from all over the county, cedure, after which an adjournment
The second coach, in which were and nurses, and arrived about 9:40. car at the depot, and was not conclud- and a large percentage ot the audience was taken until Wednesday. Follow­
. MRS. J. E. BATES, Forest Grove. many women and children, was where It contained, besides several doctors ed until well into the night. Testi- were, or had been, depositors of the ing are the minutes of the Wednesday
H o w a r d , w . B a t e s , the five-months- the most injuries were received and from Portland and Hillsboro, the fol - 1 raony was taken from the following of- defunct institution. Mr. Haines start­ meeting:
the three unfortunates lost their lives. lowing officials of the road; General facials of the road: M. J. Buckley, Gen- ed in by giving his history and that of
old son of Mrs. Bates.
“ The committee of nine members of
* JOHN A. M ’ DONALD, brick mason, Mrs. J. E. Bates of this city and child, j Manager J. P. O'Brien, Assistant Sup- eral Supt.; Mr. Bollir.s, Assistant En- the bank, which twice before has had the E. W. Haines Bank Depositors
who were killed, were in the front of j erintend G. C. Morris, and Major D gineer; Thos. Mills, Road Master; Geo. reverses, but not under the direction Association met in the bank room o i
the car and on the side that first struck j E. Hall, claim agent. This train ren­ H. Beaid, Bridge Foreman; Chas. of Mr. Haines. Ten years ago he be­ Wednesday, Feb. 12, all of the mem­
the ground. Mrs. Bates was entirely [ dered what assistance it could and re­ Crampr, local section fo eman, and A. gan his career as banker and under bers being present. Temporary organi­
Six-year-old daughter of Mrs. Eates,
under the coach, while the child was turned to Portland at 11:30. The H. Wolf, section foreman at Dilley. conditions most favorable to the suc­ zation was effected by electing E. W.
face badly cut.
_ , , ,
. .
, ; only partially through the window. J. track was cleared at eleven o’clock and The Commission would not give out cess of the institution. Everything Haines. Chairman and W K. Neweli,
A. Morrison, Poitland; leg injured. | A> McDonald 0 , McMinnville, the trains are now running on regular sched­ its findings, but it is est mated that it
grew better, the country grew richer Secretary. On motion this organiza­
- I B . H Grant, 461 East Th'rteenth I
other unfortunate, was near by Mrs. ule. The wrecking train arrived Tues­ found the track here in bad condition. and naturally the business became tion was made permanent.
Strt et, Portland; shoulder and head
Bates, and was also under the coach. day night late and the overturned Just what action, if any, will be taken greater under his direction. Mr
A statement made by Mr. Haines
Travels for Sig Sichel Cigar
It is not known whether they jumped coaches were removed to Portland.
by the Commission is not known
Haines became ambitious and aspired showed total liabilities of approximately
Co npany.
Undertaker Limber of this city re n - j
or were thrown through the windows
Both the officials and the Commis­ to positions of state importance and 87 5,000 UO and assets of about
k Thomas C. Finnegan, Portland; hip
before the car struck the ground. dered valuable assistance at the wreck sioners left on the eight o’clock train won them with many laurels. He had 00 0 .0 0 .
Florence Bates, the six year old daugh­ in the removable of the victims. The for Portland.
It was unanimously voted that a
three times served the county as its
I L. E. Harbur, Portland; back sprained
ter of Mrs. Bates, stayed in the coach officials of the road also notified him to 1
State Senator and at the last session of committee of three be selected from
tr.d shoulders hurt.
Notice to Fruit Growers.
and was rescued by Mrs. Geo. Boos, prepare the bodies in first class shape
the legislature was made president of among the members of the depositors
I Alexander Petal. Portland; knee in-
who was in the train, through the win­ for burial and the expense would be
will be a rally of fruit grow­ the senate. He was also made presi­ association wtio shall be authorized to
H u red .
dows. Mrs J. H. Brown of Sheridan,
ahead and
ers at Veits Hall on Feb. 22, 1908. dent of the State Bankers association, go
I C. C. Poerine, North Yamhill;
who was seriously injured internally McDonald was shipped to McMinn­ Prof. A. B. Cordley of the O. A. C., and was interetsed in many enterprises affairs of the bank, acting
in all
b:uised on head and back.
and with several broken ribs, was also ville Wednesday afternoon, and will be M. O. Lonsdale, a prominent apple of a local character. All of these took cases in which they are agieed
Mat. Karigus, hurt on leg and face.
in the middle coach with the rest of buried Friday from its late home. He grower of Yamhill county, and Hon. more or less of his time and as a nat in case they are not fully agreed they
A J. A. Cunningham, foreman of mill
was a man about 55 years of age.
her family.
W. K. Newell will address the meet­ ural consequence he employed others or any one of them shall be authorized
i t Carlton; rib broken and shoulder in
The remains of Mrs. Bates and her
ing. A question box with a competent to look after, in a degree at least, his to call the full committee together at
T u red .
babe were laid in the same casket, and
Miss Grace Harding, Gaston; slightly call for physicians, and it spread like will be buried this afternoon. One of man to answer the questions will be banking affairs, and it is stated bv him, j any time.
Moved and adopted that a majority
a feature of the meeting. Mr. Forbs that it was at this time in his career,
A u rt.
the sad incidents of the fate of Mrs.
erywhere hurried to the scene to rescue
of the committee of nine shall be con­
will exhibit his air-condenser sprayer his footing gave way.
■ G. B. Tucker, Butler; back hurt.
Bates was the fact that when she board­
He attributes his downfall to the in sidered a quorum.
’ P.
S. Ridgway, Portland; back
ed the train she was going to Gaston and show how it operates. In fact no
the doctors in town were soon on the
Moved and adopted that we proceed
B ira iu e d , arm hurt.
where they were to reside, her husband pains will be spared to make the meet cessant knocking of those who were
| Frank Brown. Carlton; back injured.
and administered to the in having already purchased a large farm ing of profit and interest to all advo- his opponents together with the short- to elect the committee . f three by se­
. J. W. Howard, Cleveland; side and ^ red by sewing up wounds, giving there and a part of the household goods cates of horticulture. Let everybody ' age mentioned; that banking institu- cret ballot, a majority being necessary
for a choice. The result of the ballot
legs injured
stimulents and applying bandages and
had been sent by team. Mr. Bates as­ come and bring his neighbor. Let all tions were started in opposition, they
I soon
soon the
the raore
more seriously injured were
showed the election of E. W. Haines,
J. E. Brown, Sheridan; injured about 1
sisted them to the train and intended jump into the band wagon and help knowing his condition and t h e y using
I taken care of, and the most of them
If. J. Goff and W. H . Hollis.
te c k and shoulders.
to remain in Forest Grove until the place the fruit interests of Washington undue advantages. Mr. Haines’ re­
Hollis then, in view of an apparent
[ J. H. Brown, Sheridan; head cut and f were removed to the residence of Web next
when but a few county, which are now well in the marks caused the cold shivers to chase
Hughes, who resides a short distance
dissatisfaction among some depositors
(b ru ised
moments later the crash came that al­ rear, into the front rank, and add an- each other up and down one’s spine as
Mrs. David Stout,
McMinnville: from the wreck. His house was made tered all their future plans. She was other source of revenue to our farmers, they implicated some of the most and a possibility that there nii*;ht be
into a veritable hospital and at one
objection from the outside of the com ­
■ chest injured and face cut.
30 years old and was born at Belfast, Nothing is accomplished by inaction. I prominent people of otir city, and who
It is an agressive campaign that is de- are considered our most substantial mittee, offered his resignation, which
R G. Dexter, Sheridan, back and time there were six victims of the j Ireland.
wreck comfortably oared for there. I
manded. Fruit men have grown big citizens. Mr. Haines made his asser­ was reluctantly accepted.
I side injured and cut about head.
Co:oner Brown of Hillsboro arrived
L. J. Corl was elected to fill the va­
M. W. Gordon, McMinnville; arms Others were taken to near by houses j on the relief train and decided to hold red apples in other localities. We can tions in a most decided manner, re
[ and legs bruised.
an inquest next morning, the result of
Moved and adopted that Miss Alyce
Lets study the ‘‘whys’' on the 22d.
late Hon. John H. Mitchell, U. S.
G. M. Badders, Carlton; knee badly as possible in the baggage car and which is as follows:
mail coach.
be employed as bookkeeper
The Coronor’s inquest was held at
It was a heart rending sight that
w. K. C u r t i s ,
fore congress defending himself of the and clerk at a salary of 845 per month
I ‘ Mrs. J. Brown, Sheridan: internally
met the gaze of those who were first the undertaking parlors at 2 .3 0 yester­
Pres. Forest Grove Horticultural accusations made against him in the to begin the day the bank closed,
L injured— ribs broken.
day afiemoon. Elmer Zimmerman, Society.
land fraud cases. He brought tears to Feb. 1st, 1908.
Frank Knight, Forest ------- ,
. the engineer, was called and stated
E. w. H a in e s ,
I and hand seriously injured.
about on cushions and bearing then
the eyes of his audience as he told of W. K. N e w e l l ,
that he had been an engineer for 23
Former Citizen Dies.
1 . D M Navbereer McMinnville: cut ! sufferings m silence; none gave b u t,
, , . ,
the breaking of the news of the bank’s
I about face
J cheerful news of themselves and every- 1 7ears a,ld bad been on this run for News of the death of J . C. Greer, of failure to his family and his two little
three months, that he was familiar with Spokane, was received here Saturday.
W. L. Hembree, McMinnville; scalp I bodV else was hurt worse than they,
E. W. Haines Makes Statement.
the track and saw nothing but a clear Mr. Greer was a former resident of this girls. He said that when he closed
the bank that he had but 8 7 .5 0 in his
wound and leg hurt.
track. He also swore that on the body city and for many years was in the
following communication is self
pockets and the balance of his money,
Miss Marion Chase, head cut.
| cate those who were unable to escape of McDonald was found a small dia­ grocery business here in the stand now about 8 2 ,0 0 0 , were in the defunct in explanatory.
Three were killed and twenty six in- and the dead pinned under the debris mond wrapped in paper besides a occupied by C. -R . Callaway. De­ slitution to be done with as his de­ “ T o Whom it may Concern:
jured, one seriously, in a wreck of the ] It was hard work at first to locate many ladies’ gold watch carefully tied up; ceased left here some six years ago positors saw fit. He said that he had
In view of the statements which ap­
( Sheridan local which was derailed one owing to the darkness, and there were apparently was about to make his wife and went to Hillsboro where he was never overdra n his personal account peared in the daily papers wherein I
engaged in the shoe business. From and that the money he used for per­ was quoted as saying that “ I discharged
[ half mile west of the depot at 5:48 few who had lanterns, but soon the a gift of it.
Chas. Cramps, the section foreman, there he went to Spokane.
»'Tuesday evening, when the smoker clouds cleared away and the big moon
sonal expenses were not all taken from W. B. Haines from my employ be­
struck a broken rail and dragged two came out, seemingly in answer to their was then called and testified that he
The remains were brought here the bank but had been earned from cause of al eged shortages in my bank
had a stretch of track from Hillsboro Sunday evening"' and the funeral was other sources, that when the dam at during his incumbency as bookeeper
other coaches over a ten foot embank- silent prayers.
By the aid of pick axes and crowbars to Dilley; that he was familiar with the conducted from the M. E church un­ his power plant went out he had been or cashier,” or words to that effect, I
l ment.
L The train left the Forest Grove de the part of the coach that held the track and supposed it was in good con­ der the auspices of the local lodge of severely criticised but that his accusers desire to say that I made no such
Odd Fellows of which he was a mem­ did not know the load he was carrying statement in my address to the citizens
Lpot one minute ahead of time and dead was torn away and the bodies, in dition.
[when the accident occurred was run- a horribly mangled condition, were re­
S. Thompson, the conductor, testi­ ber. He had been an Odd Fellow That he had not used the depositors’ of Forest Grove, in the meeting held
In in g a t a slow rate of speed. The en- moved to the undertaking establish­ fied that he was the conductor of the for the past forty years and stood high money in private enterprises nor for at Vert’s hall, Saturday, February 8th,
[gin e. mail and baggage car passed over ment of V. H. Limber and prepared ill-fated train; that it was on time and in the ranks of that order. He was at personal expenses, that the books of 1908, and I have said to parties that I
>the broken rail in safety, which was at for burial.
in fact that he was obliged to wait at one time city treasurer and has held the bank would show that he had not did not believe he had taken any mon­
All of the injured who were on their the depot for a few minutes. That other positions of trust. The funeral misused any of the funds of the bank ey wrongfully.”
'the end of a small trestle. The ac-
Signed, E . W. HMNFS-
morning at ten
'cident happened on a slight curve and way to points south were taken by the the train was running slow when the was held Monday
He stated that at this time parties
Dated at Forest Grove, Ore., Feb.
.efore the cars left the track entirely, | engine and two cars that did not leave accident occurred; could not tell what o’clock. Rev. L. F. Belknap officiating. wanted to buy his bank and that the
11th., 1908.
Interment at the Naylor cemetery.
¡the guard n il was torn to splinters and i the track to their several destinations. caused the wreck.
conditions of the affairs were given in
Deceased leaves besides his wife,
One of the singular incidents of the
.V H. Limber, the undertaker, was
the rear coaches rode the ties a con­
confidence, but were used against him.
siderable distance breaking one section wreck was the fact that those who were called and told of assisting in recover­ two children, Mrs. Tersa Glaise and a He stated also that it was known by
son Leslie M.
of rail into small pieces. The first two j injured, with the exception of one or ing the bodies.
Hillsboro, Ore., Feb. 12,
those who wanted to buy that he could
The jury took the testimony under
[coaches to go over lost their trucks two, were only slightly injured and
not sell owing to the conditions, and it T o the Editor:
and landed on their sides while the those who lost their lives were killed advisement and shortly afterward re­
Inasmuch as Mr. E. W. Haines has
was for this reason that the other banks
A pretty wedding occurred at the
I third ar.d last coach hung partially instantly. Miss Marion Chase of Port­ ported the following:
by insinuations and innuendoes
were started.
land, who is well known here, was on
We, the jury duly empanelled by home of the bride’ s parents, Mr. and
over the side of the trestle.
tempted to charge me with being re­
In concluding his speech he stated
Those in the rear coach escaped with her way to McMinnville, experienced E. C. Brown, coronor of Washington Mrs. W. L. Cady, when Miss Hazel
sponsible for a shortage of twenty thou­
|the slightest injuries. Miss Grace perhaps one of the most peculiar in­ county, Oregon, to investigate into the became the bride of Chas. R Swaney. that he would do everything in his sand dollars at his bank, in the year
Harding of Gaston and who is attend­ cidents to a railroad wreck. When she cause of death of Sarah Bates, Howard The ceremony was performed at 8 a.m. power to make the bank pay out and J903, and while I do not consider it
ing the University here, made a heroic regained her senses from fright she W. Bates, infant, and J. A. McDonald, this morning under a bower of ferns suggested that a committee be ap­ necessary to denv the charge made in
and Oregon grape. T h e bride was pointed from among the depositors to the manner and form this charge
leap, feet first, through a window to a | found herself standing out in the field do find as follows:
made, yet I desire to say, for the bene­
That the parties aforesaid all came attired in a gray traveling suit, carrying settle the matter.
place of safety but landed in the creek without any shoes on. She wore low
After the speech those who were fit of my friends, that if there w a s any
beiow and into about two feet of water shoes and in her exit they were some­ to their d*ath in a WTeck on the West a boquet of violet. After a bountiful
She was practically uninjured. All the how lost, but by the kindness of two side Division of the Southern Pacific wedding dinner the young couple, ac­ not depositors were asked to retire, shortage in the funds of E. W. Haines,
at any time
|others escaped through windows and traveling men she was soon clothed in railroad at a point three-fourths of a companied by Mr. and Mrs. Hartley, and the meeting proceeded to busi Banker,
best my incumbency as cashier of that
me through the rear door. There is that particular.
mile west of the depot in Forest Grove, went to their home which the groom ness. After discussing
id to have been about thirty persons
B. H. Grant of Portland, was severe- Oregon, on the llth d a v o f F eb ., 1908. had neatly furnished on the Base Line method of settling the affairs with the institution, I never knew anything
tC oo iin u cd on last p ag r >
the rear car.
That at the time of their deaths they road, where they will make their home. least cost and to avoid making an as
( ljr injured about the arm and shoulder.
F. T. Kane Makes
s a
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