Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, February 06, 1908, Image 7

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The Roupell M y s te r y
A u s t y n
G r a n v i l l e
in which it was his custom to receive bis
callers next morning, when the door
swung open, and a gentleman, unmistak­
ably English and carrying in his gloved
hands a tall silk hat. and the Inevitable
umbrella of the rain afflicted Hriton. en­
tered the apartment.
He was accom­
panied by a lady whose grace of carriage,
and really handsome face, accentuated if
anything in the eyes of the Frenchman
the villaluous lit of all her garment*.
"There should be a law passed to com­
pel such people to employ Parisian dress­
makers. But even then they would never
look like our women," was bis inward
comment, as he arose, and with the po­
liteness of his race bowed low as Ii* re­
ceived his visitors.
"Monsieur le prefect, I presume,” said
the gentleman, in French which was sim­
ply execrable. " I have the honor of ad­
dressing Monsieur Lablanche, the prefect
of the Parisian police?”
" I am he, monsieur.”
"Perm it me to present you to my wife,
Madame Russell— Monsieur Victor I«i
The Frenchman bowed more gallantly
than ever. Really, notwithstanding their
gauebertes, these Euglish women were
quite charming. In fact, the prefect was
agreeably surprised with his visitors. The
Englishman's manner was perfect. With
his native dignity was blended a delight­
ful air of deference and politeness. Not­
withstanding his villainous pronouncta
tion of the French language, he managed
to make himself clearly understood. The
evident cordiality of his manner thawed
whatever reserve the prefect had sought
to hedge himself in with.
His heart
cnlte wanned to the intelligent Lon-
“ I have the great fortune to be the
bearer of a letter to you. monsieur,” he
said, "from the superintendent of police
at Scotland Yard, our mutual friend.
Mr. James T. Henderson.”
" I am delighted to see anyone who
comes to me introduced by Monsieur Hen­
derson,” replied the prefect.
He scarcely glanced at the letter. He
was afraid he had but little to show them
after the magnificent department of his
friend, M. Henderson, in London. Still
he should be happy to place himself at
their disposal. What would they like to
see first?
“ Oh, the rogues' gallery, by all means,"
suggested Mme. Russell, enthusiastically.
“ Or your splendid Bertlllon system of
measurement for prisoners, which you
hnve brought to such perfection in Paris,"
added her husband.
It was a telling compliment, because
It was true. M. Iyablanche had been in­
deed the first to adopt the Bertlllon sys­
tem, and under his supervision It had
attained a marvelous degree of accuracy
and perfection. He had taken the raw-
theory of a prison reformer, and reduced
it to a practical science.
“ Our rogues’ gallery is not as exten­
sive as it used to be," he explained.
“ Since the adoption of the system of
measurements we have not photographed
any but the most notorious criminals. You
can probably see more pictures In Lon­
don. However, I will show you some of
the most Important.”
He led the way into a square, high-
ceiled chamber, lighted from the roof only,
the walls of which were literally covered
with portraits of the desperadoes of
"Y'ou see we have them arranged al­
phabetically. and here is an Index book
on the table for Instant reference. Oppo­
site each name, you see, 1 have placed
the Bertlllon measurement of all those
prisoners who have come here since the
adoption of that system. There they are,
men and w-omen. from all classes of so­
ciety, and of every degree of crime and
The fair
strangely moved.
“ Poor creatures,” she murmured, soft­
ly, as her little hand rested involuntarily
on the officer's coat sleeve.
The prefect regarded her admiringly.
Tears of genuine pity were in her bright,
laughing eyes.
“ But it Is strangely Interesting," she
added. "O h m o n sieu r, please show me
one or two of the most desperate and
relate their history.”
The prefect turned to M. Russell. The
. "London, W. C.”
Englishman was evidently deeply engross­
He also bore two cards which read:
ed In the Index, hunting up the charac­
ters for himself, in his independent Eng
"315 Eaton Square.”
lish fashion.
Casagne Jumped into a cab and drove
“ No, I don’t want to hear the his­
tome. Arrived there be took off bis hat
v *nd coat and washed his bands carefully. tories,” he said, looking up from the book,
"I'm perfectly
t Then he took down from an upper with
shelf a cordial smile.
happy. But Mrs. Russell is an enthu­
ft an old letter HI», and turning to the
R letter "H .” drew out a letter addressed
to on criminal heroes. She would be
blmself. which was written in ■ large for raising a monument to Jack Shep­
English hand. Next he took from the pard and Dick Turpin. If I would allow
pocket of his coat the six sheets of paper her.”
" I t la a sad thing to have a brutal
and the two card». The latter ha put
Into a card case by themselves; the for­ husband," cried madame, with a pretty
pout, as she went across the room on the
mer he put on the table.
Then he got a pen and some ink and arm of the prefect. "L e t us leave him
went to work, laboriously but skillfully. to bis own devices, monsieur, sine* he
After spoiling three sheet» of paper he say* be Is happy, and amuse ourselves.”
The susceptible M. Iothlanche was in
produced something he was satisfied with.
Taking the letter to the window he held the eventh heaven. He was entirely at
It to the light, as If admiring his own the service of madame. So he proceeded
to regale her with short sketches of hla
handiwork, and read as follow s:
favorite malefactors, and madame looked
"< iffir* of
“ S U P E R IN T E N D E N T OF P O LIC E . on and laughed or became sad, Juat as
the proper time.
"Scotland Yard,
They had completed the circuit of the
"London. W. C., July 8, 18—
•Victor I-ablanche, Esq., Prefact of Po­ room and were nsar the door again. M.
Russell was atill investigating on his own
lice, Pari». France:
"D ear Sir— This will introduce to you account. Mme. Russell, the pressure of
Mr. George Russell, a friend of mine, her little band still upon the arm of her
who with his wife Intends making a gallant conductor, looked up imploringly
at him with those fatal eyes.
pleasure trip on the continent.
“ Ok ! monsieur," she said, "do show me
"An y courtesy that yon can extend to
Mr. Russell during his visit in Paris will some of the prisoners."
" I t Is not a pleasing sight for mad­
b* highly appreciated by me.
am».” feebly protested the prefect
“ Y'our» very truly.
was a rule of his never to leave a stran­
"J A M E S T. H E N D E R SO N .
ger alone in the rogues' gallery. Pic­
"Supt. Police."
«“ That's about perfect." soliloquised the tures had been abstracted before now by
live. 'Yiecause K t ra n s g r e s s e s every reic hunters. Still a friend of the Lon­
known rule of French letter writing, and don superintendent of police, and a man
that alone stamp* it as English. The •o evidently to be tm sted: It would be
all right. Resides It would give him an­
'Esquire' is particularly gc-od
men. even of education, are perpetually other five minutes of the society of mad­
making that mistake when addressing ame. A* many another man In hla place
letters to thia country. ‘Paris, France.' would have done, be took Mme. Ruaaeil
also Is not bad. M. Henderaon would to see the prisoners. Ten minntes later,
doubtless be careful lest hi* friend Mr. with a thousand thank*, the ccrdiaj Eng
Russeii should present it at Parla, Ken­ tlshmaa and hla wife took their tsars.
tucky, or Paris. Texas."
The prefect of police had hardly time
to place hiaiaelf in the dignified attitude
Alfred Ckuagne remained in earnest
conversation with Mine. Creason for up­
ward of two hours. During that period
the young woman several times retired
to the privacy of her bed chamber and as
many times emerged therefrom, reappear­
ing upon the last occasion dressed in full
•treet costume, and having her dark hair
entirely concealed with a profusion of
blonde, fluffy ringlets.
♦ She had on a rather loud, plaid dress,
a traveling cape of Scotch woolen, and
a bonnet very plainly trimmed.
gold earrings were in her ears, and in
her hand she carried a silk umbrella and
a small traveling bag. On her feet were
a paid of broad, large-heeled shoes and
over those white gaiters which twinkled
in and out from under her petticoats as
•he walked up and down the room. Ce­
leste looked on wondcrlngly and ate her
M. Catsagne examined her
dRother with the eye of a critic.
“ You’ll do,” he said presently, “ all but
the gaiters. I don’t think those white
gaiters have reached London yet.”
“ Oh, monsieur is mistaken, 1 am sure,”
replied Mme. Cresson, with enthusiasm.
“ I was on Regent street not two weeks
•go. You know I went over there on the
Peter Rq|>ins<>n case. They were very
generally worn.”
“ You are wrong, all the same. I was
over there myself lately. Gaiters were
worn, It is true, but in much darker
shades. London is always six months
behind Paris, and New York six mouths
behind London in such matters. Now.
don’t contradict me, child. The English
ladles are not yet wearing them.”
Mme. Cresson urged the point no fur
them. Turning to h^r maid, she said :
“ Bring me my dark gray gaiters, Na-
non; they are a year, at least, out of
fashion in Paris, monsieur. I hope they
will satisfy you.”
“ You think I nin very hard to please,”
remarked Cassagne. “ I may be so. I
"Ynow the kind of man I have to deal with
in Victor Lablanche, the prefect of po­
lice. I will call for you tomorrow at
ten o’clock.
In the meantime I have
quite a deal to attend to.”
He took his hat, kissed little Celeste
good-by. and, descending by the stairway,
opened he black door and passed out ou
to the street.
” 1 love Papa Cassagne,” cried little
Celeste, as she stood by the window
watchii .? the retreating form of the gen­
tleman who bought the bon-bons. Then
looking up at her mother, she added :
“ You
love him, too, don't you,
mamma ?”
“ Celeste is a goose," said Mme. Cres-
•on,|her charming cheek tinged with
color, “ and geese mustn’t ask foolish
M. Cassagne pursued his way still fur-
them into the intricacies of the Latin
Quart , At last he stopped before a
■mall shop, pushed up the latch of the
door and entered. A large, stout man.
with a pen behind his ear, was seated at
a big desk, with a pile of proof in front
of h m. He nodded familiarly to the de-
got off his stool and at once con­
flict' I him into a private office.
••Ha ! Monsieur Cassagne,’ 'be exclaim-
•d. ' “ What can I do for yon to-day?”
" I have two small jobs for you. It's
■Imply to set two lines of type, and print
ma half a dozen sheets of note paper ; also
■ couple of cards. I will pay you well
for It. Can you do it personally, so that
DO one else will know what you are do­
ing? md can you do It right away?”
W rits out wbat you wish
print d. Here Is a pen and some paper."
“ I want you to set up this." said Cas-
as he handed his copy to the
pi-in- r. "Set It up In Euglish type, and
■trtk fl off on English paper.
I will
iralt here for It."
J Twenty minutes later M. ( ’asHague
Bras on the street. In his pocket, neatly
ed between sheets of tissue paper to
prevent their "setting off." were six
»beets of not« paper, and on the top
Jfc right hand corner of each was printed
C the words, In bold English type :
"Office of
"Scotland Yard,
“ A comparison of this portrait witn
the miniature in the locket," remarked
M. Cassagne, “ now convinces me beyond
a doubt that Philip La Seur aud Philip I
Graham are oue and the same person.
His Bertlllon measurements, which I
have carefully noted down, are at pres­
ent of but little use to us. but as a rneaus
of Identification should we hereafter suc­
ceed in running him to earth, they may
prove invaluable. Beyond any question
; whatever, we may now assume that Philip
Graham is in some way connected w i t b ^ A l O
I M l d id
the murder of Madame Roupell.”
Charles D'Auburon stared at his friend
In speechless surprise as he uttered these
Crim inal Rich Banded T o g e th e r fo r
"1 think your experience of yesterday
Reaction— Em ployers' Liability
must have turned your head," he said,
L aw s— Less Injunctions.
at last. "There has been no commuta­
tion of Philip 1st Seur’s sentence. Being
etill a prisoner at Toulon, how Is it pos­
sible for him to have been connected with
Feb. 1. — President
the mystery of Vlleneuve?
My dear
friend, I beg of you not to think any Roosevelt ye-terday sent to congress a
more of this case to-day. You need a special
which is devoted
rest. You have beeu taxing your brain Iuajn] „ j0 a vigorous defense of bis
too much.”
"And you, my dear Charles,” retorted policy as regards railroads and trusts
Cassagne, "have been taxing your brain from the assaults of his critics and an
too little. You think that because there even tr.oie vigorous denunciation of
is no commutation of sentence recorded in
the case of this Philip lot Seur that he those c ritiis and those whom they
Is still In the custody of the prison offi- champion.
cials at Toulon?” ^
Beginning with the recommendation
President Answers Critics and
Proposes New Laws.
S C E N E S IN E U R O P E .
President o f W ashington State School
T e l » H i» Fxperiences.
F ollow ing is the address delivered by
President K. A . Btvan, of the state col­
lege, to the wheatgrowers of W ashing­
ton at their recent m eeting in Pullm an,
In which he recited various observa­
tions he had made during his recently
com p lete! trip abroad:
Played Prosecution False From
Very Beginning.
‘,?he in °no
,hi''* * * ‘.“ F t T ? “ * MEMORY SUDDENLY FAILED HIM
hurope was the fact that we
Americans tio not fully realize the
greatness of our own land, and its op ­
portunities, and the greatreeg and op­ T hou gh t Decision o f Appellate C ourt
portunities of our ow n ( eople as com­
Would Result in Releasing
pared w itii our hrethen in Europe. The
Him F rom Jail.
opportunity for the average man is so
much greater that we cau hardly con­
ceive (he difference. In Europe a man
is born in a cia-s from where he cannot
San Francisco, Jan. 30.— An attem pt
escape, and he accordingly fits h im teif to kidnap Abe Ruef from the county
for that class». Theie is stiatitication ja il and sp itit him away was unearthed
after stratification, and it is piactically last night by sh eriff I arry Do'an. T h e
im possible for an individual to pas6 details of the plot were revealed by one
from class to class ; and think that the of the guards, who had seen the prepa­
freedom of the Am erican people is one rations. The plot was being engineered
of the greatest things which we have by the Indicted magnates, who recog­
nize that they must get Ruef out of the
“ In Ita ly the poverty and distress way at a ll hazards to save themselves.
w ere very interesting, although it ex­
In the midst of the denunciation be­
cited the greatest p ity.
It seemed as ing heaped upon tiie graft prosecution
if there were no eud of beggars. They by Patrick Calhoun and his fellows in
“wX. “
p L a Seur broke prison ° f new e m p lo y e « ’ lia b ility bills, both begged in almost every way im agina­
indictment haa come a clear light show­
u^arly five years ago, and be has never binding th© governm ent and interstate ble. W h ole fam ilies could be seen
ing that tiie prosecution stands at the
yet beeu retaken.”
corporations, and of laws restricting the begging together by means of musical present moment us strong as, if not
"Impossible, escape from Toulon prls-1
injunctions, the message pro- instruments. In one cage I noticed a stionget, than ever.
on ! 1 will not believe It. It is the most i
woman holding an umbrella upside
Abe R u ei’s trial w ill be pressed w ith
strongly fortified of any penal establish- jceeds to renew the president s former
down to catch the coppers, w h ile the
ment in Franee.”
recommendations lor legislation dealing fattier played the guitar, and the ch ild ­ vigor. Then he w ill besentenced to 14
years in prison. He may at once be
“ Perhaps; but here 1» a convincing w r a ilroads and monopolies. Then ren each playetl some sort of musical
placed on trial again and his sentence
proof of
ot it Look
xh . s at this
m. mm
foot note, copied i it ente„
antela upon
nnon a fe
ply to the criticism
from the register of Monsieur Lablanche: ^
rreid en l-8 policy, not mincing instrument, and a ll were begging. Sev­ raised to 23 years. Then Patrick Cal­
eral husky looking fellows dived iqto houn w ill be put on trial and Ruef
•Escaped from Toulon, and under it
words in its „harscieriT-U
characterization of hie an­ the sea to get coppets worth about a draggetl from the prison to testify.
ery year since is marked: ‘This prisoner
tagonists as lawhreakedrs. I t i-hows half cent, and begged the people to
Tiiis arrangement haB been made
Is still at large.’ Besides that,” added
M. Cassagne, laughing, "the prefect re­ their inconsistency in criticising Judges throw the coppers in. I t seemed as if necessary by the discovery that Ruef
lated the history of this particular pris­ Landis and W ellborn after having con­ one-half of the population lived off the and tho indicted magnates wete nego­
oner to my supposed wife, Madame Cres­ demned the pres deut's much m ilder ether half.
tiating during the very tim e tiiat Ruef
son, as one of the most daring escapes criticism of other judges. It advocates
“ I was very much interested in the was under guard. The plot has been
on record.”
j measures to prevent stock gam bling, horses. The average horse in Paris for unearthed by Special Agent W illia m J.
“ Well, of course that settles It,” ex- ■ attributes the panic to speculation and the heavy draft work is a very good an Burns, and it includes the insinuation
claimed D'Auburon. "No, 1 don’t want | high finance, and declares that, even imal indeed. There were great num that Ruef had an advance tip on the
any more proof. Y'ou overwhelm me as , if the president’s policy did contribute tiers of m agnificent stallions that would
decision of the Appellate court, which
It is. But what is the next step which to the panic, it is better than to allow have sold in this market for from two
quashed the indictment against him .
you propose to take?”
dishonest business to th iive .
He de­ thousand to three thousand dollars W ith this inform ation, Ruef, believing
" I now intend to find,” replied M. I clares his purpose of continuing the
and they were a ll of a very high type. that he would be turned loose, sudden­
Cassagne, with the utmost deliberation, 1 same policy without flinching
One thing that impressed me both in ly lost his memory on all matters that
"Philip La Seur, alias Philip Graham, ! W h ile the message was being read in
late of Toulon, and who may be, while ! the senate, many senators Bimply scan­ London ami Paris was that the average would tend to incrim inate Calhoun and
coach horse was a much larger fellow other indicted magnates.
we are talking, at the present moment, in
ned th eir printed c op it» at first, and than we have been accustomed to see
Paris, and only waiting for this murder ,
befere it was half finished they gene­ for that work. I think that we people
to blow over to come forward and claim 1
rally took up other matters.
When here in Am etica should look toward
his share of his aunt's fortune.”
“ But who," remarked D’Auburon, "may the striking passages were reached, breeding a larger anim al that we have
of the genators looked around r r the
in the past, anti unless we watch our­ Testim ony Is V ig orou s Denial o f C o n ­
at *■ u a l ll;
U l be
* I B I e «•
i • but may
l u u J JZV1
uu yo
* 1 I
be in Rio Janeiro, for all we know to the chamber ai d ext hanged smiles.
I i l l - selves, we w ill lie inclined to breed
spiracy C h a ig e s .
contrary. You must not forget that In man seemed especially pleased w ith the down. In Naples there were many cab
Jan. 30.— For over three
these days of lightning express trains, j document; lot F ollette paid very care- horses, and about ninety per cent of the
hours yesteiday John H . H all, ex-U n it-
and ocean greyhounds, one can travel a ful attention; Beveridge, McCumber, ab horses driven were stallions.
good way in three weeks— especially if Knox, G allin ger, Nelson, Elkins, lle- thing that was very interesting to me ed States attorney, testified in defense
one has money In one's pocket.”
menway and Burrows, on the Republl- was that they do not use the hit. They of the ulleged conspiracy charged in the
“ Phllip Graham never left Paris,” an- t.an si(|ei and Culberson, T eller, Davis, use an instrument that fits over the indictm ent on which he is ttelng tried
He vigorously
(twered the detective, "o f that I feel con Bankhead and Overman, among the nose, and aliove the nostril is apiece in the Federal couit.
vlnoed. A man who could escapo from ■ p enlcx.r gta, were especially atten tive to w hicl) extends out about three inches, denied that lie had ever entered into a
conapiiacy ot an illegal agreement with
Toulon is too smart a fellow not to tlie document.
and when pulling a horse to stop, they
know he ia safest when he remains right
Steiw er and his associates or w ith any­
On the conclusion of the reading of pull on the nose.
at home. Besides, when he committed
body else. He asseited tlint at no tim e
the message, Senator Davis, of Arkan­
this murder he was in a condition of
sas, prom ptly
moved that
10,000 of Rome, alm ost every wagon that I hail lie ever lieen unfaithful to his trust
financial desperation. He did not have
us a pioeecuting officer for the govern­
plenty of money, as you seam to suppose.” copies of the message be printed as a m et was being drawn by oxen, either ment, neither had he ever been dilatory
by tandem, or w itli a yoke. The oxen
"H ow do you know that?”
" I t is the best Democratic doctrine were all very strong fellows, quite in prosecuting all violations of the law
“ It has since transpired that Madams
that hail been reported to him and sup­
Roupell had, besides the loose bank
large, well built, and had huge horns
ported by the necessary evidence.
M r.
notes found In her eseretoire, a consid­ a Republican source,” said Davis.
rising above th eir heads. There did
The motion was agreed to, and w ith­ not seem to be tiie beef type of cattle, H all w ill proliahly com plete his testi-
erable sum of money in her chamber.
That sum of money disappeared on the out further comment the message was nor was there any m ilk type. 1 sup­ many this m orning and the cross ex­
night of the murder. I believe that mur­ referred to the com mittee on interstate pose their cows, were, of course, used am ination of the witness by Heney w ill
Aside from the final argu­
derer was Philip Graham. I believe he commerce.
for m ilkin g purposes, but they were
took that money. I believe, If we wait
The reading of the message in the not apparently bred to either type, hut ments to the jury, H eney’s cross exam ­
ination of H all promises to be the feat-
long enough, be will come forward and house was listen»d to w ith intense in
declare himself, for the purpose of claim­ terest. by the members, of whom there rather to the ox type.
m e of the trial.
ing his share of Madame Roupell’s prop­ was an unusually large number in at­
Judge Webster, counsel for Mr. H all,
know what it is to have meat in any
said last night that he would prolwbly
“ Well, why not wait a bit and give him
As the reading of the message pro- to be able to buy beef, as they would call on ly one witness when ttie witness
a chance?”
seed in the house, numerous mem have to |«ty not less than twenty-two finished his testim ony, although it is
“ Because, simpleton, justice won’t
understood Steiwer w ill be recalled for
wait. I f we don't prove she's altogether bers were heard audibly to exclaim cents a pound for it. Kids are used for
further cross exam ination. Ilen ey w ill
wrong, she'll have Charles Van Lith's “ most unusual,’ ’ “ this is red-hot,” etc. flesh there a great deal. The swine
The president’ s vigorous denunciation ttiere were very large, and rather more offer some testim ony in rebuttal wtien
head under the ax of her guillotine be­
fore two more months are passed.
It of wrongdoers was greeted with loud of the type of the bacon hog than like the defense has concluded Its rase, so
would be a poor satisfaction for his ' applause, as was his defense c f Federal our Berkshire» ot Pol md Chinas. They that the final arguments cannot begin
friends If we failed to avert such a ralam- judges who punish offenders for viola- use goats’ m ilk a great ileal, and es­ before tomorrow afternoon anti prob­
ably not until Hatuiilay.
lty. and brought in our evidence In time ¿ions of the law.
pecially in Naples.
In the morning
only to*prove that the government had | The frequency of the applause In- you would see women and m in driving
Blame fo r T h eater Fire.
killed an Innocent man. Th# next step creased as the reading proceeded, The gnats around from place to place, as
will be to call on Madame I .a Reur. It hum of conversation over the message the customer 1ms the p rivilege of hav­
Boyettown, Pa., Jan. 30.— rhe jury
is not unlikely that Philip Graham, after subsided ami the members followed
ing the operation of m ilkin g performed which has been Investigating the disas­
his escape from Toulon, went to see her.” every word. But theclimax came when
in his presence.
The goat selected is trous fire at the Rhoades opera house,
(T o be continued.)
the reading wbb concluded.
m ilked, ami in many cases you w ill see turned in a veid ict at 1 o ’clock this
iis in a n s la v e ry in E g r p t.
W ithout regard to party, the mem- a goat being taken up in an elevator, or morning, in |>art as follows: “ W e are
It Is only four years or so since the bers loudly applauded, cheered, thump- up a stairway, wherever the cuatomer of the opinion that Mrs. VInoro and
law governing slavery In Egy pt has ed their desks and gave other evidences may be, and then milked in his pres­ the deputy fact*ry inspector are largely
responsible for the disaster, ow ing to
been strictly enforced, although It waa ° f their approval of the document, ence.
passed during the early occupancy by After a moment s silence, the applause
“ In Italy the tillage is of a very in­ negligence. W e leqnest the prosecut­
the English o f the valley o f the x n e. I broke out again, M veral members in- tensified kind.
There, many of the ing attorney o f Burke county to arrett
Even now it is not easy to keep track c l»d in g many Democrats .a r is in g from ftaliana have th eir own vegetable gar­ and if possible convict Mrs. M onro,
den, and raise th eir own vegetables. owner of the stereoptican machine, and
o f the natives, ee,totally In the upper .‘ heir seats an.l clapping th eir hands,
Harry M. Bechtel, the deputy facory
part Of Egypt and the desert. In t h d r '
n ‘e
t,ien’ on mot,on of Here we pay tw elve or fifteen cents a
Payne, of New York, was r tf erred to head for cauliflower, ami in Ita ly you inspecor, on the charge of crim in al
dealings In slavery, for there Is a sort
the com m ittee on the state of the Union. can buy a dozen head» of cauliflower negligence.”
o f Free Masonry secrecy among them,
for six cents, and that w ill make it
and the slaves held are too Ignorant
Scram ble fo r N ew J o b s .
Mass T rc o p s on Pacific.
cleat why the Italian is able to live on
or too frightened to make known their
The people | C a ra o n , N ev., Jan. 30. — Governor
| Omaha, Neb. Feb 1.— Added strength a vegetable diet so w e ll.
»ta t«. It is said that, in spite o f the
to the theory that the sending of Rear train th eir vineyards upon trees, and Spaika aigned the police b ill yesterday
strictest surveillance, children are now Adm iral Evans’ fleet to the Pacific may in many cases there is hardly any top ami it ia now a law. Already there is
often bought and sold by native trad­ not be so much for mere naval practice to the trees, as they had been cut down ' a fierce scramble for places on the po­
ers. L ife ha* always been held cheap as for possible protection was given to­ to stumps for the vines to clim b on. I ! lice force.
Applications for officer» are
In Egypt, and It Is naturally difficult day, when it developed here that the did not get a decent apple to eat until being received from all quarter». It
for the natives to observe all at once national governm ent is also making I was on board the ship, and had tome ia believed that the new force can take
a law the edict* o f which are entirely preparations for the m obilization of Oregon apples s e rv e d to m e.”
the field inside of 40 days. The after­
noon session of the legislature resulted
contrary to the teaching« o f their fore 1 more troops on the Pacific coast by the
in several appropriations. The lieuten­
fathers, and also o f their religion ; and tim e the fleet arrives there. Troop*
ant governor’ » salary was raised ftom
It w ill undoubtedly take more than one w ill be sent from Fort Crook, in N e ­
For cold m eat T o four tablespoon­ $1,300 to $3,000 in order that he msy
generation o f English control to con- braska, Fort I.eavenworth in Kansas,
v in e « these Oriental people that slav­ and Fort Russell, in W yom in g, to var­ fuls o f freshly grated horseradish add com ply with the duties necessitated by
i heaped teas[«ionful o f granulated the new police law.
ery is not ouly unlawful,
but also ious Coast l<ar ra<-kg.
■ugar, half ■ teaspoonful o f salt, a
w rong.
Cut in P ric e o f Steel.
R iot In Lisbon.
Sash o f pepper nnd two teaspoonful» of
O m l n l n f K su tla n .
New Y ork, Feb. 1.— About 70 steel prepared mustard. Add vinegar to
Lisbon, Portugal, Jan. 30-— There
Him — I consulted a fortune teller to­ men, (»presen ting the United (States
make It smooth and creamy. T o servo was an outbreak of political rioting on
day and she told me that I was In love .Steel corp- ration, the Republic Steel
with hot meat*, add tw o tablespoon- the streets of this city this afternoon
with a pretty girl, but she would never company, the Bethlehem Steel com ­
fnls of thick cream and heat In a d!*h in which shot* were tired and some
marry me. It looks like I
am up pany, the Jones A Uaughlin Steel com­
let In boiling water.
Do not let tho people wounded. The disorder*, how­
pany ami the Pennsylvania Steel com ­ tnl«#np* hr >11
against I t
ever, were of short duration. The po­
Hhe— Oh. not necessarily. No fortune pany, were in conference in this city
lice had received warning in advance
n «k H
In T o m a t o » « .
ami they acted promptly. The crowd
today and tonight. None of those pres­
teller Is authorized to »peak for me.
Select round, smooth tomatoes o f uni­ made use of revolvers and tc’ »
ent would talk, bnt It was stated unoffi­
M a rk the Sam e.
Cut ■ thin alleo from the moments the firing sa* heavy,
cially that the subject of the confer­ form alze
T ra v e r*— Yes, I met your brother ence was a proposal to reduce the price
top o f each and with a teaspoon »coop rapidly gave way and was dir peso! be­
when I was In Arizona. He's ■ road of steel in general.
out enough o f the pulp to admit as fore a show of force.
agent, I believe.
•gg. Reason the cavities with salt and
E asterly—Sir, do you mesn to Insult
Band o f Women Thieves.
W orkm en B egging fo r Food.
pepper sod ■ tiny pinch o f onion oi
me? My brother Is a real estate agent.
Loblln, Russian Poland, Jas- 30.—
Buffalo, Feb. 1 — The office of the parsley. Drop an egg Into rach. Set
T ravers— Oh. I beg pardon, but I
superintendent of poor st W est Henera the tomatoes Into a well burtcred pea. The police of this c ity have unearthed
a tend of robbers composed entirely of
knew It was something like th a t
was besieged h d a y by 50 men beggin g' to which ■ very little water haa beea
women end the leaders have been taken
T b s wiske-nut tree is ■ native o f
into custody. The women *re »»Id to
steel and iron industry there
has Denson with butter and aerv# each t o
l British Guiana. The kernel o f the nut
be responsible for ■ long series of high­
a caused m a h suffering among the fo r - 1 niato on ■ slice o f dsllrateiy brow»
j bears ■ marvelous resemblance to
way robberies.
, eign laborers.
I colietl m u '
■ n it ' il
won ,h
tion at
r imports
nd it is
is will |
ken all
this is l
com es tc
the thri
tngth of
ihown on
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II .»■
the same
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i . G. F
ired 49 v
ate for th>
The resul
J lf e .......
errill . . . .
tolscher .
m bler . . .
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dem on . . .
Hartman .
Whitm ore
T h o m a s ..
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*illsboro, v
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jnd reared
• rays residei
" 1 years he
in the low«
d was chai
tniltes at
nsive acqt
men will g
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big vote
e Elected,
ilatioi ane
1 were disc
: Forest and
i Saturday e
usiasm waft
) tight to be
iws amende
officers fa!
id and res
H . J. Go
z; treasurer,
r of shootii
lock Sunday
ce of Ro Q.
'rvisor of Soul
strict, and b
te for County
;ompleted a
?unty beginni
d running t
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of good road
t Success.
n at the Chi
ng was a sui
crowning ol
; principal It
'he luncheon
Japanese w*g
proceeds cn
0. The affair
i Book Store
of Postal O ji
Easter cards,!