Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, February 06, 1908, Image 5

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Mr. Lee has been sick for the last
few days with lagrippe.
Teddy Douglas, who has been very
lick, is improving slowly.
The entertainment and basket social
** Friday
night was a grand success.
Mr. J. N. Berry, who has been do­
ing business on Gales Creek, returned
to Southern Oregon last week.
Mrs. Jack Martin of Dilley, who
was taking care of Mrs. Martin during
her illness and death, is very sick with
nervous prostration.
S. S. Dallas the Wilson River mail-
carrier reports several trees across the
road as the result of the blizzard that
raged Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Mr and Mrs. Curtis Chapman, who
have been visiting for some time with
the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs.
Chapman of Gales Creek, left Sunday
for their home at Eufaulla, Washington.
Mrs Mary A. Ma-tin of Gales Creek
died Saturday. February 1st, at 8:40 a.
m. from a severe attack of pneumonia,
»ged 72 years The funeral was de­
layed until Wedn'sdav, Feb. S, for the
ar ival of her daughter Clementine Glas-
son, of Eastern Oregon.
The roads north of Buxton are nearly
Marion Black is helping Henry
Srneltzer this week.
The hotel looks much improved by
t':e addition of a two-story porch.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy McCabe of Port­
land took a trip out here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. D. O’Donnell were
visiting with J. R. Bailey the past week.
Ed. Stephens, while logging for the
Buxton Lumber Co., fell and dislocated
his elbow last Thursday.
Ilah Quick came home from St.
Marys, Beaverton and spent Saturday
and Sunday with her folks.
Sab Mussalem of Portland, has rent­
ed the old school building and is hav­
ing it fitted up for a shoe shop,
A social was given at the home of
Wm. Tolke last Saturday eve. A good
crowd of young people attended and
every one reported a pleasant time.
Did every body hear the new church
bell Sunday night?
Mr. Joe Lazotte of Buxton was on
the street Saturday.
Mrs. Killingsworth’s sister has been
~ Visiting with her for the past week.
Mrs. Jack Martin, wuo was sole
care-taker of Mrs. Martin during her I
illness, is very sick at present writing.
Mr. and Mrs. John McCoy of Green-
ville visited relatives here the first of;
the week, and attended the funeral of |
Mrs. Martin of Gales Creek.
Rev. Hall gave an interesting talk
on The Life of Christ, Sunday. The
talk will be continued next Sunday at
1:30 p. m., to which every one is cor­
dially invited.
A basket social for the benefit of the
Watts school library will be held Feb. j
7, in Rockefeller Hall instead of the
Watts school house as previously re­
ported. Don’t fail to come and help j
the library along.
Mrs. Mary Ann Martin died at her
home on the Gales Creek road, Satur­
day, Feb. 1st. aged 72 years, death
due to lagrippe and pneumonia. Her
husband died several years ago and
she leaves a daughttr who resides in
Eastern Oregon and an adopted son, J. i
Martin of Dilley to survive her. Mrs. '
Martin was a good, kind neighbor, al­
ways ready to lend a helping hand to
friend or stranger. The funeral was
held from the Union church Gales
Creek, Wednesday, with interment in
the Gales Creek cemetery.
John Beal was in Forest Grove last
Wednesday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tolson were Dil­
ley visitors last Sunday,
The people of Gales enjoyed them­
selves Sunday skating on Beal’s Pond.
L. J. Magoon has leased Mrs. L. A.
Tolson’s two farms at Gales for this
The Gales school will close for this
term but will open agajn after about
two weeks vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. John Beal of this
place, celebrated their tenth wedding
anniversary last Sunday.
James Whitlow, who has been visit­
ing John Beal lately, has returned to
his home near near Newberg.
Ray Tolson and his br 'he -in-law
had fine luck snooting ducks the last
day of the duck season, last Friday.
Miss Gertrude Robinson, our Gales
school teacher, is intending to attend
the Monmouth School as soon as she
closes this term of school.
About 25 young folks of this vicin­
ity, met at L. J. Magoon’s last Friday
evening and played games until 12
o’clock, then a fine lunch was served
which gave courage to face the cold
north wind. The good night song
was sung and all went home.
Mrs. Mary R. Martin died at her
home in Gales City Saturday last after
an illness of but one week with
She was 72 years of age and was
born in Clinton county Indiana, her
maiden name being Rutledge. She
was married in 1861 to Mr. Martin
and in 1861 they moved to Oregon,
settling at LaFayette, Yamhill county,
then coming to Washington county.
For over thirty years Mr. and Mrs.
Martin lived on the same farm on
Gales Creek. He died in 1903 at the
age of 74.
Mrs. Martin was a member of the
Missionary Baptist church. She leaves
a daughter, Mrs. C. Glasson of Elgin,
and seven.grandchildren.
Interment was in the Gales Creek
cemetery yesterday.
I Skating has been fine for several
days, and every one has enjoyed it.
' The church is completed and the
parsonage will be finished in about ten
Mr. Austin Purdin has sold his
handsome residence to Mr. Eli Tren-
dill, who will reside here.
We understand that Dr. Killings-
worth and wife expect to return to
Portland, where he intends to continue
his profession.
Cooper & Co. have sold their furni­
ture business to Mr. John Wonderlick.
Sorry to lose the former from our
Has every body enjoyed the snow
balling? Those who had sleighs were
out Monday in all their glory, making
use of them while they had the op
The church social given here Jan.
25th was a decided auccess, financially i
wishes to announce
as well as otherwise. The social was
the clerkship of
given for the purpose of raising money
with which to buy a bell for the church. • Washington county to come before the
The committee not only bought the primary next April. I have had exper­
bell but also had enough money to ience in that office and i< elected will
buy the pulpit chairs. We praise the give the people my best efforts in that
people of Banks and surrounding office.
W. D. S mith .
country for their generosity in helping
so good a cause along so nicely.
I hereby announce myself as a Re­
Frank Johnson marketed some fine publican candidate for the office of
pork last Wednesday and Saturday.
County Clerk of Washington County,
Mr. W. Keagy of Astoria is visitin& Oregon, subject to the endorsement of
his parents and sister for a few weeks. the Republican Primary election to be
Ernest Burk dehorned some cows held in said County, on April 17, 1908.
for Messrs Hall and DeMoss, Saturday If elected. T promise a careful, eco­
administration of the aiia.r, of
The Farmers Mutual Protective As­ nomical
efficient service and faith­
sociation held a meeting at Rockefeller ful performance
of duty.
Hall Saturday evening.
E. J. G odman .
Ernest Rueter. manager of the For­
bes ranch, spent a few hours at his It will be necessary for you to reg­
home on David's Hill, Sunday.
ister this year and the books are open
Judge Henry Wirtz and Miss
John Stephenson, Asst. Dist. Atty.
I of Portland was a guest at the Stephen­
son home in this place Sunday.
News and Pacific Monthly 82.00.
- ................
f . ! ----------------------
A Spring Freshet of Attractiveness
New Spring Goods in every department.
The markets of America, as well as the old world have contributed of their particular line of merchandise to swell
the assortment to make this spring’s 1908 stock the most attractive of any year in our history.
France, England, Ireland, Germany, China and Japan have all taken a hand and are represented in this splendid
stock. We hardly need to say but it is the largest and best stock west of Portland, as you well know.
Never so good; never so many dainty creations by talented designers, brought out by
skillful workmen, from best materials, for woman’s adornment, that we are showing this
season. The styles are varied, some with fine tucks; others with lace and embroideries, or
embroideries alone.
Stylish waists for $ 1.20, or better
$1.90, 2, 2.10 and 2.50.
Here is an elaborate showing of
new 1908 creations; new color­
ings; dainty effects wrought from
the weaver’s neeele are here for
your inspection.
and more elaborate ones $1.5o,
Ladies’ Suits, with styles that are
snappy and becoming.—Our new
1908 Spring Suits are marvels of
beauty; standard in quality and
always satisfactory. It is with
pleasure that we show you trese
new arrivals.
$2.50 values at $2.00
3 values at 2.40
3.50 values at 2.80
4 values at 3.20
4.50 values at 3.60
We have Suits which we are going to put on sale
at a sacrifice.
They are not all late styles but you will find that
they are Good Merchandise.
Suits up to $8.00 values at
“ $15
$ 8.00
Winter Underwear, Ladies’ Wool and Fleece lined
Hose, Ladies’ Skirts and Winter dress goods all at Clear­
ance Sale prices.
We are over stocked with Men’s Pants and are going
to give you the benefit of the cut price that it will require
to reduce them.
Easterners who have been compelled
to button the top buttons of their over'
coats the last few days, are in their
glee, but the Oregonians say they want
rain. The high east wind which has
accompanied the cold snap is not even
appreciated by the easterners. The
thermometers have been registering all
the way from 30 above to 15 above.
The roads are frozen solid and ex­
tremely rough. Fact of the matter is,
this is not Oregon weather and who
ever is to blame for it had better look
Henry Schmale, who resides near
Watt school house, was in town Satur­
day and left at this office a Yellow New­
ton apple grown on his place, that for
size and looks is just as good as any
to be found anywhere. This apple
was taken from a tree 4 years old which
bore only 5 apples this year. Mr.
Sc iraale siys that he believes the ap­
ples grown near the creek are better
and larger than those grown on the
higher altitudes for they get more
—Don’t you think a nice Wool
Blanket would feel good these cool
nights? Bailey’s.
—Money to loan on farm security
W. H. Hollis.
Poraat Grove, Ore.
FOR SALE — House very nice finish FOR SALE — 150 qts canned fruit,
new furniture, barn, chicken house, Call on P. W. Watkins, 4th St. 4th
Liner Column and
lot 50x200 good location, high and Ave. Forest Grove, Ore.
It is all smooth sailing when you place a I.inrr Ad
in this column. A ftw words her« will reach 5,000
readers and the results ar« certain. Sc line 1st
Insertion, 2*4 cents «ach subsequent insertion.
Minimum chart« 10 CM.
dry. This is a snap, 81400 including
furniture.—Enquire M. L. Noble, the —Hoffman St Allen Co. can supply
your wants in blankets and comforts at
real estate man.
F or S ale —One milch cow. In- low prices.
“ WANTED —Salesmen. Many make quire
at this office.
30 3i
—Mrs. Edmondson would like to do
8100 to 8150 per month, some even
W. P. Spaulding ¡work by the day. Phone No. 392. lltf
more. Stock clean; grown on reserva­
tion, far from old orchards. Cash j
advanced weekly. Choice of territory. :
Address Washington Nursery Company,
Toppenish, Washington.”
FOR SALE.—Pedigree strawberry
plants: Texas, Glenn Mary, Brandy­
wine, Improved Wilson. Address ,
Fern Leaf Fruit Farm, Cornelius, Ore. i
R. S. Alexander.
K. JV. S ta eh r
D. F. F leck
For sale close in—Some choice small
O F F IC E A T T H E H A T A AH. N E X T TO F O S T O F F i e B
tracts. Several desirable houses and
lots. T. H. Littlehales Fore'.t Grove:
National Bank Building.
27 tf
S o m e o f th is w e e k 9s B a r g a in s
Eleven acres of fine land with Good six-room house, only 2
FOR SALE. —One 6-horse power en­
house and barn, orchard, blocks Irom Main street for 8700.
gine and 9-horse power boiler in good
only one mile out lor sale or ex­ 850 down and 812 per month
condition. Inquire of B. B. Goff, For­
change lor town property.
takes it.
est Grove.
Eighteen-acre fruit farm with Ten acre fruit farm with good
house and barn and good fruit
only lj mile out for
LIST your farms and other properties
drier, 6 miles from here. Price buildings
cash, balance 8250
for sale with T. H. Littlehales, Forest
fruit on the
Grove National Bauk Building. 27tf
New 5 room modern cottage, place will bring from
8300 to
all plastered, hot and cold water 8400 per year.
NOTICE —I have 6 lots in the city
large lot in fine location. 81300
of Cornelius. Good house, new bam,
it if bought soon. This is Six room house on large cor­
good water, some fruit. Five of the
a rare bargain.
ner lot and barn. Fine location.
lots are on Ash timber land equal to
Five acres of land, 2 miles Only 8750. Rasy terms.
Beaverdam. Price, 81000. Will take
irom Forest Grove. New house
a good team and wagon as part pay if
and barn. Only 81000. This is a Good new 7-room house with
taken soon. W. E. FITCH, Cor­
two lots on car line for only
F resh Cows for S ale —Having
Eighty acres of fine land, 6
bought a herd of registered Holstein-
out, no buildings. Fine
Friesian cattle, we are selling off our
Ninety acres of land 1 mile water and orchard on place.
grade milch cows as they come in
from Dilley, 6 acres in cultiva­ Price 835 per acre.
fresh, and have several good fresi.
tion. Small house^ and running
cows for sale now, at prices which
Four acres of land, close to
water on place. Owner will sell town,
ought to sell them —Carmichael ir Co.,
with house and barn, good
Gaston, Ore..
An ideal location for a
small place close to Forest Grove. fruit and chicken
ranch. Price
W anted —Young girl to do light
house work for two months for family
Scoggins Valley. 28 acres Seven-room house on large lot
of three Phone 523.
cleared. Fair house. 83000. Good location. 81400. Half cash.
Easy terms.
FOR SALE—One or two first mort­
gage notes 81000 each on or before 5
H ouses fo r R en t
years *t 6 per cent. Gilt edge secur­
ity. T. H. Littlehalea, N n’l Bank
------ T
Rea / Estate