THE NEW S Published every Thursday by The Washington County Publishing Co., Incorporated. Entered at the post-office at Forest Grove, Oregon, as second class mail matter. Subscription $1.50 Per Year Advertising ratas made known an applicati»' Official Paper of City or Forest Grove Official Paper Washington Co. The style this winter is to be thin; also the style in fruit pies. Owing to the scarcity of fruit, the fruit pie this winter will be as thin as if it had prac­ ticed anti-fat movements all summer. • * • While it is not proper to accept a man's invitation to his home unless his wife joins in the invitation, it is proper to accept a wife’s invitation without the husband joining in. The man pays the bills but if his wife knows her business, she runs her hus­ band, her home, her childien and her kin and most of her neighbors. Those who read carefully our report for the year 1907, which was printed THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1908 in this paper in December, and those -----I who have made the acquaintance of It seems to be the habit of our library, will appreciate the three Prosecutor Heney to turn loose things we are writing this note to em­ a dozen criminals to catch one. phasize: 1. The public library is proving a This may be justice— but is it? great success. It is largely patronized, and the members increase month by President Roosevelt sent a month. In January there were 38 special message to the Senate new cards taken, and the circulation and House last week in which was 361, the largest in the history of he advocates more stringent the library. 2. The people of Forest Grove and laws upon graft. T he message is clear cut and decidedly char- *icin‘ty’ and theirf servants ‘he Library Board, are mos>t fortunate in securing acteristic of the President. Harry Thaw has been found not guilty— but insane, by the jury Saturday. This means that he will be confined to an asylum until the public forgets him and by the aid of his mil­ lions he will go scot free. Thus the unwritten law releases another criminal. such intelligent, interested and ef­ ficient care of the library, and all at a very low cost. 3. The great need is for more books. Just now this need is press­ ing. The demand outruns the supply a,d this demand is increasing. The lack of books is the one great limi­ tation upon the extending usefulness of the library. We have a good ap­ propriation in the tax voted for this year; but no money will be available for books for several months, and then the amount from this source will be small. Any citizen or friend of Forest A newspaper may boom a t iwn through its editorial and news columns, but a critical in­ vestor looks to the advertising Grove who may at any ,ime Put int0 columns for substantial evidence °u' hands afew dollars °( a hund« d „ . . , dollars, or put into his will a generous T o him th e y iegacy, for a book fund, may beas- are thermometers measuring the sured that he is making his money i itensity of public warmth; they count for good for a long time, and are the pulse which indicates that we will carefully preserve and use the healthy cordition of the col­ such a fund for its best service. But we need a little money for im­ lective body of the people; they mediate use. A friend of the library till him whether or not the com­ has just offered us #5.00 for new munity is up to the times in books, if we can raise ten dollars or business matters.— Ex, j more in addition very soon. We wish to raise 825 now. Sums from 25c to 1 one hundred or more may be handed H O W L’S O llSLR V .V nilN S. I to the Librarian or to any member of What has become of the old-fash­ ! the Board. , ioned woman who thought it a waste Gratefully and urgently yours, of time to fan anywhere except in H e r b e r t w . B o y d , c ’lurch? Pres. Library Board. * * • When a man’s secotd wife wants Notice. to be acceptable, she has to be agree­ able to three sets of kin: Her hus- Dr. Hines, the city physician, wishes bin d ’s, his first wife’s, and her own. us to state that in families where there • • • are cases of mild sore throat, they Are you kicking your?elf o it of a must be reported just the same as job? Many people do it. Are you more severe cases. There is no charge willing to accept a poorer Job in or­ when you call the city physician to der that you may have your fool way? make tests for diphtheria for it is his Many people are. duty to diagnose diseases that are con­ * • • “ Do you rem em ber what Owen tagious. Of course you have a right Meredith said?” a woman asked a man to call your family physician, but this today. “ N o," the replied, “ I notice is given to urge a careful atten­ don’t remember it, and don’t care to tion to be given to mild sore throat. heir it.’’ * • • How slow some people are to learn! Som ■ men at forty have never heard that it is not only impolite to eat with a knife, but that a fork is bet­ ter in every way. John Wirtz has purchased Robert Wirtz’ equity in the old home and will soon move in, and Robert will build a house on the lot just north of the old home: then Jake and John and Rob­ ert will all live in a row. M. L. NOBLE Seventy acres, rich black soil, 10 acres in cultivation, fair house and barn, other outbuildings, fine orchard, two spring branches on place, land a little rolling, lo­ cated on main road, 6 miles from town. Price 81550. Fifteen acres. 14 miles from Forest Grove all in cultivation, good house, large barn, other outbuildings, fine orchard, all bearing trees, land level, rich, black soil located A mile from proposed motor line a little east of Forest Grove on main road. Snap 13500. Seventeen acres all in cultiva­ tion, fine level land 4 mile from Forest Grove on main road. Price 8100 an acre. The Real Estate Man Forest Grove, Or. One hundred acres, 75 in cul­ tivation, one new house, large new barn, out buildings, sixty acres fine bottom land, balance a little rolling, nearly all in clover and crops, spring branches run­ ning through place. Young orchard located on main road two miles from town. Price 86500. Snap. Three hundred and fifteen acres, 220 in cultivation, balance good pasture, fair house and barn running water, land mostly bot­ tom. 7 miles from Amity milk condenser. 826 an acre. House 6 rooms, ground, fruit trees, house. Price 81150. 3 acres chicken A Few Bargains Just Now. 18 j F o r 1 0 Days ) SÄLE A Word to the Public. A. E. NOITRSE.....................MANAGES I F. W o o d s .............................. e d it o r r i , Of push and life. Saturday, Feb. 8 To Tuesday, Feb. Oi $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 Worth of Undelivered Freight By the Railroad Companies, through the SH A F E R CO., 67 cases of men’s and women’s seasonable wearing apparel, con­ sisting of high-class men’s clothing, suits, overcoats, pants, hats, shoes, shirts and underwear; Ladies’ waists, skirts, cor­ sets, etc. Also a Line of Drugs, at IN a y lo r B u ild in g FOREST GROVE, OREGON Sale begins Saturday, February 8 at 8:30 a. m. and closes Tuesday, February 18, at 9 p. m., in the large and spacious store room in the Naylor Building, Main street. N O T E — These 67 cases of merchandise will be sacrificed at prices that have never seen an equal in modem times. The Transportation Companies and Wholesalers of Merchants’ Counter­ manded Orders and Rejected Freight for months, are compelled to stand the loss on millions of dollars worth of goods. This consignment of fine wearing apparel, etc., goes as advertised and is subject to additional merchandise of all kinds, as the immense amount of goods will be sold at such prices as they will bring in 10 days, regardles of Cost, Worth or Loss. W e mention only a few prices on the thousands of articles that will be offered in this GREAT SALE OF UNDELIVERED FREIGHT BY THE SH AFER COMPANY F U R N IS H IN Q S CLOTHING Fleeced Underwear, 75c grade - 35c Men’s Working Shirts, 75c grade - 35c All Wool Men’s Underwear, 81.50 grade 75c Men’s Socks, good working socks - 3c Men’s Overalls, 75c grade - - 45c Men’s 15c Collars for - - 2 jc Men’s Gloves, 75c grade - 25c Cooe’s Gloves, per pair - - 5c Wool Socks, 25c values, per pair - 124c Men’s Duck Coats, regular 82 and S3 val. 81.00 Men's Shoes, lot 82.50 and 83 grade - 81.65 Men’s Shoes, lot 84 and 85 grade - 82.95 Ladies’ Shoes, 81.50 kind - 81.55 Ladies’ Shoes, 83.50 and 84 kind - 81 95 Baby Shoes, 50c grade - - 10c Baby’s Heavy Shoes, 81 grade - 30c Children’s Shoes, worth 82 50 - 81 50 Men’s High Cut Shoes, 16 inch top worth 86.00 for - - 83 95 One lot of Men’s Hats, different shapes and colors, regular 82.50, 83 val. 90c Another lot of Good Hats, up-to-date in all colors, 83 and 84 values at 81.75 A big lot of Woolen Overshirts for Boys, Oregon City Woolen Mills make, worth up to 82 50 for sale at - 95c Over 600 Suits, Overcoats, Cravenettes, highest quality, at your mercy. 83.65 for splendid 83 and 810 Suits and Over­ coats. 85.90 for fine Dress Suits, all kinds, worth up to 815.00. 87.80 for Tailor-made Suits and Overcoats, worth up to 820.00. 89.65 for Imported Materials, Suits and Over­ coats worth up to 825 00. S13.10 for Finest Suits and Overcoats worth up to 835.00. PANTS About 480 pair. As we have not seen them we quote from the me chants cost bill. 90c for up to 82 Pants. 81.65 for up to 83.50 Pants. 82.35 for up to 85 Pants. 82.90 for up to 86.50 Pants. 83.65 for up to 87.50 Pants. * scribe the colors, styles, etc. The merchants cost mark shows them to be high-class goods from the best makers in the U. S. They must all be sold in 10 days regardless of con­ sequences or loss. SH O E S 17 cases of Fine Shoes from the best known makers, bought lor the Holiday trade, and of the best styles. They will be placed on sale at prices that will be a revelation to the public. HATS 9 full cases of hats arranged to be sold in this sale, subject to decision now in progress of settlement. UNDERW EAR Several lots of Fine Underwear of all kinds, Heavy Cotton, Wool and also Medium weight. SH IR T S BO Y S’ and Y O U T H S’ CLO TH ING of all kinds are in this lot, but as the cases have not been opened we are uuable to de- About 1200 Shirts of various styles in qualities from 50c to 83 grades, will be sold at 40 per cent off regular value. L A T E — BY T E L E G R A P H — The Railroad Companies have just wired as this matter was going to press, that they will forward a num­ ber of cases of Men's and Women’s Furnishings, consisting of Underwear, Hssiery, Sveaters, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Night-robes, Shirts and a general line of Men’s Outfittings, all high-grade merchandise an 1 goods bought by prominent Portland, Seattle and Spokane merchants for their holiday trade, but refused by them on account of late delivery caused by the congestion of freights and general car shortage. These goods will arrive in time to go in this sale and Forest Grove folk will benefit by the Railroad’s losses. We shall sell all this merchandise at from 25c to 50c on the dollar. Beach 15 acres in sec 26 t 1 s 2 w. 82000. pro bate co u rt . Wm Smith to J H Powers 11.34 Estate of Michael Boyd, deceased. acres in sec 32 t 1 n 3 w. 83200. Inventory and appraisement filed and j Wm F Gilbert to J E Peterson et approved. Petition to sell personal ux 16.67 acres in Richardson d 1 c 810. Wm Reidt et ux to Mrs. J S Fe s- property allowed. Estate of Elias Olson, deceased. 1 ter lots 3 and 4 blk 33 West Portland Final account filed; March 2nd time Heights, 81. set for hearing objections to final set­ Nancy I Banks et al to C A Shipley lots 5 and 6 blk 1 Banks, 8135. tlement. Estate of Andrew Furher, deceased. Fred Schofield et ux to Johan Ged- 81300 allowed Dora Führer for support lich 50 acres in sec 25 t 3 n 5 w $1050. of self and children. Estate of Elizabeth Freeman, de­ Rose Weisenbeck et ux to E S ceased. Report of sale confirmed and Oakland lots 4 and 5 blk 37 South executor authorized to make deed coi- I Coast add to Hillsboro, 8600. Endre S Oakland et ux to J W Hur­ veying property. Estate of James Thwaite, deceased. ley lots 4 and 5 blk 37 South Coast add Final acconnt filed, administrator dis­ to Hillsboro, 3600. Mary A Sias to Chas Buhman part charged and bondsmen released. Estate of Arline H Siemon, a minor. of blk 9 Forest Grove. $1500. John R Ballard et ux to Chas Buh It is ordered that J J Krebs be appoint­ man part of lot 4 blk 9 Forest Grove, ed guardian. Bonds fixed at 82000. 8600. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Lola M Shrode et al to W B H en­ W R Sparks and Bertha L Dyet. derson part of blk 9 Cornelius, $1000. COUNTY COURT NEW S REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS — If anyone has a cream separator • F H Sumner et ux to Henry Wil­ for sale, please notify me by mail. kins et al 3 acres in M Moore d 1 c State capacity and make. George t 1 s 2 w, $750. Kessler. Banks, Oregon. 28t3* Sylvester P Reeder to Me‘chior — A full line of Comforts at Bailey’s. Frutiger 78.43 acres in Joseph Wood Deafness Cannot be Cured d i e t 1 s 2 w. 87000. by local a p p lication*, a* th e y cannot reach the diseased P S Anderson to Alovis Gassner p o rtio n o f th e e a t. T h ere ts o n ly one w ay to c u re deaf a nd th a t i* by c o n stitu tio n a l rem edies. D eafness trustee lots 1 and 2 blk 2 Reedville. ne*s. is c a u se d by an inflam ed condition of the m uccus lin in g 8360. of t h e Euaxachian Tube. W hen th is tube is inflam ed h a v e a ru m b lin g sound or im p e rfe c t h e a rin g , and H W Leonard to Frank W Metcalf you xrhen it is e n tire ly closed. D eafness is the re s u lt, and part of sec 15, 22 and 23 t 2 s 3 w. 830. u n le ss th e inflam ation ra n be tak e n out a nd th is t u b e re ­ to its no rm a l condition, b e a rin g wi l be d estro y ed Lewis Sagen et al to Chas M Stites stored fo re v e r; n in e cases out of ten are caused by C a ta rrh , 20 acres in sec 3 t 3 s 1 w, 82500. w h ic h is » th in g but a n inflam ed con d itio n of th e m u­ s u rfa c e s. C H Rogers et ux to John M Ben­ cous W e w ill g iv e O ne H undred D ollars for a ny case of nett part of sec 18 t 1 n 3 w. 82000. D eafn ess (caused by c a ta r rh ' th a t cannot be c u re d by G W Waterbury et ux to J C Cur­ H a ll's C a ta rrh C u re Send for c irc u la rs , free. F. J. C H E N f Y ft C O .. T oledo, O. rie part of sec 34 t 1 n 1 w, 8850. < Sold by D ru g g ists, 75c. Chas H Willoughby to Mary E T a k e H ail s f a m ily f i l l s for constipation. Notice. I hereby announce myself as a Re­ publican candidate for the office of County Assessor of Washington County, Oregon, subject to the endorsement of the Republican voters of this County at the Primary election to be held on April 17th, 1908. If I am nominated and elected I will during my term of office give all a square deal and good service. C. E. D eichman . —New stock Wooden Shoes at Dr. Parker’s. Greenville. 30t4 The Paris Millinery Parlor is making cut prices on all goods in the store, on Main street, Forest Giove. 22-tf We save you money on WATCHES and JEWELRY We have taken advantage of the money flurry and bought our stock for cash at a big discount, and we defy any dealer to com­ pare quality and prices with us. Watches and jewelry receives the most careful attention when brought to us for repairs and ‘k* work is done in the shortest pos­ sible time that first class work can be done. W. S. Reynolds W a tch m a ke r 4 Jeweler Forest Grove 2nd doer west of Postoti* —Cotton Blankets 10-4, 11-4, 12-4, —Selling out at cost at Dr. Parke?* prices 85c, 81.00, $1.25, 81.50, Greenville. 82.00, at Bailey’s. Fall Showing Special attention is directed to our fall Dress Goods Waists, Skirts and Wrapps. W e have the choicest fabrics and highly tailored goods. We invite you to call and see them. Fall Clothing W e can satisfy any man, boy or youth in Clothing- Our stock is complete besides the prices and pet* feet fit are both guaranteed. NELSON B. LA COURSE Forest Grove - - Oregon THE BIG ECONOMICAL STORE