Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, February 06, 1908, Image 3

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Funeral of I. L. Smith.
The funeral of Hon. I. L. Smith,
Sheridan last week, oc­
curred at this place Saturday morning
When an eminent authority an­
under the auspices ol the Masonic
nounced in the Scranton (P a.) Times
order. A large attendance of friends
that he had found a new way to treat
and Masons were present. Interment
that dread American disease, Rheuma­
tism, with Just common, every-day
H. Bryant of Portland officiated.
drugs found in 'a n y drug store, the
Dr. P ie rc e b e lie v e s th a t o u r A m e ric a n fo r­
For correction as to the deceased's bi- est* itfcynii in m oat v a lu a b le m e d ic in al root*
physicians were slow indeed to attach
foS the c
m o st o b s tin a te a n d fa ta l dla-
ography which appeared in The News
If w .^w dbid p ro p e rly In v e s tig a te th e m ;
much importance to his claims. This
last week, we reprint a sketch of his a n ti UL^wTirrwunW ) of tb ls c o n v ic tio n , be
polrflecw ltb p r lJ b s ib th e a lm ost m a rv . l.ins
was only a few months ago. Today
C u re * r f f i . t w l i n - I n s • ■ I 1 . . I . U . ' V . . , t l .
i most honorable life:
nearly every newspaper in the country,
co v ety ." w hich h a s n ro v e n Its e lf to he th e
Irwin Lucas Smith was born in n;y*t effi. iMt.i M .irm th tonic, liv e r li.'ic o r -
even the metropalitan dailies, is an­
to r. Ii.eirt Ionic a n d re egu
g u li e r . Ilici blood
Franklin county Ohio, May 16, 1827, c a le
a n se r know n to m edic S i science.
nouncing it and the splendid results
n "TTverTi u n c t ion a I
and when seven years of age moved to
a n d e v en v a lv u la r a n d o th e r affe c tio n s o f
achieved. It is so simple that anyone
Illinois with his parents.
th e h e a r t y ie ld to Its c u r a tiv e a ctio n . T h e
can prepare it at home at small cost.
re a so n w hy It c u re s th e se a n d m a n y o th e r
Upon the breaking out of the civil affections. Is c le a r ly show n In a littl e book
It is made up as follows: Get from
e x tra c ts fro m th e s ta n d a rd m e d ic al w orks
war he enlisted in 1862 in Company of
w hich Is m a ile d f r t t to a n y a d d re ss by D r R.
any good prescription pharmacy Fluid
II., 64th Illinois Volunteer Infantry V. P ie rc e , o f B uffalo. N. Y.. to a ll se n d in «
re q u e st fo r th e »ame.
Extract Dandelion, one-half once;
and participated in the battles of Yazoo
Compound Kargon one ounce; Com­
N ot less m a rv e lo u s. In th e u n p a ra lle le d
City, Port Hutchinson and other minor
pound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces.
c u re s It i s c o n s ta n tly m a k in g o f w o m a n ’s
m an y p e c u lia r a ffections, w e a k n e sse s a n d
Mix by shaking in a bottle and take in
tlis:r< fts;n g d e n tn i^ m e n ts . is Dr. P ie rc e ’s
teaspoonlul doses after each meal and of the two that crossed the Rio Grande FaToriteN PrescripU ot»K4ts Is am p ly a tte ste d
b y th o u san d s o ^ ^ j^ b k tM ib d je s tlm o n la ls con­
at bedtime. These are all simple in­ river into Mexico, and was at the front trib u te d b j\ ^ B T e fu l pafTfrim w ho h a v e been
run-tl by It c t r m a r r li a l iw ivl.-iTfaTff;. i.a iiT T
gredients, making an absolutely harm­
was mustered out of the service and
less home remedy at little cost. •
honorably discharged in 1865 with the
¿Rheumatism, as every one knows, is
rank of sargeant.
a symptom of deranged kidneys. It is
He was united in marriage to Miss B o th th e a b o v e m en tion ed m ed ic in es are
a condition produced by the failure of
o lly m ad e up fro m th e g ly c e r ic e x t r a c t s of
Mathews in Illinois from w n a h tiv
e , m e d ic in a l roots. T h e p ro ce sses em
the kidneys to properly filter or strain
ye d in th e ir m a n u fa c tu r e w ere o rig in a l
P ie rc e , and th e y a re c a r r ie d on by
from the blood the uric acid and other which union twelve children were born, w ith Dr. fit
s k ille d c h e m is ts a n d p h a r m a c is ts w ith the
p a r a tu s and a p p lia n c e s s p e c ia lly
matter, which if not eradicated, either
d esig n ed and b u ilt fo r th is p u rp ose. B oth
in the urine or through the skin pores, he removed with his family to Forest m ed icin es a r e e n t ir e ly fr e e fro m alco h o l and
a ll o th e r h a r m fu l, h a b it-fo r m in g d ru g s. A
remains in the blood, decomposes and Grove, at which place Mrs. Smith died fu ll list o f th e ir in g re d ie n ts is p rin te d oh
forms about the Joints and muscles,
causing the untold suffering and de­ While at Forest Grove, he held many
—Buy Wool Blankets of Bailey and
important positions of trust, and was keep warm.
formity of Rheumatism.
This prescription is said to be a for several terms a member of the state
—Guns repaired by Corl & Son. 23tf
splendid healing, cleansing and invig­ legislature.
—Try Schultz’s ground bone fo
your hens. It will make them lay.
orating tonic to the kidneys, and gives
List of Documents
almost immediate relief in all forms of
Administratrix’ Notice.
I give herewith a list of documents
bladder and urinary troubles and back­
Notice is h ereby g iv en th a t I, th e u n d ersig n ed, have
ache. He also warns people in a lead­
been duly ap p o in ted by th e county court or W ashlng-
ing New York paper against the dis­ documents contain information of value ing C ounty, O regon, ad m in istratrix of th e estate o f R.
M. Bisbee, deceased, and have qualified as such. All
criminate use of many patent medi­ and interest to the people ol Oregon, persons h av in g claim s ag a in st said estate are hereby
and I will be pleased if you will pub­ notified to p resen t the sam e to m e w ith p roper vouchers
lish this letter in your paper, as I will at the law office o f W . N. B arrett, at H illsboro, O re­
gon w ithin six m onths from th e date hereof.
be pleased to supply any one writing Dated th is Jan u ary 30, 1908.
Teachers Examination.
me for same with such of the docu­ A dm inistratrix of th e estate TERESA
o f R. M. Bisbee, de­
Notice is hereby given that the
ments as may be desired, so long as ceased.
County Superintendent of Washington
W . N . B arrett, A tty for Estate.
my quota lasts.
county will hold the regular examina­
Year Book of Agriculture 1901-1906.
tion of applicants for state and county
Notice for Publication.
Report of the Bureau of Animal In­
papers at the court house, in Hillsboro,
D ep artm en t o f the In terio r.
Land Office at Portland, O regon,
as follows:
Decem ber 28, 1907.
Diseases of Cattle.
Notice is h ereby g iv en th at M etta C aples M atthieu
o f rtasrew, O r-g o ii. bas fi'i-d notic«. of h is intention to
Diseases of the Horse.
m ake final five y ear proof in suport o f h is claim , viz:
Commencing Wednesday, February
Hom estead E n try No, 13858, made Sept. 10, 1901, te r
Report of the Commissioner of Edu­ the northw est q u a rte r Section 20, T ow nship 1 south,
12th at 9 o’clock a. m , and continu­
R ange 5 w est, and th at said proof will be mad* before
the R egister and R eceiv er, at P ortland, O regon, on
ing until Saturday. February 15th at 4
February 11. 1908.
Geological Survey.
H e nam es the follow ing w itnesses to p ro v e his con­
o’clock p. m.
tin u o u s residence u p o n , and cu ltiv atio n of the land,
viz: H. P. Roberts, of G aston, O regon; G eorge H an­
Wednesday—Penmanship, history,
cock of G aston, O regon; Robert A. C aples of G aston.
O regon; John C. M atth ieu of G aston, O regon.
spelling, physical geography, reading, Labor.
R egister.
Report of the Philippine Commission.
Thursday— Written arithmetic, the-
Notice of Final Settlement.
Rural Free Delivery System.
lory of teaching, grammar, book-keep-
N otice is h ereb y g iv en th at I, th e u n d ersig n ed admin
Report of the Bureau of Soils.
ling, physics, civil government.
istrator of th e estate o f John B. Scott deceased, have
Statistical Abstract.
filed in the C ounty Court o f W ashington co unty, O re­
gon, m y final a c co u n t as such a d m in istrato r, and that
Sincerel" yours,
said court has set M onday, F eb ru ary 10, 1908, at 1
| composition, algebra, English literature.
C. w . F ulton .
o ’clock a. m . o f said day as th e tim e and the County
Saturday— Botany, plane geometry,
Court Room in H illsboro, O regon, as th e place for
h e a rin g objections to said a c co u n t, and th e final settle­
general history, school law.
Simple Home-Made Treatment Said to
who died at
Overcome Rheumatism.
That ou' American rorests abound In
plants which possess the most valuabi«
medicinal virtues is abundantly attested
by scores of the most eminent medical
writers and teachers. Even the untu- 1
tored Indians had discovered the useful- i
ness of many native plants before the
advent of the white race. This informa­
tion, imparted freely to the whites, led
the latter to continue investigations until j
to-day we have a rich assortment of most
valuable American medicinal roots.
I take this method of calling atten­
tion of the merchants of this county to
the laxity displayed by them in the
sale of cirgarettes and tobacco to min­
ors. The violation of this law was
forcibly illustrated in a case in court
on Monday afternoon, January 27th;
briefly stated,—a boy of twelve years
of age had purchased tobacco and
cigarettes of a number of merchants in
plain violation of the statutes of this
state. I shall consider it my duty to
prosecute all offenders of this law here­
after. Kindly familiarize yourselves
with the provisions thereof.
—We’ll cover that umbrella. Cori
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this
& Son.
31st day of January, 1908.
— Get that umbrella repaired at
J ohn M. W all ,
Prosecuting Attorney for Washington
Commcencing February 12th at 9
o’clock a. m., and continuing until
Friday, February 14 at 4 o’clock p. m.
Wednesday—Penmanship, history,
orthography, reading, physical geo­
Thursday— Written arithmetic, the­
ory of teaching, grammar, phsiology.
Friday—Geography, school
civil government, English literature.
Yours truly,
M. C. C ase ,
County School Superintendent.
It Is Coming In Rapidly in
Forest Grove.
Evidence on the following subject
will prove of interest to every Forest
Grove reader. So many people gc
through the same experience daily.
This public statement should be proof
positive to every wavering doubter.
Read it carefully.
Fred Laodrock. living on T h ird St., H illsboro. Ore
goo, says: “ My w ife su ffered from kidney and blad
der trouble for s long tim e so d no m atter w hat the
tried, got no relief. She suffered from pains in her
back and lim bs and to bend or stoop o v er was impossible.
At tim es, she was so lame and tired out at n ig h t, that
she couio not turn over in bed. She also had trouble
with the kidney secretions w h ich were v ery fre q u e n
and irre g u la r. All the d ifferen t rem edies sh e tried die
h e r no good and sh e a.so used plasters and ¡im raents bu
failed to find relief. At last she heard about Doan'r
K*dney P ills, and pro cu red s box. T hey h e'p ^d hei
from th e first and It was o aly a short tim e, b rfo re sh*
was en tirely free from th e s lig h ’est sym ptom o f th*
co m p lain t. I also used Doan s K idney Pt: s and th*
results w ere also hig h ly satisfacto ry to my case ”
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo.
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name— Doan’s—and
take no other.
This high cl.i^s drop head setting machine bought by us in
large quantities, thus enabling us to stil them at a very low
$60 machine fer $25
W e will send this machine to your nearest railroad station
with freight prepaid for $ 3 . 0 0 and $ 2 . 0 0 in monthly in­
stallments till !;25.C O is paid us.
Why send east or to Portland when you can buy at home
just as cheap.
Forest Grove
J. H. Hartley
W . I. Cody
Most Grcoers Soil
tvery sack guaranteed
Rjal Estate Investments
Made of selected Eastern Oregon Hard Wheat,
it produces more loaves of bread than any other
flour and the loaves are lighter and whiter. Be­
cause of the increased quantity of bread produced
the cost is no higher than for other flours.
Loans &, Insurance
Rents Collected
Ask your Grocer for It.
F o re s t Grove
T **
C rtfo n
! I N S U R A N C E
'cod Eatables
,ow Prices
Everybody knows that
we keep the best Meats
D u r in g th e
Buy your drugs, sun­
Dr. Hines’ Drug Store
A dm inistrator o f Said Estate.
and you will bejhappy.
ired 49
ate for tl
The rest
M U T U A L »'“l lt l S R I v L I K P A S S N .
Jlfe . . . .
errill . . .
mbler . .
g e r -----
endrix. .
Of Forest Grove, Oregon
I I « T l IK
B e st an d C h e ap e st
Spray Your Trees
With lime sulphur solution for San Jose scale a
pure liquid spray manufactured by W. Stratton
& Son for sale by Goff Bros., Forest Grove, and
by W. H . Stratton, Cornelius, by the gallon or
barrel. We keep lime and sulphur for spraying.
-. gsm s «
Real Estate Bargains
dries, stationery. Ko­
daks and supplies at
won .
tion at
r impon
od it i
is will
ken all
this is
comes t
the thi
:ngth o
hown oi
rder. fo
“ wet”
the sam
i, the lit
.ce cam
remind you to give us
Saelens & Co.
..at 1
to be had, but this is to
a call.
T. G. ]
Office in Times Building
Sixty nine acres all in cultiva­
tion. Good 7 room house, new
barn, 38x44, orchard, pure spring
water in house, ft mile school on
telephone and R. F. I). 1 in
Forest Grove.
Price 87UOO.
Three hundred and fifteen
acres 1-2 mile of Ballston. 220
actes in cultivation.
pasture and timber fair house and
barn, running water, telephone,
R. F. I).
Price $27.50 per
acre. Terms.
Thirty six acres all in cultiva­
tion and under fence 1 mile of
Forest Grove.
Price $3700.
Two hundred and forty acres,
4 miles of Dallas 3J of Mon­
mouth, 140 acres in cultivation
all under fence, balance in pas­
ture and timber, fair barn J mile
from railroad station, well watered.
Good stock and grain farm.
Price $2 J i er icre. Reasonable
derson. .
tch . . . .
te for Join
posed of
gton and
¡nd resret
* 'ays reside
3 years he
n the low
d was cha
milte* at
nsive acqi
men will |
luch for th<
big vote
e Elected,
Notice for Publication.
U nited State! Land Office, Portland, Oregon
Ja n u ary 30, 1908
N otice is h ereb y g iv e n th at in com pliance with the
provisions o f th e act o f C ongress o f June 3, 1878, en­
title d ‘‘An act for th e sale o f tim ber lands in th e States
0 C alifo rn ia, O regon, N evada, and W ashington T e rri-
t >ry,” as extended to all th e Public Land States by Act
o r A ugust 4, 1892, H u b ert F. L eonard, of Portland,
C lunty of M u’tnom ah, State o f O reg o n , lias this day
fl > d in this office his sworn statem en t. No. 7675, for
t ie purchase of th e Southw est '/« o f Section No. 34, In
T >wnship No. 1 N o rth , R an g e No. 5 W est, and will of-
f r proof to show th at th e land so ught is m ore valuable I
f >r its tim ber or stone th an for a g ric u ltu ra l purposes, I
and to establish his claim to said land before th e Keg-
1 ter and R eceiver a t Portland, O regon, on M cnday tl e*j
20th day of A p ril. 19C8
He names as witnesses:
S. D. M aine o f G aston, Oregon.
Hiram W . Scott of Forest G rove, O regon.
H en ry W. Scott of G aston, O regon.
Ernest N. C rockett o f Portland, O regon.
Any and all persons claim in g a d v ersely th e above-
described and* are .eq u ested to file th eir claim s in tl.is
office on or before said 20th day o ( A pril. 1908.
(F irst Pub. Feb 6.)
Dr. Hines’ DRUs?0Rt
jood Things
Postmaster Atwell desires to call at­
tention to the practice of some pat­
rons of rural delivery of placing loose
coins in their boxes each time they de­
Notice for Publication.
sire to dispatch letters instead of sup­
L e p a rtm en t of th e Inferior,
plying themselves with postage in ad­
Lan 1 Office at Por*land, O regon,
F eb ru ary 1, 1908.
vance of their need. This practice
N otice is hereby g iv en th at John F. W estinghouse < 1 j
imposes undue hardship on rural car­ T im ber, O regon, has filed notice of his inten tion to
riers in removing loose coins from^ m ake final seven y e a r proof in support o f his claim ,
viz Hom estead E n try No. 13676 made M arch 24, 1901, I
boxes and delays them on the service fo r th e SWW N W W ,
SWW and Section 26, and
of their routes. The postmaster, there­ N W ^ i N W H of Section 35, Tow nship 3 N orth, Range
5 w»st, and th at said proof will be made before the R eg­
fore, urgently requests that patrons of ister and R eceiver at Portland, O regon, on M arch 13, |
rural delivery provide themselves and 1908
H e uames th e follow ing w itnesses to prove his con- '
keep on hand a supply of stamps con­ tin u o u s residence u p o n , and cu ltiv atio n o f, th e land,
sistent with and in advance of their viz Frank B urgholzer, of Buxton, Oregon; Joe Burg '
holzer c f Buxton. Oregon; Charles W edburg, of T im ­
needs. It is also very desirable that ber, O regon; E Ff. Colem an, of Tim ber, O regon.
rural pat-ons place in their boxes small
detachable cups of wood or tin in 'F ir s t pub. Jan u ary 6.)
which to place coins, when necessary,
in purchas n ; supplies of stamps.
Tender, Juicy, Steaks
Roasts and Stews,
Sausage and Bacon
All kinds of Fresh
V e g e t a b le s
W F. S C H U L T Z
An extended editorial in the Billings,
Mont., ‘Gazette” speaks of the vast
amount of advertising Oregon is re­
ceiving through the newspapers of that
state as a direct result of the prize of­
fer made by the Portland Commercial
G ub.
Sole Agents for the White Sewing Machine in Washington County.
m ent of said estate.
Dated Jan u ary 8, 1908.
A ttorney for Said Estate.
— Wool Blankets $3 50 to $9.CO at
E. Bailey’s.
Fifteen and eighty one hun­
dredth acres one-fourth m le of
Forest Grove, one-fourth mile of
condenser all under cultivation.
Price $1600. Terms.
Writjhf, Cornelius & Co.
o rrur
r o a r s t oiro v r
m a i i o n a l hank
Corest G rove
Two Good Homes
o r
MM I c
On Easy Payments
$300 will put you in pos­
session of either.
They are nice homes, in
choice locations. One is
worth $1250, the other
81800, and they are bar­
gains at these prices.
Let us show them to you.
m ilio n e,
O re go n
Notice to Fruit Growers in Washiig-
ton County.
The Fruit Inspector of this county
has found that almost all trees are in­
fected with fruit pests and th- law re­
quires the owners or persons having
posesMon thereof to d is ’roy or eradi­
cate such orchards or pests. You are
therefore notified that unless such or­
chards cr pests are destroyed or eradi­
cated before the first day of March,
1908, I will proceed under the law to
either cut down or destroy such or­
chards or have the trees sprayed at the
owners expense.
w. R.
H a r r is ,
County Fruit Inspector.
ilatio" ane
i were disc
Forest am
l Saturday <
lsiasm way
mght to be
ws amende
officers l.n
Id and res
H. J. Go
z; treasurer
- of shootii
ock Sunday
ce of Ro
•rvisor of >f Soul
trict, and b
te for County
rompleted a
maty beginni
1 running ti
; avenue, tl
e that Mr.
of good road
I Success.
i at the Chi
ng was a su<
crowning ol
: principal fe
he luncheon
Japanese wgj
proceeds at
). The affair