The Roupell Mys t e r y By A u s t y n C H A P T E R XV. F or a period of two weeks immediately following the death of Mine. Ho-ipei!. both H a rrie t and Emily Weldon rem ain­ ed In a «rate of seeluaion w ithin the chateau. By the provisions l Mine. R ou­ ped s will, in the absence of other claim ­ ants, her fortune was equally divided between her nieces. It was a lovely Ju n e morning. The girls had received no one since the death of their aunt. H arriet, however, did uot lose sight of the fact th at she owed a duty to the living. It seemed seltish and wicked to pass the precious hours in m ourning for one whom she could not re­ call, while a fate so dreadful hung over her lover’s head. Emily, who readily surm ised the sta te of her sister's feelings, was not backward in adm inistering what comfort she could. She had w ritten re­ peatedly to I)r. Paul Mason, urging him to spare neither labor nor money in his endeavors to extricate Van L ith from his terrible position. One morning, looking out of the w in­ dow, H arriet presently espied the sturdy figure of the doctor coming a t a swinging gait across the park under the great trees. He had arrived in Yilleneuve by the m orning train, and made a short cut across the fields, instead of coming by the road through the village. F o r the first time since the death of her a u n t, Emily Weldon was In tolerable spirits. The cloud which had lowered so heavily over the future seemed lifting at last. According to the report of Dr. Mason, there was a t last a possibility of the terrible m ystery which enshrouded all their lives being cleared away— some hope th a t her sister’s lover, whom she believed to be innocent, would be freed from the awful charge which hung over him. As they walked along following the path w hich led them through the forest of Yilleneuve, much of H a rrie t's usual gaiety and .sprightliness of m anner also returned. H er cheeks regained their color w ith the unwonted exercise; her pulse beat quickly a g ain ; the soft June breeze fanned her brow, and her dark •yes regained their luster. • E m ily was sim ilarly affected. H er ■pirlts rose with every step they took. 8he even laughed when u little rabbit, •trfrtled by their approach, »at upright to look a t them for a moment, and then dashed off into the underbrush. "I had to laugh." she said, apologetically, "for if aver a rabbit showed surprise, th at d id ; why. his expression was alm ost hum an." “ It is possible he may be, according to B a n s W erlow,” rem arked the doctor. “ And who is H ans W erlow?” “ H e is a Germ an friend of mine who has ju st revived a peculiar theory in re­ gard to the soul. H is idea is th a t the •p irits of men and women who have m is­ behaved themselves on earth, will a t death enter the bodies of anim als, there to undergo a certain penance for the sins th* y have committed on earth. It is quite the talk of Paris, where it has become th e fashion to point out an old cab horse *nd say 'T h a t is M arat or Robespierre, Working out his desiiny.' ” f H ere H arriet was compelled to laugh •n trig h t. '' "H ow I should like to meet your friend B a n . W erlow ! You m ust contrive to invite him to visit us some day." ^ " P e r h a p s I shall, when all Is bright again," replied Mason, "and it shall be, (f I can make it so, or rather. If M onsieur C assagne can, for the m atter is in his hands now. All I can do is to wait and h o ie ." .,1?. "You seem to have great confidence in j» u r friend," remarked Emily. .* "Y*es, 1 have. In tim es of great trouble we are apt to lean on someone. One is glad to have somebody in such • crisis who can be trusted. It is the apeciftl mission of the strong to support the weak." » "A s we lean on you.” said Emily, quietly, "for comfort in our hour of ■ led." H er arm was within his own. and her la ir, white hand was tem ptingly near. H s placed his own upon It, with a gentle (•a ssu rin g pressure. The action was elo­ quent of assurance th at she could trust to his friendship to the last. A brother ■night have done the same, yet a strange th rill went through her. H e saw her m om entary em barrassm ent, and height­ ened color. j * " F o r H a rrie t's sake and for yours," he H id gently. T b -n to hi» surprise and delight, her flngHr- returned the pressure of his own. They seemed to say, “ I understand you.” T he sun was high in the heavens. It was very warm. They were yet some dis lance from Vcrtiers. They »at down on the mossy hank under the shade of one • ( the grand old trees. T aking no credit ta> himself, he told them what he had iH rn c 1 of M- fa ssa g n e 's doings: hoc thor gbly Impressed he was with the in afece! e of Van L ith ; how indefatigable had worked, snd what .kill he had ayed in unraveling a» far as he had g ta e > ».-j I don’t see much to eat around here,” Ittna 1 the doctor, finally. f*No. not here, of course,” said l ia r Ytet “ B ut there’» a cottage up there by t b t edge of the wood, where I dare m y w# can get some excellent milk and per hap* »ome white bread. Let us go there • l one» I ’m perfectly ravenoua.” W ithout giving the o th eri tim e to an •wer. H a rrie t Weldon at one» began to lead the way. G athering her dainty A irt" about her. she leapt lightly acr-** • dl* h which Intervened between the fin e i hold ng and the edge of the and turning around, cried gaily: m onsieur le docteur, you can • e r * your strength and your gallantry am Emily. You'll have to carry her •arc«* She'» the wor«t hand a t jum p­ ing a ditch in the whole of F rance.” think you'd better tru st me, Mis* f c l l f t " na’d Mason, laughing. iT*"A» you will, then." she said, sim ply; M th# next moment his arm s were •fo u n d her. ^ T h e r e ere opportunities !n our Urea •fc: h come to ue but once. F ortune raps •p r i our door, and failing : • gain ad ft**», n»r*r to refu rn ^ p*ui H a* teld la his arm s the woman hs O r a n I loved best on earth. H er head reclined j on hi» shoulder. H er heart beat against j his own. H er eyes looked languorously into his. It was an unpardonable liberty for a .staid scientific gentleman to tak*?. j H a rrie t’s back was turned toward them. “ I love you,” he m urmured. T hen he «looped and kissed her on the lips. She flushed scarlet. "D r. Mason— P a u l !” she exclaimed. He sprang across with her iuto the field. H arriet was out of sight. She had disappeared among the trees. “ Forgive me.” he cried, and he took her hand before she could withhold it. “ You tem pted me beyond my strength. Say th at you love me ju st a little bit.” “ Why, nonsense! As if young ladies made confession* of th at s o r t !” She was blushing furiously. It became im peratively necessary to pause a little to allow her to recover herself. They were entirely alone. F or a brief m inute they remained thus, looking into each other’s faces. Then they sauntered on, hand in hand across the plowed field, to where H a rrie t, with her mouth full of bread and cheese was im patiently aw aiting them. “ W hat’s the m atter w ith you tw o?” she asked. “ I thought you’d lost your way.” The train which bore Dr. Paul Mason back to P a ris th a t night m ust have been conscious of the reluctance of one of its passengers, at least, to leave the neigh borhood of Yilleneuve, for never had a short trip seemed so long and tedious to a certain pleasant faced, thoughtful, m id­ dle-aged gentleman, who sat and thrum ­ med im patiently upon the window looking out upon the night. “ She has promised me,” was the b u r­ den of hi» thoughts. “ She has promised me th at on the day on which Van Lith goe* free, she will be my wife.” C H A P T E R X V I. More than a week had elapsed since the departure of M. Oasaagne, during which tim e his assistant in Paris. Charles D’Auburon, had received no word of him. One morning, however, he got a laconic message over the w ire : “ Rue de P rov­ ence, 2 p. m. Tuesday,” by which he rightly surm ised th at his chief would meet him at his lodgings at the hour named. Almost on the »troke of the clock, D’A ubaron heard the detective climbing the stairs leading to his a p a rt­ ments. “ He is pretty tired,” cogitated the young Frenchm an. “ He comes slowly.” He was right. Alfred Cassagne had no sooner entered the room th an he flung himself heavily into a chair. His face wore an expression of anxiety. His dress was disordered. He seemed dreadfully fatigued and dispirited. D ’Auburon hastened to relieve him of his hat and light overcoat, and to take the hot wig from his head. “You look worn out, old fellow,” he exclaimed. “ Pull off your boots and coat, and m ake yourself com fortable.” Thus Invited, Alfred Cassagne divested himself of these articles of apparel, re­ m arking as he pulled off his boots: “ I haven’t had those off for the last forty-eight hours— and they were too tight for me anyhow.’» “Anything gone wrong?” “To be brief, all our work of the past two weeks has to be done over again.” “ W hat?” exclaimel D'Auburon. “ Do you moan to say we are on the wrong track?'* “ I will tell you right now,” replied M. Cassagne. “ It is a peculiar story. I soon settled the question as to where Graham was.” “ You have found him, then? and it is not he who comm itted the crim e? Ah, that is bad. O ur theory a t once falls to the ground.” “ Not so fast. Don’t anticipate me. However, I may tell you that H enry G ra­ ham had no more to do with the m urder of Madame Roupell than you or 1 had.” “ It is very extraorlinary.” “Not extraordinary at all. B ut let me begin a t the beginning. I left P a ris hav­ ing in my possession certain facts upon which I knew I could thoroughly rely. One of them was th a t Graham had gone to Belliers, taking hi* little son with him ; another th a t he had been in corre­ spondence with a woman there whose first name was Helene, and whom I firmly be­ lieved to be the m other of the child.” “ Yes, I recollect all th a t; go on, p ra y ; what next ?” “ Arrived at Belliers. I instituted every possible inquiry as to whether s.u h per­ sons as G raham and hi* sou were known or had ever been known there. This search occupied the greater portion of my time. I was al- it to despair when I stum bled across an old priest who told me th a t he had known the man I was iu search of. “ ‘Are you a friend or hi*?’ asked the priest. ‘I ain.’ I replied. ‘Then you will be «hocked when you hear what hap­ pened to him. Come with me, and I will tell you his story.’ I followed the pries,, expecting to hear that he was the inm ate of some charitable institution, or having lost his reason was confined in some pri­ vate asylum. He led the way to his church, and there in the little burying ground he pointed me out a grave. At i u head was a stone on which I read : “ H E N R Y GRAHAM , Aged 62 years.' " “ W h a t!” exclaimed D’Auburon. aston­ ished beyond m easure. “ W as It our H en­ ry G raham ? It o rn 't be possible!” “T here is not the slightest doubt about it. W hen I saw th at tomberone, you can imagine how I felt a fte r all the time and trouble I had given this ease. It was as if the bottom had dropped out of everything. T he priest saw, no doubt, th at I waa strangely affected. He a ttrib ­ uted my agitation to grief. “ *Tell me som ething about my poor old friend,’ I said. ‘I have heard that he was in very bad dreum atancea. Did he die poor?* ** ’ Vary,’ replied the pries*. ‘B ut he was cared for by m other church. T hat sione was erected by hit eon. A h! he was a sad scamp, a willful fellow, who rave hie poor fath er no end of trouble. B ut th a t wae the old m an’e fault, partly. Ha did not somehow cmre to hare the boy with him. He lived up on the hill, him self, tor years, in very good style— had money from somewhere, though Hanay T ails S en sation al Story in His don’t know where he got it. B ut the O psn ing S tatem en t. child, he didn’t seem to be bothered about him.' P ortland, J an . 1 7 .— In h is opening “ ‘Didn’t the child live w ith him?* I y inquired—not th a t I cared to know, but * 9 I tr ia l y e ste rd a y , F ra n c is J . H oney c h arg I wanted to keep the old man talking. ed th a t: I thought he m ight possibly drop some­ H a ll w anted re a p p o in tm e n t as U n it- thing worth having. ' ed S ta te s d is tr ic t a tto fn e v a n d so u g h t “ ’No.' lie went on lie was a garrulous : election of S e n a to rs M itc h e ll a n d F’ul- old fellow. ‘No. he didn't seem to care ton to t h a t e n d . to have the child with him. U ntil he I H e forced S ta te S e n a to r W . \V . S te i- was quite a big boy he remained in the i w er to vote for F u lto n in F e b ru a ry , •ire of a young couple in the village. The i 1903, by th re a te n in g S te iw er a n d o th e rs woman, I think, grew to be quite fond of him. B ut he was an unruly little ras­ S e ss io n Largely Given Up to Reading I w ith c rim in a l p ro secu tio n (H a ll th e n E x-U n ited .States Attorney Hall and cal.' ” being U n ite d S ta te s d is tr ic t a tto rn e y ) o f L etters Said to S h ow Edwin Ways at Bar— N o Ex­ “ All this is very serious. The result for illeg al fencing of p u b lio lands. is that we are no fu rth er th an wheu we F'ultou w as a p a rty to th is deal w ith C onspiracy. planation la Given started. W hat do you propose to do S te iw er a n d used h is influence in S te i- now? You’re uot going to give it up, w e r’s b e h a lf to cause H a ll to in s titu te are you?'* c iv il proceedings a g a in s t S teiw er in ­ P o rtla n d , J a n . 18.— The g o v e rn m e n t P o itla n d , J a n . 16.— T w elve jurors, “Give It up! I wonder at your asking ste ad of c rim in a l. sa tisfa c to ry a lik e to t h e governm ent such a question. Certainly 1 shall uot y e sterd a y contin u ed laying th e fo u n d a ­ B row nell w an ted to succeed H a ll and a n d to th e d efen se, w ere selected y e s­ tio n n( th e eai o'clock yesterd ay adopted from the sta rt the theory th at d ic tm e n t if th ey d id not secure h is r e ­ in v e s tig a te th e a fte rn o o n w ith th e acceptance of H en ry this crime was not committed for the re ctin g G reen e to a p p o in tm e n t. F re e rk sen , a farm er of tShedds, L in n purpose of robbery, but in the interest fences. H e n e y ’ p u rp o se is to g ro w H all h a d a g re e m e n t w ith S te iw e r, _______ ___ ________ of some _______ person who in some ___________ way would that th is investigation was p ro m p te d Z achary a n d H en d rick s by w h ich he c o u n ty , a n d a b ro th e r of tiie first m an selected. R oth »idee iiad e x h a u ste d profit, either directly or indirectly, by hy s e ttle rs , w ho h a d a p p ea le d v a in ly to allow ed th e m to m a in ta in th e ir illegal lim it th re e p e re m p to ry c h a lle n g e s be­ the death of Madame Rouped. If we H a ll to act a g a in s t th e fences. H a ll fences, th is being ttie alleg ed c o n s p ir­ abandon th at theory w-e have no other to 'o b je c ts to th e le tte r because a copy a n d fore th e n am e of H enry F re e rk sen waa acy. work on. A fter the most careful exam- n o t th e o rig in a l le tte r has been offered reached, h u t h e was su b je cted to a H all says he a n d M ays w ill b o th ta k e ¡nation of all the facts and circum stances. I a n d because it is irre le v a n t. Ju d g e th orough q u e stio n in g hy Mpeclal P rose­ I fail to account for the m urder upon H u n t w ill decide th e q u e stio n s th is th e sta n d in th e ir own defense. cutor H eney before being acc ep te d . L . R. W eb ste r, a tto rn e y for H a ll, H enry Graham m o rn in g . any other hypothesia. W h en c o u rt convened y e sterd a y being dead disproves that theory so fa r as U n lik e H a ll, M ays raised n u m e ro u s said t h a t w hen h is c lie n t first lea rn ed in-.ruing M r. Honey ereHted a se n sa itio n of th e Illegal fences in 1901, he n o ti­ he is concerned ; but so far only.” o b jec tio n s in th e course of th e day. by a n n o u n cin g th a t of tiie 1 2 d e fen d a n ts "A dm itted ; but whom have you to take T he ste p s in th e g o v e rn m e n t’s e v i­ fied S te iw er, e t a l.. th a t th e y m u st n o t n am ed in tiro in d ic tm e n t o nly H all and hla place? Y’ou m ust substitute someone, dence of c o n sp irai y w ill be a b o u t as fence g o v e rn m e n t lan d . W e b ste r de Felwin M ays w ould be trie d a t th is or your theory falls to the ground,” re­ nied t h a t H a ll w as a c tu a te d by u lte rio r follow s : tim e . H is la ilu re to in d ic a te w hen W . m arked D’Auburon. m o tiv es, p o litic s or o th e r. F ir s t— To prove H a ll a n d M ays bad W . B teiw er, H a m ilto n H . H e n d tie k s "N ot neceasHrily," replied the detec W itnesses P u tn a m am i K ing testified a n d C larence H Z achary w ould be tried, five. “ We may substitute an entirely un- fre q u e n t know ledge from p ro tec tin g se t- th a t th e y in fo rm e d H a ll by le tte r of if at a ll, is b elieved to give color to th e known person and rail him X .” | tiersi of th e fence* a s e a rly a« M arch , th e fences as e a rly as Ma>ch, 1900. re p o rt th a t th ese th re e d e fe n d a n ts h ave “ Yes. th a t’s all very w e ll; but how to 1900. find him is the question.** j fctecond T hat S tc lw er, Z ac h ary a n d T h e fences w ere n o t rem oved u n til been p rom ised im m u n ity in r e ta in for "T o which 1 certainly give you an- H e n d ric k s caused v a rio u s persons to file 1906, a fte r H a ll was o u ste d from oifiee. im p o rta n t testim o n y a g a in s t th e ir eo- other answer. I.iaten attentively. I am on lan d for th e ir co m p a n y , in o rd e r to d e fen d a n ts. T he te s tim o n y of theea IN V E ST IG A T E HARRIM AN. about to begin my argum ent, and I w ant c o m p le te th e c o m p a n y ’s e n clo su re cf d e fen d a n ts, i t has lieen ru m o red , is you to follow it and pick It to piece», p u b lic la n d . considered e sse n tia l to tire ra se of lh a Commencing on the hypothe»i§ already j T h ir d — T h a t H a ll a n d M ays took no C alifornia Will P ro b e Into A ctions of g o v e rn m e n t a g ain st H a ll a n d M aya. laid down. I shall proceed to dem onstrate prosecute th e offenders, th o u g h S o u th ern P acific two things: FirsC^the m urder of Madame th()y jiail fu )| g u ^ -ie d g e of th e fanclng ID ENTIFYING THE DEAD. San Francisco, Jan . 1 7 .— After 29 Roupell by someone di­ „ I, was committed „ . . . . a k.. Jl g n j t | ie congp iraey f0 r m ore th a n th re e rectly intereated In getting her out of the years of qu iescent obedience, the state years way. Second, It was the work of some A t th is stage, S te iw e r is expected to board of railroad com m issioners flew Many B oyartow n Victim» Burned P a st person w ho waa acquainted with her af-1 R ecogn ition . te stify a bout th e u lle g e d u n d e rsta n d in g full in to th e face of the Houthern Pacific fair», either by actually having known by w h ic h H all a n d M ays w ere n o t to oompany today and ordi red a search­ her. or from inform ation gathered from Royerstown, P a., Jan . 18.— One h u n ­ ing in vestigation into the rehating pro­ someone who was her Intimate. Y’ou pro secu te h im a n d h is associate«. One c liv itie s of the H arriman lin es, the dred and seven ty persons perished at m ust not forget the missing will, portions of th e te rm s of th is a lle g ed ag ree m e n t Santa Fe and the Salt laike road. At the Rlnsides opera house fire Monday of which are In my possession. You w as S e tiw e r a vote for F u lto n , n igh t, aceording to figures com piled by m ust not forget also the circum stances G eoigp B row nell is expected to te stify the sam e tim e the Imard, w ith the Coroner Ntr inner la-t n igh t. The list assistance of Attorney G eneral W ebb, surrounding this m ysterious crime. It th a t H a ll p rom ised h im im m u n ity ftom of dead includes one firem an, who Irak was committed In the dead of n ig h t The land frau d prosecu tio n for his w ith passed the resp on sib ility for efficacious Ins life fighting tiie fire, and one m an, hour chosen by the m urderer was one a t d ra w al from th e c o n te st for H a ll’s office action to th e door of Governor G ille tt. Jacob John son , who died fm m injuries It liee w ith th e ch ief ex ecu tive to au which he expected to find the house en­ th oiixe th e expenditure of the m oney received in tne bliiz ng p layh ouse. tirely unprotected by the presence of men, Three charred bodies were recovered T E N A N T S IN R IO T S. that such an investigation w ill cost, for the butler and coachman, recollect, and Mr. G ille tt has no a ltern ative hut from tiie ruins of the b u ild in g yester­ slept over the stables and ths presence of Van L ith and Chabot In the chateau O b ject to Paying M ore Than Rate to choose squarely la-tween the people day, and of tiie 168 bodies or rem ains that lie in tiie im provised ruins of the th at night was a contingency totally un­ and the railroaus. T hey Fix T h e m se lv es foreseen by him, and on# he could not The sudden aw akening of the loard b u ild in g 111 have been officially or par­ New Y ork, J a n . 18.— F o rcib le re sist- ha« developed a un ique situ a tio n . The tia lly identified by sorrow ing relativea have been prepared for. Y’ou tnay be sure th a t If he had foreseen It, he would a n te hy te n a n ts w hom a n U p p er E ast state railroad com m ission has always or friends. have postponed his visit until some other Ride la n d lo rd was try in g to evict rcauIt lieen the object of tender rare on the Not more than 25 of th e en tire num ­ occasion, for men of th at stamp, though e,) y e ste rd a y in the g a th e rin g of a ciow d part of W illiam F’. H errin. Now the ber of bodies removed from tiie fire hold and unscrupulous, alw ays tak s as 0f ( wo th o u sa n d o r m o re sy m p a th iz e rs com m ission has suddenly decided to have heads. There are several trunks little risk as possible.” in th e n e ig h b o rh o o d , w h o m ad e so which w ill never lie recognized, as they "G ranted,” acquiesced D'Auburon. “Go m uch tro u b le for th e police th a t th e put Mr. Herrin and h is associates on were strangers in the uudienee that the carpet. on.” Ip re rin c t reserves w ere c alled o u t D u r­ witnessed th e play. “The tem porary check that our theory ing th e rio tin g four w om en a n d a n u m has received from finding th a t H enry S E E K S TO RETAIN T R O O P S . Graham died before the m urder waa com­ | her of m en w ere ta k e n in to custody. IN D O R S E S S P A R K S ' A C T IO N , began m itted, In no way convinces me th at ha I T he rio to u s d e m o n s tra tio n waa not in any way implicated. Let ua w hen a c ity m arsh al a n d a b o u t 25 a s Nevada L e g it sto r e Ara U nanim ous in C au cu s o f N evada L eg isla to rs S u p ­ A pproving P olicy suppose th at he knew of the existence of s is ta n ts v isite d th e block on tiie so u th this will, which disinherited him ; th a t sid e of E ast One H u n d re d a n d F o u rth p o r ts G overnor. Carson C ity, N ev., Ian. 17.— At the h# contem plated its destruction a t some ' s tre e t, b e tw ee n F irs t a n il Second ave afternoon session of th e assem bly y e s ­ C arson, N ev., J a n 1 6 — A jo in t gau­ time and confided his plans to an accom- t n u es, w ith 80 dispossess w a rra n ts for terday a resolution which passed the m s of th e »iiecial co m m itte e« of tb a plice; th at for a long time no opportu- fa m ilie s w ho had u n ite d ly dem an d ed senate in the m orning, p etitio n in g the se n a te and assi-tnbly of th e N evada leg- nlty occurred like the one which did oo- re d u ctio n s in re n ts of a d o lla r a m o n th president to retain the troops tem po­ in la tu re m et y e s te rd a y a n d flam ed a cur, when \ an Lith left the chateau and an(| [ia ,] refused to pay th e la n d lo rd ’s rarily, passed w ithout a negative vote. jo in t re so lu tio n w hich w ill he in trodoo- the woman and her niocea were practically ,.0 | lector m ore th a n tile new ra te th e y There was no argum ent on eith er side ed in th e se n a te today Making th e p re si­ at his mercy. ! |la(j T h e ta k in g o u t of th e fittn - " Well. I will suppose all that. If you ¡tu re fr(,m U |e ro0D1H of th e firgt ,a m i,y as to the m erits of the m easure. G ov­ d e n t of th e U n ite d S ta te s to re ta in like; but still m aintain th at when Gra- t || , for a n atU),.k on ernor Sparks was at the speaker's desk, troop« In G oldfield u n til such tim e as an I as he cam e into th e ha 11 was greet­ th e s ta te emi p ro v id e e ith e r a poliea ham died all motive for the commission th e m a rsh a l a n d h is m en hy tco res of ed w ith applause. force or o th e r mean« to m a in ta in o t d t r of the crime was removed. W hat benefit (Speaker (Skaggs, who has opposed the in tiie c am p . Till» is a decided v icto ry could a third party not interested a t law te n a n ts . A ngry w om en su rro u n d e d a p a tro l­ governor in the m atter of c a llin g troo|ai for G overnor H parks, a» tiie c o rn m itte a in the disposition of Madame Roupell'a property, possibly gain by having her m an w ho h a d gone to th e m a rs h a l’s a s ­ to Nevada, left th e chair and Speaker fram in g tiie re so lu tio n is c mp< «ed of sistan ce a n d had h alf to rn h is coat from I’ro Tern Folsotn placed the motion lie 2f) m em lie rs, both K e p u h lh a n « a n d die intestate." hiB hack w hen a ssista n c e a rriv e d . H e fore the house. (Skaggs failed to vote Dernoi ra ta , w ith (he p ro a n d a n ti lab o r (T o be continued.) a rre ste d four w om en. S everal d e m o n ­ on the measure, absen tin g h im se lf at e le m e n ts b oth re p re se n te d . stra tiv e m en were also sen t to th e s t a ­ roll c a ll. A C hinese Solomon. The governor is receiving The resolution w ill undoubtedly paaa T w o C hinam en, b ro th e rs, well a d ­ tio n house. T he police w ere hy th is congratulations from both parties since tiie senate, w h ile file general e ip r e s- vanced In y e ars, q u a rre le d o ver a plecs tim e stru g g lin g w ith little success to the psHsage of the b ill. There was a sion am ong tiie m emliers of th e lower of lan d w hich th ey h a d Jointly in h e rit­ disfierse a n in creasin g crow d of an g ry m eeting of the joint com m ittee th is af­ house is that it w ill go through th at ed from th e ir f a th e r a n d w ent to law . d e m o n stra to r» , h u t o th er a rre s ts by th e ternoon in reference to tak in g up a body by a sm all m ajority, th e senate T h e n a tiv e m a g is tra te h e ard th e te s tb 1 offirers fin a l|y hai1 th e effect of p u ttin g measure for policing the sta te . It is being H epublhan and tiie assem bly -top to th e trouble. lik ely that th is measure w ill lie intro- stron gly D em ocratic. m ony on both sid e s a n d d e te rm in e d T he im m e d ia te purpose of th e d e m ­ dm ad hy Mond«v th a t ls>th w ere w rong a n d both rig h t, acco rd in g to the d iffere n t p o in ts of o n stra tio n was effected, th e m a r-h a l W ants to F ine S tan d ard , d e cid in g n o t to a tte m p t th e se rv in g of view . T h ere fo re. Instead of ren d erin g T o P reserv e B attlefields C hicago, J a n . 18.— D istrict Attor­ m ore dispossess w a rra n ts at th is tim e . a Judgm ent in fnvor o f e ith e r, he o rd e r­ O ttawa, O nt., Jan. 17.— R epresenta­ ney Him», upon arriving today from tiv es of the Canadian clu bs throughout W ash in gton , w h ere he is thought la ed th a t liotli lie bs-ked u p In a enngue H syti i* in Revolution v .ith th e ir heads fa ste n e d face to th e dom inion m et in conference here | have discussed the m atter w ith Presi­ Port Au Prince, H aytl, Jan. 18.— today to d iscu ss Lord G rey's proposal ; den t R oosevelt, announced that he will face a n d kept th e re u n til they settled th e ir q u a rre l. The enngue Is u so rt of The first actual operation of a revolu­ to convert th e more im portant part« of m ake an effort to bring th e Standard cage In w hich p riso n e rs a re placed tionary m ovem ent against the present th e battlefields of the p lain s c f Abra­ O il Comjiany of In diana to trial nert w ith th e ir n e -k s locked lu to a bole In gnvernm m t of H aytl took place yester­ ham and 8 t. Foye into a national park, week on the rem aining 4.000 counts la day, and so far has been eu iceesfu l. An and to erect thereon a m onum ent to th e in d ictm en ts returned »gainst tha a board. It resem bles som ew hat the expedition i-orripoacd of D a y tim e , who com m em orate th e reconciliation of the corporation. It w ill be possible in the sto c k s w hich w ere u “ed for th e pun­ have been in e x ile , tinder th e com mand B ritish and French races in Canada It event that th e com pany should be con­ ish m en t of m a le fa c to rs in olden tim e s of Jean J u n e a u , effected a lard in g not is hoped to raise a fund of ( 1 ,0 0 0 ,(Kg) victed on each count id th e indictment W hen the b ro th e rs w ere placed In the far from O onaives, 66 m iles northw est by public su bscrip tion to au p p h m en t to imp'me fines aggregating a total of enngue. th ey w ere both very stubborn 0 f here, and -cctipled th at tow n. The th e granta of th e Federal and P rovis­ » 8 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 . a n d In d ig n an t, hut to w a rd the end of jfovernim-nt Is taking measure» to resist ional governm ents th e second day tle-y tiegan to weaken t},e m ovem ent. The revolutionary R an ge War P rew ing. a n d on th e th ird day reached a satis. forces ,1 ,,, occupied 8 t. Marc, som e 20 O pium S h ip m en ts Light Grand Ju n ction , Colo., Jan. 16.— fa cto ry se ttle m e n t and were released, m iles from O onaives. Port Tow nsend, W ash ., J a n . 17.— A p peals to the governor and to tha Among the in terestin g feature» of th e sh eriff of Mess and Delta counties tor W h y He Lingered. Dery Su lph jr Irj ires Fruit. b u siness of th e last year, transacted by p rotection , having failed and fearing a As th e clock stru c k 10 the diffident Nan Francisco, Jan. < 8 — At the state officials of the P uget seuind cu stom s d is­ hlorxly im ttle w ill lie participated by y o u th In th e p a rlo r acene p re p are d to convention of C alifornia fru.t growers tricts is the sh ow in g that for th e entire irate cattlem en through wlio-e territory g et a hom ew ard move on him self. today a com m ittee of seven waa appoint­ period im portation s of opiu m read ied th e y m ust pass, tiie scene f msny "G ood n ight,” said th e d e a r girl. ed to go to W ashington to protest th e insign ifican t total of 238 pou nd s. range wars and murders, the owner» of “ A nd d o n ’t forget to give m j love to agairst and secure a m odification of the The d istrict is presum ed to cover prac­ 2 n 000 sheep are sending their stock rule covering the nee of sulphur in tic a lly all of th e outp ut of B ritish Co­ from M ontro-e to the w int-r range in y o u r sla te r." "I—er—th at la,” stammered the 4. y , bleaching and drying fruit«. In W 0 h i lum bia refineries w hich operate on a U tah under a guard of 200 men arm ed "If It s all the same to you. I—«r— tien s and speeches it was stated th a t , large scale. T he lig h t sh ip m en t it re­ With W in ch esters. should prefer to keep it m yself.” th e use of sulphur was not deleterious garded as su sp icious. And as the dear girl w as w illing to to the p ab lir health and th a t th e dry- P ostp on e S eattle Fair. let It go at that be lingered another ing of fruit» hy artificial heat and evap- Seattle, Jan. 16.— W h ile ths Idea is N ew E x p r e ss R ates. oration was im practicable in th is sta te. Jeffi-r«on C ity, Mo , Jan 17.— The not received hy w ith approval by the new sched u le of i-gpresa rates rerently m ajority of the people, Crlonel Blethea In all Franca there are only 1,100 W arrh 'P S Sail fo r M agoalen s agreed upon by Ihe board o f railw ay and raher« have riv-ently tiegan a move­ persons who are m illionaires In our San Diego, C al.. Jan 18.— A ll that com m issioners and th e expre«» com ­ m ent to postpone th e Alaska-Ynkoa The In M U hl of the word (In d o lla rs). Of wa* left fiere of the Pa ifle Squadron pan ies doing business in M issouri, gO"S sip 'isltio n until 1910. m illionaires In francs there are about sal ed th is m orning for M agdalina, to Into effect today. In round figures the condition in all [*rta of the country 16 , 000 , apart from the 1,100 alrandy rema n for «1* or seven weeks, Indulg- schedule provides for an a-, »rags reduc­ and failure to rcaliee on certain Invert- merit« cauee thie plan to b« conelderad. counted. tion of *1 par cant. I m g in target practice. Hall anti Mats Trial Making buf add;eM in ,tho Lillie Proyress. HtNEY IS MOVING WITH CAUTION oon,p^,*c Jury Secured In Hall Land C an In One Day. Will TRY BUT TWO DLFLNBAMS d f e ......... errili . . . . ìolscher . mbler . . . . « e r ........... endrix. . . . ICKET lerson. . . . dart man .. Whitmore. Sturdevant Thomas. . . t c h ........... tncock. . . . Senator. illsboro, wl e lor joint posed of I (ton and ’ nd reared ■ays resided • years he ha [illsboro. ¥ n the lower d was chair n niitee at th isive acquai: men will givi uch for th* di big vote it e Elected, latioc anent were discuss Forest and Si Saturday evei isiasm wa»- in suggestions re; ught to be eni ws amended, ■resent. officers lot tht d and result) H. J. Goff; I i; treasurer, C of shooting nek Sunday mi t :e of Roe luth F tv ¡«or of ;rict, and by t e for County Coi ompleted a pie unty beginning [ running to tl avenue, that • that Mr. Tot )f good road buil Success. ( .a t the Chriatii ig was a succesi crowning of th principal featun ie luncheon tha apanese was en proceeds $ i. The affair m