W ashington C ounty N ews VOL. V FOREST HOMER DAVENPORT LECTURED HERE sociation with man, has given the des- J ert horse his intelligence. Mr. Davenport brought an Arab boy who was given to him by the great Shiek, to America, and the lad is one Native Oregonian Speaks of Oregon f Boyhood Days and Illustrates Talk With Cartoons. Homer Davenport, Am erica’ s fore­ most cartoonist, and a native of Ore­ gon, gave his celebrated illustrated the Arabian Desert in Marsh Hall of this city Monday night. For two hours Mr. Davenport held his good sized audience in mystic rapture On making his appearance he was given a rousing eclat by the audience followed by a “ tiger” MUST PAY ASSESSMENTS TH U R SD A Y . JANUARY 2 3 . INSTITUTE AN ENCAMPMENT Special Council Meeting Tuesday So Local Oddfellows Last Night Form Directed in Matter of Street Im­ New Degree— Prominent Speakers and Good Banquet. provements. Council met in special session at 2 Yesterday afternoon by the college H e was presented to the assem bly by Mayor B. H. Laughlin and upon E. W. Haines profitable session called attention his listeners. His tertainment of the visitir.K memb£rs. wild attempts at oratorical flights, but facuj'ty- After introductions they were stays right down with the auditors and invjted t0 , ,unch jn the dininf{ haI1 of weeks. The (Iuestion of an ¡""Proved feel his presence. water length FALLS HEIR TO A MILLION. \ experiences at Silverton where he was and afternoon were given to the read- Richm ond, Missouri, several years ago raised by his father Tim othy Daven- ¡ng and discussing 0f papers on more had left an estate valued at $4,000,000. port, of the Waldo Hills; he told of the j beavy and serious subjects, Mr. Adkins is one of only four heirs cultured lady from the east whose j -Fbe Academ y is not an old organi- Mr. Severs being the father of our methods of numbering the keys of the zation and is not yet a lalge onCi but a squire-s motber_ H e is now at Rich- piano and his finger nails caused his Krowing one and ¡s desirous of a larger mond, settling up the affairs father’ s righteous disgust; of the coun- growtb and usefulness. of his Its purpose, grandfather’ s business, try band and his experience with the as stated in its constitution, is to en -j When Mr. Adkins returns to Oregon aggregation when on a trip to Portland courage scientific research and to pro- maybe he wj|i construct a car line from via a horse and wagon to.celebrate the mote the diffusion 0f scientific k n ow l-! thjs c j , y to his old home election o( Grover Cleveland, when he edg e throughout the state. As such near Gales Creek. lost his family’ s first gold filing; he ¡t aj ms not on[y to investigate subjects a deeper scientific nature, but also told of other things of his old Oregon t0 0CCupy itself with subjects of a more ^ .o m e that were most interesting. Tnen turning to the beautiful and p0pular or unscientific character, magnetic story of his trip into the j t ¡nv;tes ¡nt0 ¡ts ranks. as members, Arabian desert where no American had any wbo may be interested in the im- on the hill Died. Mrs. Mary E. Hague, aged 88 year', died at the home of her son-in-law, W. Sikes, at 21S Third avenee, Saturday afternoon from senility superinduced or by lagrippe. or H er maiden name was Mary E. interest.d in related subjects, however Sipes and she was bom near Prescott, distanti throughout the state. There Ontario, Canada, Jan, 27th, 1820 are niany such jn Oregon, in the dairy, where she lived until 21 years of age. and fisbery industries, to say She then moved with her parents to n o ;hing of those in the more profes- Ogdensburg, N. Y. She was married sional lines. Oct. 8 th 1845 to Oliver Stowell, who been before. He told instructive medlate work of the Academ y things of the customs and habits of life tbose wbo may be engaged in, of the Arabic people ; H e told of the trials and tribulations and mosquito bites that he and his two ' '■companions from New iork got in their ^B ou roey into the Arab land. Every one at Aleppo, the city of the desert of 180,000 population, wears the Al­ The Academ y has a number of a car­ members in Forest Grove. Pacific buncle on the face which if left alone University was represented at the last eppo button, said Davenport, j.w ill disappear in a year or so but if meeting by Miss Famham, who read a 'Adoo'.ored will never get well. At Al- paper on the Flora of South Africa; *p p o Mr. Davenport was siezed with and by prof. ChamberSi who was elect- Jth e blues because he had been told the Academy for ed treasurer of trie tor the tne that they could get no farther on ac­ ensuing year. count of the wars of the desert. They Monthly meetings of the Academ y had. decided to return home when they are held at Portland but the annual a man-of pearly white teeth stand­ meeting is held at some different point ing on the street corner His inter- in the state each year. T h e next an- p t t e r asked the man where to find the DQa] m eetin f u t0 be held at 3 , ^ . Anezar. of the Bedouins, the great war tilb ot the Ottoman Empire. The S. M. Yoran, state grand lecturer of ■ a-, with the white teeth happened to the Masons, of Eugene, was in Forest be the companion of the old Shiek Grove Tuesday Akm ut HafJez and took jhim. Davenport to lecture before that lodge. This led to the brotherhood of ing the artist and evening and gave a Haffez and the was largely attended and Mr. gift of Yoran delivered an able and plea-dog th<- finest Arabian steed to Davenport, address. H e is considered one of the T h e Arabian torse is a very different best posted Masons in the t f p ‘ from the American. T h e meet- state and His nose is those who were fortunate enough to W. W. Wright of Hillsboro, was seen on our streets one day last week. STATE HOPMEN ORGANIZE. Hon. J. W. H. Adkins of Gales Creek Meeting at Salem Saturday Resulted in Electing Col. Harry Haynes President. H e speaks the new dormitory. Surprises Himself While on Trip with his hands in his pockets, a thing The chief feature of the Friday to Missouri. which would make an elocution teacher evening session was a lecture by W. “ J. W. H . Adkins,— our own J. »cringe and howl. But the greatest L _ Finley on the sea.birds of th, 0 re- W . H .— is heir to a million dollars,” thing about Davenport is that he is | | gon coast. This was illustrated by a so said the Portland Journal one day strictly Davenport. H e is individual, j most excellent set of stereoptican views this,w eek. It is the truth. News of and that is what has caused him to secured by Mr. Finley at great risk of her father’ s rich inheritance was re­ clim b from a bare-foot-boy artist at his life and health, on the Thres Arch Ceived by his daughter, Miss Lena Ad- father barn near Silverton to the fore- R ock R ejervation, near Gearhart. This kins of Portland. most artist among American cartoon- iecture was aiso enjoyed by the short Mr Adkins left this city last fall for H P- course students and all who could a visit at his old hom e in Ray county, H e could not refrain Monday even- crowd im o the chapel. Missouri, and on arriving thjre he ing from telling of his old home and The sessions of Saturday morning learned that John Severs, who died at t j which was to have occurred next , day, has been Fri- postponed indefinitely. Dr. E. A. Pidrce of present and Grand Representative Robert Andrews, the question of Grand Scribe E. E. Sharon, Mr. Tom large physique and wonderful person- On Friday evening, after the after- suFP'y was discussed at some ality reveal the man as well as the \ noon s program, a reception was ten­ ; but left without action. artist and nature lover. H e makes no dered to the Academy members by the they The meeting of the W om an’ s Club Portland, j L INSURANCE MATTERS STRAIGHTENED OUT was to \ '.onuay <0 (\ it n '»he day ------ ;-------- at Com e LOCal ASSOCiatlOO Again 111 Running Ilrdiir and Doing Business. iced OPPOSITION WITHDRAW C U .M vili go is the State Agent Resigns and Place to Ee Filled at Once— Bonds Stated and Salaries are Fixed. thrifty tos h of the t m on the v -, for in et election ol a board of directors of tne ; Bankers and Merchants Mutual Firs Association last »et” candid same numi week, and ìe license ci which resulted in two sets of directors claiming the right of election, John E. Bailey, Mr. ined has all and Mrs. W. N. J. T . Shannon, Ferrin, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. A . Mr. Hoffman stated G. members of 1 ......... . . . .4 icher . . . .6 cr . . . . ......... 6 ......... 5 go rix . . . . .........S ET the o n . . . ._____4 man ........... S' Umore ......... 5. Misses Maud and Kate Shannon and board held a meeting last Thursday and Miss M F. Farnham. put the bonds of the secretary and Mr. Sibley formerly lived here and treasurer at $1000 and $6000 rrsp< c- Public school will begin next Mon day according to the directors, if no Last Saturday’ s hop growers meeting new cases of dyplitheria are developed. tlvely. Also the salaries of the devant . . . . 4 •mas. . ......... 41 ......... 4«. presi­ »ck. . . ......... 51 dent and secretary was fixed at $500 and $1000 annually. Another meeting was held iiator. Monday oro, who is i ind business in a new and vigorous X joint senatoi success from The school was closed up on the ad­ manner was begun and already a con ­ The Oregon Chap­ vise of the county board of health and siderable number of new mem bers The resignation of ter of the Pacific Coast H op Growers’ every room of the building has been have been added. Union was effected and Col. , Harry thoroughly disinfected with the anti­ Mr. Watrous, state agent was called at Salem was a howling :d of Lincoln, every standpoint. and Good Goat Show. Mathews Post No. 6 and J. B. Judges of unregistered class: Yamhill reared in this resided within Haynes of this city was elected presi­ germ formula provided for by the state for by the board and his place will dent; J. Baumcastner of Salem, secre­ board of health. T h e floors have been soon be filled. tary. scrubbed with a strong solution of lye. Th_‘ Lyceum enteuainments given Seventy-five hop men from different It may not be amiss here to sav that at the Methodist church» last week sections of the country were presen» every possible effort at sanitation were fairly well attended and very en­ and 74 of the number joined the should be exercised by the families ol joyable affairs. Col. Sotieski, who union, only one of the number hold­ Forest Grove. Diphtheria and all dis­ spoke here three years ago more than holding out. ease germs thrive upon filth. Clean­ pleased his audience with his vivid The meeting was very enthusiastic and liness is not only next to Godliness pictures H e prophecies that within money was liberally voted to carry on but it is the disease germs’ greatest ten years all monarchies shall have business. A secretary has been en­ foe. D ecom posed vegetation furnish­ passed away. The M eneley quartet gaged and letters struck off asking for es a hot bed for baccilli and waste Thursday night was the closing per- statistics relative to the total acreage of matter from the house should be cre­ f irmancc. Mr. M eneley has been on growing hops in Oregon which will be mated instead of thrown in the back the road for the past ten years and has sent to the growers ol the state for the yard. Hercules would do a noble task sung in every stHte in the Union. benefit of perfecting the organization. if he should return to earth and turn a On this trip he introduced two new Next Saturday, Jan. 25, a meeting rivei into some of the modern back members to the audience, his daugh­ of the hop growers of Washington yards. Some people have the idea ter and Mr. and Miss Ricketts. Mr. county will be held at Hillsboro. that if they have a nice green lawn in Rickets did some very clever work at Good speakers from abroad have been the front yard, and a beautiful bungalow, reading and impersonating. secured and the meeting is looked for­ furnished with brussels carpet and Local talent have organized into tl e ward to as one of much success. mission furniture it is not necessary to Forest Grove Entertainment com pany Conrad Krebs, and other grower deal­ 1 >ok after the back yard of the home. and will give their first show consisting ers will be present, and samples of Pumpkins, cabbages and what not that of songs, musical com edy, stunts and a hops from England, Germany and are not fit for the table are hurled into thirty minute Hebrew larce, a laugh other hop growing countries will be on the rear quarters to breed germs. producer of the first magnitude, to­ exhibition for inspection. Every Health demands cleanliness in the gether with other good stuff, next grower of the county is urged to at- back yard the same as in the parlor. Thursday evening, January 30, in tend. Wednesday Jan. 15, 1908, J. B. Masonic Hall. A big crowd is expect Eld Naylor who entered fifteen of his Mathews Relief Corp. No. 11, met at died in 1848. On May 3rd she was fine registered Angora goats at the their hall for joint installation and a again married to John Hague, who Annual Goat Show at Dallast last week, bountiful lunch was served at noon. died May 25th, 1865. In 1*553, she was one of the biggest prize winners, At the close of the services, Mrs. An­ moved with her family to M om ence, his animals pulling down six trophies, derson the incom ing president called 111., where she resided until 1872, when ^ eame ^ tQ Nebraska iet. four of which were first prizes. The Mrs. Morgan the retiring president to show was one of the most successful the rostrum and in a few words pre­ tbng ¡n Fillmore comnty. In June, | ever held and about 150 animals were sented Mrs. Morgan with a gold recog ­ 1884, she came to Forest Grove, where entered. The entries of Angora goats nition pin of the Order as a token cf she has since rMjded, with the excep- were of better breed than the exhibits their love and appreciation of her ef­ don 0f four years, which were spent at any of the previous shows as the forts in behalf of their beloved order, in Nebraska with her children. goat raisers of the Willamette Valley Mrs. Morgan in accepting the lovely She was the mother of three chil­ are getting rid of their scrub stock badge said " I am sure that I appreciate dren; Mr. Ralph W. Stowell and Mrs. and replacing it with thoroughbreds, the gift not for its value but for the Susan E. Rex, who reside at Ohiowan, Record crowds were in attendance, thoughts that prompted the giving of Nebraska, and Mrs. Mary J. Sikes, Farmers, stock raisers, representatives ¡t to me from my co-workers. Indies, who died 26 years ago. of magazines, newspapers, farm peri- I thank you! She united with the Congregational odicals and trade journals were in Joe Lenneville’ s ten pound sledge, church in her youth and has remained attendance. ' which the safe cta'ksm en used a eoup- a lifelong member. The judges in the registered class le weeks ago, was found by Mr R ed The memorial services were con ­ were: G. T . Boothby of M onm outh, at the depot Saturday and returned to ducted by Rev. H. W. Boyd, with in­ M. W. Nickel of M cM innville, and S. the shop. Bad men seem to have terment in the Buxton cemetery. F. Zysset of Thomas. Joe’ s place spotted as Carey Snider’ s Services were not held at the Chris­ l: ET Thornburg. Mrs. Nye, Mrs. John M c- board chosen by the proxies have a b o Crum, Mrs. Watt. Mr. H. L. Bates, declined to go Itirther. The original is superintendent of the Pacific Coast Milk Condenser at Chehalis. i t 49 vote» a further with the fight, and it is under­ stood that the other Fitch, (or the “ wet : result of t to The News that personally he would not 54 vo candidate been settled by the withdrawal of the and Mrs. Willis fore. cc tes to the t< The difficulty which arose in the Relief “d all over Mrs. Stuart Received. Goff, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hollis, Mr. majoi portance ci it is possi ars he has been ooro. H e has ie lower house is chairman of ;• at the last ; acquaintance l will give him for th* -’ ¡«triet. g vote in this let ted. }n anent game ere discussed it rest and Stream urdev evening. , ra wa*. in e vi- gestions regard- t to be enacted amended, were :n L zers Ln the cu- - and resu . J. Cot reasurer, f shootin Sunday ,Rorl ed to turn out as the people of this c ty are always very enthusiastic over local or of deuth For- shows and this one hummer. Walker’ s Orchestra will fur- ., and by the it County Com- n sh the latest sic ol the day. and promises to be a }leted a piece y beginning at most popular mu­ Price ol admission 25 inning to the cents to all. Scats reserved at Allen’ s confectionery Monday. A letter has been /enue, that is sat Mr. Todd received by tl e U. S. Fish Com missioner at ood road buiid- Washirg- ton, by State Game Warden R. O. c tt- venxon, stating that a supply of east­ ern brook trout will be ccecs. shipped h< re the Christiaa was a success. som etim e between April and N’o v e n - ber. Mr. Stevenson made a reque t owning oI the (or 20,000 fish and they will be pot into Gales Creek to replenish that stream. 500,000 fish, from the Ci lo- incipal feature luncheon that nete was en- rado hatchery, will be divided between oceedt § Oregon, Washington and Californ », The affair Ral ih Watkins sprung a surprise on his fri mds and relatives of Forest Grove this week by announcing that he had taken unto himself a wife on E S. bunch got equipment there when they the day of Jan. 7. Miss Anna JIauke e j r almost human. It is believed by ing but most instructive. After the tian church last Sunday on account of Naylor of Forest Grove, Evan Evans made their big fu>ul at the bank here of Portland was the girl that assisted hi n in the s r prise. the Bedouin that the horse’ s long as- lecture a banquet was given. two ye an ago. the diphtheria case in town and J. J. Reason er of Dallas. M r w but his forehead is broad and hear him pronounce it not only pleas- I L 5 » ”W/ r was to Mr. Davenport at on ce com m anded vallij opened their homes )or the en. valve and put it in. the attention of Meeting Postponed. an his request the letter recently received After discussion Councilman Harris treasurer; Wilbur M cEldowney, inside from his Arab brother, the great W a r, bers o{ the college faculty> many of Sheik, was read by Professor A. Ben whom are also members of the Acade- moved ,hat a check-valve be put in at sentinel; Chas. Odell, junior warden; Kori of the college in the native tongue my, made a special effort to welcom e the PumP house- Motion carTied and Leonard Morley, outside sentinel. and then tran li ’ e l into Eng iih. ,iieir guests and the citizens of Cor Commissioner T odd directed to order The encampment will m eet every two \ NO. 29 1908. Hoffman-Watrous faction, or the proxy elem ent. porch lights, claiming that there had linson and others from Portland, and A very delightful reception was For a time it looked as though a was that of the third annual meeting of been no adjustment of that account members from M cM innville were pres­ given Saturday evening of last week by |eRa| battle would be inevitable bi t the Oregon State Academ y of Sciences since porch lights were authorized. ent, the Grand officers initiating the Mr and Mrs. Ha-ry H. Stuart at their, a[ter tbe opposing side looked up the at Corvallis, last Friday and Saturday, Discussed at some length aDd left for class. beautiful new home on Fifth street in ]aw ¡n tbe matter of voting proxies Jan. 17 and 18. The officers elected are: H . H . com plim ent of Mr. and Mrs. George wberein it was found that a director or the new council to consider. The ample halls of the (O . A. C .) Councilman Wirtz moved the the Clark, Chief Patriarch; S. T. Walker, Sibley of Chehalis, Wash. Dainty re- offieer of a mutual company could not Oregon Agricultural College were put Recorder buy a new record book. senior warden; R. Hill, high priest; treshments were served. vote a proxy, the matter was dropped at '.he disposal of the Academy for the R. M. Taylor, scribe; James McGill, Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. and the business will continue as b - , meetings and entertainments. Mem Carried. A delightful and desert land and his ready wit called forth round after round of applause. folk. O R E ., for general purposes, and called up as were initiated beisdes the chaiter m em ­ meeting be held at this time. He most important business pending the bers, and many applications are pend- also gave some good advice along this I ing pencil. special street assessment and thought I >ng. line and suggested that the mild His career is very interesting. H e It was a grand success from begin­ cases of sore throat be carefully attend­ action should be taken to dispose of tried out on the Oregonian and lasted it at on ce. After checking over cost ning to end and as a climax to the af­ ed to as it was from this class of cases just one day. H e then went t0 San of work, etc., it was concluded by gen­ fair a swell banquet was served at the that epidem ics arise. Forest Grove Francisco and was picked up by W. R. eral assessment that the Treasurer and Leabo hotel. The members and visit­ has no city physician or board of Hearst and from that time on his rise Recorder should proceed to collect in ors from Portland and M cM innville sat health and it is understood that Dr. was rapid. For several years he was accordance with resolution of D ec. 19, down to the festive board at twelve Pierce was going to take the matter up I on the New York Journal and was sent 1907. Councilman Starrett moved o 'clo c k and feasted until 4 o 'clo c k this with the state board of health. At this ] by that paper to the Dreyfus trial to that the street assessessment com m i.- morning. The menu consisted of time there are no cases of diphtheria sketch the English parliament. H e tee be authorized to adjust any errors dainty salads, all kinds of meats, fruits, or membranous croup reported, but i invented the dollar marks on Mark found in street assessment. Motion cigars and other good things. there are several cases of bad sore Grand Chief Patriarch Beckwith, throat. carried. State Academy of Science. with his vivid, living pictures of the , C O ., with rapid sketches done with a mark- SUBJECT: "ARABIAN DESERT" lecture upon W ASH IN G TO N Encamp* have given an address on the subject sey. p. m. Tuesday at call of mayor. He j ment of Odd Fellows was instituted of tuberculosis but when apprised of the Mr. Davenport illustrated his lecture stated that he had called the meeting here, and last evening 19 members diphtheria cases here, advised that no of the family at the farm in New Jer­ Famous Cartoonist Captivates Big Audience Monday Night. GROVE, / I xik Store I Postal Cert ter cards, 4f