FORCES CLASH IN ANNUAL MEETING the board he selected would be satis- NEW S T E A M RO AD R O LLER C O U N C IL M EE T IN G . Ye General Court has accordingly given ' factory to all concerned but the oppos- ----------- | ----------- i secret orders to Master Malachi Hux- ing contingent could not see it that County Court Fulfills Promise to Buy Last Meeting of Old Board Tuesday — ett. of ye brig Propasse, to waylaye way. Machinery for Build- Paid Regular Grist of Bills— Sed -Welcome’ as near ye coast of The constitution and by-laws do n o t■ ' n9 Roads. Other Business. Codde as may be and make captive ye The County court has ordered a sev- Common council met in regular ses- said Penne and his ungodly crewe so B. and M. M. F. R. A. This City In provide for the voting of proxies and Election lines off Quietly in as much as a motion was put and en ton steel roller from the east which sion Tuesday evening with Mayor that ye Lord may be glorified and not Throes of Battle This City. carried to bar them, it is contended will be delivered about April IS. It Laughlin absent for the first time since . mocked on ye soil of this new countre I by the old board, or the greater part will be an Americal Gasoline Motor he was elected one year aeo. His ab ' with ye heathen worships of these : of it, that they are in the right and the roller and the fuel will only cost about sence was due to illness. Councilman people. set of directors chosen on the proxy $2 per day. This is estimated as a Starrett, president of the board, acted "Much spoyle may be made bysell- , much lower cost than would take to in his-stead. 'in g ye whole lot to Barbadoes, where Usual Wet and Dry Fight Avoided by “Porxy Contingent" Claims Right of ballot is unconstitutional. Attorney Hoffman gave notice that run a steam roller. The cost of the Report of Financial Committee read slaves fetch goode prices in rumme Election and Proceeds to Union of Forres— Good Ticket their side would carry the matter into roller was $2500 but the old roller was and accepted and sight warrants or- and sugar, and shall not only do ye Choose Officers. Elected. the circuit court and to the supreme taken in at 8400. dered drawn for several amounts. Lord great service in punishing the court if necessary to establish their Judge Goodin is very much pleased Upon motion of Councilman Wirtz wicked, but we shall make great good The first annual meeting of the Monday’s was the most peculiar rights to vote proxies. at the attitude the county is taking to­ Master election ever held in Forest Grove, the bill of costs in case of City vs. for his ministers and people. Bankers and Merchants Mutual Fire The non-proxy board of directors is wards road improvement and he be­ Miller amounting to 812.50 was al- Huxett feels hopeful and I will set Relief Association of this city and probably dates the dawn of a new as follows: J. P. Dodge of Ashland, lieves that the people are becoming lowed. Election bills, total 810, al- down ye news when his shippe comes and progressive era. For the first was held in the offices of the sec- educated up to a good standard of lowed. back. Yours in ye bowels of Christ.” time in the history of the town, accord­ retary, W. H. Hollis yesterday morn­ Lee Teutsch, of Pendleton; W. H. E. highways. The reason why Dilley Hollis, S. G. Hughes, H. J. Goff, Councilman Hinman reported that ‘‘COTTON MATHER.” ing to the oldest inhabitants, there was ing at 10 o’clock and the business of voted down the proposition was be- records do not show any alley in block W. Haines and M. Peterson. the first year was wound up. absolutely no electioneering and the Cornelius Jottings. The proxy board follows: J. P. cause they are at the expense of build- 13 of South Park. reason was simple: Only one ticket in The reports of the assoaiation were There was a lively discussion over Judge Fitch of Cornelius, was kept the field which seemed to meet the in every particular very flattering. Dodge, Lee Teutsch, M. S. Allen, ing a new school house this year. the special assessment, over the de- on jurnP the latter days of last hearty approval of everyone in town Nearly seven hundred thousand dollars Fred A. Watrous, J. N. Hoffman, C. National Bank Officers. feels in which it was drawn up and week- dealing out justice to the offend- but one oi two of the straightest laced worth of insurance was written during L. Bump and E. W. Haines. Tuesday was the annual election of The proxy board held a meeting in upon motion of Councilman Hinman ers of the law at our neighbor town. and most radical suffragists. that period and had it not been for two officers and directors of the National The preliminary trial of John Inge- The lightest vote in years was poled bad incendiary losses at Shedds, Ore­ the offices of Mr. Hoffman yesterday banks in this state and the two nation­ the matter was ordered laid over to a brightson was held who was alleged to —only 102 while there are at least 400 gon, the showing would have eclipsed afternoon and elected the following al banks in this city held such elec­ called meeting by the mayor. Report of Canvassing Board of Elec­ have tried to wreck the Portland bound voters in Forest Grove. When a sug­ all expectations and quite a large per officers: Pres., M. S. Allen, Vice Pres­ tions and chose the following directors ident, J. P. Dodge; Secretary, J. N. tion composed of Messrs. B. H Laugh­ S. P. train Thursday morning, was gestion was handed out to a big num­ h cent would have been returned to the and officers: Directors of the First lin and Walter Hoge showing result of Hoffman; Treasurer, C. L. Bump; all heard and he was released on 8500 ber of voters they would come back policy holders. As it is, however, the National bank aie R. M. Dooley, J. election was accepted and ordered receiving four votes each, the number bonds put up by his father to appear wjth> .‘We„ ,he Union ProKressive is association will be able to declare E.Loomis, H. C. Wortman, R. M. placed on file. being present. n the circuit court. He had been in a ROod ticket and in accord wilh mv dividend of 25 per cent at the end of Dooley, Jr , Frank E Dooley and M. Likewise the non-proxy board held a the employ of the section work for the yiews. jt wi„ be elected> so wh„ . s the TREASURER’S REPORT the fiscal year, about March 1. Un Peterson. Officers, R. SM. Dooley, meeting last evening at the Associa­ railroad and had been discharged. use Q, my yotinR anyway( ¡t wouldn.t Receipts der the economic management and Pres.; M. Peterson, Vice Pres.; Gor- tion’s headquarters and proceeded with Wednesday night he indulged in chanRe rc, u |te » That if the altitude Balance December 1 ........... 8 651 24 c»reful selection of risks that has been don S. Ogden, Cashier. The only Rec’d for lights................... 357 99 booze and placed a railroad tie diagon- (hat a biR majorjty of the vote„ 0, lhia adhered to the past year it is estimated the election of its officers, which fol­ st ti made was the addin« of Mr- Pe' water...................... 233 05 ally across the track. At the trial d ,y took and that ¡, the reason why that the next year’s business will lows: President, E. W. H aiti«-V ice chan*e terson to the board of directors and President, M. Peterson; Secretary, W. W Hoge, license. . . . 21 00 when asked by the detective, J. A. 1Q2 inslead Q, 400 votes were cast. thrible that of last. The business of j choosing him as Vice President. Mr. H. Hollis; Treasurer, H. J. Goff. The Had u not been for ,he stories of E “ Morley fine. 1 35 Riley of the S. P. what motive he had the association heretofore has been al­ j Peterson is one of Forest Grove’s sub- treasurer’s bond was fixed at 86000 m placing the tie there said that he did w Haines and a few others the board “ pool licences 9 00 most entirely handled by the president I stantial business men and will thus and the secretary’s at 81000. not have any motive but just did it for J WQuld haye s,ept UMriBg)y (or lhe work Wilbur M cEldowney.. 30 00 and secretaty, E. W. Haines and W. ! strengthen the bank’s directorate, Both boards have qualified and the devilment, and was influenced by the was not sufficient t0 keep the Judgeg HoJJ’s, respectively, and the credit of j The bank has done the largest busi- papers have been forwarded to the liquor. and c|erks awake. Bm how different Total.......................... 81284 63 the success of the association is largely I ness the past year of any in its history. Secretary of State. Complaints were sworn out against fr0m other years when candidates went Expenditures— due them. The Forest Grove National did not The Non-Proxy board is in posses­ C. Shilling. Mark Tracy and Amos to the uttermost corners of the munici Paid warrants........................ 675 56 A brief statement of the association’s sion of all the books, papers and all , make any change in either the officers Balance.......................... McCurdy alleging that they had sold palities with surries and the glad hand 609 07 resources and liabilities is as follows: necessary equipment to carry on the j or the directorate and it stands as fol- John Ingebrightson liquor. Shilling t0 search out the voters and bring Special fund— I lows: Directors, Thos. T. Todd, J. W. Cash collected to Janu- business and will continue to do busi­ plead guilty and was fined 850 but the them in. Runners were sent out into Balance Dec 1 .................... 185 47 ary 15, 1908............... 8 12 335 61 ness as before, while the other board ' Fuqua, J. A. Thornburg, John E Bai- other two men, Tracy and McCurdy, highways and hedges and were not Rec’d A B Thomas........... 21 60 Paid out— have all these things to get yet, and | ley, W. B. Haines; Officers, W. B. stood trial and were fined 850 each, stingv with cigars in the least. But “ L L Hollinger........... 7 00 U Agents commissions. . . . 1 757 80 it is thereby contended that as ‘W pos- Haines, Pres.; John E. Bailey, Vice Paid two warrants................. 16 25 but served a writ for a review in the Monday not a single cigar was given Office expenses............. 558 24 session is nine points in law” the bat­ circuit couit. Harry Bagley was attor­ away, not a single runner sent out. bank has seen in its one year’s exist­ Total losses................... 5 208 10 tle royal is by no means over yet. ney for the prosecution and George Balance.................... 8 197 82 The council chamber, the little jail, ence, one of the most remarkable Adjusting losses............. 37 05 Bagley for the defense. Three cases Library fund— which on previous city election days growths and everything points to a What the Taxes Go For. Return prem ium s........... 70 80 from Cornelius are up for review in the has been a veritable sardine box jamed Balance Dec 1 ...................... 123 39 The tax levies for this year are now | continued prosperity in its future 184 56 Printing and advertising. Paid one warrant................... 38 25 circuit court. to overflowing with wets and drys License fee and corpora- all made and people can estimate about Buxton Telephone Meeting. keyed up to the limit and keen to see 18 50 what they will have to dig up soon to tion seal...................... A few days ago a fellow was passing Balance.......................... 85 34 that nothing was done that would be A large and enthusiastic meeting 1 200 00 keep the machinery of government Salaries of officers........... L. J. Corl’s new brick building reason­ Building Fund— in violation of Hoyle, was almost was held Jan. 11 at the Bailey school 67 50 running another year. The total levy Policy registers............... ing aloud with himself as to whether Balance Dec. 1 ...................... 117 12 empty. Stephen Blank ho enter­ house, four miles north of Buxton, for 1 70 for the larger part of Forest Grove is Exchange ..................... he should make a certain purchase or 117 12 tained the board with reminiscences of the purpose of building a telephone Balance........................ 26.3 mills on the dollar. If your prop­ Total balance........... 1009 35 not and every word that he uttered was the early day and conditions of the 8 9 104 25 erty is assessed at 81000 you will have line from Buxton to Wm. Kelley’s hurled back into his teeth. The fel­ Bills Allowed— city .being about the only onlooker 3 231 36 to pay the following amounts and for place on the other side of Green moun­ Cash on hand to balance low grew very angry. He repeated J. G. Lenneville, sal and Monday and he did not challenge a tain. the purposes indicated below: another sentence and word for word blacksmithing............... 12 00 single vote. P. Rutledge the promotor of the 8 12 335 61 State tax, 2.1 mills.......................82.10 with every accent came chasing after Walter Hoge, recorder, Nov. And the eventide brought no - Total amount of applica- County general, 1.5 mills.............. 1.50 line, presided at the meeting. The his syllables as an angry bull after a aDd D ec........................ 8 80 Heretofore the candidates tions received............. 8672 145 00 County road, 2.88 mills..................2.88 subscribers formed an organization to red shirt, fie could stand it no longer change. Forbes Supply Co. wire. . . . 19 71 be known as the Green Mountain Tel­ and those much interested in the out­ Policies issued............... .526 145 00 County school, 2.78 mills.............2.78 and foaming with rage he made his J. C. Latta, freight and ephone Co. come of the election have been pres­ Applications rejected. . . , 1 900 00 i County library, .04 mills.................... 04 way hastily to the rear of the building hauling.......................... 1 15 The officers elected are as follows: ent with pads— no women attended, Applications conceled. . . 48 350 00 with the avowed intention of smashing Bazaar, supplies................... 1 10 President, J. R. Bailey; secretary, A. however—and pencils, and when the “ City Hall, 1 m ill. . 1 . 0 0 In suspense..................... . 96 200 00 his mimic to a pulp. He hunted high ! 5 50 H. Walford; treasurer, C. Gribner; di­ E B Sappington, labor......... name of John Doe was read scratch Library 1 m ill. . . 1.00 and low; finally went to the basement 21 61 rectors, Martin Hart and Fred Greener. L. J. Corl, sal. and com . . . . 672 595 001 School tax, Dist 15, 5 mills... .5.00 and made a regular Heney investiga­ went the multitudinous lead writing 11 90 3770 30 I The line is to connect with the M. Peterson and son, n ails.. Resources . ................... Road Dist Special, 5 mills----- .5.00 tion, but with no avail. He finally sticks; and, if perchance the clerk J. F. McGill, pipe bands. 2 00 Hughes telephone line at Buxton. Liabilities........................ 598 68 came to the conclusion that he had should slufl a tally by mistake the Total................................ 826.30 A branch from the proposed line will Hugh Smith, street w ork.. . 2 00 Notwithstanding the very laudable buncoed himself, that what he had i thribble quartet with some more would People who know what their assess- run to Hoffman and Jeppesen’s saw­ L. L. Hollinger, revising report above given all of the tranquil- heard was really nothing but an echo. j sing oui ‘‘That’s wrong” before tl e assessments................... ity and peacefulness that ever prevailed ment is can figure out for themselves mill at Bacona, to communicate with. 10 00 Feeling cheaper than an open work fellow doing the official stunts had time Len Munkers, work for city. 6 60 over the association during the past *rom l^e a*30ve u ble what their total Portland. garment during the winter months he to corrrct his announcement. As a B. L. Doane.......................... 6 65 seemed to have taken wings and flown taxes w‘" be. went home and kept the matter to result of all this tally keeping there Jubilee Singers. Residents of that part of Forest S. E. Todd, labor and salary. 27 95 when the moment for the selection of himself. On the following evening he has always been a riotous run on the Grove included in road district 14 are Friday evening’s entertainment at a board of directors came. was going home with a friend that was pencil and paper shops on the second 8 136 57 About sixteen members of the com­ not subject to the special road tax, so the college by the Tennessee Jubilee passing the holidays in the city and Monday in January. pany were present when the board was their taxes will be 85 less per thous­ singers was the largest attended func­ But what a slump in the graphite the local character suggested that one A Reformer of Old, tion in the course. The aggregation selected and the usual proceedure was and. business there was Tuesday and for of the plainest echoes he had ever heard did not come up with the Fisk colored Mr. W. J. R. Beach of this city, expected to rule, but the offering cf good reason. Not a soul was preset t Died. was that made by Corl’s building. singers that visited this city two years handed us the other day a copy of the 127 proxies by F. A. Watrous, general after the curtain fell to assist the clerk» ‘T i l just show you,” he added. Each Lambert, the little five year old son ago, yet they did not appear in a num­ Hawk-Eye, published at Burlington, agent, which was blocked by a motion in counting up the ballots. Folks tb»4 person recalled the best echoes they of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Loomis, who has ber in which they were not roundly Iowa, which contained the following that carried to the effect that only have made this sort of an annual soc al had ever heard and then as they passed been suffering the past few days with applauded. Some few folks attended j bit of American history, alleged to have those present be entitled to vote, pre­ affair and homegathering event were the city treasurer’s building the local diphtheria, died last evening. On ac­ who didn’t crack a smile, even the been written by Cotton Mather in cipitated a lively discussion, which has not there. The absolute silence * as count of this case of diphtheria, the hardest jolts at comedy of the big character whispered to the friend: 1682. In the letter Mather announc­ by no means at this time abated. In only perforated by the counting of I e public school, wH:ch is located on the homely negr0 provinR futile. Such es an attempt to prevent the landing of “ Now listen when I shout how plain fact H has been the cause of a second officials. Chickens would have sh d opposite corner from the Loomis home, people should have stayed at home for William Penn and a body of his follow- every word comes back,” then empty­ thr ir feathers because of the impent* set d directors being chosen. has been suspended until after the di they might have known that the colored ers from the good ship “ Ye Welcome.’ ing his lungs with, “ What are you trable gloom had ther been there »nd 'Attorn»/ J. N. Hoffman, chief sease is abated. doing there.” The walls of the build­ not even the rooste-s crowed over the contingent would not indulge in clas­ The letter follows: spokes:. for the proxy contingent, ing vibrated and revibrated with the result. Announcement. sic flights; if they had the big majority Boston, Sept, ye 15th, 1682. argued for the admittance of the votes Outside of a few scattering votes the reply, “ None of your d — n business.” The undersigned wishes to announce of the audience would have been pa­ ‘To ye aged and beloved John Hig on the grounds that they had volun­ result ol the election was as follows! Investigation revealed that a bunch of gin son: tarily been given to Mr. Watrous for him his candidacy for the clerkship of thetically deceived. What they went B. H. fatnghhn, mayor. 95 votes; J. bachelors had gathered to discuss ways H Wirtz, councilman for short term, to nse as he saw fit and for the benefit of Washington county to come before the for was to hear negro melodies and “ There be at sea a shippe called and means of dodging cupid’s darts for 95 votes, H J Goff. 95, Geo. (». Pat­ tha assoc. ation. Mr. Watrous also i primary next April. I have had exper- that is what they got, instead of exhi- ‘Ye Welcome,’ R. Greenaway, Master, terson, 98, and Chav. O. Roe, 95 votes, the year 1908. •uwd he members present that if h \ cce in that office and i* elected will bitions of classic technique. To see a which has aboard an hundred or more councilmen for full Waller of ye heretics and malignants called be allowed to vote the proxies— 127 in Atve the people my best efforts in that bunch of solemn folks at a negro festi- McNeill went Hoge, record r, 95 votes; L. J. _Crw'. treasurer. 98 vote»: val reminds one that they had rather1 Quakers, with W. Penne. who is ye all and enough to have carried the en­ office. marshal, 93 votes. gone to a morgue meeting. | chief scarnpe, at the head of them. tire election—he would guarantee that w . D. S m it h . TO AIR MATTERS IN COURT - * n at iced portai it will ONLY ONE TICKET IN FIELD . all is íes ti thr h ol m on . foi ef* same îe licet ined cand G. 49 for the : result i: ET 1 ..... cher e r ........ rix......... ET o n ......... man . it more devant mas.. j >ck...... uator. oro, r joint :d of and reared resided us he joro, e lower is chairmi ;• at ; acqui i will gi for th* ; vote letted. in anen •re discu rest and urday en ra wa»-. ¡estions t to be amended :nt. ■era l.n nd resulti J. Goff easurer, shooting Sunday R0fJ t ir of South , and by r County leted a beginning -imng to ;nue, that at Mr. od road