Doings at Pacific University Women Who W ear Well. m It Is astonishing how great a change a few years of married life often make In the appearance and disposition of many women. The freshness, the charm, the brilliance vanish like the bloom from a PACIFIC DEBATERS CHOSEN. $25,000 SECURED FOR NEW CHAIR. peach which Is rudely handled. The matron Is only a dim shadow, a faint echo T e a m s W i l l M e e t W illa m e t t e a n d L»ev. I'u rije rs o n o f Chic.afto lia is e s of the charming maiden. There are two reasons for this change. Ignorance and W h ih n a n F e b r u a r y 2 1 — M u s ic , F u n d In Illin o is fo r a C h a ir in neglect. Few youug women appreciate Furnished by C o lle g e B a n d . B ih le - lle W i l l H e a d D e p a r tm e n t the shock to the system through the Fridiy night witnessed perhaps the ; At a meeting of the board of trus­ change which comes with marriage and motherhood. Many neglect to deal with t s 5* local tryout that has ever been tees early last spring plans were formu- the unpleasant pelvic drains and weak­ held at Pacific University for selecting 1 lated and arrangements made with W. nesses which too often come with mar­ the debating teams. All the speakers D. Furgerson to raise money for the riage and motherhood, not understanding th at this secret drain is robbing the cheek showed careful and thorough prepara- new department of Bible. Rev. Fur- of its freshness and the form of Its tion, and the chance which each had gerson immediately took the matter up fairness. As surely as the general health suffers at rebuttal added greatly to the inter- and durine the fall has secured the when there Is d«gjgement of the health e>t of the speeches besides stimulating $ 2 5,000. Mr. Furgerson thoroughly of the delicate womaiHjjorgans, so surely whefT'thcse organs imN^stabHshed In each debater to his best work. The canvassed the state from Chicago to healVh th ef^ce an *fjrftw sto u co w-ltness contest was so close that it was very Galesburg. Mr. Furgurson has had. to the fact In rNieOTd comcltne«^^ Nearly a million women have found health and difficult to decide which six men de- experience along sociological lines. happiness 111 the use of Dr. Fierce’s Fa­ livered the best speeches. The Gam­ Rev. Furgerson who will head the de­ vorite Prescription. I t makes weak wom­ ma Sigma and Alpha Zeta societies partment of “ Bible Literature” is a en strong and sick women well. Ingredi­ ents on label—contains no alcohol or each furnished six speakers and great graduate of the Chicago Theological harmful habit - forming drugs. Made wholly of those native, American, medic­ enthusiasm was manifested throughout Seminary. inal roots most highly recommended by the evening. The establishment of such a chair leading medical authorities of all the sev­ eral schools of practice for the cure of The speaker; alternated affirmative will mean that the department wi'l woman’s peculiar ailments. For nursing mothers,or for those broken- and negative and appeared in the lol- j teach all the Bible that is at present down in health by too frequent bearing of children, also for the expectant mothers, lowing order: J. R. Ward, Alpha Zeta; taught by the other departments. to prepare the system for the coming of S. B. Lawrence, Gamma Sigma; A. C. Once established here Rev. Furger­ baby and making its advent easy and almost painless, there is no medicine quite Allen, Gamma Sigma; G. A. Clapp, son will arrange conventions and con­ so good as "Favorite Prescription.” It do no harm In any condition of the . Alpha Zeta; C F . Koch, Gamma Sig­ ferences of a religious nature through­ can system. I t is a most potent invigorating tonic and «‘ lengthening nervine nicely ma; H. McCoy, Gamma Sigma; H. H. out the state. adapted to woman’s delicate system by a Araston, Alpha Zeta; H .. E. Witham. physician of large experience in the treat­ TRACK SEASON OPENS BRIGHT ment of woman’s peculiar ailments. Alpha Zeta; W. Gwynn, Alpha Zeta; Dr. Pierce may be consulted by letter ree of charge. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, R. A. Imlay, Gamma Sigma; A. F M e e ts A r r a n g e d on th e S o u n d - nvalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, Coach H a h n W ill P u t th e M e n in Buffalo. N. Y. Child, Gamma Sigma; D. I. Aller, FIRM. Lifted Prom the Weekly Index, the College Publication | Not a large stock but * for the most eccentn Not here t o undo prices but to get a rea price for good goods. Substantial reductions for January g On everything F ir s t C la s s C o n d itio n . The judges were Pres. Ferrin, Prof. Tavlor and Judge Hollis. The men who made the team were Aller, Arnston, Gwynn, Imlay, Ward and Witham. Mr. Ward made the first speech of the evening and gave a clear and concise definition of the question. His argument was based on the superiority of the Japanese to j the Southern European, the necessity f of friendly relations with Japan and the value of “ fair play.” Mr. Arnston also supported the affir­ mative and showed the need of Japa­ nese laborers in America. Mr. Witham, l ou the negative, emphasized the dan­ ger of another “ race problem” and • spoke of the economic bearing of the immigration to our country. Mr. Gwynn spoke for the affirmative and brought out strongly the progres­ sive character ot the race and their adaptability to American ways, Mr Imlay presented the negative and based his strong argument on the economic, and social phase of the question. Mr. Aller, also on the neg­ ative, compared the Southern Europe­ ans and the Japanese and showed the moral and social evils of an oriental population. BASKET BALL WITH McMINNVILLE. C a m e Selindulnti f o r F r id a y , J a n ­ u a r y 17 —V i c t o r y is E x ­ p e c te d . In an interview today Captain Mason of the track squad, said that prospects for a team this year are very bright and with the good meets assured it will be “ up to the fellows” to begin their training at once. Manager Arnston is in correspond­ ence with University of Washington and he reports that the team will prob­ ably take a trip north early in the sea­ son. Meets with the institutions of the state have been arranged and a hard schedule is ahead of the team. Trainer Hahn expressed himself as being pleased with the prospects this year. With Robinson Bro’s, Gwynn, Ward Bro’s, Humphreys, Waterman, Witham, Lawrence, Abraham, Ferrin Bro's and Aller, all old track men out it seems a decided fact that Pacific is scheduled for a series of victories. Pacific is a little weak in the high jump but McCoy, a new man, comes here with a good high school record in that event and he may make “ Shorty” Weathered raise his record an inch or two to hold his position The mile men are taking regular cross country runs and a cross country race between the classes will be held in two weeks. Cross country running has never been carried on here system­ atically before and from all indications it is going to develop men who will make good running mates for Alex Robinson. It is up to the fellows individually whether or not P. U. goes into the field with a winner or a second rate team. One week from Friday evening the B. B. team meets McMinnville Col­ lege B. B. at McMinnvslle. The team has been practicing consistently and it appears that McMinnville is PROF. KORI ADDRESSES UNION scheduled for a drubbing. Last year Pacific met McMinnville at home and L in g u is tic O b s e r v a tio n ’s l l i s T h e m e M e e tin g H e ld in P a r lo fs a ) H e r ­ in McMinnville and in both contests r ic k . R e fre s h m e n ts S e r v e d . Pacific proved superior. However Mc­ Social Union met last Monday even­ Minnville says Pacific cannot do it again. McMinnville played a good ing in Herrick Hall. This was the last game with Newberg a short time first meeting of the year and was well ago and the score indicates that they attended by faculty, college students have a stronger and faster team than and invited guests. Prin. Bates called last year. Rivalry in baseball between the meeting to order. After a short the two institutions has been keen and j business meeting Miss Leiser rendered our team is going down to McMminn- a piano solo in her pleasing manner, f'-ville imbued with the spirit that never Prof. Ben Kori delivered the address says die. Witham, who tosses the ball of the evening. He selected Eng- in the basket as easily backward as lish words and traced them back to 'forward will keep a McMtnnville guard ' their origin. He pointed out the guessing, Gwynn who is playing left changes both in form and meaning forward puts up a fast snappygame and which they had received. He divided will run down about three guards, the development of a language into Humphreys at center with a year's three stages in which he classified them experience shows great improvement, He paid English a glowing tribute and and after having played against Foster said that he believed that it would be ;f O. A. C. he feels confident of taking the universal language. Prof. Kori’s ie of ordinary sized centers. All j address was very profitable and by his at can be ¡said of the Ward Bros : pleasing style was made very interest- ho play guard is that they are always ing, An open discussion followed his front of the ball that starts for Pa- address. At the close^ of the meeting fic’a goal. light refreshments were served. — A cadem y o f Scion«*«*. The noted Attorney and lecturtr, The Third Annual meeting of the C. E. S. Wood, has consented to de- regon State Academy of Sciences | liver sometime in the near future a ill be held at the Oregon Agricultural lecture upon the subject of art. j allege, Corvallis, on Friday and Sat- Mr. Haskell Ferrin entertained a I rday, January 17 and 18, 1908. few of his friends Saturday evening, i An invitation to be present and par- Those present were: Misses Thomas, ¡pate in this meeting is extended to Templeton, Messrs Ferrin and Abra- persons in the state whose scientific j erest would naturally lend them to ^ FuI$onl en ltfttiM d hef Bjble » m e members the Academy. class Monday evening consisting of i — We m pnir and cover umbrellas. Helen Bollinger, Mavilla Fletcher, J . Cori & Son. 23U. Grace Payne and Esther Silverman. M is s C h a n d le r E n t e r ta in s . j' One of the most enjoyable social | functions of the Christmas holidays was 1 the New Year’s party given by Miss Helen Chandler. Throughout the i evening the guests were required to use only their left hands and those i caught using their right ones, were compelled to pay a forfeit, the redeem­ ing of which furnished a great deal of amusement for the evening. Each guest was given the name of some an­ imal, and these animals were drawn on a blackboard with the left hand, many ! of which had to be labeled in order that the others might know what they represented. After the New Year was ushered in with the blowing of whistles and the ringing of bells the guests repaired to their respective homes. ^ Satisfaction guaranteed or money back—That’s our m m way , ______________________________________________ _____________________________________ Hoyt Furniture Company g3.S3ilS;S3 HE8 ® E plied to p u rch ase, under th e a c t o f C on gress o f Ju n e 3 , j 1878, as extended by a ct o f A ugust 4 . 1892. th e SW V 4, m El: BS F o re st G ro v i. Or. Paterson Brick Those present were Misses Mizpah, Daisy and Camilla Abernethy, Rasmus­ sen, Templeton, Clapp, Hoge, Chand­ ler, Hoffman, Messrs. Lawrence. Notice for Publication. Ralph, Paul and Richard Abraham, United States Land O ffice, P o rtland , O reg on, N ovem ber 12, 1907. Clapp, Humphreys, Mason, Mills and N o tice is hereby g iv e n th at F lo ra A. Dudley o f Po rt- Ferrin. | land. County o f M ultnom ah, S ta te o f O reg on , ha« ap ­ MAKE IT YOURSELF. [| We hold a unique place in th e furniture trade of Eg the cou n ty by the fa c t that we are the only house K f§] making mission pieces to order. f Alpha Z ;ta.. NO. m BFSr&ÜB HUB ■ Real Estate Bargains Lots 3 and 4 and NEVi o f S e c tio n 3 0 , T . 3 N ., R . 3 W ., i and w ill o ffer proof tasshow th at th e land sought is more I valuable for its tim b e r or sto n e th an lo t ag ric u ltu ra l Says Many Persons Here Can Re Made ! purposes and to establish his cla im to said land before I R e g is te r and R e c e iv e r a t P o rtlan d , O re g o n , on the 6 th Happy Again By Using This. j day o f F e b ru ary , 1908. Sixty-nine acres all in cultiva­ tion. Good 7-rooni bouse, new barn, 38x44, orchard, pure spring water in house, A mile school on telephone and R. F . D. 1 in Forest Grove. Price 87000. Terms. There is so much Rheumatism heie I H e nam es as h is w itn esses: in our neighborhood now that the fol­ ! O lof O hlson o f P o rtlan d , O reg on. ! M ary E . W ilson o f P o rtlan d , O reg on , lowing advice by an eminent authority, j C harlotte R eed o f P o rtland , O reg on. W ill K e lle y o f B u x to n , O regon. who writes for leaders of a large Eas­ Any and all persons cla im in g ad v erse ly th e above- j Thirty-six acres all in cultiva­ tern daily paper, will be highly appre­ described lands a re req u ested to file th e ir claim s in th is I tion and under fence 1 mile of o ffice on or b efore said 6 th day o f F e b ru a ry , 1908. ciated by those who suffer: A LG ER N O N S . D R E S 'R R , Forest Grove. Price 83700. Get from any good pharmacy one- R e g is te r . | Terms. half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, Notice for Publication. one ounce Compound Kargon, three Fifteen and eighty one hun­ D epartm ent o f the In fe rio r. ounces of Compound Syrup Sarsapa­ dredth acres one-fourth mile of Land O ffice at Portland, O regon, D ecem ber 28, 1907. Forest Grove, one-fourth mile of rilla. Shake these well in a bottle and N o tice is hereby g iv e n that M etta C a p le t M atthieu condenser all under cultivation. G asto n, O reg on , has filed n o tice o f h is in ten tion to ’ take in teaspoonful doses after each o m f ake final five y ear proof in suport o f h is c la im , viz: Price 81600. Terms. H om estead E n try No. 13858, made S e p t. 10, 1901, f< r meal and at bedtime; also drink plenty th e northw est qu arter Se ctio n 20. T ow nship 1 soi th. R an g e 5 w est, and that said proof w ill be made before ! of good water. _ the R e g is te r and R e c e iv e r , at P o rtlan d , O reg on , on I ary I I . 1908. It is claimed that there are few vic­ F ebru H e nam es the fo llo w ing w itnesses to prove h is co n ­ tims of this dread and torturous dis­ tin u o u s resid en ce upon, and cu ltiv a tio n o f the land, viz H. P . R oberts, o f G asto n, O reg on ; G eo rg e Han ck of G a s'o n , O re g o n ; R obert A. C aples of G aston. ease who will fail to find ready relief in co orri« r in rones r «.nove O re g o n ; Jo h n C . M stth ieu o f G asto n, O reg on . A LG E R N O N S . D R E S S E R , this simple home made mixture, and 2 6 -6 R e g iste r. F o re s t G ro v e - in most cases a permanent cure is the result. Notice of City Election. This simple recipe is said to I d accord an ce w ith the provisions o f th e C ity C h ar­ r. the annu al e le ctio n o f the C ity o f F orest G rov e w ill Notice of Final Settlement. strengthen and cleanse the eliminative te be held at the City H all on Monday, Ja u 'ia ry 13. 1908, b ein g the second Monday o f Ja n u a ry , at w h ich tim e N o tice is hereby g iv e n th at I , the u n dersig ned admin tissues of the Kidneys so that they can I h r r - to b. c h o « n . . m .» o r , t h r « co u n cilm an for |mam, o r th a w t . t , o f Jo h n B --------. . .. . ll term * o f two y e ars, one co u n cilm an for term o f o n e c B ea’ filter and strain from the blood and fu y ear to fill v a c a n cy , a record er, a treasu rer and a tl,p<1 m ,h e CoufttF C ou rt o f W ash in g to n co u n ty . O re- m arshal. ! K "n, m y (Inal a cc o u n t a t ,u c h ad m in istrator, and that system the poisons, acids and waste S o l , w ill open at 9 o 'c k e k A M and cloaa a! 5 ,a id court has a d M e n d s . ................. .... r M M i a w ill clo se at from 1 to 1 o 'c lo c k w hile I . , ™ ‘ M onday. F e b ru a ry 10. l o t * . a t I matter, which cause not only Rheuma e le e tjo o o fficial* yo to lu n ch . ] o clo ck a. m. o f satd day aa th e tim e and th e C ounty y d irection o f th * C ity C ou n cil, an official b al'o t w ill Court Room in H illsb o ro , O re g o n , as th e p la c e for tism, but numerous other diseases. be B used and nam e* o f nom inees to se c u re a p lace on r.hiwrtiF.«« «« 1.4 _ , , aid ballot mu.« be tiled . t r h the c liy recorder on or | *° « c o u n t , and th e final . « t i e Every man or woman here who feels b efore T hu rsday. Ja n u a ry 9 . 1908 at 12 o ’clo c k noon. , m em o f “ ,d condition* fo r h av in g a nam e p lated on the ballot Dated Ja n u a ry 8 , 1908. that their kidneys are not healthy and a T re h e the sam e as are requ ired for p r e c 'n c t o fficers in a 1 C H A R L E S M SC O TT . g e n e ral e le c tio n , e x c e p t aa to tim e o f filing active, or who suffer from any urinary A dm inistrator o f Said E state . W A L T E R H O G E. 2 5-3 C ity R ecorder. W . !* . B A R R E T T . trouble whatever, should not hesitate to A ttorney fo r Said E sta te . make up this mixture, as it is certain — Cotton Blankets 10-4, 11-4, 12-4, to do much good, and may save you — W e’ll cover that umbrella. Coil prices 85 c, 8 1 .0 0 , 8 1 .2 5 , 8 1 .5 0 , St Son. from much misery and suffering after 23tf. 82 00, at Bailey’s. while. — Buy Wool Blankets of Bailey and • Our home druggists say they will - G e t that umbrella repaired at keep warm. either supply the ingredients or mix Cori’*.. 23tf. —Guns repaired by Corl & Son. 23tf the prescription ready to take if our — Money to loan on farm aecunty. Try Schultz’s ground bone fo readers ask them. your hens. It will make them lay. W. H. Hollis. Forest Grove. Three hundred and fifteen acres 1 2 mile o( Ballston. 2 ?0 actes in cultivation. Balance pasture and timber (air house and barn, runuing water, telephone, R. F. D. Price 8 2 7 .5 0 per acre. Terms. lected. Two hundred and forty act -s, 4 miles of Dallas 34 of Mon­ month, 140 acres in cultivation all u rd cr fence, balance in pas­ ture and timber, fair «vn £ fiiiK from rai'road station, wc'.' watered. Good stock and grain farm. Price 8 2 0 per ac«e. P,casonai>le terms. Wright, Cornelius & Co,. Try n a t io n a l r a n k b iiil d in i . . ( ire g o n j j Notice to Fruit Growers ton Cou ty. in Washi. g- The Fruit Inspector of this eotr*to» has found that almost all trees aie iì.'8 fected with fruit pests and the law re-' , quires the owners or persons having posession thereof to destroy or eradi­ cate such orchards or pests. You are therefore notified that unless such or­ chards cr pests are destroyed or eradi- ca.'td before the first day of March, f 1908, I will proceed under the law e ft either cut down or destroy such or-* - chards or have the treis sprayed at the / owners expense. W. R. H a r r i s , 26 27-31-32 rod Flour County Fruit Inspector. Wr" •’95 voter, t 'a lu r « ,,e*; L. J. Cot'. Gua*« ta- r w,,,7• in anent •re discussed r«st and urday m wà»-.ÌB_ {estions re t to be amended, :nt. •eri tal the ind resulted J. Goff; 1st reasurer, Cl shooting ~ Sunday J fjuth I Sou , and by r County leted a beginning uning to :nue, that at Mr. od road cets. the Christi as a l 7I rning of icipal M ¡ncheon ese was ceeds fhe affair