SILICA SANO IS WANTED $100 Cash if You Discover a Good Mine. ONE HUNDRED TONS A MONTH Capitalists Are Investigating Pacific Coast and Will Pay Highly for the Product. Portland, Oreg , D ecem ber 30, ’ 07. To the Editor: You have printed articles at different limes relative to the discovery of large bodies of silica sand, and the Oregon Development League desires to pre­ sent 8100 to any reader of your paper or any citizen of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana or California who will find this sand to fill the requirements demanded the Columbia Steel Works of this city, by who have made this offer through the League: “ We will take one hundred tons each month of silica sand, 96 per cent pure silica and free from iron oxides, delivered at Portland at not to exceed 86 per ton, and we will pay 8100 in cash to the discoverer.” Silica sand is now being shipped to Portland and other iron and steel man­ ufacturing centers of the Pacific Coast from Minnesota. It has been fre­ I f You Read This It will be to learn that the leading medi­ cal writers and Pinchers of all the several schools of practice recommend, In the strongest terms possible, each and every Ingredient entering into the composition of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for the cure of weak stomach, dyspepsia, catarrh of stomach, "liver complaint," torpid liver, or biliousness, chronic bowel affections, and all catarrhal diseases of whatever region, name or nature. It is also a specific remedy for all such chronic or long standing cases of catarrhal affec­ tions and their resultants, as bronchial. throat and lung disease (except consume- tion) accompanied with severe coughs. It is not so good for acute colds and coughs but for lingering, or chronic cases it 1» especially efficacious in producing per- feet cures. It contains Black Cherrybark, Golden Seal root. Bloodroot, Stone root. Mandrake root and Queen’s root—all of which are highly praised as remedies for all the above mentioned affections by such eminent medical writers and teachers as Prof. Bartholow, Med. Cols V. of AJefferson 7J • ' 0C » .Prof. A 4 v/ 4 • Hare^eT I the Unjv. of Pa.; lege; tifi g wood, M. D., of Ben- Prof. Finley nett Med. liege, Chicago; Prof. John King, M. II of Cincinnati ; Prof. John Vf M. ScudderAM. D., of Cincinnati ; Prof. Edwin M^TiafC M. D., of Hahnemann Mod. ÇgfloBé; Chicago, and scores of otbers^udaliy eminent in their several schqjJja'CF practice. lie "Gulden Medical Discovery "Is the á each other’ s cheek, the frightened gal­ leries will shriek, the speaker will get out a gun, the man from Arkansas will run, the sergeant will bolt through a door, the fight will spread upon the floor, the clerk will clim b the chap­ lain’ s back, and the air will sound wuh Biff and Whack, the War Department . will turn out, the Senate will get in the 1, , „ . , . ... bout, and Fairbanks with triumphant | . mi k d n Tilm an’ s other eve- cry' wm Dlac* Den lllraan b owlcr c a > the piesident will get his hat, his box- . ... ing gloves and trusty bat, and will ex- , . _ , , .• ah ' . „„ claim on com ing back, All s quiet on the Po-to-m ack1” After that we shall have very pleas­ ant weather. on the The 18th, moon will be fu ll' and persons we never j heard of will be mentioned president. The Fish will complain Hague tri­ bunal that Mr. Harriman is using knucks. General Funston, on guard at Goldfield, will appeal to Secretary ' Metcalf to transfer him to W ashington,' "W hat are the bugles blowin’ for?” ing that the fleet is to Said Bach’ lor on parade; Ltj I That We A r e d o s in g o u t a fe w articles a t v e r y reduced prices fo r a fe w d a y s o n ly 1 That We in January m M ake all kinds o f M ission and A n - ¡Pjj tique fu rn itu re to order. have cold ; If they ' 52 j| m m That We Pacific, will move over on are born under the influence of Aqua­ G u aran tee absolute s a tisfaction o r will vote They are very ingenious, and ¡H y o u r m o n e y back. What Could he More Fair? ¡¿3 They have large families and small in- comes. The Woman Hater said. h o u se furnishings to be had a t a n y price. keep right on know how to turn the gas meter back, i “ It’ s New Year Day, its New Year Day,” C a r r y the v e r y best furniture and the mainland and dig cyclone cellars. | dry. .. .1 a something you want, and Japan, hear­ Persons born m E! m 1 That We where the fighting is going on; Christ­ mas presents will be exchanged for across the ir a s r a n for vice round, and Mr. to The rius the water carrier, they (Gopyright 1907 by C. H. Relth) & DON’T FORGET! m Fish-Harriman fight feet, and do not play poker. Ganderbone’s January Forecast. one a noodle head; they’ ll clinch and bite _ v__ipcdUdn^ nut inTTlir _s¡u,; jlirniniii will go into the tenth ce purposes, ......... lhnl ....... .i •Uniti iUSUl iggiaiitqgoP-wor. »nmlm- qiore ban any number ■Urdinar uiwnit a . V /fy-u uuum icily .it; ot V 'i n Its o fi t uiuil formula Is the best possible guaranty of its merits. A glance at this published formula will show that "Golden Medical Discovery" contains no poisonous, harmful or habit- forming drugs and no alcohol—chemically pure, triple-relined glycerine being used Instead. Glycerine Is entirely unobjec­ tionable and besides is a most useful agent in the cure of all stomach as well as bron­ chial. throat and lung affections. There Is the highest medical authority for its use In all such cases. The " Discovery "is a concentrated glycorlc extract of native, medicinal roots and Is safe and reliable. A booklet of extracts from eminent, medical authorities, endorsing Its ingre­ dients mailed free on request. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. ft. sWiBiam bbìsibìsìhs s i ! battles with the horney fist, the gentle- 1 man Missouri bred will call some They are good at figures and “ What makes you look so white, so can tell you whether a woman’ s shape quently reported that large quantities is real or excelsior. They are slow to i white?” of pure silica have been discovered, marry, but can get a divorce as quick ! Said Bach’ lor on parade; and the community that “ makes good” “ I ’ m dreadin’ what we’ ve got to face,” as anybody. They are very shrewd in in this instance has a greater source of money matters, and never give their | The Woman Hater said. revenue than gold or copper mines, wives the money. “ For Yeap Year is upon us, lumber mills or factories of any kind, Don’ t answer the doorbell this month. And the girls will use a wire, for when a dependable quality of silica It’ s a book agent. Keep the silver­ Th ey’ ll hook us like a poodle sand is found in quantities sufficient to ware under the coal pile. If you come When the licenses expire. supply the demand, all the iron works home late at night, look out for high­ An’ they’ ll dum p us in the wagon from the Gulf of California to Alaska, waymen, and walk in the middle of the An’ w e’ re off to find a squire, and from the Rocky Mountains west, street, as the policeman does. Don’ t For they're laying for the bach’ lor will be customers. It may just as write love letters. She will save them. In the mornin’ .” well be given to the public now as The trusts will continue to show us The big bet for this month will be later that the steel trust and another where to head in, and Congress will The Atlantic fleet will approach the combination of multimillionaires en­ vote our money like it was tbeir’ s. Horn with a bent spy-glass, looking gaged in the production of iron and The fashionable wintering places for the around for Japs. “ O, H ell,” whis­ steel are investigating different points month will be Southern California and pered in Tn cie Joe Cannon’ s ear, will on the Pacific Coast with the idea of the Florida coast, and all trains bound be the pass-word to get anything b e­ building another Pittsburgh. to those points will be loaded with Gladyse Benefiel, Merton Benefiel, fore Congress. Japan will have a slack D on’ t worry about the present plasterers and bricklayers, with their Adolph Peterson, Nellie Beard. month at the Nagasaki navy yards, and freight rate. The discovery of a large families. ETHEL S m i t h , Teacher. build only twenty-seven more war of silica sand would make a low rate And then the short lived month of ships. The guess on Roosevelt’ s fu­ necessary— remember that the sand S A V E T H IS ANYW AY. February, when woman will com plete ture for this month will be that he will now com es from Minnesota. This is her web, and fooling man will buzz becom e a Congressman after he leaves Put it in Some Safe Place, for it May your opportunity. Send a sample to about until the spider dashes out and the White House, and will go into the Come in Handy Some Day. your nearest assayer to be sure you nails him neatly to the mast for so long ring with Williams and DeArmond. Here is a simple home-made mix­ have the goods. as his life shall last. Mr. Bryan will walk around the Dem o­ ture as given bv an eminent authority T o m R ic h a r d s o n . cratic nomination with a hammer, to But notwithstanding Leap Year’ s tricks on Kidney diseases, who makes the And maids’ and widows’ weeds, see if there is any place where he Notice for Publication. statement in a New York daily news­ could nail it down. M oney will con­ And though our hard luck comes along Department o f the Interior. paper, that it will relieve almost any Land Office at Portland, Oregon, Just like a string of beads. December 28, ¡907. tinue shy. rising out of range and flying case of Kidney trouble if taken before Notice Is hereby given that Metta Caples Matthieu It’ s not so bad Mr. Dawson will put his Cheer up, cheer up! of Gaston, Oregon, has filed notice of his intention to eight miles. the stage of Bright’ s disease. He make final five year proof in suport o f his claim, viz With us as ’ tis with Ted, Homestead Entry No, 13858, made Sept. 10, 1901, for mask on and go back into the game, states that such symptoms as lame the northwest quarter Section 20, Township 1 south. Range 5 west, and that said proof will be made betore jobs will continue to run when they Who had to com e to it and knock back, pain in the side, frequent desire the Register and Receiver, at Portland, Oregon, on His third term in the head. see you com ing, and som etim e during February 11, 1908. to urinate, especially at night; pain­ He names the following witnesses to prove his con­ Morgan will decide tinuous residence upon, and cultivation o f the land, the month Mr. I f Y o u a r e O u t o f W o r k , or ful aud discolored ui ¡nation, are read­ vlr: H. P. Roberts, of Gaston, Oregon; George Han­ cock of Gaston, Oregon; Robert A. Caples o f Gaston. whether he has all the money he wants have spare time, vou should get our ily overcome. Here is the recipe; Oregon; John C. Matthieu of Gaston, Oregon. now, or if he will continue the panic. ALGERNON S. DRESSER. proposition. No mail order schem e, try it: 26-6 Register. After the 20th we shall be under but a clean straight business, at which Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half the influence of Aquarius the water others are making money, with no ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; carrier, the eleventh sign of the Z o­ competition. The first acceptable ap­ Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three diac. Under this favorable sign, Pro­ plicant gets your territory. Write to­ ounces. Take a teaspoonful after each You Will Make No Mistake if hibition will establish about eighty day, tomorrow it may be too late. meal and at bedtime. V, F U R N IT U R E P a te r s o n Brick DON’T EXPERIMENT more storm centers, booze will r u n 1 Particulars free. Dominocards the 1807 Chouteau, St. Louis, Mo. and Carrie Na­ You Follow This Forest Grove Citizen’s Advice. another mile in nothing south of Never neglect your kidneys. tion will work with a hatchet in each Mason & Dixon line, Co , School Report. If you have pain in the back, urina­ hand. T o quote an Omar of the Ok­ Report ol school district No. 75. ry disorders, dizziness and nervousness, lahoma desert. Those neither tardy or absent dur­ it’ s time to act and no tjme to experi­ Hush little bar-room. ing the term: Marion Hopkins, Ella ment. These are all symptoms of Don’ t you cry— Garrigus, Edith Garrigus, Katherine kidney trouble, and you should seek a You’ ll be a drug store Heltzel. remedy which is known to cure the By and by. Those neither absent or tardy dur­ kidneys. January was named after Janus Bi- ing the month of December: John Doan's Kidney Pills is the remedy frons, known as "T w o-F a ced Janus.” Heltzel, Ralph W ilcox. Carl Wilcox. to use. No need to experiment. It He was the originator of what is known Marion Hopkins, Katherine Heltzel, has cured many stubborn cases in For­ as “ the politician’ s life-saver.” A E|]a Garrigus, Frances Sell, John Gar- est Grove. Follow the advice of a wave of prohibition was sweeping rigus, Newton Shipley, Bulia Phipps, Forest Grove citizen and be cured Rome, and Bifrons, a candidate for the yourself. Mrs. M E. Dillcy, living on Main St., Forest Grove, O re., says: “ My husband had complained o f hts back hurting him for sometime. He was so lame and stiff at times that he could hardly get around. The pains seemed to be more severe at night and greatly inter­ fered with his reft. Added to the severe pains. * f i a disordered condition of his kidneys and he »as greatly annoyed by the too frequent action of the secretions. After using many remedies without results, be tried plasters and liniments, but still failed to find relief. He was feeling very miserable when he began using Doan's Kidney Pills, and n a shcrt time he w*s great.y relieved. He is glcd to give them b is recomtnen C m - For sale by til dealers. Foster-Milburn C o., Price 50 take no other. is authority that these ingredients are all harmless and easily mixed at home by shaking well in a bottle. This mix­ ture has a peculiar healing and sooth ing effect upon the entire Kidney and Urinary structure, and often overcomes the worst forms of Rheumatism in just a little while. This mixture it said to remove all blood disorders and cure the Rheumatism by forcing the Kidneys to filter and strain from the blood and system all uric acid and foul, d ecom ­ posed wade matter, which causes these affliction« Try it if you aren't well. Save the r scription. Senate, had to declare himself one way Those who averaged more than 90 or the other to every third man he the last month were: Katherine Helt- met. But he was a foxv D ig o , *nd , 2eif Raiph W ilcox, Edith Garrigus,John when he was asked, “ Da you drink. Garrigus, Mae Heltzel, — Cotton Blankets 10 4 , 11-4, 12-4, r^ ces 85c, 81.00, 81 .25, $ 1 .5 0 , Dorothy Da- $2 00, at Bailey’ s Bifrons?” he would slyly ask in return, vicS> John Heltzel, Florence Thorn- W heelock Marsh returned “ Is this an invitation, or do you just burgi E ila Garrigus, Marion Hopkins, iand Tuesday, want to know ?” | Another year (mark well the rhym e) Has joined the Host of Father Tim e. A few more solid banks will burst To many trusting on e’ s disgust. Buffalo, The widow recently bereft New York, sole agents for the United Will pop the question right and left, And luckless man, of Leap Year butt, States. Rem ember the name— Doan's— and I Will scramble for the tall uncut. cents. gdjth Garrigus, Lester Sell. A well known druggist here in town to Port- F o r e s t G rove, O r. | >ck......... mwMrmmwm f f i s g H ia s a ia iiator. oro, wht r joint t Notice to Fruit Growers in Washing — Mon- rp to loan cn :d of Li farm securit and W . H . 11 fillis. Forest Grove. ton County. Y reared ii The Fruit Inspector of this county| has found that almost all trees are in­ fected with fruit pests and the law re- resided ars he has — T ty Schultz’ s ground bone I your hems. It will make them la y." boro. H | quires the owners or persons having te lower Notice of City Election. I posession thereof to destroy or eradi cate such orchards or pests. You arc • In accordance with the provision* of the City O ter, ihr annual flection of the City of Forest Grove s therefore notified that unless such o r - ! b'' h,:d *' 11 r c l '» Hail on Monday, j.uuary u . it :• at thi u chairm : acquain i will give forth* 4« I being the s* cond Monday of January, at which t chards cr pests are destroyed or eradi- ,h" r ,n » mayoi, thro, crane iimm full ten js o f two years, one councilman for term of cated before the first day of March. ! vr“r *■* *•««<;*. lecuitcr, > mumn an ’ marsh.') |. 1908, I will proceed under the law to Poll‘ wl11 "v"" at »«'cicrk ° M. Pella will cli*e at from either cut down or destroy such or- •leef«»1 official* go to lunch. a . m . >ntf cm» 1 to 2 o'clock w -ÍS vote in By direction o f the City Council, an officb.l ballot chards or have the trees sprayed at the br nMd ’,,,d ni"nr| ° f nominee» to secure a puc» | *’ id ha l o t must be filed with the city recorder o 1 owners expense. . 1 1 hursday. January V, 1908. at 12 o ’cloik n* ' The r\r /%»» /» « 26-27-31-32 w . r . H a r r is , * County Fruit Inspector. 1 editions for having a name plated on the br *• «• • • are required for prer'r.ct officer* I ge.ierat election, except as to time o f filing. W alter hook . 25 .1 City Rerorde I fleeted. R bn anent | ■' , err discusn rest and Str urdar even Real Estate Bargains Twenty-two and three four* hs acres, two miles west of iv 'e m , under good fence, 1000 cords good wood 82500. Forty six and 14-1 O') acres, 38 acres in cultivation, 4 miles north of horest Grove, telephone, R. F. D. on milk route, good 8 room house, large barn, brick cellar, good out buildings, wood shed, wash room, good wells at house and barn, orchard. Price 4300. 230 bushels of oats, 60 of wheat, barn full of hay, good team horses, cows, new hack, wagon, horses, mowing machine, and all tools necessary to run farm, wood shed full of wood. Everything *5000. Terms. Three hundred and fifteen acres 1-2 mile of Rallston. 220 actes in cultivation. Balance pasture and timber fair house and barn, running water, telephone, R. F. D. Price 827.50 per acre. Terms. 4 ra waf-Jn^ iestions reg t to be enac amended, « ;nt. -era toi the •nd result^ • J. Goff; reasurer, shooting Sunday mo Tw o hundred and forty acre*; 4 miles of Dallas 3 j of Mon­ mouth, 140 acres in cultivalion all under fence, balance in pas­ ture and timber, fair barn J mile from railroad station, well watered. G ood stock and grain Price $20 per acre. terms. farm. Reasonable n of South Fc , and by ti r County Con feted a piec beginning i nmng to th enue, that I iat Mr. Tod o d road build Wright, Cornelius & Co. _ orner, in Forest Grove r o n tsT o a o v i: n a ih in a i bank biiiidinii