Correspondence. There will be a big for the general public church Christmas eve. gram will be given by GALES. the Sunday school. August Roth has just completed a vited. new wire fence. H Christmas tree at the Union A short pro­ the children of Everybody in­ 1 Miss Merri! McBurney was united in Peter Dethless of Dilley has rented marriage to William Richards yesterday his father’s farm at Gales. afternoon at 2 o’clock at the home of Claud Alumball of Gales, was in her father, J. M. McBurney, in the Forest Grove Thursday ol last week. presence of a few friends and a few in- , A. Roth shipped a carload of oats to vited guests. Mr. and Mrs. Richards Portland last week. He received 130 will make their home in Hillsboro, after a trip to Albany and other valley per ton. points. Henry Dames of this vicinity, made a call at his father’s in Forest Grove — Baxter Perry has an International one day last week. reputation as a pianist and lecturer. L. J. Magoon ol St. Johns, has rent­ GREENVILLE7 ed a house of A. Roth at Gales, form­ There was quite a crowd at the Lyda ' erly known as the Bill Johnson house. sale on the 11th. Our road supervisor, W. W. Lewis, Floyd Brow and Vess Gallaway have has been repairing the roads lately and is doing fine work which is needed at been building a pig house the last few days, working between showers. at this time of the year. The ladies of Kansas City were over George Stewart and Delmar Martin of Dilley has leased the W. K. Newell attending lodge last Thursday and got lake this season near the Bealjarm for a shower bath before they got home; also the ladies of Banks and vicinity. the purpose of duck shooting. The people have been enjoying the Geo. Beal Jr. started to market one rain the last few days. Most of them day last week with 117 chickens. Bad luck overtook 27 of them and they have been sitting around in the house thinking of tne winter days yet to were found dead before he arrived in come. town. The following officers were elected Joseph Anderson and Mr. Hines of for the ensuing year of the K. 0 . T. M. Portland, had the pleasure of a day’s duck shooiing on the lake with Geo. of Greenville Hive No. 57: Comman­ der, Lora Hamilton; Lieut. Com., Beal Jr. one day last week. They re­ Caroline Killingsworth; Record Keeper, ported having fine luck. Lucy Brown; Finance Keeper, Emma John Cummins Jr. and Mi5s Rober­ Parker; Chaplain, Ida Kists; Sergeant, son accompanied by another couple Marian Moore; Mistress-at-Arms, Lula were seen in Dilley one evening last Reiling; Sentinel, Elva Inkley; Picket, week. Miss Roberson lives in Hills­ Agnes Schramel; Past Com , Clarissa boro but is now our Gales school Ireland. teacher. SIMPLE HOME RECIPE. John Beal, who has been running a t ________ shoe shop in Forest Grove, has moved into the Peter Stakel house near Gales. Mix This Simple, Healthful Recipe at Home and Try It, Anyway. Shoes that were left in his care are re­ paired and can be found at Sam Walk­ Get from any prescription pharma­ er’s Shoe shop in Forest Grove. cist the following: Roy Tolson and Ralph Kay has the Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-hall contract for clearing 8 j acres of ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; land for Hon. Wilbur K. Newell. Mr. Compound Syrup Sarsparilla, three Newell intends to set it all out in Lo gan berries. It is understood that he ounces. Shake well in a bottle and take a has a contract lor S years for all the Logan berries he can grow. teaspoonful dose after each meal and at bedtime. THATCHER The above is considered by an emi­ School will close this Friday and nent authority, who writes in a New will have a holiday vacation of two York daily paper, as the finest pre­ weeks. Charlie Shaw and his mother went scription ever written lo relieve Back­ to Portland last Saturday and will visit ache, Kidney Trouble, Weak Bladder friends until after the holidays. and all forms of Urinary difficulties. This mixture acts promptly on the GALES CREEK Fred Wilson has moved into the eliminative tissues of the kidneys, ena­ bling them to filter and strain the uric Grange hall. Mr. Crother has had a phone put in acid and other waste matter from the blood which causes Rheumatism. his new house. Some persons who suffer with the Alice Bateman spent Sunday with afflictions may not feel inf-fined to Mrs. S. N. Short. Mr. Heisler has had some carpenter place much confidence in this simple mixture, yet those who have tried it work done in his house. say the Tesults are simply surprising, j We are all glad there are no more the relief being effected without the | cases of the measles here. slightest injury to the stomach or other | Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Douglus called organs. on Mrs. Walter Schofield one rainy Mix some and give it a trial. It | afternoon recently. Mrs. Bateman and daughter Alice certainly comes highly recommended. I expect to leave soon for California, It is the prescription of an eminent j where they will spend the winter. authority, whose entire reputation, it is said, was established by it. BUXTON A druggist here at home when j Robert Bullock, wife arid child are asked stated that he could either sup- 1 visiting relatives duting the holidays. ply the ingredients or mix the pre- ! August Bergren of Oregon City, has scription for our readers, also recom­ been visiting with L. L. Crawford the mends it as harmless. past few days. Miss Edith Shogren of Forest Grove, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Emmet Quick. Fred Stowell, who has been in the logging camp at Deep River, returned home this week. Services were held in the Catholic church Sunday. The date of the next meeting will be Jan. 19. Part of the railroad dump slid into the road near Cummings’ place during the heavy rains last week. GASTON The Star Lumber Co. is running their planning mill now. J. D. Hibbs and wife were Portland visitors Monday and Tuesday. F. A. Everest and Wm. Butler were business visitors of Forest Grove, Mon­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Brown of Port­ land spent a few days in Gaston last week. William Martin, who recently se­ cured a license to run a saloon here gave a grand opening to prospective patients Saturday night. Mrs. Digg is qonducting a boarding house for the men who are working for A. H Teanner. She has rented the place belonging to Mrs. N. J. Walker. The piling that has been piled in various places about town are being loaded much to the detriment of Front Street. The mud is about a foot deep. Clifton Purdve and Edd Gray were Forest Grove visitors last week. They say that the good roads convention should get busy and put some of its good theories into practice. NC V v ¡¡¡■ e license M i m ned 54 v candidate Fitch, Si! 49 votes ^ . o r the “ wi «¿■i result of 1er > ' x ., /••g a s. OREGON FOREST GROVE secu ri t Liner Column It is all smooth sa ilin g w hen you p la c e a L iner Ad in this colum n. A few words here w ill reach 5,OUO readers and the resu lts are c e rta in . 5c lin e 1st In se rtio n , 2V» c en ts each su b sequent in s e rtio n . M inim um c h a rg e 10 cts. — Hoffman St Allen Co. can supply — Money to loan on farm security your wants in blanket! and comforts at W. H. Hollis, low prices. — Don’t you think a nice Wool — Mrs. Edmondson would like to do Blanket would feel good these cool nights? Bailey’s. work by the day. Phone No. 392. 1 ltf — Buy your candies and nuts at Hoff- The Paris Millinery Parlor is making “ WANTED—Salesmen. Many make man Sr Allen Co. New crop of nuts, cut prices on all goods in the store, on 3100 to $150 per month, some even Best grade of candies. , Main street, Forest Glove. 22-tf more. Stock clean; grown on reserva­ tion, far from old orchards. Cash advanced weekly. Choice of territory. Address Washington Nursery Company, ® © © © ® ® ® ® © ® ® © © ® ® ® @ Toppenish, Washington.” FOR SALE—Good house in South Park; 5 bed rooms, 2 sitting rooms, kitchen and lot 100x100; good barn, price $1550. Also good 6 room house, corner lot, 1 block from car line,$900. Some choice building lots. T. H. Lit- tlehales, Forest Grove.* 18-tf A few o f these rockers at a cheap price at the Auction House and a lot o f second hand goods coming. W a n ted to ren r —A good farm of 80 to 160 acres with running water and plenty of pasture by a man of ex­ perience in farming and handling stock. Address J. L. Box 349, For­ est Grove, Oregon. 22t4* DANCE—‘There will be a dance at Greenville, on Christmas night, Dec. 25, under the auspices of the K. O. T. M. Tickets including supper $1.00. 22-3* Good Things TO EAT Tender, Juicy, Steaks Roasts and Stews, Sausage and Bacon All kinds of Fresh V e g e t a b l e s G ro c e rie s Or- VV F . S C I 1 C L T Z STORE AND OFFICE H e l p — Fur­ nished free to employers. ClerksI Registration Bureau, entrance to offices I 1* Selling-Hirsch Bldg., 386 4 Wash­ ington Street, Cor. West Park, Port­ land, Ore. FOR SALE—Good house just out- ] side city limits, 4 bed rooms, sitting room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, fruit house, etc. Lot, 1 acre. Good barn, orchard and ell. Furniture goes with the place. Price $1800. Terms. T. H. Littlehales, New Bank Building. 23-tf — Your wheel should be put in proD- er shape for winter. Corl and Son will do it. 23lf. — We’ll cover that umbrella. Cori St Son. 23t(. — Buy Wool Blankets of Bailey and keep warm. — We repair and cover umbrellas, i L: J. Corl St Son. 23tf. it. «ni» c» at the I G rove ’ ary U. l'tcciuaintani t w hich I Mu **“ i* w un ilin rn ilj g j y e Jjj r term of .Ittrer atvfh* id C m v o t e o'clock w tel feDot in th re 1 plac* •«Corder oa#4 0»rlo:k * ©n »hr br g Rea! E sta te Go m F O R E S T G R O Ì V E “OLD R E L IA B L E ” Forest Grove i8 9 l • et” ior candi in 1 HOFFMAN ® , ALLEN COMPANY with the Eduard Seymour, Mgr. .portance < it is pos; vill go “ ( all over is the i t • les to the I iv y thrifty t< £»■1 h of the -n on the ra Si We take Clearing House Certificates and Condenser Checks. List your property OREGON LAND COMPANY 8 1 * c°m Ira iced maj< H Columbia Life & Trust Co. Cheapest non-participat­ ing life insurance acces­ sible to all. You are responsible for the I future care of your family Let me show you the ex­ cellent policy. N. L. A T K IN S, Resident Agt. | i l ¡ty. i he da Fancy umbrellas, handbags, purses, leather and silk belts all colors, fancy collars in lace, linen and jet all styles, pearl belt buckles in all styles; fancy side combs and back combs in gray, black and amber, etc. Nice line of fancy ribbons in all widths, also Holly ribbons. Fancy handkerchiefs, ladies’ waists, toilet c ases, handkerchief boxes, glove boxes, fancy slippers, picture frame, perfume in fancy boxes. Dress goods, plaid silks, all over laces, dolls, full line of fancy dishes, fancy lamps, an assortment of fifty framed pictures, all copies of famous paintings. Men’s ties, suspenders and sleeve holders in fancy boxes, dress shirts, suits in all styles, sweaters, fancy sox, in all colors, gloves, slippers, hats, caps, fancy work baskets, shopping baskets, fancy groceries, nuts, candies. In fact, we have almost anything you want, and the prices are right. A Home Company Portland, Oregon Wm. Ladd Theo. B. Wilcox President Vice Pres. VI Only a few more days remain, Look over this list; it will help you K . /V. S t a e h r t officer« «ment gam hook , liscussed ........ '“'and Sircar D . F. F le c k OFFIC E A T T H F H A Z A AH, N F X T TO P O S T O F F IC E r, tor the fn fifteen , S o m e o f th is w e e k 's B a rg a in s Eleven acres of f, ne land with good house and bai n, orchard, only one mil^ out for .rale or ex- change for town properv V- Good six-room house, only 2 blocks from Main street for $700. $50 down and $12 per month takes it. Twenty acres of land, less than 2 miles trom Forest Grov e with good buildings. Fifteen acres cleared, good spring and ron.uing water on place. Several arres in fruit and berries. Price $3500. $1800 down, terms on balance. Ten acre fruit farm with good buildings only 14 mile out for $2000. $500 cash, balance $250 each year. The fruit on the place will bring from $300 to $400 per year. Twelve and one-half acres, with fine house and good barn. Family orchard, only one-half mile from town. All the land is under cultivation and in fine shape. Price $3500. Y Eighteen-acre fruit farm with house and barn and good fruit drier, 6 miles from here. Price $1500. New 5-ioom modern cottage, all plastered, hot and cold water large lot in fine location. $1300 takes it if bought soon. This is a rare bargain. Some good notes’ secured by real estate for sale. 220 acre*?- ivfon-Ä iv«t.onC “,h For‘ n pa.1 by ,he h mileID,y Corn­ ateteli. » P'ece fanrmnm« « ouabl«* ,0 the , that it ____ dr. Todd - rad build- Six-room house on large cor­ riger lot and barn. Fine location. 0 * 'y $750. Easy terms. CÎi od new 7-room house with two lots on car line lor only $ 100 . 0 . Eigut>" *cres °* *'ne >»ndv ® miles cut. "o buildings. Fine water and orchard on place. Price $35 p \ T *cre- Three acre\ close to . town J hrre acrev, with good 8 -roc , 1 house >nd fine orchard. $150**. close to . Four acres of I 'I, d. — town, with house and barn, goo orchard. An ideal lor.n. on * fruit and chicken ranch.- ™,c $ 1100 . tio u s e s fo r R e n t r M U , , <'d ‘ balance Goff; sec se andirer, C B. phone, .oting la ;n O Deray ’ S , 0 . t «