THE NEWS New York financiers are always ask­ “ Necessity for Clean Milk,” L. B. ing the impossible. Here’s John D. Ziemer, Tillamook. iblished every Thursday by The Crimmins calling for a “ silent Roose- THURSDAY, DEC. 12, 1:30 P. M.— “ The Relation the Dairy industry Washington County Publishing Co., velt!” — Baltimore Sun. Incorporated. This high class drop head sewing machine bought by us in Bears to the Commercial Business of Mr. Loeb may get back to Washing the Country,” T. S. Townsend, Port­ large quantities, thus enabling us to sell them at a very low itered at the post-office at Forest ton in time to find that he is to blame land. price. Grove, Oregon, as second class for several things that happened dur­ mail matter. “ Care of Cream for Shipment,” Mrs ing his absence.— Washington Post. E. T. Judd, Salem. • * • inscription $1.50 Per Year Discussion, fifteen minutes. We will send this machine to your nearest railroad station Mayor Reyburn thinks President Ad/trlislng rates mads known on "Succulent Feed for Winter,” Wm. ■ ■ j ‘vl with freight prepaid for $ 3 . 0 0 and $ 2 . 0 0 in monthly in- application. Roosevelt has belittled the nation. At Schulmerich, Hillsboro. staliments till $ 2 5 .C O is paid us. all events, the responsibility cannot icial Paper oí City of Forest Grove be put upon him for belittling Mayor Discussion, fifteen minutes. v T* Why send east or to Portland when you can buy at home “ Milking by Machine,” Mrs. S. A. just as cheap. E. NOURSE............ . . . . MANAGER Reyburn.— Philadelphia North Amer­ Yokum, Marshfield. . ¿ .7 ican. F. W o o d s ................ “ The Dairy Cow at Home and Who will undertake to dispute the Abroad,” Joseph E. Wing, Mechanics IURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1907 F o rest G rove , m t i Oregon j philanthropy of the beef trust mag­ burg, Ohio. Sole Agents for the White Sewing Machine in Washington County. FRIDAY, DEC. 13. 10 A. M.— As another indication that the nates in view of the fact that they no „ • , have availed themselves of the scar- “ Advanced Registration for Dairy a s e n t m o n e y flu rry is o n ly . . . . .. . , J J ] j city of money to greatly reduce the Cattle,” Professor F. L. Kent, Corval­ T ip o rary a n d h a s n o t th e s ig - ^ prjces 0f their products?— Philadel- lis. ic a n c e of a to ta l e c lip s e , a s i phia Record. “ Practical Da,*7 Suggestions,” H. in te d b y s some o m e newspapers, n e w s p a p e r s ,1 L. Blanchard, Hadlock, Wash. I Will there be any tariff revision? Real Estate Loans Latest styles in hats. Nice line of caps just arrived, “ What and How to Feed the Dairy : meeting of the business men I Not while your Uncle Joe continues AND INSURANCE Cow,” Dr. James Withycombe, Corval­ all sizes and prices. Remodeling a specialty. Portland and over the state to act in the house in the capacities lis. Phone 294, Forest Grove, Oregon ich decided against a special of “ the cook and the captain bold and i V I i « s e s S p e i » h « r t «Sr T h o m p s o n ‘Future of Dairying in Eastern Or sion of the legislature will the mate of the Nancy brig, the egon,” A. Bennett, Irrigon. Main Street Forest Grove, Or. We have been appointed agents bo’sun tight and the midshipmite and FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13,1:30 P.M.— for T H E AMERICAN INSUR the crew of the captain’s gig.” — Business session. ANCE COMPANY of Newark, N. J. I words escaped her rosy lips when her The Corvallis Republican Louisville Courier Journal. Reports of officers and committees. one of the strongest and best in the j steady shrieked “ Look out or that (gests that the governor call Election of officers. country, and will be pleased to pro­ ¡horse will step on you,” and tie oliday during banking hours HUWt’S OBSLHVATIONS. Address, J. W. Bailey, state dairy tect your property. The American j maiden was so frightened that she fell each day. I his would re-' Any fool can make friends, but only and food commissioner, Portland. has a record of paying over 81,000,- into his big strong arms tor protection. re the banks and give Other a wise man can keep them. Address, B. D. White, dairy divis­ (XJO of losses in the San Francisco “ »Vhat did you say a moment ato »pie a chance to do business. ion, United States Department of Ag­ disaster as soon as they could be j about horses G endoline?” “ Oh be The average woman attaches a good e courts might hold right j good George. That was a horse on adjusted and without a single suit. ssions, which would help deal of importance to a party invitation. riculture. Announcement of premium awards. i me, and the treats, what will you le.— Hillsboro Independent. In our opinion, the man who smokes All railroads entering Portland will | have?” George looked her in the eyt s vVhy not let the banks change a cigar in a funeral procession lacks sell round trip tickets for this meeting and Ailene Hoffman, Dr. and Mrs. I for a minute and said, “ Why. I’ll takei ir business hours to the night j good taste, on the certificate plan, at one and one- Brown, Miss Brown, Mr. and Mrs. j a date of course.” son and let the people and third fare for the round trip. Full fare Frank Allen and Frank Allen, Jr., and We have noticed that men who are | Charlie Hines who formerly lived to be paid going, and a receipt taken Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Morgan. The rts proceed as usual. T hat! good story-tellers don’t care much with his parents in this city, was visit­ menu: Bouillon, oyster cocktails, therefor, upon which return ticket will aid help some more. about hearing them. ing here the first of the week. sandwitches, ice cream and cake. be issued at one-third fare. The gold, we are told, has COUNTY COURT NEWS The trouble with some people doing Pacific Wins from Albany. Thanksgiving at Hillside. ;d. Doubtless. We read i t : a good thing is that they waste the REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Thanksgiving was observed in the Pacific University ran away with many of our country ex- rest of their lives in admiring it. Cephas F. Clapp et ux to W H old fashioned way at the Hillside Con­ Albany college last Thursday atternoon rtges. W e note, however, Green part of blk 13 South Park Add Going to a lawyer with every trouble, gregational church. There was the when the lads from the latter institu­ t Mr. Bryan doesn’t say so. to Forest Grove S I200. , ~ ~ , , has traveled round the in a man, is a bad as a woman going usual address by the pastor, Rev. Bar­ tion were defeated in football by a (ic, n u ( . , J ( - bchulmertch et ux to Marion ber, special singing by the choir, a score of IS to 0 before the largest ag- Moofe Tract Id. But, if the gold Stand- t0 a doctor with every trouble, in sec 36 t 2 n 4 w duet by Mr. Mickle and Miss Lena gregation of bleachers that has gath­ has failed— and we are wil- S275. j to be shown— let us have a ^ *s as karc^ ^or a woman w^° wears Loynes, a solo by Mrs. Barber, a se­ ered to witness football services this DRUG Edgar Hannah et ux to Gotleib er. What should be the rnourninK t0 give satisfaction as it is for lection read by Mr. Mickle and a year. STO RE Scherzinger sej of nwj and lots 4 and Thanksgiving dinner in the church The two 4eams are very evenly idard? W e suggest leather. a man s kin his^wife. S sec 6 t 3 n 4 w S400. dll make a good money, and Th„ e are m*any *eopI^ in the world parlor in which forty-five members of matched, more so than the score would Louis Roy to A J Roy Tract in John indicate, and only dogged determina­ ap. Shot-gun wads for five- of so little importance that they never the parish participated. Harris D L C t 1 n 3 w 8600. The afternoon was spent in visiting, tion to win the last game of the season t pieces. An ornamental become the subject of telegraph John J Baxter et ux to A L M atte-; story-telling and games by the children. influenced the eagle of victory to perch her medal for the dollar.— message until they die. son 57 acres in Norman Martin D L C One noticeable feature of the affair was upon the local standard. Rain fell goman. t 1 s 4 w S3100. that although the dinner was perfect during the whole of the matinee and i There are two subjects of conversa­ H H Geiger to A C Breckenbury 30 i f Gov.Chamberlain had called tion that never fail a woman: One is and served in the best of style and the slippery slimy ball caused consid­ acres in Wm Geiger D L C t 1 s 3 w ecial session of the legislature the hired girl question, and the other condition not one woman was absent erable fumbling on either side. In the S2050. first chapter the ball see-sawed back from the services which preceded it. out. orrect the present banking is that her hair * is coming R T Whitty et al to Sherman Mur- | # # In the evening the young people and forth in the center of the field un-1 —the banks ought to be The man who smokes lives an un­ and a few of the older ones gathered til a streak of fortune came over th e ! phy part of sec 11 and other lands Tender, Juicy, Steaks ie to stand the expense of happy life. His friends tell him he at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. locals. Robinson, Humphreys, Ferrin 85000. Onslow Young et al to F A. H al-' h session, for it would have had better not smoke; doctors tell him Chas. Clapshaw and spent the evening and Gwynn ripped off some good Roasts and Stews, n called for no other pur he must not smoke; his wife says he very pleasantly with music and games. chunks of yardage and the first touch­ stead et al lots 20, 21, 22and23Spen cers Homestead (23.66 acres) 82000. Sausage and Bacon The Hillside people are rejoicing down was made. No goal. e than for their protection, “ shan’t” smoke. # • » G W Waterbury et to Barbara Weig- In the second half a touchdown and over the location of some splendid a banks were instrumental in A man can never own so many au­ and et al 12 acres in sec 34 t 1 n goal and a place-kick were scored All kinds of Fresh w 81200. ing the holidays and they tomobiles when he has grown rich that families in our midst of late. making the final 15 to 0. Ferrin’s Abel A Leonard et ux to Frank W m they must continue for he will have as good a time as he had S. K. W. Scott Dead. place-kick was the attraction of the in his youth riding around with the Metcalf wi of swj sec 14 t 2 s 3 w r safety. Of course the Word has been received here of the game and elicited a tumultuous bunch grocer’s boy. 825. death of S. K. W. Scott at Dubuque, of ’rah, ’rahs and screams from the ks are not responsible for the Marion Moore et a! to John M Kess­ Iowa, Nov. 26, with funeral services lady bleachers. Association of Oregon Dairymen. ition of such a measure as is ler Tract in sec 36 t 2 n 4 w 8100. The sixteenth annual meeting of the Thanksgiving day and interment in the v in force, and very probably, Corl-Mills. Thomas Tucker to M N Bonham Oregon Dairyman’s Association will be Linwood cemeterv of that city. her are the interests that are Miss Bessie Mills and Oliver Corl [°t„2.blk 3_ Tucker & Stewarts A d d to Mr. Scott was well known in this held under the auspices of the Port­ Hillsboro 8250. »cted by the holidays. were married Monday at the Methodist land Commercial Club at Portland, city having come here seven years ago, Thomas Tucker to J B Bartlett et and left but last June for his eastern parsonage in Hillsboro by Rev. Belknap. Oregon, December 12 and 13, ’07. ux lot 3 bik 3 Tucker & Stewarts Add EDITDKIAL COMMENT. The wedding occurred at eleven home. He was born in Circleville, PROGRAM. to Hilisboro 8250. hp Roosevelt voice is pretty ex­ Ohio, in 1843, and moved with his par­ o’clock and Mr. and Mrs. Corl de­ THURSDAY, DEC. 12, 10 A. M.— W A Wren et ux to Mary B Locke jiv e . “-rNashville American. parted on the noon train for a few days’ at Address of welcome, Tom Richard­ ents when a boy to Dubuque. Geo. • « • 11 acres sec 26 t 1 s 2 w 8770. visit in Portland. W. Scott, his father, established a erfectly disheartening, the way the son, Portland Commercial Club. T G Todd to Lyman A Ware 1 acre Mrs. Corl is the daughter of Mr. Response, annual address. President medical practice there and became one ;rican people refuse to be panic- in H Buxton D L C t 1 n 4 w 8150. of the best known physicians in the and Mrs. Albert Mills formerly of this E. T. Judd, Turner ken.— San Francisco Call. Ellen M Starre» et al to F M Star- Everybody knows that place but now of Roy. while the groom • • • "Testing Milk pn the Farm,” Dan city. is the son of City Treasurer L. J. Cori rett ^art 'ot ® Fruitvale Add to For­ S. K. W. Scott graduated from the we keep the best Meats ecretary Taft is to hurry to Berlin, Bleuer, Brooks. and is a partner with his father in the est Grove 8850. Cincinnati Medical college, but instead btless so that there mav be “ Winter vs. Summer Dairying,” J A McCoy et al to John T Baker to be had, but this is to of practicing became a prominent rail­ bicycle business. They have a nicely y somewhere else.— Chicago News. John Dinwiddie, Woodbum. et al 10 acres in see 3 t 1 n 4 w $ l. furnished house on Second atfenue road man in Dubuque until his health remind you to give us Ita Vincent et al to Godfrey F compelled him to give up the work. south, near A street, this city, where a call. Atrops 40 acres in sec 25 t 2 s 2 w He was married to Miss Clara L. Estes they will make their home. The 82000. I of Philadelphia, who was a sister of Mrs. News extends congratulations. Laura Brackenbury et al to D D A. B. Thomas of this city. Mrs. That decoy horse of Dan Parsons’ Bump 17 29 acres in Wm Geiger D L FOREST DROVE ¡Scott died several years ago. has caused more questions, fears and C t 1 s 3 w 8100. Mr. Scott leaves one child, Miss tremblings than most any other animal MARRIAGE LICENSES. Elsie, who made her home with Mr. Special attention is directed to our fall Dress Goods in Washington county. Hi Clark, of Dr. F A Coffeen, Emma Gordon. and Mrs. A. B. Thomas for several Waists, Skirts and Wrapps. W e have the choicest course, has “ sold” more people by it Frank Parkin, Dora Kahler. years but is now in St. Paul going to fabrics and highly tailored goods. W e invite you than toes on your two feet. One day List your property Olive A Cori. Bessie Mae Mills. school. to call and see them. he suggested to a horse enthusiast in John L Neubert. Laura Meyers. Birthday Party. this city that Dan Parsons had a beau­ with the John Lehman, Carrie Croeni. A very delightful surprise party was tiful horse for sale. “ What horse is given in honor of M. S. Allen's birth­ that?” anxiously questioned the equus Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that “OLD R E L IA B L E ” day, Monday evening. Songs were tnrterer. "Why that dapple grey,” Contain Mercury, sung and games played after which the retorted Hi and the fellow said "Come m rnr,curT win m , deatroy the mum m mrii and W e can satisfy any man, boy or youth in Clothing. the whole system ?">>l?*lr derange tllt who1' when entering » guests sat down to a well decorated on they're on me,” but then they re- completely Our stock is complete besides the prices and per- . , .. . . . . , through the mucous surface». Such article, should festive board in the midst of which was m e r a b e r e d that this IS a dry town, t - v e t or used rtc e p t on prescnpt.on from reputable >n- feet fit are both guaranteed. a platter fringed with decorative light- And again a couple of collage students “ *h' ,hry w,l! *>11 ’«> fold to . he jrou can possibly derive from them H all’s ed candles. 46 of them representing —they travel in pairs over there— c«»rrhcure. manufactured by r J. Cheney ft Co., were passing the harness shop a n d 1 <\lKi0' 0h,<’' T n ' a ‘n* 00 w cccury, and i, taken Inter Mr. Allen's age. nally. acting directly upotf the blood and mucuous Edward. Seymour, Mgr. talking very animatedly. ‘ Oh. I just •urface, of the tyttem . In buying K a ll'i Catarrh Cure Those present were: Mr. and Mrs “Forest Grove - - Oregon jure you get the genuine It i< taken Internally tnd E. G. Mills, Prof, and Mrs. A. B. Kori. dearly love horses.” coyly ventured hr made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. I. Cheney » Co. T m i - Forest Grove Or- Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Seymour. Mr. and the coed, "and I’m not a bit afraid of m onial* free Mrs. A . G. Hoffman and Misses Reba them either.” Scarcely had these Sold by D ruggiata. p , lCe . 75c. p e r Dottle. SOc a WEEK BUYS IT $60 machine for $25 GOFF BROTHERS a THOMAS & HOGE The Paris Millinery Parlors ¡fy- _________ QUALITY and RIGHT PRICES Are what you will get in Drugs, Toi­ let Articles, Sta­ tionery and Kodak Supplies at Dr. H ines’ Good Things TO EAT V e g e ta b le s Groceries W. F. S C H U L T Z Good Eatables Low Prices Fall Showing Saelens & Co. Fall Clothing OREGON LAND COMPANY NELSON B. LA COURSE ’ TH E BIG ECONOMICAL STORE T a k e K a i l 1, r a m il y r i l l » fo r c c n ttlp a tto o .