T h ere friends lil Pierce’s : and their decades o the hmidi "m ade gn drunkard* A good, known cot Medical D mense >al tlons t h a t the earliei "gone hy t heard of. this long-' be found M M given or for llvei rior curati hence it h ular favor, ,/ / e ^ f ir s t (a tio n a/ fS c in k o f f o r e s t i j rove $ 75,000 d a s /i on / o n e ) a n c / cine f r o m ,W a n k s articles lu for a lirlef forgotten. For a t< Indigestior haps tliz/.li tongue, ivi with dlstr rnd debili' Pierce's ti in honest, ts ingrcdl — no seer therefore t the dealer ?er profit, what you i Don't buy tion expect s only adt nents. It i tick womei mm« prepa ts sterling ts position itood over rigorating nit it Is un< who w ant )f alcohol Dr. P i t r e in/ Little till of tlinli mil when i u favor, liree a doi (¡uiUnl. R e g u la r prei very Sabbath hool at 10 a. i trv ic e , T h urst Gerir T h e G erm an 1 i) Sundays of ( SC b!e School, Su m nm nion and lio r M ission E n s tia n Endear cach in g ........... H ayer m eetinj Coni unday School : at 11 o ’ck ing P e o p le ’s 1 '1er on i'hursi iere w ill be p C h u rch everj Cl n rlc e s e v e rj \e C h ristia n -D r. E. geon. > nces in ht or day —Money H. Holl —Hoff ms lowest f -T ry St r hens. -Cotton es 85c. >0, at Bi -O. P. 1 bout tl y to do dehomi 30,000 $ 105,000 ^ { n a i l a b l e f/V onc/s c o rre*sport r/erits: )li7 A .fa n g o 'e v a d a J t a t t o r i a ! f ß u n f t , t )a n . / m / W e lts A f a r g o tí- C o m p a r a / s Itìttn/e. A'eai Von/r d a t i o n a l C itiy tä a n /r, C i'ein iln ite d S ta tes Vor/r C / a t ’l I f í an/ f , í¿ io r t /a n r / Postmaster Bump is making im­ provements on the South Forest Grove office. He has torn down the rear partition making room for a desk and money order window, and will put in new boxes so as to accommodate the increase in business. Thanksgiving W ill Soon Be Here A barrel of canned fruit will be sent by the ladies of the Congregational church of this city to the Good Samar­ itan Hospital, Portland, and those wishing to help in this worthy cause may leave canned fruit at Miss E. B. Penfields’ book store any day this week. You will want a new suit for this date any­ way, so come in and let us show you one of the best lines of Twenty gunsters banged away at clay pigeons at the ball grounds Mon­ day forenoon and afternoon with not 1 extra fine luck, on account of the heavy weather. The fifteen boxes of apples and thirty turkeys were pretty evenly divided up between the shoot­ ers. in the city. We will guarantee the price, goods and fit. We have all the well known brands of high class tailored suits. C L O T H IN G John Miss Edith Shogren and her mother called upon George Carlton at the Good Samaritan hospital, Portland and found him getting along very nicely. His arm which was amputated two weeks ago is healing and he is very cheerful. Others from this city have | visited Mr. Carlton at the hospital for which he was very grateful. T H E T A IL O R . i LATEST SHADES - BEST FABRICS Washington County can raise fruit and vegetables that can equal the best and again this section of the country is not short in the raising of live stock. The first of this week Lee Sparks sold to S. Levy a two year old heifer that dressed 500 pounds and according to people who should know this is going some. V— Born: To the wife of Mr. Orr, near Arthur, the 12 year old son o Otis Thatcher a daughter. Nov. 25. Mars of Laurel, died the first of the is “ the thing” Frank Pierce’s daughter, Elsie’ has week of spinal meningitis. Thanksgiving Day been visiting him the past week. F. D. and Tom McCullonge of Everybody likes ii Mabel Smith has been the guest of Woodburn, were registered at the Leabo and always will. friends in North Yamhill this week. hotel the first of the week. Now is the time to remove all the It doesn’t matter a The Woodmen of the World and Lewis Traver of Portland, is visiting leaves from your sidewalk so as to pre­ “ pin” though, at the home of his parents in this city. the Circle will meet next Saturday vent an accident from falling. The how your dressed, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Baldwin spent evening for a general jolly up. recent rains together with the falling when posed before Friday evening the high school stu- leaves have made the sidewalks very Saturday and Sunday in the Rose city. our camera for Frank Shogren who has been work- ^e.nfs ren,ed jhe skating rir.k and had slippery and it is with no little difficul­ A Turkey Day Photo­ mg in Portland, is home for a few days. a 1° b tlme all by themselves. ty that the pedestrian can stay on his graph Your wheel should be put in proper Cummins of Seattle, is visiting feet in some sections of the city. The There isn’t a shape for winter. Corl & Son can do : „ e *10me °t father-in-law Rev. leaves should be removed immediately Hall on the Gales Creek road. “ frill” or a “ fur­ it. before some serious accident happens. 18t4 below” on work at Oscar Baldwin has added another It is a very easy matter for an old per­ How would you like to be, not a U. |, this studio but attractive feature to his candy store in son to fall and when he does a serious what is “ t h e S. Senator, or millionaire but—a turk­ the shape of a neat display window. injury frequently results. ey. thing,” and that Miss Maude Shannon and Miss The First National bank of this city, is sanctioned by V. H. Limber is now located in his Gladys Hartly are spending Thanks­ is relieving the money stringency in all whose pictures new undertaking parlors on Pacific ave­ giving at the latter’s home in Hood this section to a very large degree, for we take. What­ nue. River. it is paying cash for all milk checks, ever your dress, n- hnwever vnn I Mrs' Charlotte Graham Rastell of | M. H. Parkin paid this office a call and for the past few days they have y , j Portland, is visiting her parents in this ! the first of the week and ordered his paid out about 810,000 to the farmers. wear it, you’ll look city. name to the large and increasing This is appreciated by the milk men lovely in photo­ and others, as the checks are “ payable Miss Mattie Allen of Gaston, was News list, graphs we take- only through the Seattle clearing visiting in this city the fore part of the Miss Lulu Parmley teacher of the Try some! house” and would otherwise make in­ week. primary department of the Gresham Open from 10 to 4 Thanksglv- , public schools was visiting at the Corl definite delay in getting money from Guy Via and wife of Portland, are that source. home last week. ing Day spending the week with his parents in W. W. Sparks, prosecuting attorney The regular meeting of the Forest- this city. view Cemetery Improvement Associa­ of Cla^k county, Washington, who was T H E C I T Y J. Swanson of Dundee 111., was here tion will be held at 2:30 p. m. Tues­ visiting in this city this week is one last week visiting his old townsman day December 3. among those who think that Gov. L. J. Corl. Chamberlain made a grave mistake in H . W. SPARKS, LOCAL EDITOR. . . — W. H . Lyda in about two weeks Mrs. A. Jackson has just received a wilI seI) his lumber stock etc -at the declaring the holidays. The state of date palm from Susie Jackson-Hatfield burnt railL Look out for ful] ,is, in Washington has -no holidays and Mr. Sparks says that conditions a e very Rev. Folsom spent Sunday at home J of Arizona. j Next week’s News. normal there. The confidence of the in this city. Claud Hollinger who has been work- Hillsboro has a skating rink and ' on people has not been taxed and more­ John Egerer of Thatcher was in this ing in a bag factory in Portland has re dit” that both young and old of the over legal business is mot tied up over city last week. turned home. j county seat are going wild over the the state as it is here. The lawyers of Mrs. W. A. Williams returned home Vancouver, as in other cities, met to­ M. Peterson of David’s Hill brought rolling and bumping pastime, Saturday night. in a fine lot of chickens for Thanks-1 Miss Montgomery’s pleasant counte gether and agreed not to bring pro­ ceedings against banks refusing to Father Verhaag of Verboort was in giving Monday. nance was seen in Forest Grove Mon- cash needlessly large checks. How­ this city Monday. J. J. Martin of the I. C. schools of day, her folks who now live in Portland ever if the depositors absolutely need M. R. Wagner was a Portland visitor j Portland, was registered at the Leabo were former residents of this city. the money it is paid out by the one day last week. hotel last week. | — Don’t fail to see the display of banking institutions. A. Burk of Gaston was in the city Mrs. F. G. Kertson and daughter, N. Y. Indian baskets in The Book MARRIAGE LICENSES. one day last week. ! Carmen have been visiting at the home Store window. They are a great con­ Pernilla Ann Olson and Fred A. trast to those by the western Indians. Ralph Watkins is home again after a of W,n' Kertson- Pederson; Robert J. Httcke and Dora Mrs. Higgins the state inspector of short stay in Portland. ! Mrs. Henry Wirtz returned to Port- Winkel; W. N. Hathorn and Mary J. H . V. State of Gaston, was in this ' 'aml Tuesday. Miss Mabel is spending the W. R. C. visited the local W. R. Mulloy; Herman Reese and Lena Lieb C. last Saturday. The Grand Army city Thursday last week. | Thanksgiving here. enow; Geo. B. McAdams and Myrtle was present and a dinner was served M. Kopplin. Rev. Father Kettenhofen of the Earl Campbell of Camas, Washing­ after the program. | Catholic church preached in Verts ton was in this city last week. We repair and cover umbrellas, L. Dick Baker finished crushing the j hall Sunday morning. 18t4 Miss Manche Langley visited with rock for the depot street last week and J. Cori & Son. Miss Zula Shorb left Monday for now the city ready and the work on friends in Hillsboro Saturday. Wilson, where she will spend a few the road will be resumed just as soon V/. N. White of Cornelius, was seen weeks with her father. as the weather permits. in this city one day last week. County School Superintendent M. Mrs. E. A. Wheelock of Portland B. L. Hageman of Milwaukie, Ore., C. Case of Hillsboio, was in the city and Mrs. Priscilla Sparks and W. W. Thursday of last week. Columbia Life & Trust Co. was visiting in this city Friday. Sparks of Vancouver spent Tuesday Portland, Oregon ' and Wednesday at the home of Levi Sparks, Sr., in this city. Win. Ladd Théo. B. Wilcox President Vice Pres. George Sallee of Newberg, a brother of Mrs. B. H. Laughlin. was in the Cheapest non-participat­ that the brain, nerves, organs and muscles draw the blood they Grove for the shooting match Monday, ing life insurance acces­ and left four nice big turkeys at the require. Iron-Tone makes rich, red blood. sible to all. Laughlin hotel as his reward. Y ou are responsible for the For Sale by all Druggists. Price 50 cents. Let us send you our little Frank Brown, the cartoonist who booklet, “ Renew Your Vitality,” which tells you what IRON-TONE is and was visiting his parents this week, future care of your family what it will do. You can have it for the asking. made The News office a call and pre­ Let me show you the ex­ sented us with a bunch of splendid Address GROVER M ED ICIN E CO., Woodburn, Ore. cellent policy. large cartoons on topical subjects. DRESSED TURKEY A Home Company Anderson, of Fall a i l W nkcr Ir *ss goods. Gents’ Shoes; nice line of shirts. VERY Children’s, Ladies’ and F IN E G L A S S W A R E Table linen for Thanksgiving. Also the finest line of groceries in town. Everything guaranteed or your money refunded. ABRAH AM BROS Forest Grove ta _ V X Í MM m M M ■ j* ^ * * ^ - M M ^ M M ' m M JAM ES JM »«*" RASM U SEN 'A FLOUR and FEED Porcst Grove, Ore., i - Pacific Ave. kses :-iOTfcZô33É£Br3s.ïÆsa:;i ö Per Cent, REDUCTION suazn on Heating Stoves It is f r o m t h e B l o o d f ir s t n a t i o n a l b a n k Forest Grove, O regon Capital Surplus Resources * . . . $ 25.000.00 10.000 oo 250.000.00 A G eneral Banking Business Transacted F Directors: R. M. Dooly, J E. Loomis, H. C. Wortman, Frank E. Dooly. R. M. Dooly, Jr. this H e r A I SPECIAL SALE of ST. R E G ÍS INDIAN B A S K E T S a n d INDI A X N O V E L T IE S W ork H aaketa S M e e l U r s a » H a n d k e r c h i e f B a a k e la at W s a te B a ak e ta THE BO O K ST O R E The heavy rains have raised the water in Gales Creek and loggers on the upper stream are bringing down heavy drives. A drive of 2,000,000 feet from one camp is passing the city today. Archie Brvant, the photographer, was in Carlton last week and did a big business at the big mill there. He took photos of the machinery and many other scenes of which he had a big sale. Rev. W. N. Coffee from Portland, will conduct quarterly meeting, servic- 1 es in the Free Methodist church, com­ mencing Friday Nov. 29. at 7:30 P. M. continuning over Sunday, All are i cordially invited. Many of Isaac Walton’s disciples have been going to the different streams th's week with lire and hook for the speckled fellows and unless the fishermen are given to fish stories some great catches have been made. N. L. A TK IN S, Resident Agt. Owing to the fact we have recently re­ ceived back orders of stoves that don’t need, our entire stock of stoves will be sold at 10 per cent reduction for cash. Our assortment is better now than at any time this fall, so if you are in the market for a stove you will get the bene­ THOMAS & H0GE fit of the reduction. Real Estate Loans AND INSURANCE Phone 294. Forest Grove, Oregon We have been appointed agents for TH E AMERICAN INSUR ANCE COMPANY of Newark, N. J. one of the strongest and best in the country, and will be pleased to pro­ tect your property. The American has a record of paying over 81,000.- 000 of losses in the San Francisco disaster as soon as they could be adjusted and without a single suit. A n Dealer in Vi G a» Oregon Goff Bros. HARDW ARE FOREST GROVE, OREGON n jnj e ^